HomeMy WebLinkAbout0122 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Januaw 22,2001 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Mader called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Mader, Councilmembers Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Finance Director Teschner, Police Chief O'Rourke, Planning Director Rye, Public Works Director Osmundson, City Engineer McDermott, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Assistant City Manager Walsh, Water Resources Coordinator Leichty and Recording Secretary Meyer. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: BOYLES: Requested adding an executive session to discuss pending litigation issues. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JANUARY 8, 2001 REGULAR MEETING. MADER: Clarified that on page 4 regarding the storm water fee study, the report was amended to reflect the appropriate zoning districts. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPROVE JANUARY 8, 2001 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (f) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. Consider Approval 'of Treasurer's Report. Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Monthly Report for December. Consider Approval of Monthly Fire Call Report for December and 2000 Annual Report. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of the 2001 Joint Powers Agreement for Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping, Crack Sealing and Seal Coating. (~UNDLACH: Requested removal of items (A) and (F). BOYLES: Summarized the remaining consent agenda items. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (B), (C), (D) AND (E) AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Gundlach, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: Invoices to be Paid GUNDLACH; Asked for clarification as to an $8056 payment to United Software Tech on page 4. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 TESCHNER: Clarified that the charge is for a software annual maintenance contract for the payroll software. I~UNDLACH: Also asked about an item on page 11 in the amount of $2993.00 to Wahl's Enterprises. TESCHNER: Did not remember what the charge would cover without checking the purchase order. MADER: Asked about a charge on page 1 regarding health insurance for the Mayor and Council. TESCHNER: Clarified that the payment is for accident insurance. MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE INVOICES TO BE PAID. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of the 2001 Joint Powers Agreement for Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping, Crack Sealing and Seal Coating. GUNDLACH: Asked the City Manager to summarize the agreement and services. BOYLES: Explained the purpose and advantages of entering into the joint powers agreement for street maintenance. MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-04 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE 2001 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC MARKINGS, STREET SWEEPING, CRACK SEALING AND SEAL COATING. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: Presentation: Outlet Structure and Channel Improvement Studies (Paul Nelson, Executive Director, Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District) PAUL NELSON: Provided an overview of his presentation and introduced Dave Moran for a brief statement. DAVE MORAN: Thanked the City for its cooperative efforts with the Watershed District with respect to work completed in the clean water partnership program on Sand Point ponding, the Fish Point channelization, and the experimental hydrovortechnic program. Presented the Council with a check for $23,000 for its reimbursement from the grant program. Also complimented the efforts of Councilmember Gundlach as liaison to the Watershed District. MADER: Thanked Mr. Moran for his past and continued participation on the Watershed District Board as well as the Scott County water planning group. NELSON: Continued to discuss the Outlet Box Study, the Outlet channel, alternatives for channel improvement, next steps including working together to determine fair cost splits. Further discussed runoff management, a recent grant, and pursuing grant efforts for education matters. MADER: Noted that there is certainly support from this Council to control both the level of the lake and the water quality. City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing to Consider Approval of a Resolution Ordering the 2001 Improvement Project and Preparation of Plans and Specifications. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. BOYLES: Explained the point in the process the Council is considering at this time and suggested a revision to the proposed resolution. MCDERMOTT: Briefly reviewed the project including the need for improvements, costs and funding of the project, and the project schedule. GUNDLACH: Asked for clarification as to what portion of the project is actually being assessed, and how the City is funding it. Asked if there is a priority issue as far as the trunk reserve fund that would prohibit the City from using the fund for another project if we proceed with this one. MCDERMOTT: Advised that the residents are being assessed about 20% of the actual project cost. The City is paying approximately $800,000 through the Trunk Reserve Fund, $46,000 through the Collector Street Fund, and $40,000 through the Water Quality Fund. Clarified that completing this project does not mean other projects planned in the Capital Improvement Program would take its place. GUNDLACH: Asked Finance Director Teschner