HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Resolution IndexNUMBER Description LIST OF 1995 RESOLUTIONS Approved Date 95-01 95-02 95-03 95-04 95-05 95-06 95-07 95-08 95-09 95-10 Requesting Reimbursement from DNR for cost in- curred by city for participation in and for the recommendations generated by Alternative Water Study on Savage Fen Designating investment Authority on behalf of city of Prior Lake Approving Tax Increment Financing Dist. 2-3 and Use of Tax Increment Financing (Metro Cabinets) Authorizing Eminent Domain Proceedings (Northwood Road) Providing for Vacation of Lord's Street Access Approving Amendments to the Wilds PUD 9-93 for Outlot L, Sterling North and South Adopting Findings of Fact and Approving an agreement for refund of certain assessments to Daniel B Schere & Betty Jean Scherer Expressing Support for the Prior Lake/Savage School District Res. ordering Improvements and Preparation of Plans on 1995 Improvement Projects (Ridgemont Ave 95 -01), (Creekside Circle - Proj 95-02) Resolution Approving Plans and Specs & Ordering Adver- tising for bids on Carriage Hill Parkway Proj 93-02 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1/3/95 1/3/95 1/17/95 1/17/95 1/17/95 1/17/95 2/6/95 2/6/95 2/6/95 2/6/95 LIST OF 1995 RESOLUTIONS "RES95" NUMBER Description LIST OF 1995 RESOLUTIONS Approved Date RS95-17 Approving Preliminary Plat of Westbury Ponds Yes 3/2O/95 RS95-18 RS95-19 RS95-20 RS95-21 RS95-22 RS95-23 RS95-24 RS95-255 Awarding Bid for Proj. 94-02 for Carriage Hills Parkway Street Improvement Awarding Bid for Project 94-06 Parking Lot Impromts for Sand Point Beadh Conditional Use Permit for Fairview MSAS Authorizing City to Apply for Outdoor Grant Program MSAS - Revisions Authorizing Premis Permit for O'Malleys On Main for Prior Lake/Shakopee Hockey Association Gambling Permit Authorizing Final Plat for Westbury Ponds Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4/3/95 4/3/95 4/3/95 5/1 4/17 5/1 4/17 4/17 RS95-26 RS95-27 Affirming Actions of Board of Adjustment Variance App. for Carter Narveson Authorizing Final Plat & Developers Plat for Knob Hill. Yes Yes 4/17 5/1 "RES95" NUMBER Description LIST OF 1995 RESOLUTIONS Approved Date RS95-28 RS95-29 RS95-30 RS95-31 RS95-32 RS95-33 RS95-34 RS95-35 RS95-36 RS95-37 RS95-38 RS95-39 Authorizing Recording of City Right-of-Way Plat #1 Authorizing Vacation of Easement of Preserve at The Wilds Authorizing Vacation of Wilds Lane Within Plat of the Wilds EMM Authorizing Grant Application to D.T.ED for EM Products. Authorizing Amendment to Wilds PUD Authorizing Premise Permit for Prior Lake Optimists Accepting Conveyence of Waterfront Passage Bs. Park Property from EDA to City. Approving Plans and Specs & Ordering Bids for Carriage Hills Parkway Phase 2 Authorizing Parking Restrictions on Carriage Hills Parkway Approving Plans and Spec Authorizing Advertisement for Bids Declaring Assessment Costs for Ridgemont Avenue Approving Assessment Costs for Creekside Circle yes Yes Yes YES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5/15 6/5 6/5 5/22 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15/ "RES95" NUMBER Description LIST OF 1995 RESOLUTIONS Approved Date RS95-40 RS95-41 RS95-42 RS95-43 RS95-44 RS95-45 Setting Public Hearing Date for Ridgemont Avenue Setting Public Hearing Date for Creekside Circle Approving MnDot Cooperative Construction Agreement For Mitchell Pond & TH13. Adopting Residential Anti-displacement, relocation Assistance and displacement minimization policyl FP180 Approving TIF District 2-5 Yes and the use of Tax Increment Financing. Approving Solicitation of Bids for Civil Defense Sirens Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/22 5/22 6/19 RS95-46 No Parking on CSAH 44 Yes 6/19 RS95-47 RS95-48 95-49 95-50 95-51 Approving Preliminary Plat of Preserve at the Wilds Approving