HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 16 2012 PC meeting minutes PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, July 16, 2012 1. Call to Order: Chairman Phelan called the July 16, 2012 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners, Roszak, Blahnik, Phelan, Hite, and Spieler, Planner Jeff Matzke, Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson, Engineering and Inspections Director Larry Poppler, Public Works and Natural Resources Director Katy Gehler and Community Development Assistant Peter Aldritt. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY HITE TO APPROVE THE JULY 16, 2012 MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes, Spieler, Roszak, Hite, Phelan and Blahnik. The Motion carried. 3. Consider Approval of June 25, 2012 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY BLAHNIK TO APPROVE THE JUNE 25, 2012 MEETING MINUTES VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Hite, Blahnik, and Spieler. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearings: A. # EP 12-119 BERGGREN BEACH . J.B. Woodfitter has submitted an application for a Combined Preliminary and Final Plat of approximately 0.9 acre of land to be subdivided into 2 residential lots, . along with a Variance request from the minimum lot width and minimum side yard setback Planner Matzke presented the application from J.B. Woodfitter and Associates who is requesting variances in order to subdivide a residential property into two lots. They have also applied for approval of a plat to be known as Berggren Beach. The property is located at 4853 Beach Street NE, along the northern shore of Lower Prior Lake, east of Rosewood Road NE and west of Bluebird Trail NE. Two existing homes located on one legal parcel makes this a non-conforming use. Dividing the property into two lots is necessary to bring the property into compliance, resulting in the need for two side yard setback variances and one front lot width variance. The same application was previously approved by the Planning Commission and City Council in 2011, but it was not recorded by the applicant. Commissioner Questions: Blanik asked whether there has been any changes from the original submitted application of last year. Planner Matzke responded that this application is identical to what was submitted last year. Roszak asked for further explanation of condition number 5. Planner Matzke responded that new survey pins need to be placed on the middle lot line corners within a year. 1 Spieler asked whether another variance is needed if the cabin is torn down in the future? Planner Matzke responded that the lot is sizable without the need for variances. Spieler asked whether there is a cost to the city to take out the curb when they split it. Planner Matzke responded that is part of the building project and the property owner pays that cost. Hite asked Jeff to outline the easements. Planner Matzke responded that there are not any easements on this property because it is a very old platted lot. With the new Berggren Beach plat, they will be recording new drainage and utility easements. Phelan asked why they need an easement if there is a line stubbed in in the Northwest corner. Planner Matzke responded that since there is no guarantee that the cabin will be removed, those easements need to be in place now. If they build a new home, then they can abandon those easements and connect to the stubbed in lines. Phelan asked whether there is any plan to reroute the existing utility lines that come in from the west. Planner Matzke responded not at this time since there is an existing easement for the sewer line. MOTION BY HITE SECOND BY SPIELER TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:19 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Spieler, Roszak, Phelan Hite and Blahnik. The Motion carried. Applicant Gary Tupy, 15815 Franklin Trail indicated that many concerns with temporary easements will be alleviated once they take down the cabin as soon as possible. They will be hooking up the new utilities to the stubbed connection to the east for the new home to be built. The existing home is staying at this time, but they are doing a financial analysis to determine whether it will be torn down or renovated. Hite asked whether the existing cabin and dwelling are now occupied by the same owner? Gary Tupy responded yes. Blahnik asked whether he intends to file the plat this time within 60 days? Gary Tupy responded yes; they plan to apply for a building permit as soon as approval is granted by the city. MOTION BY PHELAN SECOND BY SPIELER TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:21 VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Hite, Blahnik, Phelan and Spieler. The Motion carried. Commissioner Comments: Spieler statedthat he will support this based on the past history and based on the presentation today. 