HomeMy WebLinkAbout102003 Regular16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 20, 2003 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Blomberg, Petersen, 7ieska and LeMair, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director Osmundson, City Engineer McDermott, Assistant City Engineer Poppler, Finance Director Ralph Teschner, Planning Coordinator Kansier, and Administrative Assistant Meyer. PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. Boyles: Reviewed the procedure for the public forum. No persons were present to speak at the Public Forum. APPROVALOFAGENDA: Zieska: Requested adding an item as 10F regarding the business climate in Prior Lake. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY ZIESKA, TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 6, 2003 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Petersen, Blomberg, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. (B) Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. (C) Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. (D) Consider Approval of Animal Control Monthly Report. (E) Consider Approval of Monthly Fire Call Report. (F) Consider Approval of 2003 Third Quarter Budget Report. (G) Consider Approval of 2003 Third Quarter Investment Report. (H) Consider Approval of Resolution 03-173 Approving a Joint and Cooperative Agreement for the Use of Fire Personnel and Equipment and Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute the Agreement. Boyles: Reviewed the Consent Agenda items. MOTION BY BLOMBERG, SECOND BY LEMAIR, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska, and LeMair, the motion carried. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2003 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing to Consider Approval of a Resolution Vacating Easements and a Portion of the Duluth Avenue Right-of. Way located on and adjacent to Lots 1-2, Block 1, Enivid First Addition. Boyles: Introduced the item and explained the public hearing process. Rye: Reviewed the item in connection with the staff report. Mayor Haugen declared the public hearing open. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. LeMair: Believed the action was appropriate to move the Post Office and Ring Road projects forward. Remaining Councilmembers echoed their agreement with Councilmember LeMair's comments. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY PETERSEN, APPROVING RESOLUTION 03-174 VACATING EASEMENTS AND A PORTION OF THE DULUTH AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED ON AND ADJACENT TO LOTS 1-2, BLOCK 1, ENIVID FIRST ADDITION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: Architect Christopher Olson Regarding Plans for the New 19,000 Square Foot Post Office Scheduled for Completion next July. Boyles: Discussed the process and funding hurdles in order to get authority to proceed with the project. Advised that the 2020 Vision video was used to garner support for the project. Further noted that the Prior Lake project was 1 of only 2 projects approved in the western region of the US. Olson (CM Architecture): Reviewed the floor plan, design and access points of the new facility. LeMair: Asked the square footage of the current facility and if the expansion will involve creation of new jobs. Olson: Did not know the square footage of the existing facility, but that the proposed facility is less than double the existing one. The expansion is likely to be followed by increased routes and jobs, but that that is an operations decision. Blomber,q: Asked what type of landscaping will be provided. Olson: Advised that some trees will be removed, but a large number of trees will be brought back onto the site. Because a wetland is on the site, as well as a pond, there is sensitivity to the natural buffer. Hauflen: Asked the targeted completion date. City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2003 Olson: July 2004. Proclamation Declaring October as Toastmasters Month in Prior Lake Hau.qen: Read a proclamation declaring October as Toastmasters month in Prior Lake. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Toltz, King, Duvall Anderson and Associates Inc. (TDKA) to Provide Professional Engineering Services to Prepare a Feasibility Study for a Pedestrian Underpass on CSAH 82. Osmundson: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Blomber.q: Commented that even though the decision has not been made, she believed, through the input garnered during the work session on the 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan, that the impetus is there to proceed with this type of project. Petersen: Advised that he believed that the project should proceed, but that in order to get the best utilization, he believed it should connect at Fremont. Asked staff to add that location to the study. Zieska: Agreed the alternate location is worth looking at, and that this item is a direct result of input from the public during the informational meetings. LeMair: Agreed that the area needs an underpass to accommodate the neighborhoods. Hau,qen: Agreed with Councilmember Blomberg that pedestrian safety was a repeated focus of the 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan work session and that all options are important to consider. MOTION BY BLOMBERG, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03-175 AUTHORIZING TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (TDKA) TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS ON CSAH 82. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution (1) Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into a Traffic Control Signal Agreement with MnDOT, the City of Savage and Scott County for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of a Traffic Signal on TH13 at Intersection of Boudin Street, Commerce Avenue and South Park Drive; and a Temporary Traffic Signal at CSAH 42 and TH13; and (2) Authorizing Payment to MnDOT for State Furnished Materials for the Boudin / Commerce / South Park Signal. Osmundson: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Zieska: Commented that it makes sense to share costs for the maintenance and electrical at Commerce / Boudin, but that Savage should pick up 75% at the CSAH 42 intersection since they control that portion of the intersection. Osmundson: Believed the City of Savage is receptive to that type of arrangement. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2003 Hau,qen: Complimented the staff and project designers who put the project together. Believes it makes sense and definitely improves the safety. Blomber,q: Suggested that the stop signs exiting PDQ be more prominent because the traffic entering from the right-in does not stop. Hau,qen: Responded to comments he had heard indicating that infrastructure should be constructed prior to development advising that development drives what type of infrastructure is required, as well as provides funding for the types of costly improvements required. