HomeMy WebLinkAbout0402 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 2, 2001 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Mader called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Mader, Councilmembers Petersen, Gundlach and Zieska, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Planning Director Rye, Public Works Director Osmundson, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Assistant City Manager Walsh and Recording Secretary Meyer. Councilmember Ericson was absent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: GUNDLACH: Requested that Items 9B (Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two Vehicles under the State of Minnesota Purchasing Program) and 9E (Consider Approval of a Resolution Establishing a Per Diem for Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority Commissioners) be deferred to the next meeting until a full Council is present. BOYLES: Requested adding a status report on temporary sign enforcement under Other Business. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen and Zieska, the motion carried. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 19, 2001 MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA TO APPROVE THE MARCH 19, 2001 MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, and Zieska, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. (B) Consider Approval of Recycling Grant Agreement with Scott County for 2001 Spring Clean-Up Day (April 28, 2001). Resolution 01-32 (C) Consider Approval of Final 2001 City Manager Performance Objectives. BOYLES: Reviewed the Consent Agenda items and briefly reviewed that Saturday, April 28, 2001 was the date for the spring clean-up. MOTION BY GUNDLACH, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen and Zieska, the motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: NONE. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Meeting Minutes April 2, 2001 PRESENTATIONS: Mediacom Status Report on Launch of Digital Services and Customer Service - Bill Jensen BILL JENSEN (Mediacom): Discussed customer service performance improvements including answerin9 calls more quickly and reduction in the number of trouble calls. Further discussed the improvements in technology to introduce digital products and high-speed data modems. Discussed the delay and the target for implementation in mid- to late-July. MADER: Clarified that in mid- to late-July Prior Lake residents will be able to acquire high-speed data modem capabilities in their homes. JENSEN: Confirmed. Further discussed the new procedure for customer drop buries to ensure more timely response. GUNDLACH: Asked how many drop bury issues still exist in Prior Lake, and how firm the July date is for high-speed modem availability. JENSEN: Believed no more than 75 drop cables remain to be buried, and advised that July is the firmest date for the high-speed data modem availability. Discussed Mediacom's overall project in Minnesota. MADER: Asked when the projected time is for having all the drop cables buried. JENSEN: Believed that the project should be completed in about two weeks once the frost is out of the ground. Scott County Update - Barb Marschall and Dave Unmacht MARSCHALL (Scott County Commission Vice-Chair): Briefly discussed the purpose for addressing the Council at this time and introduced the County Administrator. UNMACHT; (Scott County Administrator): Discussed the issues affecting Scott County, including cooperative efforts to identify issues, the organizational structure of the County, goals and plans for 2000 and proposed for 2001. Further discussed County-wide transit initiatives, redistricting, citizen's survey, electronic services and on-line improvements, Court collection services and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Also discussed the library program and tax rate impact on Scott County citizens. Continued to review the land use and development issues in Scott County, the timelines for pending road improvement projects, and organizational developments. In closing, discussed survey results and a brief history of Scott County. MADER: Thanked the administrator for making the effort to keep the update concise and the City informed. (~UNDLACH: Asked the County's vision on an east-west corridor from 35W to Prior Lake, and discussed the projections for the increased traffic flow on County Road 21. UNMACHT: Advised that 185th is currently schedule for improvement from County Road 91 in the 5- year CIP and are trying to time the project simultaneously with Dakota County. Advised that there are several corridor studies addressing various areas throughout Scott County. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2, 2001 MARSCHALL: Commented that the Commission was surprised to see that the traffic counts on various roads like CSAH 21 were met after two years when the projections were for ten years out. The Commissioners are attempting to open up more avenues for moving traffic through the County. GUNDLACH: Asked about the long-term projections for improvement of County Road 83 and 82. MARSCHALL: Advised that options for the roadway were in the discussion and design stages at this point due to the traffic counts and the improvements the City of Shakopee is considering for intersection with TH169. All of the roads needs to be looked at in the big picture and have surpassed the traffic projections. MADER: Asked about the schedule of improvements for County Road 42 in connection with the City's project to install water and sewer lines, and asked about a best and worst case timeline. UNMACHT: Advised that on Friday, the consulting firm for the tribal community contacted County staff to advise that the plans are not completed yet and that the timing for construction is subject to the completion of those plans. Advised that the Community has taken the lead on the project in developing the plans and specifications. Once the plans are finalized, the County will play a significant role in the timing, and options are still being discussed. The best case seems to be that construction would start this year, and the worst case scenario seems to be that the construction is delayed until next spring. OSMUNDSON: Advised that, due to the staging of the construction, the project will probably not be completed until summer of 2003, and that the City would probably need to look at alternatives for installing the water service to the Shepherd of the Lake site. MADER: Commented on the dangers of County Road 12 and asked about the status of any improvements and what has to be done to shift priorities to address the more dangerous areas. MARSCHALL: Advised that she has also heard of roads in addition to County Road 12 in the northern part of the County that require improvement. The Board of Commissioners does have County Road 12 in its plan for improvements in the next several years, although has not determined what the extent of the improvements should be. Further discussed the recent road improvement in the Elko / New Market area and the Boards rationale for improvements to that roadway. Thanked the Council for the opportunity to discuss some of the issues with the Council as a whole. The Council took a brief recess. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of an Ordinance Approving a Zone Change to the R-2 District on the Property Located in Section 28, Township 115 North, Range 22 West (Case File Of-OOl). ~NSIER: Discussed the project in connection with the staff report, the recommendations of the Planning Commission and staff, and the options available to the Council. City Council Meeting Minutes April 2, 200'1 MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY ZIESKA, TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 01-03 APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE TO THE R-2 DISTRICT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 115 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST (Case File 01-001). MADER: Reminded the Council that the issue tonight is rezoning and requires a 4/5th vote. The criteria for the development will be considered at the time of preliminary plat. (~UNDLACH: Asked for clarification on the topography of the site. KANSIER: Discussed the topography of the site. ZIESKA: Discussed that this site presented some challenges due to the topography and the steep slope, and believed that the R-2 designation was appropriate. PETERSEN: Agreed. GUNDLACH: Discussed the highest and best use of the property due to the topography and grade, and supported the zone change. MADER: Advised that the applicant had been advised that the zone change request required a unanimous vote, and asked the developer if he wished to proceed. STEVE AUCH (Centex Homes): Believed that based upon the discussion by the Council, he was comfortable with proceeding at this time. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, and Zieska, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Consider Approval of a Resolution Appointing the Firm of Abdo, Eick and Meyers to Perform the City's Financial Audits for Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002. BOYLES: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. TESCHNER: Commented that the reason the audit proposal is being presented early this year and for a two-year term is due to the national implementation of a rule requiring all City's to identify the costs for its street infrastructure. This rule will require all financial statements to be reformatted over a period of three years. Due to the extensiveness of the project, we asked the auditors to provide a proposal for the next two years. MADER: Asked for clarification whether the proposal was for three years or for two years, and discussed some discrepancies in the proposal letter with respect to the term. TESCHNER: Clarified that proposal were originally submitted for a three-year period, but that staff had asked them to re-submit for the two-year period only. Advised that the resolution proposed authorizes a two-year term. Noted that the firm and the staff both intend that the term will be for two years, and the letters will be revised to reflect that fact. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2, 2001 MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-33 APPOINTING THE FIRM OF ABDO, EICK AND MEYERS TO PERFORM THE CITY'S FINANCIAL AUDITS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2001 AND 2002. MADER: Commented that this proposal and its costs seemed to be in line with previous years. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two Vehicles under the State of Minnesota Purchasing Program. [This item was deferred.] Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving in Concept Financial Assistance to Fund an Assisted Living Project for Senior Citizens Proposed for the Park Nicollet Property and Known as Crystal Care. BOYLES: Briefly reviewed the project in concept advising that the Council had reviewed the project in detail over the past months. Further noted that the action is to provide conceptual approval for the project and requested financial assistance. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-34 APPROVING IN CONCEPT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO FUND AN ASSISTED LIVING PROJECT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS PROPOSED FOR THE PARK NICOLLET PROPERTY AND KNOWN AS CRYSTAL CARE. MADER: Noted that one of the top priorities of the City Council was to address the issue of providing senior housing in Prior Lake. Believed that this is one of the necessary steps in addressing a recognized need for the citizens. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Purchase Agreement with the Department of Housing and Urban Development to Acquire a Property at 16812 Creekside Circle, and a Purchase Agreement for the Sale of the Same Property to R & K Sales, Inc. MADER: Discussed the purpose of the acquisition and its connection with the Lakeside Plaza project in connection with the staff report. PACE: Advised that she had reviewed the documents and believes the action is acceptable, subject to appropriately completing the transactions. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-35 APPROVING A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY AT 16812 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE, AND A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF THE SAME PROPERTY TO R & K SALES, INC. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2, 2001 MADER: Noted that the appropriate motion is to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to complete the transaction. The motion and second accepted the friendly amendment. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen, and Zieska, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Economic Development Authority Bylaws. [By Council consensus, this item was deferred due to its relation to the following agenda item which had also been deferred as part of the approval of the agenda.] Consider Approval of a Resolution Establishing a Per Diem for Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority Commissioners. [This item was deferred as part of the approval of the agenda.] Consider Approval of a Resolution in Support of State Legislation to Restrict the Sale of Phosphorus I_awn Fertilizer. BOYLES: Reviewed the request by the City of Shorewood and briefly reviewed the legislation for Council consideration. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY GUNDLACH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 01-36 IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION TO RESTRICT THE SALE OF PHOSPHORUS LAWN FERTILIZER. MADER: Pointed out that phosphorus is the nutrient that accelerates algae growth in lakes, and advised that it appears there is strong support in the metro area and that the legislation imposes restrictions similar to those in the City's adopted ordinance. PETERSEN: Asked the purpose of using phosphorus in lawn fertilizer in the first place. BOYLES: Commented that phosphorus fertilizers are beneficial for establishing lawns and used to keep lawns green. MADER: Added that some land is short of phosphorus in the soils. Prior Lake happens to have a lot of phosphorus in the soil. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Gundlach, Petersen and Zieska, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: Status Update on Enforcement of Temporary Sign Ordinance. BOYLES: Briefly reviewed the past attempts at enforcement of the ordinance and discussed a proposal to implement a procedure by which owners are notified and signs are confiscated and destroyed when placed in the right-of-way. City Council Meeting Minutes April 2, 2001 PACE: Asked the Council if she could further research the implications consider the matter regarding destroying the confiscated signs. There was Council consensus that the City Attorney review the issue and follow-up with the Council at the next regular meeting. (~UNDLACH: Noted that at least some of the violators show no regard for the ordinance provisions and simply pick up their signs at the maintenance center and put them back out illegally the following week. Suggested that stiffer penalties are necessary. MADER: Commented that the procedure should be gracious on behalf of the City, but that the City should not be a holding facility for signs confiscated in violation of the ordinance. Miscellaneous ZIESKA: Thanked the staff and Planning Commission for the tremendous effort with some very difficult planning issues over the past few months. Executive Session to Discuss Pending Litigation Mayor Mader advised that the Council would retire to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation regarding Carloyn Abbott and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. Upon reconvening, the Mayor advised that the City Attorney had received direction from the Council and that no formal action was necessary. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:05,,1~ Frank Boyles, City Manager Kelly MeC'~r, Re~"~'ding Secretary 7