6:30 p.m.
1. Call Meeting to Order:
2. Roll Call:
3. Approval of Minutes:
4. Public Hearings:
A. Request for a Conditional Use Permit and a Preliminary Plat for the project to be
known as Wild Oaks, located directly south of County Road 42, west of Greenway
Avenue and north and east of Conroy Street.
5. Old Business:
A. Comprehensive Plan Update - Transportation Chapter.
6. New Business:
7. Announcements and Correspondence:
8. Adjournment:
· P O A G0208 .
16200 L:~a~I~ ~ve.C'~.~.~ ]finor~a~:e, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
FEBRUARY 8, 1999
1. Call to Order:
The February 8, 1999, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman
Stamson at 6:33 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Cramer, Stamson and Vonhof,
Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Assistant City Engineer
Sue McDermott and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson.
2. Roll Call:
Vonhof Present
Kuykendall Absent
Criego Absent
Cramer Present
Stamson Present
3. Approval of Minutes:
Correction on Page 2, under Stamson comments - "High density should abut a major road
so density is not in the back..."
The Minutes from the January 25, 1999, Planning Commission meeting were approved as
4. Public Hearings:
Case File #99-003 and 99-004, Request for a Conditional Use Permit and a
Preliminary Plat for the project to be known as Wild Oaks, located directly
south of County Road 42, west of Greenway Avenue and north and east of
Conroy Street.
Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated February 8,
1999, on file in the office of the City Planner.
Prior Lake Oaks, LLC, applied for a Conditional Use Permit and a Preliminary Plat for
the property located on the south side of CSAH 42, west of Greenway Avenue and north
and east of Conroy Street. The application included a request for a conditional use permit
to allow the development of the property with 21 townhouse units, and a preliminary plat
consisting of 22 lots for the townhouse units and open space.
Staff recommended tabling this item to a specific date and provide the developer with
direction on several unresolved issues.
l:\99files\99plcomm\pcminh-nn020899.doc I
Comments from the public:
Joel Cooper, James Hill & Associates, the engineer for the project was present to answer
any questions.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Marianne Frees, 6346 Conroy Street, stated she bought lakeside property 4 years ago,
building the home they wanted to live in the rest of their lives. They chose the property
because the lake was on one side and the woods on the other. Frees went on to express
her concern for the land and felt the ordinances would protect them from overdeveloping.
She feels this project is not suited for the property.
Ted SchweiCh, 6436 Conroy Street, questioned the single family lot size in the Shoreland
District. Kansier responded it was 12,000 square feet and 15,000 for Riparian lot.
Schweich had a problem with the park dedication and should be an issue with children in
the area. He feels any development except a single family homes would destroy the
topography. He questioned the performance standards. Kansier felt the issues were not
addressed and staff recommended a continuance. Schweich felt the past PUD proposal
glazed over some of the issues. He feels there are too many units for an R1 District
which would destroy the area and would prefer to keep the project single family.
Ray Cabillot,
came through.
14053 Greenway Avenue, purchased his house when the first proposal
His concern is for the runoff onto Greenway Avenue and into the Harbor
John Gorra, 14133 Shady Beach Trail, gave a brief history on the watershed area. He felt
since the development along County Road 42 had begun, there has been more and more
runoff and the issue should be addressed. The other issue is the closure on Conroy Street.
Gorra said for personal reasons, he would like to see a cul-de-sac and abandon Conroy
Street to Shady Beach Trail.
Tom Keamey, 6424 Conroy Street, stated this is the same proposal from two years ago
with one more unit. Being a builder himself, he feels this will be a difficult and sensitive
area to build on. Keamey felt the current plan indicates about 15 feet would be shaved
off the top of the hill as well as taking 90 percent of the trees. There will be many walls to
hold the fill in place. His home will be facing a solid wall. The developer will eliminate
all natural amenities. Keamey stated it is irresponsible to develop this project on the
property. He feels the area should be developed single family and remain consistent with
the neighborhood.
Jonathon Townsend lives in Minneapolis and asked the developers to relax their rape of
the land in Prior Lake. The widening of County Road 42 and development north of
County Road 42 is disgusting. It is a small piece of land and is upsetting to him why there
would be a townhome construction in this area. Land is scarce.
Jay Ferrier, 14075 Shady Beach Trail, was concerned for the pollution and runoff into the
wetland and lake. Once this development is complete, all the fertilizer will mn into the
lake. Right now the lake is full of weeds. Ferrier feels the area should not be developed.
Dan Heiling, 6298 Conroy, said his main concem for the ill repair on Conroy Street.
There are a lot of runoff issues that also have to be addressed.
Scott Roth, 6394 Conroy Street, did not want to rehash the previous speakers but agreed
with their statements. He is not against having the property developed but the current
proposal would require a great deal of work. The only way these concerns will be
addressed is if the property remains single family.
