HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 6, 2001 B:..."....".'.u.......:...... .. -" . .' >" ; " >i """:"'::':""~-' "~:,,,:,: c....-.;~."" C1r :::0 u"n'c" "1-;1::1 ii'. .. :.. "':.' . ....:." :.,.; , \ ;::\1 ,J/" .';''1'<':l"i1 \!",~ \ J,.,: #~ .. ..J,. "," ,__-' ,. ~ ..'. __.-: '. ..;:,<:.,):: "","~:",^ '-:~-"" """""'~ ."",if ".v.-x.;.",,"C ,.,."",;:;;ll" .'~::;->.m_, ,---- __J ~=.- ....'.',. ,."" ,I" ;:t Wi ..', iT WXk'.:i" 58/'. ......... 55'" ...... /-1;'0"/ ft' : 1:'11' "." @ ,N;: ;j, . ..... ,",,,, ". . ::.' . . 1.:, .. ".' ....__.-_~" ),;:: ....., _'___"'" _. _,_,_,,_'_"^' ',,' ........"" ._............_.'._,,,. ..,.,.,.___-""":. . -:: ....._... - - __c__.__,. . .,.t' .,' . ..__' ........;........0 "_'0.",...",,$ '.c.>;_:"" '"N"~ _"^".' '" _',.<<', "" ",.X,,,,",,V ,,,",w'*' .___,~_~ ~.v-,u "r, d".'_'. .._. .'.., ..""" ~ ...,.....'.0 1 Property Tax Levy Explanation 2 Prior Lake Tax Levy Limit 3 2002 Budget Program Emphasis 4 Department Budget Summary 5 New Budget Expenditures 6 Other Business 1 7 Adjourn. # ') A,~ Wifw"O 2) U11Jt 3"//'5 ~ bot~ 'Soff;fs 1 Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based upon time availability. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER T H:\T AX\Levy2002.DOC PROPOSED 2002 PROPERTY TAX LEVY CALCULATION 2001 General Purpose & Market Value Levy 2001 Transit Purpose Levy (net of haca aid) 2001 Revolving Equipment Fund Levy CIP Special Project Debt Levy $3,586,194.00 $317,453.00 $250,000.00 $575,000.00 Final 2001 Certified Tax Levy... $4,728,647.00 2002 General Purpose & Market Value Base Levy 2002 Transit Levy + 2002 General Levy increase (new growth based taxes) + 2002 HACA loss 2002 Revolving Equipment Fund Levy CIP Special Debt Levy Base + 2002 CIP Project Debt Levy increase (new growth based) $3,586,194.00 Na $196,456.00 $871,275.00 $250,000.00 $575,000.00 $15,000.00 Proposed 2002 Tax Levy ... $5,493,925.00 2002 PROPERTYTAX LEVY INCREASE SUMMARY % inc. -6.71 % 18.43% 4.47% 2002 Transit Levy Elimination 2002 HACA Loss Adjustment 2002 Growth Based Levy Increase (new property taxes) Proposed 2002 Property Tax Levy Increase. . . 16.18% $ inc. $317,453.00 $871,275.00 $211,456.00 $765,278.00 2002 NEW MARKET VALUE PROPERTY TAX GENERATION Scott County (all new construction) New Single family/townhouse only construction 2002 Growth Based Levy Increase (new property taxes) Balance available to offset tax compression. . . r Market Value $64,805,100 $45,857,000 Est. Property Tax * $281,000.00 $199,000.00 * $211,456.00 * $69,544.00 2002 LEVY LIMIT CALCULA nON Step #1 Payable 2000 Levy Limit Base $4,347,401 Step #2 + 2000 CII factor .000367 $1,595 + 2000 H/H factor .036607 $159,145 + 2000 IPO factor .043041 $187,116 Step #3 Preliminary 2001 Levy Limit Base $4,695,257 Step #4 2001 net transit levy <$317,459> Step #5 Payable 2001 Levy Limit Base $4,377,798 Step #6 + 2001 C/I factor .000581 $2,544 + 2001 H/H factor .071768 $314,186.00 + 2001 IPO factor .033663 $147,370.00 Step #7 Preliminary 2002 Levy Limit Base $4,841,898 Step #8 2002 Local Government Aid <$44,612> Step #9 Est. Payable 2002 Levy Limit $4,797,286 Special Levies: 1. Bonded Indebtedness Levy $590,000 2. Market Value Referendum Levy $715,680 3. Excess PERA Contribution $8,702 Levy Capacity: Levy Limit Special Levies Total.. . $4,797,286.00 $1,314,382.00 $6,111,668.00 Proposed Property Tax Levy $5,493,925.00 Excess Levy Capacity $617,743.00 H:\T AXlLEVYLIMITCALC02.DOC IT I 2002 BUDGET PROGRAM EMPHASIS Major Budget Resu/ts: . Wage Package: inc. perform/steps $120,058 . Benefits Liability: $89,374 . New Personnel: (1 