HomeMy WebLinkAbout040794REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, April 7, 1994 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. a) b) c) d) 8:30 p.m. 2. 9:00 p.m. 3. Call meeting to order. a) Review minutes of previous meeting. Public Hearing to consider the following amendments to the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance: Increase lot width and lot area standards for R-1 and R-3 Zones. Increase minimum PUD area from 2.5 to 10 acres. Eliminate 22% lot coverage ratio for single family dwellings in R-1 and R-3 Zones. Amend the Lot of Record description of the Zoning Ordinance. Public Hearing to consider a rezoning application from New Century Construction to rezone part of Lot 1, Block 3, Brooksville Center 1st Addition from B-3 to R-3. Consider a variance application for John and Dorothy Stariha. Discussion - Summary Report from 1994 Planning Commission Retreat. Ali times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes earlier or later than the scheduled time. 'A40794" 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 7, 1994 The April 7, 1994, Planning Cormrdssion Meeting was called to order by Chairman Amold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Roseth, Amold, Loftus, Vonhof, Kuykendall, Director of Planning Hca'st Graser, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Associate Planner Gina Mitchell, and Secretary Rita Scbewe. REVIEW MINUrF3 OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY VONHOE SECOND BY LOFTtJS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES A S WRITIEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Vonhof, Loftus, Roseth, and Kuykendall. Cormnissioner Amold abstained as he was not present at the previous meeting. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM I - PUBLIC HEAR1NG TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE PRIOR LAKE ZQN1NG ORDINANCE The Public was in attendance and a sign-up sheet was circulated. Horst Graser, Director of Planning, presented the information as per the planning report of April 7, 1994. City Council has directed Staff to prepare the necessary language to amend the Zoning Ordinance and City Code. The proposed amendments are as follows: 1. Increase the minimum lot size for single family dwellings, from 10,000 to 12,000 square feet within the R-1 and R-3 Zoning Districts.(4.2) 2. Increase the minimtanlot width for single family dwellings from 80' to86' within the R-1 and R-3 Zoning Districts. (4.2) 3. Eliminate the 22% coverage ratio in R- 1 and R-3 Zoning Districts. (4.2) 4. Increase the minimmnPUD acreage from2.5 to 10 acres. (6.11,A4) 5. Establish a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and lot width of 80' in all PUD's for single family lots. (6.11,A4) 6. Increase the minimumlot area for non-waterfrom lots fi.om 10,000 to 12,000 square feet. (9.3A2) 7. Increase the minimum width for non-waterfront lots fi.om 80 to 86 feet. (9.3A2) 8. Pennk any lot of record to be used for the erection of a structure as long as it meets the use regulations of the district in which it is located and the lot is part of a subdivision approved by the City of Prior Lake. (4.1C) ~ Gmser presented information on each of the amen~ts, a survey of other communities requirements, recommendations fi:om Citizens Forum, a general discussion related to subdivision, and PUD lot design. Emmy Schneider, 16840 Elm Avenue, noted that in 1975, grants had been given by the Metropolitan Council to Prior Lake if lots would be reduced to 10,000 square feet to encourage development. The PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 1994 Page 1 question was asked if the current lots would be affected by these amendrmnts and was advised it would not. Bill Schn~el, 4151 Grainwood Circle, cornmmted that the front setback should be increased to 30 feet and stated the effect on the cul-de-sacs would give the appearance of more open space and roomer lots. iVh: Gmser stated that the Engineering & Planning Departments have discussed this change plus street right-of-ways should be increased from 50 to 60 feet to produce a better street scene. It is possible them will be a recomnendation brought to the Commissioners to mmrd the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance related to street R-O-W, cul-de-sac diameters, and 30 foot front yard setbacks. Cad Hanson, 4065 Raspberry Ridge Road, was in favor of the amen~t. Tom Schneider, 16840 Elm Avenue, is in favor of the changes as marketing has changed. He gave as an example of Willows 6th Addition when it was planed and zoned. The larger lots sold immediately as this was what people desired. Bob Walsh, 672 Dale Court, Shoreview, Developer of Raspberry Ridge, stated that his development has 30 foot setbacks as part of their covenants. Mr Walsh also suggested having a 5 foot setback on the garage side with no less than 15 feet between buildings. He asked the question if existing plats would be affected and was advised they would not. Mary K. Whiting, 14897 Manitou Road, gave a brief s~ on the background on the Citizens Forum's efforts to change the design of Carriage Hills. Recordations were made to the Council by the Citizens Group and they were in favor of the proposed anaendments. At 8:30 P.M., it was announced the Public Hearing scheduled for this time will follow after the conclusion of the hearing in progress. Bill Mangan, Director of Parks, stated the proposed amendment would not impact the Parks Dedication Fee but would impact the Park Support Fee on the building permits. Fees are reviewed annually and adjusted to accornmedate the construction of neighborhood parks. Larry Anderson, City Engineer, stated the fees that are based on net lot area would not be changed but fees based on building