HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 14 2012 PC meeting minutes PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, May 14, 2012 1. Call to Order: Chairman Phelan called the May 14, 2012, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners, Roszak, Blahnik, Hite, Phelan and, Spieler, City Engineer Larry Poppler, Water Resources Engineer Ross Bintner, Planner Jeff Matzke, and Community Development Assistant Peter Aldritt. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO APPROVE THE MAY 14, 2012 MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes, Spieler, Roszak, Phelan, Hite and Blahnik. The Motion carried. 3. Consider Approval of April 23, 2012 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY ROSZAK TO APPROVE THE APRIL 23, 2012 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Blahnik, and Spieler. Abstaining were Hite and Phelan. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearings: A. #EP 12-112 3211- Linden Circle Variance. Rod Just and Brian Rademacher are requesting a variance from the minimum lakeshore setback on a General Development Lake in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District. The subject property is located on the southwest end of Upper Prior Lake off of Linden Circle NW. Planner Matzke presented that Brian Rademacher and Rod Just, owners of the subject property, are requesting a variance from the minimum lakeshore structure setback of a General Development Lake in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) on a property located at 3211 Linden Circle. The property is currently vacant. The variance request that is being proposed is a 31.3-feet variance from the required minimum 75-feet structure setback from the Ordinary High Water (OHW) elevation of Prior Lake. Commissioner Questions: Roszak asked whether the new house will be brought up to the front yard setback? Planner Matzke responded that the house will meet the front yard setback of 25 feet. Spieler askedwhether the neighboring houses needed any similar setback variance? Planner Matzke respondedthat one house to the east did not receive any variances. These houses were built prior to the city’s current ordinance. Spieler asked whether there is a deck planned off the back of the house? Planner Matzke responded that they are proposing an at-grade patio off the back, and they are putting a deck on the side of the house due to the minimal depth they have. Hite asked Jeff to further explain the note on the staff report in regard to the driveways. 1 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc Planner Matzke responded that lots on a cul-de-sac can be difficult when the driveways come together, especially in the winter with snow storage. Applicant Rod Just, 5100 Condons St SE, stated that he is the lakeshore homeowner as well, and he has built many homes in Prior Lake. He has always tried to build within the city requirements whenever possible. However, on this lot due to its depth, it is difficult to fit a house without a variance. He has met all the other setback requirements and the impervious surface requirement. MOTION BY SPIELER SECOND BY BLAHNIK TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:15 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Spieler, Roszak, Phelan, Hite and Blahnik. The Motion carried. Terri Lewis, 3221 Linden Circle, statedthat she does not have any objection for the setback from the lake. However, she does have a concern about the survey line. It does not match her records from the original plat. A MOTION BY HITE SECOND BY BLAHNIK TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:18 VOTE: Ayes, Spieler, Roszak, Phelan, Hite and Blahnik. The Motion carried. Commissioner Comments and Questions: Blahnik stated that he will be supporting the variance; the practical difficulties do seem to be met here. The house is reasonably sized and is consistent with the other houses in the neighborhood.In regard to the issue with the survey, that is not something the planning commission is addressing tonight. Roszak stated that he, too, will be supporting the variance. Spieler stated that he, too, will be supporting the variance. Phelan stated that he, too, will be supporting this based on staff’s report with the rule of averaging setbacks, which meets the requirements. Hite also stated that she will be supporting the variance, and she believes the dimensions of the lot make it practically difficult to build a reasonable home. A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY HITE TO APPROVE THE 31.3 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM 75 FOOT REQUIRED STRUCTURE SETBACK FROM THE ORDINAY HIGH WATER ELEVATION. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Blahnik, Hite, and Spieler. The Motion carried. B. #EP 12-107 - Maple Glen 4th Addition. Wyatt the Pudel H.S. Pointer II, LLC is proposing a preliminary plat for a residential subdivision of approximately 25 acres for 45 single family lots. The subject property is located in the southwest corner of the City of Prior Lake, off the south side of Hwy 13 S, on Sunray Boulevard. Planner Matzke presented that Wyatt The Pudel Pointer H.S. II, LLC has submitted a request for th approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Maple Glen 4 Addition. The property is located on a 2 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc th 25.03 acre site, south of Trunk Highway 13, north of 180 Street, and west of Wedgewood Lane. The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 45 single family homes. Engineer Poppler presented the grading plan of the project. This development extends the sewer and th water down Sunray Blvd to 180 Street, and to the east and west parcels that could be served in the th future. The project does have some sightline issues at 180 Street that will need to be addressed. Planner Matzke added this is not a Planned Unit Development, but rather, it is a standard subdivision that must meet the city’s standard setbacks and impervious surface requirements. Commissioner Questions & Comments: Blahnik asked how close this development is to the existing park? nd Planner Matzke