HomeMy WebLinkAbout8F - Per Diem for EDA & PC CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT April 16, 2001 '^~ ~~ank Boyles, City Manag~ AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A PER DIEM FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS. DISCUSSION: History: In the past, the City has provided Planning Commissioners and members of the Economic Development Authority with a per diem to off-set expenses and recognize the time and energy which these City responsibilities require. In the case of the Planning Commission, the existing per diem of $40 was established before 1991. Similarly, the EDA Commissioners have received a $40 per diem payment for as long as I recall. The volume, complexity and nature of the issues dealt with by both bodies suggests to me that existing per diem rates are inadequate. The adoption of the revised EDA bylaws also necessitates action on this matter. Current Circumstances: The per diem provided to members of both bodies is intended to reimburse for expenses and time expended as a member. A Planning Commissioner or an EDA Commissioner will typically spend time for each meeting in three categories: (1) reading agenda materials, (2) visiting the site and discussing agenda items with staff, concerned neighbors, developer, etc., and (3) attendance at regular meetings. This increasing time commitment for each meeting reflects the complexity and magnitude of the developments which the Planning Commission and EDA are called upon to review. One need only consider Deerfield's 540 dwelling units, 160 acres and multi-million dollar development to underscore this major increase in responsibility. The volume of developments has likewise increased. I believe that a distinction in responsibility level can be drawn between the Planning Commission and the EDA. The former, while having statutory underpinnings, is largely an advisory body to the City Council (albeit a very important one). The EDA on the other hand has statutory authority of the City Council. In some cases, their powers actually exceed the City Council. Conclusion: To equitably reimburse each body, I believe that Planning Commissioners should receive a $60 per diem and EDA members a $75 per diem. These proposed per diem rates more realistically consider the time, volume, complexity and the responsibility level of the work of each of the bodies. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 { FILENAME \* Upper\p \* MERGEFORMAT}:..N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER "--"-.'r"" ~" T T 1 --- II FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: The adopted 2001 budget contains funds for per diem reimbursement of both bodies. Assuming nine meetings of the EDA and 18 of the Planning Commission through the remainder of the year, the total additional cost to the City due to the modified per diem is $3375. (1) Adopt a Resolution revising per diems for the Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority as proposed. (2) Adopt the resolution with modifications. (2) Take no action which would maintain the existing per diem levels. Alternative (1). Adopt the Resolution establishing new per diem levels for the Planning Commission and EDA. { FILENAME \* Upper\p \* MERGEFORMAT } RESOLUTION 01-XX A RESOLUTION SETTING PER DIEM RATES PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMBERS ( Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, previous City Councils, in accordance with state statute, have deemed it appropriate to establish a per diem r for the Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority members at $40; nd WHEREAS, this per diem rate has been in e~ct for at least eight years; and WHEREAS, the staff has proposed that the ~r diem rates be adjusted to reflect current costs, responsibility level and time involved a~ a member of each body; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to set the per diems at.a prudent but appropriate rate. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C-OUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA fu~ \ 1. The per diem for Planning Commissioners is $60 effective ih:!mediately. \ 2. The per diem for Economic Development Authority members is\~75 effective immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF APRIL, 20,01. Mader Mader Ericson Ericson Gundlach Gundlach Petersen Petersen Zieska Zieska YES NO \. City Manager, City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . ; I --- T .. r i L)~ RESOLUTION 01-P. A RESOLUTION SETTING PER DIEM RATES FOR PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMBERS Motion By: --llf] Second By: 'J1: WHEREAS, previous City Councils, in accordance with state statute, have deemed it appropriate to establish a per diem rate for the Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority members; and WHEREAS, City records indicate that the per diem rate for Planning Commissioners has been $40 at least since 1991; and WHEREAS, the per diem rate for the EDA members based upon the bylaws dated December 21, 1998 is $40; and WHEREAS, the staff has proposed that the per diem rates be adjusted to reflect current costs, responsibility level and time involved as a member of each body; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to set the per diems at a prudent but appropriate rate. NOW THEREFORE, ~E IT F-ESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA that: Me~1~ rlvt( 1. The per dierr{for Plarlning Commissioners is $60 effective immediately. 