HomeMy WebLinkAbout0722962. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 'MONDAY, July 22, 1996 7:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Public Hearings: A. CASE #96-055 Amendment to Priorview Planned Unit Development to replace 38 apartment units to one 3-story building containing 61 units for assisted living. Old Business: New Business: Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: 16200 l~'l~i~ek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota~3Br~72-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 22, 1996 The July 24, 1996, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Criego at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Vonhof, Kuykendall, Wuellner, Stamson and Criego, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Acting City Engineer John Wingard and Recording Secreta~ Connie Carlson. Roll Call: Wuellner Present Kuykendall Present Stamson Pre~ent Vonhof Absent Criego Present (arrived at 7:06 p.m.) Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECONDED BY STAMSON, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 24, 1996, MINUTES. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Criego and Stamson. MINUTES APPROVED. Commissioner Wuellner abstained from voting. Public Hearing: Case File # 96-055: Eagle Creek Villas LLC applied for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to allow the construction of a 61 unit assisted living building on the vacant portion of the site. Commissioner Criego opened the public hearing. A sign-up sheet was circulated to the public in attendance. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the information from the Planning Report dated July 22, 1996. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The present applicant has no connection with the developer of the origin~al PUD. The Priorview PUD was preceded by Council action in 1981 which rezoned the subject property to R-3, High Density residential. This would have permitted 210 units on the 15.05 acres of buildable land on the site. In December of 1982, the Council approved a Schematic PUD plan which provided for 106 units, a street connection from Five Hawks Avenue to Cates Slxeet and preservation of site amenities. In September of 1983, the Council approved the first phase of the development consisting of 48 townhomes. Priorview Second Addition consisting of 20 units, was approved in 1991. MNOT2296. DOC PAGE 1 Staff recommends approval of the Schematic Plan, subject to the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment related to the density, satisfactory resolution of the parking issue and modification of the plan to show extension of Five Hawks. Wilt Berger of Miller, Hanson, Westerbeck Berger, Inc., Archeticts & Planners, explained the proposed facility.and the site surroundings. Mr. Berger pointed out they tried maintain as much vegetation on the site as possible and build the facility on an area with little vegetation. He went on to say they were not in favor of connecting the road to the south and preferred to retain the trees. Deborah Rose, of Care First Incorporated, Minneapolis, is a resident of Credit River Township, and has been in long term care since 1981. Ms. Rose went on to explain assisted living. The proposed facility will enable individuals to live in a secure environment having a 24 hour security service and assisted care available. It will provide various nursing services. A market study done by Scott County Housing Authority indicated Scott County as well as Prior Lake is under served in this area. The apartment size will be approximately 500 sq. feet. Acting City Engineer John Wingard, explained the engineering issues of wetlands and grading; the sanitary sewer line will be easy to tie into. A waterline will need to be extended through the site and help provide a looping system. Storm water drainage for this site is adequate. The wetland on site can be improved by raising the water level by 3 feet. The water quality would improve a sedimentation pond. The school district is also supportive. Street and sidewalks will tie in with the Eagle Creek Villas and Five Hawks Elementary School. Comments from the public: Marcus Mikla, 16477 Five Hawks Avenue SE, stated his concern for the water main coming from the north end of Five Hawks crossing the creek and disrupting the area. He said the residents on Five Hawks like the area the way it is. Other concerns are tree removal and the road extension. Mr. Mikla is in favor of the assisted living project. Leanne Weyrauch, 16457 Five Hawks Avenue SE, is in favor of the assisted living but not in favor of destroying nature by having the road go through. She does not feel it is necessary for another new road. As a taxpayer she is concerned for the expense and the problems it can cause. The wetland water quality will be improved. Parking addition would remove more trees. Mrs. Weyrauch presented a petition opposing the connection of Five Hawks Avenue and disturbing the wild life area. Wayne Annis, 4607 Colorado Street, claimed he was involved in assisted living since 1986 when a developer came to Prior Lake to construct a 100 bed nursing home. At the time it was voted down. Mr. Annis gave an overview of nursing homes. He is in favor of the assisted living facility depending on the way it is handled. Mr. Annis would like to MN072296, DOC PAGE 2 see this publicly funded. Shakopee has a new hospital/medical and assisted living care quarters in one complex. Jordan will be constructing a similar facility in 1997. Mr. Annis said he has been through this process many times and would like the project delayed until the Commissioners see Shakopee's development. Russell Lawrence, 16493 Five Hawks, lived in Prior Lake since 1971. He is in favor of the assisted living and the location. Mr. Lawrence explained how previous planning commissioners allowed a nan'ow Five Hawks Road where emergency vehicles cannot drive through with the parked cars. There is a safety issue involved. Also, many of the area residents enjoy the woods and walking paths. Miles Bristol, 16495 Five Hawks Avenue, said he enjoys the quiet living on Five Hawks Avenue. Dar Fosse, 16228 Franklin Circle, Principal of Five Hawks School is against the construction of a new road. Mr. Fosse said the school district and City have been working together to preserve the natural environment. The