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07 30 2012 Agenda Packet
2, Approval of Agenda: . Consider Approval of July 16, 2012 Meeting Minutest Public Hearings: A. 9 EP 12-120 ANNEXATION AREA REZONING. The City of Prior Lake is initiating a process to change the zoning designation of approximately 28 acres of property from R- (Lour Density Residential) to A (Agriculture) on the City of Prior Lake Zoning Map. This property eras reoenti annexed into The City of Prior Lake and is located northeast of the intersection of CSAH 12 and CSAH 17. B. EP 12-121 JEFFERS POND 6TH ADDITION. R land Hones has submitted an application for a Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development and a Preliminary Plat known as Jeffers Pond 6th Addition. r old Business. None r. New Business: None 7. Announcements and Correspondence: A. Recent City Council discussions/decisions. . Adjournment: LA 12 FILESU2 PLANNING COMMIS SI N\12 A EN ASlo 2 12 Agenda.doc Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 I %%-%vw. it ofprior1a .coni PRIOR LASE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, July *1, 2012 1. Call to order: Chairman Phelan called the June 16, 2012 Planning Commission meeting to order at :00 p.m. Those present were Com m is sioners, Ros ark, BI a hnik, Phelan, Hite, and S pieI e r hl* 16-ff r Jeff Matzke Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson, Engineering and Inspections Director L` r � Poppler, Public works and Natural Resources Director Katy Gehler and Communityn� Develo =};{ -D istant Peter Aldritt. 2* Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY I IT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. TB: Ares, Spieler, Roszak, Hite, Phelan and Bla Consider Approval of June 25, 2012 Meeting Mi MOTION BY SPIELED} SECONDED BY MINUTES ; VOTE; Ares, I os ak, Hite, Blahnik, and Spie Public Hearings: A. ## BP 12-119 B E FSI Preliminary and Final,}--° along with a Variance r K TO APPI J.B. ool:i.1 ad ��R iatelr g. acr minimum lot w UL carried. 2012 MEETING B JUNE 251 2012 MEETING r Inas submitted an application for a Combined f lard to be subdivided into 2 residential lets, �,'.And minimum side card setback. Ppp .+s rated t�ik,r +. woodfitter and Associates who is requesting Planner Matzke;-,-.,g�� . . a i ::'�,,R'.f Tio'A',,ut Y�t'1 sr��*rt�'itF�+..?* yi*.variances be -o ��divde aT-Adential prop rt into two lots. Ther have also applied for approval x i•s�} er fr=�Y. Y ir�ryi a of a la,}� known a� ren.:*� The proprr �s located at Beach street IVB, along the n rth - #ore of sower Pf e, 'R:; +#��ose�r o Road IVB and gest of Bluebird Tail E. Two RNO"'r" r�t.i.. �.R#existing� located on on al par +.. �rna� a this a non -conforming use. Dividing the property into two lots i11'arr to brin*',e pro6ertr into compliance, resulting in the need for two sidle yard setback varia xrc �a�arnd one fro �-'l t width variance. The same application was previously approve b the Planning ��i��/s�ion and ##` council in 211 ■ but it was not recorded the a..r`+�7,..r`++�7+licant. j'fYri.rr. =i { ■ ■ commissio Blanik asked whether t1i re has been any changes from the original submitted application of last year. Planner Matzke responded that this application is identical to what was submitted last year. Fsak asked for further explanation of condition number 5. Planner Matzke responded that new survey pins need to be placed on the middle lot line corners within a Year. Spieler asked whether another variance is needed it the cabin is torn down in the future? Planner Matzke responded that the lot is sizable without the need for variances. spie[er asked whether there is a cost to the city to take out the curb when they split it. Planner Matzke responded that is part of the building project and the property owner pays that cost. Hite asked Jeff to outline the easements. .:�. :rxr, wryrr:rr�.. �r y } Planner Matzke e responded that there are not any easements on this6"aa*, pert rA•because it is a very old platted let. With the new Berggren Beach plat, they will be reo' Win.9 new drainage and utility ease! ■ entsa {j*�}F}k Yf■' F�F�h�■�# Phelan asked why they need an easement if there is a line stv' Doed"'In in the l#+}rest corner. r y ilii f i'r i. }x}F}rY x Y ar ar s r a r. Planner Matzke responded that since there i #6ntee that the cabin wi�*+}�}__"`"ernored .removed, those � � fry` }•` •': � ease nent� need to be �+ n place noir. If the bu*'.,.■neer hAe, then their cairf hdon these r T' F •ff■f fi y Ff�lf /,x iii+hFfT}x #r# ■FFY Fh#}■�/ FFFFF f- } } eaen en s and connect to the stubbed *n lines. I'FFFF1dFYFhK } F F F f F h =::;x # ! F x } * } F f ■ Y ! } 1� id FAdd Fr FrrdF} rf�aF+y •�F, rr}}FFr ri}rrk ,, FFr e}J J x�a r �r■ Jr�JFx#xxMr��r r � FF Phelan asked whether there is any plan to reroute the existing +.` fflilty lines that Berne in from the gest. f!