2 Hite stated that she will also be supporting this since she believes the granting of the variance is necessary to permit a reasonable use of the property as it exists today, and it will alleviate the nonconforming uses. Also, the variance will not unreasonably impact the character the surrounding neighborhoods and housing units that are there today. Roszak stated that he will be supporting this as well. It promotes the development of the sites, and they have gone through this process before with approval granted. Blahnik stated that he will be supporting the Variance request and the Combined Preliminary and Final Plat request as consistent with his fellow commissioner’s comments. Phelan stated that he will be supporting this since it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. It does not negatively impact the neighborhood and is necessary to permit reasonable use of the property. A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY ROSZAK TO APPROVE THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Hite, Blahnik, and Spieler. The Motion carried A MOTION BY PHELAN SECOND BY SPIELER TO APROVE THE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Hite, Blahnik, Phelan and Spieler. The Motion carried. 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: A. Consider 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program Director Gehler presented the Draft Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 2013 to 2017. Minnesota State Statutes require that the Planning Commission review the CIP program to ensure the listed projects consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. City Engineer Poppler presented the transportation section of the CIP program. Phelan asked whether the TH 13 Main Avenue and Ridgemont project can be further explained. Engineer Poppler responded that this project would move the intersection of Ridgemont and Main back further to the west in order to increase the stacking distance to TH 13. Hite asked whether, in addition to traffic stacking, is there a safety concern? Engineer Poppler responded that there is a safety concern and it would also bring the trail amenities to this intersection. Hite asked whether the City owns the property where this intersection will be moved? 3 Engineer Poppler responded yes; the City owns all of that property so no acquisition of property would be involved. Spieler asked whether the garden will stay in place? Engineer Poppler responded yes; that garden will stay while the entrance will change Blahnik asked about the CSAH 21 and Main Avenue, including the Baseline design and Pleasant Street entrance from TH 13. Is it possible to separate those, or is it just one project? Engineer Poppler responded that they are proposed as one project now, but if development changes, they could be separated. Blahnik asked whether this project is scheduled for 2016 with the South Downtown study taking place, or is it possible to push this project up or move it back? Engineer Poppler responded that it could be moved either way. The city will have to coordinate with the county. If some of the alternatives and different scenarios with the Downtown South Study are considered more seriously, then a different type of project could move ahead. Phelan asked if with some of these road project numbers there is a gap between the estimated project cost and the amount that is being assessed, and how is that gap covered? Director Gehler responded that with the Welcome Avenue project, it is in the Wellhead Protection Area, and part of this project is using money from the city’s water fund. Hite askedhow many homes are considered to be a significant risk to the Wellhead Protection Area. Director Gehler responded that the majority of homes in this area are on well and septic systems which pose a threat to the groundwater. This area specifically is on top of gravel and sandy soils which allows contaminates to seep through more easily. Commissioners Comments: Spieler stated that he likes that it is a proactive approach, and it is great to see that there is planning ahead for parks. He supports the CIP, and it supports the Comprehensive Plan. Hite thinks it is important to promote development within the city and to utilize the new development to assist with these improvements. She believes that it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and she wants to insure that the city is demonstrating it being a good steward of the taxpayer dollars. It is important to build a community with good infrastructure and amenities. Roszak echoed his fellow commissioners that this is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, and he will be supporting this. Blahnik stated similarly that he believes this is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Phelan stated that he, too, will be supporting the draft CIP. He would caution staff on the public hearing for this item as he anticipates significant public comment due to the large amount of funds being proposed with the CIP. 4 A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY PHELAN TO APPROVE THE DRAFT 2013-2017 CIP VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Hite, Blahnik, Phelan and Spieler. The Motion carried. B. 2012 Second Quarter Building Activity Report nd Planner Matzke presented the 2 quarter building permit report. The permit and revenue numbers have increased from last year at this time well as further described in the staff report. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: None. 8. Adjournment: th Planner Matzke announced that the 5 Monday in July will be a Planning Commission meeting. Hite asked that staff work on an opportunity for the commission to meet the new city attorney. MOTION BY HITE SECONDED BY PHELANTO ADJORN THE MEETING. VOTE: Ayes, Hite, Blahnik, Roszak, and Spieler. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Peter Aldritt, Community Development Assistant 5