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY LEMAIR, APPROVING RESOLUTION 03-176 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT WITH MnDOT, THE CITY OF SAVAGE AND SCOTT COUNTY FOR INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL ON TH13 AT INTERSECTION OF BOUDIN STREET, COMMERCE AVENUE AND SOUTH PARK DRIVE, AND A TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CSAH 42 AND TH13, AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO MnDOT FOR STATE FURNISHED MATERIALS FOR THE BOUDIN / COMMERCE / SOUTH PARK SIGNAL. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Letter with Recommendations Regarding the Scott County Highway Department Draft 2004- 2008 Capital Improvement Program. Osmundson: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report, Blomber.q: Asked what the purpose of an EAW is. Osmundson: State law requires that since no read is in that current alignment, an Environmental Impact Study is required to identify the impacts on the surrounding environment. Zieska: Commented that it is iml~erative to resolve the impacts the realignment of CSAH 21 will have on the Downtown area. LeMair: Believed there are really significant read projects moving forward. It is exciting to see and overdue. Hau.qen: Advised that it is important to involve the Downtown business owners as the CSAH 21 improvements proceed. Osmundson: Advised that a citizens advisory committee has been formed to be included in that process, and is already participatory. Haugen: Also noted that pedestrian safety is also a concern through the downtown area and at CSAH 21 and TH13. MOTION BY ZIESKA, SECOND BY LEMAIR, TO APPROVE LETTER WITH RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE SCOTT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT DRAFT 2004-2008 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2005 Consider Approval of Southwest Metro Groundwater Work Group Memorandum of Understanding. Osmundson: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Zieska: Noted the large number of cities and organizations that are a part of the partnership, and that this has been in place for a number of years. HauRen: Commented that natural resources need to be protected and this is a great example. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG, TO APPROVE SOUTHWEST METRO GROUNDWATER WORK GROUP MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Facade Improvements for Harry Tupy for the Hair Mate and Kapaun Realty Building. Rye: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. LeMair: Believed it important to provide the assistance for these business. Did not have an opinion at this time as to the signage. Zieska: Asked if signage is eligibl~ for the facade improvement funds. Rye: Signage in the downtown area is a bit more restrictive than in other areas. Believes the case can be made that replacement signage is an eligible facet. Zieska: Supported the project, and including signage as an eligible improvement. Petersen: Supported the project. Commented that he had no problem with internally illuminated signs. Blomber,q: Supported the project and including signs as an eligible improvement. Concerned that the project drawings are not reflective of the Downtown plan. Hau.qen: Asked if the intent was to only have signs be eligible if they were connected to a fa(;ade improvement. Pace: Believed that the issue could be addressed at such time as it arose. Zieska: Clarified that if the Tupys wished to include a sign improvement, it would be under a separate action. Staff can work with the Tupys based upon the conversation tonight. MOTION BY ZlESKA, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03-177 AUTHORIZING FA(~ADE IMPROVEMENTS FOR HARRY T. UPY FOR THE HAIR MATE AND KAPAUN REALTY BUILDING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska, and LeMair, the motion carried. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2003 Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of St. Paul to Facilitate the Award of Bid for the Purchase of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Equipment. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. Petersen: Asked if the thermal imaging camera was included. Bo¥1es: No. LeMair: Believed acquisition of the grant was fantastic and it makes sense to coordinate with the City of St. Paul. Zieska: Advised that the Fire Department subcommittee is working on the acquisition of the thermal imaging camera, and has funds available within the gra6t. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03-178 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ST. PAUL TO FACILITATE THE AWARD OF BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCBA) EQUIPMENT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska, and LeMair, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Appointments to Planning Commission and Lake Advisory Committee to Fill Existing Vacancies. Boyles: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report. LeMair: Commented that during the Lake Advisory Committee interviews, each of the candidates recommended are very ambitious and knowledgeable about issues surrounding the lake. Zieska: Believed there were quality candidates for the Planning Commission, which is a very tough and detailed job. Believed the present members have done an outstanding job and were an easy reappointment. The remaining candidates were very likeable and seemed dedicated. Petersen: Thanked the interview panels for the extra work and supported the appointments. Blomber,q: Agreed. Haugen: Agreed. MOTION BY PETERSEN, SECOND BY BLOMBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 03-179 APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO FILL EXISTING VACANCIES. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Blomberg, Petersen, Zieska and LeMair, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Business Climate in Prior Lake Zieska: Commented that there seems to be a feeling that business is leaving Prior Lake, when in fact, the membership at the Chamber of Commerce has more than doubled. The difference is that many of the businesses are primarily in-home 6 City Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2003 businesses rather than storefronts. Further explained that large retail businesses do not always equate to an immediate giant increase in taxes. Also commented on the partnerships between the School District, developer and City to facilitate the purchase of a future school site. Added that there is a process in place for naming School facilities, and if a school goes into that site, then participate in the naming process if you have an interest. If you don't participate in the process, then don't complain about it after the fact. Hau.qen: Also noted the new businesses moving into the Lakefront Plaza facility in the downtown area. Jim Speiker has also indicated that he has three prospects for his new building. Even though Prior Lake does not have big box type of businesses, they are available to Prior Lake residents. We are not in competition with other communities, but rather looking to provide those services that we are capable of for Prior Lake residents. Prior Lake is a recreational community. In addition, read a Letter to the Editor from Scott County complimenting the City on their 2020 Vision update process. With no other comments from Councilmembers, a motion to adjo~~eeting adjou rned at 10:25pm. Frank Boyles, City Manager --I'~lly IVr~yer, I::~ording Secretary / 7