HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 05 11 City Council minutes
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
December 5 , 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present were Mayor Myser, Council members Erickson , He d-
berg , Keeney and Soukup, City Manager Boyles, City Attor ney Pace , Finance Director Eri ckson, City Eng i-
neer / In s pections Director Poppler, Community and Economic Development Director Rogness, Public
Works/Natural Resources Director Gehler, Fire Chief Hartman, Assistant City Manager Kansier, Assistant
City Manager Meyer and Administrative A s sistant Green.
The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council.
The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each presenter will have no more than
ten (10) minute s to speak. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than pr i-
vate or political agendas. Topics may be addressed at the Public Forum that are on the agenda except
those topics that have been or are the subject of a scheduled public hearing or public information hearing
before the City Council, the Economic Development Authority (EDA), Planning Commission, or any other
City Advisory Committee. The City Council may discuss but will not take formal action on Public Forum
present ations. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the Forum.
Dawn Schulberg, 4616 Colorado Street, addressed the Council with her concerns about the safety of the
dance studio students when traffic is rerouted in conjunction with opening Arcadia Avenue at CR 21 to Co l-
orado Street. Spoke of the possibility of enhance d crosswalk markings, speed bump, increased parking.
Commented that studies on the Arcadia intersection were conducted prior to the dance studio be ing built
and she believes it does not address the current activities in the area.
City Manager Boyles requested that item 10A, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of
the City’ s Standardized Professional Services Contract for the Pavement Degradation Analysis , be r e-
moved from the agenda .
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson , Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup . The m otion carried.
VOTE: A yes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg , Keeney and Soukup. The m o tion carried.
City Ma nager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda.
A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid.
B. Consider Approval of an Addendum to the Labor Agreement between City of Prior Lake and Law Enforc e-
ment Labor Services related to Insurance Rates for 2 011.
Phone 952.447. 9800 / Fax 952.44 7 . 4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
C. Consider Approval of Resolution 11 - 141 Authorizing Submittal of an Election Assistance Grant Applic a tion
to the Minnesota Secretary of State.
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried.
Brad Brandt Retirement.
Public Works Director Gehler introduced Brad Brandt and d escribed what it was like to work for the City
in 1975. She p rovided a biography of Brandt’s 36 yea rs of service. Thanked him for service. Mayor Myser
presented an appreciation plaque.
Public Hearing for Proposed 2012 City Budgets and Property Tax Levies.
City Manager Boyles r eviewed the accomplishments of 2011 including retention of the Aa2 bond rating
and leading conservation efforts in the region , particularly in the area of water quality. Spoke of future e f-
forts in collaborating and cost containment in IT services, health insurance and continued water quality e f-
forts . Describe d the timeline for levying 2012 property taxes and the process used for developing the
budget. Reviewed the proposed budget noting that water and sewer fees are proposed to be increased ;
and that additional overage in reserves is anticipated due to a work ers compensation insurance rebate and
more than expected building permit fees . Explained the proposed 2012 tax levy is lower than the 2010 levy
as a result of proposed use of reserve funds. Also reviewed the tax impact on the average valued hous e-
Co mments:
Erickson : Commented that the desired General Fund reserve amount is 45% and asked for an explan a-
tion of the purpose of those funds.
Boyles : Responded that the General Fund reserve is needed to provide: 1) cash flow since tax revenue is
received only two times per year funds are needed for day to day expenses; 2) one - time opportunities or
catastrophes; and 3) funding for expenses that need to be brought current such as facilities manag e ment,
equipment r e placement, etc.
Keeney : Asked the amount of the fund balance reserve above the 45% goal.
J. Erickson: Replied that the fund balance is projected to be $7.725 million at the end of 2011 which is
approximately $2 million over the 45% goal before the proposed use of reserves .
Hedberg : Clarified the anticipated level of reserve.
J. Erickson : Replied that $7. 2 million is anticipated at the end of 2012.
Hedberg : Noted that $1.3 million would be 10% of the estimated $13 million budget for the year 2013.
Soukup : C larified the amount of the worker s compensation insurance rebate and the addition al building
permit revenue. Asked for an explanation of the market value homestead credit program and what it might
mean to the City now that it is going to be discontinued.
J. Erickson: Described the mark et value homestead credit program enacted and funded by the State.
Since 2008, the State has not funded that credit to Prior Lake. That program was eliminated and a new
program called market value exclusion enacted in which the State is out of the paymen t program. Prope r-
ties valued at less than $ 414,000 would have the taxable value reduced . T he t ax rate was increased to
keep the tax levy constant.
