HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 10 2011 EDA meeting minutes 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes February 10, 2011 Mayor Myser called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. Present: EDA Commissioners Michelle Choudek, Ken Hedberg, Terry Hitchcock, Bob Morris and Mike Myser, EDA Attorney Suesan Pace, Communit y Development/ Natural Resources Director Danette Parr, Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson and Executive Director Frank Boyles. Minutes There were no minutes for adoption. Public Hearing No public hearing was scheduled. Old Business No old business was s cheduled. New Business Review and Discussion of Tour EDA Commissioners and staff discussed the various properties and building s available for business development and occupancy. EDA commissioners were apprised of some Prior Lake economic development hist ory. Election of Officers The floor was opened to nominate a slate of officers. E DA members asked for clarification with respect to certain officer position responsibilities. MOTION MADE BY MYSER , SECOND BY CHOUDEK TO APPOINT HEDBERG A S PRESIDENT AND MO RRIS AS THE VICE PRE SIDENT. Ayes: Myser, Choudek and Hitchcock. Hedberg and Morris abstained. The motion carried and Hedberg assumed the chair. Discussion occurred regarding the Assistant Treasurer. Pace stated she would investigate and report back. MOTION BY MYSER, SEC OND BY CHOUDEK TO AP POINT ERICKSON AS TR EASURER AND HAVE BOYLES DESIGNAT E THE PROPER PERSON AS SECRETARY. Ayes: Hedberg, Choudek, Hitchcock, Morris and Myser. The motion carried. Regular Meeting Date The staff reported on various m eeting date and times and potential room and other meeting conflicts. Phone 952.447. 9800 / Fax 952.44 7 . 4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com MOTION BY MYSER, SEC OND BY CHOUDEK TO CO NDUCT REGULAR EDA ME ETINGS ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF THE MONTH FROM 4 TO 6 P.M. Ayes: Hedberg, Choudek, Hitchcock, Morris and Myser. The motion c arried. The Authority agreed that use of Parkview will be appropriate for some meetings and the Chambers for others. 2011 Budget Erickson reported on the four funds of money available to the EDA totaling approximately $285,000 and the necessity under th e EDA bylaws to receive City Council authority to expend the money by taking two actions: (1) Transfer the money to the EDA Special Funds, or (2) Prepare a budget for use of the funds. There was discussion regarding the original and current purpose of ea ch funding source ; as well as the appropriate amount of money to request and the timing therefore. MOTION BY MYSER, SEC OND BY HEDBERG TO RE COMMEND THAT THE CIT Y COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MOVING THE FOLLOWING TO THE EDA SPECIAL FUND: FEDER AL GRANT MONEY, STATE GR ANT MONEY AND DOWNTO WN FUNDS EFFECTIVE 1 2/31/10. Ayes: Hedberg, Choudek, Hitchcock, Morris and Myser. The motion carried. Erickson clarified that the $102,000 EDA Special Fund had already been transferr ed and will require a budget. MOTION BY MYSER, SEC OND BY MORRIS TO DIR ECT THE EXECUTIVE DI RECTOR TO PREPARE A BUDGET FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE EDA. Ayes: Choudek, Hitchcock, Hedberg, Morris and Myser. The motion carried. Per Diems and Expenses Reimbursement Erickson reviewed the finance department per diem and expense reimbursement policy. She distributed a memo with guidelines and forms to be used. Clarified that all requests needed to be signed by the president and executive director before processing in finance. Erickson indicated that the re quests can be made electronically and that the City pays electronically as well. EDA Bylaws Pace reported on the provisions of the EDA bylaws and the enabling resolution. She outlined the powers of the EDA, and also the limitations on the EDA operations. She indicated that the greatest limitation on the EDA is the sale of bonds which must be approved in advance by the City Council. Pace also provided information on the open meeting laws, data practices, uniform municipal contracting law, conflict of int erest and making a record. The EDA discussed the issues associated with open meeting requirements. Pace advised that two could meet, but no more. Discussion occurred regarding creating subcommittees to get the work done. With respect to conflict of i nterest, Pace advised EDA members to contact her if they suspected they have a conflict of interest. Pace indicated she would send materials on making a record as the EDA needs a “rational basis” for everything it does. 2 02 10 11 EDA meeti ng minutes The EDA talked about other edu cational information they are seeking including: comprehensive planning, understanding SCALE, 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan, state issues, county issues, financial tools, Maxfield Study, EDA/EDAC relationships. EDA discussed which information is desired . EDAC Liaison Report Hedberg indicated that he is the liaison to the EDAC this year, Myser the previous year and Warren Erickson the year before that. Ind icated that the EDAC focuses more on business retention than on business recruitment. Hedberg shar ed the EDAC objectives accomplished in 2010 and those recommended for 2011. EDA members concurred that the reporting relationship should be EDAC reporting to EDA rather than City Council to maximize the available resources. EDA members agreed that a joint meeting should be held with the EDAC to solicit their thoughts regarding the relationship and the most effective division of responsibilities. The staff was asked to prepare a report regarding the separation of responsibilities between the two. Next Ste ps Hedberg believes that a strategic plan should be prepared, and a process and timeline were agreed upon. Myser indicated that he wants measureable indices. Hitchcock wants to be sure that EDA members share their ideas with one another. Choudek believe s a strategic plan is a useful educational tool as well. Morris said he has a strategic plan process he would like to share at the next meeting. Other Business Staff was asked to:  Set up email addresses for EDA members  Order business cards for each.  Send out the Enabling Resolution.  Send out information on making a record. A special meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 6 p.m. to continue the educational efforts and to review the strategic planning proposal. The next regular meeting w ill be 4 p.m. on March 14, 2011. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Myser and seconded by Hitchcock. With all in favor, the motion carried. ___________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director 3 02 10 11 EDA meeti ng minutes