Final Plat and Developer's Agreement for Preserve at The Wilds Approving Plans and Specs for CSAH 44 Authorizing Final Plat for Windsong Authorizing name change of Blue Bird Trail to Chatonka Beach Trail Yes Yes Yes Yes 6/5 6/5 6/19 6/19 6/19 "RES95" NUMBER Description LIST OF 1995 RESOLUTIONS Approved Date 95-52 95-53 95-54 95-55 95-57 95-58 Awarding Bid for Creekside Circle, Ridgemont Ave, Mitchell Pond Storm Sewer Awarding Bid for Carriage Hills Road Approving Design for Authorizingg Prep. of Plans and Specs for Construction of Public Works Park Maintenance Bldg. Approving Ad for Equipment Bids Approv~ Ad for E quipn~n~B~ds Authorizing Sale of Public Sale of $950,000 G.O. Bonds S 1 FiaL ???? Ueb Yes Yes Yes Yes 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 95-59 95-60 95-61 95-62 Awarding Bid for Water Treatment Chemicals Restrictions of Lawn Sprinkling and other outdoor uses Appointment of Audit firms Awarding Bids for Civil Defense Sirens Yes Yes 7/3 7/3 and Garden "RES95" LIST OF RESOLUTIONS From July, 1995 thru December 1995 NUMBER RS95-58 RS95-59 RS95-60 RS95-61 RS95-62 RS95-63 RS95-64 RS95-65 RS95-66 RS95-67 RS95-68 RS95-69 RS95-70 DESCRIPTION Carriage Hills Final Plat Awarding Bid for Water Treatment Chemicals Restrictions of Lawn Sprinkling & other uses. Appointment of Audit Firms Awarding Bids for Civil Defense Sirens Vacation of Waterfront in Sunset Shores Amending Policy Resolution 78-1 requiring certified lot survey upon application of building permit. Directing Staff to Prepare Feasibility Report for Upgrade of Mushtown Road & Authorize MSA to Prepare Feasibility Report Authorize Approval of Plans & Specs for CSAH 18 & Approval of Cooperative Agreement with Scott County Authorize Parking Restrictions On CR 18. Fairview Easement Vacation Consolidation of Parcels. Approving Conditional Use Permit to Allow a public building in the I-1 Business Park District. Authorizing Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Requiring City Action within 60 Days of Application. APPROVED DATE Cancel-duplicate; refer to RS95-81 Yes 7/3 No - denied 7/3 Yes 7/17 Yes 7/17 Yes 8/07 Yes 7/17 Yes 7/17 Yes 8/07 Yes 8/07 Yes 8/07 Yes 8/07 RINDEX95.DOC NUMBER RS95-71 RS95-72 RS95-73 RS95-74 RS95-75 RS95-76 RS95-77 RS95-78 RS95-79 RS95-80 RS95-81 RS95-82 RS95-83 RS95-84 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS From July, 1995 thru December 1995 DESCRIPTION Approving Plans and Specs for PW/Parks Facility & Advertise for Bids APPROVED Yes Plans and Specs for Franklin Tr. Lift Station #3 Yes Providing For Issuance & Sale of $950,000 G.O. Bonds for 1995. Yes Authorizing minor amendment to preliminary plat for Woodridge Estates. Yes Awarding Bid for Capital Equipment Purchase Yes Establish Assessment Hearing Date for Ridgemont Ave. Yes Establish Assessment Hearing Date For Creekside Circle Yes Declare Costs and Order Assessment for Proj. 95-01 Avenue Street Improvements Prep of Ridgemont Yes Declare Costs and Order Prep of Assessment for Proj. 95-02 Creekside Circle Street Improvement Yes Approving Special Goose Hunting Season for the Wilds Yes Final Plat and Developer's Agreement for Carriage Hills Fourth Addition Yes Waterfront Passage 2nd Addition DATE 8/07 Authorizing Sale of 1991 Ambulance 8/21 7/31 8/O7 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/21 Ye s 8/21 Ford Yes 8/21 Yes Authorize Issuance and Sale of $400,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates 8/21 RINDEX95.DOC NUMBER RS95-85 RS95-86 RS95-87 RS95-88 RS95-89 RS95-90 RS95-91 RS95-92 RS95-93 RS95-94 RS95-95 RS95-96 RS95-97 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS From July, 1995 thru December 1995 DESCRIPTION Certifying "Proposed" 1996 City of Prior Lake Tax Levy to Scott County Auditor APPROVED Yes Providing for Vacation of a Drainage & Utility Easement Located