HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 05 11 City Council Work Session MetricsExhibit A
Department Primary Services Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Dept Goals Potential Opportunities for Potential Opportunities for
(City) (Internal) Innovation or Creativity Collaboration
Recommend organizational S tatus in achieving 2030 Vision goals Electronic City Council agenda pac k- Water management consolidation
goals and implement in acco r- and objectives and City Council dire c- ets
IT consolidation
dance with policy direction of tives annually
Kaizen events on hiring of seasonal
City Council
Provide supervision and decision
making in implementation of
day - to - day operations.
Building Inspe c-
Building inspections Number of residential home permits Cartegraph Timesheet info r- Perform all building inspections Laptops for field personnel Collaborate with county assessor
issued mation within 24 hours of request assist with inspections.
Plan review Changeover to Cartegraph tim e-
tion/Code E n-
Number of commercial permits issued Average response time to Perform plan review per esta b- sheets Mutual aid agreement with Scott
Code enforcement inspections
perform building permit i n- lished department guidelines County, New Prague, and Savage for
Number of renovation permits issued
spections and plan review building / electrical inspection.
Code enforcement inspections
Number of code enforcement co m-
Number of code enforc e-
of all complaints within 48 hours
plaints /resolution
ment viola tions by type of initial complaint
Dollar value of permits issued
Archiving and closing out
Platted l ot inventory
projects with in one year of
Number of erosion control inspections
Central Garage
Provide maintenance of all v e- Annual maintenance cost per vehicle The fleet departments Scott Co., S a- Continue to evaluate joint purchasing
hicles and equipment in the City type. vage, Shakopee, and Prior Lake uti l- of equipment with neighboring
fleet ize many parts that are the same. communities. Work with Savage to
Annual usage in miles.
Working with these entities, the determine the feasibility of providing
Purchase of new / replacement
Gallons of fuel consumed.
fleet department will explore a ce n- police vehicle set - ups.
vehicles and equipment
tralized purchasing concept to take
Refurbishing equipment
advantage of volume and reduced
New vehicle set - up
Website, web streaming, ele c- Track website using Google analytics Work with Finance Department to Explore a joint powers agreement
tronic newsletters and other o n- benchmarking (number of si te visits, integrate online eBill or EPayments with Burnsville, Savage, Shakopee
line communications tools number of hits) system with the City website for uti l- and other Scott County cities that
ity payments. This may lead to co l- would allow communicators to help
Print media, publications, ph o- Include a customer survey with Wav e-
lection of additional fees online for each other during crisis, illness or e x-
tography and advertising length in 2012 and assess feedback
licensing, recreation and more. tended vacations
Media relations, public rel a- Track number of users, costs and time
Implement a new auto email notif i- Work w ith other cities/county to e x-
tions, social media and marke t- associates with social media sites like
cation system using a “Cron” job, a plore how to develop “apps” as
ing Facebook and Twitter
pre - canned email that would let the communications tool
Cable Channel (PLTV - 8 ) pr o- Seek out view er information related to
subscriber know when the City of
gramming and production PLTV - 8 use, demograph ics, users from
Prior Lake video web page has been
Mediacom and Integra
updated. It’s inexpensive and
“hands off”
Research the potential for creating
an ipod/ipad/android app for City
news and announcement.
Department Primary Services Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Dept Goals Potential Opportunities for Potential Opportunities for
(City) (Internal) Innovation or Creativity Collaboration
Review all land use develo p- Number of development applications Response t ime to inform a- Provide initial review comments Utilize the website to provide i n- Work with City Attorney,
Finance D e-
ment applications (total and by category) tion requests on all complete land use deve l- formational handouts on zoning partment and Engineering to develop
opment applications within 10 questions. This will enable us to an up - to - date lett er of credit format
Promote and guide develo p- Number of new lots created through Processing time for deve l-
business days provide more timely information to for use in developments. The current
ment within the City in co m- platting process opment applications
customers. format does not seem to comply with
pliance with the Comprehensive I dentify top 3 potential co m-
Number of vacant, buildable re side n- Positive customer satisfa c-
current banking practices.
