HomeMy WebLinkAbout5C EDA-EDAC Relationship 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MARCH 14, 2011 AGENDA #: 5C PREPARED BY : FRANK BOYLES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PRESENTED FRANK BOYLES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BY: AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A REPORT REGARDING THE RE LATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY(EDA) AND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE(EDAC) DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to have the members of the Economic D e- ve l opment Advisory Committee begin to c onsider and discuss what the appropr i- ate relationship should be between the EDA and the EDAC. History Over the years the EDA has taken various forms. In some years it has had five members all of whom where on the council. Other times it has been a se parate seven member body which included non council member participants. Whatever its format, the EDA has been modestly successful over time as documented by Tax Increment Projects begun and successfully completed , both within Wate r- front Passage Business P ark and Downtown. In 2006 the C ity C ouncil felt it would be beneficial to create an economic deve l- opment advisory body. The EDAC has six duties under its bylaws. 1. Serve as a liaison between city government and the community. 2. In conjunction with the C ity C o uncil, Economic Development Authority and staff, facilitate economic growth and redevelopment activities for the City of Prior Lake. 3. Work with citizens, C ity staff, business owners, property owners, prospe c- tive developers, the Chamber of Commerce, and othe r economic deve l- opment stakeholders on a variety of economic development and redev e- lopment activities. 4. As requested, provide review and comment on economic development and redevelopment policies to the C ity C ouncil and Economic Develo p- ment A u thority. 5. Make recommendations to the C ity C ouncil and Economic Development Authority regarding economic development issues , strategy devel opment and imple mentation and other ini tiatives that can be undertaken by the city to expand and strengthen its economy, inclusive b ut not limited to business re tent ion and expansion, targeted business attra c- tion/recruitment, new business/entrepreneurial development, and redev e- lopment and 6. Assist the C ity C ouncil and E conomic D evelopment A uthority to identify funding sources for economi c development and redevelopment. By contrast , the EDA has the following purpose: “The business of the Economic Development Authority shall include but not be limited to: promoting growth, development and redevelopment of retail, comme r- cial and industrial properties in Prior Lake; diversifying the C ity’s tax base; provi d- ing tools and incentives to achieve the Economic Development Vision Element in the City’s 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan; and providing an incubator to generate id e as and initiatives to supp ort economic development growth and vitality. Current Circumstances The EDAC is engaging in a number of activities to fulfill its objectives. Attached are the 2010 and 2011 goals and objectives. The EDAC has been particularly e f fective in conducting s urveys of existing businesses. Starting D owntown they i n terviewed forty businesses using a written survey. From the results they created six objectives, some of whi c h are short term and some of which are long term. Among the short term items is to examine the location of the farmer’s market and create a business newsletter. Long term goals deal with such things as pr o viding sufficient parking downtown and changing the perception businesses have of C i ty H all. In the next few months , the EDAC will begin busi ness interviews in the Dee r field and Welcome Avenue area . Conclusion The EDAC is making progress in certain economic development areas. The que s- tion is , what should their role be as the EDA continues to grow, develop and start s taking significant deve lopment action? ISSUES: From a staff perspective there are a number of things the EDA may want to co n- sider in defining the role of the EDAC: 1. Does the EDA agree that the EDAC can be most effective working in co n- junction with the EDA rather than the C it y C ouncil? 2. Assuming that is the case , it appears that the objectives of each body should be more consistent and mutually reinforcing. 3. The goals of the EDAC appear to be very aggressive considering that they are a group of nine volunteers that meet once a month. Perhaps one area like business reten tion should be reserved to them as opposed to six. 4. The goals are well beyond advisory and actually make significant inroads into what appears to be EDA business. For example, o ne of the respons i- bilities of the EDA C is reviewing policies and development proposals. It seems to me that the EDA is better suited for that and having two bodies undertake such efforts i s duplicative. 5. The EDAC has the perspective that they are not part of the C ity , but are the voice for the business persons. The EDAC is funded and supported by the C ity , so to say they are not part of the C ity is simply inaccurate. The question is : B y viewing themselves as independent of the C ity , are they supplying needed dynamic tension to make change , or a re they instead further complicating the already difficult effort of modifying the city’s bus i- ness image? 6. The staff resources used by the EDA and the EDAC include Danette , J e- rilyn, and me. The EDA utilizes the services of the C ity A ttorney as well. 2 The poi nt is that there are now two sets of minutes, two monthly agendas, twice the preparation for meetings and so forth. The EDA does have $55,000 budgeted for 2011 to provide additional resources, whatever they might be. It seems a shame that they be invested into agenda producti o n and minute taking which have little real impact on economic develo p ment. 7. If land use or Ordinance Amendment applications are received by the City and have economic development implications, these applications must be forw arded to both the EDA and EDAC for their recommendations to the City Council , per the ir Bylaws and the EDAC Objectives . This may prove problematic for a number of reasons: 1) it adds additional layers to the process, which can add time and slow the proces s. This can have legal ramific a tions regarding Statutory timing requirements, as well as not being business friendly; 2) In the future, as the EDA and EDAC make reco m- mendations to the City Council, these recommendations could be dissim i- lar, which may not prove helpful to the City Council. The purpose of this report is really to start the discussion about the proper role of the EDA and EDAC just as you are beginning to undertake your strategic pla n- ning to develop an economic development plan. The EDA should feel free to ask for additional information which will assist you in you strategic planning efforts and in preparation for your joint meeting with the EDAC. FINANCIAL I M- The cost effective use of staff, EDA members and even EDAC volunte ers is d e- si r able in order that we can make the biggest impact on economic development PACT: ma t ters with the best use of resources. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Direct the staff to prepare additional materials for EDA consideration. 2. Direct staff to schedule the joint EDA/E DAC meeting at a time and date deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED As desired by the EDA. MOTION: Reviewed by: Frank Boyles, City Manager 3