-3 }ter •�a�F Planner Matzke responded not at this time' 0■-' ` . ...g.i.. r �.t ere is an e��st�rfi�::*5err�ent for the surer line. rr #BFa F##FFAF Fx} f F i • r ■ ■ a'f s Y xn} - FI FSAa'j TFi}r} i. - Y * r s f• r a � Y} J r k d r} ;: F'faxs�aTi JJJkxI�Fi • drf¢w ¢A}ryr##}3M+*+• BY *xi !`aFTi;+x�Ii+}Frh�Fii MOTION 1 SECOND SPIL*!���.rr'r r�r`r'rrL� HEAR NG r P.M. TE: Ayes, Spieler, los ak, Phelan Hite and,�t.,�3[ahnlkMh."dr'PPM.o.tion.c ied. -Applicant Gary Tu 15 Mffikfin Trail indic i d that ma concerns with temporary easements r s F ■ A } r: ! ,r * F x} x r F h will be alleviated one : ` .take doh} *s he cabin as `+ pn as possible. The will be hookingu the neer F , r-: , r r . F}' T• Y rt+ : x}�'r �x F utilities to the stubbed co�6:� .ion to , re east for the n # a; 0 me to be built. Tine exist in hone is Fri xf wr}r Y+}Txxa ',}a}FkFFF�• "r';+F` Fx}*,,�# xF A:`atlee eMr i yy r r f ffa ■fFFFfF- FF} 1k FS}F4�}d F } YF�r}JY ri} FFrr s *Jr�xl rrrrM }rfrn i�.ii:r`rra+.aYfr fs '� sia+'_a �is tr�w Axis r}'a,F rF + x TT �xM '' f !L ' Y rJrt sta in 1 at this time, but they are W. Q1n a Iys :o*fo determine whether it will be torn down o r renovated. F *a,* ►}Fx■n,Fif Yxh}}r`rrtrx ar�+Ff'F}.xi}iA►• as{4A■Fsyy,, ti lynir+. {+}+xs*;�* �T x4}■}}iFfr-#.t #r_rxr`r+Fa,Ff'.*x�}}r� +}}s! x'x'*'F}FrY '�� Fy YM • s'a r■• F f Y h r r x1l'}xf F}F*\ � t;# �F ■ F Y} r r �F A, `1 k' a }# Y Y Fite as e.-�rhetlner the{xr.t■ ::i- ■ � oa r#t d dwelling are now occupied by the same owner? � r s } a s'i Y�'• a'i'a'}}rJY *�yfi }+}max,+ Y t� r ij'fi ..,1.. ,,+i s p o n d e d yes. larhnik asl4 :*. hether he inter}}.s to file the plat this time within 60 days? Gary Tupy respor` } .t ^ F:i res- t "; plan to apply for a building permit as soon as approval is granted b the city. j'afs' ,,Jr1 a�#}T �s`r`rfiF MOTION BY PHELAI S CO D BY SPIELED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING G T 6:21 VOTE: Ares, I os ak, Hite, Blahnik, Phelan and Spieler. The Motion carried, Commissioner Comments: Spieler stated that he will support this based on the past history and based on the presentation today. 2 Hite stated that she will also be supporting this since she believes the granting of the variance is necessary to permit a reasonable use of the property as it exists today, and it will alleviate the nonconforming uses. Also, the variance will not unreasonably impact the character the surrounding neighborhoods and housing units that are there today. Roszak stated that he will be supporting this as well. It promotes the development of the sites, and they have gene through this process before with approval granted. lahnik stated that he will be supporting the Variance request and the Co . ned Preliminary and final Plat request as consistent with his fellow commissioner's comments. ' porting this since it is consistent ."Wf ` he Comprehensive Flan. It Phelan stated that he �nr�ll be u }a t� { ■ * F*rte} ,• ' ±PKrP does net negatively impact the neighborhood and is recess ill: e pot, MR reasonable use of the property. fR FAdaFyYii ::t/. i #F*rrta �# t�,RRRRyF y+ R R F + A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY ROSZAK TO APP TE: Ayes, r os al , Hite, Blahnik, and Spieler. T A MOTION BY PHELAN SECOND BY SPIELED TO AP FINAL P LAT; TE: Ages, I os ak, Hite, Blahnik, Ph la . old Business: None New rR A. C nidt' 2013-2017 C; ieler. The Mot nt 'roar{ HE REQUESTERNARIANCE. MBINED PRELIMINARY AND rrie■ Director F {��' �'�'"'*x*�F . .,tlne IJ?' � it l Irr� r ernent Program (CIS') for 01 to 2017. Minnesota �,! r rsi State a to re uir+ �.: t■e PI} t t Commission review the CIP program to ensure the listed ■ �,RRRF* ■ s TtFR■RFf i+ ;Aa��sti` � • pro1�::�.�stency with tprnprh.i Plan. a_F_1iY_■_ . R " R ■ City En in Wpppler preser ± the t bnsportatiorr section of the cIP program. Phelan asked viWb.r the TH S Main Avenue and Ri gemont project can be further explained. fs`i'i*'Rr■■ ♦;M1�Jt+R�R�RFF , r ♦ FR,RRRaiay Engineer Po f r r Rgqn.0�i that this project would move the intersection of Ridgernont and Iain back father to the west ford r to increase the stacking distance to TH 13. Hite asked whether, in addition to traffic stacking, is there a safety concern? Engineer Ppler responded that there is a safety concern and it would also bring the trail amenities to this intersection. Hite asked whether the city owns the property where this intersection will be moved? 3 Engineer Poppler responded yes; the Cit} owns all of that property so no acquisition of property would be involved. Spieler asked whether the garden will star in place? Engineer Poppler responded fires; that garden will stay while the entrance will change Blahnik asked about the CSAH 21 and Min Avenue, including the Baseline design and Pleasant Street entrance from TH 13. Is it possible to separate those, or is it just one o e t' rrtYa}}r-s•pt�rf Engineer Poppler responded that the are1 � ro osed joraa one project nA' 'b t if#6evelopment changes, pat}f� they could be separated. Dlahn*1 k asked whether this project is scheduled for 2016 with tli:$outhD f � w i or s n stud taking lace it possible to push this project up or move it back*? Engineer Poppler responded that it could be moved enta� r way. The city will h4i'W' oordinate with T t ♦KsM+� �f T kith ��a+ ���rf Ftine couint r. If some of the alternatives anal differe �a ar�os the Downtowr�-�� . . ""Study are 4}r + ** AtArY}hr} r}rYY ~��Y :r F'rrF considered more seriously, thea a different type of pTojet l m4� ad. Phelan asked if with some of these road project numbers th'rh�.