to clarify the rationale of the assessment committee in recommending a front footage assessment, and asked how corner lots are assessed. TESCHNER: Noted that the lots in the benefited area vary greatly from 50 foot lots to 100 foot lots. When the parcels are not similar in terms of value as well as size, the most equitable means of distributing costs is the front footage assessment. Secondly, due to the relative consistency in the shape or dimension of the lots where the front footage of the lots represents the lineal footage of pavement and sewer and water that is going down, the project lends itself well to applying the assessment on a front footage basis. For corner lots there is no penalty. The lots are assessed based on the short side. MADER: Commented on the reasons the City would consider moving forward with the project. The first indication is the neighborhood's support of the project. Secondly, there is a City obligation to provide reasonable and safe roadways and sanitary sewer systems in protection of the public health and welfare. Clarified the intent of the public hearing was to hear concerns about the project outside of the actual assessments which would be discussed at the assessment hearing. Asked for comments from the public. Vic ORESKOVlCH (16240 St. Paul Ave.): In favor of the project, but concerned with the way the project is assessed. Discussed previous statements by Mr. Teschner at an October 16, 2000 assessment hearing regarding the City's policy to use unit assessments. Aisc questioned why there was a 15% engineering cost and a 5% administration fee when the staff is already paid a salary. Asked the Council to stand by their past policy to use unit assessment. TESCHNER: Explained that the costs for engineering design and administration are not duplicative, but rather the cost is being paid by the benefiting properties rather than being budgeted over the overall 3 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 tax base. Also advised that the engineering staff can more economically complete the work than hiring it out. ERICSON: Commented that because the issue at this time is not the assessments themselves, he has not yet evaluated whether the unit assessment or the front footage assessment is more appropriate. At this point, there is only a recommendation as to the assessments before the Council. MATT SPENCER: (16220 St. Paul Ave. S.E.): Asked when the project idea was first brought to the Council. MCDERMOTT: Advised that the project has been in the five-year Capital Improvement Program for many years. Notices were sent to property owners in early November of last year. The project was moved up one year due to sewer and utilities difficulties in the area. MADER: Asked when the Council first heard about the project. MCDERMOTT: In June of 2000 the Council authorized preparation of the feasibility report. SPENCER: Made the point that that much of the wear and tear on the streets and sewer is from Grainwood School, rather than the single-family homes, and that the school should be assessed its proportional share. ROBIN ORESKOVICH (16240 St. Paul Ave.): Advised that nearly all of the traffic on St. Paul Avenue is due to Grainwood School. Does agree that the sanitary sewer system is in need of repair and that the watermain is not adequate to serve the area. Suggested more advanced notice for projects of this size so that property owners can prepare. TROY MAAS: (4955 Dakota Street): Believes the streets need to be repaired, but has some concerns with the assessments. Asked the date of the assessment hearing. TESCHNER: Advised that the meeting will probably take place late in September or early October. Also advised that the Council may wish to conduct an informational workshop prior to the assessment hearing to discuss the assessment method because staff will need to know the assessment method in order to prepare the assessment rolls. MADER: Suggested an informational session was necessary and asked staff to follow up with that meeting. CARL DINGMAN (16260 St. Paul Avenue): Supports the project and appreciates the efforts by staff. Believes that the City's front footage assessment method misses the goals of fairness and equitability set forth by Minnesota statutes and the City's assessment policy. Discussed the City's front footage policy with regarding to state statute, including benefit received and property value. Discussed the statutory definition of front footage, his suggestions for getting equitable assessment, and his flagged lot property and its proposed assessment. GUNDLACH: Asked how 33 feet becomes 148 feet in the proposed assessment. Asked if the resident is aware that the amount of the assessment cannot exceed the benefit and that a unit assessment or flat rate may exceed the benefit for some of the properties in the neighborhood. DINGMAN: Explained that frontage as defined by Minnesota statute is the portion along the highway right-of-way. That portion is 33 feet. Since the lot is a flagged lot, it is calculated differently and include the entire width of the lot. Reiterated that he is in support of the project and did not wish for the other City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 neighbors to be further burdened by his particular situation, but asked the Council to considered an alternative for his and similar properties. MERIDEE CROCKER (16044 Jordan Ave. S.E.): Asked for additional consideration with respect to the amount the City will contribute for her required hook up for a realigned sewer service. MCDERMOTT: Explained that the sanitary sewer service along Jordan