responded that a park location is a few blocks north in the Maple Glen 2 Addition. Blahnik asked about the character status of the property to the west? Planner Matzke responded that this area is open with a large wetland. It is not within the City of Prior Lake, but rather Spring Lake Township. Spieler asked about the number of vacant lots in Maple Glen? Planner Matzke responded that he does not have those exact numbers at this time, but the development is quite built out. Spieler asked how this proposed design compares to the other Maple Glen Additions? Planner Matzke responded that this design is very similar in terms of building design, lot dimensions and road designs. Spieler asked about the lot sizes? Planner Matzke responded that no lot is smaller than 12,000 square feet, and the larger ones are 20,000 to 25,000 square feet. Spieler asked about the timing of this project? Planner Matzke responded that the applicant wants to keep moving forward; the developer will need to submit a final plat before they can start building. Hite asked about the extension of Sunray Blvd south and whether there are any traffic stops? Engineer Poppler responded that Sunray is constructed to a collector street road width, and there th would stop signs at 180 Street and at the side streets. Hite asked whether all storm water detention will be handled on this site or transferred off site? Engineer Poppler responded that this development will be locating a pond on site that will take the majority of stormwater. Phelan asked about the percentage of trees being removed? 3 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc Planner Matzke responded that any trees removed in excess of 35 percent of the total caliper inches must be replaced at a 50% ratio. MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY ROSZAK TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:35 PM VOTE: Ayes, Blahnik, Hite, Spieler, Roszak and Phelan th Barbara Johnson, 3450 180 St ., asked whether there is any written agreement with Spring Lake th Township to enter 180 Street? Engineer Poppler responded that the city has met with the township with agreement. th Barbara Johnson asked thatif 180 St. remains a gravel road, is the city addressing the traffic? Engineer Poppler responded that it will stay gravel, and the city anticipates most traffic going north on Sunray Blvd. th Barbara Johnson askedwhether the city is concerned about the sightlines on 180 Street? Phelan responded that staff has not raised a concern, and that commissioners would look to staff to identify any major issues in regard to that issue. Barbara Johnson askedwhether she would be assessed with the road that connects to her property? Engineer Poppler responded no; that would be in the future platting of the property. th Linda Hansen, 3475 180 St., stated that her concerns echo what Barbara stated about traffic becoming much heavier than what staff has presented. The sight line is a major issue. In the plans, it looks like the existing low areas will be filled in and the water will be channeled elsewhere. She wants to make sure that the water is handled correctly. Engineer Poppler responded that the drainage is changing from storm water flowing to the east being cut down to water draining to the west with the proposed stormwater basins. Linda Hansen asked about the lighting plan for the roads; she does not want to have lighting spill outside. Phelan responded that the lighting ordinance the city has in place is very good. The amount of spill lighting is very low. Chuck Towner, 18325 County Squires Circle, stated that he is concerned about the drainage and where the water is going to run when the ponds are full. His property has a normal amount of rain that goes to a lake. However, his barn can be under water, and he cannot utilize all of his property. The lighting is also a concern, since he moved to the county to get away from the in-town living. He does not want his property to be lit up by street lights. He asked how much lower the hill is going down on th 180? Engineer Poppler responded that he believes the road is proposed to be lowered a couple feet. 4 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc Applicant Jim Deanovic stated the plan that is in front of the city tonight is not the plan that what was originally submitted two years ago. He spent a lot of time with Barr Engineering trying to work out the storm water issues to keep water on the property. He does not want to drain water off of the property. Tim Kvidera, 17776 Wedgewood Ln, stated that his main concern is related to drainage. When the first Maple Glen Additions went in, it changed the grading and drainage significantly around his property. As far as tree restoration, he wondered how that works out in the whole development? Planner Matzke responded that each phase of the development had its own tree inventory calculated; they are still under the 35 percent requirement for this phase. Tim Kvidera stated there is an active Red Tail Hawk in the area, and he wanted to bring that to the city’s attention. MOTION BY SPIELER SECOND BY ROSZAK TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:58 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Blahnik, Hite, Spieler, Roszak and Phelan Commissioner Questions and Comments: Blahnik asked about concerns to the hill expressed by citizens? Engineer Poppler respondedthat the city suggested the hill be graded down to improve the sight line as stated in his memo. Staff will work out the details of this at the Final Plat stage. Blahnik asked whether the additional pond going in the development will alleviate some of the water that is draining to the south? Engineer Poppler responded that he is not sure if it will alleviate the issues to the south, but the pond did double in size to handle the drainage of the development. Blahnik stated he sympathizes with neighbors; however, it does comply with the current ordinances and the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. It does appear that the developer has gone through extensive studies on the land. He will be supporting the recommendation to approve the