}, gap between the estimated project cost and the amount that is being assessed .-and how is that1 g pa * r V red` +x � �'aiT#ahF taf�R ��xxx. x�� Fa#xAss.aS'r' R."F �x+a#x*r�kyyri� ��aAAarrsa�F'+Ff }RA " i r��i�,#�AYr�f� ��a`rar }RRRRRFRRr+F}x� *�Yr�xNk ���. Director Gebler responded that with the 161rr6A'a^r Jeri n e r the Wellhead Protection th�JAaF.�Area and part of this project is using one frf ter fund Hite asked how many homes, -are considered to 15-§%a signifir "�r-is- f} Fthe Wellhead Protection Area. �R.•a•RR.a*r+}{T}ax#*}�r}A�xr � + Y} � T*Rff Director Gehl r respond �'that x A a`orit of hyR o in this" area p are on well and septic stems � � which h pose a threat roundwa 0 This areas ;` cificall r is on top of gravel and sandy soils which allows contaminates o s� erAhrogfA� ore easily. xx.FT Trf IiTF'K�F'x J F R J R rtaa}X.f IF lY k 1 f aSR }iiYa}a}rr }�i _ y Y f �d'.afa}1Fh11#xA */�AFf, 4 f } }�AaaAa}aarrrrrrf}rrrrr Y- Fes+ F rla4'J �=`.+Y■, �F/�7J �i}RrFF C �/ ri ■ i i �+ e n t + r R F d T }*■ - Y f } s f r a ` a a r 1�{a.� jai !�` a- + rdo-fa*�aaak#��t r r +-:'a"Y'a i s ->:r r FaF#.'aaA i'1 +rr.rkrl�R ' r r .aAaa sii Lrrrt}rrrr',.'a'a fr:aar�rr.F'aaa'saaaa'Rxj #ra,xx*r}a Xra +±±}±;ar i MY}*rrrr - ' +J r'_aFiFaaa'Fs+aaR.i's +A ++ a a. r F F k Y►# M r R Y �a �Aarr.FF'RFFRR;Y x�l��. FA hiF }}#ffxr d-.rr r RRR #F`FkF +rr ax%exA�x'�. ♦I}} AJJJ ;F • F'• t T 4 r I F A Ko" 1 PP' / 5} x y. F. F F+}. r h r F A /FY d F `• F F F F F A i A r A� S xaA 3 spiel F, � ted that he lik ::; � t it is �� h Mve approach, and it is great to see that there is planning .A FAdlx Rr'y .a RA�r } s}ssrs ;A : x rAAF*#xxx�Fs r T a a �. # !}}Yrr} xrr ahead �; h � s. He su po a cIP$ aid:*� �it supports the Comprehensive Plan. Hite thinks it iitan t to prdffiote development within the city and to utilize the new development to assist with these ffipro.veme 14 She believes that it is consistent with the coni rehensive Flan, and iR�x}r}**r�ai rr • r.• p she warts to unsure � Y ] x.-Ot is demonstrating it being a good steward of the taxpa yer dollars. It is important to build a corffl: it r with good infrastructure and amenities. Roszak echoed his fellow commissioners that this is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, and he will be supporting this. Blahnik stated similarly that he believes this is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Phelan stated that he, too, will be supporting the draft CIP. He would caution staff on the public hearing for this item as he anticipates significant pudic comment due to the large amount of funds being proposed with the CIP. 4 A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY PHELAN TO APPROVE THE DRAFT 2013-2017 CIP OT: Ares, Rosa, Hite, Blahnik} Whelan and Spieler. The Motion carried. . 2012 second Quarter Building tivit ort Planner Matzke presented the gni quarter building permit report. The p emit and revenue numbers have increased from last year at this time well as further described in the*. f' port, ggrrrrr v . Announcements and Correspondence* None. . Adjournment: Planner Matzke announced that the 5th Monday In July Hite asked that staff work on an opportunity for the commissio MOTION BY HITS SECONDED BY PHELAI VOTE: Ayes, Hite, Blahnik, 1oak, and Si The meeting adjourned at :00 p.m. Ret a 1'i iQ9 omrnission eting. iFFsrrir' :rte Y F� FrFkFt % bre �* arf��ere*r}ir f ArY*I�Fhri� meet the n� city attorney. F_F_1_ JORN THE yr s }FrFrxFrFr�a : ,. �6',W tion arrfed � }•#r:}:r*....r �; 5 PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total siteArea: The area of the Zoning Map Amendment request consists of 27.7 acres. Vegetation: Agricultural uses are predominant land uses on these three parcels, including a large commercial greenhouse operation on one of thea. There is approximately 2.3 acres of significant trees located on the north and unrest ends of the total land area. Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the state Wetland Conservation Act. No identified wetlands currently exist within this area, but a specific delineation will be required as part of any future plat application. Access: Access to one parcel is from CSAH 17, while access to two (Sailer) parcels is from CSAR 12. It is possible that a future public north/south street would serve all three parcels in the future.. Utilities: Municipal surer and water services are not currently available in this area, which would only become available once a major connection is rade from CSAH 82 south through Stemmer Fridge. Private septic and well systems currently serve this area. Current Land Use: This area was previously one farmstead, including a farm home and outbuildings constructed in approximately 1930. The farmstead is noir one of the three parcels, and the other two parcels have become associated with the Sailer Greenhouse business operation. 2030 C rr rehensive Plan De i n tl n; This property is designated for Low Density Residential uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Flan Land Use Map. Adjacent Land Use and Zoning; ANALYSIS" The City Council initiated this rezoning process in order to evaluate whether these 28 ages should remain the designated Love Density Residential l R- Zone (after annexation), or be more appropriately rezoned to Agricultural (A). The proposed Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with the overall land uses in this area, including rural residential and agricultural business. Both uses are considered permitted in the A Zone, while the greenhouse business would be non -conforming in the R-1 Zone. The City of Prior Lake has large areas on the gest and north sides zoned Agricultural. Much of this area is guided for a future residential or business use, but due to current agriculture uses underway, the best supportive zone currently is Agricultural (A). This proposed 28 -acre area would be treated the same way as those other areas identified in the mor Lake Zoning flap. The Agricultural Zone can also be viewed as a "holding" zone until such time that urban development is proposed on that site. In this case, the city should continue to evaluate this area in the comprehensive planning process with future updates. For example, it CSAH 17 is improved to become a more Existing Use Land Use Designation Zoning North Rural Single Family Homes Township Township - LEER (Autumn Acres Rural Residential Urban Expansion DeseSouth rve County Hwy 12, Agriculture and -LD - Lakefront Single Family Homes (Urban Low Density F e idential) Low Density Residential) East Rural Single Family Home R -LD 1 Urban Low Density Residential) idential Love Densily Residential) County Hwy 17, Agriculture and Township Township West Rural Single Family Homes (Rural Residential) (Urban ExpansionReserve) ANALYSIS" The City Council initiated this rezoning process in order to evaluate whether these 28 ages should remain the designated Love Density Residential l R- Zone (after annexation), or be more appropriately rezoned to Agricultural (A). The proposed Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with the overall land uses in this area, including rural residential and agricultural business. Both uses are considered permitted in the A Zone, while the greenhouse business would be non -conforming in the R-1 Zone. The City of Prior Lake has large areas on the gest and north sides zoned Agricultural. Much of this area is guided for a future residential or business use, but due to current agriculture uses underway, the best supportive zone currently is Agricultural (A). This proposed 28 -acre area would be treated the same way as those other areas identified in the mor Lake Zoning flap. The Agricultural Zone can also be viewed as a "holding" zone until such time that urban development is proposed on that site. In this case, the city should continue to evaluate this area in the comprehensive planning process with future updates. For example, it CSAH 17 is improved to become a more significant north/south highway in the future, the potential for more commercial development may warrant some consideration of ar commercial land use designation in this area. The following list of uses compares the Agricultural and Residential Zoning Districts; ZONING COMPARISONS: -1 AND A ZONES Agricultural Permitted rises: Lour Density Residential Permitted Uses: Agriculture and Forestry Single Family Dwellings., Single Family Dwellings... State Licenced Residential Facilities(Statutory) Parks, Recreation and Ppen Space Parks and Open Space Golf Courses and Country Clubs Group Hones (Statutory) Private Stables Horses Religious Institutions Lour Density Residential Permitted with Conditions: Nurseries and Greenhouses Group Homy(Non-Statutory) Cemeteries Educational Academic Acres Libraries Agricultural Permitted withConditions: Park/Recreation Schools Rell Taus Institutions Accessory art ents Bed and Breakfast Establishments Accessory Apartments Agricultural Permitted by Conditional Use Permit: Kennels Low Density Permitted q Conditional Use Permit, Commercial Recreation Cluster Housing Public Service Structures Public Service Structures Outdoor Storage Gaff Courses Commercial Stables Horses) Country Clubs Free -Standing Parking Lots Recreational Dore Dimensional Standards of the Proposed Agric.ultural Zoning