HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 22 11 city council work session - 2012 budget/.� PRI() h U 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 5 53 72 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PREPARED BY: JERILYN ERICKSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR PRESENTER: JERILYN ERICKSON WORKSESSION 2012 BUDGET SCHEDULE AND INFORMATION TOPIC: DISCUSSION_: Introduction Prior to starting the process to establish the 2012 budget, Staff is seeking feedback from Council Members on various elements of the process: 1) Timing and topics of information to be discussed (see attached draft workshop schedule) 2) Format of Revenue and Expense Information 3) Benchmarks and Comparative Data 4) Property Tax and Financial Projections 5) Other History In 2010, the 2011 budget process began with a long -range financial planning workshop to discuss future property tax demands and impacts on the General Fund reserve levels that were projected based on inflationary pressures on operational expenses (including personnel) and the City's commitment to its long -term planning documents for infrastructure improvements and capital replacement. This provided a basis for addressing each of the various components that were impacting the property tax levy. Workshops were then held throughout the year to discuss those components: Transportation Plan, fund balance reserves, program and service priorities, Facilities Management Plan (draft), Capital Improvement Plan, etc. Current 1. Timing and Topics of Information Attached to this agenda report is a draft workshop schedule which reflects the actual schedule that was used to develop the 2011 budget, a proposed 2012 schedule and a column for council members to make suggestions for revising the schedule. All of the regular 2011 workshop dates are included. The schedule also reflects other topics which have already been tentatively scheduled for particular dates. Staff is recommending that Council consider dedicating additional time for certain workshops in order to provide sufficient time for presentation and discussion of the data. Those workshops are noted with an asterisk. Comprehensive Financial Management Policy Fund balance reserves (as a component of the future Comprehensive Financial Management Policy) is an area that Staff believes the Council may want to discuss more in -depth in the early stages of the 2012 budget development. Capital Improvement Plan The proposed budget schedule reflects the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process pushed back to allow for workshops to discuss the Facilities Management Plan and the Technology Plan. These are two new long -term plans that Staff is recommending to be included as on -going components of the CIP. A draft of the Facilities Management Plan was discussed in September, 2010. The Technology Plan has not previously been presented to the Council. 2. Format of Revenue and Expenditure Information Historically, the revenue and expenditure information has been presented numerically or as a percentage of change -- -many numbers to digest. Some of the information has been shown graphically, as well. Recognizing that some individuals (Council, Staff and residents) may comprehend information better in a numerical format and others in a graphical format, are there specific formats that the Council would like to see included in the 2012 and future budgets? 3. Benchmarks / Comparative Data Staff would like feedback regarding what comparative data or benchmarks should be presented that would be helpful to Council members in order to make decisions regarding resource allocations. We currently have the following performance objectives in the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan: • Aa2 Bond Rating • 45% General Fund Reserve Balance • Lowest City Property Tax Rank in Scott County • 100% Funded Fire Relief Association Pension • 98% General Fund Budget Outcome • 97% Investment Position of All City Funds • 60/40% Property Tax Ratio In addition, the following growth statistics were presented to the Council: • Expenditure data on per capita and per household bases (historical) • Population • Dwelling Units • Building Permits Issued • Number and Acres of Parks • Street Miles • Police Calls • Fire Calls Page 2 Are these benchmarks or comparators sufficient or are there others that the Council would like to consider for the 2012 and future budgets? Are there specific cities that the Council would like comparisons made from year to year? 4. Property Tax & Financial Projections In 2011, Staff presented five -year property tax projections so Council could see the longer -term impact of their decisions regarding infrastructure and capital replacement, debt service, service priorities, etc. This also enabled Staff and the Council to see when taxing capacity might be available due to the maturity of debt to reallocate that taxing capacity to fund other service priorities. Are these 5 -year projections helpful to Council members in order to make decisions regarding resource allocations? 