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05 14 2012 Agenda Packet
2, Approval of Agenda: 3, consider Approval of April 23# 2012 Meeting Minutes: Public Hearings: Ax #EP 12-112 3211 Linden Circle Variance. Rod dust and Brian Rademacher are requesting a variance from the minimum um lakeshore setback on a General Development Lake in the -1 (Lour Density Residential) Zoning District. The subject property is located on the southwest end of Upper Prior Lake off of Linden Circle NW. B. #EP 12-107 Maple Glen 4th Addition. Wyatt the Pude; H.S. Pointer 11# LLC is proposing a preliminary plat for a residential subdivision of approximately 2 acres for 45 single family lots* The subject property is located in the southwest corner of the City of Prior Lake, off the south side of Huey 13 S, on Sunray Boulevard. 5. old Business: None , New Business: A. #EP 12-109 I cDonalds Ike -Construction Vacation. Landform Engineering has submitted an application to vacate the drainage and utility easernents located on 0utlot A urith*1n Rad 1 st Addition. New drainage and utility easements will be dedicated with the final plat of I ad rmachers 2nd Addition. The subject propertyis located south of TH 13 S on Panama Aire SE. B. CSAH 12 Wetland Enhancement, The city of Prior Lake is requesting that a CSAH 12 wetland enhancement project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The project is located at the intersection of CSAH 12 and CSAH 17. This site is proposed to become city property. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: A. Recent City Council discussions/decisions. Adjournment: LAI I FILESU I PLANNING COM I I I1I I AGENDAS\()50911 Agenda.de Phonc 952.447.9800 1 Fwx 952.447.42451 ww w. c it of dorIa ke.coi PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, April 23, 2012 11 call to order: Acting Chairman Roszak called the April 23 Id 2012, Planning Commission r peting to order at 6;00 p.m! Those present were Commissioners, Roszak Blahnik, and, Spielre�rr, h�nit Economic efaatzke, a�d conunitDevelopment D+rector Dan ogness, Cit En ineer Lar Po ler, Pla Development Assistant Peter Aldritt. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION B` BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY ROSZAK TO AP AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Ysa r : . TE: Ayes, Spieler, Roszak, and Blahniki The l'I qt, Consider Approval of April 9, 2012 fleeting Min MOTION BY BLAHNII , SECONDED BY S MINUTES AS PRESENTED. TE: Ages, load, Blahnikx and Spieler. Public Hearings: A. #EP 12-109 IcDonalds ll Preliminary Plat, and an er. and minimum parking r,ir subjectilocated ��,iiY ay F i A i site s locate Fr ; Blahnik asked w1fi whether they need LENTO APP O E APRIL MEETING APRIL 9TH, 2012 MEETING i Engine-dt-N submitted an application for a the mini&rn driveway and parking setback 05 and 1107.304 of the Zoning Ordinance. The �K�Drive and gest of County Road 23. from!`MQ. Ids USA LLC for approval of a Preliminary Plat to ITION and a request for three variances on a 1.64 acre site. e 'sting McDonalds commercial site including the 'King requirements were in place when the building was fire built and at that time. Planner Matzke responjodd that the zoning ordinance now in effect was adopted in 2009. The city had a more simplified ordinance at the time of the building, and it was built to cit} standards at the time. Blahnik asked about ownership of the triangle parcel to the south. Planner Matzke responded that it is privately owned. There are not any current plans to develop that piece, but it is in a good location. LA12 FILE -S\12 PLANNING MMISSI 112 MINUTE SWN042312.doc I MOTION BY SPIELED SECOND BY BLAH IK TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT :`l TE: Ayes, I os ak, Blahnik, and Spieler. The Motion carried. Applicant lay Crasn stated that the reason for the parking variance is due to shifting the buildings from one drive-through to two drive-through lanes. The restaurant will serve 65%-70% of its customers with the drive-through whereas before it was 40%-45%. McD nalds is not replacing the interior play space due to the shift in demographics in the area which would give more room for parking. CommissionerQuestions: Blahnik asked about the time frame of this project? Applicant Croaston responded it takes abort 85 to 90 days tot r doe r %t.h ld building and install the new one ■ . . #+••r}l.rtat.+•••. Blahnik asked asked whether there has been comrnuni A+.,;atron with the property }r.,to the south? F}hYlFF 4 F {+taF`a FF*!S}Yihr F�� �l u} ,TriiaT►/r/saY* *X+� 1 i + ■ FlF�■h hlllh}r*r}f�Y f4.,i F F tf FaY}-•P 'F4 Applicant Croasto indicated there has been in or r W eive the} raaiing e � eme6t::y:':;P.e i � y r �r A 4�rxrr ��r' ■•� f YtiY A,kAA rry r,Fr1 ! r■rrflry■+r�i* �s rr. t - r f a F ■ s ■ + +r Spieler asked whether this one will be similar to the new bu }# v' p ¢.}.� * Burnsville? ! *ar}r!}Yrrr}}Xi ♦ra }}r}lrr+*i #Frr}!**hsy# Applicant Cr ast n responded e but t h Yr. .. ill b more brick**�lh`�additional exterior stone. �`k ryk�a FY+!*ri�r a +it�i +r I�M TI N B BIELER SECOND BY BLAHNII �fi� +aC�� $, -.THE PI BLI6 +. tI I G T t23 �,r �+a►��•! Mme} r}ry+}. lrYr � �+aFaFtFlA F�Fy�15FF Y�Y}Y TE: Ayes, os ak Blahnik and Spieler. The yMoio.;,b atir■'�f�fY++F'#r*-��r*rrr+■AA r}•+f}i' �¢AAr}AA}F+YA!■}}F■f'SF. i+rY� F++aT� *#r !*A*rf }kr FAR*JaA/FfAA}■}hlxxFFF#}�. {+rr+a}RY • #+'Y Commissioner Comment F +'IAAsI FA►i �■f{/FFr r}f#}_r� F a }�•F•a A � ■� F F h Fxk}Y#i �,xtfi yr �■!5}' t +•}F#Fx r}J}Fri �A� �•rr} F Fr* •�' { rrarr#r*Y }rrril {`+ai + F F r r r♦ r+y :far A'PP P lalril� stated heril*�F' rtingtls and 't. practical difficulties do exist here based on the sire of the lot and due ' { alt roan e's rl i l,.,.l�F�� lis. rr!!!t p�r�r agar A,Yiar_+_•., _ Spieler krt=}r F r q ;�y,/y r [#_ , ffi yrff�C'r Pl nner.a + {' & xF }+-■ " ate a anti �p t : x} ut a r r th oyt, since once the preliminary plat is approved they a ll_ ' t+ apply for a r 'qi perms � et started; however, it is up to the applicant as t hover p ■ 1J 1}x hr,FF}F � 1 .