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11 19 2012 agenda packet
2, Approval of Agenda: 3. Consider Approval of Hoverer 5, 2012 Meeting bi tes: Public Hearings: A. Business Friendly Ordinance Amendments. City staff is recommending ordinance amendments to the -1 (General Industrial) Zoning District, Section 1101 (General Provisions), Section 1102 Us Districts) and Section 1107 (General Performance Standards) of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. 5. Old Business: None Now Business: A. #EP 12-125 l iwann's Vacation. Brad Riwann is requesting to vacate the existing drainage and utility easements ionated within Lots 7 and 8 of Shady Beach Addition* A realigned easement will be dedicated over the existing utilities= 7, Announcements and Correspondence: A. Recent City Council discussions/decisions. Adjournment: A. Planning Commission will adjourn to a work session to discuss certain areas of Prior Lake in relationship to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan LA 12 FILEW2 PLANN ING COMMISSIONA12 A EN A 1111912 Agenda.doc Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / NNivNv. it 0fprior1a . m PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, November 5, 2012 . Cali to order: Chairman Phelan called the November 5, 2012 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m, Those present were Commissioners, 131ahnik, Phelan ;:,{R, s ak, and Spieler, Community and Economic Development Director Dari F ogness, and ,Q, } Panner Jeff Matzke F+� / S I + + F s 2.A rov l of A an . .kaak, .} :�. a'rx# +#axa in a+i+r}}r�F#{Sss� Sir#x yw � FitT PP1 J E NOVEMBER5, 2012 MOTION Y L I IK, SECS F#a Ir 77 7 k [ 11 EETING AGE ]DA AS PRESENTED. Sr.# ,. rS}r' ± +SxrT�} VOTE: es Elahnik ieler, Ros ak and P fn# The Motion carri+ Frsiay -c X. } a a vSrS .i#[�r st ria +t+sSr F= a 3 3 _-a � .aS -t s S+ 3 hin close roAT "S+ ' � of item A} heConmissfoner Phelan stated due to..:.his residers �� �-[,y[* will fill in Chair will a abstaining from this agenda i x� 4�-s r om issior + � ±Roszak pray .s}i kshi4a�Fx ++'} ' i t r ra}'s'iaar % 3. Consider Approval of o to er"4 , �oF2��:Meet1ing fM7k to : ,a :rr F4}• a kis ,r Sti- - +o}rSx+"F}ryF}} FF}iFiik�SSkF-!F`"I., i} }}i ia +t S}+rk4+ MOTION IELE�+§EG0NDED YY LAHNIK7.0,.,APPROt VE THE SEPTEMBER 17, �rr%OA;rs y ri rF201 2 MEETlNG MlN T $. SS lYsa[+s+[S akn_�p�r. T�Votion carried.TE: Ayes, Blahnik + T kY FYi FA # FFs Fy*#}iA FY} - - y}Fsa s Y + +a+sa-_ _ .Si +r+FF Ar FFaS i aF kra'" F rS} ■ P l [ T {+ • FaT+}i}'si} i' ' r++iF rr .Fykrirr#a. a}r}r!i a+l+oFr Yr aT: Sil Fi F,x,' f's '+kFF}rFx` r S}... •ras a+ xFF �s#+SF Mdk ai}aEi.i:�: T}'r � s i eii � t C. Fels a Mata s requesting a Condition *�1 " Permit to �i liq ..�` ��-its:-.a restaurant in the -2(General Business) ening .r"�.+rf District. The r'�ct site is in t�ossroa Commercialtenter near T and . . r�/�/' rFx°s Fi Fyia�_ +±}}ii#Fx' ii}rrr}}• Booth■ ��7,y`� i Street} }kka SriYr+}a} s }�Y _ •Y �iFir kraal +iiisS liisaxa�o-`4 i+}S}}��' • } F i i�F rirr}}+r+}v }yayayr t a Planner Matzke pre§bffled thrturos LLC has applied for a conditional use permit to allover a restaurant with liquor in �'i �: ,:r }k°. G- neral Business) Commercial Zoning District, The restaurant is a� Teresa's Mexican F estaurari } -kko'oi merclal tenant within the Crossroads Commercial Center. The site yFTix�.r+ is located at 6880 Boudin Strut. Section 1 1 2. 1 1 o, C--2 General Business Use District of the Prier Lade Zoning Ordinance, states that "Restaurants and Clubs and Lodges with Liquor" require a Conditional Use Permit as further identified in section: 1102.1103(5). This section includes fire conditions that must be met. The last condition relates includes additional conditions if the building is within 100 feet of an -1 Zone; this commercial building is within that distance. The City Council granted Ori -Sale Intoxicating andOn-Sale Sunday Liquor Licenses to Teresa's Mexican Restaurant on October 22nd that is effective November 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. The council's approval was conditioned upon the Planning Commission granting a Conditional Use Permit. Staff is recommending approval based on the proposed use meeting the conditions specified in Section 1102.1103(5). Commissioner Questions: Blahnik asked whether the previous restaurant sold alcohol? Planner Matzke responded they did not. Blahnik asked whether the liquor license granted by the City Council is a full liquor license? Planner Matzke responded yes it is. There are different liquor licenses, but he believes that due to the type of drinks they serve Teresa's applied for the full liquor license. spieler asked whether the liquor license for MGM is totally different? Planner Matzke said MGM is a retail service; they have an off -sale liquor license whereas Teresa's is on -sale. Spieler asked Matzke whether he is familiar with what Savage has at Buffalo Wild Wings or Applebee's in terns of liquor licenses? Planner Matzke responded that Savage is likely to have similar liquor ordinances, but they may differ somewhat. The liquor license would probably be very similar to this one for the type of alcohol to be purchased. Applicant Fernando Arellano (1699 Victoria Fid Mendota Heights, l stated he is representing Teresa's Mexican an restaurant. The primary function of their restaurants Is a family establishment. Most of their business is through food sales; serving liquor is an added amenity for their guests. Management uses a variety of provisions to govern the distribution of alcohol. Teresa's does a good job in preparing the servers. Once a year, Teresa's holds a lost prevention class. All of the Teresa's restaurants will be installing ILS scanners to insure they are valid. The hours of operation reflect the emphasis on a family dinning setting. Blahnik asked how many of their restaurants are in the Metro area. Applicant Arellano replied that they have one in Mendota Heights, Lakeville, and Golden Valley. Blahnik stated that it seers their business is going well. Applicant Arellano responded fires; they have found that Minnesota has a very good market. et. Spieler asked how close the Mendota Heights location is to residential hones? Applicant Arellao believes it is within about Soo foot. spieler asked what percentage of their business is from alcohol sales? Applicant Arellano responded that it varies from site to site. The highest is in Lakeville at about 1percent. Mendota Heights is about 15 percent. 2 Spieler asked whether they are expecting this to be similar to the Mendota heights? Applicant Arellano responded yes. Spieler asked whether they have had any issues from crime or drunk driving? Applicant Arella no identified one break-in during the Mendota heights remodel, but none other than that one. MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY I LAHNIK To OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:20 PIIS TE: Ares, Spieler, roszak and Ilahnik. The Motion carried. Dave Chror n 16295 Seel Cir) started his support for the project. As a member of the EDA, they are looking for business to come to Prior Lake and fill vacant spaces. As a current business owner of Village Market, he believes it is important to offer liquor with food. Gene Happe. (2909 Woods Trail Burnsville MN) stated that he is at the hearing to address any questions the commission may have regarding the site. spieler asked if there is enough parking for this site compared to other Teresa's locations. Happe responded that the uses in the shopping center operate at different hours. The daycare operates during the day; Verizon and the rail salon don't demand much parking. The busiest time for Teresa's will be in the evening, which is when the other stores are less buss. Happe believes there is plenty of parking at this site to meet the demand. Spieler asked if parking does become an issue, will cars then be parking on the street behind the commercial building? Happe responded that when the center was developed, it was made clear that no traffic or parking would be allowed to use Timothy Avenue. Planner Matzke added that Timothy was reconstructed this past year, and with a narrowed street, no parking signs were installed along the east side. sandee Wright (1 4300 Timothy Ave) stated that living in this neighborhood within close proximity r to the commercial use has been difficult. The proposed restaurant would be ar type that people in the neighborhood would ld frequent. When tenants move in and out of the commercial center, the construction traffic can become congested as parking on Timothy increases. The neer tenant should be informed of the rules and regulations regarding parking/traffic on Timothy and be reminded that they abut ar residential area. Concerns about enforcing the ordinances were raised by Wright. Her main concerns include ordinances not being enforced, and noise due to the commercial uses. She would like to see the C.U.P. conditions limit the hogs of operation to that of the restaurant's hours. Fosak asked where deliveries typically are received at the site? Happe responded that the only dock for deliveries is at NAPA on the front side. All other tenant spaces receive deliveries through the front entrances. All garbage is taken out at NAPA's dock and another garbage enclosure on the north side. Fon Wie y (6830 Boudmins ST) stated his concerns about the property values decreasing in the neighborhood. The buffer zone is a grater garden and is only about 2 feet high. People will use the back entrances; if the back entrances could he limited, it would help with the noise. Michael Wright (14300 Timothy Ave) stated concerns about after-hours ordinance enforcement. The commercial building's 's H AC noise is very bothersome. Roszak entered a letter into the public hearing record that was received from a neighborhood resident, Tedd Greenfield, and the commission will tale his comments into consideration. MOTION Y BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:45 PIM TE: Ayes} Spieler, Fosak and Blahnik. The Motion carried. Commissioner Comments: Blahnik asked whether the applicable ordinance here would limit the serving hours for alcohol from :00 ASM to '10:00 PIM Sunday through Thursday, and 7 -1 00 AIM to 11 *4 0 0 PIM Friday and Saturday? Planner Matzke responded yes, but these conditionai hours relate to serving liquor rather than the hours of operation. larhr ik stated his support for the C.U.P. with respect to the concerns of the neighbors. The decision before the commission is the granting or not granting for the serving of alcohol. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will not adversely impact the use of properties. spieler asked if there is a gray to move the "no outlet'} sign to the corner of Boudin and Timothy' Planner Matzke responded yes if it has not already been done; he gill bring that request to the city's Public Works department. Spieler stated his support for Teresa's. One concern is with the hogs of operation; when the restaurant closes, people will likely linger around the property. Roszak stated his support because the use is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. It will not have undue adverse effects on surrounding property. It is consistent with the zoning ordinance. MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 12-13PC APPROVING G CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO TEf ESA'S (MEXICAN RESTAURANT Af T T 4 ALLOW A RESTAURANT SERVING LIQUOR IN THE C-2 {GENERALBUSINESS) ZONING DISTRICT VOTE: Ayes, Spieler} Roszak and Blahnik. The Motion carried. �R old Business: None . New Business: None . Announcements and Correspondence: A. Recent City Council Discussions/Decisions. Director Rogness presented certain items that related to the planning commission from the October 22 City Council Meeting. Director r ness discussed the November 26 City Council work session in regards to the Planning Commission annual report. R Adjournment: MOTION Y BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO ADJOIN THE MEETING. TE: Ayes, la hnik, Roszak, Phelan, and Spieler. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at :03 p.m. Peter Al ritt, Community Development Assistant 5 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake_ MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 4A SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO SECTIONS 1101, 1102 AND 1107 OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE. PREPARED BY: CASEY MCCABE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST PUBLIC HEARING: X YESNO-N/A DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2012 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of the public hearing is to consider amendments to Sections 1101 (General Provisions), 1102 (Use District Regulations) and 1102 (General Performance Standards) of the City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. DISCUSSION: The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) is advisory to the Economic Development Authority (EDA) and its purpose is to study and provide reports, analysis and recommendations to the EDA on economic development matters as assigned. The EDAC's responsibilities include: serving as a liaison between city government and the community, reviewing and commenting on economic development and redevelopment policies to the EDA, making recommendations to the EDA regarding economic development issues, strategy development and implementation, and other initiatives that can be undertaken to expand and strengthen business retention & expansion. As a part of its mission, the EDAC has held an annual Meet -N -Greet event with commercial property owners and business leaders to share information and provide City policy updates, answer questions, and provide property owners and business leaders an opportunity to share comments, suggestions or concerns. As a result of public comments received at the 2011 Meet -N -Greet event related to restrictive commercial and industrial zoning and development requirements in the City of Prior Lake, both the EDAC and EDA have held numerous discussions to identify opportunities to make the City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance more "business friendly". Under the direction of the EDAC, Community and Economic Development staff has spent a great deal of time researching the building standards and Zoning Ordinance requirements from seven peer communities in the region; peer communities were chosen based on proximity or size. The results were used to determine if the City of Prior Lake's 1-1, General Industrial District standards were more restrictive, less restrictive or similar to the zoning and land use requirements of surrounding communities. ANALYSIS: Attached is a peer community comparison survey which identifies the building standards and zoning requirements from the seven peer communities studied as well as the proposed redlined amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. City staff has worked closely with the City Attorney's Office who assisted staff with the amended Zoning Ordinance language and the City Attorney has reviewed all proposed revisions. The zoning and land use comparison indicates Prior Lake is more restrictive than peer communities in some areas and less restrictive in others. Generally, it does not appear that Prior Lake is overly restrictive but areas were identified where the City can amend the Zoning Ordinance to simplify the development process and ensure Prior Lake's zoning requirements and development standards are similar to the surrounding communities. In addition to the amendments which simplify the development process and provide similar standards as nearby communities, the City Attorney recommended multiple revisions to add or clarify definitions and update the Zoning Ordinance language. The proposed amendments address concerns the city has received from industrial property owners by allowing a greater variety of Class I approved building materials and decreasing the building setbacks to allow for larger development parcels and more flexible site design options. In addition, the amendments to the use district regulations identify more permitted uses in the General Industrial District and transfers many uses from a conditional use to a permitted with conditions use. Allowing more permitted with conditions uses, opposed to conditional uses, will simplify the development process by eliminating the need for conditional use permit approval prior to development. By amending the use district regulations and listing more uses as a permitted use, conditional use or permitted with conditions use, the City also eliminates the need to amend the Zoning Ordinance in the future if the City receives a development proposal for a specific use not currently listed in the 1-1, General Industrial District. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT FINDINGS: Section 1108.600 of the Zoning Ordinance states: 1108.600 POLICY FOR AMENDMENTS. Recommendations of the Planning Commission and final determinations of the City Council shall be supported by findings addressing the relationship of the proposed amendment to the following policies: (2) In the case of amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance: ➢ There is a public need for the amendment, or ➢ The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the City, or ➢ The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal requirements. IA 12 files\12 ordinance amend\zoning\business friendly zoning ordinance amendment\pc report 4a 11.19.2012.doc Page 2 1. There is a public need for the amendments. Property and business owners have expressed concerns that restrictive zoning and land use requirements create a slow and costly development process and the requirements are hampering their ability to grow and expand businesses or develop properties. Staff research identified areas where the City of Prior Lake does have somewhat restrictive requirements related to zoning, land use and development in its Industrial District compared to surrounding communities. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments relax some of the current development requirements, provide more flexible development options in the future and more closely align Prior Lake's Zoning Ordinance to those of surrounding communities. 2. The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan, or other adopted plans or policies of the City. This amendment will accomplish a goal of the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan under the Economic and Community Development strategic element, which is to review the existing City Code and Zoning Ordinance provisions to assess their impact on achieving economic development objectives. Staff believes by listing specific conditions of approval, allowing a wider variety of uses within its industrial district, providing adequate separation distances from adjacent properties, and promoting the City's existing industrial areas, the proposed amendments meet the following purposes of the Zoning Ordinance: ➢ Protect the residential, business, industrial and public areas of the community and maintain their stability. ➢ Promote the most appropriate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, public land and public areas. ➢ Provide for compatibility of different land uses by segregating, controlling and regulating unavoidable nuisance producing uses. 3. The adoption of this amendment is consistent with State and/or federal requirements. These amendments are consistent with federal and state requirements. CONCLUSION: The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments are intended to simplify the development process and bring Prior Lake's zoning, land use and design requirements for the 1-1, General Industrial District into greater conformance to peer communities. It is the intention of City staff to conduct a similar review and propose additional amendments to the Zoning Ordinance related to commercial development districts in 2013. Based upon the findings set forth in this report, staff recommends approval of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments. IA 12 files\12 ordinance amend\zoning\business friendly zoning ordinance amendment\pc report 4a 11.19.2012.doc Page 3 ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending the City Council approve the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments as recommended by staff and indicated in the attached draft ordinances. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and second recommending the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance amendments as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the City Council deny the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments based on specific findings. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for a specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. ATTACHMENT: 1. Peer Community Comparison Survey 2. Proposed Redlined Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance 3. Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance — Changes Accepted IA 12 files\12 ordinance amend\zoning\business friendly zoning ordinance amendment\pc report 4a 11.19.2012.doc Page 4 Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1101 GENERAL PROVISIONS SHR-9FCTInNS 1101.100: Purpose and Intent 1101.200: Overview 1101.300: Rules of Construction 1101.400: Definitions 1101.500: General Provisions 1101.600: Districts Established 1101.700: Zoning Map 1101.800: Boundaries 1101.900: Uses Not Listed 1101.1000: Land Use Descriptions 1101.1100: Motorcycles (1101.100 - 1101.900 and 1101.1100 were removed for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance review only) 1101.1000: LAND USE DESCRIPTIONS: The land use categories permitted by this Ordinance are described in this Subsection. Subsection 1109.102 empowers the Zoning Administrator to make interpretations identifying which land use category a proposed land use fits within. Adult Day Care. Non-medical care and supervision of adults on a regular basis for periods of less than 24 hours per day in a structure which is not the residence of the facility operator. Some characteristics of this use are similar to Family Day Care and Nursing Homes. This use is appropriate in Commercial Use Districts provided there is accessibility to outdoor areas for sitting and exercise. Persons served by an adult day care facility are most like nursing home residents or individuals with developmental disabilities or challenges. Agriculture. The production of crops, plants or vines, including forestry. The term also applies to the keeping, grazing or feeding of livestock existing on the effective date of the Ordinance. Agricultural Commodities Sales. The temporary display and sale of flowers, produce and Christmas trees and other greens which are associated with Christmas. Alternative School. A school which offers a curriculum which is equivalent to but is a substitute for the curriculum commonly found in more traditional public or private schools. (Amd. Ord. 109-11, publ. 7/11/09) Animal Handling. The sale, boarding, treatment and care of privately owned small animal pets; may include dogs, cats, fish, reptiles and other mammals but City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/pt Zoning Ordinance excluding large animals such as horses, farm animals (including ostriches) or animals raised for slaughter. Characteristics may include special refuse, storage, noise, odor and other nuisance characteristics. Animal Kennel. Any property where 4 or more animals are owned, boarded, bred or offered for sale. Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Maintenance and repair of appliances, small engines, bicycles and similar items. Characteristics include some outdoor activity and noise. Auto Body/Painting. The painting, straightening, replacing and/or repairing the frame and body parts of motor vehicles, usually damaged as result of an accident or as a result of exposure to the elements; it includes the outdoor storage of damaged and dismantled vehicles, and may generate odor and noise; this use excludes junkyards and automobile wrecking yards. Automatic Car Wash. A structure, or portion thereof, designed to wash automobiles and light trucks with little or no human intervention. The automatic car wash utilizes automated equipment and wash cycles are relatively short. An automatic car wash is typically accessory to other automotive related land uses and may sporadically cause congestion on its site. Bank. A building for the deposit, management and lending of money, frequently with accessory drive -up facility. This use includes banks and savings and loans but not insurance companies or stock brokerage firms. Characteristics may include high peak hour traffic on certain days. Bar. A building where the primary use is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Minors are excluded from entry by law. Characteristics include late hours, high parking demand, noise, trash and litter and heavy off-peak traffic. Use is often found in conjunction with restaurants, hotels and night clubs. Bed and Breakfast Establishment. A private, owner -occupied residence with guest rooms where temporary lodging facilities and some meals are provided to paying lodgers within single family or two family dwellings. The lodging is subordinate and incidental to the main residential use of the building. Indoor recreational facilities for the use of the residents and paying lodgers may be included. Building Construction Structures. A structure used by a contractor or leasing agent as an office or for storage purposes for a construction project for which a building permit has been secured and is in effect; this use includes construction trailers. Building Improvement Trades. A building used for the storage of building supplies and construction equipment and/or office areas dedicated to the conducting of a business related to the construction, alteration, renovation, or structural change to a residential or commercial structure. Such uses may include construction, masonry, HVAC, plumbing or electrical. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p2 Zoning Ordinance Building Material Sales. The sale or rental of building supplies, construction equipment, or home decorating fixtures and accessories. This term does not include a site with a principal building in excess of 40,000 square feet. Business/Trade Schools. A school serving adults and sometimes high school age persons which provides specialized education to develop a skill to prepare for a specific job. Equipment or processing which simulates an industrial or commercial work setting may be included. Business Services. A business primarily engaged in rendering services to business establishments on a fee or contract basis, such as advertising and mailing, building maintenance, employment services, management and consulting services, protective services, equipment rental and leasing, commercial research, development and testing, photo finishing and personal supply services. Car Wash. A structure, or portion thereof, containing facilities for washing motor vehicles by hand or by using production -line, automated or semi -automated methods for washing, whether or not employing a chain conveyor, blower, steam - cleaning or similar mechanical device. The use includes Automatic Car Washes. Carnivals, Festivals and Promotional Events. Tents and stands used for entertainment, display and sale of food and merchandise, and amusement rides permitted for a period not exceeding fourteen days. Club/Lodge. A building operated by an association of persons, primarily not for profit, where social, education, recreational or dining activities are provided. Services provided are not customarily carried on as a business and may include dining, consumption of alcoholic beverages, dancing, legal gambling, and meetings. Characteristics may include late hours, high parking demand, noise and heavy off-peak traffic. Cluster Housing. Dwelling units attached in a single structure, each having a separate private outdoor entrance. Dwelling units may be located on individual lots or on a lot in common. Characteristics may include a larger building mass and scale and larger concentrations of paved surfaces than single family detached dwellings. Commercial Recreation. Includes low -intensity uses that can function without municipal sewer or water, and usually require a large amount of open space. Such uses shall be seasonal or temporary in nature. Community Centers. A building, structure or area which is open to the public and designed to accommodate and serve significant segments of the community and which is used for educational, religious, fraternal, social and recreational programs. This use may include accessory food service and accessory retail shops. Contractors Yard. Any land used primarily for the storage of equipment, vehicles, machinery (new or used), building materials, paints, pipe or electrical components used by the owner or occupant of the property in the conduct of any building trade or craft. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p3 Zoning Ordinance Convention and Exhibition Center. A building providing meeting rooms for the assembly of persons and the display of products and information. This use may include accessory food service or banquet kitchen facilities. Characteristics include heavy parking and loading area requirements and large scale buildings. Copy Shop. A building in which retail oriented graphic and photographic reproductive services are conducted. These services may include the collating and binding of booklets and reports. This does not include industrial operations where printing is of a commercial nature. Country Club. A golf course and associated clubhouse which may contain in addition to locker and shower rooms, dining and bar facilities, meeting rooms and other spaces for large social functions. Typically open only to members and characteristics may include significant trip generation on evenings and weekends. Dry Cleaning, Laundering with Route Pick-up and Delivery. A building where clothing, diapers or other fabrics are cleaned by dry cleaning or laundering processes on site. Materials to be cleaned may be brought to the site either by delivery trucks operated as part of the business or by customers who drop off and pick up their own materials to be cleaned. The use may include the storage of delivery vehicles on the site. Elderly Housing. A building intended and operated for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit, provided that (a) at least 80 percent of the units are occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit; and (b) there is publication of, and adherence to, policies and procedures that demonstrate an intent by the owner or manager to provide housing for persons 55 years of age or older. Education/Academic. Public - Neighborhood or district based education services normally provided to children and teenagers; the use may include evening or off - hour service to adults in the community. This use generally includes an accessory food service and some retail facilities to serve students and faculty. Private - Community or regional based education service normally provided to children and teenagers; facilities similar to public education facilities above except privately owned and/or operated. Family Day Care. A building that provides care, protection and supervision of children in a private residence for periods of less than 24 hours per day for a fee. The size of the outdoor play area, the maximum number of children who may be served, and the number and qualifications of required outside teachers or helpers are set forth in Minnesota State Statutes which may be amended from time to time. This use may be licensed by other agencies. It generates about 4 vehicle trips per child per day. Food Service. The sale of food and beverages which are prepared and served in individual portions in a ready to consume state for consumption off-site; includes seating for not more than 10 persons. Characteristics may include truck and vehicle traffic, cooking odors and refuse. The preferred location is on major thoroughfares with no access to local residential streets. This use is often found in conjunction with motor fuel stations and grocery stores. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p4 Zoning Ordinance Freight Terminal. Short-term storage and transshipment of materials and the outdoor storage of trucks and related equipment. Characteristics include high volumes of large truck traffic. Funeral Home. A building where funeral services are held and where embalming and other processes occur in preparation of the deceased for burial; the use may include the storage of caskets, funeral urns and other related funeral supplies, and usually provides vehicles to transport the deceased to the place of burial. This use does not include a crematorium. Characteristics include intermittent periods of high traffic generation. Golf Course. Land used for playing golf outdoors which consists of golf holes, clubhouse facilities which may contain lockers, shower rooms and incidental sale of golf related items, off-street parking facilities and associated structures for the maintenance and storage of golf course maintenance vehicles and equipment. Group Day Care/Nursery School. A non-residential building where child care, protection and supervision services are provided for a fee on a regular basis for periods of less than 24 hours per day. This use requires a large, sensitively located outdoor play area and it generates about four vehicle trips per child per day. Group Home - Non -Statutory. Occupancy of a residential structure by persons in need of specialized protection and resident staff who usually live together as a housekeeping unit for a limited period of time. This use may include outpatient group counseling, some supervision, forced detention, treatment for mental illness and chemical addiction, protective shelter, half -way house, and release programs. The use may be licensed by the State but licensing is not mandated. Gun Range, Indoor. A totally enclosed building that is equipped for the practice of shooting firearms, including archery, where no activity associated with shooting is conducted outside the building. Heavy Equipment & Specialized Vehicle Sale, Rental & Service. Buildings and premises for the sale, rental and servicing of equipment and vehicles of the following types: 1. Farm and Construction machinery or equipment; 2. Buses and vans designed primarily for the transportation of ten (10) or more passengers; 3. Motor homes, recreational vehicles, trailers and boats of any size. Heliport. Property used for the landing, taking off, basing, service, and repair of helicopters used for transportation purposes. Characteristics include noise and the outdoor storage of helicopters. Helistop. Property used for the landing and taking off of helicopters used for transportation purposes but with no facilities for the service of helicopters. Characteristics include intermittent periods of noise. Home Occupations. An occupation, profession, or activity requiring a permit from the City which provides gainful employment of a resident in a dwelling unit, which is clearly an incidental and subordinate use to the residential use, and which does not City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p5 Zoning Ordinance alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighborhood. Uses that do not qualify as home occupations include, but are not limited to: auto body painting, motor vehicle sales, motor vehicle service and repair, retail sales, massage, medical/dental office, animal handling, beauty and barbershop, warehouse/storage and manufacturing/processing. Hospital. A building which provides health services primarily for human inpatient medical or surgical care; including related facilities, such as laboratories, outpatient departments, training facilities, central service facilities and staff offices. Characteristics include large institutionally designed buildings, large volumes of traffic, large parking lots or ramps, 24-hour activity, service vehicles, large quantities of waste, and emergency vehicles. Hotel/Motel. Buildings which provide overnight lodging in individual rooms or suites of rooms, each having a private bathroom, which are rented by day or week; may include in -room or in -suite kitchens and recreational facilities for use by lodgers. Restaurants, banquet rooms, arcades, fitness centers and other amenities available to non -lodgers are considered separate primary uses. In Vehicle Sales or Service. Sales or service to persons in vehicles; it may include drive-in, drive -up and drive-through facilities; but does not include motor fuel stations. Characteristics include high traffic volumes during the typical peak hour traffic period. Junkyard or Salvage Yard. A place of business that is maintained or operated for the purpose of storing, keeping, buying, or selling junk. Library. A building where collections of books and other materials are housed which is open to the public during regularly scheduled hours which may include weekend days and evenings. Books and other materials may be available for loan. Characteristics may include high parking demand and high traffic generation. Manufacturing/Processing. A building for the production of a physical commodity or changing the form of a raw ingredient; it may include administrative offices, warehousing, and limited distribution and outlet sale of a commodity. Characteristics may include heavy truck traffic, odor and noise of processes and equipment, refuse storage issues, and the use of toxic and hazardous materials. Concrete plants, junkyards, slaughter houses, rendering plants, salvage yards, and auto reduction plants are excluded. Marina. A business adjacent to a navigable lake providing moorings, docks and/or slips for boats. It may also offer supplies and services accessory to the principal use. Medical/Dental Laboratories. Buildings in which individually produced and made to order medical and dental prosthetics are created for the specific needs of specific individuals. Characteristics may include daily deliveries to and from the facilities by car, van or light truck; minimal heavy truck traffic; no use of outside storage and occasional visitation of facilities by customers needing specialized attention as to the make-up and fit of their specific prosthetic. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p6 Zoning Ordinance Medical/Dental Office. A building which provides direct delivery of health related examination and services or treatment to individuals on an appointment or walk-in basis; including, but not limited to: counseling, consultation, chiropractic and podiatry. The use may include a supporting retail component for medicine, health related food, or other product. Motor Fuel Stations. A retail building and accompanying facilities which supplies and dispenses motor fuels directly into a motor vehicle; it also includes the sale of motor vehicle accessories, such as lubricants, batteries and tires and may also include the sale of food, beverages, etc. Motor fuels may be self -serve or dispensed by an attendant. Light maintenance activities to vehicles including engine tune-ups, lubrication, repairs, and carburetor cleaning may also be conducted. Characteristics include outdoor activity, high traffic generation and extended hours of operation. This use excludes heavy automobile repair including, but not limited to, engine overhauls, automobile painting, and body work. Motor Vehicle Sales. Display, sale and rental of automobiles, trucks, watercraft and recreational vehicles; motor vehicle service and repair often occur in conjunction with this use. Characteristics may include outdoor activity, outdoor sound systems, truck deliveries, night and weekend operating hours, and test driving on nearby streets. Motor Vehicle Service and Repair. Repair, lubrication, washing, detailing, equipment installation, engine overhauls, and other similar uses involving automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles. Characteristics may include the storage of vehicles, truck traffic, and night and weekend operating hours; motor fuel stations and auto body/painting are excluded. Multiple -Family Dwelling. More than two dwelling units contained within a single structure, where each has an entrance off a hallway or balcony in common with at least one other dwelling unit. Buildings tend to be large in scale and institutional in appearance. Other characteristics may include high density, large parking lots and high traffic generation on roads in the area occupied by this use. Museums/Art Galleries. A building which houses collectibles, collections of artifacts, paintings or sculptures, which is open to the public during regularly scheduled hours which may include weekend days and evenings. Nurseries & Greenhouses. A business primarily engaged in providing services related to or conducting the retail sale of horticulture and floriculture products. These businesses typically produce their own stock. Nursing Home. A health care business licensed by the State that provides lodging and 24-hour care for medically or physically impaired persons usually on a long term basis. Nursing home residents generally do not have private apartments or kitchens. This use includes food service and may include supporting medical and retail services for the residents. Office. A building in which the handling of information or the performing of administrative services is conducted; includes services provided to persons both on-site and off-site on a walk-in or appointment basis such as counseling or indirect or non -personal service such as real estate, travel agencies, financial City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p7 Zoning Ordinance agencies, insurance offices and professional offices. Excludes hospitals or other medical facilities; except it may include up to a maximum of 10% of the gross floor area in medical or dental offices. Characteristics include high peak period traffic generation between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. OfficeMarehouse. A building in which the handling of information or the performing of administrative services is conducted in conjunction with receiving, holding, shipping and occasional packaging of commodities. Characteristics include high peak period traffic generation between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., high truck traffic generation and parking demand. On -Site Equipment Storage. Any structure or outdoor storage area designed for the on-site storage of construction equipment and materials for an active construction project. Outdoor Sales. The display and sale or rental of merchandise or equipment outside of an enclosed building; may include boat sales, canoe sales, nursery sales, lumber sales; but it excludes the sale of motor vehicles. Outdoor Sales - Temporary. The display and sale of merchandise, other than agricultural commodities, outside of an enclosed building where it is offered in conjunction with an established use that legally sells the same or similar merchandise within a building on the same site. Characteristics include the use of tents, trailers, or other temporary structures. Outdoor Storage. The receiving, keeping or shipping of goods and materials outside of an enclosed building where outdoor activity includes only the unloading, loading, and keeping of materials; may include storage yards for contractors, equipment, lumber, landscaping materials, construction materials and shipping materials and containers. Storage of unlicensed or inoperable vehicles or other materials typically associated with a junkyard or salvage yard are excluded. Parcel Delivery Service/Post Office. A building used for the transshipment of letters and packages generally less than 100 pounds in weight. Customers may purchase stamps, money orders, insurance, and other mail services. Hours of operation are similar to those of offices, but may include Saturdays. Characteristics include high volumes of truck and automobile traffic and vehicles stored on premises overnight. Parking Lots. Surfaced and improved ground surface areas used for the parking of licensed and operable motor vehicles for periods of less than 24 hours at a time. Parking Ramp. A structure built for the storage of licensed, operable motor vehicles for periods of less than 24 hours at a time. Characteristics may include noise, exhaust fume odor, heavy traffic and large structure mass and footprint. Parks/Open Space. A structure or area used for passive recreation including, but not limited to: hiking trails, natural areas, wild life areas, arboretums, open grass areas and tot lots. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p8 Zoning Ordinance Park/Recreation. A structure or area used for active outdoor recreation activities such as baseball diamonds, tennis courts, basketball courts, play fields, playgrounds, outdoor swimming pools, fitness courses and driving ranges. Personal Use Airport. A restricted airport intended for the personal use of the owner of the airport and meeting the criteria of Minnesota Rules 8800.2200. Police/Fire Stations/Ambulance. Police, fire and ambulance related activities, either public or accredited with local health care facilities, designed to serve the public health and safety; may include an office component, storage of fire trucks, police cars and equipment, and the boarding of personnel within an enclosed building. Characteristics may include sporadic periods of loud noise, sirens, and activity. Pollution Abatement Equipment. Equipment and structures that are erected or installed on property for the purpose of eliminating or abating ground or water pollution. Printing Process. A commercial or industrial printing operation involving a process that is considered printing, imprinting, and reproducing images. Methods may include but are not limited to off -set printing, lithography, web offset, and flexography. Private Entertainment (Indoor). Entertainment services provided entirely within an enclosed building; use may include but is not limited to theaters, health or fitness centers, bowling alleys, arcades, roller rinks, and pool halls. Characteristics may include late operating hours, outdoor lighting, noise, and traffic. Public Service Structure. Buildings which include water towers, utility and public service related distribution facilities; and waste water and storm drainage structures, but exclude utility substations. These facilities are normally serviced by small trucks several times per day and by larger vehicles or equipment on a periodic basis. Buildings typically have large windowless walls and an institutional appearance. Recycling Center. An enclosed building for the collection, sorting, temporary storage, processing and shipment of recyclable materials for reuse in their original form or use in manufacturing processes. Recycling facilities may include the following: Designated Recycling Center. An enclosed building which has complied with the permitting rules of the Pollution Control Agency and is open a minimum of 12 operating hours each week, 12 months each year, and accepts for recycling at least four different materials such as paper, glass, plastic and metal. Light Processing Recycling Center. A building or enclosed space occupying an area less than 45,000 square feet and used for the collection and processing of recyclable materials. Processing does not include end-use manufacturing or industrial use but may include the preparation of material for efficient shipment or end -user's specifications, by such means as baling, briquetting, compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing, mechanical sorting, and shredding. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p9 Zoning Ordinance Religious Institutions. A building where people gather to relate or manifest faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity. This use is characterized by meeting rooms, education and training, indoor activities, intermittent parking needs, group singing or chanting and music. The assembly typically meets on weekends or evenings. The building may be utilized at other times for meetings and other activities. Accessory uses which frequently accompany the principal use include day care and park and ride. Research and Testing Laboratories. Buildings used for carrying on investigation in natural or physical sciences, or engineering and development as an extension of investigation with the objective of creating end projects, on a contractual or fee basis. Restaurants. An establishment whose principal business is the sale of food and beverages which are prepared and served in individual portions in a ready to consume state for consumption on site. This use is often found in conjunction with bars, hotels and food service. It is preferably located on major thoroughfares with no access to residential streets. Characteristics include late hours of operation, refuse, high car and truck traffic generation, and cooking odors. A food service or deli is not considered to be a restaurant if seating is provided for ten or fewer persons. Retail. A use where merchandise or equipment is displayed, rented, or sold and where delivery of merchandise or equipment to the ultimate consumer is made; includes limited production, repair or processing as an accessory use. Hours of operation generally begin after a.m. peak traffic period and extend to time ranges from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; although some convenience stores and grocery stores are open 24 hours per day. Characteristics include high parking demand and high off-peak traffic generation; prefers high visibility and access to major thoroughfares. This use includes but is not limited to camera shops, clothing stores, department stores, grocery stores, video stores, discount stores, jewelry stores, liquor stores, delicatessens, retail bakeries, toy stores; but excludes restaurants, bars, motor vehicle sales, and motor fuel stations. Retail Sales, Limited. The retail sales of goods, wares, or merchandise manufactured, produced, or assembled on site and the retail sales of related products or goods which are clearly incidental and subordinate to the goods, wares, or merchandise manufactured or assembled on site. Rooming House. A building where lodging is provided for between 3 and 8 persons and is the primary residence of the owner. Lodging is available on an extended basis rather than daily or weekly. No provision for cooking is provided in any of the rooms by lodgers. Self -Service Storage Facility. A business consisting of a structure or group of structures containing separate storage spaces leased for the storage of goods, products, materials or other objects. Service. On-site service provided directly to an individual; includes, but not limited to: barber shops, beauty shops, massage parlors, laundromats, shoe repair shops, and dry cleaners where articles to be cleaned are picked up and delivered by the patron. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p10 Zoning Ordinance Shopping Center. A group of commercial uses planned, developed and/or managed as a unit which has common parking facilities and contains a minimum of 50,000 square feet of total floor area. Shopping centers may include more than one building and more than one contiguous property. Theaters and restaurants with liquor which locate within shopping centers will be considered separate principal uses for establishing parking requirements. Showroom. The display of merchandise and equipment and its sale to a customer where delivery of purchased merchandise is made directly to the consumer from a warehouse. Merchandise or equipment which is sold may include, but is not limited to: furniture, appliances, plumbing fixtures, lighting and carpeting. Single -Family Dwelling, Attached. A residential structure designed to house a single-family unit from lowest level to roof, with a private outside entrance, but sharing a common wall with adjoining dwelling units. Single -Family Dwelling, Detached. A fully detached residential structure designed to house a single-family unit from lowest level to roof, sharing no common walls with adjoining dwelling units. Stable, Commercial. A structure or land use area used to keep horses for sale or hire to the public. Breeding, boarding, or training of horses may also be conducted. The use may also include commercial riding arenas open to the general public. Stable, Private. An accessory structure or land use that is designed, arranged, used, or intended to be used for the keeping of horses for the private use of the occupants of the principal dwelling and their guests, but in no event for hire. State Licensed Residential Facility. A State licensed residential facility occupied by persons in need of specialized treatment or protection and resident staff who live together as a single housekeeping unit, usually for a limited period of time. The use includes outpatient group counseling, some supervision and treatment programs. The maximum number of clients served is specified by Minnesota State Statute. Persons served may include the developmentally disabled or challenged and severely physically handicapped. Studio. A building where the practice or study of the visual and audio arts occurs; may include painting, sculpting, photography, recording, radio and television studios. This use also includes dance studios and studios for the martial arts. This use does not include large industrial photography or printing processes. Temporary Structures. A building other than a "building construction structure" existing for a period not exceeding six months. Transportation Facility. Any lot or land area used for the storage or layover of passenger buses, motor coaches, rental vehicles, taxis, van pools, rental moving vehicles, or similar (typically includes parking, storage of vehicles, and may City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/pll Zoning Ordinance include some maintenance). Parking of cars/vans/pickups that are accessory to a primary use would be exempt from the above definition. Two -Family Dwelling. Two dwelling units attached in a single structure, each having a separate outside entrance. Dwelling units may be located on individual lots or on a lot in common. Utility Substations. A structure of electrical components to transform high voltage electricity into lesser voltages to make suitable for distribution to end users. The use consists of a large structure and numerous power lines which are difficult to screen. This use has minimal outdoor activity and traffic generation. Warehouse/Storage/Distribution. A building for receiving, holding, shipping and occasional packaging of commodities. With the exception of loading and unloading of commodities, and parking and storage of trailers, all functions are generally within an enclosed building. Characteristics may include high truck traffic and low parking demand. This use may include, but is not limited to, conventional warehouse facilities and joint warehouse and storage facilities. Waste Hauler. The collection and transporting, delivering and disposing of solid waste and recyclable materials generated from commercial and residential premises. For the purpose of this definition, this use does not include the collecting and transporting, delivering and disposing of Hazardous Waste, as defined in Minnesota Statute 609.671, as may be amended from time to time. Wholesale. The selling of merchandise to retailers, or to industrial, commercial or professional business customers, or to other wholesalers or on a mail order basis to individuals or firms, or which serve as agents or brokers buying merchandise for, or selling merchandise to, individuals and companies. Wind Generators. A turbine having a large vaned wheel rotated by the wind to generate activity and extract usable energy from winds. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p12 Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1102 USE DISTRICT REGULATIONS SHR-9FCTIONS 1102.100: Residential District Regulations 1102.200: "A" Agricultural Use District 1102.300: "R -S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District 1102.400: "R-1" Low Density Residential Use District 1102.500: "R-2" Medium Density Residential Use District 1102.600: "R-3" High Density Residential Use District 1102.700: Residential Performance Standards 1102.800: "TC" Town Center Use District 1102.900: "TC -T" Transitional Town Center Use District 1102.1000 "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District 1102.1100: "C-2" General Business Use District 1102.1200 "C-3" Business Park Use District 1102.1300: Commercial Restrictions and Performance Standards 1102.1400 "I-1" General Industrial Use District 1102.1500: Industrial Performance Standards (1102.100 — 1102.1300 and 1102.1500 were removed for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance review only) 1102.1400: "1-1" General Industrial Use District. The "I-1" General Industrial Use District is intended to provide areas of the community which will allow general industrial uses which, due to their size and nature, would not conform to the "C- 3" Business Park Use District. 1102.1401 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District if the use complies with the Industrial Performance Standards of Subsection 1102.1500 and the General Performance Standards of Section 1107. ➢ Manufacturing/Processing ➢ Research and Testing Laboratories ➢ Office ➢ Office/Warehouse ➢ Warehouse/Storage/Distribution ➢ Freight Terminals ➢ Parking Lots ➢ Medical/Dental Laboratories ➢ Printing Process ➢ Showroom ➢ Business/Trade School ➢ Wholesale 1102.1402 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District may be used for one or more of the following uses if the use complies with the Industrial Performance Standards of Subsection City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/pt Zoning Ordinance 1102.1500, the General Performance Standards of Section 1107, and the specific conditions in this Subsection. (1) Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Conditions: a. Outside operating or testing of engines shall be prohibited within 100 feet of the closest boundary line of any "R" Use District. b. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. C. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. (2) Auto Body/Painting. Conditions: a. Inoperable vehicles shall be stored in designated screened storage areas. b. No sales or display of new or used automobiles shall be permitted. C. All auto body repair and painting must be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. d. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. (3) Motor Vehicle Service and Repair. Conditions: a. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of vehicles shall be conducted entirely inside an enclosed building except tire inflation, changing wipers and adding oil. b. No test driving shall be permitted on any street in an "R" Use District C. No access shall be permitted onto residential streets. d. No automatic or standard car washes shall be permitted for public use. e. Vehicles shall be stored in designated screened storage areas. f. No sales or display of new or used automobiles shall be permitted. g. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure or designated storage areas. h. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p2 Zoning Ordinance (4) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All service drives shall be paved. (5) Utility Substations. Conditions: a. No structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line. b. No structure shall be located within 100 feet of the closest property line of any "R" Use District. (6) Animal Handling. Conditions: a. No pens shall be kept outside the building. b. No building or outdoor activity shall be permitted within 100 feet of any property line of a property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. (7) Outdoor Storage: Conditions: a. Storage areas shall be fully screened. Screening shall be 100% opacity in the form of fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights-of-way. b. Storage shall not be permitted within any required yard or bufferyard. C. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibility. d. If the outdoor storage area is located within 100 feet of any property line in any "R" use district, access to the outdoor storage area shall only be permitted between the hours of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm, seven days per week. e. Storage of inoperative vehicles or equipment or other items typically stored in a junkyard or salvage yard shall not be permitted. f. All areas used for storage shall be paved and a drainage plan for the site shall be approved by the City Engineer. g. All outdoor storage areas adjacent to an "R" Use District shall meet the required building setback as defined in Subsection 1102.1405; in all other instances outdoor storage shall meet the required parking setback. h. Outdoor storage area shall occupy an area no larger than 50% of the floor area of the principal structure. (8) Contractors Yard. Conditions: a. Areas used for storage of equipment and materials shall be fully screened. Screening shall be 100% opacity in the form of fencing, landscaping, City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p3 Zoning Ordinance berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights-of-way. b. Areas used for storage of equipment and materials shall not be permitted within any required yard or bufferyard. C. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibility. d. Storage of inoperative vehicles or equipment or other items typically stored in a junkyard or salvage yard shall not be permitted. e. All areas used for storage and parking of street legal or road legal vehicles, such as an automobile, motorcycle, light or heavy truck that are equipped and licensed for use on public roads shall be paved. f. All contractor yards adjacent to an "R" Use District shall meet the required building setback as defined in Subsection 1102.1405; in all other instances contractor yards shall meet the required parking setback. g. If the contractor yard area is located within 100 feet of any property line in any "R" use district, access to the contractor yard area shall only be permitted between the hours of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm, seven days per week. (9) Transportation Facility. Conditions: a. Parking areas shall be screened with fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights- of-way. b. If the transportation facility is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. C. Parking shall not be permitted within any required yard or bufferyard. d. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. e. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. f. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. (10) Building Material Sales. Conditions: a. If any part of the property is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p4 Zoning Ordinance b. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. (11) Building Improvement Trades. Conditions a. If any part of the property is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. b. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. C. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of vehicles or equipment shall be conducted entirely inside an enclosed building. (12) Heavy Equipment &Specialized Vehicle Sale, Rental &Service. Conditions: a. If any part of the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. b. No sales, storage, rental or display of automobiles shall be permitted. C. No test driving shall be permitted on any street in an "R" Use District. d. No car washes or automatic car washes shall be permitted for public use. e. No inoperable equipment or vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. (13) Private Entertainment (Indoor). Conditions: a. If any part of the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. (14) Self -Service Storage Facility. Conditions: a. No compartment doors shall be allowed on a building fagade which faces property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. b. No areas on site shall be utilized as residential living units C. A minimum 6 foot tall fence, wall, or berm shall surround the storage facility area. Screening shall be 100% opacity in the form of a fence, wall, or berm along any area visible from any "R" Use District. No fencing shall be constructed of chain link or barbed wire on the property. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p5 Zoning Ordinance d. No outdoor storage is permitted on site, including but not limited to vehicles, recreational vehicles, portable storage units, and construction materials. e. No storage of hazardous, explosive, of flammable materials is permitted. f. No servicing of motor vehicles, boats, lawn mowers, or similar equipment is permitted on site. g. Activities which use amplified music, auctions, wholesale, retail sales and garage sales are not permitted. h. Exterior materials shall be in accordance with Section 1107.2200 with the following exception: each building face visible from off-site that includes storage access doors shall be required to have at least 25% of the fagade square footage, which does not consist of doorways, constructed of Class I material. i. A minimum of 5 parking spaces or 2 parking spaces plus 1 parking space per 75 storage units, whichever is greater shall be required. (15) Waste Hauler. Conditions: a. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. b. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles or equipment shall be conducted within an enclosed building. C. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) requirements and other applicable Federal, State or County requirements. d. The site shall not abut a property that is currently used residentially or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. e. If any part of the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 200 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. f. Storage of materials outside a principal building or enclosed container is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers is subject to the screening requirements of Subsection 1107.1900. 1102.1403 Uses Permitted With Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the requirements of all the general conditions provided in Subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the Industrial Performance Standards in Subsection 1105.1500, with the General City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p6 Zoning Ordinance Performance Standards in Section 1107, with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection, and with any other conditions the Planning Commission may impose that are intended to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the City to maintain the characteristics of a neighborhood. (1) Heliport. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All heliports shall conform to all applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations. b. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven days per week, excluding emergency operations. C. The helicopter pad shall not be located within 300 feet of any property line of any "R" Use District. d. The landing pad shall be dust free. e. The use shall be permitted only as an accessory use to another principal use and shall not occupy more than 25% of the total site area of the development. f. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. (2) Light Processing Recycling Center. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) requirements and other applicable Federal, State or County requirements for recycling facilities. b. The site shall not abut a property that is currently used residentially or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. C. Storage of recyclable materials outside a principal building or enclosed containers is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers for recyclable materials is subject to the screening requirements of Subsection 1107.1900. d. If any part of the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 200 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p7 Zoning Ordinance (3) Designated Recycling Center. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) requirements and other applicable Federal, State or County requirements for recycling facilities. b. The site shall not abut a property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. C. Storage of recyclable materials outside a principal building or enclosed containers is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers for recyclable materials is subject to the screening requirements of Subsection 1107.1900. d. If any part of the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 200 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. (4) Recreational Dome. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted on the site. b. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends. C. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot line in an "R" use district, and the setback shall be increased by an additional foot for each foot in height that the structure exceeds 60 feet. d. The structure shall be of a color that provides for maximum integration within its surroundings. e. The dome structure shall be fully insulated. (5) Car Wash. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. No public address system shall be audible from any property located within an "R" Use District. b. Drainage and surfacing plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludge removal facilities City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p8 Zoning Ordinance for on -premise dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement. Drainage must be designed to prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water or sludge on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. C. The ingress or egress points for an accessory car wash shall be approved by the City Engineer. The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public right-of-way. Drainage shall be away from the public street at egress points of the car wash to prevent spillage onto the street. The grades of the interior floor shall be sloped away from the exit door, and sloped to an accepted interior drainage system. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed on any public right-of-way. d. An automatic car wash accessory to a motor fuel station or motor vehicle service and repair facility shall provide stacking space for at least four cars. Cars located in these stacking spaces should not block ingress and egress driveways on the site or driveways providing access to gasoline pumps, service bays or required off-street parking, except that vehicles in stacking spaces may block access to parking stalls which are signed for employee parking only. e. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOam to 10:OOpm, seven days per week, unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. (6) Adult Uses. (Conditions listed in Section 1111). (7) Antennas & Communications Towers. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property line of property in any "R" use district. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot line. C. No light, sound or vibration originating from the structure shall be discernible at the property line of any adjacent lot line in an "R" use district. (8) Gun Range, Indoor. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Indoor Gun Ranges must be designed so projectiles cannot penetrate the walls, floor or ceiling and ricochets or back splatter cannot harm range users. b. Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:OOam to 9:OOpm, seven days per week, unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p9 Zoning Ordinance C. No light, sound or vibration originating from the structure shall be discernible at any property line of property in an "R" use district. (9) Nurseries & Greenhouses. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All accessory plantings and gardens adjacent to an "R" Use District shall meet the required building setback as defined in Subsection 1102.1405; in all other instances, accessory plantings and gardens shall meet the required parking setback. b. If any part of the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. (10) Wind Generators. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 300 feet from any property line of any "R" use district. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property line in all districts other than an "R" use district. C. No light, sound or vibration originating from the structure shall be discernible at the property line of any property in an "R" use district. 1102.1404 Accessory Uses. The following uses shall be permitted Accessory Uses in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District. These uses shall comply with the Industrial Performance Standards in Subsection 1105.1500, with the General Performance Standards in Section 1107, and with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection. (1) Parking Lots which comply with the requirements of Subsection 1107.200. (2) Retail Sales, Limited a. Retail sales are limited to a maximum of 15% of the gross floor area of the principal building. (3) Outdoor Sales subject to the following conditions: a. The items displayed must be related to the principal use. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p 10 Zoning Ordinance b. The area allowed for outdoor sales is limited to 30% of the gross floor area used for the display and sale of merchandise, or goods in the principal building. C. If the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven days per week. (4) Motor Vehicle Service and Repair incidental to the conduct of the principal use, subject to the following conditions: a. All repairs and maintenance shall be conducted indoors unless the vehicle or equipment is too large to be moved indoors or if the vehicle or equipment cannot practically be moved indoors or if the repair is of an emergency nature. b. If the principal or accessory building(s) is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. C. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. d. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. e. No sales, storage or display of new or used automobiles or equipment shall be permitted. 1102.1405 Dimensional Standards (1) The following minimum requirements and those additional requirements found in Section 1102.1500 shall govern the use and development of lots in the "I-1" Use District. (2) Lots Adjacent to Residential Use Districts: The following setbacks shall apply to developments on lots adjacent to Residential Use Districts: 60 feet 20 feet City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p 11 Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1107 GENERAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS R11RSFCT1nNS 1107.100: Purpose and Intent 1107.200: Off -Street Parking Areas, Paved Areas and Loading Spaces 1107.300: Number of Required Off -Street Parking Space 1107.400: Signage 1107.500: Interpretation 1107.600: Exempt Signs 1107.700: Permitted Signs; No Sign Permit Required 1107.800: Permitted Signs; Sign Permit Required 1107.900: Permitted Sign Area; Business and Industrial Districts 1107.1000: Calculating Sign Area 1107.1100: Prohibited Signs 1107.1200: Sign Plan Requirements 1107.1300: Sign Permit Requirements 1107.1400: Maintenance 1107.1500: Lapse of Sign Permit 1107.1600: Removal of Signs 1107.1700: Remedies for Violation of the Sign Ordinance 1107.1800: Lighting 1107.1900: Landscaping and Screening 1107.2000: Bufferyards 1107.2100: Tree Preservation and Restoration 1107.2200: Architectural Design 1107.2300: Non -Conformities (1107.100 - 110 7.2 100 and 1107.2300 were removed for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance review only) 1107.2200: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 1107.2201 Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to serve the public interest by requiring development in the City to meet certain minimum architectural design standards. Through a comprehensive review of both functional and aesthetic aspects of new or intensified developments, the City needs to accomplish all of the following objectives: ➢ Implement the goals and policies set out in its Comprehensive Plan; ➢ Preserve the character of residential neighborhoods and the City's commercial and industrial areas; ➢ Maintain and improve the City tax base; ➢ Reduce the impacts of dissimilar land uses; ➢ Promote orderly and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; ➢ Discourage the development of identical and similar building facades which detract from the character and appearance of the neighborhood; ➢ Preserve the natural and built environment; and City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/pt Zoning Ordinance ➢ Minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties from buildings which are or may become unsightly. 1107.2202 Standards. The provisions in Subsection 1107.2202 apply to commercial, industrial, multi -family residential (projects of 3 or more dwelling units per building), public and institutional uses. (1) The visual impact of rooftop equipment shall be minimized using one of the following methods: ➢ A parapet wall. ➢ A fence or screen, the height of which extends at least 1 foot above the top of the rooftop equipment and incorporates the architectural features of the building. ➢ The rooftop equipment shall be painted to match the roof facing material of building. (2) The development must locate the noise -producing portions of the development, such as loading docks, outside storage and outside activity away from adjacent residential areas. (3) All outside storage areas shall be screened to minimize off-site views using a bufferyard type "C" or greater, as defined by Subsection 1107.2005. (4) Utility service structures such as utility meters, utility lines, transformers, generatrors, above ground tanks, fuel canisters, refuse handling, loading docks, maintenance structures, and other ancillary equipment must be inside a building or be entirely screened from off-site views. (5) All utility services shall be under ground except as provided elsewhere in this Ordinance. (6) Exterior surface materials of buildings shall be subject to the following regulations: a. Classes of Materials: For the purpose of this subsection, materials shall be divided into Class I, Class II and Class III categories as follows: Class I: Brick, natural stone, synthetic stucco or EIFS, copper, exposed aggregate concrete panels, burnished concrete block, integral colored split face (rock face) block, exposed aggregate concrete block and glass are Class I exterior building materials on buildings other than those used as dwellings which contain eight or fewer dwelling units. Synthetic stucco or EIFS shall be installed a minimum of four feet above the foundation of the building. Wood, fiber cement, higher impact rated vinyl siding (at least .044 inches in thickness) and prefinished metal are Class I materials on residential buildings containing eight or fewer dwelling units in addition to the other Class I materials listed in this subsection. Cast -in-place, precast concrete panels, provided the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture are considered Class I materials in the 1-1 and C-3 district in addition to the other Class I materials listed in this subsection. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p2 Zoning Ordinance Class 11: Cast -in-place or precast concrete panels, provided the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture, artificial stone, prefinished metal and fiber cement siding. Class III: Unpainted or surface painted concrete block (scored or unscored), unpainted or surface painted plain or ribbed concrete panels, wood and unfinished or surface painted metal. b. Minimum Use of Class I Materials Required. At least 60% of each building face visible from off-site must be constructed with Class I materials, except as permitted by subsection 1107.2202(6,d). C. Maximum Use of Class III Materials Permitted. Not more than 10% of each building face visible from off-site may be of Class III materials. Portions of buildings not visible from off the site may be constructed of greater percentages of Class II or Class III materials if the structure otherwise conforms to all City ordinances. The mixture of building materials must be compatibly integrated. d. Buildings in the General Industrial Use District: Class I materials may be reduced to a minimum of 25% for building walls in the 1-1 Use District which are not facing or located on a principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector, or adjacent to or across from any "R" Use District, provided that the remaining materials are functionally and durably equal to a Class I material as certified by the developer's architect or the manufacturer and the architectural design and site plan meet the following minimum criteria: ➢ The exposed height of the building wall shall not exceed 15 feet. ➢ The number of required plants shall be increased by 20% and the size of 20% of the ornamental trees installed shall be increased to 3 1/2 caliper inches. ➢ A minimum of 15% of the building facade must be windows or glass spandrels. e. Use of Non -Listed Materials. The Zoning Administrator may permit an exterior surface material not identified in Subsection 1107.2200(6), provided the material is a result of new technology and/or the material is equal to or better in quality, appearance and durability than those materials identified. The applicant must submit the manufacturer's warranty of the non -listed material. This subsection does not intend to reduce the percentage of required materials. (7) In addition to the minimum criteria, the following additional architectural design elements may be considered in determining whether to permit the reduced use of Class I materials: building bulk, general massing, roof treatment, proportion of openings, facade design elements and variation, fenestration, compatibility of materials, color, and texture. Site plan design elements which will be considered in determining whether to reduce the Class I building material requirement include quantity, quality, variation, compatibility, and size of plant materials, landscape berms and screening walls. Also considered will be the overall harmony and unity of the various elements of the architectural design and site plan within the site and also within the larger context of the area or corridor. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p3 Zoning Ordinance (8) Building design shall be consistent with the following requirements: a. The height, bulk, general massing, roof treatment, materials, colors, textures, major divisions, and proportions of a new or remodeled building shall be compatible in design style and character with that of other buildings on the site and on adjacent sites. b. No unbroken building wall may exceed a 4:1 ratio of wall length to wall height, and each building wall deviation at the 4:1 ratio shall be a minimum depth of 4 feet; where a maximum 3:1 wall length to wall height ratio is used, the minimum depth of each building wall deviation may be reduced to 3 feet; where a maximum 2:1 wall length to wall height ratio is used, the minimum depth of each building wall deviation may be reduced to 2 feet. C. No building may display more than 5% of any elevation surface in bright, pure accent colors. d. Design review shall be done by the Community & Economic Development Department. e. The site lighting shall provide adequate light for the safety and welfare of persons using the site but shall not present a nuisance or hazard and shall otherwise comply with Subsection 1107.1800. In cases where light spillage to adjacent properties cannot be determined a photometric plan shall be submitted to the Community & Economic Development Department for review. f. New additions, alterations, or accessory buildings: The exterior wall surface materials, roof treatment, colors, textures, major divisions, proportion, rhythm of openings, and general architectural character, including horizontal or vertical emphasis, scale, stylistic features of additions, exterior alterations, and new accessory buildings shall conform to the original architectural design and general appearance of the principal building(s) on the site and shall comply with the requirements of this subsection. g. The relationship of the building to the site and adjacent property, including site access and pedestrian movement shall be complementary. h. In any instance where the Zoning Administrator denies a permit or a request for preliminary approval of building materials or building design, the applicant may submit an appeal of the interpretation, based upon the plans and other papers on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator, to the Board of Adjustment without payment of additional filing fees of any kind. Appeals shall be considered according to the procedure outlined in Subsection 1109.300. 1107.2203 Architectural Standards Applying to One and Two Family Residential Uses. Individuals, builders or groups of builders shall not construct a house design which has identical front elevations to any house or proposed house where a building permit has been issued with the following exceptions: City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p4 Zoning Ordinance a. Identical front elevations may be allowed on no more than 25% of platted lots within a block. However, identical front elevations shall not be allowed on adjacent lots or in cul-de-sac turnarounds. b. The provisions of this subsection apply to Planned Unit Developments and Conditional Use Permits, but may be modified with the consent of the City Council. C. To determine compliance with this subsection, the Zoning Administrator may require the permit applicant to submit exterior elevations of the proposed structure, and photographs of the front exterior of neighboring houses, in addition to all required materials for a building permit application listed in Subsection 1109.501. A list of exterior finish materials and colors may also be required. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p5 Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1101 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sl1BSECTIONS 1101.100: Purpose and Intent 1101.200: Overview 1101.300: Rules of Construction 1101.400: Definitions 1101.500: General Provisions 1101.600: Districts Established 1101.700: Zoning Map 1101.800: Boundaries 1101.900: Uses Not Listed 1101.1000: Land Use Descriptions 1101.1100: Motorcycles (1101.100 - 1101.900 and 1101.1100 were removed for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance review only) 1101.1000: LAND USE DESCRIPTIONS: The land use categories permitted by this Ordinance are described in this Subsection. Subsection 1109.102 empowers the Zoning Administrator to make interpretations identifying which land use category a proposed land use fits within. Adult Day Care. Non-medical care and supervision of facIlty flet pr^��ds cr to adults on a regular basis for periods of less than 24 hours er day in a structure which is not the residence of the facility operator. Some characteristics of this use are similar to Family Day Care and Nursing Homes. This use is appropriate in Commercial Use Districts provided there is accessibility to outdoor areas for sitting and exercise. Persons served by an adult day care facility are most like nursing home residents or individuals with developmental disabilities or challenges. c#�hll hmo�Fc ony�go%I In T+he production of crops, plants or vines, Agriculture. . � ,, , including forestry. The term also applies to the keeping, grazing or feeding of livestock N, ef,.,t ef, , 1 �,existing on the effective date of the Ordinance...�h ch are elI�,ag,ed in tho IV iwwv ny, grazing, nr foodIIIy ^f I;�Vestoc!X Agricultural Commodities Sales. The temporary display and sale of flowers, produce and Christmas trees and other greens which are associated with Christmas. Alternative School. A school which offers a curriculum which is equivalent to but is a substitute for the curriculum commonly found in more traditional public or private schools. (Amd. Ord. 109-11, publ. 7/11/09) City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/pt Zoning Ordinance Animal Handling. The sale, boarding, treatment and care of privately owned small animal pets; may include dogs, cats, fish, reptiles and other mammals but excluding large animals such as horses, farm animals (including ostriches) or animals raised for slaughter. Characteristics may include special refuse, storage, noise, odor and other nuisance characteristics. Animal Kennel. Any ro ertNrem;ses where 4 or more animals are owned, boarded, bred or offered for sale. Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Maintenance and repair of appliances, small engines, bicycles and similar items. Characteristics include some outdoor activity and noise. Auto Body/Painting. TheA fan -1, y. for painting, straightening, replacing and/or repairing the frame and body parts of motor vehicles, usually damaged as result of an accident or as a result of exposure to the elements; it includes the outdoor storage of damaged and dismantled vehicles, and may generate odor and noise; this use excludes junkyards and automobile wrecking yards. Automatic Car Wash. A structure, or portion thereof, facilfy designed to wash automobiles and light trucks with little or no human intervention. The automatic car washf� ili+y utilizes automated equipment and wash cycles are relatively short. An automatic car wash Tho%= facil;tios aro is typically accessory to other automotive related land uses and may sporadically cause congestion on its site. Bank. A buildinclf cFFFIL for the deposit, management and lending of money, frequently with accessory drive -up facility. This use includes banks and savings and loans but not insurance companies orand stock brokerage firms. Characteristics may include high peak hour traffic on certain days. Bar. A buildin fuciIi,+ where the primary use is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Minors are excluded from entry by law. Characteristics include late hours, high parking demand, noise, trash and litter and heavy off-peak traffic. Use is often found in conjunction with restaurants, hotels and night clubs. Bed and Breakfast Establishment. A private, owner -occupied residence with guest rooms where temporary lodging facilities and some meals are provided to paying lodgers within single family or two family dwellings. The lodging is subordinate and incidental to the main residential use of the building. Indoor recreational facilities for the use of the residents and paying lodgers may be included. Building Construction Structures. A structure used by a contractor or leasing agent as an office or for storage purposes for a construction project for which a building permit has been secured and is in effect; this use includes construction trailers.... Lloc....