John Turner, 14137 Shady Beach Trail, main concern was the drainage issue. He
supports the closure of Conroy Street. His other concern was for lake access in the Shady
Beach area.
Loft Heiling, 6298 Conroy Street, represented a number of residents who could not be
present for the public hearing. Heiling read and submitted the letters of objection to the
Calena Townsend, 6300 Conroy Street, stated the neighborhood group has been
concerned for several years with what would be developed in their neighborhood. They
are depending on the Planning Commission and City Council to protect the
neighborhood. There are risks with this development to the area. A list will be presented
with the neighborhood concerns and they will be available at any time to discuss their
Owen Pauknor, 6364 Conroy Street, has been around the area for 78 years and everyone
had expressed his thoughts and was opposed to the development.
Bill Townsend, 6300 Conroy Street, commended staff on their careful analysis of the
proposal. The neighborhood knows the area will be developed, however they have a keen
interest and have resources available to address the issues. There are many interests in
this piece of property and it will be difficult to satisfy everyone. Townsend stated they
will do everything they can to see every "i" is dotted and "t" is crossed before this is
done. They do not take issue with the standards that exist for the community but feel the
Planning Commission and staff have a lot on their platter and lack resources to deal with
what they have to look at.
Townsend presented a neighborhood meeting summary. He did not see how the
ordinance would be complied with this proposal. Suggested narrowing the road or cul-de-
sac and felt the number and density of units was not going to work. Townsend said they
are going to watchdog the project and submitted a list of 24 items they want to see
complied with, in their view, to be approved and gave a few examples.
Dave Frees, 6346 Conroy Street, agreed with the previous concems and commented on
the Shoreland Management regulations. Everyone is concerned with filling in the
wetlands. Extensive retaining wall work has to be done which brings out a safety
concern. Frees feels this is not an appropriate piece of property for the project.
Marianne Frees, 6346 Conroy Street, read a letter of objection to the development from
Joe and Carol Scott, residents of 6370 Conroy Street.
The public hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
· There probably is not another 14 acre piece in Prior Lake that is as environmentally
sensitive as this one.
· At this point thc application would have to go back for further information.
· Not comfortable with the slopes and grading.
· Development north of County Road 42 has significant runoff to the lake.
· The Planning Commission is continually looking at thc impervious surface in thc
Shoreland District.
· Concern for the existing wetland and runoff- add to issues for the developer.
· The Bluff Ordinance addresses the slope issues - would like to sec further
· Tree Preservation - would like to see a complete Tree Preservation Plan and the actual
impact. It is interesting to hear the comments from Mr. Frees on the interpretation of
the current grading and erosion plan showing grades in excess of 56%. Would like to
see if that is the case.
· Basically the public testimony appears there are too many units placed on this
property. This proposal goes against the land.
· Hard to support the proposal.
· Willing to listen to any modifications the developer makes to this plan.
· Staff and Commissioners summed up his concerns.
· The proposal needs a major amount of reworking.
· Bob Speed, one of the developers spoke on the concerns of the neighborhood. Their
issues are going to be addressed. Speed said they would like to take the time and
table the matter and work out the concerned issues.
· Staff and the developer agreed to continue the March 22, meeting.
· Speed said their engineering staffwill address the concerns.
Cramer suggested the list of 24 concerns the neighborhood submitted be reviewed with
the developer.
Chairman Stamson reopened the public hearing.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
A recess was called at 7:46 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m.
5. Old Business:
A. Comprehensive Plan Update - Transportation Chapter.
Planning Director Don Rye presented the Planning Report.
Staff recommend approval of the draft Chapter 4 - Transportation of the Comprehensive
Comments from the Commissioners:
· Questioned the map showing a new collector road near County Roads 42 and 21. Rye
responded it is in our current Comprehensive Plan (road through Wensmann
· Glad to see some of the changes, especially the re-routing and updating Highway 13
and County Road 17.
· Concern - looking at traffic counts on County Road 21, Lakeville's count on 185th
Street right now is 14,000 - noticed the outdated counts. The count is much higher.
· Rye said they will have the consultant take a look at it and revise the count.
· Recommend to forward with the addition of update counts.
Rye said if it looks like it will hold it up, in terms of projected improvements, County
Road 21 is shifting traffic from Highway 13.
No action was necessary.
6. New Business:
7. Announcements and Correspondence:
Workshop with City Council is before the February 22, 1999 meeting at 5:45 p.m.
l:\99files\99plcomm\pcmin\mnO20899.doc 5
Kick off meeting for the Downtown Redevelopment is tentatively scheduled for March 8,
The Zoning Ordinance is on the Council agenda Tuesday night (February 16, 1999).
8. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Don Rye
Director of Planning