HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-140 RESOLUTION 99-140 DETERMINING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION ON THE NEED FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) FOR THE DEERFIELD PROJECT WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, MOTION BY: Schenck SECOND BY: Wuellner D.R. Horton, Inc. has proposed to construct a residential development west of the Ponds Athletic Complex and southwest of CSAH 21 on 165 acres of land; and this development proposes to construct 78 unattached units and 462 attached units; and pursuant to Minn. R. 4410.4300, subp. 19D, the City of Prior Lake has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for this proposed project; and the Deerfield development is expected to comply with all the City of Prior Lake standards and review agency standards; and based on the criteria established in Minnesota R. 4410.1700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects; and based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, as follows: 1. The preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and the comments received on the EAW have generated information adequate to determine whether the proposed development to be known as Deerfield has the potential for significant environmental effects. 2. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required for the Deerfield development. 3. The attached Findings of Fact and Conclusions are incorporated herein as Exhibit A as if fully set forth. Passed and adopted this 20th day of December, 1999. t62ffijcf!~~f21~}wkWIj\t'g~~%:~~~~P8r Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / faH(b12) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER YES NO Mader X Mader Kedrowski X Kedrowski Petersen X Petersen Schenck X Schenck Wuellner X Wuellner {Seal} r:\council\resoluti\planres\99\99-140.doc Page 2 EXHIBIT A FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS IN THE MATTER OF THE DECISION ON THE NEED FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT STATEMENT (EIS) FOR THE PROPOSED DEERFIELD DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT D.R. Horton, Inc. has proposed to construct a residential development west ofthe Ponds Athletic Complex and south west of CSAH 21 on 165 acres of land. This development proposes to construct 78 unattached units and 462 attached units. Pursuant to Minn. R. 4410.4300, subp. 19D, the City of Prior Lake has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for this proposed project. As to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the project and based on the record in this matter, including the EA W and comments received, the City of Prior Lake makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions: Findings of Fact I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project The Deerfield Residential Development project proposes the construction of78 unattached units and 462 attached units on 165 acres. This site is also anticipated to contain approximately 32 acres of wetland, and 12 acres of wooded area. B. Project Site The proposed project is within a 165 acre area west of The Ponds Athletic Complex southwest ofCSAH 21 in Prior Lake, MN. The project is located within the NW 1/4 Section 12, T114N, R24W. Portions of this site have been cropped in the past and currently contain 32 acres of wetland, 15.4 acres of wooded area, and 34.1 acres of grassland. II. PROJECT HISTORY A. This project was subject to the mandatory preparation of an EA Wunder Minnesota R. 4410.4300, subp. 19D. 1620'&1f~~~i?~~~~i<:4We~~~i5A~'ft~'tJ~?\%~~~~ota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 4~'-~245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER B. An EA W was prepared on the proposed project and distributed to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) mailing list and other interested parties on October 21, 1999. C. A press release containing the notice of availability of the EA W for public review was published in the Prior Lake American on Saturday, October 23, 1999. D. The EA W was noticed in the November 1, 1999, EQB Monitor. The public comment period ended on December 1, 1999. Comment letters were received on or before the deadline from the Minnesota Historical Society, the Department of Natural Resources, Scott County Soil and Water Conservation Service, City of Savage, Professional Engineering Consultants, David and Nancy Pinke, Edward Widner, and Thomas Stanley. Letters from Scott County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency were received after the comment deadline. Copies of the letters are hereby incorporated by reference. Responses to the comments are also incorporated by reference. III. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING THE POTENTIAL FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Minnesota R.441 0.1700, subp. 1 states that "an EIS shall be ordered for projects that have the potential for significant environmental effects." In deciding whether the project has the potential for significant environmental effects, the City of Prior Lake must consider the four factors set out in Minnesota R.4410.1700, subp. 7. With respect to each of these factors, the City finds as follows: A. TYPE, EXTENT, AND REVERSIBILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The first factor that the City of Prior Lake must consider is "type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects," Minnesota R.441O.1700, subp. 7.A. The City's findings with respect to each ofthese issues are set forth below. 1. The type of environmental impacts anticipated as part of this project includes: a. Increased municipal water use Increased water use will be accommodated by the expansion of the watermain trunk system. b. Increased wastewater discharge The additional 63 mgy of normal domestic sewage will be treated at the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Blue Lake Treatment Plant. This plant has the capacity to accommodated the additional discharge. 