HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 31, 2000 Agenda Packet ".' . / PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, January 31, 2000 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes - December 20, 1999 4. Consent Agenda a) Invoices to be paid. 5. Presentations 0 a) Tony Shanks - NBC pr~ Pod'f~ 6. Public Hearings 7. Old Business 8. New Business a) Election of Officers b) Review and Discuss Draft of Annual Report to City Council c) Review and Comment on Capital Improvement Program 9. Other Business a) Discuss 2000 EDA Goals and Objectives 10. Announcements or Correspondence 11. Adjournment, 7:00 p.m. L:\OOFILES\OOEDA \OOEDAAG\EDAI 3 IOO.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, December 20,1999 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were President Barsness, Commissioners Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, Executive Director Boyles, Planning Director Rye ancj Recording Secretary Meyer. Consider Approval of Minutes from November 15, 1999 Regular Meeting and December 6, 1999 Special Meeting. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO APPROVE NOVEMBER 15, 1999 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Underferth, Jader and Schenck, the motion carried. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO APPROVE DECEMBER 6, 1999 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Underferth, Jader and Schenck, the motion carried. President Barsness and Commissioner Kedrowski abstained. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. BOYLES: Briefly reviewed the schedule of Invoice to be paid which was the only consent agenda item. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. Presentation by Crystal Care LLC. The Presentation by Crystal Care LLC was deferred to a later date. Planning Director Rye gave a brief update on the Fountain Hills Business Park. RYE: Noted that the City had received a site plat for one of the parcels in the business park for a 32,000 square foot office/showroom/warehouse building. After the site plan has been approved, Wensmann would be in a position to pull a building permit and start construction. BOYLES: Asked Planning Director Rye to clarify the definition and process for site plan approval. .BYE: Explained that the site plan approval process is fairly short and simple. The uses proposed are 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER l' . ,,__~,,___'__'~_~--"'~_~_""M"_"~~' _" "___,~u.....,,.____~.__,...,_ 'M "_~",...,,,~_,,,,,,,, .,..________-,.-.~ " __..._~_.____~~,._._.,,_._.__,_.,_.__,~ ...._"._..__,_.___....._._.,._"'4-<_~.___.,___~"..~...__''---'---"" _.---,.",-"-..._-,._._,._._.."-_.,.~._,,._--~_..-,,.,.._._,,- Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes December 20, 1999 permitted under commercial zoning, and it does not require Planning Commission or City Council review. Staff determines if the site plan meets the criteria under the zoning ordinance, and then can authorize the building permit to be issued. UNDERFERTH: Asked if the project is being completed for Wensmann's use, or if it is being constructed for a specific company. RYE: Understands that Wensmann will occupy a portion of the showroom for their interior design products. We also have an indication that there will be a lighting showroom in the building. BOYLES: Noted that the plan indicates Creative Flooring in two of the locations, in addition to a lighting store, and an appliance store. RYE: Clarified that there is not a final decision on the appliance store portion, and that the only portion operated by Wensmann will be the Creative Flooring store. The other properties will most likely be leased out. The projection is that construction will start in the spring and be completed no later than August of 2000. Consider Approval of Business Assistance Policy. BOYLES: Gave a brief overview of the policy as discussed by the EDA at its last meeting. RYE: Noted that the policy is virtually identical to the County policy. A few minor revisions were made to the agreement on provisions that do not apply at the municipal level. Noted a specific change to page 2 where the County had a minimum deposit or a minimum percentage of the project and the staff has suggested just a minimum deposit to simplify things. SCHENCK: Asked how other cities are handling adoption of a policy. RYE: Noted that one of the recommendations when this policy was proposed was that some consistency would be created between the County and its municipalities for a assistance policy. To render any assistance after August 1 2000, municipalities would have had to adopt a policy. Also advised that once the EDA makes a recommendation, the policy will go to the Council for consideration. MOTION BY UNDERFERTH, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE BUSINESS ASSISTANCE POLICY AS PROPOSED BY STAFF. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Specific Recommendations to the City Council from Business Survey. RYE: Advised that at the last EDA regular meeting, Commissioner Schenck gave a presentation on the results of the business survey recently completed by the EDA. The intent of tonight's discussion is to I :\ADVBODYS\EDA\MINUTES\99\ 122099.DOC 2 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes December 20, 1999 recommend to the City Council some more specific steps to be taken to address the issues identified as a result of the survey. SCHENCK: Noted the importance of not only repeating the survey every 2 -3 years, but having it developed by a professional survey firm and conducted by the EDA Commissioners. UNDERFERTH: Agrees that the survey needs to be repeated and that a professionally developed survey would be advantageous. Also supports continuation of the Downtown Redevelopment project. Questioned whether hiring a Community Dev. Director was practical and is a question for the City Council. Strongly supported the recommendation of a business-oriented newsletter. Believes much of the issue at this point is communication with our business community. Also endorsed regular meetings between the Chamber and EDA, service training for City employees, regulation of wireless communications, and cleaning-up and improving the initial impression of the City. JADER: Believes the survey was a great first step. Strongly recommends that businesses have an advocate at City Hall, but that appointing current personnel would be a better first step rather than hiring a full-time Community Dev. Director. Also noted that most of the concerns raised by the business community can be related back to communication. Supported the newsletter, joint meetings with the Chamber, and improving the initial impression of the City. Believes the City Manager needs to be directly involved in the areas of concern registered by the business community. KEDROWSKI: Supported all of the proposed recommendations except the hiring of a full-time Economic Development Director. Asked Roger Guennette for an indication of what a community needs to be doing before a full-time Economic Development Director is necessary. Also asked about the possibility of an intern. GUENNETTE: Agrees with Commissioner Jader that at present there probably is enough to keep a person busy for 40 hours a week, and that ultimately the goal of an economic development program is to actively promote and have development occur. Given the reality of the City's current posture, does not believe a full-time position will realize tangible accomplishments in terms of development that would be significantly different than what the City will accomplish without such a staff person. There is merit in looking at an internship position that would fulfill the City's needs at this point. The key is finding a person who has an understanding and working practical knowledge who is willing to make a long enough commitment. An Economic Development Director may be necessary, but probably not until at the very least definitive action is taken to proceed with the downtown redevelopment project, or some other significant project. KEDROWSKI: Suggested delaying recommending hiring an Economic Development Director until a specific project moves forward, and that as an alternative suggested offering an internship or part-time position. BARSNESS: Agrees with much of the discussion and the suggested recommendations. SCHENCK: Suggested modifying recommendation number 3 to read determine a business point of contact within City Hall and investigate the use of interns. I:\ADVBODYS\EDA\MI NUTES\99\ 122099.DOC 3 _.~~~,...,".~,.___"__~_.__.H'_"____~''''_"~'___''_'_''''.,_......, '~-"--"~""""~'--~~.'---""~~--"--- Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes December 20, 1999 MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY JADER, TO APPROVE THE BUSINESS SURVEY RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED. UNDERFERTH: Suggested including a statement with the recommendations indicating that the EDA is seeking approval of this plan consisting of these recommendations to be accomplished from a timing standpoint at the discretion and direction of the EDA. KEDROWSKI: Suggested identifying within the recommendations whether the action is a work plan for the EDA, or a suggestion for action by the Council. . SCHENCK: Suggested that items 1, 3, 4 and 5 be included under the EDA work plan, item 2 be a cooperative effort of the EDA and City Council, items 6 and 7 are recommended for action by the Council, and item 8 be recommended for action to the City Council, County and State. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. Consider Proposal to Advertise in Chamber of Commerce Community Map. BOYLES: Noted that the Chamber is devising and circulating a community map to be distributed to new members, both residential and commercial, to the City. Suggested that the EDA purchase 100 copies for distribution from City Hall for EDA relating issues. Also noted that the Chamber is seeking sponsorship through ad sales to be included on the map. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO DIRECT STAFF TO WORK IN CONNECTION WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO DEVELOP AN ADVERTISEMENT NOT TO EXCEED $850. UNDERFERTH: Noted that he will abstain from the vote due his position with the Chamber. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader and Schenck, the motion carried. Commissioner Underferth abstained. Review EDA Goals and Objectives. BARSNESS: Asked if there is any discussion from staff or Commissioners as to the EDA goals and objectives. No discussion. This item appears on each agenda for review purposes and direction if any. 1:\ADVBODYS\EDA\MINUTES\99\ 122099.DOC 4 E~onomic Development Authority Meeting Minutes December 20, 1999 Update on New Post Office Facility. BOYLES: Noted that the Post Office had been contacted stating that given the timeframe and the Postal Service's actions at this point to move forward with the other site, the City suggested to locate the new postal facility downtown cannot be accomplished. Other Business: BARSNESS: Noted a last piece of correspondence noting the resignation of Commissioner Jader due to his move from the City of Prior Lake. MOTION BY Schenck, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE THE VACANCY ON THE EDA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. Upon a motion and second, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 1:\ADVBODYS\EDA\MINUTES\99\ 122099.DOC 5 ,_____~____"_~...."~.,..^_."___..,,,.~._..~<.....".,.__._'"._.____--........_.___._.,_..,___..._...,"........-~..,'''._o>...,...._____... ..'_.._......"'_~...____.__~___..,.___._.'m.____~_~__"_. .___.________~,,_...____.._~_.,___. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRESENTER: DATE: 4A CONSIDER APPROVAL OF INVOICES TO BE PAID JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR JANUARY 31, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Attached is a list of invoices for expenses incurred by the EDA. These expenses consist of work performed on the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. The expenses also include the cost of including the EDA on the Chamber of Commerce map. DISCUSSION: Approval of this list of invoices is consistent with the policy adopted by the EDA. Following approval, the checks will be issued and distributed by the City Finance Director. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to approve payment of the attached InVOIces. REVIEWED BY: I :\OOfiles\OOeda\OOedarpt\rpO 131 in.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Run "Date: 01/20/00 Time: 14:26:16 APPEAL S.l 98.05 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE SCHEDULED INVOICES SUMMARY FOR PAYMENT ON: 2/1/00, POST 1/31/00 FUND ACCNT OBJ VENDOR NAME 240-EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 46S01-DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 50S-Professional Services HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC TOTAL 46501-DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL 240-EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND GRAND TOTAL 101-GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 203-0FFICE SUPPLIES-PRINTED FORMS METROPOLITAN AREA PROMOTIONS CO. TOTAL INVOICES Page: 1 Ini: JANET AMOUNT S72.20 572.20 --------------- --------------- 572.20 --------------- --------------- S72.20 435.00 1,007.20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MEETING DATE: AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: JANUARY 31, 2000 SA DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM: PRESENTATION BY COMMUNITY BUSINESS PERSONS. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the EDA's previous direction, the staff has arranged for Tony Shanks of NBC Products to give a brief overview of his company and its prospects for the future. Tony's presentation should take about 15 minutes.. RECOMMENDED ACTION; No action is required. L:\OOFILES\OOEDA \OOEDARP1\5AO 131 OO.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave.S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEETING DATE: AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED ACTION; REVIEWED BY: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE JANUARY 31, 2000 8A DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS The EDA bylaws provide that officers be elected on a calendar year basis. Since its inception, the EDA has elected officers at its first meeting of the year. The bylaws provide for the election of a President, Vice-President and Treasurer. The Secretary is designated by the City Manager and a Deputy Treasurer is also appointed by the City Manager to maintain the financial records of the EDA. The Deputy Treasurer's duties have been handled by the City Finance Director. Because the EDA currently has only three members, the EDA may wish to consider delaying election of officers until such time as there is a full complement of members. Bob Barsness would continue as President. Due to vacancies there is no Vice President or Treasurer. 