Ave. would be abandoned. Meridee's home will need to change its sewer service alignment. Marilee is asking for extra consideration beyond the 50% contribution by the City for those persons who are required to hook up to the longer service. Staff had proposed that such properties pay 50% hookup rather than the 100% required by other property owners who have the option. MADER: Advised that the Council will take another look at the issue and will discuss it at the informational meeting. DOROTHY ENGEL (5108 Memorial Trail): Advised that she does not support making Memorial Trail into a two-lane road, and there is probably not a need for a two-way roadway in this area. MADER: Advised that the City Engineer has acknowledged that there has been no request by any residents for a two-way read in the area. LEONA JOHNSON (16047 Jordan Ave. S.E.): Strongly supported the project, but questioned the equitability of the front footage method of assessment. Discussed front footage method versus unit assessment as well as benefit. Also discussed assessments for corner lots. Thanked the engineering department and Council for their help through this process. PAr LYCHMAN (4949 Minnesota St.): Discussed an alley being abandoned along her property as well as where the curb cut will be. Noted that the alley is between Minnesota Street and Dakota. Noted that her 50 foot lot assessment is $2400 and seems equitable considering the current or potential value of the property. MCDERMOTT: Advised that it would probably cost around $20 per foot to remove and replace the curb. Typically, the City could vacate the alley if requested by the adjacent property owners. The alley is on the plat as an alley. There are no easements in the area. It appears to be used only as yard area. COLLEEN OTTMAN (5056 Minnesota Street S.E.): Opposed to including sidewalks along the east side of the park. Also opposed to making Memorial Trail a two-way street, or putting any trailway through the park. TROY MAAS (4955 Dakota Street): Doesn't necessarily agree with the unit assessment method. Has street frontage of 31 feet and is being assessed for 141 feet. Does not believe there is appreciable benefit. There is consideration shown to corner lots. Asked for similar consideration. ROBIN ORESCOVlCH (16240 St. Paul Ave.): Believes consideration should be given to alternatives for flagged lots. Supports a unit assessment. Also asked about replacement of trees. MCDERMOTT: Advised that trees removed that are in the public right-of-way are not replaced. For trees on private property, the City has in the past worked with the homeowners to replace the trees. MIKE KNOX (16130 St. Paul Ave.): Supported the project and asked the City to consider a sidewalk along St. Paul Avenue connecting 160th to Grainwood. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 MADER: Commented that the issue of assessment is not an exact science. There are rationale arguments for each side of the issue. Advised that none of the debate takes the cost away, it just changes who pays for it. Asked for understanding and patience as the Council addresses the issue. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ERICSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. The Council took a brief recess. MADER: Explained that the resolution prepared for the Council to consider would authorized the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the project. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY MADER TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-05 AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROJECT. GUNDLACH: Did not support the motion because of the difficulty in equitably assessing the project until the City can come up with an agreement on how to pay for it.. ERICSON: Discussed his concerns with the project including, the Minnesota/Dakota St. alley, the recommendation with making Memorial Trail a one-way, the sidewalks proposed, tree replacement, and suggested preparing for the Council a parcel-by-parcel assessment method comparison. ZIESKA: Asked the rationale for making Memorial Trail a two-way street. Suggested making the street wider for public safety issues, but keeping it a one-way. Concerned about the issues of public health with the current sanitary sewer and water. PETERSEN: Suggested not delaying the project because it is necessary. Would like to consider keeping the one-way on Memorial Trail. Noted that time is of the essence and the real issue is assessments which can be refined and further addressed. Suggested proceeding with the project. ERICSON: Believes these different issues need to be addressed before the project proceeds. MADER: Agrees that the project is necessary with the sewer and water line problems in the area. Also agrees that there are some issues that could be addressed before plans are developed. Suggested that staff address the issues raised tonight and bring back a recommendation and rationale for each issue. The issue could then be deferred but only in the shod-term. OSMUNDSON: Advised that the alley is really a totally separate issue outside preparation of the plans. As far as Memorial Trail, staff was operating under the recommendation that the street be widen to accommodate the public safety issue. With respect to the sidewalk, the recommendation came from the City's policy to connect its trails and pathways. This is a policy issue for the Council. With respect to tree replacement, if there is any way to not remove trees, we don't. If trees need to be removed, they are replaced. The assessment comparison can be completed by the end of the week. MADER: Asked if staff can adequately consider these items without incurring additional expense in preparing the plans and specifications. City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 OSMUNDSON: Believed it is necessary to proceed as quickly as possible so that construction can begin in the summer while school is out. Staff could come back with answers to Council questions while still preparing the plans and specifications. ERICSON: Supports the project, but wants the issues raised tonight addressed. GUNDLACH: Would like the assessment cost comparisons to also show comparable benefit as well as cost. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of Report from Mediacom Regarding Cable Television Issues. BOYLES: Briefly reviewed the agenda item and the status report submitted by Mediacom. BILL JENSEN (General Manager, Mediacom): Reviewed the improvements over the past three months and the new services on the horizon. ZIESKA: Commented that there has obviously been improvement, but warned that that effort needs to continue. GUNDLACH: Asked about the majority of trouble calls. JENSEN: The vast majority are total outages for any number of reasons, including problems with the service. MADER: Commented that based on these figures, 60% of the subscribers are calling on an annual basis. Suggested an update on what would be an appropriate target for the number of calls. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY ERICSON TO APPROVE THE REPORT FROM MEDIACOM CABLE. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Text of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Relating to the Location Criteria for Property Designated as Low-to. Medium Density Residential. BOYLES: Reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. GUNDLACH: Suggested deferring the item until such time as the Planning Commission and Council can discuss defining the zoning ordinance and Comprehensive Plan consistently and specifically as R-l, R-2, R-3 and R-4. ERICSON: Agreed with the suggestion, but it will take considerable time to put together a plan and have it considered by the Metropolitan Council. Until that is accomplished, believed it would be prudent to have something in place. RYE: Discussed the process and timeline for putting together such a plan. Estimated 6 months. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 MADER; Also noted that in order to proceed to that end, staff would need to specifically identify the designation for a parcel in the cornfield in the northernmost part of the City. By not making the plan that rigid, it allows the Council some latitude. GUNDLACH: Asked if this amendment addressed or defined, for example, a recent proposal to have 50 foot single family lots and call it R-2 out of Iow-to-medium density. MADER: Believed the amendment with its 15 criteria gave the Council the parameters by which a project could or would not proceed based upon the facts of the project. MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-06 AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE 2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RELATING TO THE LOCATION CRITERIA FOR PROPERTY DESIGNATED AS LOW-TO-MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Contract for Oversizing of Storm Sewer with Stonegate Apartments (City Project 00-34) BOYLES: Briefly reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. MADER: Suggested that the Council not consider a contract that has not been agreed to by the Developer. BRYCE HUEMOELLER (Attorney for Affordable Housing Developers): Affordable Housing is asking the Council to approve the contract with the modification that the seal-coating requirement be removed. Approval of the contract is necessary in order to proceed with the plans and financing application. Deletion of the overlay is fair and consistent with current City policy. The Developer was told at the onset that there were no ponding or storm sewer runoff issues because it was a 2-acre site. When the issue of ponding came up during the CUP application, it added cost for the Developer. Requiring the overlay as well adds further additional costs to the Developer. Noted that an officer of Affordable Housing is present to execute the agreement after the Council considers its request. ERICSON: Asked staff if draining to the pond rather than the post office site had been addressed as far as neighboring properties. MADER: Advised that both the Public Works Director and City Engineer have indicated that the drainage to the pond is satisfactory. HUEMOELLER: Further discussed the project costs with respect to storm sewer improvements. Believes it appropriate to waive the seal-coating requirement as it is not consistent with the current design manual or past practice. Advised that the road would be supervised and inspected by the City before a Certificate of Completion would be issued. The upcoming addition of the ring road in this area would probably require an overlay to Tower Street so the short-term benefits of the seal-coating would be a waste of funds. MADER: Asked whether the issue is overlay or seal-coating, and if there were warranties in the purchase agreement for the property. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 HUEMOELLER: Noted he had not seen the contract, but had heard both requirements mentioned. Believes the requirement is seal-coating. Believes the conversation with regard to surface water management was with the staff in attempt to investigate the potential development of the property. PETERSEN: Believes that the seal-coating is probably a waste of the developer's money and the requirement should be deleted so the project can proceed. MADER: Agreed. Z~ESKA: Noted that there would be City inspections as to the patch, and a two year warranty would take it through two freeze cycles. ERICSON: Concerned with getting a good decent read out of it, rather than seeing sink holes and patches all over the place. Suggested at least patching the whole half of the read. MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-07 CONTRACT FOR OVERSIZING OF STORM SEWER WITH STONEGATE APARTMENTS (CITY PROJECT 00-34) DELETING THE SEAL-COATING REQUIREMENT AT EXHIBIT D. ERICSON: Does not approve of the project, so will not be supporting the motion. PACE: Asked the City Engineer if the revisions she suggested were acceptable to Mr. Huemoeller. HUEMOELLER: Confirmed. ERICSON: Asked what changes were made. MCDERMOTT and PACE clarified and advised that the changes were acceptable. The motion and second accepted the revisions. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen and Zieska, Nay by Ericson, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Motion Postponing a Decision on the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Ryan Contracting Conditional Use Permit Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4400.1700, Subp. 2a. KANSlER; Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Discussed the rationale for deferring action on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement, including the number and types of wetlands on the site, and the number and type of wells that should be permitted on the site. A decision can be delayed up to 30 days until February 20, 2001 to afford staff some additional time for clarification. Deferring action on the EAW does not affect the timeline on the CUP. MADER: Asked if action is deferred, does the Council have to take action on the CUP on February 20th. KANSlER: Yes, absent a special meeting. There are 11 days between the decision on the EAW and the decision on the CUP. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO DEFER ACTION TO FEBRUARY 20, 2001. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Consider Approval of the Prior Lake Chloride Monitoring Program. BOYLES: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report and discussed the issues before the Council including staffing and funding. LEICHTY: Briefly discussed the specifics of the program. ERICSON: Asked about the methodology and how we get the most accurate readings. LEICHTY: Advised that we would use a CPS in order to get as close as possible to the same location, and that City staff would be supervising the sampling process. MADER: Asked about the length of the study. Suggested that 10 months would be too short to acquire meaningful data and that the program be conducted on an annual basis. Suggested that the staff determine whether to use the MnDot laboratory and equipment, but that it is important for City staff to supervise. ERICSON: Agreed that conducting the program on an on-going basis is necessary. LEICHTY: Clarified that the 10 month figure was used because that is how long throughout the year we could acquire samples. The program would be on-going with an annual report to the Council on the findings. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE THE PRIOR LAKE CHLORIDE MONITORING PROGRAM WITH THE DIRECTION THAT STAFF SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED, AND THAT STAFF IN CONJUNCTION WITH MNDOT DETERMINE WHAT EQUIPMENT WOULD BE USED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Squad Cars through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program. BOYLES: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF TWO 2001 AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $42,506.00. ERICSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-08 FORD CROWN VICTORIA SQUAD CARS IN AN GUNDLACH: Asked why the Crown Victoria rather than a front-wheel drive. O'ROURKE: There are only two vehicles approved as pursuit vehicles, the Crown Victoria and the Chevy Impala, which is front-wheel drive but is slightly smaller. One of the benefits of remaining with the Crown Victoria is that parts and maintenance products are interchangeable from model year to model year. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, Ericson and Zieska, the motion carried 10 City Council Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 ERICSON: Suggested removing items such as these that appear on an annual basis and are cooperatively bid to the Consent agenda. OTHER BUSINESS / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: ERICSON: Discussed abuse of the right-of-ways, including signs and newspaper boxes and asked for the status. PACE: Noted that she is reviewing the case law and a report is forthcoming. O'ROURKE: Advised that the CSO has advised him that some signs have been put up higher and are now bolted on. MADER: Noted that there has been some voluntary compliance by developers, and overall the City does look better. Z~ESKA: Advised the Council that the Prior Lake Fire Department responded to the Murphy's Landing fire and that the new tanker truck worked commendably. GUNDLACH: Discussed the editorial in last week's paper and suggested that the editor read her own paper if she wants to know what the City is doing for economic development. Executive Session Discuss Pending Litigation The Council retired to Executive Session. After returning from Executive Session, the Mayor advised that no formal action was necessary. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 pm. Frank Boyles, City Manager K retary 11