*}}1F}i� I ■a+fahxYr+xxAi- ■■■Aq■Fhhk x' a ■ rt#rt quickly they`}��nt to move fry: with r t r A r •�+AA+If i* Alxx+�i Spieler starte l' re ason he a� �. d Is that during 1 the summer, a lot f jj'�', a i le use that D nalds for a r x} x Y r the soccer and ba i� } i lI gee ;fit the Ponds Park! Roszak stated that h■IlRF"supporting this, and that it is wonderful to see a business like this reinvest �kr r�r+r+F in our community, }r MOTION BT BLAHNIK SECOND BY SPIELED TO APPROVE THE 4 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE FOOT DRIVE ISLE SETBACK, A 5 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE 10 FOOT PARKING SETBACK AND A 14 PARKING STALL VARIANCE FROM NEEDED 77 PARKING STALL REQUIREMENT. TE: Ayes, Roszak, Blahnik, and Spieler. The Motion carried. LA 12 1 ILEM 12 PLANNfNG COMMISS10N\1 MINUTESWN042312.doc 2 A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY SPIELED To RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY Y PLAT To BE KNOWN AS RADERI ACHEI S 211° ADDITION. VOTE: Ares, Roszak, Blahnik, and Spieler. The Lotion carried. B. #SEP 12-106 SpringLakeRegional Parc C.U.P. Stantec Consulting on behalf of Scott county has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow grading in excess of 400 cubic cards within Spring Lake Regional Park. The subject site is located in the so thw s.t corner of Prior Lake between county Road 82 and Counter Road 12 along county Road 81. Planner Matzke presented plans from Stantec consulting related to grading and rand reclamation on the property of Spring Lake Regip r�kya<rfirs Commissioner Comments andQuestions: lhnik asked whether the excess of oo cubic yards j,ug- P"', place to another in the park's .,pil' yN�: r � : krrFrr l,'FaF i Engineer Pop ler responded that in any event, once this triggers a C.U.P. MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY SPIEL OTE: Ages, Roszal , Blahnik, and Spieler. Th Blahn[k asked about the Applicant Jeanie Brj MOTION BY SPIELED SE Cormissi Blah co +.+x Rr tA..+ k :; pte d that he wi IFFr+F t fY die Plan. This itional use permit to allow Z means that they are mo from one of dirt i bei movedI it ING AT 6:32. HE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:33 06ince it is consistent with the goals and objectives of the a small amount of grading. Spieler state Iffiia the will be 00' ortin this based on ghat has been discussed and what staff has ��+FrrrA ht RfiF#y �RF �}� f �tFxs}A JR+ lsak stated that supportingAorirY this echoing his fellow commissioners'comments. Y /FF/F�j+f RFMf. Y FT+x�F, II TI NB BY BLAHNIK--q§ECOND BY SPIELED To APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. TE: Ayes, Ros a , Blahnik, and Spieler. The Motion carried. LA 12 FILE II2 PLAN-NfNG COMMISS10N\1 2 MIN UTESWN042312.doc C. #EP 12-113 Anna Trail and TSI 13 Concept Plan, Copper Creek Partners has submitted an application for a Concept Plan to subdivide an existing 7.4 -acre commercial lot into 4 commercial lots. The property is loaned at the northwest intersection of Anna Trail and TIS 13. Community Economic Development Director Rogness presented Copper Creek Partner's concept plan for a proposed subdivision of a 7.4acre commercially zoned parcel into four parcels. The property would include a new public street that would intersect with TH 13 as well as relocating Anna Trail into that new street, A future connection could also be made from this site to the south downtown area by extending the public street through the wetland area. This concept as been given to Bolton ��*akr Menk Engineering to consider as they begin the South Downtown Area Applicant Greg Schweich, 14332 I aters d e Trail stated that thi commercial lots. There is great signage and visibility from TH 1. �_•- �, preliminary. support to see a / intersection done with Anna Tail necessary in order to go forward with any type of intersection;:tt+:.* # y trails, possibly connecting to the downtown area of PriorLq .Appf4YVi+ Commissioner Questions: Blahnik asked to clarify NI D T's preliminary approval of Applicant Schweich responded that they better designed. Blahnik asked whether this preliminary appy Applicant Schweich respond Blahnik asked whether controlled intersectional; i Applicant Schweich resp information on .:�sjl. n sl• would be v regtor.c.���� ontr lle&iA'tersection i Blahifii d whether the the existing offs ney�p T H I . • knvision pment is an opportunity for met with MIDT with �T, City's support is a% k like setting and intersection 66 TH 3 is unsafe and could be TNI 3 intersection? and input on this topic. ar pharmacy for one of the 4 lots, and if a �h in that area? - resentatives who gave there further ttype of store. The representative stated that they of the lots. The pharmacy would like to see a Applicant s-�rrax F,,r irry}y h respond w e + hat they havetalked to numerous people about moving their business to this location. tiA• a trrr*rrA*M } fFF s' '.z }xkr F iiia itt� Blahnik liked what y�rt'�wing here with this being a good use of the space. i a Spieler stated that he ligibs the idea of fixing up that area and to match how the pillage Market mall appears. He is interested in hearing what the consultant finds out from the study on streets and traffic, Roszak asked whether they are going to acquire the property to the north'? Applicant Schweich responded possibly for ponding and grading. Roszak asked whether they would still go through with the project if property could not be acquired? LA 12 FILESX 12 PLANNING COMMISSIONU 2 MIN UTES\M-N042312.doc Applicant Schweich responded yes. Director l ogress added that this is a redevelopment site, so the question at hand is whether it be redeveloped as one parcel, or whether there is potential to develop it into its highest and best use. The applicants have indicated the potential for a higher and better commercial development here. As the City looks into the study of south downtown, this concept plan will be part of that investigation. Blahnik thinks the connection to downtown would be great, which would have a greater impact on this development if that connection can be made as some point in the future. ii Yaa kr'rtY".'4r .i}s} i Spieler supports this as a good project. ¢ },:}:r-' r}r *Fhh%rrf s r r Y } r x } A lrYihlxrrhshxfi �ArtA Yh Yh}}hr}}rr# r Roszak supports this, and he would really like to see the road cora - do hTt wntown. . old Business: Ione . New Business: Nome . Announcements and Corresponde 6 } A. Decent City Council dis us p s/decisions. * }`ylhT}Y}AA*#F#rk t r Y ik �� sr s!