1. Elect officers 2. Elect an interim vice president and interim treasurer until such time as the vacant positions have been filled and the permanent election of officer is conducted. 3. Postpone election of officers until vacant positions have been filled. Alternative 2 or 3. L:\OOFILES\OOEDA \OOEDARPT\8A013100.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEETING DATE: AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE JANUARY 31,2000 8B DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR REVIEW AND DISCUSS DRAFT OF ANNUAL REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Both Minnesota Statutes and the EDA bylaws require submission of an annual report to the City Council by March I of each year. Attached is a draft ofthe 1999 Annual Report for consideration by the EDA. The EDA should review this draft and determine whether there are activities in 1999 which were not included and current or proposed projects which should be addressed. 1. Approve the Annual report as submitted 2. Approve the Annual Report with modifications As the EDA determines L:\OOFILES\OOEDA \OOEDARPT\8B013 IOO.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT-1999 Minnesota Statutes 469.100, Subd. 4 and the EDA bylaws require that the EDA submit an Annual Report to the City Council by March 1st of each year. This report is to provide an account of EDA activities in the past year, a summary of receipts and expenditures, a description of current and proposed projects and a description of general development goals. 1999 Activities The EDA conducted a workshop dealing with the powers and duties of the EDA; the role of the EDA in aiding business development, business retention and business recruitment; and 1999 Goals and Objectives. The EDA entered into a contract with Hoisington- Koegler Group, Inc. to prepare a Downtown Redevelopment Plan and hosted three public meetings to discuss preliminary plan findings. The EDA conducted a Business Retention Survey of approximately 60 Prior Lake businesses, tabulated the results and developed specific recommendations to the City Council for follow-up action steps. The EDA developed and executed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority which addresses cooperation and communications between the two agencies and the potential need for cooperative agreements. The EDA completed a wetlands mitigation project on the remaining 4.17 acre parcel in the Business Office Park to enhance it's marketability. The EDA developed and recommended approval of a Business Assistance policy to the City Council. The EDA recommended changes to it's bylaws which were subsequently approved by the City Council. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ,~,~~---._,_..--...........'".... .... ,,' ,""--""~,.,-,-,""-~,,,,,,,~--~-""""""'-.'~'--""-''''_._''''-"-,,"'~----""'-""""- "., - The EDA conducted a joint meeting of the EDA, City Council and Planning Commission to discuss strategies for commercial and industrial development. The EDA recommended funding priorities for the proposed Highway 13 intersection improvements. The EDA was responsible for the instaliation of signage on Highways 169 and 1-35 directing traffic to Prior Lake. The EDA conducted a study of potential revenue sources for a frontage road on County Road 42. The EDA conducted an investigation of high-speed data transmission needs and capabilities in the City. The EDA reviewed and commented on the draft 2000-2004 Capital Improvement Program. The EDA developed and transmitted it's 1998 Annual Report to the City Council. Receipts and Expenditures( Includes both EDA and General Fund Expenditures) EDA finances Revenues totaled $5,557.37. Of this amount, $534.27 were from interest earnings and $5,023.10 were from land sale proceeds. Expenditures totaled $92,468.65 and are broken down in the following categories: EDA Expenditures Office supplies Travel and Conferences Downtown Redevelopment (professional services) Business Office Park . Professional services !. Wetland mitigation 252.09 15.95 29,823.61 1,500.00 15.692.00 47,283.65 General Fund Expenditures Expenditures for the year were as follows: . Personnel costs . Office supplies . Professional services !. Miscellaneous 18,714.00 464.00 24,691.00 1.316.00 45,185.00 Current and proposed proiects Current projects include: ,...__-.......,......___..._..___._'....,'.....,'..,.-'"..M._.._..._"_.._____..~_"__~~,_._,.,"_"_'o___._.-..._".. ~ ~(tU, ~JI Cf; ~ \ 111 ~ ~ ob JljJl.t ~), . The Downtown Redevelopment Plan. . Marketing the last parcel in the Business Park. Proposed projects include: . Beginning implementation of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Leasing of the old library building to Scott-Rice Telephone "k Working with developers to complete the Ring Road ~:Ji[)eveloping a strategy to encourage the development of an office campus . Identifying steps to deal with the TJ Towing property. General Development Goals The general development goals of the City are described in detail in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan and are endorsed by the EDA. The specific EDA goals are contained in the Goals and Objectives statement attached to this report. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA MISSION STATEMENT PROMOTE THE BUSINESS ASSETS OF PRIOR LAKE AND FACILITATE A DIVERSIFIED TAX BASE GOALS Develop a proactive strategy for future economic development activities which will build on the efforts to date and further enhance the City's reputation as a place to do business. Continue to explore redevelopment opportunities in the Downtown area. Supportive private as well as public redevelopment plans in the Downtown area. Develop a plan to capitalize on traffic generated by Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Community and The Wilds. Develop promotional materials cooperatively and create a dialogue with the Mystic Lake Casino and The Wilds Golf Course. Expand Business Office Park . Facilitate development of 58 acre Deerfield property. Inventory and review existing commercial and industrial properties and develop a position on development possibilities. . Develop a recommendation on extension of utilities to old industrial park. . Explore the relationship between housing availability and business development. . Convert Tax Increment Policy to a more general document which addresses other financial incentives and which addresses likely types of development and redevelopment. Explore redevelopment opportunities for the Priordale Mall/Park Nicollet site to facilitate expeditious redevelopment/development. . Work with private sector developers to complete the Ring Road from Franklin Trail to Tower Street. (November for Official Map) . Work to identify specific properties in the Priordale Mall area for redevelopment/development. L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDAGOALS\GOAL99UP.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Initiate business retention efforts. Recruit new business. . Identify the size of businesses in Prior Lake is most likely to attract. . Identify owners of businesses of the size who live in Prior Lake. . Conduct an open house for the business owners identified above. . Contact suppliers to businesses and Mystic Lake to advise them of opportunities in Prior Lake. Miscellaneous . Review existing objectives against the Strategic Plan to assure consistency and comprehensiveness. . Establish a multi-media effort to deliver EDNCity "pro-business" message. 1999 Obiectives . Prepare a Downtown Redevelopment Plan, including appraisals, marketing and funding alternatives, and initiate the implement ofthis plan, including marketing and the streetscape public improvements. Insure the study addresses the old library and other City property Downtown as well as public relations necessary for effective redevelopment. (October) . Revise and advertise the improved access to Prior Lake from 1-35 via CSAH 21, bringing traffic through downtown Prior Lake. (Completed) . Sell 4.5 acre parcel . Arrange for two EDA members to interview all Waterfront Passage businesses and other large businesses in the City for retention purposes. (June) . Have the Chamber of Commerce provide a Business Retention report to the EDA when interviews are complete. . Cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce to follow up on any issues arising from their interviews. . Discuss recruitment.atjoint meeting with Planning Commission and City Council. (Done) . Establish a Web page on the Internet. (Done) L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDAGOALS\GOAL99UP.DOC 2 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRESENTER: DATE: f!J:- CONSIDER 2001-2005 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR JANUARY 31, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Each year, the City of Prior Lake adopts a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) detailing projects and the potential funding sources for the next 5 years. The CIP is reviewed by the various City boards and commissions for consistency with the City's adopted plans and goals. The City Council then makes the final decisions on the CIP. DISCUSSION: The attached summary describes the current CIP and the funding sources available to the City and expected to be used in paying for the individual projects. As in past years, the primary constraint is the availability of money. In previous years, the City share of County road projects took the lions share of City capital improvement funds. The proposed CIP still has a heavy emphasis on roads and streets, but the focus during the next 5 years is on Highway 13 intersection improvements and local street reconstruction. The EDA's function is to review the proposed projects and determine whether they make sense from the perspective of economic development goals and objectives. The EDA may also make specific recommendations about specific projects in the CIP or about projects not in the current CIP which the EDA feels would better achieve the economic development goals. The EDA does not need to feel constrained to restrict its consideration only to those projects contained in the propose CIP. Any recommendation for changes to the CIP should indicate which particular goal or policy is being advanced by the recommended project. The thing to keep in mind is L:\OOFILES\OOEDA \OOEDARP1i8CO 131 OO.