HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 28 2012 Agenda PacketPRJo� H U Z Thursday, June 28, 2Q12 7:30 a.m. City Hall, Wagon Bridge Conference Room 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. May 24, 2012 3. Old Business a. EDAC Liaison to the EDA b. Downtown Prior Lake Speed Limits c. Bus Stop at CR 21 /Main Avenue SE intersection d. Downtown South Study 4. New Business a. Envision Minnesota Downtown Vitality Technical Assistance b. Downtown Parking Study 5. Other Business a. EDA Updates i. Broadband Fiber Network ii. Technology Village Incubator 6. Next Meeting Date (July 26, 2012) 7. Adjourn Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / w ityo pri rlal . om AV U 4646 Dakota Street SE I'm Prior Lake, MN 55372 �M Sd� CITY OF PRIER LAKE, MIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EL PMEI T ADVISO Y COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES — MAY 2, 2012 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m. in the Wagon n Bridge Conference Room at City Hall. Members present: Troy Pre ler, Mike My er, Joe Passofaro., Greg Sc hweich,, wade Larsen Bernie Carlson and Bill Henry. Members absent: Adam Bl hni , Mary viere 1, Sandi Fleck and Thane Tarnde. Staff present: Dan Rogness and Casey McCabe. 2 . Approval of March 29, 2012 Meeting Minutes. MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY CARLSON, to ppr ve the April 26, 2012 minutes a s ubmitted. Motion adopted unanimously. 3 . Old Business, City of Prior Lake Business Friend1v Update McCabe: presented staff's report and provided a s ummary o f recent activities of the EDA ' Business Friendly subcommittee and are update on the previous EDAC discussion related t o access and circulation issues a t the 17178 -17182 Adelman Street property. Business Friendly Subcommittee — McCabe: provided EDAC members w ith three spreadsheet co mparing Prior La k e's zoning requirements, approved building materials, and permitted and co nditional uses in the 1 -1 Light Industrial District to eight selected peer co mmunities from the region. EDAC Members: discu the results, some of which indicated certain Prier Lake zoning and design standards are more restrictive than other regional communities. EDAC Members: suggested the subcommittee define and provide examples f the types of building materials approved in the selected communities and a proposed list o revised approved building materials should be reviewed with the EDA . Pa farr : suggested the information presented in the spreadsheets should be converted t o graph form for presentation. McCabe: stated that regular updates of the Business Friendly subcommittee progress will be provided to the EDA. 17178 -17182 Adelman Street property — McCabe: provided are overview of the access and circulation fissures expressed to staff by the owners o f the property at 17178 - 17185 Adelman Street, including: access onto Adelman St. from CR 21,, circulation issues around the southern I portion of the building related to the location of the anterior storage area, an owner request for an additional access (drivewaV approach) to the prop rtV, and the propertV owners' desire to vacate, and possibly relocate, a trail and access easement for maintenance of the storm water retention pond. EDAC M embers: discussed the issues related to the Adelman St. property and requested staff work with the property owners in an attempt to resolve or alleviate these issues. McCabe: stated that staff will schedule a meeting with the property owners and are update will be provided to the EDA. 4. New Business. Downtown South Stu F ogn : provided a summary of the Prior Lake Downtown South Studer newsletter including information related to the Open House event to present existing and anticipated future challenges in the study area and give participants an opportunity to identify other issues that are of concern to the community; the open House has been scheduled for June S, 2012 from :00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Iogn: also announced applications for the study's Citizen and Business G roup are being accepted. interested parties should apply by the May 29, 2012 deadline. Member responsibilities would include representing the interests of all property owners and businesses, and communicate the study issues, alternatives and recommendations mendatlons to residents and businesses. Rogn ss: presented the approved design for the downtown Prior Lake gateway signage to be installed near the southwest corner of the Cif 21 Arcadian Avenue intersection. f ogn : stated that regular updates of the Downtown South Studer will be provided to the E DA. EDAC Liaison to the EDA McCabe: presented staff's report related to the Economic Development Advisory Committee appointing a liaison to the EDA, In are effort to provide better communication between the EDA and EDA C, the Economic Development Authority requested the EDAC appoint a liaison to the EDA. Duties of the liaison would include regular attendance at EDA meeting, providing a regular update of EDA activity to the EDA C, and providing a regular update of EDAC activity to the EDA. EDAC Members: reviewed the request and determined the liaison position would alternate between EDAC members. Member Henry agreed to attend