FTE) $27,603 . Personnel: (Temp & D.T.) $48,391 . Operational Expense: (8.1 %) $162,310 . Transit Services: (0.0%) $-0- . Capital Outlay: (29.8%) $31,675 . Operating Debt: (-1.4%) <$9,805> . Contingency: (0.0%) $-0- Toto/Budget S Increase"." Toto/Budget % Increase """ $469,606 6.58% H:\BUDGH'I\BUDHIGH.DOC I r I "BUDGET SUMMARY" DETAILED DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACTUAL 2001 AND PROPOSED 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGETS Department '01 Budget '02 Proposed % Change $ Change 41110 Mayor & Council $24,260 $37,617 55.06% $13,357 41130 Ordinance $11,000 $11,000 0.00% $0 41320 City Manager $274,301 $252,905 -7.80% -$21,396 41330 Boards & Commissions $9,528 $12,964 36.06% $3,436 41410 Elections $4,265 $9,360 119.46% $5,095 41520 Director of Finance $100,688 $108,573 7.83% $7,885 41530 Accounting $110,025 $116,964 6.31% $6,939 41540 Internal Auditing $14,415 $14,695 1.94% $280 41550 Assessing $50,725 $54,850 8.13% $4,125 41610 Law $253,400 $254,000 0.24% $600 41820 Personnel $79,932 $62,347 -22.00% -$17,585 41910 Planning & Zoning $242,296 $260,933 7.69% $18,637 41920 Data Processing $110,615 $103,925 -6.05% -$6,690 41940 Buildings & Plant $237,500 $262,105 10.36% $24,605 41950 Central Garage $175,520 $190,274 8.41% $14,754 42100 Police $1,866,772 $1,947,293 4.31% $80,521 42200 Fire & Rescue $283,530 $323,713 14.17% $40,183 42400 Building Inspection $324,107 $336,315 3.77% $12,208 42500 Civil Defense $9,600 $28,900 201.04% $19,300 42700 Animal Control $13,010 $14,810 13.84% $1,800 43050 Engineering $473,792 $473,610 -0.04% -$182 43100 Street $460,336 $529,689 15.07% $69,353 451 00 Recreation $442,381 $503,966 13.92% $61,585 45200 Parks $686,537 $804,718 17.21% $118,181 45500 Libraries $53,550 $65,355 22.04% $11,805 46500 Economic Development $49,527 $60,142 21.43% $10,615 47000 Debt Service $725,485 $715,680 -1.35% -$9,805 49999 Contingency $50.000 $50.000 0.00% ~ General Fund $7,137,097 $7,606,703 6.58% $469,606 DETAILED DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACTUAL 2001 AND PROPOSED 2002 ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGETS Department '01 Budget '02 Proposed % Change $ Change 49400 Water Utility $679,151 $706,384 4.01% $27,233 49450 Sewer Utility $1,113,667 $1,165,454 4.65% $51,787 49420 Water Quality Utility $295,828 $256,608 -13.26% -$39,220 49804 Transit Services $379,950 $379,943 0.00% -$7 Enterprise Funds $2,468,596 $2,508,389 1.61% $39,793 BUDSUMXlS Page 1 8/6/01 I IT ! I 2002 BUDGET NOTES: Department Variance of 10% or More Department Explanation * Mayor & Council Compensation adjustment to reflect Metro average * Boards & Commissions Per diems for EDA * Elections Two elections vs. one (primary & general) * Personnel Realignment of Assist City MgrlPersonnel Dir. Position salary to reflect 50% transfer to Transit Fund for transit administration costs. * Bldgs & Plant * Fire & Rescue * Civil Defense * Animal Control * Street Department * Recreation * Parks * Libraries * Economic Development * Miscellaneous H: \BUDGET\Budgelvariance. DOC r Premium increase for property & liability insurance City pension contribution & increase in response hrs. Siren #1 replacement (S1. Michaels) Contract adjustment (phased over 2001/02) Overlay program appropriation of $50,000 Dance program growth Addition of maintenance position and expenses associated with bringing Thomas Ryan Park on line Increased contract cleaning frequency & building utilities Land acquisition (Hennen contract for deed) State approved PERA pension cost increase of 6% DATE: Frank Boyles, City Manager