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried and the public hea r-
ing opened at 7:49 p.m.
Darcy Running, 3217 Butternut Circle, spoke about the public safety budget and p roposed consolida t ing
supervisory positions with other cities in the C ounty. Bel ieves consolidation could occur and savings could
be made. Stated he has seen Prior Lake work well with other cities and the County and believes the co n-
solidation of public safety departments could save money and retain same level of se r vice.
Wes Mader, 3 470 Sycamore Trail, addressed the Council on behalf of the C itizens for A ccountable G o v-
ernment Steering Committee stating the ir organization re view s and analyze s the City budget. Given the
current economic cli mate , they believe the proposed budget should not be adopted. Believes expend i tures
reflect a $2.3 million increase over last year’s spending. Stated that $2.5 million has been accum u lated in
reserves since 2008 and the City should make a reduction in the tax rate in 2012. Stated transit generated
an operating loss of a half million dollars and continues to project a loss. Stated that non - union employees
received a 7.5% increase in wages since 2008. Believes the tax levy should be adjust ed downward and
the reserve returned to the ta x payers.
Michael C. Gresser, 141 45 Shady Beach Trail , cited employee salaries of individuals in the room and
compared them to private industry. Believes government has not exp e rienced the economic difficulty that
private in dustry has and that the people in governm ent do not know what the hell they are doing .
Kevin Lilland, 4560 Embassy Circle NE , commented that the charts in the presentation show almost no
population growth since 2004. Believes government has made no efforts to cut back. Stated the reserve is
well above the 45% goal and it would be prudent to give it back to taxpayers. Asked Council what they
think should be done.
Ronald Wolfram, 4612 Pleasant Street , commented on Mader’s remark about raises for non - union e m-
ployees by saying he has been in t he private sector for 35 years and doesn’t recall getting large raises.
Asked if Mader is correct about the rate of increase and whether the proposed 2% increase for 2012 is on
top of that.
Sandy Wright, 14300 Timothy Avenue , asked about the project ed in crease d revenue on investments and
questioned its validity . Believes that creating a hopeful revenue might encourage the City to justif y i n-
creased expenditures. Asked if the projected increased budget for Econ omic Dev elopment is to cover e x-
penses incurre d relating to the study of CR 21 or for new projects and what they might be. Believes the
City is always over in its reserve and that is over - tax a tion.
Lloyd Erbaugh, 17291 Marshfield Lane , stated he moved to P rior L ake in 2009 after looking for great
hou sing, strong schools and a welcoming community; and described the City as having remarkable nat u ral
resources, astounding beauty, and being a cultural and natural gem. Believes w e are custodians of the
space. Referred to a 2009 Star Tribune article that discussed the strategic plan, partnerships and u p-
graded infrastructure in Prior Lake . Believes the b udget debates are about how to keep Prior Lake a sp e-
cial place. Stated the City has delivered a budget surplus and it is a problem to be embraced. Encou raged
residents to voice support for budget and a consensus to reduce budget surplus over a number of years.
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion ca rried and the public hea r-
ing closed at 8:28 p.m .
Council and staff discussed questions brought forward in the public hearing.
Consolidation and collaboration in public safety.
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes
Boyles: Stated that collaborative efforts in fire protection and po lice are underway and IT consolidation is
being considered as well in the 2012 budget .
Myser: Added that SCALE works on collaboration , and public safety collaboration and consolidation is on
its agenda.
C ouncil ’s propos al for the surplus.
Hedberg: Noted that some of the reserve will be used to mitigate a tax increase. Population growth has
not been flat . The number of households has grown about 1% each year and increased growth is anti c-
ipate d when the economy stabilizes. The City has more than $400 mi llion in assets and infrastructure to
maintain and Capital Improvement Programs are developed every year for infra structure maintenance and
improvements . Believes past capital obligations have been underfunded and surpluses should be used to
meet long - ter m capital obligations such as the maintenance center and fire station roofs . Stated t he info r-
mation technology structure is way behind and some major financial software is decades old. There are
important needs in the city that have not been approved an d about which there is much discu s sion such as
extending Arcadia and bringing sewer and water services in the Welcome Avenue area. Believes this is
the appropriate budget to allow funds for some of the important investments that need to be made.
Soukup: Concurred with Hedberg’s comments. Stated t here have been improvements to the City a nd we
can be proud of the streets, landscaping and efforts to grow business parks, etc. Believes in t rying to make
the City less of a bedroom community and better able to be diversif ied . Wants to be able to offer new bus i-
nesses something to attract them here , and an improv ed technological infrastructure is being worked on.
