HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 18 11 City Council minutes 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 18 , 2011 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present were Mayor Myser, Council members Erickson, He d- berg, Keeney and Soukup , City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Fire Chief Hartman, St reets and Util i- ties Supervisor Wiita, Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges, Interim City Engi neer Poppler, Building and Transportation Services Director Kansier, Finance Director Erickson, Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr, Assistant C ity Manager Meyer and Administrative A s sis tant Green. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each prese nter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than pr i- vate or political agendas. Topics may be addressed at the Public Forum that are on the agenda except those topics that h ave been or are the subject of a scheduled public hearing or public information hearing before the City Council, the Economic Development Authority (EDA), Planning Commission, or any other City Advisory Committee. The City Council may discuss but will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the Forum. Comments: Dave Evans, 5665 Birchwood Avenue NE , stated his intent to make comm ent about striping on Crest Avenue. Myser: Stated that item ha s been subject to a public hearing and is not eligible for comment on the pu b lic forum. Sharon Howard , 6750 Rustic Road , indicated she had a petition signed by property owners and associ a- tio n members in the Boudin’s Bay area. She r eferred to the DNR permit for the docks and expressed co n- cerns about the current ly install ed dock believing it will cause a decrease in property value, increase d poll u- tion in the bay, increase d erosion of shoreline and congest ed boat traffic. Stated she has contacted both the DNR and the City for help and plans to present the petition to the DNR. John Farmer, 6807 Boudin Street , distributed pictures to the Council of pollution in the bay area as well as a list of violations he believes have occurred. Read the violations and stated he believes residents should have had opportunity to give consent for additional docks and that was not done. Stated he wants to know that the appropriate processes for granting the per mit were followed. Renee Schmidt, 5 27 Vista Ridge Lane, Shakopee , stated she purchased Waters Edge Marin e last fall and completed all documentation requested and believed she followed all steps necessary for the dock permit . Stated she wants to be a goo d neighbor, has worked on cleaning up the area, i m proving the par k- ing lot and plans to add bathroom and garbage facilities. Asked the neighbors to give them a chance to make it a better place. Stated that Your Boat Club is only one of their cus tomers and most of the boaters leasing dock space are experienced people on the water. Stated the DNR approved the dock design but she is o pen to r e configuring the dock. Jason Bruestle, 14376 Lois Avenue, asked the Council to look at the dock before making any d ecisions. Ray Fortman, 6606 Rustic Road, stated he moved there last summer and noticed that when the water level is low, it is difficult to get in and out of the bay; and when the boat traffic backs up, it is in front of his house. Phone 952.447. 9800 / Fax 952.44 7 . 4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Boyles: Commented on current lake levels and noted that at 904’ the entire lake is a no wake zone. E n- couraged all boaters to keep wakes down to reduce erosion. Stated that the permit for the slips is issued by the DNR and the City is not the appeal body for decisions made by the DNR . Stated that the City is wil l- ing to host a meeting between the residents and the DNR if they choose to meet to see what can be done to address the issues. Suggested it may be unreasonable to expect the docks to be removed, but perhaps they can b e realigned. Parr: Stated she is working with DNR representative Craig Wills to try to set up a meeting some evening. Myser: Suggested the residents give a copy of the petition to Parr and e ncouraged residents to meet with the DNR to see if a resol u t ion can be found. RECESS The meeting recessed at 7:34 p.m. to allow people to exit the Chambers. RECONVENE Mayor Myser reconvened the meeting at 7:36 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Soukup requested that New Business item 10E, an explanation of the water bill , be ad d- ed to the agenda . MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE THE AGEND A AS MODIFIED . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY ERICKSON , SECOND BY KEE NEY TO APPRO VE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 4 , 2011 MEETING AS PR E SENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid . B. Consider Approval of Treasurers Report. C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report. D. Consider Approval of Animal Control Services Report. E. Consider Approval of Fire Department Report. F. Consider Approval of Re solution 11 - 044 Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertis e ment for Bids for the 2011 Street Overlay Project (11 - 013). G. Consider Approval of Resolution 11 - 045 Authorizing Final Payment to Bituminous Roadways, Inc. for Street Improvement s for the Bluffs of Northwood Meadows. H. Consider Approval of Resolution 11 - 046 Authorizing Bolton and Menk to Provide Construction Observ a tion Services for Developer Installed Improvements. I. Consider Approval of Resolution 11 - 047 Authorizing the Mayo r and City Manager to Sign a Master Su b- scriber Agreement Between the Office of State Court Administration and the City of Prior Lake, and Appro v- ing the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the City of Prior Lake on Behalf of its Pros e cuting City A t torney, the Scott Joint Prosecution Association. Councilmember Erickson requested that item 5A be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. 