5. Other Staff would like to ensure that the information being prepared for the Council and the public during the budget process not only adds value to the Council's decision - making process but improves the public's understanding of how their property taxes and fees are being used. Is there additional information that would be helpful to achieve these objectives? Conclusion The primary focus of the workshop is to receive direction on the following: 1) The workshop schedule and the topics to be discussed 2) The format for which revenue and expense information is present 3) The benchmarks and comparative data to be used 4) The value of property tax and financial projections Page 3 2012 Budget Schedule ** consider 2 hr workshops Date Day 2011 Budget Date 2012 Budget - Proposed Schedule 2012 Budget - Council Recommendations 1/19/10 Tues WS - 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan - discuss objectives and goals 2/1/10 Mon WS - Long Range Financial Planning: 1) discuss and review 2/7/11 impact of inflationary pressures, personnel contracts, Transportation Plan, Equipment Program, Parks Matrix, Technology Plan, Facilities Management Plan,Etc. on property tax levies. 2) Use of Fund Balance Reserves 3) Debt 2/16/10 Tues WS - Transportation Plan - discuss priorities (projects, funding, tax 2/22/11 WS - 2012 Budget (Identify planning schedule, types of levy) information needed, etc.) 2/1 -3/12 City staff update Transportation Plan, Equipment Program (Public Works, Fire & Police) & Park Matrix 3/1/10 Mon WS - Sewer & Water Rates - incorporate updated CIP 3/7/11 WS - 2030 Visioning; recommendations 3/15/10 Mon WS - Discussion of fund balance reserves 3/21/11 WS - Economic Development Work Plan CC - Sewer & Water Rates / Financial Projections 4/5/10 Mon WS - CIP Draft for 2011 -2015 4/4/11 WS - Financial Standards / Benchmarks 4/12/10 Mon Planning Commission reviews proposed CIP for compliance with the Comp Plan. 4/19/10 Mon WS - Budget #1 - discussion of program and service priorities; 4/18/11 * *WS - Comprehensive Financial Management Policy provide directive for acceptable range of property tax levy and (Reserves only ?) budgets; CC - Authorize Negotiated Sale of Bonds 5/3/10 Mon CC - Approve Issuance & Sale of bonds 5/2/11 WS - SCALE Unified Transit Plan Education 5/17/10 Mon 5/16/11 WS N/A - Audit presentation 6/7/10 Mon CC - Public Hearing on 2011 -2015 CIP 6/6/11 * *WS - CIP 2012 -2016 Draft - (Transportation Plan, Utility Operating Plans, Equipment Replacement Plan & Park Equipment Replacement Plan) 6/21/10 Mon WS - 2030 Vision Goals and Objectives; CC - Adopt 2011 -2015 CIP 6/20/11 WS - Technology Plan Draft (part of CIP) 6/22/10 Tues City Manager & Department Managers meet to discuss program and service directives outlined by the City Council, Departments begin working on budget requests 7/6/10 Tues WS - 2030 Vision Goals and Objectives for 2011 and EDA Authority 7/5/2011 ?? WS - Facilities Management Plan (part of CIP) Issues 7/13/10 Tues Deadline for departments to submit budget requests to Finance 7/14-7/21 Finance staff compiles budget requests 7/19/10 Mon WS - Reserve Policy 7/18/11 * *WS - Future Park Analysis (part of CIP) 7/22-7/30 CM & FD review budget requests 8/2/10 WS - Transit Alternatives 8/1/11 CC - Public Hearing on 2012 -2016 CIP 8/16/10 Mon WS - discussion of preliminary budget and property tax levy 8/15/11 WS - discussion of preliminary budget and property tax levy; CC - Adopt 2012 -2016 CIP (with new Facilities Management Plan & Technology Plan and updated Park Equipment Replacement Plan) 9/7/10 Tues WS Facilities Management Plan; CC - Adopt 2011 preliminary 9/6/11 CC - Adopt 2012 preliminary budget and property tax levy & CC - Adopt 2012 preliminary budget and property tax levy & budget and property tax levy & establish TNT public hearing date establish TNT public hearing date (certification due to Scott establish TNT public hearing date (certification due to Scott (certification due to Scott County by 9/15/10) County by 9/15/11) County by 9/15/11) 9/20/10 Mon 9/19/11 WS N/A - Community Fall Fest 10/4/10 Mon WS - Final Budget & Property Tax Levy 10/3/11 10/18/10 Mon WS - Development Contracts and Planned Unit Developments 10/17/11 11/1/10 Mon WS - Budget Discussion 11/7/11 11/15/10 Mon WS - Water Quality Fund 11/21/11 12/6/10 Mon CC - TNT Public Hearing - 6 p.m. 12/5/11 CC - TNT Public Hearing - 6 p.m. CC - TNT Public Hearing - 6 p.m. 12/20/10 Mon CC - TNT Public Hearing Continuation - (if needed) 12/19/11 CC - TNT Public Hearing Continuation - (if needed) CC - TNT Public Hearing Continuation - (if needed) CC - Adopt 2011 final budget /property tax levy (final certification due CC - Adopt 2012 final budget /property tax levy (final CC - Adopt 2012 final budget /property tax levy (final 1 12/28/10) certification due 12/28/11) certification due 12/28/11) WS = Worksession CC = City Council Meeting 2/18/2011 2/22/2011 o� rxro� ry x U rey �NNEs 2012 Budget Planning February 22, 2011 ► Workshop Schedule & Topics ► Format of Revenue & Expense Information ► Benchmarks & Comparative Data ► Property Tax & Financial Projections 1 2/22/2011 ► Comprehensive Financial Management Policy ► Fund Balance Reserves ► Capital Improvement Plan ► Facilities Management Plan (NEW) ► Technology Plan (NEW) ► 2 -Hour Workshops? 3 2, ffilmm 20.11 € 2010 2011 $Change %Chafe _ Adopted Adopted 10 -11 10 -11 i Subtotal Subtotal • Total Total GENERAL FUND General Govemmen! _ I , _ 111 council Salaries 51,680 _ 51,880 0 0.00%' 78.96% - . 78.72% 121 PERA Contributions 2,584 2,584 0_ 0_00%1,...,,_,3 122 F ICA Cont ributions , 3.204., 3.204 _,_.. 0 4.90%' . _ . 4.78% ...._.. __...._ 123 MEDICARE Conldbutions 749. 749 _._.... 0 0.00°k 1.14% 151 Workers Com - Insurance _ .136_ 147 12 8.67 0.22% 201 Ofice SuPOlies _General 500 500 0 0.00°k, 078 % , 0.74% 327 Communications - j__ . ,. , . 3,500 3,000 , , „ (500)_, 14,29%- 5.35 %t 4.45% 331 Training & Cerlificahon I _ _ 1,750, 5,250 3,500 „- 200.00%, 2.67%: 7.79% 3611nsura Genera �•abilAY 1,100 - (1,70J 10000%- 1.68% 000°k 437,Misc nse- General _ 250 250 0 0.00% 0.38%1 0.37% 65,453 67,365 1,912 2.92%; 100.00 1 /6: 100.00% 0.54 015% OF FRt0 f C7 m . tovxcfi<P" X� 4 2, 2/22/2011 2/22/2011 ► 2030 Vision & Strategic Plan Performance Objectives "'Includes transfers to other funds for debt service, etc. 2/22/2011 INDICAT•• 111 19990 200(" 20030 200212 20030 2004a 2005 M 2006 V 2007C 20080 20090 2010 E43 Dwelling Units 5,267 5,645 5,883 6,210 7,153 7,882 8,051 8,345 8,476 8,653 8,715 SG 7PP 25r9 �� ; ay zi;� TM9 7 * Building Permits -ALL 2,366 2,281 3,051 3,855 3,757 2,662 2,242 M � �M mg ig=w 1,965 1,889 1,472 1,400 1,521 I 0 414 a 0 08 2:68Q IF; 2 7 TI - 4, 2471 4 of Park WN Y 0§ jAcres of Parks 569 7-7=,,, 7 ., ,F q.2 617 810 932 994 994 1,004 P olice Ca 8,504 8,708 8,919 9,394 9,653 9,416 6681 11,1621 10,662 9,939 9,313 ► Other Benchmarks? ► Specific Cities? Important: Comparisons will be made from year to year for established benchmarks 2/22/2011 ( 6,966,052 f 7,212,517 , 7,661,820 7,929,856 8,400,446 8,400,446 Fund [1 270,0001 280,000; 290,000 320,000, 350,000 350,000 Fund - rtFund' 135 000 270 000 €' 270 000 Debt Ser tice 50,40 e , �, �Y,882,557 3,082,261 � -- 3,226,968 3,212,074 3,30 3,350, 400 3 .__..._.. 10,574,796 11,178,788 11,_598,930 12_,37_0, ,370,846 ,..11.._. 10118,609, Change from PreN0U9 Year E' .. 38,423 � _ .._.. . 458,189 . _ .. 803,990 _ 418,142 T/3,918�E nge l , .N :oc own of Change In Levies I ...Breaktl_.._.... .. .. _ .r-. .... ... _ .. ._.. __ __. , Gen - 54 246,465, , ,,449,303 268,036, 470,590 S. 1,379,943 EguipmeM RewMng Fund t. 10,000 10,000 , 10,000 30,000 30,000 €' 90,000 Rewldn Padc E ui Fund •: - - - Facilities Management Fund - E - - 135,000 135,000] 270,000 Debt 83,874E 199,724 144,687 14,894 138,326, 1 ._. 551,717 Total Change 39,4231 456,189 603,990 418,142 773,916'€ 2,291,660 General j -0.78% 6.23% 3.50% € 5.93%1 19.66% Equipment RewMng Fund I' 3.85 % 3.70% 3.57% 1034% 9.38 %�; 34.62% Rew1n Padc Equip Fund 0.00 % 0.00°/ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 %: 0.00°.0 Facilities Management Fund ., 0.00 %; 0.00% 6.00% 000% -UND _ RESERVES: i i s .._ _ __ _ . 1. _.... 0 .. .... . _.. lance : 60 4 35 1 , 5,703,435 5,453,435 5,453,435 . 5,453, " ince 5,435 5,453,435 5,453,435 5,453,435 5,453,35 �_ __.___ _... _(.i _____ - _ .. ... . . .... .. .......____ _ E � E; _ .. t' ._... .. .. . . .. _ ... centaae � ji 44.1 %. 40.7% 39.9% . 38.5-/.' s 0 ► Adds Value ► Council Members' decision making process ► Improves the Public's Understanding ► How their property taxes and fees are being used 12 D 2/22/2011 Staff is seeking feedback: ► Workshop Schedule & Topics ► Format of Revenue & Expense Information ► Benchmarks & Comparative Data ► Property Tax & Financial Projections 13 `I