Plan and the 2030 Vision & Str a- mercial and industrial develo p-
tial lots tion results
Time track on cartegraph to dete r-
tegic Plan ment sites ; determine steps to
make these sites shovel ready mine actual time spent on applic a-
Upgrade City Ordinances to r e-
tions to determine appropriate e s-
Respond to all requests for i n-
flect current industry standards
crow amounts.
and state statutes formation within 24 hours of r e-
ceipt of request
Update Comprehensive Plan as
necessary to comply with r e-
vised Met Coun cil System
Implement goals & objectives Number of business expansions and/or 20% success rate for business Assist at least 3 businesses to High speed bandwidth to support Work with SCALE,
Dakota - Scott WIB,
for economic development in new development expansion and development expand or develop in PL economic development higher education, telephone and c a-
the 2030 Vision & Strategic Plan (based on list of inquiries) ble service providers, SMSC and ot h-
Number of jobs created and/or r e- Assist at least 30 jobs to be City viewed as center of small bus i-
ers to achieve ED objectives
tained Living wage jobs created or created and/or retained ness incubation and high technology
retained for each business
Number of businesses / residents Secure business incubator space
served by fiber network.
Begin deployment of a fiber
Begin to incubate new bus i-
Number of businesses participating in
network system
ness growth
Emergency preparedness Number of EOC members with NIMS Cost of siren maintenance Be prepared for manmade or Upgrade of siren system to acco m- Working with other m unicipalities
training. natural disasters which are modate available band width. and County to provide training.
Effectiveness of EOC tools
most likely.
Number of Table Tops offered. in emergency.
Reconstruction project planning, Number of excavation permits issued Cartegraph timesheet info r- With one year under our belt In 2012 we will begin to use the Combining Engineering
and Inspe c-
design, and construction mation with AutoCad 3D software we Cartegraph time sheet data to make tions departments . Will put erosion
Number of Right of Way permits i s-
should be able to deliver the d e- better decisions. The data will pr o- control under one roof and should
Engineering review of new d e- sued
sign by April 1, 2012 vide insight that can be used to find improve erosion control effectiv e-
velopment proposals
Number of driveway permits issued
areas where we can become more ness.
Meet the plan review deadlines
Transportation planning
Number of traffic safety requests
as set by Planning
Number of additional lots created by
Lapto ps for field personnel.
Work to enhance the TIP to o f-
fer better data for city council
Number of miles of street constructed
members to make more i n-
or reconstructed
formed decisions
Dollar amount of projects led by Eng i-
Two day turnaround on permit
neering Department
Long - range financial planning Number of utility customers Number of electronic tran s- Implement investment software Automate processes for Staff such Utility Billing and Public
Works staffs
actions as Accounts Payable, Benefits, etc. meet each month to review internal
Budget Development Per - capita data comparisons (Property Implement 8 ½ x 11 utility bills,
Implement online statements and communications and customer se r-
taxes, Programs, Debt, etc.) ACH payments (Vendor and e - statements and online pa y-
Annual Financial Audit
payments for Utility Billing. vice needs.
CURRENT METRICS: Utility Billing) ments
Investment Management
Plan to meet with City Staff to discuss
Aa2 Bond Rating E - Statements (Utility Billing)
Debt Management
and gather feedback on the selection
45% General Fund Reserve Balance
Utility Billing
and implementation plans of a new
Lowest City Property Tax Rank in Scott
financial system.
Plan to meet with staff f rom Scott
100% Funded Fire Relief Association
Purchasing Policies
County and neighboring cities to co n-
sider additional options associated
97% Investment Position of All City
with a new financial system.