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER _ _,,,~_,,,,,"_,,_,_,_,,~~'''''_'_~_''_'_'~'_''''''''''_ " ...__,,4'"~..o~'.'_____ "._,'_' ..__..---...".__..._._ . .....~.,._._"'.."~~__'...._~...~_.....___~O._ , that all projects are competing for a limited amount of money and the CIP is limited to those projects with the highest priority. Please give this your careful consideration. ISSUES: The EDA should review and discuss the attached CIP, particularly as it relates to EDAprojects and activities. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend changes to the draft CIP as the EDA determines. REVIEWED BY: Pra . L:\OOFILES\OOEDA \OOEDARPT\8COI 3 I OO.DOC ".. ....."._--,~..,.._._---^.._~._" ,._..--,_...........~---+..,..... CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2000 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Project Amount Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear 6,000.00 Park Department (DeveloomenV 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 3. Oakland Beach/Willows Basketball Courts 4. Park Appurtenant Equipment 5. Memorial Park Picnic Shelter 6. Sand Point Beach Parking Lot Lighting 7. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds (Trails) 8. Glynwater Financing City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentage 6,000.00 o.b. 8,000.00 8,000.00 c.p. 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. 16,000.00 16,000.00 c.p. 18,000.00 18,000.00 c.p. 103,000.00 103,000.00 c.p. 22,000.00 22,000.00 c.p. Public Works (BuildinaS/PlanO 9. Lift Station Renovation 10. Water Tower Painting 60,000.00 250,000.00 (Imorovements) 11. Trunk Watermain (Fountain Hills development) 12. Linden Circle Bituminous Paving 13. Main Avenue Street Lights 14. Fish Point Road/Fairlawn Shores Trail Overlay 30,000.00 75,000.00 100,000.00 300,000.00 15. Oak Ridge/Pixie Point Reconstruction >< 16. TH 13 Intersection Imp. (Commerce/Boudins) 1,195,000.00 1,750,000.00 Water Resources (Imorovements) 17. Drainage Improvements 15,000.00 18. Storm Sewer Outlet Dredging (Green Hgts Trl) 15,000.00 19. Water Quality Pond (Center Road) 15,000.00 20. Storm Water Pond Dredging (Boudins) 30.000.00 Totals ... 4,028,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Amount $ Project Tax Levy 897,000.00 o.b. Operating Budget 6,000.00 u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund 125,000.00 s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund 75,000.00 c.p. Capital Park Fund 187,000.00 c.s. Collector Street Fund 400,000.00 t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund 215,000.00 m.s. Municipal State Aid 600,000.00 s.a. Special Assessments 673,000.00 I.g. Intergovernmental 850.000.00 Totals ... 4,028,000.00 8 60,000.00 t.r. 125,000.00 t.r. 125,000.00 u.f. 30,000.00 t.r. 75,000.00 s.a. 100,000.00 c.S. 180,000.00 4.39 0.52% 120,000.00 s.a 717.000.00 17.48 2.09% 478,000.00 s.a. fl.JeY~()~f'~;!; ) 850,000.00 Lg. 600,000.00 m.s. fVJ/m' W:ff j 300,000.00 c.S. cJllec4of" .-A-~ FIM 15,000.00 s.w. 15.000.00 S.w. 15,000.00 sow. 30.000.00 S.w. 4,028,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentage $21.87 2.61 % CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2001 CIP PROJECTS City Cost Project Description Project Amount Financing Tax Impact Dollar Percentage Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear 7,000.00 7,000.00 o.b. Park Department (Develoomen() 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 8,000.00 8,000.00 c.p. 3. Park Appurtenant Equipment 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. 4. Memorial Park Fencing 10,000.00 10,000.00 C.p. 5. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 60,000.00 60,000.00 c.p. (Trails) 6. Fish Point, Island View & Sand Point 35,000.00 35,000.00 C.p. Public Works (Buildings/PIanO 7. Lift Station Renovation 60,000.00 60,000.00 t.r. 8. Water Tower Painting 250,000.00 125,000.00 t.r. 125,000.00 uJ. (fmorovements) 9. Trunk Watermain (Deerfield development) 171,000.00 171,000.00 t.r. 10. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 21 from Carriage Pkwy to 42) 200,000.00 200,000.00 t.r. 11. 150th Street Reconstruction 765,000.00 196,000.00 4.70 0.55% 306,000.00 s.a 263,000.00 m.s. 12. Pixie Point - Green Oaks Street Reconstruction 925,000.00 555,000.00 13.32 1.55% 370,000.00 s.a Water Resources (Imorovements) 13. Storm Water Pond Dredging (Hampton Pond) 20,000.00 20,000.00 S.w. 14. Lake Bank Stabilization (Pike Lake Trail) 60,000.00 20,000.00 gJ. 40.000.00 s.w. Totals ... 