Jane Kansier, Planning coordinato~ August 2,2001 U TO: FROM: RE: Jeffer's Pond Concept Plan cc: Don Rye, Planning Director DRC Members Attached are the plans I received for the proposed Jeffer's Pond development. The developer's will attend the forum on Monday, August 6, 2001, to discuss this potential development with the City Council. I told the developer we would distribute these plans to the Council prior to the Monday meeting in order to allow them to become familiar with the plans. The developer had also indicated they would send me a list of questions or issues they wish to discuss; however, I have not received that list at this time. Also attached is a list of my questions about this development. There may be other questions that the Councilor other staff will have. These questions are based on my knowledge of this potential development. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Enclosure 1:\01 files\O 1 subject\jeffers\memorandum.doc If' JEFFER'S POND DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS FOR COUNCIL 1. It is our understanding that the developer is proposing to give land to Hennepin County Parks for use as a regional park/nature area. How will the City parkland dedication requirements be met? 2. The Comprehensive Plan identifies road connections through this property from cSAH 82 to cSAH 21 and from cSAH 42 to the property to the west. Does this plan take the road connections into consideration? 3. What is the proposed overall density, based on net acres, ofthe site? 4. The plan appears to remove commercial and industrial zoning designations. Due the lack of available commercial and industrial land in Prior Lake, has the developer given any thought to where this might be reestablished? 5. There are several different issues pertaining to this development. We understand the developer has been meeting with the different agencies individually. Has the developer considered meeting with the staff from all of the different agencies, including the City, County, DNR, Watershed District, etc., at the same time to discuss these issues in a comprehensive manner? If not, we would encourage the developer to do just that so that all of the issues can be identified and many questions answered. (WE$~) www.wensmann.com ' , , ' Jeffers Estate Informational Presentation August 6, 2001 . ' . ' ~ part o~ihis 'infcirmation81 meeting and in order for future pl~ing to proceed, we.ate . requesting that the Prior Lake CitY Council members review thc following list of issues and provid~.feedbaA:k. L Would ~e Council consider rezoning ,the CS area 'as depicted to a residential .zoning district in the North and Northeast area of the site, provided that. .alternative sites for C5 zoning can be identified "Within the City of Prior Lake. 2. What value is a.senior campus to the city of Prior Lake'and would the Council allow a slight increase in density to accommodate this. 3. Wo~d the Council.be ,in favor of shuffling densities on site to accommodate multi family uses in specific locations were it ":lakes good planning and development scnse. 4. How woul~ die C~un~il feel ahout the involvement of the' Scott Hennepin Park Reserv:e District i~ developing a nature preserve and interpretiv.e center on the property. .. . . 5. Would the Council consider park land dedication reqUirements fulfilled if the Scott.Hennepin Park Reserve District ~~nt~oned and maiDtaine~ the ~d. 