the next EDAM meeting on June 11, 2012. EDAC Members: requested staff provides a calendar of upcoming EDA meetings to allo w EDA members to select slates to attend EDA meetings when they are available. Downtown Prior Lie Speed Limits McCabe: presented staffs report regarding Member Carl son's request for the EDAC to review the posted speed limits along CR 21 through downtown Prior Lake and the process to potentially request lowering the speed limit. McCabe: stated City staff discussed the process to request a speed limit change with Larry Po p pler, Prior Lake City Engineer and Le lie Vermillion, Deputy County Administrator for Scott County. The speed limit on CR 21, like most county roads, is set by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. When determining the speed limit the following factors are considered; road type and condition, location and type of access points, length of roadway, existing traffic control devices, crash history, traffic volume, sight distan test drive results, and speed study. McCabe: stated staff's research indicated the most important part of the traffic investigation is the speed study. when choosing a speed, drivers tale many roadway environment factors into consideration. Therefore, the speed that the majority 5%) of people consider prudent is an important value. McCabe: s ummarized his conversation with Ms. Vermillion, who felt the current speed limit of 5 mph was probably correct for the type of road and conditions. As a minor arterial, C 1' purpose is to move traffic and provide connectivity throughout Scott County. Ms. Vermillion stated that it is very rare for a county road to have a speed limit less than 35 mph. Generally, only a highly urbanized roadway with multiple driveway approaches would have a speed limit less than 35 mph, and even under those c ircumstances Ms. Vermillion said it is still rare to have a speed limit less than 35 mph. Carlson: indicated the County's purpose is to more traffic and provide connectivity through Scott County but the EDAC should he concerned about the effects on downtown businesses. rl on also stated there are other examples in the area of a County Road having a speed limit of less than 35 mph. Member Carlson agreed to provide specific examples of lower speed limits. Rogness: noted that at this time it is not known what impact the signali ation of the Arcadia CIS 21 intersection and the removal of the existing four-way stop signs at the intersection of Main Ave. and CR 21 will have on traffic speeds. Carlson: stated that a speed limit of 30 mph through do wntown Prior Lake would be desirable for businesses and the safety of residents; EDAC Members agreed. McCabe: noted that both Mr. Poppler and Ms. Vermillion cautioned that the results of a speed study may very well result in the speed limit being increased along CR 21, Carlson: suggested that an enhanced crossing, including LED lights and signage, at the intersection of Main Avenue and CR 21 should be looked unto. EIDAC Members: directed staff to complete further research into the procedure, process, and timing of a speed study or determine if other avenues exist to change speed limits. Bus Stoo at Cat 21 fain Avenue SE Intersection McCabe: presented staffs report regarding the current bus pick-up/drop-off location at CR 21 Main Avenue SE intersection. Blue Express commuters appear to be paring their personal vehicles along Main Avenue and occupying a parking stall all day while they utilize the bus service. McCabe: started that during the April 26, 2012 EDAC meeting, members asked staff to evaluate alternate locations for pick --up /drop -off, possibly near a city parking lot, to avoid bus patron vehicles form occupying m n r of the on-street parking stalls which serve the downtown businesses. McCabe: indicated staff researched the bus pick up /drop off location and CFA 21 and Main Avenue SE is not currently an "official" scheduled stop; however, this location will officially be an official scheduled stop when the new bus schedule comes out in July. Apparently bus drivers and passengers have had a somewhat informal arrangement in the past and this stop has slowly developed overtime. At this time the city cannot prevent vehicles from parking along a public street because there is no parking restriction in place. McCabe: started that City staff has researched alternate locations to serge bus patrons but staff was informed the busses must run on a schedule and altering the bus route to stop at ar city r opined parking l t issomewhat impractical, due to the proximity of the parking lots off CR 21. EDAC Members: discussed this issue and reinforced their concern about the busses stopping at CR 21 Mann Avenue and directed staff to continue discussions with other City staff related t o the bus pick-up/drop-off location. Due to afety concerns and inconvenience to business owners and patrons, related to commuters parking along Main Avenue, the EDAC asked staff to further evaluate alternate locations. S. Other Business, EDA Updates gnes: presented an EDA update, including: Prior Lake Business venture Fair — the Prior Lake Business Venture Fair, originally scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, 2012, has been postponed by the EDA due to lack of