HomeMy WebLinkAboutRyan Application CONTRACTING CD. I DEVELOPII\lIi YOUR WORLD I Hlt &6" Conditional Use Permit Application For Mining of Sand & Gravel Amended 11-18-99 D :~~:~ ~ 8700 13th Avenue East Shakopee. Minnesota 55379 612-894-3200 Fax: 612-894-3207 f". \ AMENDMENTS TO THE ORIGINAL CUP APPLICATION A = LETTER FROM CITY OF PRIOR LAKE B = LETTER FROM KINNEY & McKENNA C = PROPOSED GRADING PLAN D = EXISTING CONDITIONS E = ACREAGE OR SQUARE FOOT LAND USE MAP F = TREE PRESERVATION AND REPLACEMENT PLAN G = SILT FENCE LOCATION MAP H = PIT LOCATION IN RELATION TO PROPERTY LINE r = PHASING PLAN J = TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION POND K = STORM WATER CALCULA TrONS L = WATER TREATMEMT PROPOSAL M = LETTER OF CREDIT N = DUST CONTROL PLAN / AGREEMENT o = MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR McKENNA RD. A November 9, 1999 Ryan Contracting, Company Attention: Tyler Enright 8700 13th Avenue East Shakopee, MN 55379 via fax (612) 894-3207 RE: Request of Additional Information for City Council Review Dear Mr. Enright: Based on the recommendation from the Planning Commission at the public hearing last night, the following information must be submitted to prepare a final report for City Council action. 1. Submit a full size tree inventory and a tree preservation plan indicating the specific trees to be removed and replacement as required per City Ordinance. This will determine compliance with the landscaping ordinance (one tree per 40 feet of site perimeter) and tree preservation ordinance. Your proposal indicates a 2" tree to be planted every 10 feet on the berm. A landscaping plan, prepared by a registered landscape architect is required. The plan should indicate these trees along with an additional one for one replacement of the caliper inches of the trees being removed. 2. Submit expanded reclamation plan. If the future use by the property owners is to be agricultural, then letters from the McKenna's and Kinney's should indicate this intention and their satisfaction with the final grading and site restoration. 3. Submit a site plan indicatingpropose~ structures (including temporary restroom facilities), and fixed equipment with setbacks and proposed fueling areas. Specifications for the parking area should be submitted and compliant with City Code requirements (paved with curb) and setbacks indicated. Parking area and equipment storage areas should be screened. Fixed equipment and parking will not be permitted over a lot line and must meet all required setbacks. 4. All plans must be revised as not to indicate grading on the adjacent properties. 5. The storm water calculations were prepared by an engineer and the drainage plan was prepared by a land surveyor. The grading plan should clearly indicate property lines and proposed grades and berming. The grading plan should be revised as follows: Additional silt fence is needed on the SW comer of the site. Hydrologic/hydraulic 16200 E~~~ec'f~~w}\~~:~I.~~~'fS~g~ Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (6ftP447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER y calculations needed for 2,10 & 100 year event storms showing existing and proposed run-off rates from the site in cubic feet per second (CFS), pond slopes below normal water level are to be 6:1 slope, 4:1 slopes required above the normal water level of the sediment ponds, all other grades cannot exceed 3: 1. 6. DNR issues include protection of DNR wetland #70-247W. Water use for dust control of greater than 10,000 gallons per day or 1 million gallons per year requires a DNR permit. Provide a schedule with quantities and specific water sources for dewatering. The operation of the pit cannot result in the drainage or other degradation of the DNR protected wetland. Submit proposal for continues water quality testing. This should include initial water samples to use as a benchmark for future monitoring. 7. A letter of credit must be submitted. The LOC will be for 125% of landscaping costs, tree preservation requirements, road maintenance/reconstruction, and testing/inspections for road conditions, wetlands, noise, etc. to ensure compliance with the CUP. Estimates or bids must be submitted for the required landscaping. Estimates for road maintenance and environmental testing must also be submitted and approved by the City Engineer. The LOC for the road will be in the amount of a total reconstruction. 8. Submit an agreement/plan for dust control. The agreement should include dewatering within 24 hours of notification from the City. 9. Submit plans for maintenance, upgrading, clean up, and safety of McKenna Road/CSAH 42. 10. Six copies of your bound proposal (as submitted for the Planning Commission) should be provided for review by the City Council. Please submit this information no later than Tuesday, November 17, 1999. All items must be resolved prior to a positive recommendation for approval at the City Council level. Failure to provide the above listed items by this date will result in a delay of City Council consideration. If you have questions please contact me directly at 447-4230. cc: Frank Boyles, City Manager Don Rye, Planning Director 1:\99files\99cup\99-075\lssueltr.doc Page 2 B Jenni Tovar City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, Minn. 55372 Dear Jenni, RE: Gravel mining The proposed grading plan meets our approval. It is our understanding that when the gravel mining is completed the land will be restored to agricultural use. :i~~??: ~)(~ Joe/Carolyn Kinney ~ Mrs. Jenni Tovar City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. So. PriorLake,~.55372 November 24, 1999 Re: Ryan Contracting Co., CUP Dear Mrs. Tovar, The proposed grading plan meets our approval. It is our intention to return the property to an agricultural use once Ryan contracting has completed its project. Thank you, Richard McKenna fj~Jl'1S~ CONTRACTINIi CD. I DEVELOPII\lIi YOUR WORLD November 19, 1999 Ms. Jenni Tovar CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RE: Letter from property owners Prior Lake, MN Dear Jenni: The McKenna family is on a vacation trip to Florida and will be returning on November 24th. They will be providing a 1ettcr- to you shortly after they return. In conversation will them my phone they stated that the pit meets their approval, and that the land will be returned to agricultural use. If you have any comments or questions regarding this matter feel free to give me a call at (612) 894 - 3200. Sincerely, i:C;1]ZO. Craig A Svoboda Estimator / Project Manager . cas 8700 13th Avenue East Shakopee._ Minnesota 55379 612-894-3200 Fax: 612-894-3207 PARKING AREA The parking area shown on the attached plan shall be bituminous paved with curb and gutter to comply with all City Requirements. This parking area will be removed upon the :final completion of this project. c '. \ J II .', 1 I I "" ,r / '../ , ' \ \ \. \- \ '.,- \ \.. .,:\...:-_. -',."7 , .,1.... ... -', 'I I " .I"'. i ,I ;' ~ "'. """" // ,/ .,..4 / / // / ,..,/ " 1//; l'//( I'I '/ / I if -, / I ill I' fI ;/ ; ;' If I I I -f' ,\.. I 'i' j' lili i (/ -<lei --- 1// I / I <: ~.,Lr;/-f- ":"--':::-'='-::'Ii&l''::''::::,.- ", '. ',0s., .I //l--- ----.;~B~:~.' ..,'<'1 . iI ,/ I . r-' -_/' , ", "- j ... .. I / / / / / / '., ,_ '. -" ", 'i. 1/ .'./! ' i ' 1'---.-' ,.' ",'., I Ii ,.'... 511 / ///1 / / ,'_ ,/><'g:~-'llk,\<", \ 'l/~ I ~.(J. J,I I ! / // // t/l ~~ ~\ \, ." f f ,l .' / I ;,/ _ ~ ./'" _/../" "_ \.." ".~ '" t I .... 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However, Ryan Contracting will plant these trees in good faith to the City, property owners, and residents. Ryan Contracting will remove only two trees on this site. The seed mix will be MNDOT mixture SOA. The seed will be mulched, disc anchored, and fertilized. Ryan Contracting will be providing a Letter of Credit to the City to guarranty the installation and maintenance of these trees. Ryan Contracting will be performing this work with its own landscaping forces. It is for these reasons we feel it is unnecessary to hire and pay for a landscape architect to produce plans for which we are ultimately responsible. Ryan Contracting will take full responsibility for the installation and maintenance of these trees. '., ~'..., ....... ? ", / "'J ........, I ....1....-. 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The size of the basin would occupy more than 60% ofthe area in current use under the phase 1 construction. This restrictive area would severely affect this operation. It is for this reason we have designed an interim use sediment basin with the capacity to handle the surface runoff of Phase 1 & 2. Once Ryan Contracting cross's into phase 3, we would then construct the permanent basin as shown in this exln'bit. , , " <J/ l / ~} / / ,/,/ //~.'j/ / /,' /1 /' I,' ;' " / .' il/ ,I ,. / ,/ 1 / / ,r 1/' ",/ ~ 'f ,/ / /11 ,.,i /. ,J/ /< /11 (/ /' \ 1/ \ \\.1'1\. / \ . \ \ . \ :\ \ \ \,\1 \ \ \ :'?~:~:.':~~>~'" // / ," '~r\">>>~'>'~:<>"<' ' ... \ ,., \ ", ,.', ,', ' ':" \\\'<'\\ \ \ \ \ \ ~\" ~\\H H~; \, s V II "'i\\\\\\\ " :;,.' /) ," \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ . /., /) \ \ \ ", ..' 1 , ) ~ \ \ ( /";.'/, >>//</t~> {7~;~/;f]- -- ,:;:~~I . ;' ./~ 1-/ .,:' -'-..,/ ... \ " \ \ "- \ " \ \ '--, ....~, , './1 \ 1 ./. \ // i \ ,_.,. ..' ' \ t;- '~---j ~.~\. \ II"~ .'" 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'........... ..-. --.:::::.. _.,.~;>.. 'I "'~' '-.. .... i / ( (~/" C,,<'/ .~:",.._' ". ,--,j /: ' (/ " . "0- ,.,./ "c"'-),'" , :_,----.' Jr) I I _,,\,:,-:;:.'<,-/ -,":.:j-r'-L~'--L /- j ::..;~~>'\',."""" :",,! ,::I -,,-=::..-~" ..y\\:,'- ".,' ,'"_/ /'" ,;:/ ~ ':~;~:;:~~'~; , . . / f'" ..;F. i d o d ~wm o g!z c( oo(::E a;i'=ur ... l? W Z ~IL 08~ ofj;~ z III ~ a: K .Gor-manStlfveying, Inc. .38:1: West::6l.f':S:treet- Phone (612) 861-3400 . .JJIiRAeapOIi8,MJIt:.~: Fax (612)861-1670 McKenna J Kinney Properties Runoff & Sedimentation Pon9 Calc's For Phase 1 & 2 ; Bottom of pond Elevation = 860.0 Overflow-Elevation = 864.0 Pond capacity between Elevation 860.0 & 864.0 = 0.88 Acre feet Area before development drainage area = 21.4 Acres Area after development within graded areas = 6.90 Acres Use Type--A:.soil for subject area Assumed Scenario of small lots (1/4 Acres) for future development :. CN= 70 use 2.3 in Rainfall j yr. Stonn = 0.42 in Runoff use 4.3 in Rainfall 10 yr. Stonn = 1.53 in Runoff use 5.9 in Rainfall1Oa-r Stonn = 6.00 in Runoff 0.42/12 x 6.90 = 0.24 Acre feetfor 1 year stonn 1.53/12 x 6.90 = 0.88 Acre feet for 10yearstonn 6.00 /12 x 6.90 = 3.45 Acre feet for 100 year stonn Existing storage in sedimentation pond between elevation 860 & 864 = 0'f8 Acre feet (10 yr stonns) Pond calculations by: Cal. Hedlund, P.E. Reg # 5942 An Affirmative Action I Equal Opportunity Employer "'."'_""'_''''-''__'__~m'_'''',' " "~......,..,...~.;.~'_'r... .""~._,_.__..r_""'M'._"".,_...,._ ~"_~""_"""'" <_....._",..~._., "__~"'~._""""_'__'~"'_.'._"_____'_'''~"_''~""'__"_____~________.__~.~__.,..._ :GmmaflStnveying, tnc. : :38t~~. Phone (612)861-3400 ~i:.,.lN; 5541:9-23'n. Fax (612) 861-1670 .MeKennaJ Kinney Properties Runoff & Sedimentation P~nd Calc's Final Design Bottom of pond Elevation = 860.0 Ove~Ievation = 864.0 Pond capacitY between Elevation 860.0 & 864.0 = 1.93 Acre feet Area before development d~age area = 21.4 Acres Area after development within graded areas = 13.12 Acres Use T~A: soil for subject area Assumed Scenario of small lots (1/4 ACres) for future development :. CN= 70 use 2.3 in Rainfall 1yr. Stonn = 0.42 in Runoff use 4.3 in Rainfall 10 yr. Stonn = 1.53 in Runoff use 5.9 in Rainfall 100 yr. Stonn = 6.00 in Runoff 0.42 /12 x 13.12 = 0.46 Acre feetfor 1 year stonn 1.53/12 x 13.12 :;:: 1.67'Acre feet for 10 year stonn 6.00/12 x 13.12 = 6.56 Acre feet for 100 year stonn Existing storage in sedimentation pond between elevation 860 & 864 = 1.p3 Acre feet (10 yr stonns) Pond calculations by: Cal. Hedlund, P.E. Reg ## 5942 An AfIinnative Action I Equal Opportunity Employer A '.~".'- ^ ^ ...__..~__^.""