HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDAC Meeting Minutes 01-28-11Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2011
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1. Call to Order
Chair Howard called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present were: Adam Blahnik, Bill Henry,
Troy Presler, Mary Viereck, Sandi Fleck, Terry Gutowski, Deno Howard, Ken Hedberg, Danette
Parr and Frank Boyles
2. Approval of December 17, 2010 Minutes
Motion by Fleck, second by Presler to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
3. Old Business
a. Update of C -2 Ordinance Amendment. Parr provided a copy of the Council work session
PowerPoint. She indicated that the Council has agreed how to measure the 100 feet from
residential. The C-2 ordinance amendment is on the Council agenda for February 7. The
primary question is whether the safeguards identified in paragraph "e" of the proposed
ordinance apply when the restaurant with liquor is adjacent to R -1 only or R -1, R -2 and $ -3.
Blahnik, Presler and Henry attended the Council's work session and shared their observations.
Howard was pleased that the ordinance is pro - business in nature and may be adopted as soon
as February 7.
b. Update of CR 21 Cost Benefit Analysis. Parr indicated that the very informative Maxfield
Research, Inc. study is available and that she will email it to EDAC members. The City
Council work session on this topic will be February 7 at 4:30 p.m. and EDAC members are
encouraged to attend to hear the presentations. The open house / information session for the
general public will be February 17 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. EDAC members who believe they
will be attending are: Viereck, Blahnik, Howard, Fleck, Gutowski and Presler.
c. Presentation of Subcommittee Action Items.
i. Meet and Greet EDAC members received a summary of the written and oral
comments made by participants in the Meet and Greet Howard indicated that the
comments were divided into six categories and then identified as short-term or long-
term. The categories are:
a) Short term
1) Move Farmer's Market
2) Email newsletter to businesses
3) Provide quality food outlets
b) Long Term
1) Address Industrial Park Issues
2) City needs to be business friendly
3) Offer businesses some form of grants or incentives
Howard asked that the notes be reorganized under these respective headings.
ii. Downtown Retention Interviews. Gutowski stated that their notes are organized by
category. Each category was identified as short-term, long -term and ongoing. There
was considerable discussion about taxes and building valuations and how information
can be shared to help business owners understand. Howard asked how the Committee
should address the Farmer's Market and newsletter issues which are short-term.
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a) Tax Information. The Committee agreed that the focus should be commercial
taxes. Mike Thompson should be invited to make a presentation after hours as a
Chamber function. Everyone should be invited and timing should be March so the
information can be used at the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization.
b) Farmers Market. Howard will contact the vendor. Parr will put together a survey
to use with businesses and customers.
c) Email Newsletter. Items were identified in subcommittee meetings to include in a
brief quarterly newsletter.
4. Other Business — none
5. New Business
a. February 7. Review 2010 progress.
b. 2011 Objectives. A draft set of objectives was prepared.
Hedberg suggested that a joint EDA / EDAC meeting should be scheduled to assure that the efforts
are coordinated.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.
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