00-001 PC Hillcrest VAR 99-100 denying cave Adopted 1/10/00
encroachment into 5 foot side yard
00-002PC Keyland Homes Variance 00-001 approving a Adopted 1/24/00
20' side yard setback instead of the required
75' setback adjacent to a residential district.
00-003PC Hillcrest VAR 99-100 approving side yard PC Directive 1/24/00
setbacks for building walls over 40 ft Adopted
00-004PC Mirsch Appeal of Depart. decision to not Adopted 3/13/00
penrfit balcony to encroach bluff setback, the
Resolution denies the appeal (00-014)
00-005PC Hillcrest VAR 00-024 denying revised Adopted 3/13/00
setbacks of 6.08 ft and 9 ft.
00-006PC Hillcrest VAR 00-024 approving setbacks Of PC Directive 3/27/00
6.08 ft and 9 ft for walls over 40 ft Adopted
00-007PC Buenz VAR 00-027 approving vehicular PC Directive 5/8/00
access elevation below 907.9 and a 50 ft Adopted
setback to the OHWM of 904 feet
00-008PC Seibenaler VAR 00-048 approving less than Adopted 7/10/00
the required 15 foot building separation
00-009PC Miller VAR 00-049 approving a variance to Adopted 7/10/00
vehicular access elevation below 907.9'
00-010PC Cade VAR 00-052PC approving a bluff Adopted 7/26/00
setback variance as proposed
00-011PC Dittman VAR 00-070PC denying a front Adopted 9/25/00
setback for an accessory structure and
increased impervious surface variances
00-012PC Eagle Creek VAR approving lot area and Adopted 9/25/00
width variances
00-013PC Dittman VAR 00-070PC approving a front Adopted 9/25/00
setback variance to a principal structure
00-014PC Liesener VAR 99-067PC approving a time Adopted 10/09/00
extension for an existing variance
00-015PC Cawley VAR 00-077PC approving a 22.7' Denyed 11/27/00
front setback and impervious surface area
00-016PC Cawley VAR 00-077PC denying setback and 11/27/00
encroachment variances
00-017PC Compton VAR 00-079PC approving a garage Adopted 11/27/00
structure setback/sum of side yard, and
impervious surface area over 30 %
00-018PC Compton VAR 00-079PC denying a rear Adopted 11/27/00
setback and structure encroachment - 5 yrds
00-019PC Jader VAR 00-078PC
00-020PC Cawley VAR 00-077PC approving a 22'
street setback and over 30% impervious area