..w'_'_'''__'<~~__'_'''_'_'_~_____''~_~'_~H~''--'-'-'--"-_"__'~'^__"_._.4 L WATER TESTING OF WETLAND 70-247W Ryan contracting will conduct annual water testing of the Wetland 70-247W as descnbed in the attached letter from Braun Intertec. NOV 19 '99 11:37AM ERAUN INTERTEC ELDG2 BRAUNSM INTERTEC November 19, 1999 Mr. Craig Svoboda Ityan Contraeting Co. 8700 1311I Avenue East Shakopee.~N 55379 Dear Craig: P.1/2 .raun Intertec C.rporotion 6875 Washington Avenue South Minnoapolis, Minnesota 55439-0108 612.941.5600 Fox: 942.4944 Engineers and SC;~(lrlsls Serlling the Bull, and No/ural Envlro(l",cnt~ Re: Field Collection and Laboratory Analysis of Pit Water Samples Thank you for your request for a price quotation for our analytical laboratory services. .Braun Intenec appreciates the opportunity to present this information for your review. Scope of Project We understand the scope of this project to involve the field collection and laboratory analysis of water samples from a wetland area in the city of Prior Lake. These samples would be collected annually by our staff and analyzed at our laboratory. There wo.uld be one sample collected annually for your requested pararneter list. Cost of Services The prcposed laboratory rates for your project are listed belo~: Sample Collection: Estimate 30 miles round trip plus cne hour cn site. Total for collection = $ 75.00 Laboratory Analysis: ., Parameter Volatile Organic Compounds PCBs Ammonia Nitrogen Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen Phosphorus, Tctal Total Suspended Solids Diesel Range Organics Gasoline Range Organics Estimated annual cost: Cost per Sample $ 150.00 $ 135.00 $ 15.00 $ 22.00 $ 15.00 $ 22.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 Total cost per sample ::i $ 454.00 Sample ccllecticn ;:::; $ 7S.00 Laboratory Analysis = $ 454,00 Annual total = S ~29.00 NOV 19 '99 11:37AM BRAUN INTERTEC BLDG2 P.2/2 Ryan Contracting CO. November 19, 1999 Page 2 Braun Intertec appreciates the opportUnity to present this infonnation for your review. If you have any questions, need additional information, or would like to schedule our services please feel free to contact me at your convenience at 942-4936. 6~ Dean Almquist Laboratory Project Manager M LETTER OF CREDIT Ryan Contracting will provide the City of Prior Lake with a Letter of Credit in the following amounts as agreed upon with the City Engineering Department and Planning Department. Maintenance of McKenna Road $ 100,000.00 Landscaping Costs $ 11,687.50 City LOC requirement 125 % $ 111.687.50 $ 139,609.38 Subtotal Amount N DUST CONTROL & AIR QUALITY Utilizing the existing access to the site will minimize dust generated from vehicle traffic. A water truck will be used when the pit is in operation, as needed to water roads. In the event the City of Prior Lake feels the dust control operations are inadequate, Ryan Contracting will water the roads within 24 hours and meet with City staff to rectify the situation. On site processing equipment will be recessed, thereby minimizing the amount Qf dust leaving the site. The use of calcium chloride mixed with water will be used to minimize dust created by truck traffic. Calcium chloride is used statewide by the State of Minnesota, counties, cities, townships, and recommended by consulting engineering firms throughout the state. The use of calcium chloride on the gravel traffic routes will minimi7.e the amount of dirt blown in the air. The screening plant will be on the floor of the proposed pit. The vegetated berms, walls and trees will act as shields minimizing fugitive dust. The existing trees on the west and south sides will act as a natural buffer. On the north and east of the proposed pit, the existing fields will also act as natural shields. The berms, trees, and fields will reduce the presence of pit operations from the view of the public and residents. o MAINTANENCE OF MCKENNA ROAD Ryan Contracting representatives met with the City Engineering Department to review the current conditions of McKenna Road. Ryan Contracting and City staffwill periodically review the condition of McKenna Road and the need for repair. Ryan Contracting has agreed to post a Letter of Credit in the amount of $ 125,000.00 to the City of Prior Lake to secure and guaranty the proper maintenance and repair of Mckenna Road. The condition and need for repair will also be reviewed on an annual basis at the time of our CUP renewal. I Table of ~ontents .....,..,,,'-~,....,,.....,.-,,,........ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 IN1RODUCTION LAND USE APPUCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION SURVEYING I ENGINEERING FIRM GENERAL LOCATION MAP PROPERTY OWNERS (350' RADIUS) EXISTING CONDmONS PROPOSED USE OF sm PROPOSED GRADING PLAN POND CALCULATION N. Y1 SEC. 22 T. 115 R 22 AND S. Y2 SEC. 22 T. 115 R 22 ACREAGE OR SQUARE FOOT LAND USE MAP 1REE PRESERVATION AND REPLACEMENT PLAN TRAFFIC SIGNAGE PLAN (ALSO, SEE EXIDBIT 29) U.S.G.S. QUADRANT RANGE MAP SILT FENCE LOCATION MAP PIT LOCATION IN RELATION TO PROPERTY LINE LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING MAP PHASING PLAN NOISE LEVELS DUST CONTROL AND AIR QUALITY WETLAND MAP (#70-247W) GROUNDWATER FUEL STORAGE ON - sm . EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SITE APPEARANCE RECLAMA nON PLAN MATNTRNANCE OF McKENNA ROAD TRAFFIC ANn TRAVEL ROUTES TO & FROM THE SITE RFCAPmTT.ATION o 1] D o o o o o o o o D o D o D o o o D o D D o o o o o o o ~ .~~,!J>~:t'., 1:;' ;;;Ei~~~:Y ;~0 :=::(-~.; .~~:UJE:.:;:~C:.3 ,,: ;s.rE~~ ;:s;;;.-":":'~ 1 RYAN CONTRACTING COMPANY SAND AND GRAVEL MINE OPERATION PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTRODUCTION Ryan Contracting Company (RCC) proposes to operate sand and gravel mmmg operation within the City of Prior Lake. Ryan Contracting Company is seeking a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Prior Lake to begin mining and processing including de-sanding, stockpiling, and sale of product. Aggregate washing or operation of an asphalt plant is not part of this operation. These activities, if required, will be performed off-site. The site is located on a combined 29.604 acres of land, of which only 12.91 acres are included in the proposed mining plan. The following includes detailed information describing all aspects of our Conditional Use Permit application. Please refer to the Table of Contents for specific information located in the front ofthis booklet. Under this Conditional Use Permit Application, the proposed gravel pit will be for private use only. This gravel pit will not be open to the public. Any questions or concerns may be addressed to: Ryan Contracting Company 8700 13th Ave. E. Shakopee,~.55379 Tom Ryan Office Mob. Pager 612-894-3200 612-325-4455 612-394-1590 Tyler Enright Office Mob. Pager 612-894-3200 612-325-4457 612-394-1592 -'~,.,.._-_._..._._..__.--~-_._._._-..."._,_..,..^.-...-...~_....._'.._.__,.__.",._....~.____..._.L~. 2 " -. , . Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.I.Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714/ Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4-245 . Type of Application: __ .0 Rezoning, from (present zoninlI) to (proposed zoning) o Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance o Subdivision of Land o Administrative Subdivision . EJ Conditional Use Permit o Variance o Other: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional sheets/narrative if desired) Operate a gravel pit for approximately 10 years. I Applicable OrdinaD..SeetioD(s): Applicant(s): Ryan Contracting Company Address: 8700 13th Ave. E. Shakopee, MN Home Phone: (612)894-3200 55379 Work Phone: (612)894-3200 Property Owner(s) [H different from Applicants]: Richard McKenna Address: 13787 McKenna Road Northwest Prior Lake, MN 55372 Home Phone: (612)445-1889 Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee x Contract for Deed _ Purchase Agreement Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): See Exhibit 1 To the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I ve d the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that a eprocessed until deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. 1-Jt~1'1 Date Appli l' ~'~ In~~ Fee Owner's ignature . 9/14/99 Date THIS SPACE TO BE.FILLED IN BY THE PLANNINGDIREcrOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING CONDmONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee 1u-app2.doe Date Exhibit 1 --'~.'~"_.'~"_~""_~..~-,<_..__._""._<~~..,.,"_."._.~,~.."......"~--..-......~---,_~....~.,.<.w ~ - PAGE NUMBER 1 CONTINUED Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle'Creek Avenue S.E./.Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 i Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 . Type of Application: __ o Rezoning, from. (present zonin/r) to (proposed zonin~) o Amendment to City Code, Compo Plan or City Ordinance o Subdivision orLand . o Administrative Subdivision o Conditionai Use Permit o Variance o Other: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional sheetslna.tniPve if desired) Applicable Ordinance Section(s): Applicant(s): Address: Home Phone: "-. . Work Phone: Property Owner(s) fIf different from Applicantsl: Joseph L & Carolyn A. Kinney. Addr~: 4270 14tJHl St. NE Prior Lake.MN' )).;/L Home Phone: (612)445-7620 Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee X Contractfor Deed Purchase Agreement Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy ifthere is not enough space on this sheet): SeeF.xhibi t 2 To the best. of my knowledge the information.providedin this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelineS, and understand that . applicatio . t be processed until deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. ~ c;-lf-7i Date ?/ry !?7 Date THIS SPACE TO BE.FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING'DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCll. APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: SignatUre ofPIanning Director or Designee lu-epp2.doc Date HOW TO APPLY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The first step in the process is to contact the City of Prior Lake Planning Department. The Planning Staff will discuss the potential use of the land including development standards and can. review sketch plans or - concept plans for viability. If you chose to pursue a Condi}.ional use permit, a pre-application meeting should be arranged with the Planning Staff. . Pre-Application Meeting: This meeting should be scheduled with the Planning Staffprior to the application submittal. The pmpose oftbis meeting is to advise you about how the City's policies and plans might affect the . project and to help you coordinate your application. The applicant is responsible for understandine the requirements of the City Zonine Code. specifically setbacks, landscaping, parking, required improvements, submittal requirements, signs, etc. Based on this meeting, a decision can be made whether to submit a formal Conditional use permit application. The Planning Staff will also advise you of other potential governmental jurisdiction involvement. The following must be brought to the pre-application meeting: 1. The location of the property; and 2. Any preliminary plans developed for the property. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: . Application Fee: Check payable to the "City of Prior Lake". The non-refundable filing fee for a conditional uSe permit is $350.00. . Signed Application: Include authorization from the property owner on the application form or by attached letter of authorization if the application is signed by an agent. . .. Conditional Use Permit Application Checklist:. .The information identified on the attached checklist must be submitted as a part of the application. Please indicate where you have provided the required information (such as Sheet #, narrative, or attached report, etc.) and check the box verifying it as being provided to the City with the application. Any item not provided will constitute an incomplete application. The Application Checklist will expedite the review of your application. Attach the checklist with the application materials. l:~B'lr~t~eek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55j,Z-1714 I Ph. (612) 447-4230 I Fax (612) 447-4245 . ~ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI1Y EMPLOYER PROCEDURE The request will be heard by the Planning Commission, after which a recommendation is made to the City Council. This recommendation can include conditions upon which the use will be allowed including such items as hours of operation, number of employees, building location, screening, etc. The City Council will make a decision regarding the CUP and impose any such conditions recommended by the Planning Commission or any others it warrants as pertinent to the proposed use and the neighborhood. . . STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The Planning Commission and the City Council will review an application for a conditional use permit based on the standards identified in Section 11 08.202 of the Zoning Code, as follows: . .;' (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services. or improvements which are either existing or proposed. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed . on the use by the City Council. (1) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes., power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general. welfare,' public safetY and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards. performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient .to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108..202. In these circumstances. the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the Conditional Use Permit which are more stringent than . those set forth in the Ordinance and which are cons~stent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council. If th~ If the property is located within the Flood Plain or Shoreland Districts, additional evaluation criteria, listed in Section 1108.203 and 1108.204 of the Zoning Code, will also be applied. I:\handouts\cupapp.doc 2 TIMING Processing of a CUP takes a minimum of 8 weeks. A legal notice must be published in the newspaper and notices sent to property owners within 350 feet. Due to deadlines, the application must be received at least 30 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Once published, the Planning Commission can review the request. The Planning Commission meets on the second and third Mondays of each month. The request is then forwarded to the City Council for review and approval. The City Council meets on the first aild third Mondays of each month. Due to deadlines, it takes approximately 4 weeks to be heard by the City Counci~ once reviewed by the Planning Commission. The City Council decision will be in the form of an official resolution. However, no conditional use permit is valid until the applicant has signed an assent form and the approved exhibits which acknowledge the terms and conditions under which the permit was issued. Upon receipt of the signed assent form, the resolution must be recorded The City" staffwill provide the applicant with a certified copy of the signed reso~ution as soon as possible, usu8ny within one week of approval. It is the applicant's responsibility to record the resolution and provide proof of recording to the City prior to the issuance of any building permits or certificates of occupancy. l:\bandoulS\cupapp.doc 3 >> l=l It! c.. S 0 0'\ t.:l .- .C'I") tlO ~ Ll"\ l=l Ll"\ oM .j.J Q.I CJ ~ .~ It! .... ,j.J .c .. l=l +J Q.I 0 C'I") Q.I t.:l .....t Po 0 l=l 0 ,.!:<l III 0 Itl ~ . .- :t:: (0 Cf.l .. 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"Om:::: c:>.o. o c: - .~ l!;l:c :J "O,:c m c.. Cl~O ... E.5 co ::,~.. ~ g>1I)'ES CD CD ~ 0 ,-: C> 0>"0 op. m e: .Q m "5 0> II) ... CD .J::. .... m c: .Q m o r;:: :0 o E "0 CD III . 0"0 C.CD eii) c.~ ~~ 0> c: c: o N CD .s::; .... .... o o o 00 ..... r-- o ~ ..... c: .Q t5 II) U) >- ..0 "0 l!? "5 0" f m m c: m 'Q.. Cl .5 :E' p~ -0 <0 0> c: c: o N CD .J::.. .... ..... o o o ..q ~ o ..... ~ ui C o ;:: co o co C o '0 '> :c ..0 :J fI) .... OJ = o .... o - .!!! c: o :;::; o CD U) >- ..0 "0 CD .... "5 0" CD ... III m c: m 'Q.. CD 0> m c: . 0> CD '0"8 <0 := RYAN CONTRACTING CO. 005( DATE 1""OICE 1\0. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BAlANC RYAN CONTRACTING CO. Dose 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A) Richard McKenna Home address: 13787 McKenna Road Prior Lake, MN. 55372 . Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22, except the West Half of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Scott County, Minnesota B) Joseph Kinney Home address 4270 140th Street Northwest Prior Lake, MN. 55372 The West 990.00 feet ( as measured at right angles) of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22 EXCEPTING there from the following: The South 622.29 feet of the West 700.00 feet (as measured at right angles to the south and west lines) of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. Containing 20 acres more or less. 4 _._"'~'_'~"_"'_".___"'.'.._._m__~~' ,_"~__",~,'-"'_~,_,__._.._."."~ ",,,,,,,"_,,,,___,___,__~'"",,,,"'_m'~_'_"""~'~~_~'~","'~H_'~'_'-'-""'~'_"_~___~_''''-'_'__'~''_''"'''''''''__._ .... . . .. ... U'J .c .. o fa) :E. D:I " z z <( .... fD c-, 0) ... ~ 10 1ft . o . . C C - :I .. . ... ... o .G. . . c: c ... :E ~ o o (.) ..... · c: ::>~ ;>.- U) 1:Jf! "'n., ca ,c u .- 0: c: o -- .... (.) ~ a.. .., ~ CI)~ o .. ()~ ~~ c)'- r: :::s -- en ... CU G>> C -- D) C W 000 Or--C") .-U)1t) Cf)....... . . . ........(1) CD.co 0 CDCDe? ...-- ~ .--.. N N.N .,.. .- 'I- ~~.~ - -- . - . )(.. E i~CJw . .. E o u . .. E . C -- . ::s @> .- . ~ .M: o o u ! 5 GENERAL LOCATION MAP EXCERPT FROM THE SCOTT COUNTY HIGHWAY MAP 6 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that, according to the records of the Scott County Treasurer's office, the following is a list of owners of the property lying within 350 feet of the following described property: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22, .. AND: The West 990.00 feet (as measured at right angles) of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22, EXCEPTING therefrom the following: The South 622:29 feet of the West 700.00 feet (as measured at right angles to the south and west lines) of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. 1. Carol M. McDonald 18455 Jasper Path lakeville, MN 55044 Property 10 No. 259220012 2. Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 2330 Sioux Trail NW Prior lake, MN 55372 Propertil0 No. 279220030 Property 10 No. 279220020 3. Eugene L. & Rhoda E. Berens 5706 1901h St. E. Prior lake, MN 55372 Property ID No. 259220040 4. Craig J.& Wanda K. Ahlman . 13799 McKenna Rd NW Shakopee, MN 55379 Property 10 No. 259220031 5. Evelyn M Morehouse 13755 McKenna Road Shakopee, MN 55379 Property 10 No. 259220011 6. Stephen F Kes 4234 140th St NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PropertylDNo.259220032 7. DonaldW & Terry D Johnston 3960 140th St NW Prior Lake, MN 55372 Property ID No. 259220041 Property 10 No. 259220050 8. The Young Men's Christian Association of Metropolitan Minneapolis 30 9th Street South Minneapolis, MN 55402 Propety ID No. 250720330 PropertylD No. 259230100 Property 10 No. 259230020 9. Loren M. Squires & Linda M Squires 4070 NE 140th Street Prior Lake, M,N 55372 Property 10 No. 259230061 Dated at Minneapolis, Minnesota, this 18th day of October, 1999 at 7 a.m. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company BY.f:lf~Q ~) Authorized ignature Order No. A99-44989 For: Ryan Contracting Co. "~-,--->"""""-~,--,-----",-,~-,,,","-~,,-,-,"""~'-~"""-'---....,.,~...,-"-~....-.~_.--......~_.,,....~~....~-~..~. ""--"--~-__^~"_~~^~'.~'"~_'~___''~'"'''''''._O'M'_''',......__M..~..___.,..~._~""~__.w_._.___~___..___~___..___~.no.' ~,J ~ ,. '\ I~ cI j i ~. ".! t :. 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Inc. 381 West 60th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55419-2372 Phone (612) 861-3400 Fax (612) 861-1670 McKenna Properties Future Bldg Site Runoff & Sedimentation Pond Calc's Bottom of pond Elevation = 860.0 Overflow Elevation = 864.0 Pond capacity between Elevation 860.0 & 864.0 = 1.1 Acre feet Area before development drainage area = 21.4 Acres Area after development within graded areas = 12.91 Acres Use Type aN soil for subject area Assumed Scenario of small lots (1/4 Acres) for Mure development :. eN = 70 use 2.3 in Rainfall 1 yr. Storm = 0.42 in Runoff use 4.3 in Rainfall 10 yr. Storm = 1.53 in Runoff use 5.9 in Rainfall 100 yr. Storm = 6.00 in Runoff 0.42/12 x 12.91 = 0.45 Acre feet for 1 year storm 1.53/12 x 12.91 = 1.64 Acre feet for 10 year storm 6.00 /12 x 12.91 = 6.45 Acre feet for 100 year storm Existing storage in sedimentation pond between e1evqtion 860 & 864 = 1.1 Acre feet (approx. 5 yr storms) Pond calculations by; C~1. Hedlund, P.E. Reg # 5942 An Aflirmalive Action I Equal Opportunity Employer -----'-~~'--~~,_..,._._,-....._,-~..~----.....~...~,-...._._.~-'"'''~..~.....~-".~-"--,."".,-~-_......_~~"".._"."~,--""~,~"-,-......,.--.,.,.,. 11 , ba'~Ua~1 ~<!oil~1 ~g.1 "ft ~ il'.'~il'.'1 ," :li" ~~U~ : : J ~;~, " 1_- ~ Q:: lc) "'" "'" ~ (\J. t\J ~ ~ ~ " ~ -- ! , i I I ! i 8 I Ii f , I I I I , , I ! i I , l I ! , \ ! , ; ; i ! .. ... . VNN3)j~N- i ~ , " I : ,... . t I 1 .1 .1 "I I I ~i It i . \ L.,... ...__,_......... ....... _..._ __........._..., '.._........,..........,.._ ------'--~_. -------- .~--_._....-- -~_.-.. -.. -- --"-" ... - . '1 ' m... !!l;. -' -I il'l ill ~I ,.Ii z~ , iii : i ! ' i ...._..,.J I ~:.~~ft~1211 ~.:l~i ~B~, I 'l5 . . ,:,;, :r.;,Jilt ;:~..d : 't..:.:.: i il II .. ~'i'" "~~l ~i ~,Ur::' :: L i ~~;f,j:i ! .. r~' , j i~ ' j . '. . "'. \' . . " ,', i , U'n, . ~ .~,' "'~fhf ~ ,-" . ~ CC ~ ~ ,~, (\j ~ ~ ~ i I """ V) II! I i tI- fflN-3}f~ I. .1 i I; I' I. .f I ...,' . ;1 's '. I~ 1= . ' , i I I! 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'-,,--.....- i / .. L._~__....~ .lJ"~-- - ...-.. - ........... \ ._~-\ \. \ \. \, ,I " / . '..,..,'. / . .....-----~~;"""'_".._~______K..........__._~_...."_."".~ --- '-'--"~'~-"--____.._.__"__W_~~_"_... 13 -'~--""'-~~_""'_""'"'~'<'~~'"4~""_""~,,,--,,,,,,______,,,,,-,,,,,,,>_~_, _..,-~---~~.,.~""' "'___'_"._'.O"'-__"",-^,~'M..,____.___._~..._.~.. TREE PRESERVATION A tree inventory has been performed on this site. There will be a total of three trees removed on this site as a result of our proposed use. This equates to 3.03% of the total trees to be removed. There will be a total of 70 inches of trees removed out of a total of 2310 inches of trees surveyed by Gorman Land Surveying. The tree removal does not exceed the 25% tree removal limit. However, Ryan Contracting will be planting over fifteen trees on the west berm, in addition to the ten proposed plantings shown on the attached plan. The tree plantings on the west berm will be done once the berm is fully constructed. The remaining trees shown on the attached plan will be planted at the completion of our project. The trees on the west berm will be planted within 45 days of April 15, 2000, providing our CUP has been received by this date. Ryan Contracting will be planting the trees in good faith to the City of Prior Lake and the adjacent residents. The proposed trees will be maintained and guarante~d. The existing trees will be protected by of snowfence with metal posts and will be erected past the drip line of significant trees along the mining limits. Snowfence will be maintained in place until restoration along the perimeter of the mining limits has been completed. ~ ~ . ~,,/ \\\ "'-':~>-----"'--'7- //' i ~~ I ~ --"'-" -...,"--., "- . .-- ..-.. -7 // '.............. -....."...... I '. "\""\_? /' / / /' !II~ ' -...",r------- ,r~ /,/ / 1/" /'~ i1!:i i! It / //ur:-' / // U ~ ti! ,rl! '---/----/ //1 / ///--i I ,~! ' // I ._' I ,( /'~---~ ~. " .l \,;;r. ( ( ( ( I ( i /; i i t\ i fl) .." 