}xrsf#rrra t,f� Director Dan l ogress. ent ff.:,_0 it s from th E. 2012 First Quartef Bu Director Ilan :des :: ••r a• !s sl�t iiaa�TaaaF*I }1fk}ra#i Reports. • '.gra}aa ! �,#a.F,aa}gra i�sar`rR / a'f�raaa,aaraM tivitiFind Residential pre ah .gq.*gY pril 16'hCify council meeting. -'8upply Reports r r r"ra1`' k s building Activity and Residential identiarl Lot Suppler o r n >{ j yYai} i ■ r��F�}�F�F�h'Fhhlx �.`Yais+'+`s `rrY*� v t f•� ■ Yys'ra ■ 1 ■ YIFk / F } r Yams srk Y`}`rr �! I A F Y h 1C Y f a s r} s LysasasasasaYisk ` + }1�11l Fh Fhfi*] Y}1fYf�F�Y rk 'r!h h irx M �Ti0l`4S -SPIEL SEC f x: } ` *_ . a r}.;..-..� SECOND. VOTE: ,, AH l l K T AD. I N THEMEETING. � : a '� ifia x OTE: Ayes# 'q"W"_ ik, los ak,�i d Spieler, The Motion carried. The meeting adjourn :r t, ,: ; p. . R s raa a R'r TF+rs�fi • ! r Peter Aldritt Communit } evelo men# Assistant. rJ LA 12 FIL EW2 PLANN ING COMMISS 10N\1 2 MINUTE S\MN042312.doc 5 MEETING DATE.v MAY 14s 2012 AGE 1 DA s PREPARED Y: JEFF M TZ E, PLANNER PRESENTED Y: JEFF MAT F E PUBLIC HEARING: YES AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A REQUEST EST FOR APPROVAL of A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM I LAI ESHORE STRUCTURE SETBACK of A GENERAL DEVEL- OPMENT LAKE IN THE R -'I (Lolly DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DIS- TRICT DISCUSSION: Introduction Brian Radermacher and Rod Just, owners of the subject property, are request- ing a variance from the minimum lakeshore structure setback of a General De- velopment Lade in the R-1 (Lover Density Residential) on a property located at 3211 Linden circle. The property is located along the western shores of Upper Prior Lake, east of Northwood Road. The property is currently vacant. The fol- lowing variance is requested: •A 31.3 foot variance from the required minimum 75 foot structure setback from the Ordinary High Water (OHM elevation of Prior Lake (section 0.302. Current circumstances The property is zoned -1 (Low Density Residential), and is guided R -LD (Ur- ban Lover Density on the 2030 Comprehensive Flan Land Use Map. The applicant proposes to construct a neer -story home and attached garage onsite with a 2,091 sq. ft. footprint. The current City Ordinance requires a max- imum a - imum of 30% impervious surface per property; the proposed impervious surface indicated for the lot is 28.2%. The single variance request for the project is from the structure setback from the high grater mark. The proposed structure setbacks from the OHW of Prior Lake (904 elevation) are as follows: Structure setback from Lae oH1l t. Proposed Douse setback 44.1' Proposed upper level 43.7' deck In addition to the evaluation of the variance request, city Staff does recom- mend that the applicant attempt to work with the adjacent property owner at 3221 to attempt to provide separation between the driveways of the properties to allow for snow storage between the driveway areas. This can be difficult for cu[-de-sact pie -shaped lots and is generally addressed through the joint coop- eration of the neighboring property owners. ISSUES: This project includes a request for one variance. Section 1108.400 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that: 1There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the ordinance, "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a Variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning ordinance. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. It appears practical difficulties exist for the applicant in this case. The depth of the lot from front property line to high grater mark of Prior Dake (904) is approximately 100 feet through the center of the property. Since the required. front setback 25 feet) and the required lake setback(75 feet) equal the lot depth, a variance seems warranted. The ordinance does alloy for a reduced lake side setback to a minimum of 50 feet utiliz- ing the average distance of the lake setbacks for the two adjacent prop- erties. This average would be 38.0 feet which is less than the minimum 50 feet allowed without a variance from the Zoning Ordinance. Thepro- posed setback of 43.7 feet is greater than this 38.0 average and appears reasonable. (2) The granting of the Variance is In harmony with the general purposes and intent of the city subdivision and Zoning ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. Two purposes of the Zoning ordinance are to iipromote the most appro- priate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, pub- lic land and public areas' and "enhance the aesthetic character and ap- pearance of the City.' The approval of the variance as requested would alloy the applicant to construct a reasonable residential house plan on the site in an orderly fashion and which is almost entirely within the al- lowed buildable area of the property. (3) The granting of the Variance is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the property involved. The variance is necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. The 2}9sq. ft. proposed footprint for the 2 -story house and garage is a reasonable -sized lake home given the size and shape of the property. (4) The