HomeMy WebLinkAbout0623032. 3. 4. Co REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2003 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Consent Agenda: Public Hearings: Case #03-24 & 03-25 Farmington Development is requesting a preliminary plat and conditional use permit for a townhouse development consisting of 11 units to be known as Prior Lake Pond Addition. This property is located north of CSAH 82, west of CSAH 21, south of Regal Crest and east of Wensmann's 2"d Addition. Case #03-54 Wensmann Realty is requesting an amendment the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to the C-TC (Town Center) designation for the property located at 4666 Dakota Street SE. Old Business: New Business: Case #03-55 Wensmann Realty is requesting to vacate a portion of Erie Avenue adjacent to the property located at 4666 Dakota Street SE and to the Lakefront Plaza building. Case #03-61 Shamrock Development is requesting to vacate a portion of the right- of-way for Wild Horse Pass and the drainage and utility easements located on Lot 21, Block 4, Lots 14-15, Block 5, and Outlots A and B, The Wilds south and on Outlots A and B, The Wilds 5th Addition. Case #03-57 Patrick Jolitz, 3235 Kent Street SW, is requesting to vacate the north 8' of the 16' wide platted alley adjacent to Lot 1, and the East ~A of Lot 2, Block 30, Spring Lake Townsite. Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: L:',03 File~3 Planning Comm~03 pcAsendaLAG062303.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ill i i PUBLIC HEARING Conducted by the Planning Commission~ The Planning Commission selcomes your comments in this matter. In fairness to all who choose to speak, we ask that, at, er speaking once, you allow everyone eIse to speak before you address the Commission again and limit your'comments to ctairification or new information. Please be aware this is the principal opportunity to provide input on this matter. Once the public hearing is closed, further tesitmony or comment will not be possible except under rare conditions. The City Council will not hear additional testimony when it considers this matter. Thank you. ATTENDANCE - PI,EASE PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHLIST.DOC PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2003 1. Call to Order: Chairman Stamson called the June 23, 2003, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Ringstad and Stamson, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Planner Cynthia Kirchoff, Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Present Criego Absent Lemke Absent Ringstad Present Stamson Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the June 9, 2003, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: None 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner Stamson read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. Case #03-24 & 03-25 Farmington Development is requesting a preliminary plat and conditional use permit for a townhouse development consisting of 11 units to be known as Prior Lake Pond Addition. This property is located north of CSAH 82, west of CSAH 21, south of Regal Crest and east of Wensmann's 2nd Addition. Planner Cynthia Kirchoffpresented the Planning Report dated June 23, 2003, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Farmington Development, Inc. is requesting approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide 5.72 acres into 12 lots for 11 townhomes and conditional use permit for a cluster townhome development on property located at 3810 154th Street (CSAH 82) and zoned R-l, Low Density Residential for Prior Lake Pond Addition. Overall, the preliminary plat and conditional use permit applications will comply with relevant ordinance provisions and City standards provided all the conditions of approval are met. One of the major issues pertaining to this development is how the property to the east will develop if this proposal is approved as submitted. Staffhas worked with the L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\O3pcMinutesXlvlN062303.doc I Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 developer to locate CSAH 82 access close to the common interior property line so as to benefit the property to the east. Scott County will not allow access on CSAH 21 for that property. As a result, the proposed Majestic Lane provides access to both parcels. The staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shah obtain a permit from Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District prior to approval of a grading permit. 2. The applicant shah address aH engineering comments as outlined in the memorandum from the Assistant City Engineer dated June 16, 2003, and forthcoming comments from WSB, Inc. regarding storm water and wetland issues. 3. The applicant shah enter into a development contract with the City. 4. The applicant shah escrow funds to construct the extension of Majestic Lane and a 5 foot sidewalk to the property line at the time the parcel to the east develops. 5. The applicant shah escrow funds to provide for the construction of a right turn lane on CSAH 82. 6. The applicant shah obtain permits from Scott County for access and utility construction. 