'RHS Building .1895 Plnza Drive Suite 200 Eag"oUl. MN 551.22 6511406-4400 F;1X 651i905- 3678 7 nn /7 n n ' A Q I Q ~ en h l( Q II YV ~) ~JWnU MMVW~MJ~ ~n: ff Irun fnn7 -~n-l1nv r (wi[~N) www.wensmann.com ' , , , Jeffers Estate Informational Presentation August 6,2001 As part of this' infcirmation81 ~eeting and in order for future pl~ing to proceed, we. are , requesting that the Prior Lake CitY Council members rmew the following list of issues and provid~,feedba.Ck. 1. Would ~e Council consider rezoning ,the C5 ar~a 'as depicted to a residential .zoning district in the North and Northeast area ofthe site, provided that . alternative sites for C5 zoning can be identified within the City of Prior Lake. 2. What value is a.senior C3IlJPUS to the City of Prior Lake' and would the Council spow a slight increase in density to accommodate this. 3. Wo~d the Council.be ,in favor of shuffling densities on site to accommodate multi family USes in specific; locations were it ~akes good planning and development sense:. 4. How woul~ the Coun~jl feel about the involvement ofthe' Scott Hennepin Park Reserv:e District in developing a miture preserve arid interpretiv.e center on the property.' . . , 5. Would the Council consider park land dedication reqUirements fulfilled if the Scott Hennepin Park Reserve District controlled and maintained the land. -. '.' .' 'RHS Building .1895 Plnza Drive Suite 200 Cag".UJ, MN 55122 651/4064400 F;u; 651i90s-3678 7nn/7nn 'A 2IQ~CnhfCQflyv~1 ~unu ~~VW~~~M ~n:ll IIUJllnn7 -~n-11nV T CWEl.~~) www.wensmann.com' , , . " Jeffers Estate Informational Presentation August 6,2001 As part ot:ihis 'information81 ~eeting and in order for future pl~ing to proceed, we,are , requesting that the Prior Lake CitY Council members review the following list of issues and pravid~ ,feedbaek. L Would ~e Council consider rezoning ,the C5 ar~a 'as depicted to a residential .z<<?ning district in the North and Northeast area ofthe site, provided t~at. . alternative sites far C5 2:oning can be identified within the City of Prior Lake. 2. What value is a.senior campus to the city of Prior Lake' and would the Council ~Iaw a slight increase in density to accommodate this. . . 3. Wo~d the Council.be ,in favor of shuffling densities on site to accommodate multi family uses in specific locations were it ~akes good planning and development se:nse:. 4. How woul~ the C~un~il feel about the involvement of the ' Scott Hennepin Park Rese~e District i!J developing a miture preserve arid interpretiv.e center on the property. ., ' , 5 . Would the Council consider park land dedication reqUirements fulfilled if the Scott ,Hennepin Park Reserve District controll~d and maintained the ~d. 'RHS Building .1895 Ploza Drive Suite 200 Eag-oUI. MN 55122 6511406-4400 F:lX 651i90s-3678 7nn I7nn 'A Q' Q n n hIe Q r! YV ~ 1 ~~wnu ~~VW~M~I en: II 11~~1 Inn7 -en-llnV - / - - T -1 C S T /1 1 , c', - v. ~ . 2.0:' .:_ CIQ4L [I T \~. ... ~ " ~ -~: \~ ~nl!LLL. ,:111; 1"' l~9 LlllE Of ':' -:1T...[ 1,1("-* ".J :'~~.:: -J;'J. r1'!., ~.~t . -- / :1 ~ ~7:C\}." '-- 1~i;r / I ~ ~ '---- -- --- --- --- L ~ r ~"lC ; f:---"T- I ~ ~ :-!:~ Z --'- [ " 1 F r L r I- .~ c' E ,- , F ...-',""'" ~ '_1--1--. I r. ~'I . L I / ., v.iET~':'Nr::. / / / DUTLcn .-; 'l\;:~ 1 1 -i- - p,1:,E / ,/ C/:'.FF / / /' zW' ';~~~':' ,= LPF 1 LGE =-I![ ~[[ E ]I. ') -I\~ ::rH 1 1 H > T 1-1 1'1 (' j"", 11 ....... '-' ..... .. -~ .- - CQNQJTIQNS EXISTING =':'~LE I" .. :lOC'-C" JUL 3 0 lOOl -Ir T tJ S HIE MONTCOMERY ARCHITECTS r,ir,'2 'JT tn.::: n:,..tr,-e:':JEt:,~!'"n-=r :-f s.:J;j I~:rtn.e: :ct ':'u:J:"',:-=r theF,:;:- =,:,..:tr. D\c:n:J trl-? eClst I irl'? c-f =:Jid .5-? '1 i.:r" 0 g~~~gn~tn~fo~~;~i~ ~~~~jc~~e~:~i~~~~o~O~21~ Iroj;~ ~~:n:. 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