HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Resolution IndexRESOLUTION INDEX 1996 NUMBER 96-01 96-02 96-03 96-04 96-05 96-06 96-07 96-08 96-09 96-10 96-11 96-12 96-13 DESCRIPTION Designating Investment Authority on behalf of City of Prior Lake Approving PUD for Wild Oaks Approving Prelim Plat of Wild Oaks Approving Prelim Plat of Woodridge Estates Ordering Improvements and Prep of Plans on Northwood Road Project 94- 02 Approving Plans & Specs and Ordering Additional Bids on Northwood Road Project 94-02 Amendment for CUP for Ridge Valley Medical Clinic Affirming Prior Lake's support of Scott County Project # , improving CSAH 18 from C.R. 42 to Hwy. 101. Approving Allocation of Damages & Authorizing Payment Thereof with Respect to MPRS Lawsuit. Prior Lake Lions Gambling Premise Permit Approve Grant Application, Receipt of Funds & Execution of Co-op Agreement for School Liaison Officer Program Approve 1996 CIP Improvement Projects Confirming City Council Position with APPROVED Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Tabled Yes Yes Yes Yes DATE 1/3/96 1/16/96 1/16/96 2/5/96 1/16/96 1/16/96 1/16/96 2/5/96 2/5/96 2/5/96 2/5/96 2/5/96 INDX96.DOC RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 NUMBER 96-14 96-15 96-16 96-17 96-18 96-19 96-20 96-21 96-22 96-23 DESCRIPTION respect to Workers Compensation coverage or Life Insurance paid to the City Council, City Boards or Commissions. Vacation of part of drainage easement on Lot 3, Block 1, Oak Ridge Court 2nd Addition. Approving a Police & Fire Agreement between the City of Prior Lake and the Mdewakanton Dakota Community for 1996-1999. Denying Schematic and Preliminary Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat and Zoning Change to PUD, Planned Unit Development for Wild Oaks Denying Appeal of Variance Determination for Elmer Clark, 16286 Park Avenue Transferring certain tax parcels from rural service district to urban service district Authorizing Enhancement to City Economic Development Resources Adoption of Flex Benefit Plan Approving Public Works Design Manual Denying Appeal of Variance for Brian & Marilyn Carlson-Subject Site Lots 18 & 19, FAIRLAWN SHORES. Declaring Costs to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment Roll for Project 94-02 Northwood Road Street Improvement APPROVED Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DATE 2/5/96 2/20/96 2/5/96 2/20/96 2/20/96 2/20/96 2/20/96 2/20/96 2/20/96 3/4/96 INDX96.DOC RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 NUMBER 96-24 96-25 96-26 96-27 96-28 96-29 96-30 96-31 96-32 96-33 96-34 96-35 DESCRIPTION Establishing the Date of the Assessment Hearing for Project 95-02 Northwood Road Street Improvement. Authorizing Bid for Traffic, Marking, Seal Coating, Sweeping, Crack Sealing Joint Powers Agreement Approving Quote for Bluff Heights Pond Excavation Project 96-12. Approving Tax Increment Financing District 2-7 and use of Tax Increment Financing Approving the Issuance and Sale of $2,780,000 G.O. Refund Bonds Approving the Vacation of R.O.W.for Chatonka Beach Trail Consider Approval of Re-roofing Old portion of City Hall and Library Consider Approval of Revoking Minnesota State Aid Street Designation Consider Approval of Establishing Minnesota State Aid Street Designation Adoption of Assessment Roll Northwood Road Improvement Awarding Bid for Crossandra Street Sidewalk & Pedestriam ramps on Main Avenue and CSAH 21, Proj 95- 15 Approving Schematic PUD for Pheasant Meadows APPROVED Yes Yes Yes Yes Holding-see Ralph Cont. to 5/20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Denied DATE 3/4/96 3/4/96 3/4/96 3/4/96 3/18/96 4/1/96 4/1/96 5/6/96 4/1/96 4/1/96 INDX96.DOC RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 NUMBER 96-36 96-37 96-38 96-39 96-40 96-41 96-42 96-43 96-44 96-45 96-46 96-47 DESCRIPTION Approving Preliminary Plat of Pheasant Meadow Subject to the Conditions Outlined in Resolution Awarding Bid for Project 94-02 Northwood Road Appointment of Campbell, Knutson, Scott and Fuchs as City Attorney Accepting Feasibility Study & Calling for Public Hearing on 1996 Improvement Projects (Replaces Res. 95-125) Denying Variance Appeal by Jean Koenig