practical difficulty is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting from actions of the owners of the property and is not a mere convenience to the property owner and applicant. The practical difficulty does exist due to circumstances unique to the property. Due to the shorter depth of the property at only 100 feet across the allowed buildable area it does not appear possible for a reasonable house of typical depth (proposed depth of house is 26 feet) to be con- structed upon the property without the need for a variance. (6) The granting of the variance will not anter the essential character of the neighborhood or be detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare. The granting of the variance will not alter the existing character of the neighborhood. The adjacent properties in the neighborhood have similar reduced setbacks that are nonconforming to the current Ordinance required lake setback. (6) The granting of the Variance will not result in allowing any use of the property that is not permitted in the zoning district where the subject property is located. A single family residential dwelling is an allowed use within the R-1(Low Density Residential) Zoning District. (7) The granting of the Variance is necessary to alleviate an inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. The granting of the variances will not be necessary to alleviate anyhard- ships of the inability to use solar energy systems. Conclusion City Staff believes the variance requested is warranted due to the practical diffi- culties as stated above in the findings. Therefore, City Staff recommends ap- proval of the variance subject to the following conditions of approval: . The variance resolution must be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption. 'roof of recording, along with the acknowledged City Assent Form, shall be submitted to the Community & Economic Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the requested variance or any variance the Planning Commission deems appropriate in these circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. . Deny the variance because the Planning Commission finds a lack of dem- onstrated practical difficulties under the zoning code criteria. RECOMMENDED City Staff recommends Alternatives #1. OTlois EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution 12-XXPC 2. Location Map 3. Surrey dated 4-13-12 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM LAKESHORE STRUCTURE SETBACK OF A GENERAL DEVELOPMENT LAKE IN THE R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS . Brian I adermacher and Rod Just are requesting a variance from the minimum lakeshore structure setback of a General Development Lake in the R-1 (Lour Density Residential) Zoning District at the following location, to it; 3211 Linden Circle, Prier Lake, MN 55372 LOT 7, BLOCK1, LIAR WIL LEW SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA {PID 25-235-007-0) 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case ##2- 12 and held a hearing thereon on May 14, 2012. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. . It appears practical difficulties exist for the applicant in this case. The depth of the lot from front property line to high water nark of Prior Lake (904) is approximately 100 feet through the center of the property. Since the required front setback (25 feet) and the required lake setback (75 feet) equal the lot depth, a variance seems warranted. The ordinance does allow for a reduced lake side setback to a minimum of 50 feet utilizing the average distance of the lake setbacks for the two adjacent properties. This average would be 38.0 feet which is less than the minimum o feet allowed without a variance from the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed setback of 43.7 feet is greater than this 3.0 average and appears reasonable. 5. Two purposes of the Zoning ordinance are to "promote the most appropriate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, public land and public areas" and "enhance the aesthetic character and appearance of the City." The approval of the variance as requested would alloy the applicant to construct a reasonable residential house plan on the site in an orderly fashion and which is almost entirely within the allowed buildable area of the property. Ph on e 952.447.9800 / Rxx 952.447.4245 / WN%r NV. C it yo fl) riorl ake. com . The variance is necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. The 2,091 sq. ft, proposed footprint for the 2 -story house and garage is a reasonable -sized lake home given the size and shape of the property. . The practical difficulty does exist due to circumstances unique to the property. Due to the shorter depth of the property at only 100 feet across the allowed buildable area it does not appear possible for a reasonable house of typical depth (proposed depth of house is 26 feet) to be constructed upon the property without the need for a variance. . The granting of the variance will not alter the existing character of the neighborhood. The adjacent properties in the neighborhood have similar reduced setbacks that are nonconforming to the current Ordinance required lake setback. . A single family residential dwelling is an allowed use within the -1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District. o. The granting of the variances will not be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the inability to use solar energy systems. 