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The west berm will be constructed to an elevation of 910.00, initially allowing for a 26 foot high berm to reduce noise. This berm will also be landscaped. Ryan Contracting will install 2 inch trees staggered an even ten feet apart on the berm. These trees will be maintained and guaranteed for as long as our CUP is active. The berm will have topsoil placed on it. The topsoil will be seeded, mulched, fertilized, and disc anchored to provide positive turf establishment. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources report, Industrial Minerals in Minnesota dated September 1979 states, " Typical mining equipment generates noise levels as high as 88 decibels (dB A) measured at 50 feet away from the source. Screeners can generate up to 78 dBA measured from .50 feet from the source. Table I describes decibels (dBA) by comparison to familiar environments. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has established noise standards which include noise from mining activities. The MPCA states that, "acceptable sound levels for the receiver are a function of the intended activity in that land area." Further, these standards described the limiting levels of sound established on the basis of present knowledge for the preservation of public health and welfare. These standards are consistent with speech, sleep, annoyance, and hearing. The allowable noise level standards range from 50 dBA to 80 dBA. TABLE 1 NOISE LEVEL COMPARISON Decibels (dBA) Common Sounds 160 140 120 100 80 ~60 50 40 20 o Medium jet engine Large propeller aircraft, air raid siren Disco Canning plant, heavy city traffic, subway Busy office Normal speech Private office Quite residential neighborhood Whisper Threshold of hearing Exhibit 8 shows the location of the screening plant, stockpiles, and haul roads which will eliminate the need for trucks to back up sounding their back - up alarms. If requested, Ryan Contracting will be willing to disconnect our backup alarms if necessary. The screening plant will be placed at various locations throughout the pit to minimize noise to the surrounding area. Material will be stockpiled from the screening plant by conveyors. 21 '-~'-'-'"-"'~"-'-~------'-"._~;~"'~'-"'-"-""~"'--'-~"'-'-~'-'--""'-'-'""-~"'-"~',,,~.,~-,,,,,",--'~.,,,~,"-,,~._- DUST CONTROL & AIR QUALITY Utilizing the existing access to the site will minimize dust generated from vehicle traffic. A water truck will be used, as needed, to water roads. On site processing equipment will be recessed, thereby minimizing the amount of dust leaving the site. The use of calcium chloride mixed with water will be used to minimize dust created by truck traffic. Calcium chloride is used statewide by the State of Minnesota, counties, cities, townships, and recommended by consulting engineering firms throughout the state. The use of calcium chloride on the gravel traffic routes will minimize the amount of dirt blown in the air. The screening plant will be on ~he floor of the proposed pit. The vegetated berms, walls and trees will act as shields minimizing fugitive dust. The existing trees on the west and south sides will act as a natural buffer. On the north and east of the proposed pit, the existing fields will also act as natural shields. The berms, trees, and fields will reduce the presence of pit operations from the view of the public and residents. 22 ,...-------~.......--..-,-..-----.,-..-.,~.......~-.,-,~.---...-....-~-._'_>__"_"'.'_~_'_'_'~_._"____._m"'_'" WETLAND # 70-247W Please refer tothe attached map showing the approximate location of the wetland in relation to the pit location. This wetland will not be disturbed in anyway by our activities. The drainage on this property runs from the southeast to the northwest. The location of this wetland is directly southeast :from our proposed gravel pit. There will be no drainage into the wetlan~ nor will the wetland be drained of water. Ryan Contracting will review this area with the DNR and if requested, Ryan Contracting will install heavy duty silt fence as a precaution. Currently, there is a natural land and wooded buffer between our property and 1h.e wetland. This area will not be disturbed, nor traversed in any way. UUI.J ill' I ili!it ,-JIll llal ill II 11'liI , ul IJlh en ~ ...... I\) en . m CIl 0 n . 00 :;- I\) o~ 00 I\) c .... ::l"tJ ~::!. -I s:~ :i" ~ . ::l~ ~ A III III ~ 0 ... III 0'1 Z I ::0 i . I\) ~ ~ II o ~a nc oz c~ ~! U II- i! Hf If I ill I; 23 GROUNDWATER Well Head: The concern by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) regarding their Public Water Supply (PWS) well is being taken with great concern. The elevation of the floor in the proposed pit will start at an elevation of 884.00 and may be excavated to an elevation of 850.00 with a restored elevation of 870.00. The ground water is at an elevation of 743.00 according to the Mean Sea Level (MSL.) with bedrock at 750.00 according to Scott County Geological Atlas (Se-Geo Atlas). Excavation of mined material will leave over 100 feet between the proposed pit floor and the Jordan Aquifer. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends at least 50 feet or more in separation. The distance between the aquifer and the pit floor is double the recommended separation distance. This distance should satisfy concerns the SMSC had with the proximity and operation of the proposed use. Sanitation: Ryan Contracting is proposing to use satellite toilet facilities on the site. A maximum of five employees will be working on the site, not including independent trucking companies. The satellite toilet facilities will be maintained by an independent company and maintained weekly during the operating months of the year. This facility will be located adjacent to our parking area as shown in Exhibit 8. This facility will be removed when our operation is not muse. Fuel Storage: Ryan Contracting will be storing fuel on the site in an above ground 1000 gallon steel tank placed in a concrete enclosure. The fuel will be diesel fuel for the operating of the screening plant and the construction equipment only. The concrete enclosure will contain spills if leakage does occur. The enclosure is manufactured by Crest and is a MPCA approved design for this exact situation. Please see the Exhibit 24 containing specifications on the enclosure. The enclosure will have a roof over it along with a metal chain link fence. The fuel tank will be locked when not in use. Due to the concerns from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) regarding fuel spillage; this is the best solution. The enclosure will trap any fuel that is spilled or leaked out of the tank and will prevent any fuel from contaminating the groundwater. With the tank on site, this will reduce the number of refueling trips to the site and decreasing the possibility of a fuel spill. In the unlikely event a fuel spill would occur, Ryan Contracting would respond by following state guidelines as outlined by the MPCA. These guidelines are located in Exhibit 24. Equivment Fuel: 'The SMSC has expressed concerns regarding possible fuel spills from the intregal fuel tanks on our equipment. These concerns are unwarranted. The intregal tanks constructing on heavy equipment are built for heavy operations to withstand hard and severe use. The possibility of a fuel spill from our equipment is far less likely than a fuel spill from your own vehicle. Ryan Contracting Company will not be drilling or installing any wells on this property. Ryan Contracting Company will be taking water from the sedimentation pond for use on site to water roads. 24 FUEL STORAGE ON-SITE Fuel Storage: Ryan Contracting will be storing fuel on the site in an above ground 1000 gallon steel tank placed in a concrete enclosure. The fuel will be diesel fuel for the operating of the screening plant and the construction equipment only. The concrete enclosure will contain spills if leakage does occur. The enclosure is manufactured by Crest and is a MPCA approved design for this exact situation. Please see the attached information containing specifications on the enclosure. The enclosure will have a roof over it along with a metal chain link fence. The fuel tank will be locked when not in use. Due to the concerns from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) regarding fuel spillage, this is the best solution. The enclosure will trap any fuel that is spilled or leaked out of the tank and will prevent any fuel from contaminating the groundwater. With the tank on site, this will reduce the number of refueling trips to the site and decreasing the possibility of a fuel spilL In the unlikely event a fuel spill would occur, Ryan Contracting would respond by following state guidelines as outlined by the MPCA. These guidelines are attached. This information will be readily available onsite to all personnel. The pit operator will be equipped with a cellular phone in case of an emergency. As required, the Duty Officer will be contacted immediately in the event of a fuel spill. The phone numbers for the Duty Officer are attached in this Exhibit. The MPCA does not require a permit for an above ground fuel tank less than 1,100 gallons. If this proposal is unacceptable, Ryan Contracting would be willing to look at other options for fuel supply. Hazardous Waste: No other hazardous materials will be stored on site. Blasting: There will be !!!! blasting on the site. Maintenance of Equipment: General maintenance of equipment will be performed on site. Major repairs of equipment will be performed off site. >- ..... z :::> ~... ,.&;~, :. _.",;.'f"> ~ CREST "1 000' Precast Concrete Containment Vessel Spill Leak Capacity - 1 ,295 Gallons 7'-4" 6 8'-4" -+-- /" I '" / "- I \ / \ I I \ \ "- '" / /v /" C"') L[) l.() - ~I 8'-4" ~I I~ 9'-4" .. A-A 8-B A Tie-Downs (4) ........... ..... . ,.... .. . . lii-'- II: B Technical Storage Tank Size - 1,000 Gallons (5'-4" Dia.) 5,000 PSI Reinforced Precast Containment Vessel Automatic 'Break Siphon" Four Tie-Down Anchors Code Compiling ILHR 10.345-1a, 1b ILHR 10.415-7, 13a 1\.'1111111'_- CREST DELIVERS ~ONCRETE FUEL CONTAINMENT VESSELS MODEL: 500 ACTUAL CAPACITY 700 GALLONS INSIDE DIMENSION 24" X 76"x 94" MODEL: 1 000 ACTUAL CAPACITY 1250 GALLONS INSIDE DIMENSION 34" X 88" x 100" MODEL: 2000, ACTUAL CAPACITY 2500 GALLONS INSIDE DIMENSION 34" x 88" x 194" INSTALL YOUR METAL FUEL TANK IN OUR PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT TO MEE- THE ENVIRONMENTAL CODES. (DIHLR-10, EPA, WDNR, MPCA Chapter 7151) THE PRECAST VAULTS ARE DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR CONTAINMENT AND ARE CAST WITH THICK WALLS AND HEAVY REINFORCEMENT. . MEETS NEW 12" SIDE WALL CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS . TAPERED FOR FREEZE RESISTANCE . CRASH RESISTANT . SIPHON DRAIN INCLUDED . COMPETITIVE PRICES DEALER: ~-"------------,,",_._,~,...,..,-,.".,._...,-,..~..._~,..~-_.,".<., ".., .~~ '. "e' "-'.'-_~'__~.""""'_'"""'~_"""'_"~'_'.___.m,'."".__~________~,,_._.."'..____.~~..____~..__"_.~.. .. STATEWIDE 1-800-658-904~ ~ =- ft) ~ = ...... _. o ~ ~ ..... ~ f'D fI.! o = fI.! ("D {j f'D = ...... f'D "": .. ~ : ;; . . ~ ~ . .. . . .. "l ! . . . ~ ~ rl'\ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ s=- <= (1) (1) ~ > a ~ (JQ -. ~ (1) rn ~ t:S p.') I n_ ~ ~ ~ <= Zg ~ 0 _. ... t:t. n ~ t:n_ rn ::r n p.') (l) ~ ~ ::s 0". ~ ~ 0 ~ ::s 0 g: ~ ~ (1) ~::s ~ . ~ < ~ r"_. - (l) ~ 5 ~ ~ t:t.:4 S ::n ~ (1) n _ a ~ (1) ~ _. l:Zl- g ~~. 'Ci.i. - (1) tI.l ~ ~ _. f-+- (1) tI.l ~ ~ ~::s ~. ] ~ (1) s::: 0 0.. _. ~ ~ -. (l) Hj P-p.') ~ . . . . ! l ~ =- ft) ~ _. = = t1) t:I.2 o ...... = ~ = ~ o ~ = ..... > = ...... ~ o "": _. ...... _. f'D fI.! .. o Si f") ("D "": .. \C I ..... I ..... ~ ~ ~ l:Zl ~ ... ~ (1) ::s g. 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Stat. ~ 115.061 which has been in effect since 1969, describes the duty of people to notify' the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) of spills and leaks. 