2 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MO D- IFIED . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Er ickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Erickson: Noted that there are several instances on the Invoices to be Paid that show payment to the League of Minnesota Cities. Stated that there is a New Business agenda item to approve an insu rance po l- icy renewal with LMCIT and questioned whether that discussion needs to be held before approving the i n- voices for payment. Boyles: Replied that the items on the Invoices to be Paid are for workers compensation and the New Business agenda item wil l be for property and liability. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECOND BY KEENEY TO APPROVE ITEM 5 A , INVOICES TO BE PAID. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. PRESENTATION No presentation was scheduled. PUBLIC HEARIN G No public hearing was scheduled. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Report on the Sand Point Park Parking and a Resolution Directing Staff to Re - stripe Crest Avenue. Interim City Engineer Poppler d isplayed the area of Crest Avenue considered for stri p ing . Reviewed the history of Council and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee consideration of striping and past issues with parking around the DNR boat access . Reviewed options for alleviating pressure on parking in the neig h- borhood. Stated that p arking concerns were considered by the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) and p rovided statistics about Crest Avenue such as width, traffic count, posted speed, etc. Reviewed a summary of research about Sand Point Park noting that previous City Council act ions, the DNR Agreement and the Lake Access Study do not impact whether or not Crest Avenue should be striped . Stated that the TSAC recommend s parking only on the east side of Crest Avenue, no trailer parking on Crest, a c ount of users and parking in Sand Point Park and undertaking a c ost/benefit analysis of no parking fees in Sand Point. Comments: Keeney: Recalled that last year the TSAC considered striping Crest Avenue since it was due for re - striping and the cost incurred to re - stripe in a fashi on to accommodate parking would be minimal; and it could all e- viate parking pressure on residential streets in the area , reduce speeds and improve safety. Noted there are existing sidewalks for pedestrian traffic. Acknowledged there was some c oncern about charging a par k ing fee in Sand Point and believes there is a tradeoff between charging a fee and generating funding for staff ing the Park . Asked why there should not be parking on the west side of Crest Av e nue. Poppler: Replied that parking on the eas t side would keep the pedestrians on the P ark side of the street so they would not have to cross. Keeney: Stated he does not have a concern about the capacity of Sand Point Park. Generally supports the recommendation stating this action would help the sw imming beach area and would not increase usage of boat access for the Lake. Stated the Park is popular for people with kids and he feels some concern that 3 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes a parking fee would push people away from parking in the Park and move them out to parking on the st reets . Suggested a compromise of a parking fee just for holidays and wee k ends. Erickson: Concurred with Keeney ’s remarks. Stated the City should continue to encourage usage of Watzl’s Beach to take some of the pressure off Sand Point. Soukup: A sked i f this would compromise use of Crest Avenue by snowmobilers . Poppler: Responded that the snowmobile trail is on the west side of Crest Avenue . Soukup: Commented that the Park is city - owned and should be readily available to the public. Believes the reco mmendation for striping Crest will be a safe way to get people t o the Park. Believes it would be a c- ceptable to charge a parking fee for w eekends and holidays , otherwise supports no fee. Hedberg: Support s the proposal to stripe on one side of Crest Avenue. S upport s no fee for parking during the week . Believes t here are benefits to having an attendant on staff during weekend s and holidays so support s a parking fee for that time frame. Suggest ed eliminating trailer parking in the Park and having a park and ride from downtown. Myser: Commented on the DNR statistic that Prior Lake has heavier usage than most metro lakes and asked for clarification of that. Poppler: Replied that the average of boats per acres is one of the highest in the metro area. Myser : Asked if it is know n if all of the trailer parking spots are being used . Poppler: Replied that the DNR parking lot on Sand Point has 15 stalls and they are all used on busy weekends , and people are parking on the other side of CR 42. Myser: Asked if the park usage survey to be conducted by the Parks Advisory Committee would explore trailer usage. Asked if the DNR parking lot is having problems with other vehicles taking the trailer sites. Poppler: Replied that the DNR is trying to curtail usage b y other vehicles with signage. Myser: Asked if the survey will try to ascertain if the users are from P rior Lake or from elsewhere in metro area. Poppler: Responded the survey is intended to learn the count of users rather than where they are from. Mys er: Concurred that the proposal seems to be the best option , provides more safety, is the lowest cost to implement and will be easy to change if it is not satisfactory . Support s hav ing a parking fee only w ee k- ends and holidays. Hedberg: Asked if there