of Planning Commission Decision in Request for Variance Case No. 96-020VA Denying Schematic Planned Unit Development of Pheasant Meadow Denying Variance Appeal of John Schiffman Denying Variance Appeal of Muriel Rounavar Approving the Final Plat of the Second Addition to Westedge Estates Authorizing the Preparation of Plans & Specifications and the Solicitation of Bids for Trails and Parking Lots Identified in the 1996 Capital Improvement Plan. Approval of Resolution 96-46 Authorizing Public Sale of $935,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1996. Authorizing the Preparation of Plans APPROVED No Action Taken Yes Yes Yes Yes Withdrawn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DATE 4/1/96 5/6/96 4/1/96 4/1/96 4/15/96 5/6/96 5/6/96 5/6/96 5/6/96 5/6/96 5/6/96 INDX96.DOC RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 NUMBER 96-48 96-49 96-50 96-51 96-52 96-53 96-54 96-55 96-56 96-57 96-58 96-59 96-60 DESCRIPTION & Specifications and the Solicitation of Bids for Playground Equipment. Conducting a Public Hearing on Improvement of 1996 Projects. Authorizing the Preparation of Plans & Specifications and Solicitation of Bids for Sand/Salt Storage Building. Approving Request for Advanced Encumbrance of MSA Funds for 1997. Approving Final Plat for Cardinal Ridge 4th Addition Designating City Weed Inspector Denying Request to Construct a Pole Building in the RI-District Approving Conditional Use Permit for Pheasant Meadow Approving Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Meadow Approving Preliminary Plat for Eagle Creek Villas Authorizing the Initiation of an Experimental Dial-a-Ride Program for the City of Prior Lake Awarding Bid for Brooksville Hills Storm Sewer Improvement Project 96- 11. Accepting the Proposal for the Sale of $935,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1996. Approving Plans, Specifications, & Lighting for CSAH 21 & Approving APPROVED Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DATE 5/6/96 5/20/96 5/6/96 5/20/96 5/20/96 5/20/96 5/20/96 5/20/96 5/20/96 5/20/96 5/29/96 INDX96.DOC RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 NUMBER 96-61 96-62 96-63 96-64 96-65 96-66 96-67 96-68 96-69 96-70 96-71 DESCRIPTION the Cooperative Agreement with Scott County. Restricting Parking on CSAH 21. Authorizing Partial Fee Waiver for Westwood Elementary School Improvement Project. Approving the Wetland Replacement Plan for Eagle Creek Villas. Approving a Request of Robert W. Ostdiek to Permit the Construction of a Pole Building in the R-1 Suburban Residential District. Approving the Final Plat of The Wilds 2nd Addition and Developer's Agreement. Authorizing a Transit Tax Levy Pursuant to MN Statutes 473.388 Authorizing Award of Bid for Purchase and Installation of Playground Equipment Award Bids for City Hall, Library and Police Annex Roofs. Authhorizing Street Lighting for City of Prior Lake Pub. Imp. Project #96-01, Improving CSAH from Fish Pt Rd to Easterly City Limit. Denying sideyard setback and establishing findings of fact for a request by Elmer Clarke. Approving Final Plat and Development agreement for Eagle Creek Villas APPROVED Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pending Yes Yes Tabled DATE 6/17/96 6/03/96 6-17-96 6-17-96 6/03/96 6/17/96 6/17/96 6/17/96 7/01/96 7/01/96 INDX96.DOC NO. DESCRIPTION RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 ACTION MTG. DATE 96-72 Approve an amendmem to the Approved Comprehensive Plan adopting a Housing Implementation section. 7/1/96 96-73 Approve Final Plat/Dvlpmt. Agt. Approved Westbury Ponds 7/15/96 96-74 Approve Final Plat/Dvlpmt Agt. Pheasant Approved Meadows. 7/15/96 96-75 Approve award of bid for Sand/Salt Bdg. Approved 8/05/96 96-76 Don Rye- Approval of lots 1, 2, 3, the Approved First Addition to Lakeside Park. 8/5/96 96-77 Approval of Highway 13 Corridor Recom. Approved Tabled 9/16/96 7/15/96 96-78 Approval of lighting, Northwood Road Approved Tabled to 9/3 9/3/96 8/5/96 96-79 Approval of labor agreemem-AFSCME Approved 8/05/96 96-80 Approval of labor agreement-Sergeants Approved 8/05/96 96-81 Approval of Triax/DD Merger Approved 8/19/96 96-82 Resolution Accepting Bid for Parks Trail Approved and Parking Lot Improvements Proj.96-16 8/19/96 96-83 Approving Vacation of the Portion of 8th Denied street lying north of Center Street as platted within Spring Lake Townsite. 