115.061 Duty to Notify and Avoid Water Pollution (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), it is the duty of every person to notify the agency immediately of the discharge, accidental or otherwise, of any substance or material under its control which, if not recovered, may cause pollution of waters of the state, and the responsible person shall recover as rapidly and thoroughly as possible such substance or material and take immediately such other action as may be reasonably possible to minimize or abate pollution of waters of the state caused thereby. (b) Notification is not required under paragraph (a)for a discharge offive gallons or less of petroleum, as defined in section 115C.02, subdivision 10. This paragraph does not affect the other requirements of paragraph (a). The law provides penalties of up to $10,000 per day for violations. To Report a Spill or Leak Call: 651/649-5451 or 800/422-0798 The Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management operates a 24-hour State Duty Officer service establishing a one call system for all state reporting requirements. The Duty Officers record all pertinent information and then make the appropriate notifications to the state agencies. Reportable spills should be directed to the State Duty Officer. Report: Spills of toxic, flammable, corrosive, and otherwise dangerous industrial chemicals. Also report spills of environmentally damaging materials including milk, coal, animal parts, batteries, etc. Reportable Quantity: Minnesota has a five gallon minimwn quantity for reporting petroleum spills. Spills of all other chemicals or materials, any quantity is reportable. If in doubt report. ~ ~--.~ Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Metro, North and South Districts, Emergency Response Unit Spill Prevention and Planning In Minnesota, handlers of oil and hazardous substances are required to be prepared and prevent spills from occurring to protect land, waters, or air of the state and to protect the public's safety or health. Knowing your facility and training company personnel are basic planning strategies to prepare a company for a response. Below are some areas each company should concentrate on , , Improvmg. Maps Have current maps for the facility available for reference. Locate on the map building locations, oil and chemical storage locations, process or transfer areas, drainage of the land, storm and sanitary sewer inlets and lines, and surface waters. Planning Have current and useful emergency plans. Is your facility required to have a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan, a Prevention and Response Plan to fulfill the Minnesota Spill Bill, or a Response Plan to fulfill the federal Oil Pollution Act? Consolidate your emergency plans into an all hazard plan. Plan your responses to potential environmental emergencies. Plan how to utilize your staff and hired contractors effectively and efficiently. Assess what resources your company needs and make the necessary provisions and agreements beforehand, not at the time of an incident. Cleanup/C1-02lApri.l1999 Material Management and Storage Review how your company stores and handles its chemicals. Inspect the dispensing equipment and containment construction. Make improvements as problem areas are identified. Understand the characteristics, behaviors and safety precautions associated with material stored at your facility. Ifa spill of these materials occur, know the best containment and cleanup strategies to use for that product. Train and Conduct Exercises Train your company staff on hazard recognition, response plan implementation, safety, cleanup procedures, and reporting. Once staff are trained, conduct exercises to practice their training. Conduct table top exercises and field exercises. Invite local and state responders to practice with your staff. After an exercise, evaluate your company's response and make improvements. This will result in a more effective and efficient response when the next one occurs - real or staged. If a Spill Occurs...... Follow these basic steps: 1. Observe the safety precautions associated with the spilled material. 2. Stop the source of the spill, if you can do so safely. 3. Call your local fire and/or police deparbnents, if fire or public safety hazards are created. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 ... (651) 296-6300, toll-free (800) 657-3864, TTY (651) 282-5332 or (800) 657-3864 This material can be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities, * Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20 percent fibers from paper recycled by consumers, _._-,,_._-, _.._.........__........___.u.,.,~._.....".,...".,____._,._.,,__..._~""'"~~__..._""'h~..,~.~."_._,,___..,,,___"_~"~,_.~__.........~...,,_.__~._ ,'""" Q Minnesota Poll ution Control Agency Aboveground Storage Tanks Ge:,neral Requirements for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) This fact sheet outlines the general requirements for regulated ASTs found in Minnesota Rules Chapters 7001 and 715l. These rules apply to all ASTs storing a liquid sqbstance that is not gaseous or solid at ambient temperature and pressure. These rules replace the existing AST (formerly Minnesota Rules Chapter 7100) rule effective November 2,1998. Notification MPCAinust be notified about all ASTs with a capacity of greater than 110 gallons within 30 days of installation or change in tank status (Minnesota Statute, Chapter' 1 16.48). Owners and operators must complete and submit the AST Notification Form to the MPCA. To get a copy of this form, call MPCA at (651) 297-8679 or toll-free at (800) 657-3864. You can also find this form on the Internet at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/cleanup/ast Tanks that do not have to be registered include: · farm and residential heating oil tanks less than 1,100 gallons capacity; · tanks used for storing agricultural chemicals; · tanks that store liquids that are in a gas form at atmospheric temperature and pressure (compressed gas tanks); · tote tanks; · temporary tanks; and . tanks less than 11 0 gallons. November 1998 Rules, Chapter 7151. They are: · tanks of 500 gallons or less; · farm tanks; · residential tanks less than 1,100 gallons used for noncommercial purposes; · equipment or machinery containing substances for operational purposes such as hydraulic lift tanks, electrical equipment, and heating and cooling equipment; · vehicles designed and used to transport substances if they don't remain at the same location for more than 30 consecutive days or refill at the same site after dispensing the tank's contents; · heating oil tanks less than 1,100 gallons; · wastewater treatment facility equipment; · indoor tanks; · tote tanks; · tanks with greater than 500 gallons capacity, but less than or equal to 1,100 gallons capacity that are not within 500 feet of surface water; · septic tanks; · a surface impoundment, pit, pond, or lagoon; · stormwater collection systems; · temporary tanks (tanks at a site less than 30 days); and · storage tanks with drinking water, filtered-surface water, demineralized water, noncontact cooling water, or water stored for emergency purposes. Exemptions Many ASTs are exempt from Minnesota Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 (651) 296-6300, toll-free (800) 657-3864, TDD (651) 282-5332 or (800) 657-3864 This material can be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities. (!) Printl'ui nn rA~v~IArl mmAr ~nntRininn Rt IAR!':t ?O nAr~Ant fihArl': from nRnAr rA~v~IArl hv ~nn!':1 ImArl': ~ ~~~ Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Metro, North and South Districts, Emergency Response Unit Minnesota Spill Bill Abbreviated Prevention and Response Plans Facilities that need a plan: · Aboveground storage tank facilities storing greater than 10,000 gallons and less than 1,000,000 gallons and s Trucks and cargo trailer rolling stock transporting greater than 10,000 gallons per month Plan Contents Minn, Stat, S 115E.045, subdivisions j and 2 list seven required components: 1. The name, business, anci nonbusiness telephone numbers of th= individClals having authority to implemem respoDse actions. 2, Local emergency response telephone numbers if a 911 system is not available. 3. For trailer rolling stock, describe the type of rolling stock and the maximum potential discharge that could occur from the equipment. For tank facilities, describe the facility, tank capacities, . spill prevention and secondary containment measures, and the maximum potential discharge that could occur. 4. The state Duty Officer's telephone number: 651/649-5451 or 800/422-0798. 5. Documentation and evidence of adequate personnel and equipment will be available to respond to a discharge. 6. Describe the training employees have received in handling hazardous materials and in emergency response information. 7. Describe the action that will be taken by the in response to a discharge. Cleanup/C1-11/ApriI1999 Notifications The Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management (MDPS/DEM) should be notified when the plan is complete. Due Dates The initial due date was June I, 1994. Plans must be updated every three years or before three years following a significant discharge, change in facility operation or ownership, changes in the national or aree. plans, or changes ic the capabilities or roie: of 2 person named in the plan, Plan Reviews The Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) may request a copy of the prevention and response plan. The Commissioners of the MPCA and Minnesota Department of Agriculture may order changes to inadequate prevention and response plans or require additional preventative or preparedness measures to be implemented. The Commissioners can order a spiller to provide financial assurance that the spiller can complete a cleanup which is in progress. More Information For more information on the Spill Bill, spill prevention, cleanup, or disposal, call the MPCA at 651/296-6300 or 800/657-3864 and ask for a member of the Emergency Response Team. MPCA Website: http://www.pca.state.mn.us Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 (612) 296-6300, toll-free (800) 657-3864, TDD (612) 282-5332 This material can be made available in altemative formats for people with disabilities. * Printed onfecycled paper containing at least ~9-pers.ent fibers from paper recycled by consumers. (Q) ~~ ~._~ ..nnesota Pollution Control Agency Aboveground Storage Tanks Substance Transfer Area Requirements Owners and operators of regulated aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) greater than 1,100 gallons in capacity need to provide spill safeguards for their tank systems. Examples of these safeguards are spill boxes, remote fill boxes, or containment areas. This fact sheet outlines the substance transfer area requirements according to Minnesota Rules Chapter 7151.5500 and 7151.6500. General A substance transfer area is designed to catch releases that may occur during the transfer of product into or out of a tank. Safeguards in the substance transfer area are required to protect the area directly beneath and around the hose connections of the tank or the transfer vehicle. These safeguards must also protect the connection to the tank system if it falls outside the secondary containment area, The safeguards must effectively contain a release at the connection point, as well as at the vehicle, during transfer of the substance into and out of the tank. Exemptions Substance transfer area safeguards are not required if: · a tank has a capacity less than or equal to 1,100 gallons; · a tank is filled with a hand-held nozzle; · a transfer of the substance occurs through a continuous pipeline between November 1998 tanks at one site; or · it is a barge transfer facility regulated by the U.S. Coast Guard. Timing of Compliance Regulated ASTs installed before November 1, 1998, must meet the substance transfer area requirements by November 1, 1999. Regulated ASTs installed after November 1, 1998, must meet these requirements at time of installation. Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) federal requirements may apply immediately to some regulated ASTs (See 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CPR) Chapter 1, pan 112.7). For More Information To get your copy of AST fact sheets about general requirements, corrosion protection, indoor tanks, major facilities, monitoring, notification, out-of-service tanks, overfill protection, permeability testing requirements, record-keeping requirements, secondary containment and product types, tanks near surface water, temporary tanks, tote tanks or to get more information about the AST rules, call the MPCA at (651) 297-8679 or (800) 657- 3864 or go to the Internet at: http://www.pea.state.Inn.us/cleanup/ast.html Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, 81. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 (651) 296-6300, toll-free (800) 657-3864, TOO (651) 282-5332 - This material can be made available in altemative formats for people with disabilities. @ Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20 percent fibers from paper recycled by consumers. 25 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL Silt Fence: A double row of silt fence and/or staked haybales will be installed at the inlet of the pond and the outlet of the pond as shown on Exhibit 18. Rio rap: Rip rap will be installt{d at the outlet and between the two ponds to slow down the flow of the water as it leaves the sedimentation pond. Calculations: Cal Hedlund with Gorman Land Surveying did pond calculations. (See Exhibit 10) Seeding: Seeding will be done on the berms and slopes of the pit as the topsoil is placed. This will be done as the pit is constructed at appropriate times of the year in accordance with MNDOT recommended seeding times. The seed will be a mixture called 50A which meets MNDOT approval. The fertilizer will be applied at a rate of 100 pound per acre, along with mulch that will be disc anchored into the soil. The storm water ponds will be utilized to control sedimentation from leaving the site. The storage ponds will also reduce the peak rate of storm water runoff Ryan Contracting Company will protect the site and adjoining properties from erosion and sedimentation. If erosion occurs offsite as a result of our operation, Ryan Contracting will immediately clean up the debris at our expense and restore all damage to the affected property. .__.'~._~-"_..""-_..._-~-~.".",-~,._-.~_"..~_,,.._,,_._~"""__'_""'"h'-~...,~.. "_..~~...."..._..~.._..",_.~.......~_~ "_.,_~....;,_... .~'.. _._~.",.. '-"""-'---~.~'-'~"'-~"'--""''''-'-'"' -;-'''~~'''''''~''''''.~~''''''''''''......,...,......_-_.--~.._,,,..,-_.-..,,----.......-->---------.~,---. 26 -....,.......-..,....-.-",.-"'--....------,.-"".-~-...- ~___~~_..~..'._._m." ., SITE APPEARANCE Ryan Contracting Company will be operating this pit in a professional manner. The pit will start on the west side and work to the east. The pit will have an exposed face from the existing ground to the proposed pit floor. The berms and slopes on the proposed pit will be constructed as the pit takes shape, along with the restoration. (See Exhibit 19) The pit will be constructed in three phases over a life span of rougWy ten years. Each phase will not be constructed in three and a half years, but will be constructed on need and/or supply and demand on the material that is available in the pit. The phasing plan is outlined on how the pit will be constructed. All equipment will be in operating use on the site. There will be no abandoned equipment on the site that is the property of Ryan Contracting Company. This pit is to operate in a clean and neat fashion, not to offend any of the residents, property owners, or government officials. Ryan Contracting will be the sole operating of this pit. There will be no other operators using the pit if granted the conditional use permit. Ryan Contracting will be responsible for all activities in the pit and maintenance or repair of haul routes. T ""-~-"_'"'~"~~'-""""".~_---"O><""_""__'K''''_..~.,..,_"",~'~___'...,.".,_,,,,,....._._c..-," ............... "_~_;~~_~~_"'~'''_''''"_"_''''''_"'''''~''_'.'~~''''''_~'"~".,...__.,_."_". 27 .-- '-"""~"'-""-'~-~___'""'"'-'''_'''~.''_'"_~'_''._~'''_~~'''''~''._'_"__~._..M~'_"._.".~~_..,~_~_.....__.~_,.....,,__ _._ _. .___ ...'....._.",", '~~"_'_""""''-_'_'.~~___'__~__"._,__..,. <""_'''''', RECLAMATION OF THE SITE The site was originally and still zoned agricultural. The site is currently outside of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). Mr. Richard McKenna and Mr. Joseph Kinney are currently the two property owners of this site. Ryan Contracting currently has a contract with the owners for the removal of this material as shown in Exhibit 9. When the pit use has been completed, Ryan Contracting will restore the land back to agricultural use. This area is in a natural depression and when finished the site will allow for future building sites. The site will have 4" of topsoil and seeding over all disturbed areas. The site will not create a pond as other pits have become. The only water in the pit will be in the sedimentation ponds that will be cleaned out as part of the restoration of the site. After completion and restoration of the gravel pit, the use will be at the discretion ofthe landowners. It is our understanding the landowners will return the property to an agricultural use. Ryan Contracting will also furnish the City of Prior Lake with a $ 50,000.00 restoration bond to guarantee restoration of this property. ".'"'---_._--~~~._.._~.."'..~.__..._~"...._"~_...,-~...."..~'"--- 28 .. ,- -__..,~.,......,__" _,.. ='~',"'_"m.._. ...."-'"..".,.......,~._... ...~_.___.,. _'.--..~~~~.....__.._.......__.........~_..._. __.._.,'. _,.. MAINTENANCE OF McKENNA ROAD Ryan Contracting Company will repair and maintain McKenna Road from County Road 42 to the entrance of the gravel pit as needed at the discretion of Ryan Contracting and the City of Prior Lake. A biannual review will be set up with the City of Prior Lake to observe the conditions of McKenna Road and determine the need for repair. The condition of McKenna Road will be kept in as good as condition or better while the gravel pit is in operation. Ryan Contracting Company will post a $ 50,000.00 maintenance bond with the City of Prior Lake to guarantee maintenance and repair of McKenna Road while our Conditional Use Permit is active. It is our understanding McKenna Road may be realigned within the next five years. The extent of repairs to this road will be negotiated with the City of Prior Lake to an acceptable level as agreed on. 29 TRAFFIC & Travel routes to and from the site The site is located roughly Y4 mile north of County Road 42. To access the site from County Road 42, trucks will exit off County Road 42, north onto McKenna Road, and turn into Richard McKenna's existing driveway access. Traffic from the site is reversed to County Road 42. Dust control methods will be implemented as indicated in Exhibit # 21. Ryan Contracting proposes to limit the number of trucks visible to the public on this property to 6 at anyone time. Other trucks may be waiting within the pit, recessed and out of view ofthe public. At no time will trucks be allowed to use McKenna Road to the north for an access. Slower speed limits will also be enforced to reduce fugitive dust. Proper signage for traffic control will implemented when necessary to notify the public of trucks hauling. Please refer to Exhibit 14 for an example of signage. 30 RYAN CONTRACTING COMPANY RECAPITULATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION SAND AND GRAVEL MINE OPERATION PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 1. INTRODUCTION Ryan Contracting Company proposes to operate a sand and gravel mining operation within the City of Prior Lake. Ryan Contracting Co. is seeking a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Prior Lake to begin mining and processing including descreening, stockpiling, and sale of product. Aggregate washing or operation of an asphalt or . concrete plant is not 'a part of this operation. These activities, if required, will be performed off-site. The site is located on a combined 29.604 acres of land, of which only 12.91 acres are included in the proposed mining plan. The following information briefly describes our proposed use, more specific information can be obtained in our booklet submitted containing the Conditional Use Application. II. Narrative, Table of contents I Name and address of Applicant 2 Legal Description of Site 3 Name of Adjacent Property Owners within a 350' radius of Proposed Use 4 Specifications ofthe Following; Appropriate Maps, Photographs and Surveys 5 The Purpose of the Operation 6 The Estimated Time to Complete the Operation 7 The plan of operation 8 Traffic and Travel Routes 9 Drainage, Erosion Control, Sedimentation and Dust Control 10 Tree Preservation II Rehabilitation Plan 12 Permits 13 Maintenance of McKenna Road 14 Compliance 15 Site Appearance 16 Wetland # 70-247W 17 Groundwater 1.) Name and Address of Applicant: Ryan Contracting Company 8700 13th Avenue East Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 2.) Legal description of site: Richard McKenna Home address: 13787 McKenna Road Prior Lake, MN. 55372 Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22, except the West Half of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Scott County, Minnesota. 1 ~,~-~-""",_,_"""_,_",,,-,.-,<~,,,~,_--~,~,",,,,,,"',..-.-...,.....----. ,,', ._....._..__..".~~-_.--...,.._""".._....-...._. ,'"- "' <<"-'-""-'-- --~""."...._,~-__....,_'~_~_A~~_._.._..__'"...'O.,_~_ Joseph Kinney Home address 4270 140th Street Northwest Prior Lake, MN. 55372 The West 990.00 feet ( as measured at right angles) of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22 EXCEPTING there from the following: The South 622.29 feet of the West 700.00 feet ( as measured at right angles to the south and west lines) of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. Containing 20 acres more or less. 3.) Names ofadiacent property landowners including all those within a 350 ft. radius of the property. A property owner list was generated by Old Republic Title. This list is included as Exhibit 6. 4.) Specifications of the following. using apprOPriate maps. photographs and surveys: a. The physical relationship of the proposed site to the community and existing development. The proposed site is located in the northeast portion of Prior Lake, just north of County Road 42 on McKenna Road (See Exhibit 5). Residential areas are located to the west and east of the site. The land to the north of the site is open fields with some groves of trees. The land to the south is Mr. Richard McKenna's house along with McKenna Road and field. b. Site topography and natural features including location of water courses and water bodies. Exhibit 15 is a U.S.G.S. quadrant range map which illustrates the relationship of the site to surronnding natural features. The site topography is shown in 2 foot contour intervals. The plan also shows drainage ways and direction of surface water flow nnder current conditions. The plan also shows the location and description of the trees in the area of the proposed building site. c. Description and quantity of material to be excavated. Material to be mined from the site will consist of sand and gravel. The soils within the mining limits are predominately Estherville and Kingsley soils, both sandy loams forming in loamy glacial outwash over sand and gravel deposits. The Scott County Geological Atlas maps the site as a primary sand and gravel resource with over 35% gravel. Approximately 500,000 C.Y. of material will be mined from this site. The type of material to be mined will be sand and gravel. Initially a phase will be opened up by stripping topsoil over a designated area This topsoil will be stockpiled on site and later used in restoration. No topsoil will be sold or removed from the site. Any overburden, fine clays, and silty soils which cannot be sold or utilized by the operator will also be stripped exposing the nnderlying aggregate. Mining will create an active mine face with a slope 1iot exceeding 1: 1. Perimeter slopes may be mined to 1: 1 and then backfilled to the grades shown on the mining plan. Final grades over the base of the pit are at a minimwn elevation of 870.00. Mining may occur below the depth of the grades shown on the plan in areas where good material is encountered All material replaced below elevation of 870.00 will be structural suitable for building and will include certification of any filling. These areas would then be backfilled as part of restoration for that 2 ----~'----,.,~.