HomeMy WebLinkAbout9D - Infrared Heater MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT November 5, 2001 9D Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE JOINT PURCHASE OF AN INFRARED HEATER IN 2003 THROUGH A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH SAVAGE, SHAKOPEE AND BURNSVILLE. The purpose of this agenda item is to authorize the joint purchase of one infrared heater through a cooperative agreement with the cities of Savage, Shakopee and Burnsville. The total purchase price including sales tax of the unit is $19,170.00. The infrared heater is used in performing minor repairs of bituminous streets, especially around manholes and valve boxes. The equipment we are acquiring is well tested technology as it has been used for at least 10 years. Settlements occur over time around these structures causing a bumpy road and possible snags for snowplows. Presently, staff spends a considerable amount of time repairing around these structures by jack-hammering and removing the blacktop, and then replacing or patching the bituminous street section. We typically can complete about 5 manhole repairs in a day. We also sometimes just patch around a manhole with new mix, which works temporarily, but wears away with traffic, and has to be repeated every year. The infrared heater is used to hear up the bituminous in a small area so that it is soft enough to rake. After raking, more bituminous mix is usually added, the area is reformed and then compacted to a like new condition. This method is much more efficient in time and materials and produces a better end product that doesn't have joints that can erode and need annual repair. We have tested this equipment in the past and many area cities contract out this work. With this equipment and method of repair, we feel we can complete 15 or 20 manhole repairs in a day. Staff feels this is a good opportunity to try to minimize equipment purchases utilizing cooperation between area cities on a minor piece of equipment. If we subcontracted out this work, we typically would budget about $4,000 to $5,000 annually for this work, so the initial cost is a little more than a one-year payback. Administrative time will also be reduced by not having to prepare a map showing the location of the needed repairs, physically marking them in the field for a 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 I:\CQUNCIL\AGNRPTS\FORMAT.DOC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ----11' i T FISCAL IMPACT: AL TERNA TIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: Infrared Heater Agenda Item3 contractor, and inspecting for quality control purposes. The plan is for each city to be able to utilize the machine for one month each during the prime paving period between May 15 and September 15. Savage has the room to house the machine; insurance and the maintenance costs will be split equally between the cities. Each city will provide its own fuel for the machine. As previously stated the total cost of the machine is $19,170. The cost per city is $4793.00, and is proposed to be paid for equally from the Water (49400) and Sanitary Sewer (49450) operating budgets ($2,396.5 each) in 2003. The lead time is necessary for all the cities to agree to the purchase and to order the machine. The alternatives are as follows: 1. Approve a Resolution authorizing the purchase of one infrared heater through a cooperative agreement with the cities of Savage, Shakopee, and Burnsville for an amount not to exceed $4,793.00. 2. Table this item for a specific reason. 3. Deny this agenda item for a specific reason. 2 Jr1NNE S O't ~ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE INFRARED HEATER THROUGH A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITIES OF SA V AGE, SHAKOPEE, AND BURNSVILLE JP SECOND BY: MEi MOTION BY: WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS WHEREAS, WHEREAS, RESOLUTION Ol-,x( /2f The 2003 Water and Sanitary Sewer Operating budgets include funding to repair streets around manholes and valve boxes; and The Public Works Department is always looking for ways to be more efficient, cut costs, and for opportunities to share equipment costs; and The Public Works Depaliment has determined that utilizing an infrared heater to repair around manholes alld gate valves is a more efficient method of street repair and the cities of Savage, Shakopee, and Burnsville all would realize cost savings by jointly owning such a machine; and An infrared heater will be purchased through a cooperative agreement with the cities of Savage, Shakopee, and Burnsville; and The staff recommends the City of Prior Lake join together with these cities to purchase of all infrared heater for the total cost of $19,170 so that each city's share is $4,793.00. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOT A, to approve the purchase of one infrared heater through a cooperative purchase with the Cities of Savage, Shakopee, and Burnsville at a cost not to exceed $4,793, and the funds should equally come from the 2003 Water arid Sanitary Sewer Operating Budgets. Passed this 5th day of November 2001. { Seal } YES NO Mader \ Mader Ericson \ Ericson Gundlach \ Gundlach Petersen \ Petersen Zieska Zieska City Manager Infrared Heater Agenda Item3 17073 Adelmann St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (952) 440-9675/ Fax (952) 440-9678 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . 1 City of Savage Public Warks Department Memorandum i"0'/ ~t-C".(~ . Ot; / To: Doug Hartman, City of Prior Lake Public Works Dave Rutt, City of Shakopee Public Works Dan Schnieder, City ofBurnsviUe Public Works Frank Gaillard, StreetIFleetlFacilities Superintendent fif From: Date: September 21, 2001 Subject: Joint Purchase ofInfrared Heater 'INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this memo is to gain consensus and approval from City officials in the cities ofBurnsville, Prior Lake, Shakopee, and Savage to jointly purchase an infrared heater used primarily for street maintenance activities. BACKGROUND: In August 2001, the City of Savage public works department contacted public works supervisors with Burnsville, Prior Lake, and Shakopee with a proposal to jointly ? purchase a specialized machine used primarily for adjusting manholes, gate valves and minor , street repairs. The unit accomplishes street repairs of this nature more efficiently, cost effectively, and is more productive than our current practice of jack hammering, removing street sections and/or patching around structures in the roadway. The final product is also more esthetically pleasing and longer lasting. All cities involved have historically contracted for this service and are familiar with the machine's capabilities. The equipment supplier, Stepp Mfg., demonstrated the machine to public works employees from all four cities, which resulted in consensus to pursue purchasing the machine for multi-city use and shared costs. This item would be requested as a part of the 2002 budget process by the cities involved. DISCUSSION: The unit, STEPP ASPHALT MAINTENANCE INFRARED HEATER, is manufactured and serviced by Stepp Manufacturing Co., Inc., in North Branch, MN. The total purchase price, including tax, is $19,170.00. The cost per city amounts to $4,793.00, providing all four cities participate. We propose that the Savage Public Works Department function as lead agency for the purchase of the machine and in coordinating service and repair of the unit after purchase. All service and Joint Purchase of Infrared Heater Memo September 21,2001 Page 2 repair costs will be billed equally among participating cities via City of Savage's finance department. The field supervisors from the involved communities will coordinate the scheduling of the unit for maintenance tasks within each city. The Savage City Council has approved the purchase of the unit pending approvals from participating cities as a part of the 2002 operating budget. RECOMMENDATION: The Savage Public Works Department recommends this purchase request be authorized by city officials and funds allocated within 2002 budgets for each participating city. Pending approval, a written agreement between participating cities detailing operating costs sharing and use schedules should be prepared and agreed on by all cities. + Please advise if your city has or will be approving the purchase. cc: Barry Stock, Assistant City Administrator Al Wiita, Street Supervisor , u I r r SllJllllhI '6.11 "Heat - Rake & Roll" Stepp ASPhalt Maintenance Infrared Heater Asphalt repairs with infrared heaters has never been so quick and easy. We took a proven concept and applied some innovative engineering for improved performance, durability, and ease of use. Check out these features · High Pressure lP Gas Burners. · Automatic Spark Ignition. · Hi/lo Burner Operation. }. Stainless Steel Heater Construction. , Shown with 6' x 6' p.n.1 configuration in op.rating po.ition, Optional trippl. LP bottl. rack .hown. Shown with 6' x 6' pan.' configuration in tr.n.port po.ition. Option.1 trippl. LP boffl. rack .hown. · Zoned Heating. · Self Propelled. · Hydraulic Heater Lift. · Hydraulic Tongue Lift. · 11 hp Briggs & Stratten@ With Electric Start. · 58 Gallon lP Fuel Tank. "Building our reputation on creating innovative &'a'f}-a.~;g-8~ri~ solutions and customized equipment for your asphalt maintenance programs since 1942" Due to continued product development, specification. ,ubj.ct to chang. without notic. or obligltion. Stepp Manufacturing Co. Inc. 12325 River Road, North Branch MN. 55056 800-359-8167 Fax 651-674-4221 www.steppmfg.com ~ ~: '- ... C'II .......'It ~~~~ l::: .e Q) ~I .S ~ g *i ,~~': 1ij .s. E e :::J l'CI h 0" to,,;, ""Q)t:n !!;t. c: "0 e OC>>Q.. c: .!:::! !i~g~ ... .... c: ~ !I) l'CI 1Ii2.a~ e"O~ !Iiiii; ~ c: '- :::J l'CI l'CI o II) E c:-s - c: - "'" 0 - c: ~ l'CI 15'S.t: ::::: '0 Q.. :::J II) II) ~ l'CI I I ~ ; III l: ~ ~ -.II ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ III ~ ~ -I ~ Vi -= --... - ~ ~ .s::: - 'i Q) - C'Q tJ) - '(ij c. Q) - - - C'Q .s::: c. tJ) C'Q ~ tJ) C'Q Q) == o .c tJ) +.,. 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