main concern for the road coming through as it is right in the heart of two drainage areas. He explained the drainage and wetlands. The school district would like to develop the area into a nature center. Not only is this area a benefit to the school but to the public as well. He does not want to waste the special natural area. One of the University of Minnesota's landscaping classes would like to come out this Fall and develop a trail system. Charles Cappuccino, 4206 Cates Street feels the development would be a benefit to the area but is opposed to any street coming through Five Hawks to the north. Rhonda Wolf, 4171 Cates Street, stated she lives next to the creek and is concerned for the water level as well as the wetland. She supports the assisted living facility. Developer, John Mesenbrink, explained the water level and the proposed wetland. Russ Lawrence pointed out two owls and the unique wildlife in the area. Michael Conlin, 4091 Cates Street, is against the road but not the assisted living. Commissioner Criego explained the discussion process and procedure of the meeting. Wayne Annis, read a short piece from the Metro Area on Aging. Wilt Berger addressed a water and sewer line issue. The public hearing was closed at 8:13 p.m. MIqO72296.DOC PAGE Comments from the Commissioners: Vonhof: · First issue is to consider this a new PUD or an amendment to thc existing PUD. Thc natural amenities provide for a new PUD. · Thc assisted living facility meets with our Livable Communities Act and Comprehensive Plan objecfi_ves. Supportive of the development. · Waiting for the City Attorney's opinion to come back with a decision on thc PUD. · Wetland issue of raising the water 3 feet. Will the City have to treat it as a N.U.R.P. pond? · Wingard explained the drainage and grading. · Parking issue - only 33 spaces proposed. Busy weekends will need more parking. · Deb Rose said they can see what other facilities do. Possible off-site parking. Both hospitals and nursing home facilities in Minneapolis regulates 1 parking place to 10 beds. · These are apartments providing assisted care. · Deb Rose felt there would be approximately 20 employees. · Recommend a better parking facility. · Comprehensive Plan states roads should connect neighborhoods. This also means we can connect with trails. Expects to see a trail system on the plan as part of the development. The neighbors, school and public will use these trails. The City made the road connection to Duluth Street. All that remains now is a trail system as part of the plan. Kuykendall: · There should be a definition in the Comprehensive Plan for assisted living. · Would this facility be limited to the elderly only? · Deb Rose said the building would be handicapped equipped. If the market had to change it could assist others. · Agrees with Commissioner Vonhof on the street extension. · Wingard said the current streets would handle the traffic. · Pricing - Deb Rose said the cost would be $95 to $150 per day. It would depend on the services being rendered from the facility. This is will be an average priced facility. · John Wingard said the City can look further into the water line. · Supports raising the pond and dam the pond. · Concem for the parking. , · Would like to see the City Attorney's position on the PUD. · Supports the pedestrian walkway. This is a unique area. Strongly supports trails. · Would like to see more information on pricing such as Shakopee's new facility. · Supports the general philosophy. · Consider pedestrian scale street lighting. Stamson: MN072296.DOC PAGE4 · In favor of the concept and will benefit Prior Lake as a whole. · Developer took into a lot of consideration with the wetlands. · The north end of Five Hawks was not built as a connector street. connection. · Trails are important. · Agrees with Commissioner Kuykendall with the lighting. · Need City Attorney's opinion on the PUD. It is not a critical Wuellner: · This is a wonderful opportunity for Prior Lake and fully supports the facility. · The City is combining the neighborhood. · There will be coordination of the traffic flow. · We need to connect the roads for public safety but not necessary to connect Five Hawks Avenue. · Another opportunity to enhance and improve the wildlife area. · You cannot have street lights on a wildlife trail. · In favor of the entire project but cannot put a street through. · The City should follow the easiest route to include this project into a PUD. Criego: · Agrees with all the comments. · We need the facility and it is a wonderful project. · Against the road going through. · The trail system is exactly what we need going through. · The lighting has to examined. · The wetlands are an important asset. Any clean water we can get into the lake is needed. · Need legal opinion with PUD or amendment. · Agrees with Wuellner to take the easiest way to implement the plan staying within the guide lines. · Review the limited parking area. · It fits in Comprehensive Plan. · The waterline should be examined to make it as easy as possible. · Question the wood vs. the brick on the exterior of the building. MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING UNTIL AUGUST 12, 1996, AT WHICH TIME THE PLANNING COMMISSION CAN REVIEW THE CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT; CITY ENGINEERING REPORT OF RELOCATING THE WATER LINES; TRAFFIC IMPACT OR NO IMPACT; TRAIL PLAN WHICH WOULD INCLUDE THE PLAN BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR OVERFLOW PARKING. STAFF TO COME BACK WITH A CLEAN DEFINITION OF ASSISTED LIVING AND MODIFICATION OF MN0~2~.DOC PAG£$ THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPROPRIATE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Wuellner, Stamson, Vonhof and Criego. MOTION PASSED. A recess was called at 8:45 p.m. Commissioner Vonhof left the meeting at that time. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m. Old Business: There was a discussion to tentatively reschedule the boat tour of Prior Lake to the week August 19, 1996. Commissioner Kuykendall said he would not be at the August 26, 1996 meeting. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECONDED BY KUYKENDALL TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Kuykendall, Stamson and Criego. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Recording Secretary Connie Carlson MN072296.DOC PAGE 6