Noted that the surplus was accumulated over many years and it should be dealt with respons i bly.
Erickson: T hanked previous Mayor Mader for initiating the opt - out of the MTC transit program which r e-
sulted in the transit monies that are coming to the City. Th ose are dedicated non property tax funds and
cannot be used for anything but transit. Belie ves the General Fund reserve should be reduced in incr e-
ments. Believes in building a sustainable, viable community for the future and the Council needs to co n-
sider the best way to do that .
Keeney: Stated the City has adopted a financial management plan which states that if there is no specific
budgeted purpose, we must reduce the reserve to the targeted 45%. Believes the policy states it should be
returned in tax cuts and to do it even over three years would take reductions of $800,000 or $900,000 per
year. Favors a levy reduction in those amounts to hit a three year plan . Prefers the reduction over one or
two years but b elieves a smoothing action of multiple years would be better than one year. Believes hol d-
ing the money to develop a plan would be u n fair to the taxpayers.
Myser: Believes it is taxpayer money and should be returned in reduced taxes. Believes half should be r e-
turned and the other half used for expenditures that are overdue such as financial software and facilities
management. Bel ieves it should be returned in a single year because this is when residents need it and if it
held for other potential needs, a reason to spend it will be found. Noted that when items are bonded, it is
future residents that are paying for needs that are m et for future residents.
C larification of salary increases .
Meyer: Related that in 2009, non union employees received a 2.5% increase ; in 2010 no increase; and in
2011 a 2 % increase for a cumulative 4.5% over three years . Explained a staffing reorganiz ation occurred
in 2011 which likely made it difficult for Mader and Gresser to review changes from one year to the next.
I nterest revenue increase .
J. Erickson: Stated the City has been conservative on revenue project ion s over the past several years.
B onds have been called and turned over several times and i nterest earnings are exceed ing what was bu d-
geted. The projected 2012 budget is aggressively showing interest revenue as well as building permit re v-
enue to more accurately reflect what has happened a nd is anticipated .
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes
E conomic development budget increase .
J. Erickson: Stated the CR 21 study expenses were paid out of the 2011 economic development and is
not included in the projected 2012 budget . Cautioned that smaller budget items can appear to ha ve large
increases when only considering the percentage and the 2012 budget i ncludes $50,000 in order to have
funding available for professional services so the strategic plan can be implemented when approved.
Hedberg: Noted that the Economic Development Authority ( EDA ) has not completed its strategic plan, but
they have agreed upon four priorities: 1) to consider fiber to every parcel in the city; 2) technology bus i ness
incubators; 3) a data center; and 4) economic development in downtown. The proposed b udget is to have
money available for professional se r vices to move these four agendas forward.
B udgeting process .
J. Erickson: The process undertaken is to have a conservative budget. An average of $350,000 annually
has been added each year for the pas t 20 years on the revenue side . Expenditures are more flexible as
staff cannot know how many snow storms there will be, cost of fuel, etc. Council has adopted financial
management policy to a d dress how to manage reserves in the future.
Hedberg : Stated that w ell - run cities run surpluses and the alternative is to run deficits. Believes the g oal is
to have modest surpluses. Noted that Prior Lake has been a fiscally conservative, well - run city with su r-
plus es every year since 1990 and that is n ot a sign o f a broken budget process.
Myser : Believes there should be small surpluses and the City should plan for a slight reserve, but not have
this great of a balance. Believes we are getting better at it.
Erickson : Com plimented staff on it s stewardship of pu blic monies and look ing at alternatives to provide
service rather that just spending the mon ey.
Keeney : Stated that when he reviews spending he considers if there is an increasing level of services or a
larger population and if there are incr eases in the cost of living . Stated that it requires about a 3% increase
to maintain what we have. Believes it i nappropriate to consider new spending or new levels of service so,
to the e xtent that the budget reflects increases in level s of service, he does not support that. Believes lo w-
er priority items should be reduced and the City should look hard at what we have to do without. Finds it
difficult to support adding two positions and should add with extreme caution as that increase will have to
be ca rried for a long period. Stated he d oes not support spending the surplus down ; expenditures and levy
should be reduced .
Erickson : Stated that staff was reduced over the past few years and compromises were made to do that.
Supports adding the positions in public safety and accounting to become closer to being fully staffed. Re i-
terated that the City is the lowest taxing entity compared to the School and County. Will support the pr o-
posed budget.
Soukup : Disagreed with comments made to reduce servic es and that it is the wrong time to add pos i tions.