�n�.... loA.S.iIn-g, Building Improvement Trades. A building used for the storage of building supplies and construction equipment and/or office areas dedicated to the conducting of a business related to the construction, alteration, renovation, or structural chanae to a residential or commercial structure. Such uses may City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p2 Zoning Ordinance include construction, masonry, HVAC, plumbing or electrical. Building Material Sales. The sale or rental of building supplies, construction equipment, or home decorating fixtures and accessories. This term does not include a site with a principal building in excess of 40,000 square feet. Business/Trade Schools. A school a l +% serving adults and sometimes high school age persons which provides specialized education to develop a skill to prepare for a specific job. Equipment or processing which simulates an industrial or commercial work setting may be included. .Ec+ahlichmon+c primarily engaged in rendering Business Services. A business�.«,N,,., „,Liol services to business establishments on a fee or contract basis, such as advertising and mailing, building maintenance, employment services, management and consulting services, protective services, equipment rental and leasing, commercial research, development and testing, photo finishing and personal supply services. Car Wash. A structure, or portion thereof, containing facilities for washing motor vehicles by hand or by using production -line, automated or semi -automated methods for washing, whether or not em to ing a chain conveyor, blower, steam - cleaning or similar mechanical device. The use includes Automatic Car Washes. Carnivals, Festivals and Promotional Events. Tents and stands used for entertainment, display and sale of food and merchandise, and amusement rides permitted for a period not exceeding fourteen days. Club/Lodge. A buildingfacil;t operated by an association of persons primarily not for profit where social, education, recreational or dining activities are provided. Services provided are not customarily carried on as a business and may include dining, consumption of alcoholic beverages, dancing, legal gambling, and meetings. Characteristics may include late hours, high parking demand, noise and heavy off-peak traffic. Cluster Housing. Dwelling units attached in a single structure, each having a separate private outdoor entrance. Dwelling units may be located on individual lots l onci+xi chnll nn+ nw-nnr�l +hn+ of +ho nr%r%lir►nhlo �nninn or on a lot in common., �,L, �,.. LAM.... , A......�, NNr .�..N� �v � �y %AI U�i+rir,+ Characteristics may include a larger building mass and scale and larger concentrations of paved surfaces than single family detached dwellings. Commercial Recreation. Includes low -intensity uses that can function without municipal sewer or water, and usually require a large amount of open space. Such uses shallmay be seasonal or temporary in nature. .nc!ud�s �v�v s%Acl I as f%AII *J nririt-i d in ri irnl vhihi+c +rnr+nr ni IIIc nnr�l chnn+inrnnnno n nA rix n+o % nirrnr+c hi i+ ....... %�oi^i..i.r.�...�...........Ly..LA%;. %. 01.........C:r.I.r.:�,.I.LAIAy A...... l ... IA+ tll;OVIi.. ' .......I'AL41"I ... AiO.......�:AIAy ..y..r.�r..+r. A.......IL% I::r�.�.r..... ......,%OVL.J........&A'fa . . . . . rgn.ckc..n.n+....r�.r►.1...�r .m.....c .rx�. .r�.+....R-a. .r .c...... AP.n+ .r..alirl=c.nr r►.n.r .l- . .+....n. .rx�. .c.... uvc.v ..... I IWL n rv1uuc. LAI 11%avc.r 11%,I IL VLAI [w, VVLALc.[ vnuw v[ . vvI I I"LAc ZJLAI I I%.v. Community Centers. A buildinc�plac�, structure;or area r....^th�-r fcilfy which is open to the public and designed to accommodate and serve significant segments of the community and which is used for educational, religious, fraternal, social and recreational programs. This use may include accessory food service and accessory retail shops. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p3 Zoning Ordinance Contractors Yard. Any land used primarily for the storage of equipment, vehicles, machinery (new or used), building materials, paints, pipe; or electrical components used by the owner or occupant of the ro ert Nro;; i 0 in the conduct of any building trade or craft. Convention and Exhibition Center. A building1facilit; providing large and!or VIII II meeting rooms for the assembly of persons and the display of products and information. This use; it may include accessory food service or banquet kitchens *q �H facilities. Characteristics include heavy parking and loading area requirements and large scale buildings. Copy Shop. A buildinfac;li+ in which retail oriented graphic and photographic reproductive services are conducted. These services may include the collating and binding of booklets and reports. This does not include industrial operations where printing is of a commercial nature. Country Club. A golf course and associated clubhouse which may contain in addition to locker and shower rooms, dining and bar facilities, meeting rooms and other spaces for large social functions. Typically open only to members and characteristics may include significant trip generation on evenings and weekends. Dry Cleaning, Laundering with Route Pick-up and Delivery. A buildinfaci!ity where clothing, diapers or other fabrics are cleaned by dry cleaning or laundering processes on site. Materials to be cleaned may be brought to the site either by Nck....�;N...�n ..delivery trucks operated as part of the business or by customers who drop off and pick up their own materials to be cleaned. The use may include the storage of delivery vehicles on the site. Elderly Housing. A building fl.=Nj - %A%.# V%.#I ort intended and operated for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit, provided that (a) at least 80 percent of the units are occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit; and (b) there is publication of, and adherence to, policies and procedures that demonstrate an intent by the owner or manager to provide housing for persons 55 years of age or older. Education/Academic. Public - Neighborhood or district based education services normally provided to children and teenagersthrog" ;our;y adult age, the use may include evening or off -hour service to adults in the community. This use generally includes an accessory food service and some retail facilities to serve students and facult facility. Private - Community or regional based education service normally provided to children and teenagersprs^ns ......thr^g,h .....y^inn..........ar!It ......,..ego; facilities similar to public education facilities above except privately owned and/or operated. Family Day Care. A buildingfaciI-it1 that provides care, protection and supervision Y. - of children in a private residence for periods of less than 24 hours per da for a fee. The size of the outdoor play area, the maximum number of children who may be served, and the number and qualifications of required outside teachers or helpers are set forth in Minnesota State Statutes which may be amended from time to time. This use may be licensed by other agencies. It generates about 4 vehicle trips per child per day. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p4 Zoning Ordinance Food Service. The sale of food and beverages which are prepared and served in individual portions in a ready to consume state for consumption off-site; includes seating for not more than 10 persons. Characteristics may include truck and vehicle traffic, cooking odors and refuse. The preferred location is on major thoroughfares with no access to local residential streets. This use is often found in conjunction with motor fuel stations and grocery stores. Freight Terminal. Short-term storage and transshipment of materials and the outdoor storage of trucks and related equipment. Characteristics include high volumes of large truck traffic. Funeral Home. A buildingfacilfy where funeral services are held and where embalming and other processes occur in preparation of the deceased for burial; tthe use may include the storage of caskets, funeral urns and other related funeral supplies, and t usually provides vehicles to transport the deceased to the place of burial. This use does not include a crematorium. Characteristics include intermittent periods of high traffic generation. Golf Course. Land used fuc;lity for playing golf outdoors which consists of golf holes, clubhouse facilities which may contain lockers, shower rooms and incidental sale of golf related items, and .... off-street parking facilities and associated structures for the maintenance and storage of golf course maintenance vehicles and equipment. Group Day Care/Nursery School. A non-residential buildin Ant - Group fy where child care, protection and supervision services are provided for a fee on a regular basis for periods of less than 24 hours per day. This use requires a large, sensitively located outdoor play area and it generates about four vehicle trips per child per day. Group Home - Non -Statutory. Occupancy of a residential structure by persons in need of specialized protection and resident staff who usually live together as a housekeeping unit for a limited period of time. This use may include outpatient group counseling, some supervision, forced detention, treatment for mental illness and chemical addiction, protective shelter, half -way house, and release programs. The usefac! Zoning Ordinance Helistop. Pro ert used fulity for the landing and taking off of helicopters used for transportation purposes but with no facilities for the service of helicopters. Characteristics include intermittent periods of noise. Home Occupations. An occupation, profession, or activity requiring a permit from the City which provides gainful employment of a resident inof a dwelling unit, which is clearly an incidental and subordinate use to the residential use, and which does not alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighborhood. Uses that do not qualify as home occupations include, but are not limited to: Aauto body painting, motor vehicle sales, motor vehicle service and repair, retail sales, massage, medical/dental office, animal handling, beauty and barbershop, warehouse/storage and manufacturing/processing do ;ot WALAII fy as hnmo nr►r►i r»tinn Hospital. Abuildinfucility which provides health services primarily for human inpatient medical or surgical care; including related facilities, such as laboratories, outpatient departments, training facilities, central service facilities and staff offices. Characteristics include large institutionally designed buildings, large volumes of traffic, large parking lots or ramps, 24-hour activity, service vehicles, large quantities of waste, and emergency vehicles. Hotel/Motel. which provide overnight lodging in individual rooms or suites of rooms, each having a private bathroom, which are rented by day or week; may include in -room or in -suite kitchens and recreational facilities for use by lodgers. Restaurants, banquet rooms, arcades, fitness centers and other ' f� . ilifio� r,nf ' amenities,cavailable to non -lodgers are considered se crate rimary y uses. ����,��� In Vehicle Sales or Service. Sales or service to persons in vehicles; it may include drive-in, drive -up and drive-through facilities; but does not include motor fuel stations. Characteristics include high traffic volumes during the typical peak hour traffic period. .. .. .. .. Junkyard or Salvage Yard. A place of business that is maintained or operated for the purpose of storing, keeping, buying, or selling junk. Library. A buildinfaci!ity where collections of books and other materials are housed in a hil dirty which is open to the public during regularly scheduled hours which may include weekend days and evenings. Books and other materials may be available for loan. Characteristics may include high parking demand and high traffic generation. Manufacturing/Processing. A buildin faci! fy for the production of a physical commodity or changing the form of a raw ingredient; it may include administrative offices, warehousing, and limited distribution and outlet sale of a commodity. Characteristics may include heavy truck traffic, odor and noise of processes and equipment, refuse storage issues, and the use of toxic and hazardous materials. Concrete plants, junkyards, slaughter houses, rendering plants, salvage yards, and auto reduction plants are excluded. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p6 Zoning Ordinance r►nmmorr►i�l o�t�hli�hmor�t J .g Marina. , , 1-1-11"A business ,.�«,N, ,,., ;� adjacent to a navigable e a e providing moorings, docks and/or slips for boats. It may also offer supplies and services accessory to the principal use. Medical/Dental Laboratories. Buildingsucilitiv in which individually produced and made to order medical and dental prosthetics are created for the specific needs of specific individuals. Characteristics may include hours of ^p�rti^n of .nn a 11 +o W.nn p Y; ; daily deliveries to and from the facilities by car, van or light truck; minimal heavy truck traffic; no use of outside storage and occasional visitation of facilities by customers needing specialized attention as to the make-up and fit of their specific prosthetic. Medical/Dental Office. A buildingfLA 140ac lift' which provides direct delivery of health related examination and services or treatment to individuals on an appointment or walk-in basis; including, but not limited to: and..........i cls des counseling, consultation, chiropractic and podiatry. The use may include a supporting retail component for medicine, health related food, or other product. Motor Fuel Stations. A retail building and accom an ing facilities fac,lf which supplies and dispenses motor fuels directly into a motor vehicle; it also includes the sale of motor vehicle accessories, such as lubricants, batteries and; tires .and mntnr wnh.it-lo ..nt-t-no.cnri.oc...... and may also include the sale of food, beverages, etc. ...I....1.�avl 1V.."VI ftv1'+v......crv'v�.v v.....+v�.�I Motor fuels may be self -serve or dispensed by an attendant. Light maintenance activities to vehicles including engine tune-ups, lubrication, repairs, and carburetor cleaning may also be conducted. Characteristics include outdoor activity, high traffic generation and extended hours of operation. This use excludes heavy automobile repair including, but not limited to, engine overhauls, automobile painting, and body work. Motor Vehicle Sales. Display, sale and rental of automobiles, trucks, watercraft and recreational vehicles o;"tside ^f- n %wort d building; motor vehicle service and repair often occur in conjunction with this use. Characteristics may include outdoor activity, banners and l;yhfs f^r prom^fiorr and adxertisig, outdoor sound systems, truck deliveries, night and weekend operating hours, and test driving on nearby streets. Motor Vehicle Service and Repair. Repair, lubrication, washing, detailing, equipment installation, engine overhauls, and other similar uses involving automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles. Characteristics may include the storage of vehicles, truck traffic, and night and weekend operating hours; motor fuel stations and auto body/painting are excluded. Multiple -Family Dwelling. More than two dwelling units contained within a single structure, where each has an entrance off a hallway or balcony in common with at least one other dwelling unit. Buildings tend to be Jar_:!.a mass I V-ce in scale and institutional in appearance. Other characteristics may include high density, large parking lots and high traffic generation ofn roads in thela; dA area occupied by this use. Museums/Art Galleries. A buildinfacil°ity which houses collectibles, collections of artifacts, paintings or sculptures �n ....��O�;lding which is open to the public during regularly scheduled hours which may include weekend days and evenings. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p7 Zoning Ordinance Nurseries & Greenhouses. A business Establishments primarily engaged in providing services related to or conducting the retail sale. %A'L.... ry uil of horticulture and floriculture products. These bus inessese�terNrises typically produce their own stocki it Unm � rr�rrJor� r►or�tor w ir►h imr%nrt� Onp rtrnrJi ir►tc it nolle �t rot�il ............AI,;; ;, ;;; � ....... ;. � y N N Nursing Home. A health care businessfaclit; licensed by the State that provides lodging and 24-hour care for medically or physically impaired persons usually on a long term basis. Nursing home rResidents generallyof the faclit; do not have private apartments or kitchens. This use includes a food service and may include supporting medical and retail services for the residents. D. rNimt .nrmLA n iv preferred .r�rJ i iconhlo ni itrtnnr or-orn cnnnn ic rnni iiror�l ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Office. A buildinafucility in which the handling of information or the performing of administrative services is conducted; it includes services provided to persons both on-site and off-site on a walk-in or appointment basis such as counseling or indirect or non -personal service such as real estate, travel agencies, financial agencies, insurance offices and professional offices. Excludes hospitals or other medical facilities; except it may include up to a maximum of 10% of the gross floor area in medical or dental offices. Characteristics include high peak period traffic generation between the hours ofn d 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. h^�rs...of...oportion Office/ Warehouse. A in which the handling of information or the performing of administrative services is conducted in conjunction with receiving, holding, shipping and occasional packaging of commodities. Characteristics include high peak period traffic generation between the hours ofn d 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m. Inn^s.....^.....o I%.ALIor ,high truck traffic generation and parking demand. On -Site Equipment Storage. Any structure or outdoor storage area designed for the on-site storage of construction equipment and materials for an active construction project. Outdoor Sales. The display and sale or rental of merchandise or equipment outside of an enclosed building; may include boat sales, canoe sales, nursery sales, lumber sales; but it excludes the sale of motor vehicles. Outdoor Sales - Temporary. The display and sale of merchandise other than agricultural commodities outside of an enclosed building where it is offered in conjunction with an established use that legally sells the same or similar merchandise within a building on the same site. Characteristics include the use of tents, trailers, or other temporary structures. Outdoor Storage. The receiving, keeping ora-nshipping of goods and materials outside of an enclosed building where outdoor activity includes only the unloading, loading, and keeping of materials; may include storage yards for contractors, equipment, lumber, landscaping materials, construction materials and shipping materials and containers. Storage of unlicensed or inoperable vehicles or other materials typically associated with a junkyard or salvage yard or u;Jto rod;ct;en r%I-CAnt ........ are excluded. ......... Parcel Delivery Service/Post Office. A building usedfacility for the transshipment of letters and packages generally less than 100 pounds in weight. Customers may City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p8 Zoning Ordinance purchase stamps, money orders, insurance, and other mail services. Hours of operation are similar to those of offices, but may include Saturdays. Characteristics include high volumes of truck and automobile traffic and vehicles stored on premises overnight. Parking Lots. Surfaced and improved ground surface areas used for the parking of licensed and operable motor vehicles for periods of less than 24 hours at a time. Parking Ramp. A structure built for the storage of licensed, operable motor vehicles for periods of less than 24 hours at a time. Characteristics may include noise, exhaust fume odor, heavy traffic and large structure mass and footprint. Parks/Open Space. A structure or area used for passive recreation including but not limited to: hiking trails, natural areas, wild life areas, arboretums, open grass areas and tot lots. Park/Recreation. A structure or area used for active outdoor recreation activities such as baseball diamonds, tennis courts, basketball courts, play fields, playgrounds, outdoor swimming pools, fitness courses and driving ranges. Personal Use Airport. A restricted airport intended for the personal use of the owner of the airport and meeting the criteria of Minnesota Rules 8800.2200. Police/Fire Stations/Ambulance. Police, fire and ambulance related Aactivitiesl either public or accredited with local health care facilities, designed to serve the public health and safety; may include an office component, storage of fire trucks, police cars and equipment, and the boarding of personnel within an enclosed building. Characteristics may include sporadic periods of loud noise, sirens, and activity. Pollution Abatement Equipment. Equipment and structures that are erected or installed on property for the purpose of eliminating or abating ground or water pollution. Printing Process. A commercial or industrial printing operation involving a process that is considered printing, imprinting, and reproducing images. Methods may include but are not limited to off -set printing, lithography, web offset, and flexography. Private Entertainment (Indoor). Entertainment services provided entirely within an enclosed building; use may include but is not limited to ......it inc!idos theaters, health or fitness centers, bowling alleys, arcades, roller rinks, and pool halls. Characteristics may include late operating hours, outdoor lighting, noise, and traffic. Public Service Structure. Faci!iti in0 Buildings which include water towers, utility and public service related distribution facilities; and waste water and storm drainage structures, but exclude utility substations. These facilities are normally serviced by small trucks several times per day and by larger vehicles or equipment on a periodic basis. ss^c��t d.....hBuildings typically have large windowless walls and an institutional appearance. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p9 Zoning Ordinance Recycling CenterPaci!it. An enclosed building center for the collection, sorting tem ora storage, processing and shipments rpir of recyclable materials for reuse in their original form or use in manufacturing processes. Recycling facilities may include the following: Designated Recycling Center. An enclosed -- ...iy ...fac ! t;;..... W^Vh chbuildin which has complied with the permitting rules of the Pollution Control Agency and is open a minimum of 12 operating hours each week, 12 months each year, and accepts for recycling at least four different materials such as paper, glass, plastic and metal. Light Processing Recycling CenterPaterilit ;r. A building or enclosed space occupying an area less than 45,000 square feet and used for the collection and processing of recyclable materials. Processing does not include end-use manufacturing or industrial use but may include the preparation of material for efficient shipment or end -user's specifications, by such means as baling, briquetting, compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing, mechanical sorting, and shredding. Religious Institutions. A buildingfavilty where people gather to relate or manifest faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity. This use is characterized by meeting rooms, education and training p.r�cti, indoor activities, intermittent parking needs, group singing or chanting and music. The assembly typically meets on weekends or evenings. The building may be utilized at other times for meetings and other activities. Accessory uses which frequently accompany the principal use include day care and park and ride. Research and Testing Laboratories. Buildings used for or other for carrying on investigation in natural or physical sciences, or engineering and development as an extension of investigation with the objective of creating end projects, on a contractual or fee basis. Restaurants. An establishment whose principal business is the sale of food and beverages which are prepared and served in individual portions in a ready to consume state for consumption on site. This use is often found in conjunction with bars, hotels and food service. It is preferably located on major thoroughfares with no access to residential streets. Characteristics include late hours of operation, refuse, high car and truck traffic generation, and cooking odors. A food service or deli is not considered to be a restaurant if seating is provided for ten or fewer persons. Retail. A usefaci!it; where merchandise or equipment is displayed, rented, or sold and where delivery of merchandise or equipment to the ultimate consumer is made; includes limited production, repair or processing as an accessory use. Hours of operation generally begin after a.m. peak traffic period and extend to time ranges from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; although some convenience stores and grocery stores are open 24 hours per day. Characteristics include high parking demand and high off-peak traffic generation; prefers high visibility and access to major thoroughfares. This use includes but is not limited to camera shops, clothing stores, department stores, grocery stores, video stores, discount stores, jewelry stores, liquor stores, delicatessens, retail bakeries, toy stores; but excludes restaurants, bars, motor vehicle sales, and motor fuel stations. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p10 Zoning Ordinance Retail Sales, Limited. The retail sales of goods, wares, or merchandise manufactured, produced, or assembled on site and the retail sales of related products or goods which are clearly incidental and subordinate to the goods, wares, or merchandise manufactured or assembled on site. Rooming House. A building where lodging is provided for between 3 and 8 persons and is the primary residence of the owner. Lodging is available on an extended basis rather than daily or weekly. No provision for cooking is provided in any of the rooms by lodgers. Self -Service Storage Facility. A business consisting of a structure or group of structures containing separate storage spaces leased for the storage of goods, _products, materials or other objects. Service. On-site service provided directly to an individual; includes, but not limited to: barber shops, beauty shops, massage parlors, I.I.-...-aundromats, shoe repair shops, and dry cleaners where articles to be cleaned are picked up and delivered by the patron. Shopping Center. A group of commercial uses planned, developed and/or managed as a unit which has common parking facilities and contains a minimum of 50,000 square feet of total floor area. Shopping centers may include more than one building and more than one contiguous property. Theaters and restaurants with liquor which locate within shopping centers will be considered separate principal uses for establishing parking requirements. Showroom. The display of merchandise and equipment and its sale to a customer where delivery of purchased merchandise is made directly to the %ATL 'iCA'L consumer from a warehouse. Merchandise or equipment which is sold are V- ...F..r►C..I.I... ................I. —iAm --%;w...............h.i....i..ri.....................to..m.c................C..rI.. ...............ma include, but is not limited to. furniture, Ly NIVLAIIy I. yV NLi111\y ILVI 1 IV LAI I.A appliances, plumbing fixtures, lighting and carpeting. .�l ALAI %.Ictmrivt cv iI Vk ;l uL4Am ho"Ira of ^nA=rntinn hotXnioon O-rlrl n m nriA O-rlrl n m 1Aiool�rInw� nriA A Irinn onmo Vr 1'60 Vi GA u. -I I ......NVLYYVVI I........V.. .V .....G .1 1 1.. ..G�1 1. ..... V...VV....... .1.I 1. .....YYVVI\Li1LA ... .. G�r..1�1.......�1�..1r 11 I....... VVI I �V N N y y %Aiom,nVn,n h^urs... Single -Family Dwelling, Attached. A residential structure designed to house a single-family unit from lowest level to roof, with a private outside entrance, but sharina a common wall with adioinina dwellina units. 1= �II� r -I t r►h rl AvAilmllin�,A lnr►_ kca� nn n inr-lig irl� I Inf n,^A... ._�r-1 infonmr4 fnr nr-,i In_ nnxi hvt 1 .A1i �AVLCAV iV\A % V'VViili itVn...1VVCAii./\A WI i CAI i i1 I` IYI%A%AIAi iVL CAI 1"...11 iLVI I"%o%A iVl W%w#W%AVIAi 1Vy hl.Y. . cinf�I. ........... 6A V11 1-&-i . \.I iCAi i iii Y. dffI2i+hnnl n1Arn11 rnnv 0 rocir4g=ntinI ctri ir►fi iro Ancirinor�l to hni ico n VIII........IV....I. NII111 rV�LLNVIIVM /I VI1111M / \ 1 VVI\.AV1 ILICAI VLI \.AVL\.AI V \.irVVI..... I IV\.A LV I IV�:AVv CA V V c. i.n.r-�..I.=_fn.m.. J.Ia .....virii....... f.rr m.. ...... l.,r�.aALOC.......hax..,,a]..... #n ...... rn.nf....... VA1.4h....... n.....ni...cknfr.n.nr►a......... h.i... I+ 1011 IyiV ILAI I Illy C11 IIL 11 Will VY1rVVG iVYVr LV I VVI, 1IVIL1 I LA VI I VLALV VLILVI\AV VI ILI CAI iVV, "%. AL not ries-noc_nri �i nr►r►i inwirin _ n nrix_in+n Int i nnr�l ch_nrinri n f-nmmnn Xninl _ nrJininirin r....r. L .....I....r�.+v .. . r;.7r.r....r.1.. ..... %v+v+�.A.........r I 1 ......... r.�......... 1....r... r..r Lam. ...r ..L ......LA 1 r�A... .�r..r.....�..r.r....1.r..I ILA ...+v .r...r...r.I r..r. .1 I .......V" LA"I.r.. .+�.Jr W"I.I.. r r r.A........ r-1.�...r...I..I..i..n. n........I.....tn..ito............... %AVV%IIIII Iy L.11 IILV. Single- Family t?Antn*ft h Aftri Dwelling, Detached. A fully detached residential structure designed to house a single-family unit from lowest level to roof, sharing no common walls with adjoining dwelling units. D rock lon+i! structu,ro dosygnod n ..... H^I... tc. .=....�......C.i.n.n.I.=_f n.M.. J .X. ...1.1n .........Ulid h .... n.r.i.�., n+=.....n... #. .i.r�I. .... .r�.#.r. .n. ...... h a .1 . ..... � r.i.k.I-� n.�...# ... nn.m. .n.r LV I IVC,AVV LA VII Iy1V ILAI I lily iLAI IILI VV ILI I VI IYGALV VC,ALVI%A%l VI ILI CAI IVV, Ir%,AL VYILI IVC,AL VVI I III IVI I XA nllc ho Xn oon tho AXA19=l inn i ini c V.Y..LA..I..I..V........I�,,V..L..V.il..V..,V..I.....I........L..I....I..V........%A V.il..V..I..I..I..I.....I..�.........V..I.....I..I..L.. ..�.. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/P11 Zoning Ordinance Stable, Commercial. A structure or land use area used to keep horses for sale or hire to the public. Breeding, boarding, or training of horses may also be conducted. The use may also include commercial riding arenas open to the general public. Stable, Private. An accessory structure or land use that is designed, arranged, used, or intended to be used for the keeping of horses for the private use of the occupants of the principal dwelling and their guests, but in no event for hire. State Licensed Residential Facility. A State licensed a;- d ...Y; .nr4n+o residential facility occupied by persons in need of specialized treatment or protection and resident staff who live together as a single housekeeping unit, usually for a limited period of time. The use includes outpatient group counseling, some supervision and treatment programs. The maximum number of clients served is specified by Minnesota State Statute. Persons served may include the developmentally disabled or challenged and severely physically handicapped. Studio. Abuildingfuc;lity where the practice or study of the visual and audio arts occurs; may include painting, sculpturing, photography, recording, radio and television studios. This use also includes dance studios and studios for the martial arts. This use does not include large industrial photography or printing processes. Temporary Structures. A building other than a `building construction structure" existingnuS,ed... for a period not exceeding six months. Transportation Facility.: Any lot or land area used for the storage or layover of passenger buses, motor coaches, rental vehicles, taxis, van pools, rental moving vehicles, or similar (typically includes parking, storage of vehicles, and may include some maintenance). Parking of cars/vans/pickups that are accessory to a primary use would be exempt from the above definition. Two -Family Dwelling. Two dwelling units attached in a single structure, each having a separate outside entrance. Dwelling units may be located on individual lots or on a lot in common. Utility Substations. A structure of electrical components to transform high voltage electricity into lesser voltages to make suitable for distribution to end users. The use consists of a large structure and numerous power lines which are difficult to screen. This use has minimal outdoor activity and traffic generation. Warehouse/Storage/Distribution. A buildinc�facil�+ for receiving, holding, shipping and occasional packaging of commodities. With the exception of loading and unloading of commodities, and parking and storage of trailers, all functions are general) .shrakl!....b%....within an enclosed building. Characteristics may include high truck traffic and low parking demand. This use may include, but is not limited to, conventional warehouse facilities; m; n,i .st^rnye, . and joint warehouse and storage facilities. Dn i nAmrcnn nr hi icinocc nntitxi onnnnorl in tho hi icinocc of Waste Hauler. , �, , y �,I �I I... �.,.......�, , ,,, ,�, ,, . � , ,,� y .. , � , VYA ........ ...... ,��� .. �.I... . tollct;ng The collection and transporting, delivering and disposing of solid City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p12 Zoning Ordinance waste and recyclable materials generated from commercial and residential premises. For the purpose of this definition, this use does not include,..A. �^rife -!aulmr shall -riot nryuy% iii tl';o K%oin-0-0-s ^fthe collecting and transporting delivering and disposing of Hazardous Waste, as defined in Minnesota Statute 609.671, as may be amended from time to time. Wholesale �! Ise. Pstab!ish ens engaged r�iri 'c'.i!y iii so �in,, The selling of merchandise to retailers, or to industrial, commercial or professional business customers, or to other wholesalers or on a mail order basis to individuals or firms, or which serve as agents or brokers buying merchandise for, or selling merchandise to, individuals and companies. Wind Generators. A turbine having a large vaned wheel rotated by the wind to generate activity and extract usable energy from winds. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1101/p13 Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1102 USE DISTRICT REGULATIONS SHR-9FCTIONS 1102.100: Residential District Regulations 1102.200: "A" Agricultural Use District 1102.300: "R -S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District 1102.400: "R-1" Low Density Residential Use District 1102.500: "R-2" Medium Density Residential Use District 1102.600: "R-3" High Density Residential Use District 1102.700: Residential Performance Standards 1102.800: "TC" Town Center Use District 1102.900: "TC -T" Transitional Town Center Use District 1102.1000 "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District 1102.1100: "C-2" General Business Use District 1102.1200 "C-3" Business Park Use District 1102.1300: Commercial Restrictions and Performance Standards 1102.1400 "I-1" General Industrial Use District 1102.1500: Industrial Performance Standards (1102.100 — 1102.1300 and 1102.1500 were removed for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance review only) 1102.1400: "1-1" General Industrial Use District. The "I-1" General Industrial Use District is intended to provide areas of the community which will allow general industrial uses which, due to their size and nature, would not conform to the "C- 3" Business Park Use District. 1102.1401 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District if the use complies with the Industrial Performance Standards of Subsection 1102.1500 and the General Performance Standards of Section 1107. ➢ Manufacturing/Processing ➢ Research and Testing Laboratories ➢ Offices ➢ Office/Warehouse ➢ Warehouse/Storage/Distribution ➢ Freight Terminals ➢ Parking Lots Medical/Dental Laboratories Printing Process Showroom Business/Trade School Wholesale 1102.1402 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District may be used for one or more of the following uses if the use complies with the Industrial Performance Standards of Subsection City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/pt Zoning Ordinance 11052.1500, the General Performance Standards of Section 1107, and the specific conditions in this Subsection. (1) Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Conditions: a. Outside operating or testing of engines shall be prohibited within 1300 feet of the closest boundary line of any "R" Use District. b. All necessary governmental permits(i.e.,�VQC/�airemissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. C. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. (2) Auto Body/Painting. Conditions: a. Inoperable vehicles shall be stored in designated screened storage areas. h Tho fnr►ilihi chn11 ho Int-n+g= 4 _n minimi im of W)r) foot frnm nmi r-nrr►n1 in n n I J.................................................................r............ ...........r..., +V�..�..�.. ... ............ .�.....r. r.�..r........... r�.� V............ y. /., ...+v .......... LA .......... I....I....�..�..�.....r..r.I....I....�..�..r....r....r..........+.l.............V.+U.LJ..........I...��:.�...........r...r....�y..r....r....I.......... ..r.....r... ....................r....��..�...........r.1.....1........... ..I.....r. ..........'..'.........I........1.. .. .......11►.i..c..#..r....i.e ....... I% %J%.7V L.0I%JLI IVG bw. No sales �...storago or display of new or used automobiles shall be permitted. III....... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... a ..k..vl...j f=.m. .rtA...... e ..... ...In i ..... 1.1.117 . ... .. .... Ko .. .... .... .ra.�rl. %A. 1 l "1-41 IVI yLAI %A 16AV %AVLVI I I III IV\.A "J V6ANVVVLIVI 1 1 I V I .LVVV VI ILAI1 NV 11 IVLLAIIVVI LAI I%A mni_ntninocl nelint-nn to _nnvi ni ihlic► rinht_nf_XA1n%1 1..1..rLA.1.1..rLLAIr r� 1 I t.Ir:JILA v1, .1...1.L .L v....CA.r..r.Y.....r;,y� INa r�4r...1'11...IAL.... I......V'VAAy... C. All auto body repair and painting must be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. d. All necessa governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. (3) Motor Vehicle Service and Repair. Conditions: In Kin oni incl ng=nor-n+g=r4 nn thn pito kw nnxi mnnne inr►li irlinn n ni ihlir► nrlArnee LA. . I..rV....VV\.ill 1\A... V1 IV1 {.ALV \A VI 1 LI IV VILV N........ 6A1 1 1 r IV16AI IV II IV1\.A%AII I %A %..INIIV %A%A%A1 VVV cvcfom chill o .hv irlihlo frnm ..cnI r. "R" I Ico ,icfrir►+ Vy v'vI I I *al ILAII IJ�6r 6A 6Atilltily I 1 v1 1 I 6Al ly 1 V`iJ V .. &. oIVLI 1%OL. ba. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of vehicles shall be conducted entirely inside an enclosed building except tire inflation, changing wipers and adding oil. bc. No test driving shall be permitted on any street in an "R" Use District. dc. No access shall be permitted onto Ioculresidential streets. ll ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................I\i.n.......1-�.�.....�.i..1.�r-1.i..ra.n..........0Kn..1.1........1..va......1.n..,r n.�.,�.�-1.......�.�.�.i.�.h..i.r�.........'I....�1►.01.......f,�.m.......nf.......�.r�.�.....................................1........1..�.,�........1�.i..�.�.ri.�r►.�...... V. I rV LJ6All%.A11 Ty VI ILAII RJV IVV6AGV%.A VVIL1 III I I VV VVL VI LAI Iy I VVV LJIVLI IVG. ............................ f...... .................. ...K ... �.ff .ray..rr-l....... Tvmcl.... P.....n.c.... Irl.=fi.n.=r4.... i.n.... .�..�1- .c. n.k.in.r '1...'1.01.7.... ,X01.01R....... c.hnll.... K= .... i.r�.c+n. .1.1.=rr-1 I / % RJ%A11VI y6A1 \.A, 1 yNV L0 LAV %.4%,Ill 1V\.4 11 1 v6ARJVVVLIVI I 1 1 V / .LVVV, VI ILAII RTV rl IVG6AIIVV4 nnrl m_nintninnr-1 _nr4i_nr,ont to nnv ni ihlic► rinht_nf_1n nv .A..1.....1.116A........1....1....1..LA..1.I.....1..L L.1..1.I.....1."V.'+6i1........L.1 1 ..LA �yr..1.....1..L.......L.'�y'.......I.A..1....I..y.........1�,A;4 rJ`.1..I-%W ....1....I....1.....1.L.........%;0—.1...........Ir.Ir..LA..y....�. d. No automatic or standard car washes shall be permitted for public use. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p2 Zoning Ordinance e. Vehicles shall be stored in designated screened storage areas. f. No sales or display of new or used automobiles shall be permitted. g. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the rimary structure or designated storage areas. h. All necessary governmental permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. (4) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All service drives shall be paved. (5) Utility Substations. Conditions. a. No structure shall be located within 25 feet of an ropert line. b. No structure shall be located within 100 feet of the closest ro ert line of any "R" Use District. (6) Animal Handling. Conditions: a. No pens shall be kept outside the building. b. No building or outdoor activity shall be permitted within 100 feet of any roperty line of a roperty used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. (7) Outdoor Storage: Conditions: a. Storage areas shall be fully screened. Screening shall be 100% opacity_ Lin the form of fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights-of-way. b. Storage shall not be permitted within any required yard or bufferyard. C. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibility d. If the outdoor storage area is located within 100 feet of any property line in ea shall onlv bepermitted between the hours of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm, seven da s per week. e. Storage of inoperative vehicles ore uipment or other items typical l stored in a i unkyard or salvage yard shall not be permitted. f. All areas used for storage shall be paved and a drainage plan for the site shall be approved b the City Engineer. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p3 Zoning Ordinance g. All outdoor storiiiiiAgg, e areas acent to an "R" District shall meet the rewired building setback as defined in Subsection 1102.1405; in all other instances outdoor storage shall meet the re uired arking setback. h. Outdoor storage area shall occupy an area no larger than 50% of the floor area of the principal structure. (8) Contractors Yard. Conditions: a. Areas used for storage of equipment and materials shall be fully screened. Screening shall be 100% opacity in the form of fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting ublic rights -of -waw b. Areas used for storage of equipment and materials shall not be permitted within an re uired yard or buffe ard. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibility d. Storage of inoperative vehicles ore uipment or other items typical) stored in a unkyard or salvage yard shall not be permitted. e. All areas used for storage and parking of street legal or road le al vehicles, such as an automobile, motorcycle, light or heavy truck that are equipped and licensed for use on public roads shall be paved. f. All contractor yards adi ` i i it building setback as defined in Subsection 1102.1405; in all other instances contractor yards shall meet the regiired arking setback. g. If the contractor yard area is located within 100 feet of any pfqpp�rt line in any ` i ri , contractor yard area shall onIv be permitted between the hours of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm, seven da s per week. (9) Transportation Facility. Conditions: a. Parking areas shall be screened with fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights- of-wa. b. If the transportation facility is located within 100 feet of any property line of roperty used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. C. Parking shall not be permitted within an re uired yard or buffer ard. d. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p4 Zoning Ordinance e. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. f. All necessary governmental permits (i.e.VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. ODLguilding Material Sales. Conditions: a. If any part of the property is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. b. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. fjjLpuij1d'inA Improvement Trades. Conditions a. If any part of the roperty is located within 100 feet of an ropert line of roperty used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. b. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. C. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of vehicles or equipment shall be conducted entirely inside an enclosed building. (12) Heavy Equipment &Specialized Vehicle Sale, Rental & Service. Conditions: a. If any part of the rincipal or accessory buildincL(s) is located within 100 feet of anv property line of ro ert used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. b. No sales, storage, rental or display of automobiles shall be permitted. C. No test driving shall be permitted on any street in an "R" Use District. d. No car washes or automatic car washes shall be permitted for public use. e. No inoperable equipment or vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. (13) Private Entertainment (Indoor). Conditions: a. If any part of the principal or accessory buildings) is located within 100 feet of anv property line of roperty used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p5 Zoning Ordinance (14) Self -Service Storage Facility. Conditions: a. No compartment doors shall be allowed on a building fagade which faces ro erty used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. b. No areas on site shall be utilized as residential living units C. A minimum 6 foot tall fence, wall, or berm shall surround the storage facility area. Screening shall be 100% opacity in the form of a fence, wall, or berm along any area visible from any ��se District. No fencing shall be constructed of chain link or barbed wire on the property. d. No outdoor storage is permitted on site, including but not limited to vehicles, recreational vehicles, portable storage units, and construction materials. e. No storage of hazardous, explosive, of flammable materials is permitted. f. No servicing of motor vehicles, boats, lawn mowers, or similar equipment is permitted on site. q. Activities which use amplified music, auctions, wholesale, retail sales and garage sales are not permitted. h. Exterior materials shall be in accordance with Section 1107.2200 with the following exception: each building face visible from off-site that includes storage access doors shall be required to have at least 25% of the fagade square footage, which does not consist of doorways, constructed of Class I material. i. A minimum of 5 parkinq spaces or 2 parking s aces plus 1 arking space per 75 storage units, whichever is greater shall be required. 05)au.1eWasteHr. Conditions: a. All necessary governmental permits (i.e.,VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. b. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of vehicles or, equipment shall be conducted within an enclosed building. C. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) requirements and other applicable Federal, State or County requirements. d. The site shall not abut a ro erty that is currently used residential) or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. e. If any part of the principal or accessory buildings) is located within 200 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p6 Zoning Ordinance designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. f. Storage of materials outside a prinqtpqLbuilding or enclosed container is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers is subject to the screening requirements of Subsection 1107.1900. 1102.1403 Uses Permitted With Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in the "I-1" General Industrial Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the requirements of all the general conditions provided in Subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the Industrial Performance Standards in Subsection 1105.1500, with the General Performance Standards in Section 1107, with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection, and with any other conditions the Planning Commission may impose that are intended to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the City to maintain the characteristics of a neighborhood. (1 1 D ihlii+ Cnrii�+n Cfr��+#ern r`nnrJitinr� Moved to PUC ` 1.i MN -kV VVI Y MVV VLt MVLMk VV. VVI 1...AILIV. IV. (3) 1"10%A :ntf. CVl1'"ILInll.V: Moved to PUC tANAirrnnr... f r`^nrJiti^nc- .`�I .. ......... . 11 . --I . ... ... ... ... \J \J1 I\A1L1\J1 1V"' (1) Heliport. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All heliports nCJ,.. holyr�nr�tor..... �, ys.....shall conform to all applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations. h I--lolir�nrf� �hnll rent nc+nklick nr i stili -7o nmi nnnrnnr►h nr Amr nrfi iro rni itinn .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. N. 1 IV111✓VI LV VI Ic..�ll 1 IVL VVLL�NIIVI 1 VI LdL111Lv c.�l 1j c..�1✓1✓1 Vc.�VI 1 VI \dV1✓c..�l LL.11 V 1 vL.ILII ly _r �ro�c lnr►�for�l anti Kin n "RII _J om nio+ri,n+_ V V Vi CAI VLAV I%OlaLALV%d i V 1LI Ii1 1 iii i 1 l ``i VV VIVLi IVL. ,r%, Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven da s per week, excluding emergency operations. c!. The helicopter pad shall not be located within 300 feet of any property line of anny N��� in � "R" Use District. +�.� I I � 1 .r.,1 11 I +�.� I I od. The landing pad shall be dust free. ef. The use shall be permitted only as an accessory use to another principal use and shall not occupy more than 25% of the total site area of the development. f. All repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building. (2) Light Processing Recycling CenterFac:! t;;. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p7 Zoning Ordinance to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements grand other applicable Federal, State or County requirements for recycling facilities. b. The site fac;lity shall not abut a property that is currently used residentially or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. r► Tho fnr►ilitxi mi iot moot th/' r/'ru iir/'m/'nto fnr or►r/'I'ninn nnr4 InnAor►nninn ...... ........ ........ ........ .. \./... r 1\.I ILAVIIIL� 11 ILAVL I I IVVL LI IV I V%LA 11 V.11%.I..LV IVI VVI VVI III IZA ..LAI I\.A ILAI 1\.AV\./LAr./11 IZJ nn of n i_nor�l........ i n................ i _i_hc o r►#inn ......_1 1 _n 7 _1 Qnn ......_.n n rel. fh o ..._r �r ti _u i_rm_m•./_ of c........ fn_r nff __c rag= VVi ILLAIi ri.r<A 11 1 %;0%A"VVVLiVI 1 1 1 V I I VV' , CA 1 %4 LI IAwf I'i.r%ILitII Vi I iVI 1LV 1V1 vY 1 vLI VV"L nnrl,inn r►nntnin/'r4 in Ci iho/'r4inn 11 n7 onn l./LAI..r..\Il..I. VVI CIOLAll iAV%A I.r i. V\IF./VVVLr.Vl... I ....... 1 I ... V / ....... L- - -... CA. Storage of recyclable materials outside a principal building or enclosed containers is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers for recyclable materials is subject to the screening requirements of Subsection 1107.1900. JQ If ............ +.hQ.............f. .n.i. 41.................i 0 ............... r rel.............. ............... Rin..............fam ..............ref ............r�.m. o r+xi..............I uamr.4.............. nr............. -7.r..n.orI............. fr...r V. I I LI rV ILAvrr7L.Y IIJ IVVLAL%1 A VVILI III 1 vvv IVVL VI VI WV%1I L.Y LA v\. \A yr Lvr [%,%A IW rocirlontinl i ioo nr r-looinnntor4 in tho ( r%mr%rnhnnoiwj= plan fnr rnoirJontinl I..... ::i .+V .'.......'V'.I....... .I'k.i.� I'JT I LA L �. `%A......I.I.. I I S .....L.I..I ...... :J �J .I..I..I. I.. I I I...I I it ..... I......I..I......I'N\ 01........I L I. .I. i ... i go.......h ni...triz of ... n no.r..n+i.n.n....c h.n.I I....ka...r .k.ri. ..I rl....n....GIV. .....rx ....+n.. 7....nn.... n.n .... %AVVI I IVLAI V VI WV%1I LALIVI I vI r'.AII R7V rvvcl IVL%I A LV v.vv LAI I I Lv I VV Vi 1 I d. If any part of the principal or accessory buildings) is located within 200 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. f 0 hi iffnninrA no r4=+A=rminor4 hxi Ci ihcontinn 1107 Onn l chnll ho inctnllor4 ......... I....... I...I......I..I.V.I... ..LAr Vr........�:Ami....IiAV.L.V.I..I..I..II.I...I.V.LA.... rV......... Vrl�i�:�V�:iL.rVr... I ......... I ..... I ... / r....�i.V.V......ir.I... I.LAI.I...... K...... I.I... r�:irLLArrV%i nr,linr►ont to nnw I "R" nr "r"' I loo niotrir►t vvI.IL...L ::II . ..I.........I `J ................VvVV vvL ........rI...I. L.. (3) Designated Recycling Center. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Such facilities must meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements ^rand other applicable Federal, State or County requirements for recycling facilities. b. The site facility shall not abut a property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... .n.... ................TKQ......fn.na.1ibu......mt.ao.#.....n .r. , #....#.I o....... ...... fn.r..... c.n.m=.n.i.ran......... mnr.4 .......I. .nr-l. .r►. .R-ain.r-. V. I 1 IV I LAVIIILy I I IW..IVL I I IVVL LI IV I V1 1 IVI ILV I Vi VVI VVI III Iy LAI I%A [LAI I%AVVGAVII Iy nnntnirnorl in Ci ihoor4inn 1 1 n7 1 Cann nnr�l +ho rorv� �iromonto fnr nff_otroot +V J'.I.....I..LL:I.I..I.....I.+ .+ 1.............I..I.....I............. J.I.....I...................I.........I....L ....r........�........I.... J.Ly...I................ CAI.....I. �A.............VI.....I. V.............I....%;;i-' ...CA-t.I.... V.I....I....I.%W-1.....I.. .............. I...Ly..I................ %;;rI....I........... -'u....+�.+ Li L ra.m ran.r ... ..i..n. QJ...l.h.a. r +.i.nn......1 1...n7....O.n.r.I VLAI I\11 Iy VVI ILLAII IV\A III VLAI✓VVVLTVI 1 1 1 V r .LVV. %A_ Storage of recyclable materials outside a principal building or enclosed containers is not permitted. Outdoor storage of containers for recyclable materials is subject to the screening requirements of Subsection 1107.1900. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p8 Zoning Ordinance d. If any part of the pfbq0qLpf accessory buildin_ s) fa!;fy is located within 21100 feet of anv property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. If #ho . fir► li#�i.. is ... nii#hin .. ( foo# .. of .. nrnr Amr+wi .. v uaomA ...nr ...�nnor4.. fnr I 1 L f 1 1two ......._1 c..l vI 1 1 L� ....... 1 . ........ 1,161 v LA Lv %A ......_v V I" ...-1 1 1 1 ......._v v V I +� w �.. L......... % 1 ......._ �..r 1 %0 t✓ v l t j ......... L.1 V %; �A ......._v 1 ......_L %0 r r tr \..r.... 1 V r.... rooirJon+inl i ico nr Amoirinn+eiA in +ho r`nmr�rohor�ci�io Dinn fnr rooir4ein+inl vv1 Ivl.rLt. I... L.1VV .......\JI ......�Ivvi VL Lv%l 11 i Ll iv ......VvI i 1 I vi 1V1 IV1 V V. ... ... 1 .I AI 1 ... ... .rvi .........1 VV1\AVI ILILAI � y N 1_ico..... hni irc of _m ora#inn.. ch_n]] ho roc+rir-+orl _fn G."M nm +n 7•�f1►fl nm.... LitVVI 1 IV%Ai V Vi %; V%oi LALiV1 1 ..Y1 rLAii NV r u iVLV\..1 LV V. Viz LAI r i 1 .wO 1 . VV r/i i i... f .D Kl 1ffor%inrr4 .. mac.. �-Ica,+c�rminc��-I.._ Kvl.. CI.. hcc�r►+inn ..1 1,,n,7 .),nn,q .ohnll hAn incfnit � -, .................................................... .... i ......... /'..... \ i�J LA l t% r Y LA r LA , LAV + A %;w vli.w 1 r i i 11..._I'%.w %.1........ &W Y........ %W %A lei' Amo%io %;0 L `i i'r i ......._ i 1-G i / . L'l.i N .nr�linr►on+ +n nn "R" nr'Y"' I Ico nic+rir►+ LA\AIL.vV.l..iL LV c.I.i...i .1 %: V1 .V VVV.....vrVLi iv.L...... tQl (1iitclnnr Ctnrnno (`nnr4i+inns . .....Moved t0 PUC Xv v..ar..tivrvv"r vay.r....lrrrt ow ..................... l..i. (4) Recreational Dome. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following .n............................................................... .Th.o..........�r-l..n..r . .............r.......t.o..+ .......... h.c.............�.r►.ncap.�..�..n.r�.�..........+n...........�..r...........,�.vi..c.#.in.n........... I.....I..am.......... l..n.�c►.�.#.cap rl..........�.�.�.i.#..h..i..r�..........#..h.,�..............�..rar�.,�. LA. 1 1 1%.#%..IVI1IV 111%.%JL 1-1%,LAvvVvvvlY LV LAI1 VTIVLII ly L.1Vtr 1vvGILVV4 VVILI111 I LI 1%, IOLA[1IV 7nninri Clic+rir►# ,,....,,.1..1.11 ..1.�... a. No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted on the site. r► 0 hi iffnninrA Twrin (` no AnfinnA in Ci ihcor4inn 11 C17 Or)r)S chnll hn inc+nllor�l .... .....i...i...rvLl.l..r.v.r... ..LAI Vi..........1.... ...L:r....rv....::r:...rvrrl..lv.vr....1i..r....�.+r::lr�r.ry+vLr�rl..r....r....1...i.....�rL�+v........:�.r...rLArt....r�rv....r.r...r.:rLLArrvrr !b. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekends. o.. .DII mor`hanir► I .mrti iinmmn + .. chill ho... fi..illx %W . /' 'kit _cr►roonor-I l 1 1 v v L 1 1 4I 1 1 VLA 1 V L.1 IN 1 1 r L.+ 1 IL �.7 1 1 c..l 1 1 IJ L.r 1-L 1 1 1 Y/ V I %o %I 1% \A..... fl. -c. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot line in an "R" use district, and the setback shall be increased by an additional foot for each foot in height that the structure exceeds 60 feet. rr................................................................. nl n _tin _h+ n_r f i_h r_n+inn nri r-� i n_ +i_n r-� _f rrt +h,o .........Q+n t n+i _t rcaA n_r o _i r t,n r+ _nn......._gar,�_i _t i rim gm -n+ .�. I V .tjVLVV.tjA �..1ii YL 'I V I"I ALi1 I.. i 1Ii 1LLIi I I VV VLi I rl Li r%A%wlL%AI';r Vi Vlk:1r./rV ./1 LII 1.� %o.,11%AIVI r lVi IL shall be r�liscernihlo at +hl, nrnngnrhi lino VI ILAI1 NV \i1IV../V'i 1 .f i t. ...LAL....Li IV.... Va/VI..iq ... 1V. "d. The structure shall be of a color that provides for maximum integration within its surroundings. e. The dome structure shall be fully insulated. t1 nN r+.,nfr�nf.r� Vnrrl (`nr,rJi#ir,r,�. Moved to PUC VVI �L� fAVLV� V . fA� M■ VVI ILdILIVI IV. t1 11.. Trnn►nr•+•+inn�r+i��f... r" nnr4li#inns- Moved t0 PUC j ■ r "0 ryvav%. r ■ r "%olrff &Y . -Nr Karvv1 1.11L %ol l.. . (5) Car Wash. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p9 Zoning Ordinance a. No public address system shall be audible from any property located within an "R" Use District. b. Drainage and surfacing plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludge removal facilities for on -premise dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement. Drainage must be designed to prevent the accumulation of surface water, wash water or sludge on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. r'► .ASI .nnrVinrr .. nrl .._r�nxtnr-I.. �,rc"'Mc... nn cak... 1h Arninnm main rn ....nrl Vnnrfc�r.�,rninn V..�_.. /..... 111 V%;41 ..._1 X I 1 I y i..�I.. I'%A ......._V 'iV. V \e1....... c.I I v c.I v 1 1 I liwo V L........ Ll I V A 1,641 1 ..._I LA�.. , \ I %;W V I y 1 1 ......._�.� 11� I I GSI I'%A v %0 V 1 1 I nrnwicinnc of Ci ihcor4inn 1 1 07 000 ....... .. NVV1 1 1 1 \/ / .A'_WW. dc. The ingress or egress points for an accessory car wash shall be approved by the City Engineer. The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public right-of-way. Drainage shall be away from the public street at egress points of the car wash to prevent spillage onto the street. The grades of the interior floor shall be sloped away from the exit door, and sloped to an accepted interior drainage system. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed on any public right-of-way. d. An automatic car wash accessory to a motor fuel station or motor vehicle service and repair facility shall provide stacking space for at least four cars. Cars located in these stacking spaces should not block ingress and egress driveways on the site or driveways providing access to gasoline pumps, service bays or required off-street parking, except that vehicles in stacking spaces may block access to parking stalls which are signed for employee parking only. fe. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:OOam to 10:OOpm, seven days per week, unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. (6) Adult Uses. (Conditions listed in Section 1111). (7) Antennas & Communications Towers. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property line of ro ert in any `� i ri b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from any adjacent lot line. C. No light, sound or vibration originating from the structure shall be discernible at the t ri ct. (8) Gun Range, Indoor. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p 10 Zoning Ordinance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Indoor Gun Ranges must be designed so roiectiles cannot penetrate the walls, floor or ceiling and ricochets or back splatter cannot harm range users. b. Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:OOam to 9:OOpm, seven da s per week, unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. C. No light, sound or vibration originating from the structure shall be discernible at any property line of property i �� i i (9) Nurseries & Greenhouses. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as Jilimidieems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following a. All accessory plantings i i it shall meet the required building setback as defined in Subsection 1102.1405; in all other instances, accesso lantings and gardens shall meet the re u i red arki ng setback. b. If any part of the principal or accessory buildings) is located within 100 feet of any property line of property used or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven days per week. (1 n) Wind Generators. In addition to the findings required under Section 1108.202, the Planning Commission shall attach such conditions to the issuance of the conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of Section 1108. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: a. All structures shall be located a minimum of 300 feet from anv propertyline of any"R" i i . b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property line in all districts;other than an "R" use district. C. No light, sound or vibration originating from the structure shall be discernible at the roperty line of ani ro erty i �` i i 1102.1404 Accessory Uses. The following uses shall be permitted Accessory Uses in the "W" General Industrial Use District. These uses shall comply with the Industrial Performance Standards in Subsection 1105.1500, with the General Performance Standards in Section 1107, and with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection (1) Parking Lots which comply with the requirements of Subsection 1107.200. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p 11 Zoning Ordinance (2) Retail Sales,. Limited to ....... u....... ".n.x.i.M.�;.M ...III of 1...50..... of....+ .....r ros.c......f n.r.w.....WI a;-�.a.. of ..... f .;. kA.. . VIV1✓1 1 I IC. a. Retail sales are limited to a maximum of 15% of the gross floor area of the princiioal building. (3) �?`nline'sOutdoor Sales subject to the following conditions: a. The items displayed must be related to the principal use. b. The area allowed for outdoor sales is limited to 30% of the gross floor area used for the display and sale of merchandise, or goods in thp_p6qqjpal buildin_ . C. If the rincipal or accessory buildings) is located within 100 feet of any property line Of property used Or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven days per week. ._IAI .... �nnd...._cor�ii�+n......011Ki_nr►t fn fho fnlln�niinrr ar►nnrli�in_n0 j ■ rvaA vv■ rr r+v+v ..7►r�..i6aj%.vt ILv u 1%o 1v11vvvII iy vvI I%AILIV1 I*J ......... ......... ......... InQgnmrir►o �hnll11�1.1 ho intonAnA nrimnrilxi fnr tho tonnntc of tho eloxiolnr%mont h It chnll not nr►r►i inxi mnrn than 5% of thn nrncc finnr nrnn of tho .. NAL ......�r rr::l.l.l .....i...........,�CJV'�:A .... �..1..I.vr.V.........I:.I...�.�.I 1........v...�.v.......�.1........tiy..yv............�..�.:O.:r........y.y.�.�,y..........,�.�..,��........�,y....... L.i...�.�. %A�`l. ......................................................................................................................................................n................................................................... ...�. ..........m axe.......Iia........ �.r.nutiricIr.1......fn..r......n....... .. .r .......1 ...........I....f.)........nor.anmc........ V. VVCACII ly I I ICA Jr RJV VI WV I\AV\A I VI I IV I I IVI V CI I AI I I V V%II VVI IV. ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... A Cinne nro not ruormifforl %A. VIy1 IV CAI'V I IVC r/VI I I IICCVLA. (5.4) Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Q ......... n,d........m nt n nc� €........m^t^.r t �� incidental to the conduct of the principal use, subject to the following conditions: a. All repairs and maintenance shall be conducted indoors unless the vehicle or equipment is too large to be moved indoors or if the vehicle or equipment cannot practically be moved indoors or if the repair is of an emergency nature. nl _rte r�_n_i_r nr m_ i n � n_ n r► ....c_h n_l_I. h ar►n_n�r-l_i _t �r +Qr,l _gin ri h_i n ..'l �n _fay of _n_n. I VV VCiILV1LAV Y V�ir�ii ` 01 11 I%AI1 IL%o iCA1 �V V1 �CAII NV VVI I%A%AV%Awo% VVICi II I i. VV... IVVC VI CAI "R" I Immo nictrint b. If the principal or accessory buildings) is located within 100 feet of any property line Of property used Or zoned for residential use, or designated in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use, hours of operation for all outdoor activities shall be restricted to 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, seven davs per week. C. All necessanLgpoyvernmential permits (i.e., VOC/air emissions, hazardous substance disposal) must be issued prior to operation and thereafter adhered to. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p 12 Zoning Ordinance d. No inoperable vehicles shall be stored outside the primary structure. e. No sales, storage or display of new or used automobiles or equipment shall be permitted. 1102.1405 Dimensional Standards (1) The following minimum requirements and those additional requirements found in Section 1102.1500 shall govern the use and development of lots in the "I-1" Use District. Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Front Side Yard Rear Parking Lot Area Lot Width Height Floor Yard (ft..) (ft) Yard (ft.) Setback (ft.) Area Ratio 1 Acre 150 200 45' or 4 1.0 40 50 15 20 200 10 stories, whichever is less nro�tor (2) Lots Adjacent to Residential Use Districts: The following setbacks shall apply to developments on lots adjacent to Residential Use Districts: 60 feet 20 feet City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1102/p 13 Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1107 GENERAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS R11RSFCT1nNS 1107.100: Purpose and Intent 1107.200: Off -Street Parking Areas, Paved Areas and Loading Spaces 1107.300: Number of Required Off -Street Parking Space 1107.400: Signage 1107.500: Interpretation 1107.600: Exempt Signs 1107.700: Permitted Signs; No Sign Permit Required 1107.800: Permitted Signs; Sign Permit Required 1107.900: Permitted Sign Area; Business and Industrial Districts 1107.1000: Calculating Sign Area 1107.1100: Prohibited Signs 1107.1200: Sign Plan Requirements 1107.1300: Sign Permit Requirements 1107.1400: Maintenance 1107.1500: Lapse of Sign Permit 1107.1600: Removal of Signs 1107.1700: Remedies for Violation of the Sign Ordinance 1107.1800: Lighting 1107.1900: Landscaping and Screening 1107.2000: Bufferyards 1107.2100: Tree Preservation and Restoration 1107.2200: Architectural Design 1107.2300: Non -Conformities (1107.100 - 110 7.2 100 and 1107.2300 were removed for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance review only) 1107.2200: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 1107.2201 Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to serve the public interest by requiring development in the City to meet certain minimum architectural design standards. Through a comprehensive review of both functional and aesthetic aspects of new or intensified developments, the City needs to accomplish all of the following objectives: ➢ Implement the goals and policies set out in its Comprehensive Plan; ➢ Preserve the character of residential neighborhoods and the City's commercial and industrial areas; ➢ Maintain and improve the City tax base; ➢ Reduce the impacts of dissimilar land uses; ➢ Promote orderly and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; ➢ Discourage the development of identical and similar building facades which detract from the character and appearance of the neighborhood; ➢ Preserve the natural and built environment; and City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/pt Zoning Ordinance ➢ Minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties from buildings which are or may become unsightly. 