Between Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, The Wilds Yes Approving Final Plat & Developer's Agreement for Cardinal Ridge Third Addition Yes Expressing Support for the Prior Lake/Savage School District Yes Adopting Assessments for Creekside Circle Street Improvements, Project #95- O2 Yes Adopting Assessment for Ridgemont Avenue Street Improvements, Project #95-01 Yes Vacation of Easement of lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, 2nd Addition, Westbury Ponds Yes Awarding of Bids for Public Works Building Yes Authorization of Preliminary Plat of Wildlerness Ponds Yes Final Plat of Wilderness Ponds Yes Yes Accepting Feasibility Study for Utilities on CSAH 42. Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specs for Utilities on CSAH 21 and 42 Yes Authorizing Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Agricultural to Commercial, MUSA expansion for SE corner of CR 42 and 83 - The Wilds Withdrawn DATE 9/5/95 9/5/95 9/5/95 9/5/95 9/18/95 10/2/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 Don Rye RINDEX95.DOC NUMBER RS95-98 RS95-99 RS95-100 RS95-101 RS95-102 RS95-103 RS95-104 95-105 95-106 95-107 95-108 95-109 95-110 95-111 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS From July, 1995 thru December 1995 DESCRIPTION APPROVED Yes Authorizing Sale of Bonds for Public Works/Parks Maintenance Building Minor Amendment to Preliminary Plat of Carriage Hills 4th Addition. Yes Final Plat Developers Agreement of Woodridge Estates 3rd. Add Yes Conditional Use Permit for Midwest Cable Vision Yes Tax Increment Financing for NBC Products Yes Rejecting Bids for Lift Station #3 Yes Yes Administrative Land Division with Variance for 4230 Quaker Trail - Pay Hayes Denial of Administrative Land Division with Variance for Thomas Sylvester Jo Yes Authorizing two Squad Car Purchases for 1996 Yes Denying Appeal of Ron Ceminsky for Variance Yes Authorizing City Participation in Livable Communities Program Yes Eliminating Local Government AidXHomestead Ag. Credit, etc. Yes Providing for Issuance and Sale of $2,200,000 1G.O. Bonds of 1995 Yes Calling for early redemption of $150,000 G. O. Tax Increment Bonds of 1995 Yes DATE 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 11/6/95 9/19/95 10/16/95 10/2/95 10/16/95 10/16/95 10/16/95 10/16/95 10/16/95 10/23/95 10/23/95 RINDEX95.DOC NUMBER 95-112 95-113 95-114 95-115 95-116 95-117 95-118 95-119 95-120 95-121 95-122 95-123 95-124 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS From July, 1995 thru December 1995 DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE of Yes 11/6/95 Acknowledging DNR Approval Shoreland Management Ord. Awarding Bids for Memorial Park Concession/Restroom Bldg. Y~s Wild Oaks Prelim. Schematic and Preliminary PUD Confirm City Manager's Recommendation to appoint 1996 City Attorney Yes Approving a Joint & Cooperative Agreement of Suburban Transit Associations Yes Canvassing Returns of City Election on November 7, 1995 Yes Participation in Scott County Joint Powers Agreement for Public Safety Communication and Information System Yes Preparation of Feasibility Report for Northwood Road, CSAH 21, Lakefront Park and Street Sealcoating Yes Selection of Master Plan Consultant for Lakefront Park and Funding Source Yes Denying Variance Appeal of Christopher Pearson Yes Adopting 1996 Prior Lake Budgets & Certifying final Tax Levy to Auditor Yes Blank- not assigned Abbreviated Subdivision Richard Jurek App. for Yes 11/20 11/20 11/6/95 11/8 12/18 12/4 12/4 12/4 12/18 12/18 RINDEX95.DOC NUMBER 95-125 95-126 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS From July, 1995 thru December 1995 DESCRIPTION Accept Feasibility Study and Call P.H. on improvments of 1996 Projects (Amended by Res. 96-39) for APPROVED Yes Approve 2010 Comp Plan subject to Met Council Approval Yes DATE 12/18 12/18 RINDEX95.DOC