is any way to limit the number of boats. Expressed concern that people park on the Vierling property and walk in. Believes the l ake is a public resource and supports making it avail a ble to the public; however, there should be reasonable limits. Believe s ways to limit boat access should be e x- plored. Asked if there is any ability to limit the number of boats that are dropped at the DNR access. Poppler: Replied we cannot limit the number of boats on the lake, but can eliminate parking stalls. Myser: Rep lied he is not comfortable with eliminating trailer parking stalls as the lake is a public re source and it seems to be busy only on the holidays . Believes that eliminating trailer parking stalls in the Park would just push parking into other areas. Boyl es: Commented that the Council seems to be in consensus on parking fees for holidays and wee k- ends ; and the remaining questions are whether we can learn where users are from by checking license plates, and whether we should change the 15 DNR trailer stalls to 30 car stalls. Erickson: Stated he would like to not change any of the trailer stalls at this time, but rather reconsider in a year to learn whether it was effective to have the additional parking on Crest and the eliminate d parking fee. Keeney: A dded that the p ark utilization study could include parking counts . Recommends learning why Watzl’s has low utilization. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 11 - 048 DIRECTING STAFF TO STRIPE THE SAND POINT PARK SIDE OF CREST AVEN UE FOR PARKING , RETAIN A PARKING FEE AT SAND POINT PARK ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS AND ELIMINATE ON WEE K- 4 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes DAYS, AND HAVE STAFF AND THE TRAFFIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT USAGE A F- TER THE 2011 SEASON FOR COUNCIL REVIEW BEFORE THE 2012 SEASON. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of an Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Coal Tar Based Sealer Products. Interim City Engineer Poppler reviewed past Council discussion on whether or not to regulate coa l tar based sealer products in the City. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in coal tar based seal ers in higher percentages than in asphalt based sealants. Stated that the City will not be eligible for grant mo n ey to clean up contaminated soils and po nds unless it adopts an ordinance that prohibits the use of coal based sealers. It appears there will be no statewide initiative to ban coal tar based se a lers this year . Comments: Erickson: S upports the ordinance. Believes the benefit is eligibility for grant money , the possible redu c tion of additional PAHs in the water system and the possible reduction in clean up costs . Poppler: Affirmed that the waste w hich has PAH has increased disposal cost s . Three of the City’s hol d ing ponds have been found t o have PAH. Keeney: Will support. Hedberg: Favored having the State take the lead in legislation , but it has not . W ill support. Soukup: Will support. PAHs come from our properties and affect the e nvironment of the community . Myser: Asked when the p onds that have PAH will be cleaned. Poppler: Replied that the City has delayed cleaning those ponds due to high cost of disposal and instead cleaned other ponds to maximize the budget. Myser: Stated his discomfort that t here is not a complete solution a nd there may be unintended cons e- quence s such as people administering sealer more often. Want s to retain the ability to be able to apply for grant funds and would prefer to wait for the State to take the lead. Feels he does not have enough inform a- tion to v ote in favor of prohibition. Keeney: Commented that if future studies determine there is no cause for concern, the ordinance could be repealed . Believes the Council should err on the side of caution that these are expensive and dangerous chemicals. Myser : Agreed that it is undesirable to have PAH in the ponds and lake s , but every ordinance has an i m- pact. This will impact businesses and the solution may be worse. Erickson: Noted that this ordinance is writt en to not allow coal tar at all so companies w ill have to use ot h- er type s of sealer that does not contain PAH s . Pace: Noted that all asphalt sealers contain PAH, but of a lesser concentration. MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY E RICKSON TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 111 - 0 3 PROHIBITING THE USE AND APPLICATION OF CO AL TAR SE A LANTS IN THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. VOTE: Ayes by Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. Myser voted nay. The motion carried. NE W BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Adopting the Comprehensive Financial Management Policy. Finance Direct or Erickson reviewed the proposed Policy. Stated that Ehlers and Consultants have r e- viewed and are supportive of it. Noted that GASB 54 requirements will become effective for 2012 and those requirements should be incorporated into the Policy by then. St ated that bond rating agencies place more reliance on fund balance policies when they have been formalized by the governing agency. Hedberg: Excellent document. Stated that the general fund reserve balance has been targeted at 45% f or several years and a nalysis supports that 45% is still the appropriate target. The proposed Policy adds a 5 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes monitoring and reporting section to report the status of fund balance s each year so the fund balance target will be reviewed and potentially amended each year . Soukup: Agreed that the t argeted level of fund balance reserve will be brought up annually and can be changed as necessary. Will support. Erickson: Supports the 45% target. Keeney: Questioned