60/40 Percent Property Tax Ratio
Department Primary Services Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Dept Goals Potential Opportunities for Potential Opportunities for
(City) (Internal) Innovation or Creativity Collaboration
Fire prevention ISO Fire Ranking Number of firefighters Evaluate ISO Report upon co m- Develop a time/attendance profile Meet with Adm inistration, Police ,
pletion to obtain lower insu r- on each firefighter from emergency Building Official/Department to di s-
Fire suppression Number and type of fire calls Number of pieces of equi p-
ance rates for Residents and run and training sheets to be used cuss development of a Fire Inspe c-
ment by type.
Rescue Average response time
Business. for performance evaluations and tion program.
budgetary information.
Monitor and evaluate response Working with SCALE and Scott Cou n-
times for efficiencies Evaluate Equipment Replacement ty Fire Chiefs to investigate shared
vs. Refurbishment for 2013. services and Equipment and Joint
Track Emergency Response by
Purchasing possibilities.
category for City Council R e-
ports and other reports as
Search for grant opportunities Number of grant applications per year Number of grant applications Find and write at least one Establish time tracking system using Work with SCALE
to identify potential
to support city goals and obje c- for each department grant application to assist Cartegraph to track amount of time grant applications to further SCALE
Dollars received via grants
tives, and in providing services Recreation in delivering a se r- spent on grant writing, management goals
Program enhancements occa sioned by
vice, either to Club Prior or administration, etc.
Write grant applications for all
youth projects
city departments
Manage and track grant applic a-
Natural R e-
Forestry Public trees planted Funding of natural resources The city continued efforts to collab o-
projects is fairly dependent on grant rate with the SMSC on the compost
Natural area planning Diseased trees removed
funding , “ Shovel Ready” projects program and Pike Lake Park.
Management of native and i n- Vehicles using compost drop - off
will be developed in 2012 that will
vasive species
make applicat ions more compet i-
Shoreline/Wetland Manag e-
Maintenance of all park facilities Acres of parks Number of Parks (by type) The Parks division is going to start The City began the facilitation of a
applying Round – Up to all fence group to evaluate the use of athletic
Trail and Sidewalk maintenance Miles of Trails and Sidewalks Miles of Trails
lines, monuments and wood chip facilities in Prior Lake and Savage and
Tree Program Average Trail Condition Index (Future Miles of Sidewalks
beds where applicable which will determine potential future needs.
with Cartegraph Implementation)
Number of trees planted
significantly reduce the amount of The City will also be working with the
time spent weed whipping these Wensman Home Ow ners Association
areas. for maintenance of boulevards and
island in the Jeffers Pond area.
The Parks Utilization Study will also
be completed in 2012. Modific a- Joint efforts with County and Three
tions to the Parks Equipment R e- Rivers Parks District on County parks.
placement Plan will be ma de to be t-
ter align with the needs of the
Personnel recruitment Personnel recruitment (turn - over The Health Task Force (or Labor
The Health Insurance Task Force will take on a new
objective to look at options to further refine our
rates, reason for separation) Management Committee) is an exe r-
Contract negotiations
health plan structure and ultimately transition to a
cise in facilitation and collaboration
Contract negotiations (labor peace –
Salary and benefits manag e-
defined contribution plan. We will also look into p o-
across employee groups within the
length of contracts, # of grievances
tential incentives for converting to higher - deductible
City. There is employee represent a-
annually, # of mediation/arbitration
Organizational structure and
plans, such as using buy down of sick leave to provide
tion from nearly every employee
employee development
start up funds for individual HSA or VEBA accounts.
group. It is providing value in educa t-
Sa lary and benefits management (pu b-
Employee orientation
This part of the incentive discussion will include the
ing employees about their health i n-
lic and private market comparisons)
potential for converting from traditional sick / vac a-
surance and identifying more cost -
Organizational structure and deve l-
tion leave to PTO. The goal would be to reduce the
effective plan options.
opment (#of personnel compared to
severance compensation liability, reduce o verall a c-
other similar service providers; turn o-
crual levels, streamline administration and
ver rates)
sick/vacation, and direct the City’s limited benefit do l-
lars to the benefits that employees find most valuable
(health insurance). Any new plan will have to be n e-
gotiated with employee groups in the 201 2 contracts.
