HomeMy WebLinkAbout0108 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 8, 2001 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Mader called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Mader, Councilmembers Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director Osmundson, City Engineer McDermott, and Assistant City Manager Walsh. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: BOYLES: Requested an Executive Session under Other Business to discuss pending litigation. MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM DECEMBER '18, 2000 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE DECEMBER 18, 2000 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) (B) (c) (D) (E) (f) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. Consider Approval of Massage Therapy License. Consider Approval of 2000 Directives Report. Consider Approval of 2000 4th Quarter Investment Report. Consider Approval of November 2000 Fire Call Report. Consider Approval of November 2000 Animal Warden Report. BOYLES: Briefly reviewed each of the consent agenda items. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: NONE. PRESENTATIONS: Presentation: Prior Lake Public Transportation - Mark Ryan 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Counc//Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 MADER: Commented on the history of this item to date. BOYLES: Introduced Mark Ryan of URS BRW, Inc. and advised that Mr. Ryan's presentation would focus on whether Prior Lake could independent of the MVTA provide equal public transportation services for a cost equal to or less than the City's present MVTA allocation. I~YAN: Discussed the revenues and funding sources for independently operating the service, operational considerations, and the timing. Believes sufficient funds are available for the City to provide the same services currently provided by the MVTA. Further discussed the limited risks, the MVTA formula for assessing costs to each city, and operating costs and expenses, staff time, acquisition of handicapped accessible equipment and time sensitive issues. E~OYLES: Asked if the costs for acquiring the vehicles for van pool and dial-a-ride are included in the figures quoted. I~YAN: Confirmed. MADER: Asked if the cost included any analysis of the number of riders using the service to date. Aisc asked if the number of passengers would require large busses to meet the present demand. R, YAN: The cost analysis was based upon providing equal service to what is presently provided. ERICSON: Commented that the present need in Prior Lake could probably be accommodated with a mini-coach rather than a full-sized bus. MADER: Asked if the van pools were exclusively for Prior Lake residents. Asked Mr. Ryan if, when the capital costs are included, the taxpayer's contribution is nearly $500,000. F~YAN: Understood that the van pool service was intended only for Prior Lake residents. Believes the Mayor is correct in the costs to the taxpayer when combining operational and capital costs. BOYLES: Noted that the levies are mandated and the City does not have the opportunity to decline. I~YAN: Aisc pointed out that the City has chosen to levy a lower amount than legally possible. MADER: Asked if the conclusion is that the City can provide an equal or better service at an equal or lesser cost. P, YAN: Confirmed that there is no question in his mind that the service could be duplicated with additional monies remaining to enhance the service. Z~ESKA: Asked if the need for services changed, particularly with respect to van pools and dial-a-ride, would the additional revenues cover the cost of an additional bus. I~YAN: Commented that it would depend on the type of additional service and number of hours of service. City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 MADER: Commented that the most highly subsidized service is the dial-a-ride service. Initially, the City's objective would probably be to provide equal service, but once the service is established staff could work toward adding or subtracting from the service in order to serve more citizens. ERICSON: Added that there might be some cost savings by crossing over the use of vans versus mini- coaches as well. PETERSEN: Asked if our independent system would still be able to tie into the existing MVTA bus system, such as making stops or connections at the Burnsville Transit Station. Also asked if the Prior Lake service would pick up other riders in Savage and/or Shakopee. RYAN: Advised that the Metropolitan Council encourages cooperation and coordination between the different systems. MADER: Commented that if the service were customized to best benefit Prior Lake residents, the service would not be stopping to add passengers from other communities. However, it may be that residents from Jordan would drive to Prior Lake to take an express bus downtown. The priority would be to serve Prior Lake needs. GUNDLACH: Asked if there are drop-dead dates for initiating the independent service in case the legislature take action to remove Prior Lake from the transit taxing district. MADER: Advised that the probability is very small that the legislature would take action of that sort, but in any case, there would be service for our citizens at a cost not higher than what the taxpayers pay now. BOYLES: Advised that this item is scheduled for formal action as item 9B on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of Storm Water Fee Study Report MCDERMOTT: Reviewed the background of the agenda item and discussed that the study defines trunk storm water improvements throughout Prior Lake and puts detailed cost estimates on those trunk facilities, including pipes and regional ponds. The issues addressed, in connection with the Builder's Association who funded part of the study, include methodology, unit pricing and clarification of the definition of trunk facilities. The equivalent acre charge determined is $2,943.00 which is very close to the current fee. A tiered scale is proposed where high-density and commercial properties are charged a higher rate. Noted that the costs do not include any improvements to the Prior Lake outlet structure or channel. MADER: Asked how the costs are recovered if there are future improvements made to the outlet structure. MCDERMOTT: Without having a solid estimate on the costs and the City's portion, it was difficult to include in the study. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 BOYLES: Noted that the Watershed District does have levy authority for improvements made which is one way to recover the costs and spread the costs over those properties benefiting from the improvements. The Watershed District is scheduled to make a presentation to the Council at its Jan. 22nd meeting. MADER: Commented that if the Council proceeds at this time, it would mean the Council would be fairly rigid about not picking up the cost of outlet improvements. Also asked if these fees are included in the 2001 fee schedule the Council will consider later in the meeting. BOYLES: Clarified the action requested by staff. ERICSON: Asked about areas within Prior Lake that are not in the Watershed District. Also asked why the Iow, medium and high density zoning areas don't correspond to the R1, R2, R3 and R4 zoning districts. Suggested that they should. MCDERMOTT: Mostly those areas in the northwest part of the City, as well as Deerfield. BOB BARTH: Advised that one of the issues with medium density is that there is not a lot designated in the land use plan. The increment of impervious surface used for the calculation isn't a great deal higher than the Iow density and there would probably not be much difference in the charge. MADER: Suggested specifically stating that in the study so that there is no ambiguity for future Councils. MCDERMOTT: Clarified that the fee schedule could note that Iow and medium density are charged in the same manner. BOYLES: Proposed an amendment to the resolution specifying the charges by zoning district. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-03 THE STORM WATER FEE STUDY REPORT AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Consider Approval of Annual Appointments and City Counc# Bylaws for 2001. Acting Mayor for 2001: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT JIM PETERSEN AS ACTING MAYOR FOR 2001. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Councilmember Petersen abstained. Official Newspaper: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPOINT THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2001. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Official Bank: 4 City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 No action was required because the current agreement does not expire until December 2003. Equalization Committee: MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPOINT THE FULL COUNCIL AS EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. THE Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief: Current terms expire December 2001. No action is required. Auditin_cl Firm: Current contract expires December 2001. No action is required. Fiscal Consultant: MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT STEVE MATTSON OF JURAN & MOODY AS THE CITY'S FISCAL CONSULTANT FOR 2001. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Civil Defense Director: MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT ROB BOE AS CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR FOR 2001. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Health Officer: Ericson: Asked about the nature of the appointment. Boyles: Explained that the clinic would be paid on an as needed basis when there are issues of public health. MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPOINT PARK NICOLLET AS OFFICER FOR 2001. VOTE: Ayes Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. HEALTH Board and Committee Bylaws: No action required. Councilmembers Ericson and Gundlach have previously been appointed to review the bylaws of the Economic Development Authority. City Council Bylaws: Council consensus was that no changes are necessary at this time. Animal Control Officer: MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPOINT BOB MCCALLISTER AS THE CITY'S ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER FOR 2001. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Special Assessment Committee: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBERS PETERSEN AND ZlESKA AS THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 Minnesota Valley Transit Association: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT MAYOR MADER AND ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUE WALSH AS REPRESENTATIVES TO THE MVTA BOARD. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach Petersen Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. City Council Liaison to the Lake Advisory Committee: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER GUNDLACH AS LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE LIAISON. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach. Petersen Ericson and Zieska the motion carried. City Council Liaison to the Parks Advisory Committee: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER ZIESKA AS PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE LIAISON. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach Petersen Ericson and Zieska the motion carried. City Council Liaison to the Planning Commission: MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER ERICSON AS PLANNING COMMISSION LIAISON. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach. Petersen. Ericson and Zieska the motion carried. City Manager Evaluation Committee: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT MAYOR MADER COUNCILMEMBER PETERSEN AS THE CITY MANAGER EVALUATION COMMITTEE. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach Petersen Ericson and Zieska the motion carned. AND Orderly Annexation Board: MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER PETERSEN AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach Petersen. Ericson and Zieska the motion carned. Annexation Task Force: MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPOINT MAYOR COUNCILMEMBER PETERSEN AS THE ANNEXATION TASK FORCE. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach Petersen Ericson and Zieska the motion carned. MADER AND Weed Inspector: MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPOINT MAYOR MADER INSPECTOR WITH RESPONSIBILITIES DELEGATED TO STEVE HORSMAN. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach Petersen. Ericson and Zieska the motion carried. AS WEED Scott County Water Planning and Citizen Advisory Board: MADER: Noted that he has served on this committee and that Prior Lake has been well represented by both Dave Moran, the body's president, and Lani Leichty from staff. The report ~s nearing completion so his recommendation would be to remain the City's representative until the report is complete. MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPOINT MAYOR MADER, DAVE MORAN AND LANI LEICHTY AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVES TO THE SCOTT COUNTY WATER PLANNING AND CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Liaison: MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER GUNDLACH AS LIAISON TO THE PRIOR LAKE SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. MADER: Noted the need to establish a business or development advisory committee to the EDA. No formal action is required, but asked the City Manager to proceed with soliciting applicants. The City Council took a brief recess. Consider Approval of a Resolution in Conformance with MVTA Joint Powers Agreement Confirming Intent to Withdraw from MVTA Effective 12/31/01 and Develop and Independent Transit System for the City of Prior Lake. MADER: Explained the City's rationale for exploring public transportation alternatives outside of the services provided by the MVTA. Noted that the action should not be perceived as a criticism of the MVTA but rather an acknowledgement that Prior Lake has issues with location and limited access to the freeways systems that makes it difficult for another entity to provide optimum services for Prior Lake citizens cost-effectively. BOYLES: Advised that the action under consideration is a resolution signifying the City's intent to withdraw from the MVTA effective 12/31/01. Noted that the City's consultant believes that alternative services can be provided to Prior Lake residents at or below the City's current costs. Discussed the benefits of providing an independent public transit system. (~UNDLACH: Noted that this is not a new concept and that some other communities have similar systems. Also advised that the City Manager has considerable experience in establishing and managing a public transit system. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-01 CONFIRMING INTENT TO WITHDRAW FROM THE MVTA EFFECTIVE 12/31/01 AND DEVELOP AN INDEPENDENT TRANSIT SYSTEM. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried MAI)ER: Advised that in February he will be making a recommendation appointing a Council subcommittee to work with staff in planning the public transit system. Consider Approval of 2001 Official Fee Schedule. BOYLES: Reviewed the six changes to the proposed 2001 official fee schedule. Ericson: Asked about the $250 fee for right-of-way permit fee. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 McDermott: The fee applies to the smaller private utilities such as cable television who run lines under the roadway. Staff looks at each permit to review the method of cutting. Staff does not allow open cutting on permit on new streets except in unusual circumstances. Any restoration of the roadway is the responsibility of the permit holder. Ericson: Concerned that there is no inspection or criteria as to how those open cuts are being repaired and the result is often unsatisfactory. Pace: Suggested reviewing the criteria as part of the review of the Public Works Design Manual. MOTION BY ERICSON, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE THE 2001 SCHEDULE AS PROPOSED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. OFFICIAL FEE Consider Approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 105.300 of the Prior Lake City Code Relating to the Salary of the Mayor and City Councilmembers Effective January 1, 2002. BOYLES: Explained the requested action in connection with the staff report. Mader: Suggested deferring the item and that two Councilmembers work with the City Manager and City Attorney to address a possible revision to the salary schedule that would compensate Councilmembers for participation in other committees. Ericson: Noted that any fee adjustment does not take affect until after the next regular election and should not be misconstrued as this Council voting itself a pay raise. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPOINT A SUBCOMMITTEE OF COUNCILMEMBER GUNDLACH AND COUNCILMEMBER ERICSON IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO REVIEW AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON THE SALARY SCHEDULE TO BE EFFECTIVE 2002. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Entry Monuments for Four Community Parks. BOYLES: Reviewed the item in connection with the staff report. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-02 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF FIVE ENTRY MONUMENTS FOR FOUR COMMUNITY PARKS. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Executive Session Discuss Pending Litigation The Council retired to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation for Vierling, Boderman, and Markley Lake. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 After returning from Executive Session, the Mayor advised that no formal action was necessary. A motion to adjourn w. as made and seconded. The meeting~ 0:22 pm. Frank B er 9