whether 45% is the initial reserve amount. J. Erickson: Replied that a 45% minimum is a point at which the replenishment option is enacted if the r e- serve drops to that percent. Noted that it is measured on the December fund ba l ance. Keeney: Commented that the l anguage refers to maintaining a minimum of a 45% fund b alance and he would support striking the word “ minimum ” (on page three). Agree s it is good to have a policy to spell out the conditions and it also has criteria for the use of excess reserves. Stated the proposed Policy d emo n- strates process and considera tion that the C ouncil is recog n izing there are specific types of expenditures that are a p propriate. Myser: Agree d this is a good financial plan but d isagrees with the target of 45% for the reserve . Believes the primary driver of that is cash flow, but hi story shows a 30% reserve is what is really needed. Would have prefer not to hold as much as 45% of funds. Hedberg : Stated a p oint was made about the range of the target and noted that prior to year 2000 the City ran fund reserve balance between 26 % a nd 43%. Provided statistics of previous year reserves and states he supports the annual repor t ing. Myser: Reiterated that he has not seen evidence in history that shows the need to carry so much r e serve. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY E RICKSON TO APP ROVE RESOLUTION 11 - 049 ADOPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Allocating the 12/31/2010 Cash Balance Between the Water Fun d and the Sewer Fund. Finance Director Erickson described alternative ways of analyzing and allocating water and sewer costs . Stated that the chosen methodology will determine how and when to change water and sewer rates. Comments: Hedberg: Commented th at MCES charges have already been separated from the sewer charges. J. Erickson: Affirmed that the MCES sewer charges have been separated from the City sewer charge, and the decision was made to separate the water and sewer fund into two separate funds. Staff and aud i- tors are preparing the annual reports for 2010 and this decision is needed to complete the reporting. Hedberg: Will support a 50 - 50 split for now. When the rate study is presented to the Council in June, he will request that the fund s plit be confirmed so it is part of the decision for establishing the rate plans. J. Erickson: Concurred that at the time of rate analysis , it may be desirable to transfer funds one way or the other. Soukup: Will support 50 - 50 now with further discussio n at the time of the rate study. Keeney: Supports 50 - 50. Erickson: Supports 50 - 50 adding that both funds must be sustainable. Myser: Supports 5 0 - 50. MOTION BY KEENE Y, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 11 - 050 ALLOCATING THE 12 / 31/ 2010 CASH BALANCE BETWEEN THE WATER FUND AND THE SEWER FUND IN EQUAL PORTIONS . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. 6 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the 2011 Insurance Policy with the League of Mi n- nesota Cit ies I n surance Trust. (LMCIT) Finance Director Erickson stated this policy is in place through 2012, but a decision should be made about the deductible. Research shows the City incurred liabilities reaching the higher deductible amount twice in the past te n years. Comments: Keene y : Stated he general ly supports a higher deductible believing it encourages more responsibility from people to be concerned about their own actions. Asked if a higher deductible would it be charged back on a departmental basis ; and a sked how staff can be encouraged to take care of things and not have acc i dents. J. Erickson: Responded that the public works department has policies in place to look at safety and loss control and there are opportunities for staff to explore other opportunities about that. Stated that an amount for accidents is not factored into the budget. When the City experiences no accidents, money is credited to us. Small accidents are not turned in for a claim. Erickson: Supports a $30,000 deductible no ting that the d ifference in premium is nearly the same as the additional savings in liability. Soukup: S upports the higher deductible. Hedberg: Asked for the history of the last ten years. J. Erickson: Responded that in two of the past ten years, the Ci ty reached $40,000 in liability . Hedberg: Based on ten years of history, support s going to a $40,000 deductible. Myser: A sked what the liability account holds. J. Erickson: $116,000. Myser: Asked if part of the reserve is intended for accident cover age. J. Erickson: Replied it would be defined as being intended for catastrophic and disaster - related events rather than a vehicle accident. Myser: A sked for clarification of what the insurance covers. J. Erickson: Replied it covers claims about land use issues, open meeting violations, auto accidents, property damage, hail damage , etc. Pace: Stated it is her understanding that the LMCIT covers the cost of defense, but not for damages a court c ould award. Hedberg: S uggested deferring the item to mo re fully understand what the insurance co v ers. Pace: Concurred there is a need to understand what the liability means. J. Erickson: Recommended m oving forward with the policy. Stated she could get more information r e- garding liability specifics an d the Council could amend the policy if desired . It is desirable to move fo r ward so e verything is in place with the L eague to keep current coverage and change the deductible ; and the di s- cussion of issues relating to specific coverage on liability could be consi dered as a separate item. Myser: Supports a $40,000 deductible. Keeney: S upport s the highest deductible. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY KEENEY TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 11 - 051 AUTHORIZING THE 2011 INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL WITH THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES INSU R ANCE TRUST (LMCIT). Amending aggregate deductible to $40,000. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. 7 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes Consider Approval of Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Fire Relief Association Bylaws. City Man ager Boyles reviewed the proposed changes to the bylaws: c orrecting changes; address ing movement of on - call member s to full - time employee status; and, address ing firefighter s who return to se r- vice and receive credit towards a pension for past service. Fi re Relief Association Treasurer Joe Zieska was in attendance. Comments: Hedberg: Stated that the amendment propos es an individual would have to stay for another ten years. Zieska: Stated that any new member must accrue ten years of service to be vested . Intent was to have any returning member al so serve ten years to be vested due to liability issues. Described the pension fun d- ing and the time it takes to build the amount to cover the liability. Hedberg: Will support. Soukup: Stated the City should take care of people who take care of us. Will support. Erickson: Will support. Thanked firefighters for their volunteerism. Keeney: Asked if it would it be easier to pay the first ten years at the old rate and the second ten years at the new rate. Z ieska: Replied that State statute was amended in 2009 and this is in compliance with the statute. Keeney: W ill support. Myser: Believes the proposed amendments are well thought out and w ill support. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE RESOLU TION 11 - 052 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS OF THE PRIOR LAKE FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Water Bill Councilmember Soukup stated that many residents have express ed concern a bout their water bill and seeks more explanation on how rates are calculated. Would like to direct staff to provide more transpare n- cy by showing how charges are broken out. Comments: J. Erickson: Stated that the components of the bill include water rat es, sewer rates, CFAC, stormwater charge, etc. Soukup: Suggested that a mock - up of a bill showing a definition of each line and what rate applies to each line could be placed on the Website so the public could see it and have a better understanding of wh at they are being charged for. Hedberg: Will support. Erickson: Will support. Asked if the information should be sent out with the water bil ls. J. Erickson: Responded that the information about the segregation of the sewer charges is on the back of the bill. Believes Soukup is seeking more explanation of the calculation of the different charges. Erickson: B elieves part of misunderstanding is that new residents did not have charges broken out on the bill from their previous city, and now they do. J Er ickson: Agreed that c ities charge for utilities differently. Prior Lake does not show rate s , just co n- sumption and charge s so residents do not see how it was calculated. Stated that staff c an provide a mock - up of a bill and perhaps some generic ca l culati ons to show how it is calculated. Erickson: Asked if there is anything on the bill that explains the different rates for low vs. high consum p- tion. J. Erickson: Replied that could be explained. 8 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes Keeney: Agreed people should know when the ir use kick s int o the high rate usage . Does not know if that can be split out on their bill. Favor s this as long as there is no increase to the printing and postage. J. Erickson: Responded that the current card does not have room for any additional charge breakout s. S tated she hopes to implement changes to the billing in 2011 ; which will change the postage rate, but will also provide o pportuni ties to send other info r mation from the City out to the public. Myser: Will s upport. Asked if it would be more appropriate t o do this after the anticipated water bill ing changes. Soukup: Suggested 30 days. Erickson: Suggested that part of the discussion when changing water billing would be to allow people to choose receiv ing their bill by email rather than in the mail. J. E rickson: A greed that is direction we are going. MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO DIRECT STAFF TO PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION OF THE WATER BILL ON THE WEBSITE WITHIN THE NEXT 30 DAYS. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The mot ion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Community Events Hedberg: E ncouraged residents to hike the Jeffers Pond trail now that it is complete. Commented on si g- nage to keep dogs leashed stating he noticed a sign that said “ no domestic animals ” had been removed . Re minded everyone that the nature preserve area was donated and has been designated as a conserv a- tion easement area. Stated that Jeffers Foundation gifted the land, the trails, the bridge and kiosk in e x- change for the land to be preserved and no n interferen ce with the natural wildlife. Requested that all r e- spect the law to not have domestic animals on the trails. Keeney: Stated that April 19 City Council work session is cancelled. Myser: Stated the lake level is at 903.7 and asked boaters to be careful of wakes which can cause er o- sion. Reminded boaters to s tay 150’ from shore. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by H edberg and seconded by K eeney . With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. _ ___ _______________________________ __ ________________________________ _ Frank Boyles, City Manager Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst. 9 04 18 11 City Council meeting minutes