1. The contents of Planning Case #12-112 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following variance from the r inirnurn la a hone structure setback of a General Development Late in the R-1 (Low Density Residential): •A 31.3 foot variance from the required minimum 5 foot structure setback from the Ordinary High hater (OHM elevation of Prior Lake (Section .302(4)). The variance is subject to the following conditions: . This resolution must be recorded at Scott County within 60 dans of adoption. Proof of recording, along with the acknowledged City Assent Form} shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on May 14, 2012. .teff Phelan, Commission chair ATTEST: Dan l ogness, Community & Economic Development Director MILFNGNEERS LANDPLANNTRS LANMSURVEY—ORS LXNt0SCAFLARCl=CN .422 Rneerp-me 0h iw. %I"DtD He IgMq, MN 551110. phmV:(6nl) 691 191.1 Fmx: (4.4 I) 6KI: %lNg - Plcnr¢remgmm Certificate of Survey for: PINNACLE FAMILY HOMES ADDRESS 3211 1.1140CR CIRCLE, PRIOR LAKE, MINWCSOTA BUYER: MODEL, ELEVATION: A uoum ncyhjlp�js (PROFl.OSr--Il)ZASBQq 7 LONEST rLOOR ELEVATION TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV. CARACE SLAB ELEV, ® DOOR x DOD.K XMItS EXTrNC; V-4VATON xmowa PROF=ac"I'ON DCCTI, DvATLFcc rLow ilwcnm aCND=, nPIKC WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO PINNACLE FAMILY HOLIES THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION Or A SURVEY OF THE 9OUNDARICS Or: LOT 7, BLOCK 1, HAR WIL LEW SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN,AS SURVZYCO By ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION THISRD DAY or APRIL 2072 SgCNED: PIONEER ENCrNCERINC, P.A. BY; -7--torj. Hawklmmn Llcensa No, 42299 9DD.B ` }IL -I r•t �lYiY a z r I 977.1 J I fI 2114 01.d j a24.0 91648 1 x ISO t 1 'F 92.5 0.4 23.9 # � i } f t f / f! 9242 922 4 922-6 92a<.2 f r i }f 2'�3 023.2 t„ _% 1 Do JI 't�► ! l 1 ! 25 !lll�Sllll 119 *�42 �ot f f '� 9274.Ef f 7-46 � 924.6 r 92 .6 /r r i 904i4 I ! % { % alit212 priG {]t 9Q4.8 +' : 24.2 A kf -4 r i'X 1022,3 O ' 924.5 f:jyfT p� PEAr7}, �t �r ! _�� } z �•• 4/02/12- ! o::,I. o 1l 318.9 x'' + �� i+� •�j�f �1.3� � i � � ��� a, • i Z/ cp� { # l J DDILS 4 x } ,,,^C 923 �S r 1 •S } x �lp ri s1ia. ys�a --, L24 I i., I1 +LJ #%C 924.2 f ! T�, IL e lop 1612 r''relo op l 1t� a. ep 02lpD op r# � � J�`a� r� 919.4 ! MS • 917.7 7&"V .fes - PRIOR LAKE X917.1 .00 } \ r w• ,# f '} "\ 04.E r* 47�pr d,9t3d 8 lbs �- " y�1 �! i op op 20 /// r l � 640.8 X �t f l J �j 304.4 dr 0+ 1 >C 9103.$ 9or}.6 i+ f 90� 0 ar Jp !11f f MEETING DATE: MAY 145 2012 AGENDA #: 413 PREPARED BY: JEFF MAT KE, PLANNER PRESENTED lTED B i: JEFF I l l LS E PUBLIC HEARING: YES AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A REQUEST UEST FOF APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY IAR PLAT To BE KNOWN As MAPLE GLEN 4TH ADDITION DISCUSSION: Introduction Wyatt The Pu del Pointer H.S. 11, LLC has submitted itted request for approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known rn as Maple Glen 4th Addition. The property is lo- cated on a 25.03 acre site, south of Trunk Highway 13, north of 180" Street, and gest of Wedgewood Lane. The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 45 single family Domes. Current Circumstances The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the proposed site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: ISTICS Total site Area: The total site consists of 25.03 acres. Topography: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 960 MSL at its lowest point to 994' MSL at its highest point. Vegetation: on: There are over 280 significant trees within the site. Wetlands: Two wetlands exist along the western edge of the site. The site i subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. Access: Access to this property will be from the extension of existing Sunray Boulevard from the north and access to 180th Street to the south. Utilities: Sewer and water services will be available from the existing utilities within Sunray Boulevard north of the site. 2030 Comprehensive Plan De ionatl n: This property is designated forUr- ban Low Density Residential (R -LD) uses on the 2080 Comprehensive Plan Lard Use Map. i The development site is zoned R-1 (Lover Density Residential). PROPOSED PLAT The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 45 sin- gle family hones. Lot sizes: The residential lots are proposed to meet the minimum required lot size and width of 12,000 square feet and 86 feet in width respectively. Setbacks: The residential lots have proposed setbacks that will meet the min- imum required 25 foot front card, 10 foot side }card, 25 foot rear yard, and 2 foot side yard abutting a street as well as minimum foot wetland setback. Dein Density of the residential development is based on the residential net area of the site, which is 19.85 acres. The density of the residential area of the development is 2.27 units acre. Parks: No parkland dedication is proposed with this Preliminary Plat, The parkland required by City Ordinance is proposed to be satisfied thru a cash payment into the City park fund. Streets: Sunray Boulevard is proposed to continue to function as the main north -south street throughout the development as it does through other Maple Glen subdivisions to the north. Other local streets proposed include cul de sacs, Malcom Court and James Court and temporary cul de sac, Winfield Way. Sanitary, Sewer/Water Mains/Storm Sewer: The majority of utilities arepro- posed to be located within the public right of way. Outlots are proposed to be dedicated to the City for the storm water utility line placed along the western property line as well as the sanitary surer and water lines placed between Lot , Block I, and Lot 1, Block 5. Tree Re la ament./Land o pin ; There are many significant trees on the site. The tree inventory identified 2,972 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. Up to 3 of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal above these amounts requires tree re- placement at a rate of Y ali per inches for each inch removed. The tree inven- tory plan indentifies 28.23% of the total significant inches to be removed for the housing pads and driveways. Fees and Assessment: The development will be subject to all development fees including trunk utility, park dedication, utility connection fees, a City admin- istration fee, and a Construction Observation fee at the time Final Plat, ISSUES; City Staff believes the overall proposed development layout appears appropri- ate. As noted in the attached staff memorandum from the Engineering De- partment, the developer must refine the plans to assure compliance with the Public Work Design Manual requirements and City Ordinance. However, none of these revisions will likely impact the general design of the proposed plat. For that reason, if the Planning Commission finds it appropriate, the plat can be recommend, subject to the following conditions of approval: The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or lo - al agency prior to any work on the site. 2. Devise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Engineering Staff memorandum dated May I It 2012. 