HomeMy WebLinkAbout011397REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1997 7:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. CASE #96-124 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CODE AND THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE: 1. TO REMOVE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R-l, R-2 AND R-3 DISTRICTS; 2. TO APPLY THE SETBACKS FOR COUNTY ROADS AND COLLECTOR STREETS TO "MAJOR" COLLECTOR STREETS ONLY; 3. TO REMOVE THE LANGUAGE REQUIRING ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL OF TREE REPLACEMENT PLANS CONFORMING TO THE TREE REPLACEMENT FORMULA; 4. ADDING AN ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK ELEVATION AS DETERMINED BY THE MN DNR TO THOSE LAKES WHICH DO NOT HAVE A PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED OHWM (JEFFERS POND, MARKLEY LAKE AND BLIND LAKE), AND CHANGING THE OHWM ON HOWARD LAKE TO THE ELEVATION DETERMINED BY THE DNR. 5. Old Business: A. CASE #96-102 FAIRVIEW CLINIC, 4151 WILLOWWOOD STREET SE, IS REQUESTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 3'-1" BY 15'-9" ILLUMINATED WALL BUSINESS SIGN ABOVE THE EAST ENTRANCE OF THE BUILDING WERE IT FACES FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND TH 13. 6. New Business: A. CITY ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEITED PARCELS B. ZONING ORDINANCE MEMO 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: 16200 E~l~3~.~k Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota ~72-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13, 1997 1. Call to Order: The January 13, 1997, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Criego at 7:02 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Criego, Stamson, Vonhof and Wuellner, Director of Planning Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Planner Jenni Tovar and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Vonhof Present Wuellner Present Stamson Present Kuykendall Absent Criego Present 3. Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY VONHOF SECONDED BY STAMSON, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 9, 1996, MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Criego, Stamson and Vonhof. MINUTES APPROVED. Commissioner Wuellner arrived at 7:03 p.m. Chairman Criego requested the Fairview Clinic matter be heard at this time. 5. Old Business: A. CASE #96-102 FAIRVIEW CLINIC, 4151 WILLOWWOOD STREET SE, REQUESTED A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 3'-1" BY 15'-9" ILLUMINATED WALL BUSINESS SIGN ABOVE THE EAST ENTRANCE OF THE BUILDING WERE IT FACES FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND TH 13. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated January 13, 1997. Universal Signs submitted an application for a conditional sign permit on behalf of Fairview Clinic. Section 5-7-6 (C) of the City Ordinance states illuminated signs in the A-l, C- 1 and Residential Zoning Districts require a conditional sign permit. The applicant requests a permit in order to construct a 72 square foot illuminated wall business sign on the south wall of the building facing TH 13. The proposed sign would be 4' by 18' and constructed of vinyl graphics with an aluminum panel. Staff recommended approval of the request finding the proposed sign meets the conditions of the Ordinance. As a condition of approval, the existing temporary sign must be removed. MNO11397DOC PAGE 1 Comments from the public: Ray Piirainen, Director of Real Estate for Fairview Hospital, asked the Commissioners support of the request and stated they will remove the temporary sign. Comments from the Commissioners: Vonhof.' · Directional signs are "Medical" and "Delivery". · Piirainen said there were no traffic complaints from the neighbors. · Piirainen explained the delay with the signs. Fairview merged with other clinics and changed their signs/logos. He does not feel there will be any other sign changes. Stamson: · The sign design looks good. · Agreed with staff and their recommendation. Wuellner: · Agreed with staff recommendation. Criego: His only concern was the sign did not have any directional towards the residents and it faces Highway 13. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO APPROVE RES. 97-01 PC GRANT1NG A CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT TO PERMIT AN ILLUMINATED WALL BUSINESS SIGN IN A RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT AND AS A SIGN ACCESSORY TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4151 WILLOWWOOD STREET. Discussion: The permit given on the first sign expired six months after the conditional use. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Public Hearings: A. CASE #96-124 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CODE AND THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE: 1. TO REMOVE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R-l, R-2 AND R-3 DISTRICTS; 2. TO APPLY THE SETBACKS FOR COUNTY ROADS AND COLLECTOR STREETS TO "MAJOR" COLLECTOR STREETS ONLY; 3. TO REMOVE THE LANGUAGE REQUIRING ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL OF TREE REPLACEMENT PLANS CONFORMING TO THE TREE REPLACEMENT FORMULA; MN011397,DOC PAGE 2 4. ADDING AN ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK ELEVATION AS DETERMINED BY THE MN DNR TO THOSE LAKES WHICH DO NOT HAVE A PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED OHWM (JEFFERS POND, MARKLEY LAKE AND BLIND LAKE), AND CHANGING THE OHWM ON HOWARD LAKE TO THE ELEVATION DETERMINED BY THE DNR. The hearing was open and there was no attendance by the public. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated January 13, 1997. The public hearing was to consider several "housekeeping" amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. A recent review of the Zoning Ordinance identified several minor amendments which should be made immediately, rather than as part of the overall Zoning Ordinance revision. The purpose behind these amendments is to simplify the administration of the current ordinance. Each amendment was detailed in the report. Staff recommendation was to Motion for approval by the City Council. Comments by the Commissioners: Wuellner: · Agrees with the first three amendments. · Questioned the ordinary-high-water mark on the lakes. Vonhof: · FEMA sets Hundred Year Flood. · Rye explained the ordinary-high-water and the one hundred year flood. Stamson: · Good housekeeping measure. Criego: · Agreed MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5-3-3, 5-4-1, 5-5-16, AND 5-8-2 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND AMENDING SECTIONS 3.2, 4.1, 6.16, AND 9.2 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-6. There were no discussions. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. New Business: A. CASE #96-128 CITY ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEITED PARCELS Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier gave an overview of the Staff Report dated January 13, 1997. MN011397,DOC PAGE3 The purpose of the issue is to consider City acquisition of tax forfeited parcels. The Scott County Auditor recently submitted a list of properties in the County which will be on the next tax forfeiture sale. The City has the opportunity to request a specified use deed from the State for any of these parcels. A "specified use" is defined as any public use. Minnesota State Statutes require the Planning Commission to review any acquisition or disposition of land for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission must make a recommendation to the Council on the acquisition of these parcels. Several parcels of land in the City of Prior Lake are currently in tax forfeiture. The Development Review Committee has reviewed these parcels on the basis of whether there is a public need to acquire the land. The staff recommends to the City Council three of the tax forfeited lands which would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and the City should proceed with the acquisition of these parcels. Comments from the Commissioners: Vonhof: · Both parcels show some thought into why the City would require them, especially with the development of trails and bike paths. Stamson: · Agreed with parcels chosen. · Good opportunity. · Questioned the status of the lot between the two forfeited lots on Northwood. (Unknown) Wuellner: · No public need for other parcels. Criego: · Questioned if the neighbors requested ownership of these parcels. · Farms are on either side of the strip to Arctic Lake. · Public notices are not sent out - notice is in the Prior Lake American. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE CITY ACQUIRE THE PARCELS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Rye pointed out there is no cost to the City. The County conveys the deed to the City. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. ZONING ORDINANCE MEMO Don Rye, Director of Planning, addressed issues brought by the Commissioners at the last meeting. The next special meeting for zoning is set for Tuesday, January 28, at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room B at City Hall. MN011397.DOC PAGE4 7. Announcements and Correspondence: · The Council adopted the ordinance amendment regarding previously approved plats with remaining outlots. · Discussed feed back from the developers meeting held December 18, 1996. The main concern by the developers were the time frames. Another concern was input from the community on revising the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. · Wild Oaks litigation status. · Rye explained the status of the Country Joe Case - Eagan collector street fees. · County Roads 18 and 21 construction. · Annexation of parcels in Spring Lake Township. 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY VONHOF TO ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary MN011397.DOC PAGE 5