HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 06 12 City Council minutes 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 6 , 201 2 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present were Mayor Myser, Council members Hedberg and Soukup , City Manager Boyles, City Attor ney Mark Johnson , Finance Director Erickson, City Engineer / Inspe c- tions Director Poppler, Public Works/Natural Resources Director Gehler, Natural Resources / Fleet / Facilities Manager Friedges, Community and Economic Development Director Rogness , Planner Matzke, Assistant City Manager Kansier, Assistant City Manager Meyer , and Administrative Assistant Green. Council members Eric k- son and Keeney were absent. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each presenter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or polit i cal agendas. Topics may be addressed at the Public Foru m that are on the agenda except those topics that have been or are the subject of a scheduled public hearing or public information hearing before the City Cou n cil, the Economic Development Authority (EDA), Planning Commission, or any other City Advisory Co mmittee. The City Council may discuss but will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the Forum. Comments: No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Manager Boyles informed the Council that item 10A, Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development known as Jeffers Pond and Preliminary Plat to be known as Je f- fe rs Pond 6th Addition, requires at least four of the five Council members to vote in favor of approval in order to comply with City Code and should therefore be deferred to a meeting where at least four members are in a t- tendance. City Manager Boyles also informed the Council that item 10D , Consider Approval of a Resolution Adopting an Amendment to the 2012 Prior Lake General Fund and Economic Development Authority Budgets, could be co n- sidered for deferral until the entire Council is present. MOTION BY SOUKUP, S ECOND BY HEDBERG T O APPROVE THE AGEND A MODIFIED TO REMOVE THE ABOVE MENTIONED ITEMS . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup . The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY HEDBERG, S ECOND BY MYSER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JU LY 23 , 2012 , MEE T- ING AS PRESEN T ED . VOTE: Ayes by Myser and Hedberg . Soukup abstained due to her absence at the meeting. The motion ca r- ried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. Phone 952.447. 9800 / Fax 952.44 7 . 4245 / www.cit yofpriorlake.com A. Consider Approval of Claim s Listing MOTION B Y HEDBERG, S ECOND BY SOUKUP T O APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup. The motion carried. PRESENTATION No presentation was scheduled. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearing was scheduled. O LD BUSINESS No public hearing was scheduled. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of Resolutions: 1) Authorizing Expenditures for the Development of Northwood Meadows Park, and 2) Accepting Bids, Awarding Contract, and Authorizing Execution of the City’s Sta ndard Construction contract for the Purchase and Installation of the Playground Equipment for Northwood Meadows Park Natural Resources / Fleet / Facilities Manager Friedges described the proposed amenities to develop Nort h- wood Meadows Park along with the a ssociated costs. Identified work that would be completed by City staff and that which would be outsourced. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) identifies $ 105,000 for development of the park. Staff recommends that a c ontract for purchase and installa tion of the play struc ture be approved w ith St. Croix Recreation Company. Comments: Hedberg : Stated his understanding that the City advises bidders of its budget rather than providing a set of specifications to see what we can get for the mo n ey. Fried ges : Responded that some desired components are identified . W e ask for a certain amount of events (a c tivities) and identify the budget . T hen the vendors put together their proposal. Hedberg : Commented this is a unique bidding process, but one that give s the City value. Stated when this park was first programmed into the CIP, question s were posed about how developed this community should be before a playground was put in. Observed that this neighborhood appears to be about 80% built out and it is time to get the park built. Asked where the money comes from for this kind of park development. Friedges : Replied that the land comes from developer s and some building permit fees go into the park deve l- opment fund. Hedberg : Clarified that it is money that is dedicated for park development. Asked how far it is expected that people will walk to use the park. Friedges : Replied that the s ervice area is anticipated to be a radius of 1/3 mile around the park . Hedberg : Commented that this will be a nice a menity for the new neighborhood as well as the established neighborhoods along Northwood Road. Money comes from capital development and creates an amenity that will be a t tractive and useful. Will support. Soukup : Commented that the ball field is for the neigh borhood and also for Prior Lake Athletics for Youth ( PLAY ) t - ball programs. Asked if any of P LAY participation funds will go toward maintenance of the ball field. Friedges : Replied that City staff grooms the ball fields in neighborhood parks three times a week but little other maintenance is done. Soukup : Suggested it may be worth it from a cost perspective to have a conversation with PLAY about that. Hedberg : Noted that several trails are depicted on the graphic. Asked if they are all constructed. 