3. All grading, hydrology and storm water comments must be addressed prior to any grading on the site. ALTERNATIVES: I. Recommend ommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to any listed conditions as identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to another Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDED City Staff recommends Alternative #1. MOTION: EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat flans 3. 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Bold comments have potential consequence that affects preliminary plat. General I . The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works s Design Manual. 2. Benchmark should be shown on all plan sheets. Platting .Commen s 1. Additional easement is needed for lot 20 block, 2 and lot 1, block 3 for the temporary cul- de -sae. Grading Plan 1. Show lot comer elevations, 2. Rear yard drainage swats and EOF paths should be sodded and protected prior to the issuance of building perinits. Notes on the plans specifying drainage swale sodding and protection should be added. Utilities 1. PWDM Pail 111, Section 8, Storm Sewer Design Criteria: provide calculations for storm conveyance systems. Streets 1. This plat introduces a new access point on l 01h Street. The sight lines on 180"' Street at this location are substandard east of Sunray Boulevard. The peak of the highpoint on 180"' Street needs to be reduced to pro gideroper sightlines to the new access point. The Developer must lower the grades on 180 1 Street in this area and taper back existing access points which are impacted. 2. Paving of 180t" Street will occur at some unknown point in the future. Thee elop er should deposit the equivalent cost of concrete curb and g tter, torr . sewer, street subgrade, and bituminous for half of a City standard 32 Foot wide street along the frontage of 1801" Street. Phone 952.447.9500 Fax 952.447.42.x 51 Hydi-ology 1. PWDM Part 111, Section 2, Format and Standards: a. A 2006 stormw ter management report is referenced but not provided. The reference report meet Prior Lake Spring Dake Watershed i tract W rules at the time and is associated with WD permit 05-26, Since that time, the City of Prior Labe has taken over permitting authority through a Memorandum o agreement with the WD and has a similar rule, while this design is based o much of the calculation that was dome in 2005-2006 iterations of the plan, a standalone store n eater management report is required that meets the current rule. b. Stormwater management calculations were submitted in letter form. A for w ter management report is required with sunnnary tables and narrative describing how the preliminary plat application meets the requirements spelled out in the PublicWorks Design Manual, Part 3. Hydrology Rules. 2. PWDM Pail 111, Section 4, Site Hydrology, Stormwater and Volume Management: a. Date Control: Standard for 2,10,100 year rate control is 0. 05, 0.30 cfs/ret-ac, and existing peals respectively. Describe the net area and rate standard for each storm, and how you propose to meet it. b. Volume Control: Infiltration and Bioretention features use the state stormwater manual as a reference standard. Section 12-8 of the stormwater manual should be followed for the design of this features. i. The infiltration feature tales runoff directly from the conveyance system. Pretreatment is required to 0% vwq ii. Address phasing of infiltration feature construction and minimization of construction and home construction related sedin-ient. iii. Include soil boring information, and any groundwater information to ensure 3' separation between infiltration surface and groundwater. iv. Take credit for tree replacement and soil amender ent already proposed. c. Extended detention is required, with no volume increase in the 24 hours following the peal rainfall of the loo year evert. d. Wates* Quality: ]describe how proposal meets %/90% TP TSS standard, or design vet pool pond to standard in section 8. e. Pre/post drainage maps should have pre/post contours so subwatersheds can be verified. 3. PWDM Pail 111, Section 5, Drainage Alteration and Floodplain Management: a. Describe drainage areas and size of gaining and losing sub watersheds and follow requirements of section 5 by demonstrating hoe application meets requirements for drainage alteration. h. Flood management naiTative loops good. c. Label wetlands or basions on drainage map, and refer to the designation of each in the narrative. . PWI M Pail 111, Section 6, wetlands: a. Provide wetland delineation application and application for wetland impact, if necessary. Provide MNRAM and describe buffer minimum and average width. I recommend using buffer averaging to round and better form to residential landscape and grades. b. Two wetland lines appear near south wetland. Which is right? 10' no grade zone is required from wetland edge. e, Follow seeding and vegetation maintenance requirements for buffer zones. d. Conservation easements are required for all buffer areas. e. Wetland buffer should be expanded behind lots 9-10 and 18-20 for the newly created low area which will become wetland. . 