registered attendants. it is anticipated this evert will be re- scheduled in the fall of 2012. Broadband Fiber [Network — The EDA granted an extension of one month to allow the completion of the broadband fiber network need and feasibility study. The broadband fiber subcommittee will present its findings and recommendations to the EDA at a special meeting to be scheduled in June 2012. I guess: stated that as part of the their research, the broadband fiber network subcommittee has asked for statements from local residents or business owners either addressing the insufficiency o current provid o r a statement about how a faster and larger network may have a positive impact on their business. EDAC members who have comments they would like to include in the report or have suggested contacts were asked to notify l ogness or McCabe. Technology Village Incubator — The Technology Villarge subcommittee has nearly completed its business plan and recommendations, which will be Presented at the June 11 2012 meeting of the ED. EDA Business Plan — The EDA and City staff have been working on are EDA Business Plan; the latest business plan draft will be reviewed bar the EDA at the June 11, 2012 meeting. 6. Next Meeting Date. The next EDAC meeting will be Thursday, June 28 2012 at 7:30 a.m. 7. Adjourn, With ar MOTION BY CARLSON and SECOND BY HENRY, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 a.m. Submitted by Casey McCabe ( Z)� :'1 WAV � 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake. MN 55372 ' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT F T MEETING DATE: June 28, 2012 AGENDA#; 3.a. PREPARED ED BY Casey McCabe, Community Development specialist AGENDA ITEM: EDAC LIAISON TO THE EDA DISCUSSION: Introduction At the May 14, 2012 meeting of the Economic Development Authority, EDA members requested the Economic Development Advisory Committee appoint a liaison to the EDA. The duties of the EDAC liaison include regular attendance at EDA meeting provide a regular update of EDAC activity to the EDA, and provide a regular u p- date of EDA activity to the EDAC. Hitr During the May 24, 2012 meeting, EDAC members discussed the liaison p si- tion and determined Interested committee members would alternate, on a volun- tary basis, serving as the EDAC liaison to the EDA. Conclusion EDAC members should review the list of remaining EDA ` eet�ng dates and identify members, through a voluntary process, to attend the remaining EDA meetings. An EDAC liaison voluntary sign -up sheet will be available at the .tune 2, 2012 meeting. ISSUES: EDAC members who wish to serge as an EDAC liaison to the EDA should be available to attend the meeting date(s) selected. Beginning in July 2012, Eco- .nomic Development Authority meetings will be held on the third Monday of each :month from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. FINANCIAL { '.None. IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: ES: 1. Members who wish to volunteer as are EDAC liaison should select a date (s to attend an EDA meeting(s) through calendar year 2012. 2 . Take no action and continue discussion at a future meeting. . R ECOMMENDED Alternative #1. MO TION: �4 PRtn ) U 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake- MN 55372 �� NES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT T MEETING DATE; June 28, 2012 A E{ DA : 3,b. PREPARED ED BY: Daley McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: DOWNTOWN PRIOR LAKE SPEED LIMITS DISCUSSION: Introduction The EDAC has previously discussed the posted speed limits along CR 21 through downto wn brier Lake and the process to potentially request lowering the speed limit along CR 21 through downtown Prior Lake. 1•-listor The speed limit along CR 21 through downtown Prior Lake is 35 mph; the speed limit during construction activities has been lowered to 30 mph. Staff has previously discussed the process to request a speed limit change with Larry Poppler, Prior Lake City Engineer and Le lie Vermillion, Deputy Counter Administrator for Scott County and provided an update to the EDAC. A t this time it is not known ghat impact the si nali ation of the Arcadia CR 21 intersection and the removal of the e four- stop signs at the interse tion of 11,Ilain Ave. and CR 21 will have on traffic spuds. Conclusion City staff is suggesting the EDAC consider including this item as p otential are of focus in the Envision Minnesota Downtown Vitality Studer, which will be dis- c ussed in greater detail later in the meeting under agenda item 4a. ISSUES: Both Mr. P ppler and Ms. Vermillion cautioned that the results of a speed stud may very well result in the speed limit bung increased along CR 21. FINANCIAL Potential costs related to signage and enforcement. IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: ES: 1. Motion and second to recommend referral of this issue to the Traffic Safet Advisory Committ 2. Motion and second to recommend referral of this issue to Envision Minneso- ta to be included in the Downtown Vitality Study. 