7. The applicant shah submit documentation of a grading easement on the property to the east prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 8. An average 30foot buffer strip shah be maintained around the perimeter of the wetland, measured from the ordinary high water level. Disturbed areas within the buffer shah be revegetated with native wetland plantings where feasible. 9. Wetland buffer monuments shah be installed as required by the City and Prior Lake- Spring Lake Watershed District. 10. AH structures shah meet the 30foot wetland setback. 11. A drainage and utility easement shah extend over Lot 12. 12. The tree preservation plan, including the tabular listing and map, must be revised to be consistent with ordinance requirements, so that mitigation can be properly determined. 13. The landscape plan shah be revised to include a minimum of 50 trees, in addition to proposed entry plantings, to satisfy minimum planting requirements in the Zoning Ordinance. Species should be appropriate for the site, based upon existing vegetation and the list of acceptable species included in the tree preservation ordinance. 14. The development shah comply with the maximum 30percent impervious surface coverage standard. 15. The development shah be subject to park dedication fees of $2, 670. OO per unit to be paid with the development contract. 16. The applicant shah demonstrate that 600 square feet of open space has been provided per unit. 17. A 5foot wide trail shah be constructed along the west side of Majestic Lane to provide a connection to the existing trail in Regal Crest. 18. A demolition permit shah be required prior to the demolition of the existing structures on the site. L:\03 Files\03 Planning Conma\03peMinutes~IN062303.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 19. All signage shall require a sign permit. A site plan shall be submitted for review prior to sign permit application, should signage placed within the drainage and utility easement. 20. The applicant shall submit homeowner association documents for review. 21. The applicant shall obtain required permits from all applicable governmental agencies prior to final plat approval. 22. The final plat shall be submitted within 12 months of City Council approval. Questions from the Commissioners: Ringstad - questioned the temporary cul-de-sac. Kirchoff responded the existing Majestic 'Lane does not connect with the abutting property. Comments from the Public: The developer had no comments to add. James Hamilton, 15420 Eagle Creek Avenue, the adjoining property owner, said his concern is for swamp that has developed in their back yard from the existing Regal Crest development. Hamilton presented pictures of his property showing the standing water from the runoff. They are not against the development, but concerned when they were told there would be no affects from the Regal Crest development. Hamilton asked to take their concern into consideration. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Ringstad: Asked staffto address Mr. Hamilton's concern with runoff. Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler said the Hamilton's approached the engineering department a few months ago. Poppler talked to the engineer who developed Regal Crest. The pond and wetland mitigation for Regal Crest were built approximately right on to the hydraulic calculations. There is an existing wetland. The Hamilton's claim there is more water. It is hard to determine. The department has not done further analysis. The proposed Ponds development will drain to the west of the property. · Staff outlined 22 conditions. · The cluster housing requires an application for cluster housing shall demonstrate a superior development would result by clustering. Because there is a wetland to the west, this is approximately half the size of the development that is not going to be impacted, allowing this to fall into the cluster housing. · Support the recommendation with conditions. L:\03 Files\03 Planning Con'an\03pcMinutes~l~N062303.doe 3 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 Atwood: · Agreed with Ringstad but has one further note - suggested a name change for the development because it is so close to "The Ponds" on the other side of the city. · Concern for the Hamiltons. Poppler said the hydraulic figures are on track. · This is not a good scenario for the Hamiltons. This developer should keep an eye on this issue. · Concurred with staff and conditions. Stamson: · Agreed. The design and use is appropriate for the property. As Ringstad pointed out, using a cluster development meets the conditions set forth. This is not a big piece of land, they are utilizing it the best they can. · Staff addressed all the major housekeeping issues. · Support. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY ATWOOD, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE 5.72 ACRES INTO 12 LOTS FOR 11 ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS FOR PRIOR LAKE POND ADDITION, SUBJECT TO STAFF'S 22 CONDITIONS. Atwood questioned if the name change should be a condition. Ringstad felt it was an appropriate consideration, but did not want to add as a condition. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN 11 UNIT CLUSTER TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3810 154TM STREET ZONED R- 1, LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN THE STAFF REPORT. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This item will go before the City Council on July 7, 2003. B. Case #03-54 Wensmann Realty is requesting an amendment the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to the C-TC (Town Center) designation for the property located at 4666 Dakota Street SE. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated June 23, 2003, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Wensmann Realty has filed an application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for approximately 7,500 square feet of land located on the north side of Dakota Street, and east of Erie Avenue and the Lakefront Plaza building. This property is presently zoned R-2 (Low-Medium Density Residential) and is designated as R-L/MD (Low to Medium L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03pcMinutes~VIN062303.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 Density Residential) on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. There is an existing single family dwelling located on the property. At this time, the applicant is proposing to develop this site into a parking lot for the Lakefront Plaza building. In order to do so, the Comprehensive Plan must be amended and the site rezoned to the C-3 (Town Center) district. Parking lots are permitted as an accessory use in the C-3 district. Staff felt the proposed C-TC designation is consistent with the goals and objectives in that it will allow additional parking for the multi-use Lakefront Plaza building. The C-3 Zoning District includes stringent design standards which will lessen the impact of a commercial use on the adjacent residential property. The City of Prior Lake 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan also includes a Downtown Redevelopment element. Questions from the Commissioners: Stamson questioned how this item is impacted with the next vacation issue. Kansier responded they would be tied together and will impact the design of the parking lot. In terms of the land use plan it would be separate. It can be a parking lot either way. Stamson noted the Commissioners talked about discussing rezoning the entire block. Kansier said that would be a possibility. Staff will be bringing a Comprehensive Plan Amendment in the next few months. The reason it was not included is because this is a specific application. Comments from the Public: Kelly Murray, representing Wensmann Realty, said the proposal would allow the developer to increase the number of parking spaces for Lakefront Plaza. They are trying to have a viable commercial development within Lakefront Plaza. A lot of the parking spaces need to be reserved for the retail businesses. They would like to designate the additional parking for the residents only. The additional parking is needed for downtown to promote more people. Murray asked the Commissioners to table part of the upcoming vacation application so they can spend more time developing a rain garden feature to make a corridor to the park. Steve Skaja, 4664 Dakota Street, said he was not opposed to the parking lot but would like to see some sort of privacy fence between his property and the parking lot. Stamson asked staff if there was enough property to put in a buffer. Kansier said she was not sure of the size of land or design. The intention is to keep the parking away from the existing residential properties. They should talk to Mr. Wensmann about it. Staff could incorporate that into the site plan. Bruce Wetterlin, 4662 Dakota Street, feels he is impacted by a 3-story high rise with people looking down into his back yard. Steve Skaja's bedroom is 5 feet from the property line. His main concern is the buffer zone. He is not against the development, L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03peMinuteshMN062303.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 but does not see how a parking lot and buffer zone will work with only 65 feet. Suggested using the police annex area for parking when a new City Hall is built. Susan Shroyer, 4662 Dakota, lives about 35 feet from the proposed project. None of the neighbors were opposed to the development. It is a very attractive project. She has 20 units facing their backyard and would like to see the proposal for the parking lot. She was also concerned with her property value decreasing. They would like to see some kind of privacy fence and believes Wensmann would be cooperative. Headlights would be right in her back yard. She questioned if city land is being used for this parking lot. Wensmann said they would be willing to landscape the building. Shroyer talked about Prior Lake's developing green space. Atwood asked Shroyer how she would see this parking issue addressed. Shroyer said it would be better to have green space or landscaping into the park. Kelly Murray said they were looking at parking spaces for 25 to 30 vehicles. The public hearing was closed. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: · Agreed this is an appropriate spot for residential parking and retail parking for the plaza but concerned for the homeowners with the second entrance to the park. · The downtown redevelopment is moving at a great pace. · Concurred with staff's findings. · My experience with Wensmann is that they are creative. Confident they will buffer by landscaping between the homes and parking lot. Ringstad: · Agreed with Atwood and staff. This fits in well with Lakefront Plaza; it is a natural extension of the Town Center Designation. · Trust staffhas heard the comments and concerns from the neighbors and take them into consideration. · Recommend approval. Stamson: · Long term, this makes sense as a Town Center designation. The conflict we are seeing with the neighbors is taking just a small strip of land and changing it. We should look at the entire block. · The spot zoning issue has been discussed many times. · This could be a slam dunk if the right-of-way was not in between. · It would be more appropriate to look at the entire block- there are too many conflicts between the R-1 property owners and this commercial area. · The larger area needs to be looked at and not take this little spot and rezone it. L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03pcMinutesXMN062303.doc 6 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 · Atwood questioned when staff would be looking at rezoning the area. Kansier responded it would be sometime this summer. It would be a while before a public hearing. · Look at the entire block before a decision is made. It would be totally different without the park trail and right-of-way issues. · We should not tie ourselves into this issue when the entire block has not been discussed. Atwood asked the developer if she knew how the parking lot would be laid out. Murray said they are not giving this property to the Lakefi:ont Plaza owners. Wensmarm will retain the parking area. The number of stalls really has not been determined. There are 78 units and 80 underground parking stalls. · Atwood questioned the occupancy. Murray said the first closing is set for July 15 for residential units. Stamson questioned when they feel they will hit the residential and commercial occupancy. Murray explained the parking concerns fi:om the residents and retailers. There are 40 parking stalls for the commercial. The additional parking would be for the residents and would not tie up the store front parking. Ringstad asked staff if this project was approved without this additional parking lot. This project must have met the parking requirements before approved. Kansier said the downtown does not have a parking requirement. Staff knew parking was needed for the residents. Lakefront provided one space per unit. The 40 spaces for retail/commercial area are right. They are in the boundaries of acceptable parking but it was also with the idea there is some public municipal parking in the area. Stamson: · Their proposed use is not improper but a determination at this time is not appropriate when we are going to look at the entire block in a few months. · Atwood and Ringstad agreed - as long as it is going to be review in the next 3 to 5 months, see how the entire block shakes out in the Comprehensive Plan. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY RINGSTAD, TO DENY THE REQUEST AND REVIEW THIS PIECE OF PROPERTY ALONG WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE IN 3 MONTHS. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This matter will go before the City Council on July 7, 2003. 6. Old Business: None L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03pcMinutesXMN062303.doc 7 ~Ill[ ! Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 7. New Business: A. Case 003-55 Wensmann Realty is requesting to vacate a portion of Erie Avenue adjacent to the property located at 4666 Dakota Street SE and to the Lakefront Plaza building. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated June 23, 2003, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Wensmann Realty has filed an application to vacate a portion of the Erie Avenue right- of-way located north of Dakota Street and south of Lakefront Park. The request would allow the applicant additional lot area for the construction of parking lot on the property at 4666 Dakota Street, and would allow a door opening on the west side of the Lakefront Plaza building. The Commissioners have a request before them presented by Wensmann asking to defer the Vacation ora 33' by 200' strip of right-of-way adjacent to the west side of the property at 4666 Dakota Street. They are however, requesting the following: · Vacation of a 5.50' by 100' strip of right-of-way adjacent to the west property line of the Lakefront Plaza building. This segment of Erie Avenue is the location of the trail between Dakota Street and Lakefront Park, and there is a Minnegasco gas main located within the 5.50' strip requested to be vacated. In addition, the City is planning a storm water management project in the downtown area that includes a rain garden in this location. The garage for the existing house at 4666 Dakota Street also encroaches onto this right-of-way. As proposed, the vacation would leave the City a 27.5' wide strip of right-of-way for both the trail and the rain gardens. This area may be adequate for the trail, but will not provide enough area for the rain gardens. Vacation of the 5.50' wide strip may also impede access to the existing gas main and is thus inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Based on the information submitted thus far, there is a public need for the tight-of-way. The staff recommended denial of this request. If the right-of-way is vacated, a condition requiting an easement over the 5.50' strip must be included as part of the vacation. Questions from the Commissioners: Stamson questioned the gas main location under the 5 foot strip. Kansier responded staff received a letter from Minnegasco and they do not object to the vacation as long as there is an easement over the area. Stamson questioned why the 5.5 foot strip was necessary. Murray said during the design process for Lakefront they were looking at the exterior commercial area. They have two L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03pcMinutes~MN062303.