HomeMy WebLinkAbout092898REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, September 28, 1998 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case Files 98-120 and 121 - Consider a proposed amendment to the City of Prior Lake Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and a zone change request for the property known as the Wensmann Prior Hills Business Park. 5. Old Business: A. Case 98-109 - Resolution for variances requested by Sandy Silfverston. 6. New Business: A. Case 98-124 - Public meeting to consider the vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements adjacent to Lot 2, Block 2, Waterfi:ont Passage Business Addition. B. Case 98-125 - Public meeting to consider the vacation of a portion of Erie Avenue and the platted alley right-of-way located adjacent to Blocks 4 and 5, in the original plat of Prior Lake. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: ~e ~co~DA~C~ D~ 16200 g e LreeK ~ve. ~.~., .~nor-£~-e, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 1998 1. Call to Order: The September 28, 1998, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Stamson at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Cramer, Stamson, Kuykendall, Criego and Vonhof, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, and Planner Jenni Tovar. 2. Roll Call: Vonhof Present Kuykendall Present Criego Present Cramer Present Stamson Present Commissioner Criego arrived at 6:35 p.m. 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the September 14, 1998 Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Public Hearings: Aw Case Files 98-120 and 121 - Consider a proposed amendment to the City of Prior Lake Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and a zone change request for the property known as the Wensmann Prior Hills Business Park. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated September 28, 1998 on file in the office of the City Planner. An aerial photo depicted the location of property. A site plan indicating the proposed zoning areas was shown. A history of rezoning and comprehensive plan was given. Topography was reviewed. The Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) was reviewed. Residential-High Density designation was described including uses and adjacent uses. Retail Shopping ~ Community (C-CC) designation was described including types of uses and consistency with high traffic uses. The Planning staff finds the proposed C-CC designation consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed B-3 district is also consistent with this designation. The staff therefore recommends approval of this request. The staff also finds the proposed R-HD designation and the proposed R-3 district are premature at this time. This amendment and rezoning should not occur until the entire quarter section is restudied. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminkmn092898.doc 1 Two letters were received from Larry Lundmark and James Boerhave one in favor and one opposed to the proposal. Questions from Commissioners: Cramer: Questioned the Vierling property in Agricultural preserves. Rye explained the property located on County Roads 21 and 42 is not in agricultural preserve. The Vierlings own property north of County Road 42, north and east of the site which is in agricultural preserve. Comments from the Public: Terry Wensmann, of Wensmann Homes said they did have a proposal 5 years ago, and have tried unsuccessfully to market as an industrial park. Mr. Wensmann said they are trying to be competitive with other communities. Criego: Why 7 acres R-HI) versus being all business? Herb Wensmann of Wensmann Homes responded part of the property has natural amenities, woods, topography and housing would fit in very well. Mr. Wensmann also responded to the letter fi.om Mr. Lundmark explaining a proposed senior housing, which will alleviate any concerns he has. Senior apartments on a prestigious site. Michael Gresser, stated his family business is construction, concrete and masonry currently located in Eagan and would like a new location. Gresser feels this site is ideal and presented a photo of their existing facility. Typically their use needs to be zoned industrial. The business is 30 years old and is a lot nicer than a typical industrial building. This site use would be for a corporate campus facility. They have training and BBQ's. This fronts County Road 42 and has good access. Gressers would like to do something that complements the development along County Road 42 with a convenience store, bank and gas station. The plan as drawn shows a frontage road which was turned down by the County. Gresser said they are interested in a right mm only access. This will improve traffic. The proposed facility is an office facility facing County Road 42. The plan is to develop the 1.3 acres into a mirrored pond and to expand the wetland. Gresser feels the City can benefit fi.om more commercial development but they are not seeking financial assistance fi.om the City. Criego: What would be in the yard? Gresser: Storage racks with scaffolding, heavy equipment, forklifts, screens for finishing concrete. Our current yard is an acre, with 25% enclosed storage and half of that is finished and heated masonry buildings. From the outside of the proposed building, you would not see what is in the inside. It would be 10-16 feet or higher, masonry wall to enclose the yard. The appearance of the yard would be that of a large building. There would be heated and cold storage buildings. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin~nm092898.doc 2 Stamson: What you are proposing is an office with storage. No retail? Gresser: Yes. Office and storage with a possible leased tenant at our site. The property to the east will be retail. We will develop it or would sell it for development. Kuykendall: Is that a building along the west property line? What type? Gresser: Yes, an out building. Kuykendall: To staff- The property to the west is zoned? Kansier: Agricultural Gresser: Yard and office are located on the highest points of the property. Sight lines would not look down in to the site. The tree line will also screen the proposed use. Kuykendall: Frontage Road? Gresser: Right in only. Exit along Pike Lake Trail, then back to County Road 42. The project would still be viable with the only access along Pike Lake Trail. Stamson: Isn't this use consistent with BP, as it is currently zoned? Kansier: This use would not be permitted in BP due to outdoor storage. Commercial or industrial zoning allows for more outdoor storage. The plan submitted with the application is a concept plan. If the property designations are changed, we will be conducting additional review upon submittal of a subdivision or site plan application. Herb Wensmann: We intend on building this spring. Gresser is the largest concrete company in state, 2nd in midwest, and 15th in nation. Gresser: We feel the CUP is not an obstacle. This is a use that is well designed. Kelly Murray: We are here to answer questions regarding comparable real estate information in other cities. Lakeville's Office Park has land for free with no assessments. It is difficult to compete. New Heat and Glow headquarters will be there. They are getting everything for free. They want to expand their campus because of the tax benefits. As a developer, we get one chance and that is it. Savage: 20 acres sold for $1.65 per acre. 60,000 sq. foot building. $1.30 sq. foot for improvements, the city paid. Land is $.35 a sq. foot. Herb paid more than this 5 years ago. Bumsville is the same. The cost is less than $1.00 sq. foot, we cannot compete with neighboring communities. Chair Stamson read the hearing procedures. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminh~n092898.doc 3 Ed Vierling, 14310 Pike Lake Trail, stated his concern regarding R-HD. Vierling does not want a gas station or fast food on comer. Want to keep on farming. It is hard to farm with the traffic. Because commercial will be at another meeting, I'll wait for that. Senior housing is O.K. We need it in this town, not for young people. Kevin Lilland, Maple Hills Addition: Letter from Boerhave states proposal is detrimental to value. Concern over R-HD apartments. We came from apartments and moved to the woods, our concern is the Commercial district to Residential district (Knob Hill 2nd) now our concern is the other side. We want to keep it as nice as possible and keep the traffic down. Keep traffic from apartments down. As Vierling said, McDonalds on the comer would not be good. The residential area on the East of Pike Lake Trail is of concern. Rick Weidner, Maple Hills, questioned how many residential units? Herb Wensmann said it would be 80 units. Dan Klamm, 4130 140th Street NE, questioned the Lighting Ordinance. Klamm stated he does not want big lighted signs or billboards. Against fast food in the area. No problem with senior housing. Kuykendall: Where do you live relative to the development? Klanun responded exactly west. Herb Wensmann commented traffic from a senior coop will be low. For residential, it would generate the least amount of traffic. Kevin Lilland, 4560 Embassy Circle, questioned if approved for R-HD, is there any way it could be changed in the future? Stamson: We are looking at a zone change, no guarantee it would be senior housing. Gresser addressed the lighting: Gas station is local, no big name. There would be little lighting and signage. Our first choice is a family owned company who have built in White Bear Township. We would place architectural covenants. Herb Wensmann explained the co-op is owner occupied, not rental. We want to maintain a high architectural quality and covenants. Dan Klamm, 4130 140th Street NE, questioned the hours of operation for commercial property? Stamson: Responded there was no restriction of time on land use. Some specific types of businesses have hour regulations. The public hearing closed. 1 :\98files\98plcorran\pcminh-nn092898 .doc 4 Comments from the Commissioners: Vonhof: Remembers proposal 5 years ago, the idea of a business park was to attract high quality development. Almost the exact type of development as Gresser is proposing. Agree with staff report, the change to commercial for 33 acres. The 7.5 acres to R- HD is premature until we know what the compatible land uses are. Kuykendall: · Feels the same. More staff review of why R-HD is premature. Kansier responded, the area surrounding it is B-P. It is spot zoning. The idea is to re-look at the area and make some decision of what is appropriate. Rye added, at the time we looked at the Comprehensive Amendment in 1995, there was discussion about land use along County Road 42, how much property to be designated as B-P. The market study was B-P on County Road 42 in terms of acreage was substantially higher than what the market study had said at the time. · Concerns of public can be addressed in the future as part of a Conditional Use Permit. Supports zone change and Alternative #2. Rye pointed out standards for lighting between residential and commercial zoning. Billboards are not permitted in the City. Stamson: · Showroom office is good, but retail can go elsewhere in the City. Is there another zone these proposed uses could be permitted? Rye said the Retail is specific, commercial is more general. The district they are proposing does offer retail and a various forms of commercial. · Supports the proposed re-zoning for the 33 acres. It is appropriate to re-zone the smaller acreage as R-HD. Criego: · Concurs with staffand other Commissioners. Asked staffto read B-3 uses. Kansier read the B-3 uses. · Fast food requires Conditional Use Permit. Concurs with staff to rezone to B-3. It is the type of user the City would like. · R-I-ID is too early. Need to look at 160 acres together. Cramer: · Very familiar with the area. Supports change to C-CC. County Road 42 will be the major retail commercial corridor of the southem metropolitan area. This is a great opportunity. · Opposed R-HD because of the proposal to extend County Road 21 to bypass. May be creating a single area zoned R-HD, when the entire area north of County Road 42 is guided for plenty of R-HD. Agrees with staff recommendation of that. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminXma092898.doc 5 Agree to change the Comprehensive Plan to Community Commercial and the zoning to be B-3 but oppose the zoning changes to make it a residential area. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT TO DESIGNATE APPROXIMATELY 33 ACRES COMMUNITY RETAIL SHOPPING. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM C-1 AND BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT TO THE B-3 DISTRICT ON THE SAME 33 ACRES. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO RECOMMEND DENYING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGE TO THE 7.35 ACRES TO A RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Old Business: A. Case 98-109 - Resolution for variances requested by Sandy Silfverston Planner Jenni Tovar presented the staff report, dated September 28, 1998. Resolutions are consistent with Planning Commission's recommendation from the September 14, 1998 meeting. MOTION BY CRA/VIER, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98- 23PC APPROVING A 5.4 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 19.6 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AND 22.7 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 62.3 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE CENTERLINE OF A COUNTY ROAD INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 85 FOOT CENTERLINE SETBACK. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY CRAMER, SECOND BY VONHOF, DENYING A 0.2 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 84.8 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE CENTERLINE OF A COUNTY ROAD INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 85 FOOT CENTERLINE SETBACK. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. Case 98-116 - Resolution for variance requested by Holiday Station Stores l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminXmn092898.doc 6 Planner Jenni Tovar presented staff report dated September 28, 1998. Resolution is consistent with Planning Commission direction from the September 14, 1998 meeting. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY KUYKENDALL, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98-27PC APPROVING A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES FROM 24 TO 19 FOR CONVENIENCE STORE/CARWASH. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business: Case 98-124 - Public meeting to consider the vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements adjacent to Lot 2, Block 2, Waterfront Passage Business Addition. Planner Jenni Tovar presented the Planning Report dated September 28, 1998 on file in the office of the City Planner. Considering the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will not eliminate a public need, staff recommends approval of the vacation of the drainage and utility easements. Kuykendall questioned if the City is assured easements will be granted. Tovar said the property owner is EDA. Documents have been drafted and just have to be signed and recorded. Comments from the Public: There were no comments from the public. There were no Comments from the Commissioners: MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY KUYKENDALL, ADOPTING RESOLUTION 98-28PC RECOMMENDING THE VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED ON LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 2, WATERFRONT PASSAGE ADDITION. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. Case 98-125 - Public meeting to consider the vacation of a portion of Erie Avenue and the platted alley right-of-way located adjacent to Blocks 4 and 5, in the original plat of Prior Lake. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated September 28, 1998 on file in the office of the City Planner. The portions of the right-of-way (R-O-W) is 1 :\98 files\98plcomm\pcminh"nn092898 .doc 7 adjacent to City property. The alley will be used for parking, however, some of the building will be located on the R-O-W. There is no access to County Road 21, traffic is not an issue. This expands the Comprehensive Plan as far as learning activities. Public need is not an issue as there is no direct access to County Road 21. There is a fiber optics line. The phone company wants an easement for future maintenance of the line. The proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is in the public interest. On this basis, the staff recommends approval of the vacation of the right-of-way subject to the condition a 1 O' wide utility easement is maintained over the alley right-of- way. Questions by Commissioners: Cramer: Is this after the fact? Kansier noted the timing required to obtain legal descriptions and to publish the hearing notices. Kuykendall: Functionally, it is the same use. R-O-W versus easements. No change in use. Comments from the Public: There were no comments from the public. MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY CRAMER, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98-30PC RECOMMENDING TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF ERIE AVENUE AND THE 10 FOOT WIDE ALLEY PLATTED IN BLOCK 4, PRIOR LAKE ORIGINAL TOWN. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: Director Rye said the EDA is holding a workshop on Wednesday at 5:30 to consider a proposal for downtown redevelopment plan. The EDA initially considered a brochure for marketing purposes and authorized expenditures of approximately $5,000. As part of the cost, a downtown redevelopment plan was part of the plan. Rather than do these separately, they will consider the entire plan. Rye also updated that the City Council will hold public hearing on the draft zoning ordinance. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. then public hearing. It will be on cable. 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminkmn092898.doc 8 Donald Rye Director of Planning l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminXmnO92898.doc 9