~._,~....~.--,-..~-~-.....~..~-~,~"~....-~------~...~.'-~ particular phase. The maximum depth of mining will not exceed elevation 850.00. The average restoration grade will be around elevation 870.00. 5.) The purpose of the operation: The purpose of the mining operation is to obtain natural aggregate for use in the construction industry. The operator will use material obtained from site to produce aggregates for road construction and general fill. . 6.) The estimated time required to complete the operation: The site will be active for an estimated to-year period. The life of the site will be dependent on market demand. The site will be operated in phases. Mining will begin in the western portion of the site and progress to the east. Each year an annual report will be submitted, which will outline areas to be stripped, mined, and reclaimed during the next mining season. This will keep the City up to date on the mining progress, and rate of mining activity at the site. 7.) The plan of operation: Duration of Mining Activitv: Mining activity typically occurs from March-December. The life of the mine is estimated to be 10 years. Hours of Operation: The site will be operated from 6:30 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Monday - Friday and 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Saturdays on a seasonal basis. (Jperations: Operations will be initiated by stripping an area corresponding to the first years excavation activities. The stripping will be shaped into berms along the designated setback areas. These berms will be seeded to provide screening, noise and. dust abatement. Material will be excavated from the working face, desanded, and stockpiled according to the various grades of material. The initial location of the screening plant is shown on Exhibit 8. Mining will progress in a west to east direction. Conveyors may be used to feed material to the screening plant throughout the mining season. Each year, additional area will be stripped as the working face moves easterly. The screening plant is a portable plant and may be moved off of the site depending on the amount and location of future contracts. Exhibit 8 shows the location of the screening plant. Noise: All equipment will be operated within the noise emission standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Processing and loading activities are performed in the lower elevations of the pit where the side slopes, vegetation and trees will act as noise barriers. Ryan Contracting will operate in accordance with the noise standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for residential areas. In addition, Ryan Contracting will be constructing a "buffer" berm on the west edge to reduce sound levels. Mining operations will begin at an elevation of 884.00 and continue down to a final elevation of 870.00. The west berm will be constructed to an elevation of 910.00, initially allowing for a 26 foot high berm. to reduce noise. This berm will also be landscaped. Ryan Contracting will install 2 inch trees staggered at an even ten feet apart on the berm.. These trees will be maintained and guaranteed. The berm will have topsoil placed on it. The topsoil will be seeded, mulched, fertilized, and disc anchored to provide positive turf establishment. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources report, Industrial Minerals in Minnesota dated September 1979 states, " Typical mining equipment gen~ates noise levels as high as 88 decibels (dBA) measured at 50 feet away from the source. Screeners can generate up to 78 dBA measured 3 from 50 feet from the source. Table 1 describes decibels (dBA) by comparison to familiar environments. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has established noise standards which include noise from mining activities. The MPCA states that, "acceptable sound levels for the receiver are a function of the intended activity in that land area," Further, these standards described the limiting levels of sound established on the basis of present knowledge for the preservation of public health and welfare. These standards are consistent with speech, sleep, annoyance, and hearing. The allowable noise level standards range from 50 dBA to 80 dBA. TABLE 1 NOISE LEVEL COMPARISON Decibels (dBA) Common Sounds 160 140 120 100 80 60 50 40 20 o Medium jet engine Large propeller aircraft, air raid siren Disco Canning plant, heavy city traffic, subway Busy office Normal speech Private office Quite residential neighborhood Whisper Threshold of hearing Exhibit 8 shows the initial location of the screening plant, stockpiles, and haul roads which will eliminate the need for trucks to back up sounding their back - up alarms. If requested, Ryan Contracting will be willing to disconnect our backup alarms, if absolutely necessary. The screening plant will be placed at various locations throughout the pit to minimize noise to the surrounding area. Material will be stockpiled from the screening plant by conveyors. Eouivment: Machinery will be kept in good repair. Abandoned machinery, inoperable equipment and rubbish shall be removed from the site regularly. All buildings or equipment not used for a period of one year shall be removed from the site. All equipment and structures shall be dismantled and removed within 90 days after termination of the permit. Natural Screeniny. The perimeter of the site shall be screened as shown on the aerial photo (Exhibit 18). The aerial is from Scott County Surveyors and dated 1990. The severe thunderstorms from 1998 destroyed the trees on the east side of the pit in phases IT and ill, those are shown in the aerial. The site will be screened from the residences to the north. and west by the groves of trees. This buffer area will provide both visual screening, and noise and dust abatement. There are no residents to the east of the site. Water: No well will be drilled on the site or washing of aggregates; however Ryan Contracting will use the water from the ponds on site for dust control. Fuel StoraJ!e: Ryan Contracting will be storing fuel on the site in an above ground 1000 gallon steel tank placed in a concrete enclosure. The fuel will be diesel fuel for the operating of the screening plant and the construction equipment only. The concrete enclosure will contain spills ifleakage did occur. The concrete enclosure is made by Crest and is a MPCA approved design for this exact situation. Please see the Exhibit 24 containing specifications on the enclosUre. The enclosure-will have a roof over it along with a metal chain link fence. The fuel tank will be locked when not in use. Due to the concerns from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) regarding fuel spillage, this is the best solution. The enclosure will trap fuel that is spilled or leaked from the tank and will prevent fuel from contaminating the groundwater. With the tank on site, this will reduce the number of refueling trips to the site thus decreasing the possibility of a fuel spill. In the unlikely event a fuel spill would occur, Ryan Contracting would 4 respond by following state guidelines as outlined by the MPCA. These guidelines are included under Exhibit 24. The MPCA does not require a permit for an above ground fuel tank less than 1, I 00 gallons. Site Securitv: The gates to the site will locked when not in use. The rest of the site will be protected by the current homeowner. Currently, there is a barbwire fence and snowfence securing the site. ' Parkinf: The parking area as shown on the Exhibit 8 is for employee parking only. The surface of the parking lot will be of a gravel material like class 5. The gravel surface will be maintained by Ryan Contracting on as need basis. The size of the parking lot will be large enough to handle five full size vehicles. The parking of the construction equipment will be next to the screen plant or near the center of the gravel pit. 8) Traffic & Travel routes The site is located roughly 14 mile north of County Road 42. To access the site from County Road 42, trucks will exit off County Road 42, onto McKenna Avenue, and turn onto Richard McKenna's property which is where the pit is located. Traffic from the site is reversed to County Road 42. Dust control methods will be implemented as indicated in Exhibit # 21. Ryan Contracting proposes to limit the number of trucks visible to the public on this property to 6 at any one time. Other trucks may be waiting within the pit, recessed and out of view of the public. At no time will trucks be allowed to use McKenna Road to the north for an access to this property. Please refer to Exhibit 14 for an example of signage. 9.) Drainage. Water Erosion Control. Sedimentation and Dust Control Currently the site drains to the northwest over land and off site. Mining will move from. the west to the east with the pit floor sloping to the west maintaining this overall drainage pattern . throughout the life of the site. Erosion will be controlled be placing heavy-duty silt fence in the drain swale where the sedimentation ponds will be constructed adjacent to the mining operation and by on-going restoration of disturbed areas including topsoil placement and establishment of vegetation. Sedimentation ponds will be constructed in the northwest portion of the site to treat nmoff prior to leaving the site. These ponds will be constructed at the beginning of operation. They are designed to accommodate a 10 year; 24 hour stoniJ. nmoff over the maximum disturbed area at any given time. Exhibit 10 contains sizing computations done by Cal Hedlund with Gorman Land Surveying, Inc. The location of the sedimentation ponds is shown on the proposed grading plan (Exhibit 10). Dust generated from vehicle traffic will be minimized by utilizing the existing access to the site. A water truck will be used as needed to water used roads. On site processing equipment will be recessed thereby minimi:r.ing the amount of dust leaving the site. The vegetated buffer area will also reduce fugitive dust. - Stripping operations will be conducted in as short of a time frame as possible. The overburden will be removed and stockpiled. The stockpiles will be seeded to reduce the source of dust. The . site entrance roads will be watered as needed. Restoration of the site will be on going to minimize the amount of area without vegetation at any given time. Fugitive dust, dust not associated with specific processing activities, is also addressed in the sites Air Quality Permit which will be obtained from the MPCA. 5 -' . _-. "'-'_'.___0'-_1>"--'_..' "" ..~~...~~....,,_"~_,..,,"__~..._~~~~__...__,~.........._'"..~__,_,_ Calcium chloride is used statewide by the State of Minnesota, counties, cities, townships, and recommended by consulting engineering finns throughout the state. The use of calcium chloride on the gravel traffic routes will minimize the amount of dirt blown in the air. The screening plant will be l>D the floor of the proposed pit. The vegetated berms, walls and trees will act as shields minimir.ing fugitive dust. The existing trees on the west and south sides will act as a natural buffer. On the north and east of the proposed pit., the existing fields will also act as natural shields. The pr<JPosed berms, trees, and fields will reduce the presence of pit operations from the view of the public and residents. Ryan Contracting Company will protect the site and adjoining surrounding properties from erosion and sedimentation. If erosion occurs off site as a result of our operation, Ryan Contracting will immediately clean up the debris at our expense and restore all damage to the surrounding properties. 