Supports the increase of two staff positions. Complimented staff on staying on or under budgets with cre a-
tive solutions, grant seeking , etc . Stated her conversations with residents leads her to believe that most
people don’t want the roller coaster ride of highs and lows in tax l e vies.
Hedberg : Supports the budget as presented. It provides for a 2% reduction in levy which, with the 1%
growth in taxes , results in a 3% reduction in actual household taxes . Stated that r ecent statistics show i n-
fla tion at 3% and that should be used as a guideline in planning budgets. Projected inflation for the period
from 2008 – 2012 is 10% and the tax per household remained flat during this period when the economy
had an inflation rate of 10%. Per household actual spending is down with this proposed budget. Regarding
population projections, noted that the City is using adjusted projections based on actual census figures.
Myser: Stated that adding two positions is a 5% increase and believes it is inappropriate to add them in
this kind of environment. Does not propose cutting or reducing services but believes staff should continue
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes
to find opportunities meet service needs. Believes we should wait until growth increases and economy be t-
ters to add staff.
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried.
Consider Approval of a Resolution Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $5,780,000 General Obl i-
gation Bonds, Series 2011B.
Finance Director Erickson introduced Steve Mattson of Northland Securities . Mattson reiterated that
the Council app roved a trigger resolution to sell bonds at an advantageous time. Stated he s tarted selling
on November 21 and sold 60% of the bonds the first day. Interest rates were increased to sell the r e-
mainder. The o verall savings on the refinance of the fire st ation is $215,000 for future debt service. Distr i-
buted the yield scales. Anticipate s closing the bond issue on December 20 and refinancing the city
hall/police station project in 2012.
So ukup : Clarified the savings to taxpayers of $215,000.
Mattson : Affirmed that o ver the length of the bond, it should save that much.
Hedberg : Good job, well done. Will support.
Keeney : Queried whether an expert revi ews the documents on our behalf.
Boyles : Replied that the City u ses Briggs and Morgan as b ond counsel and t hey have provided an op i-
Keeney : Stated it confirms the City is doing its due diligence.
Erickson : Thanked Mattson for his work. Asked Mattson to explain what it means for the Council to do
this planning in amounts that are bank q ualified.
Mattson : Stated that the Fed eral government wants to assure that small issuers can get good rates and
ha s provided that community banks can receive the full tax exempt benefit if they buy from a city, school or
county in an amount that stays u nder $10 million. Noted that being qualified rather than non - qualified r e-
sults in an approximate half percent difference in interest costs , which is around $500,000 - $600,000 in
savings on $10 million. Part of the current planning is to do these smaller issues this year so we can leave
the 2012 allocation for refinancing city hall/ police station.
Myser : Asked about Bernanke’s comments that QE4 might driv e interest down at beginning of year.
Mattson : Replied he does not know the particulars , but belie ves Bernanke and board will try to keep inte r-
est rates at the levels they would like for their reasons; but it is the bond traders across the country that a c-
tually move interest rates. The rates will move because of perceptions. Interest rates can change based
on local and inte r national events.
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried.
Consider Approval of a Report and Provide Direction Regarding Streetscaping Options for the A r-
cadia and County Road 21 Project, City Project #11 - 001.
City Engineer / Inspections Director Poppler informed the Council that the final design is nearly co m-
plete and the i ntersection is targeted for landscaping options. Described the area and the planned traffic
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes
flow. Noted that amenities could be added to serve as a source of community pride and provide directional
guidance to visitors. Don Stern a with WSB and Associates reviewed PowerPoint for proposed improv e-
ments. Explained that any plan would require S tate approval as the project wi ll us e State Aid monies. R e-
viewed a menities that could be considered including s treetlights, benches, litter receptacles, planting urns,
seat wall planters, decorative sidewalk and directional signs . Noted that the intersection is targeted for
completion before Lakefront Days 2012. Poppler commented on the amenities that are sensible to be i n-
clude d now if they are desired in the final plan such as sidewalks and lighting; and others could be added
later .
Hedberg : Commented that streetlights c ould be installed to the corner of Duluth , but does not see the
need to install them west of Arcadia at this time. Makes sense to do the benches, planters, etc. and begin
to create the streetscape as the project progresses. Concurred with having decorativ e sidewalk. Asked the
location of the proposed monuments.
Stern : Replied it is planned for the SW corner for those heading eastbound into dow n town.
Hedberg : Believes some kind of direction for people heading westbound would be beneficial as well and
su ggested considering a sign on the NE corner of Arcadia. Believes k iosks could be done in the future.
Questioned why the parcel shown for parking would not be a developable parcel for small busi ness and
does not favor a parking lot there.
