HomeMy WebLinkAbout0216 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Date: February 16, 1999 (7:30pm) CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Present were: Mayor Mader, Councilmembers Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, City Manager Boyles, Assistant City Attorney Brokl, Assistant City Manager Woodson, Planning Director Rye, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Parks & Recreation Director Hokeness, Recording Secretary Meyer. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MADER: Requested adding the following items: 8C - Tree Preservation Ordinance 9F - Floodplain Ordinance 9G - Northwood Road sidewalk issues. BOYLES: Requested an addition to the Executive Session to discuss Nelson Special Assessment appeal and Thorsen litigation. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 1, 1999 MEETING MINUTES: SCHENCK: Requested a change to p7 of the Minutes to read "...in serving on the Metropolitan Council Nominating Committee..." MADER: Requested an amendment to p7 of the Minutes regarding the motion for appointing a committee member for the Metropolitan Council Nominating Committee to include authorization of the City Manager to make a decision. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 1, 1999 MEETING AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Petersen, Schenck; Kedrowski and Wuellner abstained. CONSENT AGENDA: Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Monthly Report Consider Approval of Fire Call Report. City Manager BOYLES reviewed the Consent Agenda items. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Council Meeting Minutes February. 16. 1999 MADER: Commented that an item in the contingency reserve for a $10,000 expenditure to the LMCIT was for legal fees from a civil lawsuit initiated in 1991 that the City won, but that still has a cost to the City for its legal defense. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: NONE. PRESENTATIONS: NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. OLD BUSINESS: Consider Approval of Ordinance 99-XX Adopting a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the City of Prior Lake. BOYLES: Introduced the item clarifying that the length of the Findings of Fact were prepared on the recommendation of the City Attorney, and that portions of the remaining code have been reorganized to be included in the new zoning ordinance. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 99-XX AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND AMENDING THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-6 BY REPEALING SECTION 5-1-1 THROUGH 5-8-12, 5A-1-1 THROUGH 5A-1-12 AND ALL OF ORDINANCE 83-6 AND ADOPTING SECTIONS 1101.100 THROUGH 1112.501 INCLUSIVE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. SCHENCK, KEDROWSKI, WUELLNER: Each commented separately that this Ordinance was a monumental process and is a working document the impacts of which are expected to be monitored, tested and changed. Each commended the efforts of Staff. MADER: Asked for clarification to several wordings within the adopting resolution, and also commended the efforts by staff. RYE: Commented on the quality of the Council input, and gave great credit to his staff and in particular, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier. VOTE: Ayes Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Change Order for the Library/Resource Center to Lloyd Excavation, Inc. for soil correction, storm sewer pipe and water main, and to FULCO Construction for footing modification, elimination of parking lot, eliminating block wall, redesign of exterior screen wall and lighting modification. BOYLES: Reviewed each Change order in connection with the staff report and pointed out the specific additions, credits and alterations in the project. 021699.DOC 2 Council Meeting Minutes February 16, 1999 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS FOR THE LIBRARY/RESOURCE CENTER TO LLOYD EXCAVATION, INC. FOR SOIL CORRECTION, STORM SEWER PIPE AND WATER MAIN, AND TO FULCO CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR FOOTING MODIFICATION, ELIMINATION OF PARKING LOT, ELIMINATING BLOCK WALL, REDESIGN OF EXTERIOR SCREEN WALL AND LIGHTING MODIFICATION. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. Additional item Tree Preservation Ordinance issues concerning surveys and initial deposits, and the requirements for returning that deposit with respect to individual property owners developing single lots. MADER: Requested clarification as to the date Staff will address the Council on this issue. BOYLE$: Advised Council that the item is tentatively targeted for the March 1st or 15th meeting. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO BRING THIS ISSUE TO THE COUNCIL NO LATER THAN MARCH 15, 1999. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Consider Approval of Resolution 99-XX Amending Resolution 98-99 Authorizing Condemnation of Property by Reducing the Amount of Property to be Acquired from 15.18 Acres (entire road) to 2.21 Acres for Road Access Purposes Only. BOYLES: Introduced the item in conjunction with the Staff report, and advised that the condemnation action is taking place only after discussions with the Kops that could not be resolved, and that instead of acquiring the entire 15.18 acre parcel, the City proposes to take only that property necessary for relocating the access (2.21 acres). Because of the timing, the Staff is recommending proceeding with the condemnation process with the understanding that the City will continue to negotiate with the Kops throughout the condemnation process. In any case, should condemnation action be completed, the Kops will get fair market value for the 2.21 acres. Also reviewed how this proposal benefits both the City and the Kops. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 99-XX AMENDING RESOLUTION 98-99 AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY BY REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED FROM 15.18 ACRES (ENTIRE PARCEL) TO 2.21 ACRES FOR ROAD ACCESS PURPOSES ONLY. KEDROWSKI: Commented that there is essentially only one acre of land that the Kops are giving up since the other acre is pond. The new road will provide only a benefit to the Kops by providing more accessibility to the remaining property when it is developed. PETERSEN: Believed this proposal is the best of both worlds for both the City and the Kops. WUELLNER: Also supports the motion and commented that since the City and Kop appraisers are so far apart, the condemnation process is the avenue by which the parties can arrive at a fair market value. 021699.DOC 3 Council Meeting Minutes February_ 16. 1999 SCHENCK: Commented that he reluctantly supports the motion because he would have liked to save the Kops farmstead as part of Prior Lake's history. Commented on the misunderstandings in the Council's previous action to acquire the full parcel. MADER: Does not support the resolution because he feels acquiring the Kop property by the condemnation process is not a necessity that protects the well-being of the community. Condemnation only incurs legal fees by attorneys for both the City and the Kops. Believes the condemnation process is offensive to the property owners, and that the action taken should be to do our best to negotiate a fair resolution directly with the Kops. KEDROWSKI: This road is the only viable alternative access for the park. The condemnation action is a process by which a court can further negotiate and ultimately determine what, if any, costs the City will be required to pay. VOTE: Ayes by Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, Nay by Mader, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Resolution 99-XX Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing the Advertisement and Solicitation of Bids for Lakefront Park Improvements. BOYLES: Introduced the item and Jason Amberg of Brauer Associates and Paul Hokeness, Park and Recreation Director. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 99-XX APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT AND SOLICITATION OF BIDS FOR LAKEFRONT PARK IMPROVEMENTS. HOKENESS: Reviewed for the Council the overall objectives and goals of the Master Plan for Lakefront Park. AMBERG: Talked more specifically about how the Master Plan was amended in light of the City not acquiring the entire Kop parcel, including pushing the Athletic fields northward and realigning the road along the pond edge on the southern portion of the Kop property in order to provide minimal impact on the Kop homestead. He also advised that recently the market seems to be experiencing very competitive bids coming in at this time. HOKENE$$: Also advised that the trailway from the upper parking lot to Ridgemont would be widened (10') with a gate to provide alternate access for emergency vehicles. The Plan also ties many of the trail loops together accessing all sections of the Park. KEDROW$KI: Asked how many miles of trails would be in the park. HOKENESS: Estimated 3 or 4 miles, and also reviewed the plans for the multi-purpose building/warming house. Advised that the DNR is also receptive to including another fishing pier in the bay, or some riprap for shoreland fishing. 021699,DOC 4 Council Meeting Minutes February. 16. 1999 SCHENCK: Commended Paul Hokeness, Mr. Amberg and the Parks Advisory Committee on the effort and is excited about proceeding with the effort. Asked about the timing and budget of the floating boardwalk. HOKENESS; Advised that the boardwalk is being bid as an alternate. Another option may be building it in house by our Parks Maintenance Dept. KEDROWSKI: Believes the park development is long overdue and also commended the staff. MADER: Asked the road height elevation of the access and questioned the safety in connection with the pond. Also asked if the roadway trail would be maintained in the winter for emergency access. HOKENESS: Provided that the roadway would be part of our Regional Trail system and fall under the winter maintenance policy and would be maintained year-round. Also advised that the engineering staff had reviewed the patterns of the pond for its impact on the access. MADER: Asked if the timeline isn't being pushed for general contractors to provide bids by March 15th. AMBERG: Indicated that the timeline was okay and provided that this bid will not include the multi- purpose building. The standard timeframe for requesting bids for park development is 3-4 weeks. HOKENESS: Clarified that the plans and specifications are ready to be distributed, and that staff will come back to the Council to bid the multi-purpose building because it is staff's opinion that staff can act as the general contractor on that part of the project and save some money at the same time. WUELLNER: Asked if staff addressed the issues of commercial development of the Kop property and its impact on the pond and our access. HOKENESS: Development of the Kop property would require additional ponding, or drainage outlets. We also discussed the possibility of a lift station. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. The Council took a five-minute recess. Consider Approval of Proposed Lake Advisory Committee Process, Timeline and Funding for Completing Comprehensive Lake Management Plan. BOYLES: Reviewed the history of the preparation of the Lake Management Plan as well as the Staff report and Lake Advisory Committee's recommendations as to priorities and issues with respect to proceeding with completing a Lake Management Plan. Advised that Lani Leichty, Water Resources Coordinator and Rick Warner, member of the Lake Advisory Committee were available to answer any questions. 021699.DOC 5 Council Meeting Minutes February. 16. 1999 KEDROWSKI: Under shoreland preservation, what is your opinion with respect to the difference between the Fall of '99 and the Fall of 2000. LEICHTY: Provided that if the Council chose to apply for the matching grant, the funding is not ~w~rded until the Fall of 1 g99 and fund~ wouldn't be available until the following summer. WARNER: Provided that if the Council chose to apply for the grant, the LAC could re-prioritize some of the other issues before we went back to shoreland management, rather than stopping the whole process. MADER: Commented that according to the survey, shoreland preservation was a Iow priority while water quality was a high priority. In his mind, these two issues run side-by-side. Commended the LAC on accessing the expertise within the citizenry and other outside organizations. Asked if we really need to hire a consultant, and whether the current Comprehensive Lake Management Plan was being implemented. Suggested not delaying just to get a modest grant. LEICHTY: Provided that law changes have made the current Lake Management Plan obsolete. It is possible to do some of it in-house, but it would be advantageous to have a consultant to summarize and analyze our data. WUELLNER: Asked if that process would provide us an accurate, usable plan that solves problems. LEICHTY: Provided that the goal is to not skimp and to provide a quality lake management plan. The staff could do part of it in-house. But to do everything, the City would need an intern because he couldn't commit the appropriate amount of time. MADER: Would the GIS system be useful in acquiring the necessary data? LEICHTY: Larry Dushek showed us a digital camera that would be very useful in acquiring data and tying it into other departments. $CHENCK: Stated that there are many opinions about issues involving the Lake, and he would like to get a professional opinion. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESS, TIMELINE AND FUNDING FOR COMPLETING COMPREHENSIVE LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN BY COLLECTING AS MUCH DATA AS POSSIBLE ON OUR OWN, AND SUBMITTING THAT DATA TO A CONSULTANT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000, AS WELL AS APPLYING FOR DNR FUNDING. KEDROWSKI: Addressing lake management issues is long overdue. The Council has talked about the importance of this issue, but prior to this the City has not spent any money. Believes this is a good, prudent step to getting this issue off the ground. WUELLNER: Believed the action both utilizes our resources within the community, and utilizes the expertise of a consultant not to exceed $10,000. MADER: Supported the motion, but would rather see the City tap into the expertise within the community versus using a consultant. 021699.DOC 6 Council Meeting Minutes February. 16. 1999 RICH WARNER: Suggested reviewing at a later date the data the LAC collects and the objectives for the consultant in connection with hours involved and dollars paid. MADER: Clarified that should we be approved for the DNR funding and choose to use a consultant for something less than the amount approved, we do not have to accept the funding. LEICHTY: Confirmed that we are not obligated to accept the funding. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Amendments to City Council Bylaws and Approval of Workshop Notes. BOYLES: Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the Staff report. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL BYLAWS, LAC BYLAWS, PAC BYLAWS AND PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS. MADER: Stated that it was not his understanding that the discussions at the Workshop with respect to Appendix A and item 13F were to be included in the Council Bylaws. Did not support the motion. Added that incorporating anonymous notes is not appropriate. WUELLNER: His recollection is that the Councilmembers did discuss each of the items in Appendix A with the intent of including them in an appendix to the Council Bylaws. These items were prepared prior to the Workshop and not a product of anonymous notes. These items address how we conduct business as a Council. KEDROWSKI: Concurred with Councilmember Wuellner. These items should be included in the Bylaws because they affect how we do business. SCHENCK: Supported the motion as well. Believes these items should not only be included, but periodically revisited. MADER: Restated his objections and suggested possibly taping future Workshops in order to gather an accurate record of the meetings. PETERSEN: Did not support the motion. Believed the items in Appendix A are professional courtesies that should be common sense. KEDROWSKI WITHDREW MOTION AND SCHENCK WITHDREW SECOND. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY PETERSEN THE APPROVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. 