HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 16 11 City Council minutes 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 16, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present were Mayor Myser, Council members Erickson, He d- berg, Keeney and Soukup , City Manager Boyles, City Attor ney Pace , Streets and Utilities Sup e rv i sor Wiita, Interim City Engi neer Poppler, Building and Transportation Services Director Kansier, Finance Dire c- tor Erickson, Community Development and Natural Resources Direc tor Parr , As sistant City Manager Meyer and Administrative Assis tant Green. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and eac h presenter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than pr i- vate or political agendas. Topics may be addressed at the Public Forum that are on the agenda except those topics that have been or are the subject of a scheduled public hearing or public information hearing before the City Council, the Economic Development Authority (EDA), Planning Commission, or any other City Advisory Committee. The City Council may discuss but w ill not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the Forum. Comments: No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MO TION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE AGEND A AS PRESENTED . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPRO VE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 2 , 2 011 MEETING AS PR E SENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 3 , 2011 MEETING AS PR E SENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keen ey and Soukup. The motion carried. MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9 , 2011 MEETING AS PR E SENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. Erickson abstained due to his absence at the mee t ing. The motion c arried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid . B. Consider Approval of April 2011 Treasurer’s Report. Phone 952.447. 98 00 / Fax 952.44 7 . 4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report. D. Consi der Approval of Animal Control Services Report. E. Consider Approval of Fire Department Report. F. Consider Approval of Resolution 11 - 058 Accepting Donations and Grants to the City During the 1 st Quarter of 2011. G. Consider Approval of the First Quarte r 2011 Financial Report. H. Consider Approval of the First Quarter 2011 Investment Report. I. Consider Approval of a Temporary Liquor License Extension for the Basement Bar & Grill. J. Consider Approval of a Massage Therapy License for Shelly Altendorfe r. K. Consider Approval of a Re port Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into a Stipulation with the Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District (District) Regarding the Condemnation of Certain Eas e- ments for the Implementation of the District’s O utlet Structure Repair Project. (Morlock) L. Consider Approval of Resolution 11 - 059 Extending the Deadline for Recording the PUD Amendment for Hickory Shores. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PR E- SENTED . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. PRESENTATION City Manager Boyles informed the Council that Community Development and Natural Resources Director Danette Parr has accepted a position with the City of Cottage Grove. Bo yles reiterated the projects co m- pleted by Parr during her tenure and expressed appreciation for her talent, commitment and attitude. Comments: Hedberg: Parr has been a delight to work with and is a tremendous asset and resource to the City. Co t- tage Grov e will be the luckier for her presence. Erickson: Stated Parr has been a f abulous person to work with an ability to take the ball and run with it. Noted it will be hard for the City to replace the tandem of Albrecht and Parr . Keeney: Commented that wor king with Danette has always made meetings enjoyable. Stated it was a long time before he realized she was not a native of Prior Lake as she ha s deep knowledge of neighbo r- hoods and knew what was going on. Thanked her for her great caring. Soukup: Thanke d Parr for assistance provided during her campaign and orientation to the Council. Knows she will be sorely missed. Myser: Commented on Parr’s professionalism and energy noting her attitude is always enthusiastic and happy. Stated that the City, staff a nd C ouncil will miss her. Wish ed her well. Presented the City’s sailboat plaque to her. Parr: Thanked those responsible for her hire and giving her the opportunity to work in Prior Lake helping to shape her professionally and personally. Commented tha t it is often stated that the lakes and parks shape the City, but believes it is the people who are the biggest assets in the City. Proclamation of National Public Works Week for the Week of May 15 - 21, 2 011 Streets and Utilities Supervisor Wiita , Parks an d Fleet Supervisor Friedges and Interim City Eng i- neer Pop ple r requested that May 15 - 21 be proclaimed Public Works Week in Prior Lake. They provided a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the projects and maintenance provided by the Public Works depar t- ment . Mayor Myser concurred that Public Works staff routinely find cost - effective solutions and collab o- rate with other agencies to maximize potential innovations on behalf of the re sidents. Read the proclam a- tion decla r ing Public Works Week. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes Comments : Erick son : Added that the Public Works department has won a national award for its de - icing program and received national recognition for its iron - sand filtration studies. Commented that other cities follow its lead. Keeney : E choed the sentiment of public wo rks employees being unsung hero es commenting that their work is often not noticed until something goes wrong . Believes the hands - on department with its own m e- chanics and innovative uses of existing equipment fits the spirit of Prior Lake. Hedberg : Agreed , stating that when things do go wrong, they get fixed. There are rarely comments from the public because things are always running smoothly. D elighted to be able to let the Public Works D e- partment know how much it is appreciated. Soukup: Agreed the sta ff does a great job from ball parks to the streets to the playgrounds. Lean Initiative and Kaizen Event Building and Transportation Services Director Kansier introduced the Lean concept and kaizen events. Recreation Coordinator Barstad, Community Devel opment and Natural Resourced Director Parr, St reets and Utilities Supervisor Wiita and Finance Director Erickson provided a PowerPoint present a- tion that described the pu rpose and scope of the agenda packet process kaizen event, outlined the reco m- mendations for changes to the process and explained the anticipated benefits . The future process was mapped along with the timeline for implementing changes. Comments: Keeney : Commented that the program sounds like an ongoing initi a tive. Barstad : Affirmed , stat ing the agenda packet process was selected as the first project to introduce d e- partment heads to the Lean process and kaizen events. Other processes being considered for review are pe r formance reviews, building permits, etc. Erickson : Stated he is glad to see the continuous look at how to make the C ity more efficien t . Asked about Splash and what it is. Kansier : Replied that it is the intranet where employees can share documents, information , etc. Erickson : Commented that Laserfiche has an optional p rogram available for workflow and asked if staff is considering it. Meyer : Responded that staff is c urrently using a Microsoft product called Shar e point. Erickson : Stated it will be challenging to see how it works and how it can be brought to conclusion . Soukup : Stated she is impressed with the Lean system and with staff taking on this initiative for cont i- nuous process improvement. Hedberg : Believes that if staff continues to use the Lean concept, it will transform how they think about every job. M yser : Concurred the process should make jobs better by eliminating work or rework and can often i m- prove service along with process. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was scheduled. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Quotes for the Boring, Excavating and Installation of Standa r dized Equipment for the 2011 Sanitary Sewer Project #11 - 015. Streets and Utilities Supervisor Wiita stated this step is part of replac ing the Watersedge sewer system, which was chosen to be done due to the proximity of the 2011 Street Reconstruction Project. F our quotes 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes were received for excavation and installation ; and three quotes for boring. City staff will act as the general co n tractor as well as supply components and equipment. Comments : Hedberg : will support this continuation of standardized equipment actions. Asked if the work will be co m- pleted independently o f the street construction project. Wiita : Replied the work will be done separately. Since the reconstruction project is being rebid, th ere will be more time to complete this project ahead of that one. Soukup : Asked about the time frame for completion and whether it can be done when the City wants . Wiita : Replied the City can determine the timeframe and advise the vendors that it is to be completed ahead of the street reconstruction project. Erickson : Queried why such a wide range in quotes was received for the boring segment of the project. Wiita : Replied he suspects some vendors did not want the project and other s mark up the price of their prod uct . Keeney : Asked if the City has any experience with any of the vendors , referring to the problems when r e- pairing the water main on CR 21 . Wiita : Quiring Excavating did the 2009 reconstruction project and they are also doing the pond wor k so no issues are anticipated with them. This is the first time the City will be working with Min nComm , but Bo l ton and Menk recommended them highly. Responded to the comments about the CR 21 project noting that it was something of a fluke where a fusing came apart and it is something that rarely happens. Myser : W ill support. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 11 - 060 ACCEPTING QUOTES FOR THE BORING, EXCAVATING AND INSTALLATION OF STANDARDIZED EQUIPMENT FOR THE 2011 SANITARY SEWE R PROJECT 11 - 015. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of Reports from the Scott County Assessor’s Office Regarding Appeals to the Board of Appeals and Equalization. Scott County Assessor’s of fice representatives Daniel Bethke, Jason Heitzing, Chad Bohnsack and Mike Thompson were in attendance. Thompson reported that 19 appeals were made in the City of Prior Lake and a 250 - page report has been submitted with the assessor’s findings. Comments: Myser: Suggested a motion be made to approve the appeals for which the owner and the County had reached agreement about the appropriate valuation. Keeney: Requested that appeal #7 be discussed prior to approval. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY ERICKSON TO AFFIRM THE VALUATION ON THE FOLLO W ING APPEALS: #3 Mark Bray PID # 254610150 #4 Konrad Gastony PID # 254270030 #5 Dana and Jean Wheeler PID # 259300500 #6 Nadya and Mikhail Yarmolich PID # 253850540 #9 Thomas Nguyen PID # 259360160 #11 George Holden P ID # 259360060 and 259360070 #13 Jian Tang PID # 253680130 #15 Helen Videen PID # 250310180 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes #18 Peter Reichert PID # 252520070 #19 Hain Ho PID # 254710010 VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Keeney: Re quested County comments on the remaining appeals. #1 Susan Deladi and John Japs, PID # 252970070 Thompson : Stated the appellant had concerns about comparables used by the County; but the property owner’s comparable was affected by relocation and undue du ress of the seller to sell the property. The $650,000 valuation was supported. Erickson : Noted the valuation was decreased from the previous $ 723,000. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECOND BY KEENEY TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, E rickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. #2 Monica Costello, PID # 259040150 Thompson : Stated the property was purchased on a short sale. Assessed at $ 248,000. County found that three of the four comparables presented by the property owner were affected by short sale or forecl o- sure. Erickson : Commented this is a s mall residence on a small lot. Thompson : Replied it is 0.09 acre and three comparables had less lake footage which is the dominant factor. Sales of the comparables we re adjusted down b ecause of the size of the lot. Erickson : Believes no one would be able to build on the lot due to setbacks . Thompson : Replied the property is valued it as is rather than for potential expa n sion. Erickson : B elieves the current valuatio n would not be justifiable. Thompson : Noted the home is 700 sq uare f ee t excluding basement and has a fu ll walk - out bas e ment. Soukup : S upport the assessor’s recommendation noting the property has 100 feet of lakeshore. Hedberg : W ill support making note o f the assessors comment that the linea r footage on the lake is prim a ry factor. Myser : S upport s the assessor’s valuation as there is n o evidence to the contrary. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION. VOTE: Ayes by My ser, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. Nay by Erickson. The motion carried. #7.1 – 7.3 , Jason Miller, PID # 250270230, 250270240 and 250270250 Keeney : Stated a large adjustment was made on this valuation and would like to understand the process of how it happened. Thompson : Stated this property consists of five lots with three parcel ID numbers. The lots had been v a- lued as buildable lots as though someone could submit a plan and start construction. Throughout the a p- peal process, the County learned of im pediments to the building process and the need for improvements before construction. The purchase price was relied upon to reduce the valuation. The County c ons i dered evidence from the appellant and agreed to much of it without hiring someone to determin e exactly what would be needed to build. Keeney : Commented that when the lots are developable, the property would likely go up dramatically in valuation. Thompson: Concurred that whenever improvement begins, the property will begin increasing in value until it matches neighboring values. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO AFFIRM THE VALUATION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. #8 , Linwood Knight, PID # 252630080 Thomps on: Stated this townhome is in the Harbor development. Appellant submitted analysis through a real estate agent. The l ast qualifying sale was in 2008, which is outside of the period to be considered. Summarized that there is not enough evidence to r e du ce the value. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATIO N . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. #10 , Brian Soderholm, PID # 250600040 T h ompson : Stated the appellant presented in fo rmation based on his listing to sell the property , c urrent ly at $ 899,000. Four sales in the $ 861,000 to $ 1 ,100,000 range were used as comparables which s eemed to indicate a value of $945,000 , which appears justified by the inability to sell the propert y. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. #12 , Brad Rothem, PID # 253780030 Thompson : Stated this is an apartment building and the County is seeking income information from the property owner. Data to analyze income has not been received. The appellant sought to compare this property to condos that were affected by short sales. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY ERICKSON TO AFFIRM THE A SSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION OF $5.3 MILLION VALUATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. #14 , Frank Muelken, PID # 250940280 Thompson : The County found valuation range to be between $ 117,000 and $ 125,000 and r ecommends a valuation reduction to $ 120,000. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. # 16.1 – 16.11 , Shad Gordon, PID # 253300010, 25 2970740, 253110110, 252970851, 252970850, 252970870, 252970940, 253110130, 252970811, 252970810, 253060090 Thompson : Stated the Wild’s Golf Course is appealing for golf course classification. It has been dete r- mined that rates are in excess of the typical rate. Commented that the County is w illing to work with them going forward if they are willing to make the changes necessary to put them in the golf course classification. Hedberg : Commented that the analysis has many judgment factors to consider and is pleased that the a s- sessor’s could find the specific information about courses that qualified for the golf course designation as that will provide the owners with good guidelines on how to proceed. Erickson : S till question s the process of arriving at rate s and why the a ssessor must use highest posted rate rather than the average rate calculated by considering the discounted opportunities to play. Asked if there is way to look at a blended rate. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes Thompson : Replied that it seems there is latitude about how that is done and the County is seeking a consistent way to judge it. All golf courses would need to provide similar information on an annual basis and many times the surveys that seek that information are not returned. Bohnsack : Added that he has been wo rking with the Wild’s. The difficulty of getting information for golf courses is a concern with this type of analysis. Stated that the appellant is forthcoming with information , but similar information would need to be received from throughout the County in order to be equitable. Erickson : Commented that municipal courses should be required to provide the information. Bohnsack : Believes the average rate for municipal courses would be less tha n the average rate at the Wild’s. Erickson : U nderstands the Wild’s desire to have the valuation changed as it is a considerable difference. Believes they may not want to reduce the charge of a round of golf if they cannot know if the resulting tax a- tion would also be lowered. Asked if the comparables include the cost of the cart or bucket or range balls as that could be increas ing the costs. Keeney : Commented that this is a good way to do it as if a round of golf is not being offered without the cart, there is no cho ice but to pay the full price. Do es not know th e i ntent of the statute so presumes it would follow an assessment process that comparable s should be comparable in location , and the Chaska municipal course is not in Scott County . Will support the assessor ’ s recommendation . Believes a golf course classi fication of open space is intended to be more like a park than a commercial property. Myser: Believes it is the appel l ant ’ s responsibility to bear the burden of proof that they are not properly classified. Commented they could have called municipal c ourses for the revenue per golf round to learn whether they were comparable and brought that information forward. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION TO CLASSIFY THE PARCELS AS COMMERCIAL. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Er ickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. 17.1 – 17.6 , Kurt Larson, PID # 259240011, 259240012, 259240014, 259240021, 259240022, 259240024 Thompson: Described the property as 52 acres of development land abutting residential on two sides with an opportunity to develop the site as commercial property. B ased on lack of comparable property, the County wants to retain its asses s ment. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO AFFIRM THE ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO ADJOURN THE LBAE PUBLIC HEARING MEE T- ING. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. NE W BUSINESS Consider Approval of 2010 Annual Financial Report and Management Letter. Finance Director Erickson introduced Steve McDonald from the Certified Public Accounting firm of A b- do, Eick and Meyers . McDonald stated the firm conducted the 2010 audit and granted an unqualified, clean opin ion on the financial statements. Stated the continued citation regarding internal control and s e- gregation of duties and preparation of reports is being addressed and the City has identified a goal of ha v- ing it in compliance for the 2011 report. Reviewed the required communications to the Council such as the allocation of expenses across funds and the depreciation and capital asset estimates made by manag e- ment, as well as the General Fund and Enterprise Fund balances. Stated that in a ratio analysis (debt le v- el, ta x ing, spending) Prior Lake compares favorably with other cities in all categories. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes Comments: Soukup : Commented on the taxes per capita and changes to it if the population increases. Noted that the bonding debt went down a little and asked McDo nald to provide an explanation for the public. McD onald : Replied that the $36 million in bonds that were outstanding at the end of the year were divide d by the total population , which calculates to $ 1,582 per capita . Soukup : Commented that the capital a verage percentage was at 83% for the infrastructure. McDonald : Responded that refer s primarily to water , sewer and stormwater pipes, i.e. infrastructure in the ground . Soukup : Noted the government depreciation is at 75% which reflects projects such as st reets and buil d- ings . McDon al d : Added the percentage reflects how much is left to deprec iate . Soukup : Reiterated that Prior Lake’s percentage is higher at this time because of new infrastructure. Hedberg : Stated that a large increase in capital assets wa s reflected in 2009 due to the completion of the water treatment plant. Noted that progress has been made each year on the areas of signi f icant deficie n cy such as internal control and segregation of duties, which is a challenge because of limited staff. That has been a recurring comment in audit reports and he believes that issue could be improved with a new fina n- cial system. Keeney : Concurred the City is running a tight ship and is lean in terms of personnel. Comparables are tough because cities va ry so widely in accounting practices and how they do their funding. Asked if there are comparable measurements and guidelines on revenue funds. McDonald : Replied that some funds respond to recurring expenditures and those could have two months of reserv es. Some funds such as park dedication must be spent for a specific purpose so no amount is a right amount. Keeney : Was referring more to water and sewer funds and a sked if some amount should be categorized as reserve against future capital . McDonald: Typically sees two to three months of operating expenses, one year of debt service commi t- ment and whatever the capital needs of the fund are over the next several years. J. Erickson: The comprehensive financial management policy has components of : thr ee months of ope r- ating costs, an emergency component, capital needs and an establish ed minimum reserve that would tri g- ger any type of rate increases to coincide with the CIP . W. Erickson: Asked McDonald to comment on transfers out of funds. McDonald: The re are several ways cities use transfers; and Prior Lake is transferring out to fund debt se r- vice requirements where others might be budgeting those dollars directly into a debt service fund. This is just a different way to report it. Hedberg : Stated tha t a rate study will be undertaken. Noted that w ater and sewer funds have had a large fund balance due to past practice of implementing a large rate increase building a large balance , then sta y- ing flat for a long period of time until no reserve balance rem ains and again implementing a large rate i n- crease . Believes a careful evaluation of needs will allow us to set rates to cover the needs incrementally and maintain necessary balances while elim i nating large balances in those funds. Myser : Commented it was good to receive a clean , unqualified opinion . Concurred that there are plans in place to alleviate opinions on internal controls . Agreed that comparison to the peer group is not always reasonable due to different p ractices and line items. This C ounc il has talked about coming up with good metrics to determine benchmarks for comparisons. Concurred there is talk about acquiring a better a c- counting system to allow better management and policy decisions. Reiterated that the City is in good shape and the audit report will be available on the Website soon . J. Erickson: Affirmed the report will be on the Website in the Document Center by the end of the week. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO ACCEPT THE 2010 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT AND MANAGEMENT LET TER AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for Approximat e- ly 16.0 Acres of Property Located Northeast of the Intersection of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road (Snell Property). Planner Matzke stated the developer is requesting an amendment to the comprehensive plan to acco m- modate the future development of Eagle Creek Estates. Provided site details for the 45 acre site . Stated t hat currently the site is planned for urban low density (R - LD) over 30.91 acres and a business office park (C - BO) of 14.81 acres and the proposed change is to 31.8 acres of R - LD and 14.55 of community retail shopping (C - CC) . Stated the a pplicant submitted a market study report stating there are retail and office needs in the area. Matzke described the existing community retail shopping in the City noting there is none in this qu a drant of the city. Comments: Hedberg : Asked the intent of the outlots tha t are not designated for any particular purpose. Matzke : Responded that a stormwater pond is planned near Fish Point Road; and some of the outlots are remainders of parcels that do not qualify as full usable lots and would possibly become future lots upon d e- velopment of the eas t ern side. Hedberg : Noted that the eastern property is hilly and wooded overlooking Markley Lake. Stated that Fish Point Road has been planned as a collector street for many years, ultimately going through to Mushtown Road and the parks. Believes it is a good plan to re - designate the property as requested. Asked about the timing of deve l opment. Matzke : Hopefully, late summer. Soukup : Stated she is excited to see this project begin. L ike s the larger lots. Agreed Fish Point Road needs to be connected and that will enhance emergency vehicle access to some areas of the City. Agreed retail is needed in this area. Will s u p port. Erickson : Concurred this retail could support the industrial area across CR 21 . Noted that the d eveloper , Plan ning C ommission and staff have worked together to get this project to its current level. Keeney : Asked what kinds of uses could go into a C - CC zone vs . a community neighborhood retail (C - NR) zone. Matzke : Replied C - CC could be shopping centers, sm all businesses, servic es, offices, gas stations, etc.; whereas C - NR would be s maller sites that are generally 10,000 sq uare feet or less such as s mall offices or shops that cater to a neighbo r hood. Keeney : Stated he generally agree s that C - CC is appropr iate due to the frontage on CR 21, but he has some concerns about having it a but residential sites on the other side. Asked if there is enough depth to provide access the businesses will want , and still provide buffering to have no problems sharing the ro a d- way with res i dences. Matzke : Depicted the grading layout noting there is topography and wetland that will push the CCC area towards CR 21 . Keeney : Stated he wants assurance that the access road to the commercial area will not affect res i- dences. Aske d if commercial sites will front CR 21. Matzke : Replied that commercial accesses will be off Credit River Road rather than CR 21. Site plan analysis will be done to learn the visual presentation and issues can be better identified at that time. Myser : N oted that the commercial and residential development is occurring at the same time so potential residents will be aware of the commercial implications. Asked if this zoning could accommodate a resta u- rant serving beer or wine. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes Parr : Affirmed. Myser : Aske d what was meant by the reference in the report to traffic volume increases remain ing unce r- tain . Poppler : Responded it could be a reference to not yet having the connection between CR21 and CR 42. Myser : Would be interested in having the intent of the s tatement shar ed with the Cou n cil. Hedberg: Commented that Keeney raised an important issue with the residential lots and it will be good for the developer and staff to hear the concern s of residen ts abut t ing commercial. With the topography, b e- lieves t he easternmost commercial lot will have to be sited away from the gully and how that is done will be important in order to provide buffering for the residential prope r ties. MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 11 - 061 APPROVING A PROPO SED AMENDMENT TO THE 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP FOR APPRO X- IMATLY 16.0 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF CSAH 21 AND FISH POINT ROAD. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Community Events Erickson: Reminded viewers that the 2030 Visioning meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 21 begi n- ning at 8 a.m. Asked if there is anything attendees should do ahead of time. Boyles: Replied they should RSVP to Charlotte at 44 7 - 9803. Soukup : Added that the meeting will be at Club Prior . Myser : Stated that the Central Region DNR management team v isit ed with staff and other interested pa r- ties because of the creative and innovative things we are doing with water quality in our community . B e- lieves the information will be shared with the broader region and the State. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by Keeney and secon d ed by Soukup . With all in favor, the meeting adjourn ed at 10:00 p.m. _ ___ _______________________________ __ ________________________________ _ Frank Boyles, City Manager Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst. 05 16 11 City Council meeting minutes