2. The per diellyor Econ~c Development Authority members is $75 effective immediately. PA~~ND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF APRIL, 2001. YES NO Mader Mader Ericson Ericson Gundlach Gundlach Petersen Petersen Zieska Zieska City Manager, City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.L, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1,[ r T r I .nJ.14 MmoUCU'l\L .lr.fOS, POWDlS, ~ 8 by contnu:! wltl1 anotller. 'IIId this !cc:tion shall 'lot be cOQ.I:trUlld to waivc ilIIY exil;tinS inunu- nity Qca)ffJed by law 10 muai~ipalidr.s ot governmental subdivisions from clair:ns for dAm- a:es sustatn&l as the tt:I\l~ ofrhe negligenct of iTS officers. !2ents or se1'\lancs in the e~erci~r: or pc:rfann.anc~ of :ovcrnmen!al or public: function~. l:Iktory: 1951 c Ulj s J-.1,' 1957 r:J~9 J I.: 1971 c 1:'.3 art 5 17; 1977 dZ9.r fi3; !986 r: 4# J1 J.'f7 PUBLIC OmCF:]i.~ INTEJlEST IN CONTaACT; PENALTY. Exce~E as 3uthori7.ed in seedOD 471.88. a pUblic officer who is BUt.h0rtze4 to tal:e part in iUly manner in maldnJit any ,ale. Jr.ase: or cOQtnlCt in official r.apacity ,ball not vol\llltarUy have a personal nnal'u.:lal inr.eres[ JI\ that sat". Jease, or comrie! or personolly bc:Dcfu linan- c:i:l11y therefrom. Every public officer who violatt:~ thIs pmviSlon is guilty Dr i\ gross misde- meanor. History: 1.9.11 c 379 II; 1955 c41.~ J: IfJ8~ c 444 47VJ& MS 1957 [RepCQ],cd. 19tH c ~1 52) 411.88 EXanIONS- Subdivision 1. Covers e overning bMy of any I1suthont.Y, sr;iway Port au- thority, c~onomic t1evelo ment su G . ~.t, hoJpiul UislIicl. cOUnEy, 0, eity. by una ow votll ma contract fur oods ot w . t ester:! otfice, oClhe govr.ffilXldlt IIl1J 111 any e 0 ow II ~es. . ~ ~\lbd.. 2. Bank or i;\1ings uaod.tion.ln the designation of a bank nr savings associa- tiou in which the OIiiClilf i.!l intt::re:Slcd as an authori~ed ~ository fur public tunds and ~ II. ~nurce ofboao~g,llo ~strlcliOD shalJ 2pply to the depo~it or hotrowUlg of III1Y funcb orthr. d.e~jgMbon of II ~IY by such ~ulhority or gt1VCI1Unenta! unit iu any bank or gvin~s assoc:iationin w!Uch II rueJI\berQfanaulhority arotncc:rot a~oyemmeJ1tel unit lihllD have an m[lIre.S[ if .suc;h rfcpo~ited fund. are prota:tr.rl in accordance 'lII1lhchapcc:r 118; provided, how- ever, IDa! any member or officcr baving such an iI1lcrest .'I1Wl disclose tbaI tkle member i.s II. director or employee of the bi/111 or ssvl.ogs assodlltiOtl. whicb ~eloiUre shalj be: cntercd upon the minu!ca "f rhc: aUIl10tity or jovemmeuUll unit. ~uch disc(o~ute ,hall be mlldc: when s~h bank Of Sllvings assoqaaon is fltSt desieJlatl:{f as a depositOI)' or 43 a sour= or borrow- ing, or .,.,hen such member Of officer is c:lec:r.ed w~chever iJ.Ilatcr, and 1I11c:ll clliclosure shall le'lYC all nodee ot" such lnI~,t aQ need not be made with eaeh IItlr.'ce'5ive tramactiol1; SuW. 3. Omdal..eW$pllp<<. The dc5ignarion ot.an official new~papcr: nr pUbllc:ation of officilll.rnalIm ~rei.n, in which the omcer 15 inltr8sted wbc:n it ill rbe only Dewspaper C:OIn{llying Ulith staturoTY or chuv.r requi:etnenlS relating tr.J the designabon Of publication: SubeL .. CrNlpUllrive ;ass0d8tion. A conr.ractwitl'l a e:oopersavc wochlt.ion afwhicb the officc:T i~ a shareholder or 3tockhnlder but oot ~ o~ or mana,eer; Subd. S. Cotdnlrt v.111J DO bide nquiRd. A cootract for which competitive hlds are not req~ by ll\w. Subd. 6. Contnc:t wit" volu~u"~ fire department. Pi. ctII1tracl with e. volunlc~r tire de~ent fortbe paYlllel1[ oteompense.tiau b:J iL~ members ort"orthe ~.yment ofretire.lnenl beDefitS fg these members;" , subd. 7. ContrQct ,nth mWlJdpsJ band. A C~lTiIr.t with a municipal blll\d far !be pay- men! of c:ompc:nsation [0 lIs JTlembe1'!i~ .'ubd.lI. [Repealed. 1992 c: 3RO s 8J . Subd. 9. Import, eqHlrt, trade; pl)rtr~.r. When a port aurhoriry col'llII1i!- ,ioner or ecooanue develo9~nt IUrhonry commissioner ill engll,ged in or employed by !l firm engaged in the b1uine.ss of lmportulg o~ llltpOttin; or :cneral ~ it shall be la.wM for the ~ority 10 do busiocss wltl1 [be c:ommiaaiona' Dr rh,e commissioner's employer prn- vided thu ia the: tilting or uy r.lte6 affecting wppers or U$etl: oC Ualil te:rrainaJ f.lcilir:y. said c:om.rnU"ionlCT ~l1aU !lOt VOle thereon. Subd. 1 O.lmport. export,. tnd8; IlIll"-' port. Wben a.seaway E"'rt authorityc:0IIUJJi3- goner is e~ccl in nremployed by II. firm c~cd in lhe bUSlIles. of unpcrtine ~r exporting III I ," .:.J ., : t . . : i ,~i \ Iii