3. Continue discussion at a future meeting. RECOMMENDED To be determined by the EDAC. MOTION: N � 466 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake. MN 55372 "NN85�� ECONO lc DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY 1 COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE; .dune 28, 2012 AGE 7DA ■ 3.c. PREPARED ED B : case} McCabe, Community Development specialist AGENDA ITEM: BIDS STOP AT CR 211 MAIN AVENUE SE INTERSECTION DISCUSSION; Introduction The EDAC has previously discussed the current bus pick -up /drop -off location at CR 211M in Avenue SE intersection. The EDAC discussion centered on Blue Express commuters which appear to be parking their personal vehicles along Main Avenue and occupying a downtown parking stall for are extended period of time while they utilize the bus service. Histor EDAC members suggested city staff evaluate alternate locations for pick - up /drop -off, possibly near a city parking lot, to avoid bus patron vehicles form occupying the on- street parking stalls which serge the downtown businesses. Conclusion City staff is suggesting the EDAC consider including this item as a potential area o f focus in the Envision Minnesota Downtown Vitality Study, which will be is- used in greater detail later in the meeting under agenda item a. ISSUES: EDAC members should discuss this issue and determine hoer they wish to p ro- c ed. Should the EDAC recommend the issue be referred to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, the determination of the City council, based on recom- mendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee will be binding to all mem- bers of the public. FINANCIAL Potential costs related to si nc a and enforcement. IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: I. Motion and second to recommend referral of this issue to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. 2. Motion and second to recommend referral of this issue to Envision Minneso- ta to be included in the Downtown it lit Study. 3 . continue discussion at a future meeting. R ECOMMENDED To be determined by the EDAC. MOTI bi FRIO k in!i) , 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake. M_ ? 553 2 :!tNIVE6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PMENT ADVISO Y COMMITTEE REPORT F T MEETING DATE: June 28, 2012 AGENDA ##: 3.d. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development specialist AGENDA ITEM: DOWNTOWN SOUTH STUDY DISCUSSION: introduction During the May 2, 2012 meeting, the EDAC was presented with an overview of the Downtown South Studer. The purpose o f the study is to develop a roadway network that can improve traffic connections along CR 21 and Hwy 13 and rake the roadways more co mpatible with future growth and redevelopment plans in and around Prior Lake's downtown. Hitr As part of this study, a Citizen and Business Group has been implemented to represent the interests of all property owners and businesses in the City and serves to or muni ate the study's Issues, alternatives, and recommendations with other residents and businesses in the City. Conclusion Following the first Downtown South Studer meeting, EDAC member Bernie Carl- son shared a few m nts with Larry P ppl er, Prior Lake City Engineer. Mr. Carls n's comments are attached for member review and discussion at the June 2, 2012 meeting. I SUES: Member Carlson will be available to discuss his comments with the EDAC at the June 28` meeting. FINANCIAL Costs already programmed for the Downtown South Studer. IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Discussion Only. RECOMMENDED Discussion Only. MITI: ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Downtown South study Meeting Comments TO: LARRY POPPLER FROM: BERNIE CAI L i � � FEE:. DOWNTOWN N` OWN UTH STUDY MEETING Al MMENTS 1 . The greatest risk to downtown south business is the dividing of downtown with a median and right In a"d out, before the access to downtown south from hwy 13 is In place. Scott County Is apparently not grilling to commit to this timing. with i ND T net having the byw 13-Prior La e project even listed future project this could become serious problem. A a member of the Economic Developmont Advisory Committee, I support the traffic planning options that encourage economic development in the downtown transitional town center district. . 3 . If access could be provided from hwy 13/Franklin Trail to South Downtown this could perhaps replace the -way access at hwy 13 and Pleasant, and would also relieve Duluth of some of its traffic. 4 . when the 4-way stop Is removed at Main, the pedestrian crossing will be critical to an econom cly viable downtown. Vehicle speed will be a major factor for this pedestrian crossing. The speed limit crossing the lake is mph. This speed limit should he maintained to Duluth and then be redo od to 30 mph through downtown, x 4 FRI- � 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake. MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT T MEETING DATE; June 28, 2012 AGENDA #: 4.a. PREPARED ED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development specialist AGENDA ITEM: ENVISION MINNESOTA DOWNTOWN VITALITY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE DISCUSSION: Introduction Envision Minnesota, a Nonprofit corporation, received a grant from the US EPA Office of Sustainable Communities under their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program to Forterra. and the Building Sustainable Communities C onsortium. The grant will allow