HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDAC Meeting Minutes 06-02-11Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2011
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Howard. Present: Deno Howard, Troy Presler, Joe
Passofaro, Sandi Fleck, Mary Viereck, Bob Facente, Terry Gutowski, Bill Henry, Ken Hedberg,
Jeff Matzke, Frank Boyles.
2. Approval of April 29, 2011 Minutes
Chair Howard noted the following corrections to the minutes: Troy Presler chaired the meeting,
Items V and VI were unclear, Hedberg spelling, the neat meeting date is Thursday, June 2, 2011.
3. Old Business
a. Short- and lone -term objectives for downtown were reviewed
• Communication / education
• Signs
• Perception of the City
Long -term:
• Code enforcement
• Perception of the City
• Policy enforcement
• Downtown parking
Howard said she would like the committee to document each of the issues identified and
the steps which have been taken with respect to each. She proposed that the downtown
retention objectives be dated; that a one -page summary of the actions taken on each be
included and updated every time the EDAC takes relevant action. A notation would be
made when items are completed. Howard asked that the draft be sent to her and then to
the committee. Passofaro asked how EDAC members could get access to the document.
The document will be placed on the City website. Members of the committee concurred.
Passofaro suggested that the first page of the document be a summary of the most recent
steps on each item. Members of the committee concurred. Viereck asked if a history could
also be included to see whether these issues are new or repetitive. Members of the
committee concurred that a brief history be added to the back page of each item together
with references to the source documents where possible.
b. County Road 21.
Boyles and Matzke provided an update of the status, reporting that atown hall meeting
regarding the CR 21 alternatives was held on May 31.
Discussion ensued about marketing.
Hedberg suggested the committee members contact City Council members regarding the
position they support if they desire. An email of City Council contacts will be sent to
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committee members. Boyles suggested what they can do: 1) support Arcadia, 2) express
their opinion regarding the impact of the other option. Boyles will send material on the
Arcadia intersection to committee members as well as a synopsis of the base case and
realignment options.
4. Other Business: NONE
5. New Business
a. Review proposed bylaws
Howard described her meeting about the proposed bylaws changes with Hedberg in his
role as President of the EDA. Boyles reviewed the proposed bylaws changes. Hedberg
spoke about the EDA's statutory authority and reported on the broad priorities of the
EDA. Committee members commented on EDAC bylaws. A joint meeting ofthe EDA
and the EDAC is scheduled for Monday, July 9 at 4 p.m.
b. Meet and Greet
Committee members agreed to host a Meet and Greet
Staff will email two dates in October — Thursdays.
Howard asked EDAC members to think of an agenda considering the items which were
identified at the last Meet and Greet.
c. Review Business Retention Survey List— This item was deferred.
d. Recruiting New Members
Committee members suggested names of people who could be added. Gutowski
suggested Mark Kreissler. Fleck suggested Maria Belden. Passofaro suggested Cindy
Viren (Prior Lake Vet). Hedberg suggested Jim McMahon. Howard suggested Guy
Selinske — Waterfront Henry suggested Al lmholte — Ace. Presler suggested Thane
Tande (Kelly) — Marina Passofaro suggested they all be invited to the next meeting.
Staff was asked to send a reminder of who is contacting who.
Upcoming meeting schedule:
• Thursday, June 30 @ 7:30 a.m.
• Joint EDA/EDAC meeting Monday, July 11 at 4 p.m.
• Friday, July 29 @ 7:30 a.m.
Motion by Passofaro, second by Henry to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 a.m.
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