District include the follo�nrin Zoning ordinance Amendment Findings Section 1108.600 of the Zoning ordinance identifies the following policies for amendments to the Official Zoning flap: • The area, as presently zoned, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, or the lard was originally zoned erroneously dire to a technical or administrative e error, or • The area for Which rezoning is requested hes changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to rezone so as to encourage redevelopment of the area, or The permitted uses allowed within the proposed Use District will be appropriate on the subject property and compatible with adjacent properties and the neighborhood. In this Carse, the area for which the rezoning is requested carne into the city as R-1 due to recent annexation. The existing land uses, including a legitimate nursery and greenhouse operation, are more appropriate within the Agricultural Zone. The proposed rezoning will facilitate and encourage ort i rk*Minimum'-Minimum rg LotAr.e.''a.: L0't.\(Vi.d.t.h��.�.iigt....��Ya (ft) .:.� ����.�ft. .�� ��. � �: Yard . -.(ft.) ... .� e �..t br .. ... ......� .... � ��� fit. Acres 100 1 IIIA 1 25 1 10 1 25 N/ Zoning ordinance Amendment Findings Section 1108.600 of the Zoning ordinance identifies the following policies for amendments to the Official Zoning flap: • The area, as presently zoned, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, or the lard was originally zoned erroneously dire to a technical or administrative e error, or • The area for Which rezoning is requested hes changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to rezone so as to encourage redevelopment of the area, or The permitted uses allowed within the proposed Use District will be appropriate on the subject property and compatible with adjacent properties and the neighborhood. In this Carse, the area for which the rezoning is requested carne into the city as R-1 due to recent annexation. The existing land uses, including a legitimate nursery and greenhouse operation, are more appropriate within the Agricultural Zone. The proposed rezoning will facilitate and encourage continuation of the existing lard uses within the 28 -acre site, A more thorough ana Isis will be needed with future updates of the Comprehensive Plan in order to assure the most appropriate land use designation and zoning classification. In conclusion, the city council is initiating a Zoning Map Amendment to allow the identified property to e rezoned from -1 Aran Love Density to A (Agricultural). The proposed use district is consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map and other areas of the city zoned to Agricultural. Based upon the findings set forth in this report, staff feels that the proposed amendment is justified. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend end a proval of the Zone Change as proposed. 2. `I Recommend denial of the request. . Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: DAT OI City staff finds the proposed Agricultural A Zoning District consistent with the Comprehensive ensiv Plan, therefore City Staff recommends Alternative I ACTION REQUIRED: This proposal requires the following motion: 1. A motion and second to recommend approval of a Zoning ordinance Amendment to change the zoning of 27.7 acres of the subject property from the -1 (Urban Lour Density Residential) to (Agricultural) Zoning District. EXHIBITS: City council Resolution 12-103 Annexation Area 6.2 Map Location Map AVt Ar 4646 Dakota Street S �10aso Prior Lake, MN 55372 RESOLUTION 12-103 RESOLUTION TION INITIATIN A REZONING PROCESS FOR CERTAIN ANNEXATION PROPERTIES TIES Motion By: Soukup Seconal B; Hedberg WHEREAS, The City of Prior Lake and the Township of Spring Lake are parties to ars Orderly Annexation Agreement identified as MBA Docket N o. A-967; and WHEREAS, EAS, Paragraph 5 in the Orderly Annexation Agreement the "OAA" identifies and designates land within the Orderly Annexation Area (designated a "Sub-Areas" by number and provides for the annexation of sub -areas in a given year subject to the availability of sewer and water services: and WHEREAS, The Prier lake City Council has approved a Resolution 12 -XXX to annex Sub - Areas 6.1, 6.2 and 8.3; and WHEREAS, Three parcels located in Sub -Area 6.2 are land uses that include rural residential and agricultural -related business as shown in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, S, These three parcels should be considered to be rezoned from the initial zoning designation of P-1, Low Density Residential, to A, Agricultural, located northeast of the CR 12/17 intersection (Parcel IDs 119050190, 119050192, 1190 19 . Now THEREFORE, E, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The City of Prior Lake authorizes the initiation of a rezoning process to consider rezoning three parcels located in Sub -Area 6.2 from -`l, Low Den s ity eside ntiarl, to A, Agricultural, including Parcel IDs 119959199, 1'19050'192, 119050195. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 18" DAY OF JUNE 2012. YES NO ser A Mh ser A Erickson X Erickson Hedberg Hedberg Keeney A Keeney A Soukup Soukup Frank Bo ,City Manager �. �� ad'"r H - , p, � A.�wYl/��9.. .,i y� M Abl� rRro1h ti U 4646 Dakota Street SE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT T MEETING DATE: JULY 30s 2012 AGENDA #* 4 PREPARED : JEFF MAT KE, PLANNER PRESENTER: TEF : JEFF MAT KE AGENDA ITEM: A PUBLIC HEADING To CONSIDER A REQUEST UEST Fold APPROVAL of A MAJOR AMENDMENT T To THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TKNOWN As JEFFERS POND D AICD PRELIMINARY PLAT To DE KNOWN As JEFFE S POND 6 T" ADDITION DISCUSSION: Introduction Ryland Homes has applied for approval of a major amendment to the Planned Unit Development PUD known as Jeffers Pond and approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Jeffers Pond 6th Addition. The area of consideration for the major PUD Amendment and Preliminary Plat applies to the area of Jeffers Pond known as The Hollow. The site is located on the north side of wilds Fridge} east of McKenna Road, and Y mile west of CSAH 21. The applications include the following requests: 0 Approve a major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development 0 Approve a Preliminary Plat to be known as Jeffers Pond 6th Addition Histor In 2005, the City Council approved a PUD for the approximately 336 acre Jeffers Pond mixed use development including the following elements: • Mix of land uses including commercial retail and office; low, medium, and high density residential; and public institutional and municipal sites 0 Up to 693 total residential units, 0 An active park of at least 4.6 acres (Jeffers Pond Park) An fire station site (Prior Lake station 2 An elementary school site (Jeffers Pond Elementary School) • Public parkland and trails (over 145 acres of parkland has been created) Six phases within the PUD development have been planted including sites for 157 single family homes, 165 townhomes, Jeffers Pond Elementary School, and Prior lake Fire station #2. Current Circumstances The current proposal calls for a redesign of the remaining 1single-family detached hone lots yet to be constructed within Jeffers Pond 2nd Addition (The Hollow of Jeffers waterfront. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 %Nww. ityo prior1ak . of site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: ISTICS: Total site Area: The total site area consists of 2.87 acres. To oagrar h :, This site has varied topographer} with elevations ranging from 888' MSL at the wetland outlet to 8F IVISL. at the intersection of Wilds ridge and Jeffers Pass. Va atio : The natural vegetation on the site was cleared after the original preliminary/final plat was approved for the area. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning ordinance. Wetlands: The project site contains two wetlands that were increased in size as a result of mitigation from the Jeffers Pond 2nd Addition project. Access: Access to the site is from Jeffers Vass (public street) and Trail Point Court (private street). 2030 Comprehensive Plan Deskma l n This property is designated for Low Density Residential uses on the 2030 Comprehensive clan Land Use Map. or r : The site is presently within the Jeffers Fond PIED Tanned Unit Development). The originally approved density (net) of this area is 4.95 units per acre. The density for the proposed plat is 4.52 units per acre= PROPOSED PLAIT Lots: The plan calls for the remaining 15 lots to be constructed with a single family rambler model type. The lots range in size from 6,256 square feet to 6}272 square feet with an average lot size of 9,630 square feet. The originally platted single family lots ranged in size from 6,256 square feet to 12,080 square feet. The residential housing units are conceptually planned to be rambler -style house plans ranging from 1,300-1,600 sq. ft. on the main floor with walkout basements. The units propose to include 8 -car garages. In comparison, the initial house plans for "The Hollov ' included approximately 1,400 sq. ft. on the rain level. Setbacks: The typical residential required setbacks and proposed setbacks for the development are shown on the following table: Structure Setbacks Typical Requirement originally Approved Proposed Front 2} 2' 25' Interiorsiale 10, ISA .5 ' for Lot 7) Building to Building HA 16' 15# Dear 2' o' o, Wetland 30' 20k o' — 30' rain= Cantilever/Eves/Egress Pit Setback Encroachments 2$ 2.5' 2. } aximum *specific wetland setbacks below are identified for Lots I & 4 - 7, otherwise 30' min. Streets: All streets have been constructed including Jeffers Pass (public street) and Trail Point count (private street). Impervious Surface: The originally approved maximum impervious surface for the 23 lot "Hollow