HomeMy WebLinkAbout1118 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 18, 2002 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Gundlach, Petersen, Zieska, and LeMair, City Manager Boyles, City Attomey Pace, Public Works Director Osmundson, Community Development Director Rye, Finance Director Teschner, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Planner Kirchoff, Assistant City Engineer Poppler, and Recording Secretary Meyer. PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. Concerns Regarding 2002 Street Reconstruction Project (Mark Nesvig) Mark Nesvig: Spoke of difficulty with the 2002 Improvement Project including trash left construction workers, broken mail boxes, erosion control, and general lack of communication between the neighborhood and the City. Did note that each time he raised a concern, the issue had been addressed. But overall, he is very frustrated with the project and feels like the neighborhood was always in the position of pOlicing the project, rather than the City addressing some common sense issues. Petersen: Commented that some of the difficulty with the project seemed to come from the fact that the contractor was always assuming he could catch up on the project once there was a delay due to the weather. Many of the problems seemed to revolve around timing. LeMair: Commented that the input is valuable and the issues raised will help us improve how we approach future improvement projects. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Gundlach, Petersen, Zieska and LeUair, the motion carried. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 4, 2002 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APROVE THE NOVEMBER 4, 2002 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Gundlach, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. (B) Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. (C) Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. (D) Consider Approval of Animal Warden Monthly Report.. (E) Consider Approval of Monthly Fire Call Report. (F) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-186 Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute a Settlement Agreement. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Meeting Minutes November 18, 2002 (G) Consider Approval of a Resolution 02-187 Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Prior Lake Blacktop Inc. for Construction of Pleasant Street Parking Project, City Project 02.-13. (H) Consider Approval of Temporary 3.2 Liquor License for Chumh of St. Michael. (I) Consider Approval of Temporary Consumption and Display Permit for the Church of St. Michael. (J) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-188 Reversing the Decision of the Planning Commission and Approving a Variance to Allow a 27-Foot Wide Driveway. (K) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-191 Approving the Final Plat and Development Contract for the Development Known as Deerfield 10th. (L) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-189 Approving Final Planned Unit Development Plan and PUD Development Contract and Approval of Resolution 02.190 Approving a Final Plat and Development Contract for Timber Crest Park. Bo¥1es: Reviewed the Consent Agenda items. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Gundlach, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carded. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: NONE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. PRESENTATIONS: Presentation to Retiring Councilmember Mike Gundlach Gundlach: Thanked the citizens of Prior Lake for the privilege of serving the community, the City staff and Council, and his family who supported him. Also thanked his mentor Wes Mader, his friend Jim Petersen, and particularly City Manager Frank Boyles and City Attomey Suesan Pace. Discussed the Council's accomplishments including fiscal prudence, Downtown redevelopment, and senior overlay districts. Each of the Councilmembers thanked Mike for his contributions and wished him and his family the best in the future. Hau,qen: Discussed the legacy that Councilmember Gundlach leaves upon the community of Prior Lake, including digital document imaging, his planning and zoning expertise, and senior housing projects, and wished him and his family the best. Presented Councilmember Gundlach with a plaque of recognition. Councilmember Gundlach left the meeting. Presentation Regarding Upgrading of City Financial Rating and Related Financial Matters. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Zieska: Commented that although ultimate financial decisions lie with the City Council, the staff is highly relied upon and makes very prudent, reliable recommendations. Boyles: Noted that each of his staff members on a day-to-day basis make sound financial recommendations. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes November 18, 2002 Hau.qen: Believe that staff has discussed the projected City Hall / Police Station / Community Center project with Moody's and that the project will not affect the City's bond rating. Teschner: Advised that he had had lengthy conversation with Moody's, and that they understand that the City does anticipate drawn downs for projects such as the City Hall / Police Station / Community Center project, a water treatment plant, and completion of additional water towers. The City has planned for these projects and anticipates creating very little direct impact upon the taxpayer. Moody's realizes the needs of a growing community and looks favorably upon the planning measures the City has taken to date. Haugen: Thanked the City staff for their efforts. OLD BUSINESS: Consider Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for Reconditioning of Water Towers. Osmundson: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. LeMair: Asked how the project will be bid. Jack Kollmer (KLM Engineering, Inc.): Advised that 6 to 8 contractors are expected to bid and that each tower will be bid separately in order to get the best bid pdce for each tower. Zieska: Commented that these towers have had very little maintenance in the past 20 years. Asked how long the proposed repairs will extend the life of the towers. Kollmer: The finish coatings have a service life of a minimum of 15 years. With spot repairs, the life could be extended to 25 years. Zieska: Asked Mr. Kollmer to comment on the proposed repairs making the towers better than new because they will be brought up to the current code. Kollmer: Commented that some of the corrections that the towers need are defects in the design and are needed to maintain the structural integrity. Bo¥1es: Advised that sewer and water rates will also be used to fund these types of improvements. Pace: Suggested adding a provision to the contract which would limit the City's exposure to damages from having to delay the project due to weather or contingencies, and the need to keep the tower in service. Petersen: Asked how the overspray will be contained. Kollmer: Advised that the MPCA imposes regulations for containing overspray. Given the height of the towers, it may be difficult to keep the overspray on City owned property. The specifications have been designed to be in compliance. Petersen: Asked if one tower can maintain the pressure the City needs. Osmundson: Advised that one tower can meet pressure needs, but two towers are necessary for overnight use and storage. City Council Meeting Minutes November 18, 2002 MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 02-192 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR RECONDITIONING OF WATER TOWERS, SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen Petersen, Zieska and LeUair, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of Ordinance Amendments Relating to Water and Sewer Rates Bo¥1es: Discussed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, including discussion the rationale for increasing the sewer and water rates. Further discussed the merits for recommending a tiered rate system. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 02-19 AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 704.1001 TO INCREASE THE BASE WATER BILLING RATE BY $.35 FOR EVERY 1000 GALLONS OF WATER USED AND ESTABLISHING A TIERED RATE AT $2.00 PER THOUSAND GALLONS FOR USE IN EXCESS OF 25,000 GALLONS IN A BILLING PERIOD. Zieska: Believes it is fiscally prudent to have the water and sewer rate support the infrastructure improvements both from a water production perspective or capital improvements. Petersen: Commented that the fee must be increased in order that the City can afford to increase the supply needed to meet demand. LeMair: Supported the increase as well, noting that the level of growth experienced by the community makes this action necessary. Would also support looking at an additional tier in the future that would reward conservation, as was discussed in the work session. Hau.qen: Supported the tiered rating system and the need to meet our City's growing needs. Suggested that the topic be revisited in approximately one year to see if an additional tier can be implemented for the very smallest user. Teschner: Noted that in terms of consumption, all users will have the same rate up to 25,000 gallons. Only those users that go beyond 25,000 will be billed at the higher rate for those gallons above 25,000. Also noted that the staff, over the next year to 18 months, hopes to have a comprehensive study complete on the costs associated with infrastructure needs at buildout and corresponding impact on the trunk sewer and water rates, and the fees needed at the time of development. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 02-18 AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 705.901 TO INCREASE THE SEWER BILLING RATE BY $.15 FOR EVERY 1000 GALLONS USED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Teschner: Asked for Council direction on the 150% rate break as noted in the agenda report with respect to those properties that have a well or lake pump for any outside water usage and the impacts upon the sewer. The research seems to support the 150% rate break. Council consensus was to keep the 150% rate break, retaining the existing ordinance. Consider Approval of a Letter with Recommendations Regarding the 2003-2007 Scott County Highway Capital Improvement Program. City Council Meeting Minutes November 18, 2002 Osmundson: Reviewed the project in connection with the staff report. LeMair: Agreed with the recommendation that the County Road 82 project be accelerated, particularly considering the growth in the area. Hau,qen: Believed the staff recommendation accurately reflects the concerns of the Council. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION AS SUBMITTED BY STAFF. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Haugen: Acknowledged the efforts of Chief O'Rourke and the Pdor Lake Police Department in apprehending a bank robber last Thursday. O'Rourke: Explained the events of the day and how the apprehension took place, noting the contributions of the 911 caller, the bank employees, and the vadous law enforcement agencies. Each of the Councilmembers thanked the citizens, the law enforcement personnel And the bank employees for their efforts. Consider Approval of a Revised Mutual Aid Agreement for Police Services with Scott County and Other Scott County Communities. O'Rourke: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPROVE A REVISED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES WITH SCOTT COUNTY AND OTHER SCOTT COUNTY COMMUNITIES. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and Ericson, the motion carded. Consider Approval of the Addition of One Full. Time Police Officer Position in December 2002. O'Rourke: Briefly reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. LeMair: Believed it important to add the additional officer at the accelerated date if there is an acceptable candidate. Believed the Council has supported the addition throughout its budget discussions. The taxpayer is best served in the long term by the addition both from a financial and public safety perspective, despite not having a choice to voice its concerns at the Budget public hearing. Councilmembers Zieska, Petersen and Mayor Haugen noted their agreement with the comments of Councilmember LeMair. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA, TO ADD ONE FULL-TIME POLICE OFFICER POSITION IN DECEMBER 2002. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Gundlach, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carded. City Council Meeting Minutes November 18, 2002 Consider Approval of a Report Regarding Planning Process and Timeline for City Hall / Police Station / Community Center. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Petersen: Asked about the site analysis. Boyles: Explained that the Space Needs Analysis has been updated and we have been given an estimate of the size of parcel that is needed. From that, the staff has asked the consultant to review the appropriateness of six different sites. Zieska: Excited to see this item on the agenda, commenting that the current facilities are totally inadequate to serve the needs of the public. LeMair: Believed this is a much needed addition to the community. Asked how sites are being considered, and when funding impacts will be discussed. Boyles: Advised that the estimated size of the parcel is 4 to 5 acres, which limits the prospects. Advised that the funding situation will be determined at some point after a site is identified. Haugen: Commented that there is a real cost as well in staffing by not providing adequate facilities. From an administrative standpoint, there is literally no additional space to conduct business. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE PLANNING PROCESS AND TIMELINE FOR CITY HALL / POLICE STATION / COMMUNITY CENTER. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zleska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Motion Declaring a Vacancy on the City Council, and Approving a Process and Timeline to Fill the Vacancy Created by the Resignation of Councilmember Mike Gundlach. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Zieska: Commented that he would like to condense the process even further. Recommended revisions to the timeline. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA, DECLARING A VACANCY ON THE CITY COUNCIL. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carded. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA APPROVING THE PROCESS AND TIMELINE TO FILL THE VACANCY AS PROPOSED BY STAFF AND AMENDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ZIESKA. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carded. Consider Approval of Interim Appointment of City Council Liaison to the Lake Advisory Committee. Boyles: Reviewed the item in connection with the staff report and recommended Councilmember LeMair to serve as interim liaison. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes November 18, 2002 MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER LEMAIR AS INTERIM LIAISON TO THE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESSICOUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Boyles: Introduced Lindsay Kuhlmann, who is a senior at Pdor Lake High School and participating in a mentoring program. She will be attending vadous City functions and public meetings to learn more about a career in City government. Also advised that the new Wavelength will be distributed in the next week. Asked people to look for the new format. A motion to~,~i~'~-adj°urn was made and seconded. The meeting adjou~ Frank Boyles, City Manager I~elly I~yer,~ecording Secretary 7