2 08 06 2012 City Council Minutes Fri edges : Affirmed that they are all installed. Hedberg : Asked about the path of the trail to the regional park . Friedges : Described the trail and affirmed that it encircle s the park. Hedberg : Clarified that the trail also ties to Spring Lake Regional Pa rk. Friedges : Noted he visited the Spring Lake Regional Park area and it appears the trails there are almost co m- plete and will add another 3 - 4 miles of trails. Myser: Commented that there is a process that follows a series of steps to evaluate equipm ent before ma k ing a purchase; and it would be great to have a similar process for parks to see how development of parks fits in the City’s sustainable parks plan , and provide that information to Council in agenda reports. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOU KUP TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 12 - 120 AUTHORIZING E X- PENDITURES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NORTHWOOD MEADOWS PARK AND ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CITY’S STANDARD CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE AND I N- STALLATION OF PLAYGROUND EQUI P MENT AT NORTHWOOD MEADOWS PARK. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of an Ordinance Amending Prior Lake City Code Section 1101.700 and the Zoning Map for Approximately 28 Acres of Property Located Northeast of the Intersection of CSAH 12 and CSAH 17 Community Development Director Rogness stated that annexation map subareas 6.1 and 8.3 were recently annexed into the City and subarea 6.2 (180 acres) on the west side of Spring Lake is now proposed for annex a- tion. Noted that p roper ty comes in to the City zoned R - 1 by default ; and that staff has considered that some of this property could be rezoned to agricultural. Provided a comparison of R - 1 and Ag ricultural uses. Explained nonconformity and restrictions su b sequent to that. Stat ed that the Sailer property would be nonconforming in an R - 1 zone and Mr. Sailer is requesting Agricultural zoning . Noted that the neighboring Peterson property also appeared to have an agricultural use , but that Mr. P e terson stated a preference to be zon ed R - 1. The Planning Commission recommends that all three parcels be rezoned to agricu l tural. Comments: Soukup : Asked if Peterson operates his property in an agricultural manner. Rogness : Replied that he h as a few horses. The property could legitima tely remain in nonconforming status if the nu m ber of horses remains the same. If someone purchased property and requested more of an ag ricultural operation, they would have to apply for rezoning. Soukup : Asked if rezoning would be necessary if the proper ty was purchased for residential deve l op ment. Rogness : Replied that if future uses remained at R - 1, no rezoning would be required. Soukup : Asked if it would be appropriate for the Sailer property to be R - 1. Rogness : Replied that it would be permitte d to remain as the business operation it is today , but they would not be able to expand. Soukup : Asked if it matters if the business is wholesale or retail. Rogness : Replied it would not matter. Soukup : Clarified that the City knows the desires of the owners. Rogness: Replied that Sailer favor s having his two parcels rezoned to Agricult u ral and Peterson wants his pa r- cel to remain R - 1. Peterson could be excluded from the Agricultural zo n ing. Hedberg: In the overall annexation, there will be 2,000 – 3 ,000 homes in the area. Rogness : Affirmed it is a lot of acreages for residential, but cannot confirm that number of homes at this time. Hedberg : Commented that Comprehensive Plan modifications will have to be done in the future and he b e- lieves that i n that review, the intersection of CR 12 and CR 17 should be considered for neighborhood comme r- cial kind of services. Believes t hat may not be addressed in this annexation plan. Asked what implications r e- 3 08 06 2012 City Council Minutes zoning to Agricultural may have if the City want s to guide some of the property on that intersection to comme r- cial for the future. Rogness : Replied that several properties in the northern annexation area are zoned Agricultural to support cu r- rent uses until the time when commercial development can occur. Does not believe current rezoning to agricu l- ture would have negative impact for future development and it will be key to have City sewer and water to the area. Hedberg : Stated that he w ould favor complying with Peterson’s preference to remain R - 1 , but i t is his unde r- standing that with such zoning Peterson would not be able to expand the horse operations. Noted the ability of the land to be redeveloped as residential property will be limited until sewer is extended to the nearby Ste m mer Ridge property . C urrently there is no timeline attached to that sewer line connection so the timing of when th at property could be developed is unknown. Will support rezoning of Sailer’s to A griculture and support Pete r son’s request to r e main R - 1. Myser : Asked if proper ty tax reflects having City services as soon as it is annexed and what the anticipated taxes will be for these properties. Rogness: Understands that the property tax is primarily based on use of a property, not the zoning ; and use is impacted by sewer an d water being available. Myser : Asked w hat typical size of commercial property might be considered in the CR 12 and CR 17 area. Wishes to avoid rezoning to commercial after residential properties have been built. Rogness : Responded that, p otentially , t he further out of the City, the larger an area of commercial may be needed. Matzke : Added that future zoning for commercial areas depicts generally an acre per commercial site. This is approximately 10 acres. Most of our commercial sites are much smalle r than this loc a tion. Myser : Would support zoning Sailer ’ s Agricultural and Peterson ’s R - 1. Asked what process could assure