Department Primary Services Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Dept Goals Potential Opportunities for Potential Opportunities for
(City) (Internal) Innovation or Creativity Collaboration
Enforce state/local laws Uniform Crime Report Part I and Part II Provide a regular Police activity The Police Department has always The Police Department will explore
Crimes report to the City Council. been and will continue to identify assigning a specific officer to work
Crime prevention
processes and/or programs that i m- more closely with the code enforc e-
Calls for service/ICRs
Traffic safety
prove service delivery or continue ment officer for the City. We should
Arrests/number of case filed opened
Respond to citizen calls for se r-
the services at a reduced cost to the be able to improve the efforts of the
by Scott Joint Prosecution
citizens of Prior Lake. In 2012 we code enforcemen t officer by having a
Traffic citations
Assist in the prosecution of v i-
will be focusing our efforts on i m- police officer follow up on addresses
Reported accidents
proving our levels of traffic law e n- identified by code enforcement and
Park Patrol Inspections of City properties
forcement. We will be using more have them work together for speedy
directed patrol assignment, specif i- resolution.
cally on over - lap days. We will also
be redesigning the layout of one of
our squads and have a true “Class B”
vehicle for officer’s use (we will be
removing the light bar and push
bumper from one of the Dodge
Affordable and organized Track revenues and expenses by pr o- Seek out more sponsorships to pay Since the Teen Hangout program is
recreation programs for all ages gram with a goal to have programs for bands for Concerts in the Park growing, and Club Prior does not
that encourage residents to get 75% funded by revenues. series, or to sponsor other pr o- provide gym space, the City will be
out and use the parks and other grams. Explore the prospect of sel l- working with Community Ed ucation
Assess number of participants (often
recreation facilities within the ing advertising in Wavelength and and the YMCA to create “Middle
these events are free to the public so
City. /or website to fund community School Mania” utilizing the YMCA
participation is based upon esti mates.)
events and various summer pr o- space. The YMCA will let the City use
Community event that foster a
Provide statistics on field
grams. their facility and some staff, free of
sense of community engag e-
charge, every Friday from 2:30 pm -
ment, pride and small - town feel.
Assess number of participants using
5:30 pm during the school year. The
Par k facility and athletic field
facilities compared to the supply and
City will provide one way transport a-
scheduling and coordination of
staff expenses.
tion and Community Education will
services with Maintenance.
supply additional staff, registration
Oversight of beach , skate park,
and a small fee that will help with
community gardens and war m-
staffing and supply expenses. The
ing house.
City will also be looking into grant
opportunities to cover the busing e x-
penses. Busing will only be $2.25 per
participant. We think this is a great
way to collaborate to utilize existing
resources and expand a program that
gives middle school students a s u-
pervised, constructive and fun way to
spend after school time.
street sweeping Miles of Streets Number of full scale plowing In 2012 the Street Division will utilize The Street Division collaborated with
events its existing winter de - icing applicators the City of Savage in 2011 with some
snow and ice control Average Pavement Condition Index
to apply dust control to the 2.5 miles minor street repairs. In 2012 we plan
Cost of snowplowing / mile
asphalt overlays
of existing gravel roads. This will r e- to expand these efforts with the use
Tons of salt used
seal coating
duce costs by eliminating the use of a of Prior Lakes asphalt mill and ta n-
Gallons of anti - icing product
crack sealing
sub - contractor and existing equi p- dem trucks and Savages asphalt pa v-
sidewalk repair,
ment. The y will continue to evaluate er and large pneumatic steel drum
Number of signs maintained
street light repair,
and adjust application of ice control pavement roller.
Miles of streets overlaid
street sign inventory, install a-
products to minimize usage t hus r e-
Miles of street preventative
tion and maintenance.
ducing costs and minimizing impacts
to surrounding water bodies.