2,581,000.00 2,581,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Amount Tax Impact Dollar Percentage $ Project Tax Levy 751,000.00 $18.02 2.10% o.b. Operating Budget 7,000.00 u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund 125,000.00 g.f. Grant Funding 20,000.00 s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund 60,000.00 c.p. Capital Park Fund 123,000.00 t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund 556,000.00 m.s. Municipal State Aid Fund 263,000.00 s.a. Special Assessments 676.000.00 Totals ... 2,581,000.00 9 '"_._....~,.,,~_.....~~_.~.........-..............-...........-.... ...~._._~._,-,...,.._--_.- -_."-,._._~--_.._._.,_.._,.~..,_.._,_...,...~.----~-----"-'-_.._~-~-~--~-~-"-- _._.~----,._---~.'.-'.'-'- CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2002 CIP PROJECTS City Cost Project Description Project Amount Financing Tax Impact Dollar Percentage Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear 8,000.00 8,000.00 o.b. Park Department (Developmen(J 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 8,000.00 8,000.00 c.p. 3. Park Appurtenant Equipment 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. 4. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 60,000.00 60,000.00 c.p. 1IciJ.iW 5. Deerfield Development 60,000.00 60,000.00 c.p. Public Works (Buildings/PIanO 6. Lift Station Renovation 60,000.00 60,000.00 t.r. 7. Municipal Well 350,000.00 350,000.00 t.r. (lmDrovements) 8. Carriage Hills Road (Knob Hill east extension) 175,000.00 175,000.00 c.S. 9. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 42 from 21 to McKenna) 185,000.00 185,000.00 t.r. 10. Frog Town Area Reconstruction 935,000.00 560,000.00 13.16 1.50% X 11. 375,000.00 s.a I,J~J)~n~J~ TH 13 Intersection Imp. (15Oth Street) 700,000.00 600,000.00 Lg. 100,000.00 m.s. fVIAM1l , d4. ~I Water Resources (Improvements) 12. Storm Drainage Improvements 13. Storm Water Pond Dredging 40,000.00 40.000.00 Totals ... 2,631,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Amount $ Project Tax Levy o.b. Operating Budget s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund c.p. Capital Park Fund c.s. Collector Street Fund t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund m.s. Municipal State Aid s.a. Special Assessments i.g. Intergovernmental 560,000.00 8,000.00 80,000.00 138,000.00 175,000.00 595,000.00 100,000.00 375,000.00 600.000.00 Totals ... 2,631,000.00 10 40,000.00 40.000.00 s.w. s.w. 2,631,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentage $13.16 1.50% ~--_......_._--."-~...-.._,..;-,~._..._.....",--------".- CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2003 CIP PROJECTS City Cost Project Description Project Amount Financing Tax Impact Dollar Percentage Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear 8,000.00 8,000.00 o.b. (Buildinas & Plant) 2. Satellite Fire Station 750,000.00 750,000.00 g.o. Park Department (DeveloDmenf.) 3. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 8,000.00 8,000.00 c.p. 4. Park Appurtenant Equipment 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. 5. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 60,000.00 60,000.00 c.p. (TrailsJ 6. Jeffers Pond Development 40,000.00 40,000.00 c.p. Public Works (BuildingS/Plant) 7. Lift Station Renovation 60,000.00 60,000.00 t.r. (lmDrovementsJ 8. Shady Bch Trl/Fish Point Rd W Reconstruction 1,185,000.00 711,000.00 16.40 1.85% 474,000.00 s.a Water Resources (lmprovementsJ 9. Storm Drainage Improvements 40,000.00 40,000.00 s.w. 10. Storm Water Pond Dredging 40.000.00 40.000.00 s.w. Totals ... 2,201,000.00 2,201,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Amount Tax Impact .QQllgr Percentage $ Project Tax Levy 711,000.00 $16.40 1.85% o.b. Operating Budget 8,000.00 s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund 80,000.00 c.p. Capital Park Fund 118,000.00 t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund 60,000.00 s.a. Special Assessments 474,000.00 g.o. G.O. Referendum Bonds 750.000.00 Totals ... 2,201,000.00 11 , . CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2004 CIP PROJECTS City Cost Project Description Project Amount Financing Tax Impact Dollar Percentage Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear 8,000.00 8,000.00 o.b. Park Department fDeveloDment) 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 8,000.00 8,000.00 c.p. 3. Park Appurtenant Equipment 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. Public Works (Buildings & PianO 4. Lift Station Renovation 60,000.00 60,000.00 t.r. 5. Municipal Well 350,000.00 350,000.00 t.r. 6. Water Filtration Plant 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 w.r. (Improvements) 7. Trunk Watermain (Fish Point Rd Ext. to CSAH 21) 50,000.00 50,000.00 t.r. 8. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 42 from CSAH 83 to W. Limit) 127,000.00 127,000.00 t.r. 9. Gateway Shores Street Reconstruction 1,180,000.00 708,000.00 16.00 1.77% 472,000.00 s.a l~l~;)w:;r;;J,J X 10. TH 13 Intersection Imp. (CSAH 23/Five Hawks) 1,150,000.00 495,000.00 Lg. 400,000.00 m.s. iYWIV,\" f dR tMJ 255,000.00 c.S. C o1ledll ( d rtei Water Resources (Improvements) 11. Storm Drainage Improvements 12. Storm Water Pond Dredging 40,000.00 40 000.00 Totals ... 