HomeMy WebLinkAbout1014962. 3. 4. e REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, October 14, 1996 7:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Public Hearings: A. Case #96-097 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER KEZONING OF LAND FROM A-1 (AGRICULTURAL) AND C-1 (CONSERVATION) TO R-1 (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) FOR THE MARK HYLAND PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3520 154TH STREET. Old Business: New Business: A. LINKAGE OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AREAS. Announcements and Correspondence: Meeting with Pat Lynch from the MN Dept. of Natural Resources. Adjournment: 16200 ~~qek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota ~,9~-/2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 1996 1. Call to Order: The October 14, 1996, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Criego at 7:05 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Wuellner, Stamson and Criego, Director of Planning Don Rye, 'Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Wuellner Present Kuykendall Absent Stamson Present Vonhof Absent Criego Present 3. Approval of Minutes: Correct Jenni Tovar's name in the first paragraph. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECONDED BY STAMSON, TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 23, 1996, MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Criego and Stamson. MINUTES APPROVED. 4. Public Hearings: Chairman Criego read the Opening Statement for Public Hearings. Case #96-097 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING OF LAND FROM A-1 (AGRICULTURAL) AND C-1 (CONSERVATION) TO R-1 (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) FOR THE MARK HYLAND PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3520 154TH STREET. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the information from the Planning Report dated October 14, 1996. The applicant is requesting a zone change to the R-1 district to allow for future development of this site. At this time, no specific plans for the property development have been submitted, although the applicant has indicated a potential townhouse style development. Two-family dwellings and townhouses are a conditional use in the R-1 district. The criteria for granting a zoning change include the following: MN 101496.DOC PAGE I 1. There was a mistake in the original zoning. 2. Conditions have changed significantly since the current zoning was adopted. 3. The Comprehensive Plan has been amended. Any of these criteria can be used to evaluate a request for rezoning. The "Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan" for the City of Prior Lake, adopted in 1982, designated this area as "Agricultural". The A-1 and C-1 districts are appropriate for designation. However, with the adoption of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan in June, 1996, this area was added to the Municipal Urban Service Area and designated as R-L/MD. The R-1 district is an appropriate zoning district for the R-L/MD designation. The Planning staff believes this request meets criteria//2 and//3. The addition of this property to the MUSA is a significant change. Furthermore, the Comprehensive Plan has been amended to include the area in the R-L/MD designation. Staff recommendation was approval of the zone change as requested. Comments from the public: Timn Jacobs, 4883 Gettysburg Avenue, New Hope, represented Integrity Development. Mr. Jacobs said he will be working with the Planning Staff very closely to make sure all concerns especially the storm drainage, wetlands and tree preservation issues are met. Kyle Schroeder, 15557 Highland Avenue, stated his concerned for the noise with the new development. He would like some type of noise abatement with this development and said he is willing to work with the City to resolve the noise problem. Mr. Schroeder is not in favor of any additional development in Prior Lake until the noise issue can be solved. Mr. Rye said he was not aware of the process working through Scott County. (County Road 83 is a county road.) If there is a noise issue it would have to be some type of cooperative area with the residents, Scott County and Prior Lake. He suggested to start with Scott County and then bring up the issue at a City Council meeting. Tim Bothof, 15120 Foxtail Trail, said he would like to see the area remain a single family development as opposed to a multi-family dwelling. He supported The Wilds development and the future development ~of single family to the south. Mr. Bothof owns 6.4 acres and hopes his property would be changed to R1 in the future. Tom Hoff, 15200 Foxtail Trail would also like to keep the area single family. Foxtail Trail is a private road maintained by Mr. Bothof and himself. Mr. Hoff questioned what will happen if his road goes public. MN 101496.DOC PAGE2 Mr. Rye explained generally when someone is developing property, the developer is responsible for the improvements to the property. If the road is not part of the development they really can not do much with it. Tim Bothof questioned if Wilds Parkway will come through this development. Rye explained the proposal at this time is for a zoning change on the property. The public heating closed at 7:3-4 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: · No comments Wuellner: · Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. · Supports the request with adequate utilities and road access for the rezoning. Criego: · The 2010 Plan calls for residential area on that side of Prior Lake. · The Metropolitan Council has approved the area for development. · The City wants a well done development. R1 is basically single family and does allow for multi-family. · Based on certain terrain, slopes and wetlands sometimes multi-family dwellings are more appropriate. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY STAMSON, RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE 27 ACRE PARCEL ON COUNTY ROAD 82 ZONE CHANGE FROM A-1 (AGRICULTURAL) AND C-1 (CONSERVATION) TO R-1 (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Stamson and Criego. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: A. LINKAGE OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AREAS. Don Rye presented the information from the report. At the September 23, Planning Commission meeting, one of the agenda items dealt with the expansion of the Redevelopment Districts containing the Downtown area and Priordale Mall. During the discussion, Commissioner Kuykendall expressed concern over MNI01496.DOC PAGE3 the lack of a direct visual connection between the two areas and the seeming lack of a plan to deal with this issue. Staff indicated the issue would be reviewed and a recommendation brought back to the Commission. While the Comprehensive Plan contain policies relating to commercial development, only one seems to address the concern expressed by Commissioner Kuykendall. That policy states "Establish a theme for positive identification for redevelopment of existing commercial areas in focal locati6ns including, but not limited to. Gateway. Downtown ond Priordale." While this policy does not speak to a direct physical or visual connection, it does encourage the development of a common theme for the major commercial areas which would serve to tie these areas together in peoples' minds if not visually. This policy may or may not be considered sufficient for the intended purpose. Currently, there is not a Redevelopment Plan for the redevelopment districts. Staff believes such a plan is necessary to provide more detailed guidance for the redevelopment areas than is provided in the Comprehensive Plan. It would be appropriate for the Commission to recommend to City Council such a provision be included in any redevelopment plan for the Downtown and Priordale Mall areas. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PRIORDALE MALL AND DOWN TOWN AREAS INCLUDING A PROVISION FOR VISUAL AND FUNCTIONAL LINKAGES BETWEEN THE TWO AREAS. Vote taken signified ayes by Stamson, Wuellner and Criego. MOTION CARKIED. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: · Park Nicollet Clinic is getting ready to submit a building permit. · Send DRC status report to Commissioners. · No word on the County Road 12 update. · The work schedule on the Zoning Ordinance was handed out. · Suggestion for annual training activities for commissioners. The idea is to increase the level of technical understanding on planning commission issues. The Commissioners met earlier with Pat Lynch, the hydrologist from the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources and discussed the following topics: · The duties of a hydrologist. · Brief outline of the shoreland district. · Impervious surface. · Pat will work with city on combining lots of record. MN 101496.DOC PAGE4 · The problem with combining lots of records is that it creates numerous variances. It is a bigger issue with unsewered areas. High impervious surface areas, storm water drainage. · Dock regulations - seasonal docks are not regulated. 5 or more boats on a lot is considered a marina. The distance going out from the shoreland is not regulated. Some rules are regulated by the County. Permanent docks require permits. · Driveways to lake - have to meet standards. 12' on a private access - 10' wide. · Boathouses '- · Aquascaping: natural vegetation shoreland vs. turf and sand. · Chemical applications for weeds are governed by the fisheries dept. Any chemical treatment must have a permit. · Septic systems · Concern for building space - side yard variances. 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY STAMSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary MN 101496.DOC PAGES