HomeMy WebLinkAbout1216 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 16, 2002 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Petersen, Zieska, and LeMair, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director Osmundson, Finance Director Teschner, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Assistant City Manager Walsh, Police Lieutenant Hofstad, and Recording Secretary Meyer. PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. No persons were present to address the Council at the public forum. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Bo¥1es: Requested deleting agenda item IOA, noting that the applicant had made the request and is waiving the 60-day requirement. Also added item 10F (Consideration of a Stipulation regarding the Gaida title registration). MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carded. APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 2, 2002 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APROVE THE DECEMBER 2, 2002 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeUair, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. (B) Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. (C) Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. (D) Consider Approval of Animal Warden Monthly Report. (E) Consider Approval of Monthly Fire Call Report. (F) Consider Approval of 2003 Cigarette Licenses. (G) Consider Approval of 2003 Massage Therapy Licenses (1) Renewal Licenses; and (2) New License. (H) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-199 Approving Final Plat for Wilds North. (I) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-200 Approving Deerfield CIC 12th Supplemental Plat. (J) Consider Approval of a Certificate of Correction to the Plat of Red Cedar Heights. (K) Consider Approval of Resolution 02-201 Approving the City of Pdor Lake Pay Equity Implementation Report for 2002. Boyles: Reviewed the Consent Agenda items. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA:NONE. PRESENTATIONS: NONE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. OLD BUSINESS: Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving City of Prior Lake General Fund Budget and Authorizing Certification of Property Tax Levy to Scott County. Bo¥1es: Introduced the agenda item and reviewed the budget process to date. LeMair: Asked for clarification as to whether the City has approximately $31 million in fund balances. Teschner: Explained each of the funds that the City has established and each of their balances. Further explained that the total balance of the 19 funds is $24 million. Explained that while the money exists, most of those 19 funds are dedicated and that the Council has very little leeway or authority to redirect the money. For example, the capital park fund is financed by the revenues from developer fees and are specifically geared toward installation and development of those neighborhood parks. Summarized that the point is that each of the funds has a designated purpose, rather than affecting the operating General Fund budget. Hau.qen: Cladfled that for example, two weeks ago, the Council authorized the purchase of playground equipment. That money comes from the Capital Park Fund, not from the taxpayer. Similarly, the reconditioning of the water towers is funded by the Sewer and Water Fund, and not from the tax base. Teschner: Confirmed, noting that many items are funded through these types of funds, and that the funding source for most of these are development related fees or the sewer and water utility charges. LeMair: Asked if other than the monies set aside for the proposed City Hall / Police Station / Community Center facility and the reserve funds such as the Revolving Equipment Fund, does the City have any other additional money in reserve. Teschner: Explained that there are reserve funds in place, funded by developer fees, for oversizing trunk sewer and water utilities, and collector streets. Zieska: Asked if on December 31st, the City's fund balance is at its highest, and that funds such as the sewer and water utility fund are usage driven. Further discussed the equipment replacement fund and that over the long term, having the fund in place mitigates the tax impact annually and is most fiscally prudent. Teschner: Confirmed. Hauflen: Asked how much the projected General Fund balance will be when at its peak on December 31, 2002. 2 City Counc# Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 Teschner: Approximately $5 million. Haugen: Clarified that the balance of the remaining designated funds is $21,600,000, and those funds are restricted to their usage and money cannot be transferred back and forth either by law or by policy. Teschner: Confirmed. Petersen: Advised that the when property owners pay off special assessments on improvement projects, such as Pixie Point, the City can't just pay the bonds off. Asked the Finance Director to explain the debt service fund. Teschner: Explained that there is a call feature on the bonds that protects the investor, so the bonds can't be prepaid until after that call term has expired. The Pixie Point project was a 10-year bond issue. With the 50% of the assessments that were paid, the City will expend those dollars over the ten year term to make the ten annual principal and interest payments. Haugen: Asked why there are so many funds. Boyles: Explained that having a number of funds, with a specific soume and designation, enhances accountability. Zieska: Asked if the surplus over the past several years is a result of over taxation, or from underestimating the revenue generated by developer fees and building permits. Teschner: Explained that the surplus funds are from underestimating revenues generated by building and developer fees. Further noted that building fees are set by the Uniform Building Code of 1997. Zieska: Commented that the revenues generated by building fees will eventually be exhausted. It makes most sense to use these one-time revenues to make capital improvements, rather than buy-down the tax impact to the community over the short-term. Haugen: Discussed that in 2001, there was a surplus of approximately $1.3 million. Asked what happened to those funds. Teschner: Explained that the Council's policy is to review on an annual basis any dollars in the General Fund balance and year end that exceed 30% of the new budget. A building fund has been established, and earlier this year, $750,000 was transferred from the