9,023,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Amount $ Project Tax Levy o.b. Operating Budget s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund c.p. Capital Park Fund c.s. Collector Street Fund t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund m.s. Municipal State Aid s.a. Special Assessments I.g. Intergovernmental w.r. Water Revenue Bonds 708,000.00 8,000.00 80,000.00 18,000.00 255,000.00 587,000.00 400,000.00 472,000.00 495,000.00 Totals ... 9,023,000.00 12 --~---........_-~-_.,~-~_." ^."~"."---_.~.__.__..,..,.__.~._.._._----~..".._.,_.-----~'-"" 40,000.00 40.000.00 s.W. s.W. 9,023,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentage $16.00 1.77% "--'-~--''''--~~-'.''-''''-'''~''''''''._''''--'''''~-~~-'''''-~~'-"-'---~",-,----,,-"_._- -----. '" PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: DATE: 9A DISCUSS 2000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR JANUARY 31,2000 DISCUSSION: Attached are the 1999 Economic Development Authority Mission Statement and Goals for review and discussion. The Commissioners should be prepared to discuss these with the idea of updating goals and objectives, determining whether the goals and objectives are still valid and developing specific objectives for the y r 2000. 1 REVIEWED BY: Document3 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA MISSION STATEMENT PROMOTE THE BUSINESS ASSETS OF PRIOR LAKE AND FACILITATE A DIVERSIFIED TAX BASE GOALS Develop a proactive strategy for future economic development activities which will build on the efforts to date and further enhance the City's reputation as a place to do business. Continue to explore redevelopment opportunities in the Downtown area. Supportive private as well as public redevelopment plans in the Downtown area. Develop a plan to capitalize on traffic generated by Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Community and The Wilds. ~evelop promotional materials cooperatively and create a dialogue with the Mystic Lake Casino and The Wilds Golf Course. Expand Business Office Park · Facilitate development o~ Deerfield property. j ---- "- Inventory and review existing commercial and industrial properties and develop a position on development possibilities. · Develop a recommendation on extension of utilities to old industrial park. · Explore the relationship between housing availability and business development. · Convert Tax Increment Policy to a more general document which addresses other financial incentives and which addresses likely types of development and redevelopment. Explore redevelopment opportunities for the Priordale Mall/Park Nicollet site to facilitate expeditious redevelopment/development. · Work with private sector developers to complete the Ring Road from Franklin Trail to Tower Street. (November for Official Map) · Work to identify specific properties in the Priordale Mall area for redevelopment! development. L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDAGOALS\GOAL99UP.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -~------..._---~_.-_..._.. ."...._.-,~.._____.._~.,.~"___"."._~_...,..._.__m.._"_-...-.__"___~.._....,_.~_~".~.>.__.~_ .. -,.._-_._~,.._'-..-.~-_._~ .m._.~____~__."...___._,.~,,~.........-.~.____________.,______",_.<o",~"_"_____'-i ~ ~ \fl9 ~ ~ Initiate business retention efforts. Recruit new business. . Identify the size of businesses in Prior Lake is most likely to attract. . Identify owners of businesses of the size who live in Prior Lake. . Conduct an open house for the business owners identified above. . Contact suppliers to businesses and Mystic Lake to advise them of opportunities in Prior Lake. Miscellaneous . Review existing objectives against the Strategic Plan to assure consistency and comprehensiveness. . Establish a multi-media effort to deliver EDA/City "pro-business" message. 1999 Objectives . Prepare a Downtown Redevelopment Plan, including appraisals, marketing and funding alternatives, and initiate the implement of this plan, including marketing and the streetscape public improvements. Insure the study addresses the old library and other City property Downtown as well as public relations necessary for effective redevelopment. (October) Revise and advertise the improved access to Prior Lake from 1-35 via CSAH 21, bringing traffic througp .d<?W\lto~n Priqr Lake. 10>ml'{eted) Sell 4.5 acre parcel tWd/wJ h1(i(l~ C(I7~1 j Arrange for two EDA members to interview all Waterfront Passage busi~sses .and ';) j \' . other large businesses in the City for retention purposes. (June) .-- t:St~ t0T~O Have the Chamber of Commerce provide a Business Retention report to the EDA when interviews are complete. Cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce to follow up on any issues arising from their interviews. Discuss recruitment at joint meeting with Planning Commission and City Council. (Done) Establish a Web page on the Internet. (Done) . . L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDAGOALS\GOAL99UP.DOC 2