100 year flow paths and storage elevations on private property should include drainage and utility easement. . Rip subgrade ofinfiltration feature to 36" after placement of V sand. This allows sand t flow into subgrade and create a larger surface/surface interface. . Provide outlet structure details. Use subsurface drain the sources for all orifices less than " in diameter. . The design engineer is encouraged to call Prior Labe Water Resources Engineer, Ross intner at 952-447-9831 with questions on any hydrology and SWPPP comments. Erasion control and SWPPP . PWDM Part 111, Section 3, Grading Erosion and Sediment Control: Provide draft SWPPP document for review. 2. An NPDES Construction site permit will be required for this project. The Citi must approve the associated SWPPP prior to grading permit approval. Please review the individual provisions for temporary and permanent erosion control nneasure and permanent pater quality measure that are required for the NPDES permit and submit the SWPPP to the City for review, All areas coming out of agricultural production gut be seeded with a cover crop prior to development. . Permit section IIIA details the requirements of a SWPPP. . 111.x..1: Describe requirements that need to be met prior to filing for Notice of Termination (NOT): . 111.A. .a: Detail is required on location and timing for all permanent and temporary MPs. . 1 '. .3: Design, describe and show 200' flow path stabilization through all phases of construction. (More detail required for construction h sing 7. IV.C.2-7: requirements not addressed. (need info for temporary stockpiles for building construction, and plan for rock construction entrances during various phases) . IV. .3: Seasonal information needed such as winter provisions. . V. G.2: Describe and provide forms for handover of ` "Homeowner f ets .eet" for residential portions, where appropriate. MEETING DATE: MAY 14, 201 AGED D #* 6A PREPARED ED DY; JEFF MATZ E, PLANNER E PRESENTED Y: JEFF MATE PUBLIC HEARING: NO AGENDA DA ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING To CONSIDER APPROVAL of A RESOLUTION VACAT- ING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED WITHIN I ADEI - MACHEI s 18T ADDITION DISCUSSION: Introduction M Donalds USA LLC. has requested vacation of drainage and utility easements for an area of the l adermaoher t Addition Plat which their platy to replat for redevelopment of the property. The configuration of the proposed development on the site will change the layout of the previously designed drainage and utili- ties for the site. For -that reason, the designated drainage and utility easements are no longer necessary. Hi for On May 7, 2012, the City Council approved the preliminary plat known as I a- derfrm chers 2'd Addition. This plat includes a proposal to redevelop the existing Mc onalds site 3 parcels) which includes Outlot A, l aderma hers I stAddition. utlot A currently contains existing drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of the parcel. The proposed McDonalds building will overlay the east- ern boundary of this parcel and be constructed across the existing 10 foot easement. The proposed plat of I aderma hers 2nd Addition includes thededi- cation of new drainage and utility easements to handle the drainage and utilities of the redeveloped site. Current Circumstances As required by Mate statute 462.356 suhal.2} the Planning Commission is re- quired to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the disposal or acquisition of public lands and easements as it relates to compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon proper notification, Mate statute 412.851 allows the Council to vacate easements by resolution. The statute also states `fro such vacation shag b made unless It appears to be in the public interest to do so.'1 ISSUES: The Planning Commission must make two determinations. foes the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there a public need or anticipated future reed for the dedicated property*? Comprehensive Plan Beier The Comprehensive Flan does not specifically discuss drainage and utility easements} other than as a function of ensuring proper storm grater drainage and access to public utilities. The vacation of these easements is not inconsis- tent with any specific veal or objective of the Comprehensive Plan. The neer plat of i aderma hers 2nd Addition will dedicate the necessary easements for this area. Public Need As noted above, the new plat will dedicate necessary easements therefore the existing easements are no longer necessary for pudic drainage and utilities. The approval of this vacation would alloy the development of a newly con- structed IlcDonalds Restaurant on site. Conclusion The repiat adermachers 2"'dAddition) will dedicate the necessary easements for the area. As a result City Staff recommends approval of the vacation of the requested easements with the following condition: The approval resolution vacating the drainage and utility easements across outlot Ax I adermachers t Addition shall be recorded with the Final Plat of I aderrna hers 2nd Addition. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the City Council approve the proposed vacation as presented or with chances recommended by the Planning Commission. 2. Continue the discussion to a date and time certain to allow the City Staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Com- mission. . Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specif- ic policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDED City Staff recommends Alternative 1. A motion and second to recommend the MOTION City Council approve the vacation as requested. EXHIBITS: 1. Location ll.11ap 2. Flat exhibit (indicating existing easements to be vacated) te4 vs, 'Cti *� t m 9 M. -------- -- 11s�q,4VWNES()Aj�l Prior Dake. MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE* MAY 14, 2012 AGENDA##: 6B PREPARED ED BY: Ross BINTNER P.E. WATER RESOURCES ENGINEER PRESENTED TED : ROSS BINTNE P*E* —WATEr RESOURCES ENGINEER AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW A REPORT T o THE POTENTIAL FOR A JOINT COUNTY # CITY� WATERSHED STORMWATER FACILITY As PART of THE COUNTY ROAD 12 AND SUNSET AVENUE PROJECTS. DISCUSSION: Introduction This agenda item assts the Planning Commission to review a report on thepoten- tial for a joint stormwater facility to be built as part of the fourth phase of Counter Road d 2 project and the 2013 Sunset Avenue street and utility project and it's compliance with the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Iitor The County load 12 CI 12 corridor has been nearly a decade in planning with implementation entation phased in over four projects. During these projects the City and County have sought to replace, repair beth the Counter read and City public utili- ties. These coordinated projects have provided an opportunity for the city to up- dated aged utilities while the road is under construction and have included some innovative stormwater management facilities that provide flood protection and stormwater treatment. This fourth phase of CR12 presents these same opportuni- ties. Current Circumstances The C 12 and Sunset project are both required to meet flood protection and clean water goals by adhering to design standards that spell out peals discharge rates, water volume control, annual total suspended solids and annual phosphorus dis- charge. These design standards are generally met though project or site specific capital improvements such as stormwater conveyance pipes, stormwater ponds, bioretention basins and infiltration basins. When these types of facilities are planned on a project by project basis for linear road reconstruction the local road authorities can be forced to implement expensive underground facilities or acquire nearby property to retrofit these improvements into the system. Because of the proximity of the two projects, an opportunity has been created to provide a joint stormwater system that meets and exceeds the required floodpro- tection and clean water standards with potential cost savings. A conceptual layout is attached that shows a joint facility sited in the southeast quadrant of Counter Loads 12 and 17 and to the west of Sunset Avenue. This area is currently a wet- land with marginal natural resource benefit and includes an agricultural drainage ditch. The wetland is currently used for a hay crop and the ditch to drain the land and convey water quickly across the site downstream to Spring Lake. The con- cept n- ce t layout envisions a restored terraced wetland, with tree lineal pools surrounded by prairie grasses and wildflowers. The pools would overflow in cobblestone stream sections to connect to one another. The concept would have the potential to enhance the flood control and clean water function of the required public im- provement while providing a variety of additional community benefits such as; a natural aesthetic, wildlife habitat, a passive recreational feature with sense of place located on a major county trail corridor. The choice to go away from a standard site by site approach to a regional system could also allow the Cit} and County to expand the partnership to include the Prior Lake Spring Labe Watershed District WD. Because Spring Lake was listed as an impaired body for water quality and the local watershed completed a Total Maxi- mum m Daily Load TI IDL study and implementation plan, this area is the subject of additional water quality funding through focal and state grants. The ability for this site to provide storage and dean water retrofit opportunities tributary to Spring Lake and enhance a wetland that serves as part of the regional drainage system makes it an ideal candidate for WD funding. To facilitate this joint facility a variety of steps need to be taken, including review for adherence to the comprehensive plan, and creating a joint powers agreement for land acquisition= This project adheres to, and furthers, a variety of goals to the comprehensive plan, summarized below: Goal: Housing Quality and Diversity, Objective 2, Policies F, K# L# R, U. 0 Goal: Environment and Natural Resource Protection, Objective '1, Policy A; Objective 2, Policy G# objective 3, Policies A, E. Goal: Access, objective 1, policies J.1, J.2; Objective 2, polio E. Goal: infrastructure, objective 1, Policy D. • Goal: Efficiency in Government, Objective 1. Conclusion To facilitate this Joint facility a variety of steps need to be taken, including review for adherence to the comprehensive plan, and creating a joint powers agreement for land acquisition. The Planning Commission should evaluate this proposed project's .adherence to the 2030 comprehensive Plan. City Staff believes this project adheres to, and furthers, a variety of goals to the comprehensive plan, summarized below: 0 Goal: Housing Quality and Diversity, objective 2, Policies F, K} L, R) U. 0 Goal: Environment and Natural Resource Protection, Objective 1, Policy A; Objective 2, Policy G; objective 3, Policies A, E. Goal: Access, objective 1 , policies J. 1 , J.2; Objective 2, policy E. Goal: Infrastructure, objective 1, Polio D. Goal: Efficiency in Government, objective 1. ALTERNATIVES: Recommend approval of a resolution approvi ng a storm water facility based on: its adherence to the city's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. 2. Table recommendation of approval of a resolution approving a storm water facility and provide City Staff with direction. 3. Do not recommend approval of a resolution approving a storm water facility used on its lack of adherence to the city's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. N RECOMMENDEDCity Staff recommends Alter aiv . MOTION: EXHIBITS: I . Storm grater facility plans