021699.DOC 7 Council Meeting Minutes February 16, 1999 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL BYLAWS AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Kedrowski, Wuellner and Schenck, Nay by Mader and Petersen, the motion failed. (super majority required). MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE THE COUNCIL WORKSHOP NOTES. MADER: Objected to several items in the Workshop Notes and stated that this document should not be included as part of Council business. Did not support the motion. KEDROWSKI: Stated that It has been past practice to adopt some type of record of the annual Workshop since it is a public meeting. This document does reflect our conversations. MADER Disagreed and stated that most Workshops do not have formal minutes. To adopt anonymous criticisms does not have any purpose. KEDROWSKI: Stated he didn't have a problem amending some of the items, but to deny the existence of the discussion is not appropriate. Annual workshops typically do have a record. MADER: Added that this is a selective record. Suggested deleting all of the "starred" items under (D) of the Workshop notes. AMENDED MOTION TO AMEND BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY MADER TO APPROVE THE WORKSHOP NOTES DELETING THE STARRED ITEMS UNDER (D). VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski Petersen, and Schenck, Nay by Wuellner, the motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE WORKSHOP NOTES AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. Consider Approval of City Manager Salary Adjustment and Employment Agreement. MADER: Reviewed the specifics of the agenda item and thanked Councilmembers Kedrowski and Schenck for the efforts with respect to this issue. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE CITY MANAGER SALARY ADJUSTMENT AND EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT AS AMENDED BY DELETING ITEM 7C. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. Additional Item: Floodplain Ordinance Issues MADER: Brought up a specific issue of one citizen with respect to being unable to rebuild a deck that is one foot below floodplain level. The building permit was denied under our ordinance, which was probably a correct interpretation of our ordinance. But, the citizen's home is four feet below the floodplain level. Asked for some research by staff that would keep the floodplain ordinance from being punitive. 021699.DOC 8 Council Meeting Minutes February 16, 1999 MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PERFORM RESEARCH INTO THE SPECIFICS OF STATE STATUTES AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO HOW THE CITY ORDINANCE CAN BE REVISED OR OTHERWISE INTERPRETED SO IT IS NOT PUNITIVE. KEDROWSKI: Asked for clarification as to our floodplain requirements. RYE: The state rules obligate us to meet certain rules and regulations. The rationale for the floodplain ordinance is to insure that it does not increase the risk of damage by flood. Regardless, the City does not have an option under the restrictions by state statutes. MADER: It still doesn't make sense in this case. It was his recollection that state legislation provides some ambiguity. Requested that we research the options the City has to deal with the issue in a practical matter. VOTE: Ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Wuellner and Schenck, the motion carried. Additional Item: Northwood Road Sidewalk Plowing MADER: Residents have raised concerns with plowing only part of the sidewalk along Northwood Road. It appears that the sidewalk is a high traffic area along a collector street. Since the City made the investment to install sidewalks and lights, questioned the criteria by which the remainder of the sidewalk was eliminated from the Winter Maintenance policy. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY PETERSEN THAT STAFF BE DIRECTED TO PLOW THE REMAINDER OF NORTHWOOD ROAD AND TO INCLUDE IT IN THE PLAN NEXT YEAR. KEDROWSKI: What kind of precedent does this set with respect to our adopted Winter Maintenance plan? MADER: Northwood Road does not have homes on it and we put in both the sidewalks and the lights and we should protect the investment. KEDROWSKI: Once we plow it, the City is going to be committed, and it will have cost factors in equipment and man-power. SCHENCK: Suggested not discussing at Council meetings each person's concern about plowing their sidewalk. We should address this issue from an overall policy standpoint. BOYLES: Provided that the section of the sidewalk that is plowed is due to the bus stop. The remainder of the sidewalk wasn't plowed, but probably does fall under the criteria that would allow it to be included in the Winter Maintenance policy. AMENDED MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY PETERSEN, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PLOW THE REMAINDER OF THE NORTHWOOD ROAD SIDEWALK FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS WINTER SEASON. 021699.DOC 9 Council Meeting Minutes February_ 16. 1999 K£DROWSKI: If this sidewalk falls under the appropriate criteria, he would rather just see the Staff include the area as provided under the policy, rather than making a formal action that may open the door for similar requests. BOYLES: Advised that staff will address this issue in its plan for next year's Winter Maintenance plan. VOTE: Ayes by Kedrowski, Petersen, Mader and Wuellner, Nay by Schenck, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS: Executive Session to Discuss Labor Negotiations. The Council retired to Executive Session at 10:15pm to discuss the Nelson assessment appeal and the Thorsen litigation. Executive Session to Discuss Labor Negotiations. The Council retired to Executive Session to discuss the status of current labor negotiations. The Regular City Council Meeting resumed at 11:03pm. Mayor MADER reviewed that the items discussed in Executive Session included the Nelson Assessment appeal, Thorsen litigation and labor negotiations. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE.: NONE. A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and accepted. The meeting adjourned at 11:05pm. City Manager RecordTng Syetary