10) Tree Preservation: A tree inventory has been performed on this site. There will be a total of three trees removed on this site as a result of our proposed use. This equates to 3.03% of the total trees to be removed. There will be a total of 70" of trees removed out of a total of 231 0" of trees surveyed by Gorman Land Surveying. The tree removal does not exceed the 25% tree removal limit, however Ryan Contracting will be planting over fifteen trees on the west berm in addition to the ten proposed plantings shown in the attached plan. The tree plantings on the west berm will be done once the berm is fully constructed. The remaining trees shown in Exhibit # 13 will be planted at the completion of our project. The trees on the west berm will be planted within 45 days of April 15, 2000, p-oviding our CUP has been received by this date. Ryan Contracting will be planting the trees in good faith to the City of Prior Lake and the adjacent residents. The proposed trees will be maintained and guaranteed. The existing trees will be protected by means of snowfence with metal posts and will be erected past the drip line of significant trees along the mining limits. Snowfence will be maintained in place until restoration along the perimeter of the mining limits has been completed. I 1.) Rehabilitation Plan: Rehabilitation of the mining area will be performed to restore the site to a stable condition, minimizing the potential for erosion, and also allowing for future development of the land. Rehabilitation will involve final grading, slope stabilization, application of topsoil and seeding and mulching. Existing grades prior to mining are shown on the Existing Conditions Plan (Exhibit 7). Exhibit 8 indicates the sequence and timetable of mining and the location of topsoil and overburden storage areas. Restoration grades are shown on the proposed grading plan (Exhibit 9). Existing perimeter side slopes will be mined to a maximum of 1: I and backfilled to a minimum of 2.5:1. The slope of the floor of the pit will be 1.00010. A minimum of 4" of topsoil will be placed over the graded slopes and floor of the mining area. Vegetation will be established. Vegetation will consist of MnDot Seed mix number 50A, a mixture of predominately Bluegrass, Bluestem, and Bromegrass. Sufficient topsoil is available on site for use in reclamation. Approximately 5 acres of the site will be left with 2.5:1 slopes. This area will require an average 4" depth of topsoil. Approximately 8 acres of the pit floor area will require an average of 4"oftopsoll. Restoration will be ongoing. Each year mined areas not utilized for processing or stockpiling will be graded to the proposed plan. Topsoil will be applied and vegetation established to minimize the amount of open area at any given time. An annual operating plan will be submitted each ye~. 6 .,.-."..;--,.--......-,",""*,"-..-. ~'-...-,..'....__"""""_"...,.._~_._.~.....__._..w...,~ .,_.~,__,__O'~"_.._________._...~~.,_.'"..._._._...,.,_,.~ This plan will include a map which shows areas which have been reclaimed during the past mining season. Areas to be reclaimed the following mining season will be noted as well. Reclamation of the site: The site was originally and still zoned agriculturaL The site is cmrently outside of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). Mr. Richard McKenna and Mr. Joseph Kinney are currently the two property owners of this site. Ryan Contracting has a contract with these owners for the removal of this material as shown in Exhibit 10. When the pit use has been completed, Ryan Contracting will restore the land back to agricultural use. The site will have 4" of topsoil and seeding over all disturbed areas. The site will not create a pond as other pits have become. The only water in the pit will be in the sedimentation ponds that will be cleaned out as part of the restoration of the site. After completion and restoration of the gravel pit, the use will be at the discretion of the landowners. The landowners have indicated they wish to retwn the property to agricultural use. Ryan Contracting will furnish the City with a $ 50,000.00 restoration bond to guarantee restoration of this property. 12.) Permits: In addition to the Conditional Use Permit and the annual permit renewal required by the City of Prior Lake, Ryan Contracting may also be required to obtain the following permits: · Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Stormwater Permit. Ry.m Contracting will be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits as required by the MPCA. Copies of required permits will be submitted to the City prior to beginning mining operations. . DNR: Department of Natural Resources will be informed, Ryan Contracting will be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits as required by the DNR. Copies of required permits will be given to the city Prior to beginning mining operations. 13) Maintenance of McKenna Road Ryan Contracting Company will repair and maintain McKenna Road from County Road 42 to the entrance of the gravel pit as needed at the discretion of Ryan Contracting and the City of Prior Lake. A biannual review will be set up with the City of Prior Lake to observe the conditions of McKenna Road and determine the need for repair. The condition of McKenna Road will be kept in as good as condition or better while the gravel pit is in operation. Ryan Contracting Company will post a $ 50,000.00 maintenance bond with the City of Prior Lake to guarantee maintenance and repair of McKenna Road while our Conditional Use Permit is active. It is our understanding McKenna Road may be realigned within the next five years. The extent of repairs to this road will be negotiated with the City of Prior Lake to an acceptable level as agreed on. 14). Compliance: The site will be operated as indicated in this permit application. Any additional conditions as set forth in the permit will be adhered to. Once the operation has been established, any questions, complaints, or requests by the city or residents should be directed to either Tom Ryan or Tyler Enright of Ryan Contracting Company at (612) 894-3200. Action will be taken immediately where appropriate. Ryan Contracting Company will work in good faith to resolve any complaints or issues related to the .operation of the mine. An annual report will be submitted to the city in conjunction with the annual permit renewal. The report will show limits of current mining and processing areas, stockpile areas, the next phase of stripping/mining, previous years restoration areas, the next years planned restoration activities, and the quantity of material removed from the site during the previous mining season 7 15) Site Appearance Ryan Contracting Company will be operating this pit in a professional manner. The pit will start on the west side and work to the east. The pit will be have a full exposed face from the existing ground to the proposed pit floor. The berms and slopes on the proposed pit will be constructed as the pit takes shape, along with the restoration. (See Exhibit 9) The pit will be constructed in three phases over a life span of roughly ten years. Each phase will not be constructed in three and a half years, but will be constructed on need and/or supply and demand on the material available in the pit. The phasing plan is outlined on how the pit will be constructed. (Exhibit 19 ) All equipment will be in operating use on the site. There will be no abandoned equipment on the site that is the property of Ryan Contracting Company. This pit is to operate in a clean and neat fashion, not to offend any of the residents in the area, property owners, or government officials. Ryan Contracting will be the sole operator of this pit. There will be no other operators using this pit if granted the conditional use permit. Once the CUP has been received Ryan Contracting will be responsible for all activities in the pit and maintenance or repair of haul routes. 16) WETLAND # 70-247W Please refer to Exhibit 22 showing the approximate location of the wetland in relation to the pit location. This wetland will not be disturbed in anyway by our activities. The drainage on this property nms from the southeast to the northwest. The location of this wetland is directly southeast from our proposed gravel pit. There will be no drainage into the wetland, nor will the wetland be drained of water. Currently, there is a natural buffer between this wetland and our pit location. Ryan Contracting will review this area with the DNR, and if requested., Ryan Contracting will install heavy duty silt fence as a precaution. Currently, there is a natural land and wooded buffer between our property and the wetland. This area will not be disturbed , nor traversed in anyway. 17) Groundwater Well Head: Sanitation: The concern by the SMSC in the elevation of the floor of the proposed pit to their Public Water Supply (PWS) well is being taken with great concern. The elevation of the floor in the proposed pit will start at an elevation of 884.00 and may be excavated to an elevation of 850.00 with a restored elevation of 870.00. The grOlmd water is at an elevation of 743.00 according to the Mean Sea Level (MSL.) with bedrock at 750.00 according to SC-Geo Atlas. Excavation of mined material will leave over 100 feet between the proposed pit floor and the Jordan Aquifer. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends at least 50 feet or more in separation. The distance between the aquifer and the pit floor is double the recommended separation distance. Ibis distance should satisfy concerns the SMSC had with the proximity and operation of the proposed pit. Ryan Contracting is proposing to use satellite toilet facilities on the site. A maximum of five employees will be working on the site, not including -independent trucking companies. The satellite toilet facilities will be maintained by an independent company and maintained weekly during the operating months of the year. This facility will be located adjacent to our parking area as shown in Exhibit 8. This facility will be removed when our operation is not in use. 8 ~_.-._._...,_.~.,....~..__,._...-.-..._~_~~_.,w_.,..,,_.,_.,_,..,_..._.~."""-,._,"...____~>".,~".,_"_~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,__._,_,~,~,,,,,,,,,,~_",,'"___""__'___~_'_..~,_.~.........-....__<~...~_.,.~".,. ._._..~..'_"._ . Fuel Storage: Ryan Contracting will be storing fuel on the site in an above ground 1000 gallon steel tank placed in a concrete enclosure. The fuel will be diesel fuel for the operating of the screening plant and the construction equipment only. The concrete enclosure will contain spills if leakage from the tank did occur. The enclosure is made by Crest and is a MPCA approved design for this exact situation. Please see Exhibit 24 containing specifications on the enclosure. The enclosure will have a roof over it along with a metal chain link fence. The fuel tank will be locked when not in use. Due to the concerns from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) regarding fuel spillage, this is the best solution. The enclosure will trap any fuel that is spilled or leaked out of the tank and will prevent fuel from contaminating the groundwater. With the tank on site, this will reduce the number of refueling trips to the site and decreasing the possibility of a fuel spilL In the oolikely event a fuel spill would occur, Ryan Contracting would respond by following state guidelines as outlined by the MPCA. These guidelines are included in our application under Exhibit 24. Equipment Fuel: The SMSC has expressed concerns regarding possible fuel spills from the intregal fuel tanks on our equipment. These concerns are oowarranted. The intregal tanks constructed on heavy equipment are built for heavy operations to withstand hard and severe use. The possibility of a fuel spill caused by a ruptured fuel tank from our equipment is far less likely than a fuel spill from your own car. Ryan Contracting Company will not be drilling or installing any wells on this property. Ryan Contracting Company will be taking water from the sedimentation pond for use on site to water roads. 9