permits would change depending upon the number of building permits issued. Frank Boyles, City Manager was asked to clarify information related to the fee schedule. Comments from the Commissioners were: thanks expressed to the public, Sand Point PUD, concems on lot width increase, lot designs features, clarification of the elimination of coverage ratio, evaluation of fee schedule, financial impact to the comrrmity does not appear to be an issue, increase in street width, right-of-way impact, minimum lot sizes in PUD and why the the rush to implement this amendment Comrn~sioner Loftus felt that Mr Schmokel should write a letter to the Council stating his comments on the amen~t. Mc Boyles stated there are three alternatives, one is to do nothing, second would be to establish a moratorium, and three, take prompt action to correct something they felt needed correction. This would explain the need to expedite the proposal. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5-4-1(C) OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECIION 4.1(C) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: (C) ANY LOT OF RECORD MAY BE USED FOR THE ERECTION OF A STRUCTURE PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 1994 Page 2 CONFORMING TO THE USE REGULATiONS OF THE DISTRICT IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. A LOT OF RECORD LOCATED WITHIN THE S-D SHOREI.AND DISTRICT IS BUILDABLE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIRE3/II~W~ OF SECTION 5-8-303) OF THE CITY CODE AND S EC~ON 9.3(B) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Vote taken signified ayes by Vonhof, Roseth, Amold, Kuykendall, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFFUS, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND TO C1TY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE LOT AND YARD REQU1REMI~NTS TABLES OF SECTION 5-4-1 OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECTION 4.2 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE MINIMUM LOT SI7F. FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DWFI lINGS IN THE R-1 SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND THE R-3 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SI-IAI I~ BE: AREA (SQUARE FEEI)- 12,000 SQUARE FEET; WIDTH (FEED-86' THE MAXIMUM COVERAGE (%) FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DWFII.~GS IN THE R-1 SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL AND THE R-3 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT SHAII. BE ELIMINATED. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Vonhof, Roseth, Amold, and Kuykendali. MOTION CARRIED. A directive to Staff was given to investigate the possibility of increasing the front setback from 25 feet to 30 or 35 feet and the right-of-way width to 50-60 feet. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY KUYKENDAI l., TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNC1L THE APPROVAL OF SEC~ON 5-5-11 (C)4 OF PRIOR LAKE C1TY CODE AND SECTION 6.11A.4 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLDWS: 4. THE PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IS COMPRISED OF AT LEAST TEN (10) ACRES OF CONTIGUOUS LAND. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Kuykendall, Amold, Loftus, and Vonhof. MOTION CARRIED. MorION BY LOFFUS, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE TABLES UNDER SEWERED AREAS - RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WATERS AND GENERAL DEVELOPMENT WATERS IN SECTION 5-8-3(A) OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND SECTION 9.3A.2 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLDWS: LOT AREA (SQUARE FEET) - FOR OTHER LOTS - 12,000 MINIMUM WIDTH FOR OTHER LOTS AT FRONT SETBACKLINE- 86 FEET. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Vonhof, Amold, Kuykendall, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY KUYKENDAI I~, TO RECOMMEND THE FEE SCHEDUkE BE REVIEWED AND ADJUSTED APPROPRIATELY. Vote taken signified ayes by Vonhof, Kuykendall, Roseth, Loftus, and Amold. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Loftus wished to have the minutes reflect his statement that the issue on diversity and mixture of lot sizes should be brought before the Planning Commission at a future date. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFFUS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Loftus, Amold, Kuykendall, and Vonhof. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing was closed at 9:12 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 1994 Page 3 A recess was called at 9:13 P.M. and the meeting re, convened at 9:20 P.M. ITEM H - PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREIWNSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND CITY ZONING ORDINANCE. The Public Hearing was called to order at 9:20 P.M. The public was in attendance and a sign-up sheet was circulatecL Chairman Arnold noted the information on the amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance was published in an adequate amount of tirne~ However, the infommon regarding the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendrmmt was published later. The presentation and discussion will take place at this time, and a special meeting has been called for April 12, 1994, at 6.'00 P.M., at which time the entire arnen~t will be voted on. Hca'st Graser presented the information as per planning report of April 7, 1994. The applicant is New Century Construction and the application would be to convert the subject building from a bowling alley to a kindergarten school. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Prior Lake Compreh~ve Plan and zomg Code for 2.6 acres of commercial designated land imrmdiately southwest of the intersection of Tower and Toronto Streets. The requested action is to change the land use designation in the Congxehensive Plan from cornrnercial to high density residential and to amend the Zoning Ordinance from B-3 to R-3 for the same parcel. The building on the site is 22,000 square feet and the use is a bowling alley, lounge, and sports bar. There have been several owners through the years but no one seems to flom-ish at this business site. Perhaps this example of a failed business is an indication that the commercial districts need to be modified to residential south of Tower Street. A redesignation to high density for the subject site would be more respectable and conducive to the adjacent single family homes. The land use designation can be justified and is not considered spot zoning. Regardless of the zoning, the utilities and roads are sufficient to accom/vr~te the uses of either district. Jim Erickson, 4544 Pondview, stated he is in agreement with the change. Les Sonnebend, Superintendent of Prior Lake School District 719, cornmented that the school district is in real need of space and is considering this a long-term presence. If it is not needed for kindergarten it will be used for Community Education, Special Education, Early Children, etc. There is room for buses on-site, playground will be expanded, and the fencing upgraded. Bill Schmokel, School Board Member, reiterated that this will be a long-term commitment on the part of the school and when the remodeling is complete it will look very much like a school and not a bowling alley. Comments from the Commissioners were on; change in zoning change property taxes, question on rezoning when schools are allowed in B-3, lransitional buffeting, design bus loading site for safety, ~end is to keep commercial intact but this is an exception to the rule, traffic increase, no negative financial impact on the City, and all were in agreement with the petition. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY KUYKENDAI l ~ TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON A PETITION BY NEW CENTURY CONSTRUCTION TO AMEND THE CO~SIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND C1TY ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 2.6 ACRES LOCATED AT 4540 TOWER STREFrF S.E., TO APRIL 12, 1994, AT 6:00 P.M. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Kuykendall, Vonhof, Loftus, and Amold. MOYION CARRIED. ITEM IlI- VARIANCE- JOHN & DOROTHY STAR1HA PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 1994 Page 4 John Stariha, 15528 Red Oaks Road SE, stated they have purchased the property at 15528 Red Oaks Road SE, in order to build a retirement home for themselves and their family. Deb Garross, Assistant City Planner, presented the information as per planning report of April 7, 1994. The proposal is to remove an existing cabin and replace it with a new single family home. The variances requested are as follow~ 1. 5 foot north sideyard variance. 2. 25 foot lakeshore variance. 3. .45 foot south sideyard variance. 4. 1% lot coverage variance. 5. 1% impervious surface coverage variance. 6. .26 foot lot width variance. The subject site is a substandard lot of record and was platted under Eagle Creek Township. Precedent has been set in the neighborhood by similar variances granted in order to construct single family homes. It is possible that two trees may be lost during the conslruction. Reco~clation from Staff is to approve the variances requested with the following conditions: 1. The shed in the front yard and south sideyard, adjacent to the existing cabin be removed. 2. The roof line be designed in a manner so as not to allow water to drain to the side yards and/or gutters be installed to control drainage along the side yards. Reconnra~dation from DNR is to approve the variances requested. Con-~rents from the Commissioners were on replacement of trees removed, clarification on lakeshore variance, and all were in support of the application. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING VARIAN(~S FOR 15538 RED OAKS ROAD SE, LEGAL DESCRIFIION OF LOT 9, RED OAKS ADDITION AS OLrlLINED: 1. 5 FOOT NORTH SIDEYARD VARIANCE. 2. 25 FOOT LAKESHORE VARIANCE. 3. .45 FOOT SOUTH SIDEYARD VARIANCE. 4. 1% LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE. 5. 1% IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE VARIANCE. 6. .26 FOOT LOT WIDTH VARIANCE. CONTINGENT UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE SIq~3 IN THE FRONT YARD AND SOUTH SIDE YARD, ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING CABIN BE REMOVED. 2. THE ROOF LINE BE DESIGNED IN A MANNER SO AS NOT TO Al I iOW WATER TO DRAIN TO THE SIDE YARDS AND/OR GUTFE~ BE INSTAll.ED TO CONTROL DRAINAGE ALONG THE SIDE YARDS. 3. IF TRI~S ARE LOST THEY ARE TO BE REPLACED. RATIONAl ,E BEING HARDSHIP STANDARDS HAVE BEEN MET, SiTE IS A SUBSTANDARD LOT OF RECORD PLATIED UNDER A PREVIOUS GO~ JURISDICTION, AND WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Vote taken signified ayes by Vonhof, Roseth, Amold, Loftus, and Kuykendall. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM IV - DIS(~USSION - SUMMARY REPORT FROM THE 1994 COMMISSION RETREAT Hca'st Graser gave a brief s~ on the retreat agenda. An update on the 2010 Comprehensive Plan schedule was discussed. Suggestions and ideas were exchanged in regard to the meeting times and format. PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 1994 Page 5 MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND B Y ROSETH, TO ADJOURN THE MEE22NG. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, Vonhof, Arnold, and Kuykendall. MORION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Tapes of the meeting are on file at City Hall. Hca-st W. Gmser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 1994 Page 6