Number of signs maintained
Department Primary Services Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Dept Goals Potential Opportunities for Potential Opportunities for
(City) (Internal) Innovation or Creativity Collaboration
Hardware and software acquis i- Tech or consultant hours and number Upgrade and replacement of cu r- The City will collaborate with Scott
tions and type of requests rent finance software with a new County to fully integrate our network
platform that integrates across all into the county system. The county
Hardware and software support Maintenance and failure records of
divisions will host all of our data, provide help
Network management
desk support, provide all network
Implement a mechanism to deliver
management, on - site support, disa s-
agenda and other materials ele c-
ter recovery and backup. The City
tronically to the City Council
will convert to Microsoft Office e n-
Proceed with a full i ntegration of
terprise licensing which will bring the
City’s network into County system
City technology to a level that has
been long - deferred organization -
wide, and set us on a course to mai n-
tain that level of serv ice. This coll a-
boration utilizes the fiber interco n-
nect and establishes a business mo d-
el the county can use to offer similar
services to other Scott County co m-
munities. Further, the collaboration
will allow both entities to manage
the costs of future sof tware by utili z-
ing platforms each already ha s in
place and saving some development,
licensing, and/or management costs.
These could include Cartegraph,
permitting software, VoIP alternative,
and financing software.
Provide express commuter se r- Number of express service riders Village Market presently provides a Work with Scott County and the City
vice to downtown Minneapolis weekly trip for seniors to the gr o- of Shakopee to develop a mainte n-
Cost per rider
cery store. I intend to try to partner ance and use agreement for the new
Provided summer local circul a-
Number of bus routes
with Village Market in providing that Marshall Road Transit Station.
tor service
service. We have the buses, so we
Work with SCALE Partners on
may be able to split the cost of the
Unified Transportation, Land
drivers with Village Market. This
Use, and Economic Develo p-
should drop cost s for both.
ment Plan.
WTF operation The City has been working on two Work with SMS C to evaluate pote n-
Gallons of potable water produced Gallons of raw water
initiatives to better manage the w a- tial shared source, treatment and
Miles of Watermain
Distribution system mainte n-
Number of water main
ter system. Work will continue on storage of additional water supply.
breaks repaired
accounting of bulk water usage to
Number of locates co m-
more accurately reflect potable w a-
Wellhead protection
ter usage and water loss calcul a-
tions. Work will also continue on a
new water metering system inclu d-
ing 2 - way communication with users
allowing for more management of
water use on an individual basis.
Department Primary Services Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Dept Goals Potential Opportunities for Potential Opportunities for
(City) (Internal) Innovation or Creativity Collaboration
In 2012 staff will evaluate the colle c- Work with surrounding entities to
Maintenance of 40 lift stations Miles of sanitary sewer Miles of sewer cleaned
tion system for I/I to optimize the share r esources such as the Jet/Vac
Maintenance of sewer colle c- Volume of waste discharged to Miles of sewer televised
tion system MCES
use of funds set aside for reducing truck.
Number of lift station
Number of Lift Stations alarms
water inflows into the system.
Water Quality
Infrastructure system optimization: P ond sediment phosphorus seque s-
Maintain regulatory co m- Volume of ponding / # of ponds Water quality structures
pliance inspected
2012 staff effort will complete the tration: 2012 budget proposes to
Number of water quality structures
Development Reviews $/lb of - Phosphorous R e-
water quality utility mapping and study the potential methods to limit
Miles of Storm Sewer
Support of engineering d e-
asset tracking system . The first use anoxic phosphorus leaching in pond
signs $/Ton - sediment Removal
of the system will be to plan the sediments by using aluminum, iron or
Flood protection
2013 water quality system mainte n- calcium based products to cap and
Inventory and Inspection
ance and retrofit project. 2007 - inactivate phosphorus in pond sed i-
of water quality stru c-
2011 operations and maintenance ments thus incr easing the total eff i-
costs will be used to provide a track ciency of the existing pond system.
record to project long term system This project would collaborate with
operation and replacement costs. the PLSLWD, SWMO, UMN, and the
City of Prior Lake Water Quality Util i-
ty bring in grant funding and share
results with other metro area cities.