General Fund to the Building Fund. By acting is this regard, the City is basically saving money to off-set the cost of that construction. Secondly, the City lost a jet-vac vehicle in the amount of $150,000 which was paid for by the General Fund surplus. The remainder of the money was used to re-establish the fund balance to the Severance Compensation Fund in the amount of $150,000, and $300,000 was left in the General Fund to establish the cash reserves on hand as recommended by the state auditors. Zieska: Asked if when the bond rating was upgraded, how the fund balances played a part. Teschner: Believed Moody's looked at the City's strong fund balances as a key part in moving the City's rating upward, together with the growth the City has experienced over the past few years with respect to valuation and population, and in the fact that the City has rapid acceleration of debt pay down. Haugen: Asked staff to cladfy the City's budget trends over the past three years, non-tax revenue growth, the tax impact on a home over the past five years, and the population trends over the past five years. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 Teschner: Explained that over the past three years the cumulative budget increase over that time has been 17.7%, or annually 5.9% per year. Explained that non-tax revenues have led to much of the surplus. Explained that if you eliminate some of the non-tax revenue, you reduce the budget and the service as well, but you don't affect the tax impact because those are self-supported. Explained that less than half of the budget required any type of tax increase. Further reviewed an example of an average home and the City tax impacts since 1999. Lastly, reviewed that the population base in 1999 was estimated at 15,200, the 2000 Census figure is 15,917, and the estimated population for 2003 is 19,432. From 1999 to 2003, there is a 28% increase. Petersen: Asked the staff to discuss both the allocation proposed to the contingency fund in the amount of $100,000, as well as the personnel addition of a recreation coordinator. Also asked about the bounce-back in the City's pre-rata share of the tax pie. Believed the non-tax budget revenues can absorb any impacts of the loss of state aid. Teschner: Explained the loss of HACA state aid and the shift in revenue costs from the School levy to the City levy in order to support the loss of those funds. So, the increase of the City's portion of total tax bill was set by the legislature. Further advised that some loss in state aid will occur in 2003, even though the magnitude of those cuts is yet to be determined by the legislature. The allocation to the Contingency Fund is a safety net until that time, but the Council does have some latitude in that regard. Zieska: Asked the City Manager to review each of the six positions impacting the 2003 budget, understanding that many of the positions were authorized in 2002. Boyles: Discussed the addition of one police position to help eliminate having only one car on the road during eady morning hours. The position is 100% supported by the property tax. Next, a building inspector position is proposed to accommodate the ever-increasing number of building permits being issued. This position is 100% supported by permit fees, and is filled for 2002. LeMair: Asked if the building inspection position was eliminated, the revenues would be designated to a fund. In the future, when building permits are at a downfall, this position could be cut back at some future date. Boyles: Confirmed. Continued that the 3rd position is for park maintenance, and with the City adding park land at a rapid rate, this position is necessary. The position is new for 2003 and is 100% property tax supported. LeMair: Asked if the City staff would be required to maintain the park land in the recently annexed Spring Lake regional park land. Boyles: Confirmed and added that as new neighborhood parks come on-line, the parks department absorbs those new responsibilities as well. Hau.qen: Clarified that the annexation that just took place for the Spring Lake Regional Park is projected to be a natural park environment, and not an athletic type of park. Bo¥1es: Added that miles and miles of trails have also come on-line and require maintenance and upkeep. Continued by discussing the addition of a park and recreation coordinator, noting the number of additional park acres and the number of paid recreation participants. The issue is having the personnel to adequately address where we take those programs and park development. This position is 100% supported by the property tax. Hau.qen: Asked if having this program would allow us to evaluate addition programs fOr seniors. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 Bo¥1es: Confirmed. Continued by discussing the new communication coordinator and their responsibilities to improve the City's web site, Wavelength newsletter, Cable Channel 15, and how to get more information to the public. This position is 50% funded by cable television fees, and 50% by the tax levy. Zieska: Asked how much was spent from the Contingency Fund. Teschner: The City spent at least $50,000 which exhausts the fund. Haugen: Discussed the Citizen Taxpayer's League ranking that appeared in the Pioneer Press yesterday, and the City's ranking over the past 5 years. Teschner: Believed that the estimated tax levy across the metro area is project to be 15%. With the City's proposed levy at 6%, Pdor Lake's ranking should improve even more. Petersen: Asked if the items to be charged to the recreation coordinator could be outsourced, how much money would be needed on a consultant basis. Boyles: Advised that the responsibilities could be outsourced, and that the estimated cost is $20,000 - $30,000. LeMair: Discussed the opportunity to grow the recreation programming opportunities. Zieska: Understood Councilmember Petersen's perspective, but believed in order to grow the recreation program, an additional position is necessary. Supported adding the coordinator position, as well as some allocation to the Contingency Fund. Believed a 6% increase is acceptable if it means that we can continue to move the City forward. LeMair: Discussed the need to be proactive rather than reactive, and the City Council's charge to plan for the long-term benefit of the community as a whole. Believed this budget is prudent and supports it as proposed. Petersen: Intended to cut something significant from the proposed budget. $50,000 from the Contingency Fund just doesn't seem significant enough to impact the 6% levy. Hau.qen: Discussed the feedback he had heard over the past week to stay the course, as well as the City's 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan. This budget begins to implement the elements of that Strategic Plan. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 02-202 APPROVING THE 2003 GENERAL BUDGET LEVY AND CERTIFYING 2003 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE TAX LEVY TO SCOTT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. The Council took a brief recess. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Denying a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Eagle Creek Development. This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the applicant. City Council Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 Consider Approval of Appointment to Fill Vacancy on Prior Lake City Council. Boyles: Reviewed the item in connection with the staff report, noting that interviews of each of the applicants had been conducted pdor to tonight's meeting. Hau.qen: Commented that each of the nine applicants did a great job in representing both themselves and the Prior Lake community. Thanked each of them for their participation in the process. LeMair: Discussed the results of his tabulations through the interview process and his rationale for his top four candidates, including, in order of last to first, Lyaman UcPherson, Tony Stamson, Patti Sotis, and Andrea Blomberg. Zieska: Discussed his evaluation of three particular candidates including Tony Stamson, Lyaman McPherson, and Andrea Blomberg. Petersen: Discussed his final candidates, believing that Vaughn Lemke, Tony Stamson brought a sound knowledge of planning issues to the Council, and that Lyaman McPherson and Andrea Blomberg were also good candidates much for the same reasons indicated by the other Councilmembers. Haugen: Discussed his evaluation and his top four candidates, including Andrea Blomberg, Lyaman McPherson, Patti Sotis and Tony Stamson. Zieska: Continued that his first choice candidate was Lyaman McPherson based primarily on his knowledge of City government, his ability to think on his feet, and his commitment to the community. Closely second in his estimation was Andrea Blomberg who was very energetic about participating and brings many diverse perspectives to this Council. LeMair: Believed Andrea was the best candidate because she brought assets to this Council as a whole that would make the group a better Council. Also believe she was well-spoken and informed even given her short time in the community. Petersen: Commented that while Lyaman's program was significantly improved and he was well-spoken and informed, Andrea bdngs a perspective to this Council that does not currently exist. Supported the appointment of Andrea Blomberg. Zieska: Commented that Lyaman has been involved and has run for office on several occasions. Believed that this position has to hit the ground running given the short term left. Could also support Andrea Blomberg for the appointment. Hau.qen: Discussed that Lyaman has made a significant effort over the past several years, but that he will vote with the majority in this instance. However, encourage Lyaman to continue his efforts. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO APPOINT ANDREA BLOMBERG TO FILL A ONE-YEAR TERM ON THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Hau,qen: Again thanked each of the candidates for their participation in the process and their outstanding efforts. Consider Approval Appointment to Fill Vacancy on the Lake Advisory Committee. LeMair: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, and recommended Harry Alcorn for the appointment. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO APPOINT HARRY ALCORN TO THE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 31, 2005. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Acquisition of a Replacement Vehicle for the Fire Chief. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 02-203 APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF A REPLACEMENT VEHICLE FOR THE FIRE CHIEF. Sames (Fire Chiet): Briefly reviewed the situations which support the need for the vehicle. Haugen: Asked the cost of a new car rather than a 4x4 vehicle, and lifespan of this particular vehicle. Boyles: Believed the cost of a new police car, which is a pursuit vehicle, is approximately $23,000, not including the markings and police equipment. Sames: Believed the lifespan of this vehicle will be a number of years, especially since there will be Iow miles and the City has an excellent maintenance plan. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Authorization for the Mayor and City Manager to Execute a Stipulation Regarding the Public Right-of-Way Claim in the Title Registration Application of Elvin and Helen Gaida. Pace: Reviewed the elements of the claim, the process to date, and the ramifications of the requested action. In this case, it is best for the City to maintain its interest in the public right-of-way. A stipulation will recognize and preserve the City's current interest. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE STIPULATION AS REQUESTED BY STAFF. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Presentation of 2020 Vision Economic Development Video Tool Bo¥1es: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. The 2020 Vision video was played in its entirety. Zieska: Asked how the video can be obtained. Boyles: Advised that if organizations wish to have the City staff present the video at a meeting, to contact him directly. Also advised that the intent is to distribute the video a number of ways, including on CD in new resident packets through Welcome Neighbor, as well as to the realty and developer communities. The video will also run repeatedly on Cable Channel 15. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes December 16, 2002 OTHER BUSINESS I COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Zieska: Noted that autopay is now available for sewer and water bills. Further noted that Joan Heise, the City's community service officer, was named by her peers as the City's 2002 Employee of the Year. Also recognized several other employees who had reached significant years of service with the City. A motio~~and seconded. The meeting adjourn~ Frank Boyles, City Manager I~y M~yer, Ri ~ording Secretary