1:\99files\99subdiv\99prelim\deerfld\eaw\findings.doc Page 2 c. Increased noise due to traffic within the area Based on traffic and noise modeling, the additional traffic will not have a significant impact on the area and the noise levels will be within the MPCA standards d, Wetland impacts from filling Wetland filling will be mitigated through on-site wetland mitigation. Further, wetland impacts will be evaluated through the permitting process. e. Increased pollutants in stormwater runoff Treatment ponds designed to NURP guidelines have been included in the plans for this development to mitigate the effects of pollutants in the stormwater runoff. f. Increased stormwater runoff rate and volume. This project has been designed to limit discharge rates to pre- project levels. As with any type of development, the project does increase the volumes of stormwater runoff. The stormwater analysis for the project has shown this project will not create a significant bounce in the water bodies. The net effect on Credit River is insignificant if even detectable. Scott County is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan which will include this watershed. The stormwater analysis for this project will be incorporated into the that plan, along with the potential effects of any future development proposals. Further, these impacts will be minimized and mitigated through the local, state, and federal permitting and plan approval processes. 2. In general, the extent of environmental impacts are consistent with those of residential development. B. CUMULATIVE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF RELATED OR ANTICIPATED FUTURE PROJECTS The second factor that the City of Prior Lake must consider is "the cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects", Minnesota R.441O.1700. supb. 7.B. The City's findings with respect to this factor are set forth below. 1. The construction of the Deerfield Residential Development will be in phases over the next 4 years based on the local demand for housing. The use of Best Management Practices and the NPDES General Stormwater Permit will be implemented and maintained throughout all phases of these projects to ensure the effects of erosion and sedimentation are mitigated. 1:\99files\99subdiv\99prelim\deerfld\eaw\findings.doc Page 3 It is anticipated that the adjacent parcels will develop in the future, although no plans have currently been developed. While this development alone has minimal impacts, the cumulative impact of regional development has potentially significant impacts on stormwater volume, quality, and rate. Scott County is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan which will include this watershed. The stormwater analysis for this project will be incorporated into the that plan, along with the potential effects of any future development proposals. Once the plan is complete, most likely by the end of2000, the City will incorporate the plan recommendations into future development proposals. C. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO MITIGATION BY ONGOING PUBLIC REGULATORY AUTHORITY 1. The following permits or approvals will be required for the project: Unit of Government Federal: US Corps of Engineers Permit or Approval Required Wetland Impact State: DNR DNR MPCA MPCA MPCA MN Dept. of Health Dewatering permit Impact to DNR WatersfWetlands NPDES Permit; General Storm Water Permit Sanitary Sewer Permit 401 Certification Water Extension System Local: City of Prior Lake City of Prior Lake LGU - Prior Lake Scott County City of Savage Grading and platting plan approval Building Permit Wetland Impact for Wetland Conservation Act Stormwater Management Plan approval Stormwater Management Plan review 2. The City finds that the potential environmental effects ofthis project are subject to mitigation by ongoing regulatory authorities; therefore, an EIS need not be prepared. D. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS CAN BE ANTICIPATED AND CONTROLLED AS A RESULT OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNDERTAKEN BY PUBLIC AGENCIES OR THE PROJECT PROPOSER, OR OF EIS 's PREVIOUSLY PREPARED ON SIMILAR PROJECTS. 1:\99files\99subdiv\99prelim\deerfld\eaw\findings.doc Page 4 The fourth factor that the City must consider is "the extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EIS's previously prepared on similar projects," Minnesota R.4700.1700, subp. 7.D. The City's findings with respect to this factor are set forth below: The environmental impacts ofthe proposed project have been addressed in the following plans: 1. City of Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan 2. City of Prior Lake Comprehensive Local Surface Water Management Plan 3. Traffic Impact Study for the Deerfield Development 4. Deerfield Stormwater Analysis (August, 1999 completed by BDM Consulting Engineers) The City finds the environmental effects of the project can be anticipated and controlled as a result of the environmental review, planning, and permitting processes. This process has determined a regional stormwater management plan outlining allowable discharge rates in the area is needed prior to additional development beyond this proj ect. Scott County is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan which will include this watershed. The stormwater analysis for this project will be incorporated into the that plan, along with the potential effects of any future development proposals. CONCLUSIONS 1. The preparation of the EA Wand comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to determine whether the proposed development has the potential for significant environmental effects. 2. The EA W has identified areas where the potential for significant environmental effects exist. Appropriate mitigative measures have been incorporated into the project plan with respect to utilities, wetlands, traffic, noise and stormwater runoff. The Deerfield development is expected to comply with all City of Prior Lake standards and review agency standards. 3. Based on the criteria established in Minnesota R.441 0.1700, the potential impacts of this project can be addressed through the regular permitting process. The preparation of a regional stormwater management plan outlining allowable discharge rates in the area is needed prior to additional development beyond this project. Scott County is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan which will include this watershed. The stormwater analysis for this project will be incorporated into the that plan, along with the potential effects of any future development proposals. 4. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required, 1:\99files\99subdiv\99prelim\deerfld\eaw\findings.doc Page 5