of Jeffers Waterfront" development was 61,995 square feet. The impervious surface for the proposed 21 single family lets is 64}681 square feet. While the overall impervious surface for this phase (The Hollow) of Jeffers Pond is proposed to increase, the overall impervious surface within Tier 5 (the outermost impervious surface tier) of the Jeffers Pond Development has decreased over 3,000 s. ft. since the original Jeffers Pond PUD was approved in 2005. This is a result of the 2011 PIED amendment by Ryland Homes known as The Pointe (Jeffers Pond 4" & 5" Addition) involving reduced impervious surface amounts. In other words, the overall decrease in impervious surface within Tier 5 that was approved in "The Pointe11phase is greater than the overall proposed increase in Tier 5 in "The Follow' phase. The developer has provided a table listing the maximum impervious surface per lot which will enable City staff to track the impervious surface as each lot is constructed. The overall impervious surface for the entireJeffers Pond Development would continue to be less than 24.5% the original impervious surface maximum amount (25.5%) ain 2005. Parks: In 2005, the Jeffers Pond Development was created with over 145 acres of dedicated natural public parkland= This original park dedication satisfies the total parkland requirement for all phases of the Jeffers Pond Development including The Hollow. Sanitary sew rMater Mains: Sanitary severer and water rains are currently in place along .Jeffers Pass and Trail Point court. Two existing sets of surer and water services would be removed within Trail Pointe Court due to the combination of Lots 1 & 2 into one larger single lot (Lot 1) of the Broth Addition and the combination of Lot 10-13 into Lots 1-3 of the Sixth Addition. Landscape Playa: The subdivision Ordinance requires two front yard subdivision trees per lot 4 for corner lots). The developer will be required to follow a landscape plan design which satisfies this ordinance requirement. Fees and Assessments: This development fees were charged in 2005 with the Jeffers Fond 2nd Addition Plat. ISSUES: Section 1106.400 of the Zoning ordinance lists the types of uses and standards allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum flexibility in many areas, some of which include such aspects as setbacks, building heights, and densities. The developer is requesting modifications to the minimum lot areas for the single family lots, as well as building setbacks for the proposed single family lots. The proposed detached single family lot design will reduce the overall impervious surface of Tier 5. Ryland Homes Inas met with City staff to address the proposed changes to the PUD and ways to maintain the core of the originally approved plan of the Jeffers Pond Development. Also, the PUD benefit process has allowed staff to consider surface water concerns with the system in the Jeffers Pond Development area, A greater level of redundance in the system under Jeffers Vass will ensure protection both upstream and downstream for larger storm events which pipe systems are typically not designed for. To create the redundancies, a second pipe will be added under ,Jeffers Pass and would be cost shared with the current property owner (central Bark) through this proposed PUD Amendment project. As noted in the attached staff memorandums from the Engineering and Community & Economic Development Departments, ents, tine developer must refine the plans to assure compliance with the Public Work Design Manual requirements and city Zoning Ordinance. However, none of these revisions will likely impact the general design of the proposed plat= If any significant modifications to the plat are necessary, the developer will be required to resubmit for Preliminary Plat consideration and a new public hearing will be held before the Planning Commission. Therefore, if the Planning Commission finds the PUD and preliminary plat acceptable, the staff: would recommend the following conditions be attached: 1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. 2. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the memorandum from the city Engineering Department dated .July 13} 2012# 3. Devise the plans to address all of the convents in the memorandum from the city Community Economic Development Department dated July 23, 2012. ALTERNATIVES: ATIVES: The Planning Commission has the following alternatives: Recommend mend approval of the PLED Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD Plan and the Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to another Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. . Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDED `I. A motion and second to recommend approval of a major amendment to the MOTIONS: final PUD Plan for Jeffers Pond, subject to the listed conditions. 