Envision Minnesota to provide free technical assistance to help communities implement sustainability and livability strategies that attract growth, protect the environment, improve public health, facilitate job creation and economic opportunity, and improve overall quality of life. Hi The City of Prior lake applied for, and was one of six Minnesota communities to receive free technical assistance. The assistance from Envision Minnesotan will be tailored to the needs identified by each community and will consist o f work- shops, policy analysis, stakeholder engagement and policy recommendations. Conclusion The City of Prior Lake will use the technical assistance from Envision Minnesota to identify sustainability and livability strategies in order to create a more Vital downtown area. The goal of the study will be to identify opportunities to encour- age new investment in the do wntown and /or address specific topics or issues which will preserve or enhance the downtown' small-town character. The pro - cess will maximize resident, business owner and other community r stakeholder involvement. Potential areas of focus for the study may include: • Downtown Community Events • Signage 0 Potential Connections Linking the Downtown Area to the Lakes 0 Downtown Parking • Downtown Speed Limits 0 Public Transit Bus Stop Location 9 Commercial Property R edevelopment 0 other ISSUES: The City of Prior Lake wound file to utilize the strengths of the EDAC members by using the EDAC as the steering committee for the Envision Minnesota Down- town Vitality Study. EDAC members should discuss the potential areas of study identified above and provide initial direction to staff from Envision Minnesota and the City of Prior Lake. FINANCIAL Staff time related to assisting Envision Minnesota in the study. IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: ES: I. Motion and second offering the services of the EDAC to serge as the Envi- sion Minnesota Downtown vitality Study steering committee. 2. Motion and second offering the services of specific members of the EDAC to serve a s the Envision Minnesota Downtown Vitality Study steering commit- tee. 3. Defer action to a future EDAC meeting. RECOMMENDED MEN ED As determined by the EDAC. MOTION: � j U 4646 Dakota Street SE W �� Prior Lake. MN 55372 � O . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY Y C IV1MITTEE REPORT I T MEETING DATE: June 28, 201 AGENDA #: 4. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM DOWNTOWN PAl l iG STUDY DISCUSSION: Introduction City staff has been working to mpl to a parking study for the downtown a rea. During the week of June 18, 2012, City staff completed a total of 15 parking stall occupancy surreys throughout the downtown. The results of the parking stall surveys will be presented to the EDA and EDAC in a report analyzing the current downtown par ing suppler and demand. Histr In April 2004, Bonestroo completed a downtown area parking study for the City o f Prior Lake. The Bonestroo study was designed to be easily updated as land use development and/or redevelopment occurs in the downtown area. City staff will utilize the 2004 study as a template for the 20 12 Downtown Area Parking Study update. Conclusion City staff has been working to update the downtown parking study. Parking counts were conducted during the week of June 18' The results of the parking counts will be available for EDAC review during the June 28 meeting. The co mpleted report will be available for EDAC review prior to the July meeting. ISSUES: Discussion Only. FINANCIAL Costs related to staff time conducting surrey and compiling results. PACT: ALTERNATIVES: TIVES: Discussion Only. R ECOMMENDED ME[ DED Discussion Only. MOTION: e( AV U 9646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake. MN 55372 NES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT T MEETING DATE: .June 28, 2012 A GENDA##: 5.a. PREPARED ED Y: Casey McCabe, Community Development specialist AGENDA DA ITEM: EDA UPDATES DISCUSSION: Introduction Updates of EDA activity related to the following will be presented by Bill Henry and Dan F ogness at the June 28, 2012 meeting: Broadband Fiber Network • Technology Village Incubator Hit Broadband Fiber Network — The EDA Broadband Advisory Committee presented its report and recommendations during a special meeting of the EDA on ,June 21't a Due to the amount of questions from EDA members and additional discussion needed, the EDA and Broadband Advisory Committee will schedule an additional meeting in the coming weeks. Technology Village Incubator -- The Technology Village subcommittee presented its business plan and recommendations at the June 11, 2012 meeting of the EDA. The EDA was Very receptive to the subcommittee report and requested a few minor modifications be wale to the business plan. The Technology Village subcommittee will make the requested modifications and a reprised plan will be presented to the EDA on July 1 #�' Conclusion Updates of EDA activity related to the status of the broadband network planning and Technology Village incubator will be presented to the EDAC at the June 28, 2012 meeting. ISSUES: Update only, FINANCIAL None. IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Update only. RECOMMENDED Update only. MOTION