Soukup : C lar ified the style of streetlights. Agree d with four lights on Arcadia and two on Dakota. Su p-
port s signage on two corners to reach drivers from both directions. Not sure there should be benches on
the main intersection. Would be interest ed in having addit ional parking, but would l ike to know if that lot is
d e velopable. Prior Lake may not be large enough to justify the kiosks.
Erickson : Queried why the sign would not match the sailboat entry signs.
Stern a : Responded they did not look at trying to keep the same shape as the entry signs, but could.
Stated they t ried to find a shape that would allow enough verbiage to direct people to downtown.
Erickson : Likes the digital aspect to the monument s ign and believes that w ould be cost effective over the
l ife of the sign. Wondered if one sign could be double - sided and serve both sides of the road. Agreed
w estward bound drivers should have signage. Believes l ighting west of Arcadia is not necessary at this
time. B elieves b enches by the pond are not need ed now, perhaps in the future. Does not support the
kiosks due to upkeep and not in keeping with small town feeling. Wants to know if the proposed parking lot
is dev e lopable, benefits of the parking area or if there could be a better place for parking.
Keeney : Believes much of the streetscaping should wait until semaphores are installed. Lighting, si g nage
and amenities should go with it . Lighting to the west should remain as is . Believes the proposed s i g nage
solution is deluxe. Noted that m oney ha s been put into streetscaping on Main, but he has not heard if it
contributed to the success of businesses there and this seems like a lot to invest in a corner that will ne v er
have much development. Does not favor the “spot” parking solution as it is exp ensive and has potential to
become dedicated to one business . Stated that does not reflect his vision of how to do parking downtown
and he favors putting the lot on the market. Believes r egular sidewalks will be fine.
Myser : Would have like d the costs for the amenities to be included with the agenda package. Stated that
the broad solution for downtown should consider whether this lot would be suitable for parking. Questioned
whether the street lights will be for safety or aesthetics and how the light ing fits with the entire dow n town.
Stated he is o pen to a monument sign of some sort and would like to know the options from electronic to
less expensive , the purpose, necessary size and what it should look like . Agreed that b enches and lights
to the west of Arcadia are not needed. Would like to see a holistic plan to consider all of the elements t o-
gether .
Stern : Stated the input is greatly appreciated in putting together the next step to bring back to the Council.
Myser : Queried the Council on whether the consensus is to have no lights west of Arcadia, no kiosk and
no benches.
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes
Keeney : No parking lot.
Poppler : Clarified there is agreement to have a monument sign but more options should be explored i n-
cluding a sail shape, no decorative sidew alks and staff should come back with a lighting plan for downtown .
Noted that currently there are wooden lights which will be removed to construct the project. It will be diff i-
cult to put lighting in later and when replacing the street lights, it would b e good to consider complementing
downtown and the Wagon Bridge. Reviewed the map to discuss placement of lighting.
Stern a : Currently there is lighting along the trail on the south side and from Arcadia east on the north side.
Erickson : Asked if lighti ng could be omitted on the north side.
Stern : Displayed the section that will be permanent noting they are suggesting th at permanent lights be
put in at this time.
Boyles : Suggested bringing the topic back to a work session.
Keeney : Asked if street scaping is in the C apital Improvement Program.
Poppler : Stated streetscaping was in the original budget, but construction and ROW costs have grown.
Noted that the o riginal project budget was $3.05 million and with the proposal brought to tonight’s mee ting
as well as the semaphore , it is at $3.36 5 million .
Consider Approval of a Resolution Making Appointment to the Communications / Technology Adv i-
sory Committee.
Assistant City Manager Meyer stated that the interview team met with two applicants. One was not a re s-
ident and, therefore, not eligible for this Committee . The interview team r ecommend s Fiddle for the Co m-
mittee and approaching the Economic Development Authority to recommend Dodaro for its B road band
S ubcommittee.
VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Erickson, Hedberg, Keeney and Soukup. The motion carried.
Item 10A, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of the City’s Standardized Professional
Services Contract for the Pavement Degradation Analysis , was removed from the agenda .
Community Events
Erickson: Stated that Lakefront Dazzle will be held at Lake front Park Friday night .
Boyles : Stated that the City has been nominated O ut standing Conservationist of the Y ear by the Scott
County Soil and Water Conservation organization .
Keeney : There will be a b enefit for Joe and Carrie Wiita on Ja nuary 28, and an y d onations for the silent
auction can be handled by contacting Randy Hofstad.
With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by Hedberg and
seconded by Soukup . With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 10:29 p.m.
___ _______________________________
Frank Boyles, City Manager
2 05 11 City Council meeting minutes