HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 14 2012 EDA Minutes4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 1. CALL TO ORDER Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May 14, 2012 President Hedberg called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were Hedberg, Morris, Choudek, Chromy, Executive Director Boyles, and Community Development Specialist McCabe. Absent were Myser and Commu- nity & Economic Development Director Rogness. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY CHOUDEK TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Morris, and Choudek; Abstaining Chromy. The motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY CHOUDEK TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2012. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Morris, and Choudek; Abstaining Chromy. The motion carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was scheduled. 5. OLD BUSINESS A. EDA Business Plan — Draft #2. McCabe: presented overview of Draft #2 EDA Business Plan and highlighted revisions from Draft #1 EDA Business Plan based on comments received from the EDA at the April 9, 2012 meeting. Hedberg: Prior Lake is known as a recreational and entertainment community and the city has many re- gional amenities related to recreation and entertainment such as the Renaissance Festival, golf courses, parks, music festivals, Lakefront Days, etc. The EDA Business Plan should identify opportunities to attract business related to recreation and entertainment. Choudek: Business Plan should identify how the EDA could incorporate the EDA's technology initiatives to market the community and build from Prior Lake's "Live, Work, and Play" image. Boyles: Business Plan should embrace the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan as a community strength. Chromy: Plan should address retail development as a job creator and recreational activity. Hedberg: Enhance Measuring Success Matrix language with; 1) Make sure we are providing services and shopping people want. 2) Bring jobs to Prior Lake that the citizens find desirable. 3) Broaden the tax base. Choudek: EDA Business Plan may want to address working with the EDAC to adopt a "Shop where you live" campaign, similar to, or in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. Phone 952.447.9800 I Fax 952.447.4245 I www.cityofpriorlake.com Hedberg: addressed the Business Plan's Achievement Goal section as it relates to the job growth projec- tions; Mr. Hedberg indicated the job growth projections seem low. EDA Members: held discussion about the source of the job growth projection information from the Maxfield Research Commercial and Industrial Demand Analysis. Members chose to use the Maxfield projections as a baseline job creation number and identify enhanced EDA job creation goals which would increase em- ployment opportunities beyond the projections used by Maxfield Research. The EDA goals should assume and identify the necessary policy changes and increased public investment to achieve the enhanced goals. Hedberg: recommended staff evaluates the Employment section to include more information related to employment by industry. The estimated employment numbers provided for the SMSC business ventures was good information to include but a more detailed employment breakdown by industry classification would be beneficial. Possibly use the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to provide the additional detail. Choudek: Business plan should address and incorporate all goals of the EDA, including; broadband fiber network, Technology Village incubator, data center, rehabilitation activities, etc. as mutually supportive initi- atives. EDA Members: discussed the Looking Ahead section which identifies timeframe goals. Members felt Items 1 and 2 in the 2021-2025 timeframe should be moved to the 2014-2020 timeframe. Goals 3, 4, and 5 in the 2021-2025 timeframe should be combined with the 2026-2030 goals; a new 2021-2030 timeframe should be created and include the final six goals. EDA Members: discussed including more information in the Economic Landscape section. This should be where we tell our story; more emphasis on recreation and entertainment community in this section. Identify regional parks, tournaments (softball, fishing), golfing, and other recreational activities and amenities. Hedberg: Prior Lake has historically been the hub of activity in northern Scott County. The Business Plan should incorporate the history of Prior Lake and embrace the hub concept for regional recreational and en- tertainment activity. EDA members directed staff make the suggested modifications to the Business Plan and present Draft #3 to the EDA on June 11, 2012. B. Modification of the TIF Plan for District 1-1. McCabe: presented staff's report on the modification of the TIF plan for District 1-1 and provided an over- view of the report attachment which identifies potential parcels for acquisition, demolition, site cleanup, or public infrastructure improvements. Suggested parcels were identified by staff based on previous EDA and City Council discussions of possible projects. EDA Members: held discussion about specific properties listed on the report attachment and identified two an additional parcels to be included for potential acquisition, demolition, or site cleanup. The two additional parcels are the former gas station located at 16176 Main Ave. SE and the McKinley property located at 16961 Mushtown Rd. SE. Hedberg: indicated the TIF district modification plan should identify property acquisition and public infra- structure as priorities, as it is generally difficult for the EDA to fund this type of project and other sources of funding may be identified to assist with property demolition and site cleanup. 2 EDA Members: directed staff to proceed with a TIF modification plan with maximum flexibility MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY MORRIS TO RECOMMEND STAFF PROCEED WITH A MODI- FICATION OF THE TIF PLAN FOR DISTRICT 1-1 TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR FI- NAL APPROVAL. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Morris, Choudek and Chromy. The motion carried. C. Final Update for Venture Fair. McCabe: provided an update of the marketing efforts and current status of registered attendants for the Prior Lake Business Venture Fair scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at The Wilds. As of the meet- ing date, the EDA has received four registrations for the event. EDA Members: felt that a minimum of twenty potential Angel Investor's would be necessary to proceed with the event and the scheduled event for May 23, 2012 should be postponed. Choudek: suggested the EDA review the option of holding the Venture Fair in connection with another community event, such as the fall EDAC Meet -N -Greet event. EDA Members: directed staff to postpone the event and inform presenters, registered attendants, and The Wilds. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. EDAC Report and Subcommittee Reports: (1) EDAC. McCabe: presented a summary of the April 26, 2012 EDAC meeting provided an overview of the Busi- ness Friendly Subcommittee, which is a subcommittee formed by the EDAC for the purpose of evaluat- ing and comparing the City of Prior Lake's zoning ordinances, city practices, development process, and design standards compared to peer communities in the region. Hedberg: requested the EDAC appoint a liaison to the EDA in an effort to provide better communica- tion between the two organizations. City Staff will request the EDAC appoint a liaison to the EDA. (2) Broadband Fiber Network. McCabe: provided an update of the EDA Fiber Broadband Network subcommittee activity; the sub- committee will be ready to present its report to the EDA near the end of June 2012. Morris: presented a research paper written by Christopher Mitchell, who is a member of the EDA Fiber Broadband Network subcommittee, titled; Broadband at the Speed of Light — How Three Communities Built next -Generation Networks. EDA Members: felt it may be valuable to review this paper prior to the subcommittee's report presenta- tion. Staff agreed to print and distribute hard copies of the paper to EDA members. (3) Technology Village Incubator. McCabe: provided an update of the EDA Technology Village subcommittee activity and gave a brief summary of the three phased program development being proposed, with program implementation within City Hall being Phase I of development. The subcommittee will be ready to present its Business Plan to the EDA at the regular June 11, 2012 meeting. 3 B. Business Assistance Matrix and Target Area. McCabe: gave an overview of the staff report and the Prior Lake Business Assistance Matric completed by Community and Economic Development Director Rogness. The Business Assistance Matrix is a compre- hensive list of available funding sources for economic development activities in Prior Lake that shows po- tential financial resources and those that have approved or pending policies. McCabe: stated that as the EDA continues to establish its business plan for economic development, it is important to have a "tool box" of funding assistance programs. The matrix will help evaluate funding re- sources, what they can be used for, and identify the need for additional policies. EDA Members: reviewed and commented on the Business Assistance Matrix and identified the Economic Development Target Area of Deerfield Industrial Park (vacant lot development) and Welcome Avenue In- dustrial Park (redevelopment of existing and underutilized parcels) as the top priority for developing a new policy to identify available economic development assistance programs. Hedberg: stated there is a need to build the City's business assistance tools and a more aggressive set of business development goals is needed. EDA Members: MOTION BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY CHOUDEK TO DIRECT STAFF TO BEGIN WORKING ON A SPECIFIC BUSINESS POLICY FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA OF DEERFIELD INDUSTRIAL PARK AND WELCOME AVENUE INDUSTRIAL PARK. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Morris, Choudek and Chromy. The motion carried. C. Future Guests at EDA Meetings. McCabe: Based on previous discussions with EDA members, City staff asked the EDA if members would find it valuable to invite guest speakers to future EDA meetings. The ability of the EDA to hear from area development and business development experts may bring insight on how the City of Prior Lake and its economic development efforts are viewed from outside the community. McCabe: As the EDA continues to evaluate key strategies for economic development in Prior Lake, the EDA may choose to develop a list of guests to attend future meetings, such as; Twin Cities' commer- cial/industrial brokers and developers, business CEOs that live in Prior Lake, Greater MSP Director of Business Investment, or an employment demographer/researcher. EDA Members: felt inviting guests to regular meetings of the EDA on a quarterly basis would be beneficial. In addition to the list of possible guests provided in the staff report, the EDA suggested meeting with a Twin Cities data center developer, or a real estate and business developer with expertise on technology, retail, and light industrial development. D. Extension of Professional Services Agreement with Lookout Point Communications. McCabe: provided an overview of the Professional Services Agreement entered into between the City of Prior Lake and Lookout Point Communications for a Feasibility Study for a Community Fiber Network. The consultant, Lookout Point Communications, was hired at a cost of $80,000 with a completion date of May 31, 2012. McCabe: The subcommittee has been meeting with the consultant for two hours every two weeks since January 27, 2012. In order to have adequate time to review the report and schedule a two hour meeting to present the report to the EDA, a 1 -month extension to the contract was requested by the subcommittee. M Mr. Eric Lampland with Lookout Point Communications has proposed this extension with no additional cost to the City of Prior Lake. EDA Members: instructed City staff to coordinate a two-hour meeting date near the end of June, 2012 via email. MOTION BY CHOUDEK, SECONDED BY CHROMY TO APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF THE JANUARY 18, 2012 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LOOKOUT POINT COMMUNICATIONS FROM AN ENDING DATE OF MAY 31, 2012 TO JUNE 30, 2012 AND IDENTIFY A DATE/TIME TO RE- CEIVE THE REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Morris, Choudek and Chromy. The motion carried. 7. OTHER BUSINESS A. Draft June 11, 2012 Agenda Draft June 11, 2012 Agenda was reviewed by the commissioners. B. Revised Economic Development Authority Meeting Schedule. Boyles: With City Attorney Pace moving on, the City of Prior Lake solicited proposals for civil and legal services. The City Council will receive a recommendation for legal counsel at the May 21 meeting. Due to meeting date conflicts with the recommended legal counsel, the City Council, Economic Development Au- thority, and Planning Commission will be adjusting their meeting dates. Beginning in July 2012, the EDA will change its meeting time from the second Monday of each month to the third Monday of each month. EDA Members: agreed with the proposed meeting time change. MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY MORRIS TO APPROVE THE REVISED ECONOMIC DEVEL- OPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING SCHEDULE. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Morris, Choudek and Chromy. The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY CHOUDEK, SECOND BY CHROMY TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Frank Boyles, Executive Director R