1107.2202 Standards. The provisions in Subsection 1107.2202 apply to commercial, industrial, multi -family residential (projects of 3 or more dwelling units per building), public and institutional uses. (1) The visual impact of rooftop equipment shall be minimized using one of the following methods: ➢ A parapet wall. ➢ A fence or screen, the height of which extends at least 1 foot above the top of the rooftop equipment and incorporates the architectural features of the building. ➢ The rooftop equipment shall be painted to match the roof facing material of building. (2) The development must locate the noise -producing portions of the development, such as loading docks, outside storage and outside activity away from adjacent residential areas. (3) All outside storage areas shall be screened to minimize off-site views using a bufferyard type "C" or greater, as defined by Subsection 1107.2005. (4) Utility service structures such as utility meters, utility lines, transformers, generatrors, above ground tanks, fuel canisters, refuse handling, loading docks, maintenance structures, and other ancillary equipment must be inside a building or be entirely screened from off-site views. (5) All utility services shall be under ground except as provided elsewhere in this Ordinance. (6) Exterior surface materials of buildings shall be subject to the following regulations: a. Classes of Materials: For the purpose of this subsection, materials shall be divided into Class I, glass la, Class 11 and Class III categories as follows: Class I Brick, mnrhlo yrnni+o �r Mhor natural stone, tovti irgnrl r►omor�t nr 1 1 ILAI iF. 1. I LAI ill. VI VLI IVI LV/\L\..I " '*.A VV1 1 M IL . synthetic stucco or EIFS, copper, porcelain, exposed aggregate concrete panels, burnished concrete block, integral colored split face (rock face) block, exposed acLgregate concrete block and glass are Class I exterior building materials on buildings other than those used as dwellings which contain eight or fewer dwelling units. Synthetic stucco or EIFS shall be installed a minimum of four feet above the foundation of the building. Wood, fiber cement or higher impact rated vinyl siding (at least .044 inches in thickness) and prefinished metal are Class I materials on residential buildings containing eight or fewer dwelling units in addition to the other Class I materials listed in this subsection. Cast -in-place ..........or precast concrete panels, provided the surfaces have been inte_ rally treated with an applied decorative material or texture are considered Class I materials in the 1-1 and C-3 district in addition to the other Class I materials listed in this subsection. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p2 Zoning Ordinance w(`...I..011.. t .. .. .........1....0...............1=....I ..r....... ►. .. .r..........�..�..rfi..nacs........fn..r....... . ►. .. .. .r ►..i.. ..1........mn-1i.n.r .........1..ii .......�..t..r.i..n..1.........1�..�....i..1r+i..r�.�...0 ........ vrc...vv ILA. r rr✓�r ver rr�r rc vrurr ry rvr %.1%.11 111 rr�r %.ALAI LAI I%,. rr I%AW-4vcr [LAI r a,.rrcrn ryv Class II:LE xp^Ste, d uyyrpyut% c^11roto ; a;-r%!s, bul-nisl;md c^lIcrmt b!^ck_ I intenrni r►nlnrorI ordit fnr►o trnr►I, fnr►ol nnA ovr�n�orJ nnnronn+ei r►r%nr►roto r ���: .. �..ILAI v' T 'I".v�.....%.J. .r��.....�....vv ..I..vvI. ....vv..... c:..1... �.....v�......vvv��........:.. .........� �:......... c..« vv� ry v�v y N \ I N yy y hl^rle , Ccast-in-place or precast concrete anels, provided the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture, artificial stone, prefinished metal and fiber cement siding. Class III: Unpainted or surface painted concrete block (scored or unscored), unpainted or surface painted plain or ribbed concrete panels, wood and unfinished or surface painted metal. b. Minimum Use of Class I Materials Required. At least 60% of each building face visible from off-site must be constructed with Class I Whom materia s.L except as permitted y subsection 7. , v v r r r_ (`J_n_c c............. I ............. m_ g=ri_n] c............... n_ro I _i_c orl i n.... I n m_Kin _n_t i n_nVk it h ............. 0 0...... I............. m_n_I•o ri_n I c ........ f h o ci imof tho ('Inc I n nr4 C`Incc In mntorinIc chnil ho orvi inI to nr nrontor i0.AT ....v.r. ...L.r...r....... r�.A.* �*a......I......Ir::�r.r..rA......�rCA'iJ*:�r......r I:A......r..0 LAti�..r...r.4"Vo.......�Y Y r.r.r.r......ra lk......lk.4"LA'I...... L.N ...... %al ........ �.y..��.�.�.r.. t.h.n.n..Cflo%,.....n.nr.4.....n.t....Ink.n.c......1.�n.0/�....n.£..t.h.Az....l-�a..�.i.I�r-1.i.n.n....fne.-.=...arx.a..i.�t....K=...(.1n.c.c.....I....�..... .�.I•�.r.i.�.1.� cr [LAI r vv /v LAI 1%.4uc r�uvc vv /V yr cr 1%,r✓unurr ry ILA%.I%, r r ra,..vc 1-1%, vruvv . . r rcrc%,r rc..rv. C. Maximum Use of Class III Materials Permitted. Not more than 10% of each building face visible from off-site may be of Class III materials. Portions of buildings not visible from off the site may be constructed of greater percentages of Class II or Class III materials if the structure otherwise conforms to all City ordinances. The mixture of building materials must be compatibly integrated. d. Buildings in the General Industrial Use District: Class I materials may be reduced to a minimum of 25% for building walls in the 1-1 Use District which are not facing or located on a principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector, or adjacent to or across from any "R" Use District, provided that the remaining materials are functionally and durably equal to a Class I material as certified by the developer's architect or the manufacturer and the architectural design and site plan meet the following minimum criteria: ➢ The exposed height of the building wall shall not exceed 15 feet. ➢ The number of required plants shall be increased by 20% and the size of 20% of the ornamental trees installed shall be increased to 3 1/2 caliper inches. ➢ A minimum of 15% of the building facade must be windows or glass spandrels. e. Use of Non -Listed Materials. The Zoning Administrator Stuff, may permit an exterior surface material not identified in Subsection 1107.2200(6) provided the material is a result of new technology, and/or the material is equal to or better in quality, appearance and durability than those materials identified. The applicant must submit the manufacturer's warranty of the non -listed material. This subsection does not intend to reduce the percentage of required materials. (7) In addition to the minimum criteria, the following additional architectural design elements may be considered in determining whether to permit the reduced use of Class I materials: building bulk, general massing, roof treatment, proportion of City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p3 Zoning Ordinance openings, facade design elements and variation, fenestration, compatibility of materials, color, and texture. Site plan design elements which will be considered in determining whether to reduce the Class I building material requirement include quantity, quality, variation, compatibility, and size of plant materials, landscape berms and screening walls. Also considered will be the overall harmony and unity of the various elements of the architectural design and site plan within the site and also within the larger context of the area or corridor. (8) Building design shall be consistent with the following requirements: a. The height, bulk, general massing, roof treatment, materials, colors, textures, major divisions, and proportions of a new or remodeled building shall be compatible in design style and character with that of other buildings on the site and on adjacent sites. b. No unbroken building wall may exceed a 4:1 ratio of wall length to wall height, and each building wall deviation at the 4:1 ratio shall be a minimum depth of 4 feet; where a maximum 3:1 wall length to wall height ratio is used, the minimum depth of each building wall deviation may be reduced to 3 feet; where a maximum 2:1 wall length to wall height ratio is used, the minimum depth of each building wall deviation may be reduced to 2 feet. C. No building may display more than 5% of any elevation surface in bright, pure accent colors. d. Design reviILAIew shall be done by the Community & Economic Development ti..irnl..Pnoni i.rr►oc......Department. e. The site lighting shall provide adequate light for the safety and welfare of persons using the site but shall not present a nuisance or hazard and shall otherwise comply with Subsection 1107.1800. In cases where light spillage to adjacent properties cannot be determined a photometric plan shall be submitted to the Community &Economic Development Q ^*4at%Aru! Qeso;rces Department for review. f Jnr nrninr o U14hin nil I loo niotrir►to Uihoro Hnn Int nron ovr►oor4o 9;0 nnn ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... L �.7 Y Y i L i iii i LA i i V �.7 \.I L/ i �.7 L i i \./ L �.7 Y Y i i \.I i \.I L i i \.I i \./ L LA i \.I LA \.I /� \./ \.I \.I \.A �.7 �./ \./ , \./ \./ \./ ant-tnro fgof ._. of +ho Infron ch_nII ... ... ho ... _ fn *a%J%i%�4i %o iVVL, %A%� PA/ o%4%o*j i...6A1 i %..1VV 1 LAV f.oiLALLAV V1 VV- fy. New additions, alterations, or accessory buildings: The exterior wall surface materials, roof treatment, colors, textures, major divisions, proportion, rhythm of openings, and general architectural character, including horizontal or vertical emphasis, scale, stylistic features of additions, exterior alterations, and new accessory buildings shall conform to the original architectural design and general appearance of the principal building(s) on the site and shall comply with the requirements of this subsection. gh . The relationship of the building to the site and adjacent property, including site access and pedestrian movement shall be complementary. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p4 Zoning Ordinance h. In any instance where the Zoning Administrator denies a permit or a request for preliminary approval of building materials or building design, the applicant may submit an appeal of the interpretation, based upon the plans and other papers on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator, to the Board of Adjustment without payment of additional filing fees of any kind. Appeals shall be considered according to the procedure outlined in Subsection 1109.300. 1107.2203 Architectural Standards Applying to One and Two Family Residential Uses. Individuals, builders or groups of builders shall not construct a house design which has identical front elevations to any house or proposed house where a building permit has been issued with the following exceptions: a. Identical front elevations may be allowed on no more than 25% of platted lots within a block. However, identical front elevations shall not be allowed on adjacent lots or in cul-de-sac turnarounds. b. The provisions of this subsection apply to Planned Unit Developments and Conditional Use Permits, but may be modified with the consent of the City Council. C. To determine compliance with this subsection, the Zoning Administrator may require the permit applicant to submit exterior elevations of the proposed structure, and photographs of the front exterior of neighboring houses, in addition to all required materials for a building permit application listed in Subsection 1109.501. A list of exterior finish materials and colors may also be required. City of Prior Lake June 1, 2009 1107/p5 3 U L a 0 4- o 0 Z a) � O 0 I- O 0 r- lfl 0 r -i N 0 Ln Ln 0 N I- 0 O O 0 I- N 0 Ln O 0 I- N 0 Ln Ln r -I r -i tt O m Ln O N to O r -i c -I O to O N O Ln r -I I n r -i :I- M o r -I to o r -I to o M :I- o O r -I to o Ln N -0 O o Ln N CL O a) a) ca \ in a) in a) ca \ cn a) cn a) cn a) cn a) ca \ ca \ ca \ ca \ � a) n3 \ C � +� O O O O O O � C � +� } } C >- >- C }}}} C C C C } O U Z Z Z Z � LJ N O O O E O E O C Z O C 4A V, a) V, a) ca \ ca \ ca \ ca \ cn a) ca \ cn a) ca \ O ca \ ca \ ca \ v� a) ca \ aJ ca \ ca \ O O ca \ v) a) �}} U O O O C } C } O Z O O C } O X w O Z O C Z Z C } -p aJ Ln N m >}} v1v1 a) a) c6 \ C} v1 a) (a \ C ca \ C}}}} cn a) cn a) cn a) cn a) ca \ C ca \ C ca \ C ca \ C �n a) } c6 \ C c6 \ C O Z c6 \ C O Z O Z OC O -0 fuL +� OJ O ZE-.O H 0 LA Z O L 5� G G of of of of of v1 to E N a, N cu (a \\\\ (6 (6 c6 a, a, a, a, U (6 \\\ (6 (6 U ca \\ c6 O c6 \\\\\ c6 c6 c6 c6 4A .3 m L 0 L W rC U w > O a1LA Ln a) Ln a) to a) Ln a) (6 \ c6 \ cn a) C +' Q Q ca \ c6 \ C +' C +' (6 \ c6 \ ca \ C +' O O O O O In a) L Q C } } } } C C } C a) C C C a) C a) C C C C aJ Z Z Z Z Z } CL au fa U Y U U as U U a a, J a1 � to a) to a) c6 \ to a) to a) ca \ cn a) ca \ in a) cn a) ca \ cn a) in a) in a) In a) in aJ in a, in a) ca \ O 0 n3 \ Ln a, Y J } } C } } C } C } } C } } } } } } } C Z Z C } D Ln N Ln N Ln N a) �'n La 3 a) } 'n a) } m \ C fn a) } m \ C ca \ C cn a) } i 0 a U cn a) } (.nc6 a) } \ C C +� U c6 \ C c6 \ C to a) } c6 \ C C fa +� U O Z O Z O Z O Z 0 Z C fa a U m �_ to a) >- 0 E O C 0 E O C 0 E 0 C Q CD O 0 O Q O CD O CD O CD O CD O CD Jto O } to } to } to } to } cn } cn } cn } in } ca C ca C C m a) L ca C C m a) L C ca a) L C ca a) L C ca a) L C ca a) L C ca a) L C ca a) L ca C ca C ca C 0 0 0 C 0 C 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 c a Ln U +� U aj 0 U a) to bo ,C to a) Ln v a) aj 0 a) _0 C Fz Q ai tXo U C a) C t) a) C a) U i1 v ate) +' +U+ fa N E L C £Y c d U C a) CO .— p O E 0 cu E E 'u - U G U U C U of aJ U Q O +�aj cn Cn V i X Ln _ C a) 'L f6 Z3 Q) 'n Q O U m to m Q O U w �; c6 qA U �. a) ca (� € to a-+ U C U cn aU, O ?� > O CL ai X p U � U d Q C U U U }' C O� U om, ii Qai bD U O `~ LE �' C U v d O © U -0 C `� to O L � a) N CL d a) +� cn �, ca t o + L U a) C O a) Ln CD - cu Gi Lnn � LAN � L a) 4 c6' Q � X L O O W U O U H N J a Staff Recommendations - Approved Building Materials Current Classes of Materials PL Class Approved Material I brick I marble granite other natural stone textured cement synthetic stucco copper porcelain glass cast -in-place concrete panels precast concrete panels la I fiber cement II exposed aggregate concrete panels II burnished concrete block II integral colored split face (rock face) block II exposed aggregate concrete block II artificial stone II prefinished metal III unpainted or surface painted concrete block (scored or unscored) III unpainted or surface painted plain or ribbed concrete panels III unfinished or surface painted metal Proposed Classes of Materials PL Class Approved Material I brick i i"C'i"irf'I i" 51 ait n+.�►nr natural stone �: +v+i..i.rn�...:::.i^n synthetic stucco or EIFS copper Y exposed create concrete panels burnished concrete block integral colored split face (rock face) block exposed a cyregate concrete block glass cast -in-place concrete panels precast concrete panels �.r►�rr,+�.....r�.r►..��.... � � c. n �✓ v.� �.'u a 55 i �. 5 a � c. �, v � i c, i �, c �. �✓ a i lI 14 hr►. �IJcIh%n;.r\! VVI IV'1"l.61,.. IJIVVI\ �..�. r►#. r-�. .... n.r.n r-�...�..�- �. ... n .a(.r r� r- ...-a..�....k �.,ra �-.L'. 1r I1I l.. i UI t;,uIvI %.;u .3Niil Ia�,L. �i vC.i\ IUt;,I6.i i✓iv�,it 11 L,n`JvJ. U a55i LsG1GL C, -vi IC;I... ... . IJIVVI\ II artificial stone II prefinished metal II fiber cement III unpainted or surface painted concrete block (scored or unscored) III unpainted or surface painted plain or ribbed concrete panels III unfinished or surface painted metal I I I wood Minimum Use of Class I Materials Required At least 60% of each building face visible from off-site must be constructed with Class I material. Maximum Use of Class III Materials Permitted Not more than 10% of each building face visible from off-site may be of Class III materials. Portions of buildings not visible from off the site may be constructed of greater percentages of Class II or Class III materials if the structure otherwise conforms to all City ordinances. The mixture of building materials must be compatibly integrated. C O 'i Q E O U O O. a i O a a a a a Z) U z z a a a a a u > U > U > U D U D U a V a a u— H Z D U a a uuu� a as a u a u u a u u Z) u u Q a u a a u a a' CLo aJ= +' aj ruO � L fu bO in a, L CU U_ > L Ln C O +' — U LL OOLL -0 O O cn vii i E cu U.O OJ c6 �, O s o L aj O Q O +� (6 a) v p O O aJ �_ Ln U Ln ca = p L aJ O `ncu a, d a, L �_ o a a, N o L -0 . (� ; L L aj Ln VV .:,. f6 ,} aj cr a.) 14 40 i7n cuo 4313 ca N cn L v L U L N Industrial Property -Approved Use Comparison P =Permitted Use PUC =Permitted Use with Conditions CU =Conditional Use AC =Accessory Use Use Recommended Current Adult Uses CU CU Airport Not Addressed CU Animal Handling PUC CU Antenna & Towers, Commercial Use CU Not Addressed Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair PUC PUC Auto Body/Painting PUC PUC Building Material Sales PUC Not Addressed Car Wash CU CU Contractors Yard PUC CU Food Service AC AC Freight Terminals P P Gun Range, Indoor CU Not Addressed Heliport CU CU Home Improvement Trades PUC Not Addressed Heavy Equipment and Specialized Vehicle Sale, Rental and Service PUC Not Addressed Manufacturing/Processing P P Medical/Dental Laboratories P Not Addressed Motor Vehicle Service/Repair PUC PUC, AC Nurseries and Greenhouses CU Not Addressed Office Warehouse P P Office P P Outdoor Sales AC Not Addressed Outdoor Storage PUC CU Parking Lots P P, AC Printing Process P Not Addressed Private Entertainment (Indoor) PUC Not Addressed Public Service Structure PUC CU Recreational Dome CU CU Light Processing Recycling Facility CU CU Designated Recycling Center CU CU Research & Testing Laboratories P P Retail Sales (limited) AC AC Self -Service Storage Facility PUC P Showroom P Not Addressed Transportation Facility PUC CU Utility Substations PUC CU Business/Trade School P Not Addressed Warehouse/Storage/Distribution P P Waste Hauler PUC Not Addressed Wholesale Use P Not Addressed Wind Generators CU Not Addressed (A A� W E cr w ba •O N O O M Q. O U L Q. 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The property is lo- cated along the western shores of Lower Prior Lake, east of Bayview Circle, north of Birchwood Avenue. Histor In 1975 the City of Prior Lake installed a public sanitary sever line across the side a rear card of Lot 7 and the Northeast one-half of Lot 8, Shady Beach. A part of the utility project easements were granted by the various property owners within the utility line corridor including Recorded Doc #174828. In 1995 a sepa- rate utility easement was also granted to the city under Recorded Doc ##349688. As identified in the attached survey these 20 foot gide easements are not cen- tered over the existing utility line as is desired by the City to accommodate prop- er coverage for any necessary grading and utility maintenance on the pipe. The Rixmanns have dedicated a new 20 foot drainage and utility easement which i centered over the existing line which would allow for the proper maintenance corridor work to he completed if necessary. The dedication of the new ease- ment would render these two previously dedicated public easements no longer necessary for access to the utility line. Therefore the Rixrnanns are requesting the vacation of these easements= Current Circumstances As required by State statute 462.358 Su d.2, the Planning Commission is re- quired to make a recommendation to the city Council regarding the disposal or acquisition of public lands and easements as it relates to compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon proper notification, State Statute 412.851 alloys the Council to vacate easements by resolution. The statute also states `"no such vacation shall b made unless it appears to be in the public interest to do so. " ISSUES: The Planning Commission must make two determinations. Does the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there ar public need or anticipated future need for the dedicated property? Comprehensive Plan Review The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically discuss drainage and utility easements, other than as a function of ensuring proper storm water drainage and access to public surer and water utilities. The vacation of these easements is not inconsistent with any specific goal or objective of the Comprehensive Plan. The City hes been granted a newly dedicated 20 foot wide permanent easement over the existing sanitary sewer line which is more appropriately centered over the line. Public deed As noted above, the property owner has dedicated the necessary easement therefore the existing easements are no longer necessary for public drainage and utilities, Conclusion The property owner has dedicated the necessary easements for the area. As a result City Staff recommends approval of the vacation of the requested ease- ments with the following condition: The approval resolution vacating the drainage and utility easements shall e recorded at the Scott County Recorder's office within 60 days of city Council approval. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend nr end the City Council approve the proposed vacation as presented or with changes recommended by the Planning Commission. 2. Continue the discussion to a date and time certain to allow the City staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Com- mission. 3. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specif- ic policies of the Comprehensive sive Plan, RECOMMENDEDcity Staff recommends Alternative . A motion and second to recommend the MOTION: City council approve the vacation as requested. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Survey (indicating existing easements to be vacated) 5 sy n L �� [All 7L [All ell,