Preliminary Plat. th Hite asked about whether existing driveways will need to be replaced when the grading of 180 takes place? Engineer Poppler responded that staff will look at what needs to be done with designingthe grades. Hite stated her concerns about the hydrology of the storm water, and whether doubling the pond size will take care of the problem? Engineer Poppler stated that the previous developer proposed to handle the storm water with a smaller pond and then sending the rest of the water off site. This developer is proposing a larger pond because he is handling all of the storm water on the property rather than dealing with it down stream. Roszak asked whether there a required capacity for the pond? 5 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc Engineer Poppler responded that there are standards for pond sizing. It does meet city requirements, and staff will work out the final details at the final plat stage. Roszak stated that he, too, can sympathize with the neighbors about lighting; however, this does meet all the requirements. He will be supporting it. Spieler stated his concerns about trafficand safety. He asked whether there are any means to th regulate the traffic with either signs or lights along 180 Street and Sunray Boulevard? Engineer Poppler stated that the city hasn’t looked at additional signage. There will be a stop sign at thth 180 and Sunray Blvd. It depends on how the sightline is improved at 180 St. and Sunray Blvd. th Spieler askedabout concerns on the increase of traffic on 180 Street? Engineer Poppler responded that staff sees the majority of the traffic going north. The traffic study that was done a few years ago indicated a small amount of traffic increase due to this development. Phelan stated that he will echo his fellow commissioner comments in regard to concerns with the hydrology and the sight lines. Since it is preliminary at this time with issues still to be resolved at the Final Plat stage, he will be supporting this application. A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY ROSZAK TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBJECT TO THE LISTED CONDITIONS BY STAFF WHICH INCLUDES THE CONCERNS ADDRESSED IN TH THE MAY 11 2012 MEMORANDUM 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: A. #EP 12-109 - McDonalds Re-Construction Vacation. Landform Engineering has submitted an application to vacate the drainage and utility easements located on Outlot A within Radermachers 1st Addition. New drainage and utility easements will be dedicated with the final plat of Radermachers 2nd Addition. The subject property is located south of TH 13 S on Panama Ave SE. Planner Matzke presented McDonalds USA LLC has requested vacation of drainage and utility easements for an area of the Radermachers 1st Addition Plat which they plan to replat for redevelopment of the property. The configuration of the proposed development on the site will change the layout of the previously designed drainage and utilities for the site. For that reason, the designated drainage and utility easements are no longer necessary. There will be new drainage and utility easements dedicated with the final plat of Radermachers 2nd Addition Commissioner Comments and Questions Phelan stated that this helps facilitate development and provides adequate storm water handling; therefore, he will be supporting this request. Hite stated that she will be supporting this request. Roszak stated that he will be supporting this as well. 6 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc Spieler stated he will be supporting this request. Blahnik stated he will be supporting this request, and that it is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan with no longer a public interest in the easements. MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY HITE TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL A RESOLUTION VACATING THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ACROSS OUTLOT A OF ST RADERMACHERS 1 ADDITION. VOTE: Ayes, Blahnik, Hite, Spieler, Roszak and Phelan B. CSAH 12 Wetland Enhancement. The City of Prior Lake is requesting that a CSAH 12 wetland enhancement project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The project is located at the intersection of CSAH 12 and CSAH 17. This site is proposed to become city property. Engineer Ross Bintner presented the Wetland Enhancement project. This agenda item asks the Planning Commission to review a report on the potential for a joint storm water facility to be built as part of the fourth phase of the County Road 12 project and the 2013 Sunset Avenue street and utility project and it’s compliance with the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Comments and Questions: Phelan stated that based on the leverage of funds and the ability to kill two birds with one stone, this is consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and it will improve water quality. He will be supporting this request. Roszak stated he will be supporting this as well. Spieler stated that he will be supporting this request. Blahnik stated that he will be supporting this as consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Spring Lake is listed as an impaired body of water and this will be helping in water quality. Hite stated that she, too, will be supporting it. MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY SPIELER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A STORMWATER FACILITY BASED ON ITS ADHERENCE TO THE 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN VOTE: Ayes, Blahnik, Hite, Spieler, Roszak and Phelan 7. Announcements and Correspondence: Planner Matzke presented a change in the meeting schedules for the Planning Commission from the ndthstrd 2 and 4 Mondays of the month to the 1 and 3 Mondays of the month. 8. Adjournment: 7 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc MOTION BY HITE SECONDED BY SPIELER TO ADJORN THE MEETING. VOTE: Ayes, Blahnik, Roszak, and Spieler. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Peter Aldritt, Community Development Assistant. 8 L:\12 FILES\12 PLANNING COMMISSION\12 MINUTES\MN051412.doc