2. A motion and second to recommend approval of a Preliminary Plat known as Jeffers Pond 6th Addition, subject to the listed conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. .Jeffers Pond 6th Development Plans 3. Engineering Dept. Memorandum dated R13-1 . Community Development Dept. Memorandum dated -23=12 �rC'% �� rvrl.�`m%✓.✓Aw �rr.,,�rE '� � a y60,� : ��.� �' � t � �."n.' 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'a � z ' WP W r, -14 , u7 a PL.1 @ 1i Tv `J li fl - Ln W9 M LMJ w i!� N (11 F- z a 5z :3 La LLI (n ul O Ln -------------- 00 10 Date: hily 1, 2012 To: Cominuni T Development and Natural Resources Department From Engineering Department — Lari y 1 op l r, City Engineer Subject: Jeffers Pond 6th — City Pr01 "ect #12-121 The Engineering Department reviewed the Preliminary Plat plans for the subject project with a plan date of July 3, 2012 and we have the following coi nn-ients. General I. Provide City Project 412-121 on all Plan sheets. 2. Preliminary labels should be removed ft all Plan sheets. . The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Worts Design Manual. . Permits from the Prior Labe Spring Lake Watershed District, Met Council, Mfiniesota Pollution Control Agency, and etc. may be required. . All plazas should be drafted according to the City of Prior Labe layer system. A digital copy of the plans in pdf or of format is required prior to construction. All drawings should use the Scott County Coordinate System. . Provide current City details. Gradin2 Plan 1. Provide low floor elevations for existing homes adjacent/within proposed development, Existing contours should also be labeled. Will any proposed grading take place` Any proposed grading should be shown as darkened contour lines. 2. Provide contour labels. . Show contact information for person responsible for erosion control preparation, implementation and maintenance. . Provide note on the plans specifying that perimeter and downstream erosion control BMPs must be installed by the contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. Mdrology l . Before any grading activity, an erosion control plan and SWPPP must be submitted and approved by the City. This site may overlap an open construction site permit in MPGA database, a permit transfer may be required if that site has not filed a notice of termination of the previous permit. Recommend contacting MPGA to ensure no additional liability is accepted by current developer. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fwx 952.447.4245 l %%,%N,%v. ityo 'priorI .com Date: July 23, 2012 To: Michael Rainme, Ryland Hones Mark Sonstegard, Ryland Homes Froin: Jeff Matzke, Planner, Community & Economic Dev. Department Subject: Jeffers 6tit Addition PUD Amendment & Preliminary Plat City Project ##12-121 Tile Community & Economic, Development Department has reviewed the PUD Amendment & Pr litninary Plat for the subject project with a plan date ofJune 29, 2012 and we have the following comments (Please respond to bold comments prior to Planning Commission review): General 1. Have any niodel renderings been prepared for this model type. In the past niodel renderings have been sirbinitted. and these are helpful for the Planning Commission and Cite Council to visualize the horising type proposed. 2. As in the past, Cite Council will likely inquire the developer regardhig inhiiniuni square footages. acid building designs for townho ne project. hi bast PUD developments inininium requirernents for square f otages and number of garage spaces have been required by the City Council under the PUD Ai endment approval. Pr-eli ninr Plat . Indicate only those lots Nvhieh are being replatted with bole lines. Lots 4-7, 14-17, 2 are my part f the PIED Aniendinent proposed but are riot behig replatted intothe 1hAddition therefore, indicate the dashed lines around these properties. All information its the table should relate to replat area only (replat area is only the 6 current 2 na Addition lots that are replatted into proposed Oh Addition lots). PreIlininar PUD/ Site Plan . Indicate mininitini wetland setback distances listed in especial Setbacks" table on plait. It is difficult to note locations of ininimuni "Special Setbacks" foi- lots. . is indicated area at rear of hotising pals a proposed d deel , porch, or either . Lot I appears to ineet 30 foot Niretland setback ori plait. "Special Setbacks" table indicate it is 25 feet fi-orn WL? then ise, could the deet porelt be placed oil the east side of the horse to meet the 30 Foot wetland setback? . Revise eonunent for Wetland Stnicture Setback in table to be "See Special Setbacks"" rather than "No Wetlands on Site" . Is original Landscape Plan from Jeffers Plan d Addition to be followed with the 6"' Addition i.e. ---- 2 trees per front yard)? if so please resubmit landscape plan with revised lot hayout and tree species hid ieated as such. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 J www. c ityofpriorIa e.coin