r e- view of that intersection during the next Comprehensive Plan review. Rogness : S uggested the City Council direct the Planning C ommission to look at this area as a potential amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and come back with a recommendation. Hedberg : Asked if current ordinance would allow rural residential development of the Peterson property – such as an intention to have fo ur 2.5 acre lots with private wells and se p tics. R ogness : Replied that m unicipal services would be required. Hedberg: Hopes that the Peterson’s understand that. Myser : A sked if the Council support s directing staff or the Planning Commission to consid er these properties in the next Comprehensive Plan review. Hedberg : Y es . Soukup: Y es . MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 112 - 05 AMENDING SECTION 1101.700 OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF PRIOR LA KE WITH THE PR O VISITION THAT PETERSON’S PROPERTY, PID # 11 - 905 - 019 - 0. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup. The motion carried. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO DIRECT STAFF TO UNDERTAKE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW OF THESE PROPERTIES IN ADV ANCE OF THE 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of Resolution Approving the Purchase of Upgrades to the Automated M e ter Reading System Public Works Director Gehler r eviewed the histor y of failures of the automatic meter reading sy s tem. Failing units have been identified and a proposal prepared for upgrading them. Reviewed the upgrades that have been neg o tiated with the quote. 4 08 06 2012 City Council Minutes Comments: Hedberg : Reiterated that when this issue was first brought before the Council, it was anticipated the re was a need to replace the entire meter reading system at a cost over $2 million. . Current ly the manufacturer of the system has been purchased by new owners who have advised us that another five o r more years use of the sy s tem can be obtained by upgrading just the meter units that are fai l ing. Gehler : Affirmed. Hedberg : Believes it worthwhile to take some cautions as the company has new ownership and customer se r- vice efforts should be monitored. They are not local and there could be issues with that. Will support, but b e- lieves it should be mon i tored closely. Gehler : Affirmed that another 5 - 10 years of life from the current system can be expected. We w ill have five years to monitor and learn wh ether Aclara is a good vendor to work with. Soukup: This has been discussed in work sessions several times. Believes this is a fair way to see if this is a system and vendor we want to continue with or to consider someone else in the future. Myser: Ori ginally we thought we had a system failure that would be a multi - million dollar effort; this process with Aclara to communicate, ask questions and learn whether there is any other answer has been a learning exper i- ence. Will support. MOTION BY SOUKUP , SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 12 - 121 AUTHORIZING U P- GRADES TO THE AUTOMATIC W A TER METER READING SYSTEM. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup. The motion carried. Consider Approval of an Administrative Policy with Respect to Electronic Mes sage Board Content Assistant City Manager Meyer informed the Council that the electronic bulletin in the downtown entry sign has been installed and with software installations it will be ready to go. It is the first electronic bulletin for the City and a policy regarding its use is proposed. Described the proposed policy . Want to start small and focus on City programs. Suggested r eview of the policy in a year to determine whether it meets our needs. Comments: Soukup: Supports it as a starter policy. Suggested including posting road conditions, traffic , etc. in the second draft. Meyer : Replied she considered that to be part of city news, but agreed the policy can be more specific about it. Hedberg : E mphasized that the Communications and T echnology Advisory C ommittee reviewed the proposed policy and they conducted significant discussion around the first point of excluded content, which was promoting school, civic organization or non - City sponsored fundraising or other events. There was a clear cons ensus among the A dvisory C ommittee that they want to pass it as it is now ; but once operational procedures are well unde r stood, such items should be considered for inclusion. Myser : Q uestioned whether some non - profit organizations that host big events s hould be included. Unde r- stand s why the City would like to have time to learn how to use it, etc. Suggested the review of the policy could be sooner than a year. Encouraged charging other organizations a fee to post their events and info r mation . MOTI ON BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG APPROVING RESOLUTION 12 - 122 ADOPTING THE ELE C- TRONIC MESSAGE BOARD POLICY. VOTE: Ayes by Myser, Hedberg and Soukup. The motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Community Events 5 08 06 2012 City Council Minutes Hedberg: Tomorrow is Night to Unite. Understand s t here are 16 or more neighborhoods that have signed up to participate. Commented that this event a llows people to come together in their neighborhoods and learn how to promote safety. Myser : T hank ed t he Chamber for another success ful Lakefront Days . Offe red k udos to maintenance, police and fire for conducting an orderly exit from park when the storm popped up. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by Hedberg a nd secon d ed by Soukup . With all in favor, t he meeting adjourned at 8: 17 p.m. __________________________________ ________________________________ Frank Boyles, City Manager Charlotte Green, Admin. Assistant 6 08 06 2012 City Council Minutes