HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDAC Meeting Minutes 06-30-11 O* PRIp4 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES — JUNE 30, 2011 1. CaII to Order. Members present: Terry Gutowski, Bill Henry, Adam Blahnik, Troy Presler, Sandi Fleck, Mary Vierieck, Deno Howard, Joe Passafaro, Jeff Matzke, Kelly Meyer. Absent — Ken Hedberg. Guests: Maria Belden (Speiker & Co.), Mark Crysler (Triple Play Sports), Thane Tandy (Wagon Bridge Marina) Howard: Welcomed guests and provided an overview of the EDAC's role and goals. Encouraged guests to consider membership in the group. Existing members and guests introduced themselves. Presler: Added that the EDAC's objectives are two -fold: to bring in new business, and business retention and problem solving. 2. Approval of June 2, 2011 Meeting Minutes. MOTION BY PASSAFARO and SECOND BY PRESLER, approved unanimously. 3. Old Business Fall Meet -n -Greet on October 27, 2011 (5pm -7pm) Project Leader: Passafaro Passafaro: Talked about the purpose for the event, described the past event. Asked for feedback on the image the EDAC wants to portray for the event and options for the location. There was some discussion among members about possible locations, including Lakefront Park, Club Prior, The Legends, City Hall, repeating at The Wilds, VFW and Fong's. The group is expected to be less than 100 but as many as possible are welcome. Further discussed budget and other details. Howard: Asked if the City could confirm the budget for the event. CONSENSUS WAS REACHED TO USE FONG'S FOR THIS YEAR'S EVENT. Passafaro to confirm availability at the location. Meyer to confirm budget. Passafaro: Further asked for input on how to market the event to businesses. Fleck: Suggested that City had a table at Fall Fest and that was used as a means last year. Also advised that the EDAC had a table at the Lakefront Days wine tasting. 1 After some discussion, CONSENSUS WAS REACHED TO USE THE FALL FEST AND LAKEFRONT DAYS WINE TASTING TO ADVERTISE THE EVENT. Howard: Asked City to confirm that it will pay for the booth at the Lakefront Days wine tasting. Suggested this item be placed on the agenda for follow up to determine which members will staff the event, as well as further discussion on marketing opportunities. Short- and Long -Term Plans for Downtown Matzke: Introduced the item explaining that the attached worksheets identified the feedback received during the business retention interviews. Member Howard had asked that this item reoccur on the agenda so that each item could be discussed and a decision made about how to address the items, or whether the various comments did not require pursuit. Communications Objective. Suggestions where made by various members /guests of possible improvements to communication between the City and the business community, including (1) providing links in an email blast or the electronic newsletter to property tax information, and (2) sharing the business vacancy chart or making it more available to businesses as a communication /marketing tool. Howard: Suggested this should be an ongoing topic on the objectives list. Guests provided feedback on what items would be of interest to them in a newsletter from the City, including new projects, ordinance changes affecting businesses, who to contact with questions. Members discussed adding a business feedback or notices section, a possible link to agenda reports, and that the editions be sent as a .pdf file to eliminate any issues with ability to open the file. Also suggested that an update on the Arcadia intersection be included. Signs There was some discussion on using signs to direct traffic to downtown, and also questions about what the entry monument signs would /could look like identifying the downtown business district. Many different ideas were suggested. Suggested that the staff bring back the streetscape plan for the Arcadia intersection project, and examples of other wayfinding signage. Presler: Advised that he had heard of an issue with some signage for Jim McMahon. Matzke: Advised that he had worked with Jim in the past but would follow up to understand the issues /needs. Howard: Suggested that maybe the larger issue is monumemt signage in general for the Deerfield area. Other - General Meyer — Updated the members on the recruitment process for the Economic and Community Development Director. Passafaro — Threw out the idea of a vendor /consultant fair; the idea is to provide a vehicle to connect businesses. Some discussion occurred about how the event could or could not happen. No direction on proceeding at this point. 4. Other Business County Road 21 Update Matzke: Provided a brief update on the next steps in the process, advising that the City Council is tentatively scheduled to make a decision on an alignment in August. 5. New Business EDAIEDAC Joint Meeting Howard: Polled the members on their availability to attend the joint meeting scheduled for July 11 th. Since a number of members were unavailable, suggested that the joint meeting be re- scheduled to the EDA's August meeting. Review Business Retention Survey List (DeerfieldlWaterfront Passage) Howard: Suggested that the EDAC start approaching businesses in the Deerfield /Waterfront Passage/Welcome Avenue area to move the retention survey forward into the next area. Various members volunteered to contact some of the businesses. Matzke to send out interview questions via email. Next Meeting — Confirmed with members for Friday, July 29th at 7:30am. The August meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 26th at 7:30am. Meeting adjourned at 9:15am. Submitted by: Kelly Meyer