8/19/96 96-84 Approving Registered Land Survey for Pending Property Originally Described as lots 1-3 and part of Chatonka Beach and lots 7-13, resurvey of block 1, Chatonka Beach 8/19/96 96-85 Approving a Permit to Allow Approved RestanLLC/The Wilds to conduct a special Goose Hunt at The Wilds. 8/19/96 RSINX96.DOC NO. 96-86 RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 DESCRIPTION ACTION Ratifying 1996-1998 Labor Agreement Approved between the City of Prior Lake and Law Enforcement Labor Services Inc., Local 100, representing Police Officers. MTG. DATE 8/19/96 96-87 Establishing a fee for special hunting permit. 96-88 Approving the Final Plat for "The Wilds 4th Addition." 96-89 Establishing Preliminary Tax Levy for 1997 General Fund Budget. 96-90 Resolution of the Prior Lake City Council Approving the Schematic PUD for Priorview PUD to Allow Assisted Living Project. 96-91 Resolution Certifying Proposed 1997 City of Prior Lake Property Tax Levy to Scott County Auditor. 96-92 Resolution Designating Various General Fund Reserve Appropriations 96-93 Provide for Issuance of Sale of 2 Million in General Obligation Refund Bonds 1996. 96-94 Amendment to the Contract for Development of Land -Eagle Creek Villas. 96-95 On the Proposal to Modify Development Districts No, 1, 2, and Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 1-1, 1-2, and 2-4, Adopt Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan and Call for Consultation with Other Affected Jurisdictions and Public Hearing. 96-96 Denying a request to amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow fences in County Highway right-of-way. 96-97 Pertaining to the Subdivision of lands, City Council Approval of Certain Conveyances, RSINX96.DOC Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved No Action Taken Approved Approved Approved Approved 8/19/96 8/19/96 9/3/96 9/3/96 9/3/96 9/3/96 9/3/96 9/3/96 9/3/96 9/16/96 9/16/97 NO. RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 DESCRIPTION ACTION and Recording Subdivision Ordinances. 96-98 Approving the preliminary plat of Maple Approved Hills Second Addition 96-99 Amending the Enabling Resolution by Scheduled Reconfiguring the Economic Development Authority and Adopting Revised Bylaws 96-100 Continuing City Participation in the Liveable Communities Program. Approved 96-101 Appealing decision of Zoning Board of Scheduled Adjustment Denial of Variance to Kemper. 96-102 Modification of Developers Agreement for Approved Wilds Second Addition. 96-103 Approving Development Districts 1 & 2 Approved Modification Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 469. 96-104 Approving Tax Increment Financing Approved Districts No. 1-1, 1-2, 2-4 Modification and the Use of Tax Increment Financing. 96-105 Approving the Cooperative Agreement for REMOVED Participation and Installation of a Street Light with Scott County 96-106 Resolution Adopting Standardized Water Tower Antennae Agreement Approved 96-107 Resolution Providing for a Minor Approved Amendment to the Preliminary Plat of Eagle Creek Villas 96-108 Resolution of the Prior Lake City Council Approved Denying a Variance Appeal by Maris Stolcers, Case No.96-068 96-109 Resolution Providing for the Vacation of a Approved Utility Easement Located in the Plat of Eagle Creek Villas. 96-110 Resolution Upholding Recommendation of Planning Commission in Appeal of RSINX96.DOC Approved MTG. DATE 10/7/96 10/21/96 10/7/96 10/21/96 10/7/96 10/7/96 10/7/96 11/4/96 11/4/96 11/4/96 12/2/96 12/2/96 NO. RESOLUTION INDEX 1996 DESCRIPTION ACTION Decision of Zoning Officer Relating to Setback Averaging for Dave Smith on Property Located at 2590 Spring Lake Road. MTG. DATE 96-111 Resolution Upholding Recommendation of Approved the Planning Commission I the Matter of an Appeal of a Decision of the Zoning Officer Relating to Setback Averaging, Case No. 96-106, Approving the use of Setback Averaging for Hillcrest Homes on Property located at 5600 Fairlawn Shores Trail. 12/2/96 RSINX96.DOC