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 options, they can either get a Private Use for Public Property Agreement for the canopy over the commercial area encroaching by 5.5 feet or they can do it permanently and take care of the vacation and restate easements. The building itself is in the property, the canopy covers the right-a-way. It will go over the sidewalk. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: · The applicant explained why the vacation was needed. This project is a cornerstone to our downtown and preserving the streetseape is very much a public purpose. · Support. Ringstad and Atwood: · Agreed. MOTION BY ATWOOD, SECOND BY STAMSON, TO GRANT THE 5.5 FOOT EASEMENT VACATION. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. A public hearing on this matter will be held at the City Council meeting on July 7. B. Case #03-61 Shamrock Development is requesting to vacate a portion of the right-of-way for Wild Horse Pass and the drainage and utility easements located on Lot 21, Block 4, Lots 14-15, Block 5, and Outlots A and B, The Wilds south and on Outlots A and B, The Wilds 5th Addition. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated June 23, 2003, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. On May 5, 2003, the City Council approved the preliminary plat known as The Wilds 6th Addition. This preliminary plat included the lots previously platted as Lot 21, Block 4, Lots 14-15, Block 5, Outlots a and B, The Wilds South and Outlots A and B, The Wilds 5th Addition. The plat also reconfigures a portion of Wild Horse Pass as originally platted in The Wilds South. Shamrock Development has now filed an application for a final plat for The Wilds 6th Addition. In order to reconfigure the lots and the street, the existing right-of-way, drainage and utility easements must be vacated. New easements and right-of-way will be dedicated in the final plat. The intent of the Comprehensive Plan is satisfied by the dedication of necessary right-of- way and easements with the new subdivision plat. Staff recommended approval of the request, subject to the condition the Resolution vacating the easements ~d right-of-way not be recorded until the final plat has been approved. L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03pcMinuteshMN062303.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 Comments from the Commissioners: Ringstad, Atwood and Stamson: · Agreed that this is in the public interest and supported. MOTION BY ATWOOD, SECOND BY RINGSTAD, TO RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE VACATION, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THE RESOLUTION NOT BE RECORDED UNTIL AFTER THE FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This matter will go before the City Council for public hearing on July 7, 2003. C. Case #03-57 Patrick Jolitz, 3235 Kent Street SW, is requesting to vacate the north 8' of the 16' wide platted alley adjacent to Lot 1, and the East ½ of Lot 2, Block 30, Spring Lake Townsite. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated June 23, 2003, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Patrick Jolitz has filed an application to vacate the north 8' of the 16' wide platted alley located adjacent to the south property line of the property at 3235 Kent Street. There is an existing home on this property. The alley is currently unimproved. The applicant is proposing to rebuild the existing garage and requires the additional lot area to meet the maximum impervious surface requirements. The alley fight-of-way was originally dedicated as part of the Spring Lake Townsite plat many years ago. The alley right-of-way is 16' wide. There are utilities located with the alley right-of-way including a gas main, telephone cable and electric lines. The vacation of this alley will impede access to the existing utilities and is thus inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the staff recommended denial of the request. Comments from the Commissioners: Atwood: · Supported staff's recommendation, unless the applicant is ready to relocate the utilities. · Deny the request. Ringstad: · Quoted the vacation statute for public interest. This vacation is not in the best public interest. · Support denial. L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\O3pcMinutes~MN062303.doc 10 Planning Commission Minutes June 23, 2003 Stflmson: · Concurred. · The utilities are in the right-of-way and access has to be protected and that overrides any other benefit. · Recommend to City Council to deny the request. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE DENIAL OF THE VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AS PROPOSED. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This matter will go before the City Council on July 7, 2003. 8. Announcements and Correspondence: Kansier explained the averaging of residential front yard setback problems. Staff is asking the Commissioners to give a verbal consent to go a head and direct staffto bring the issue forward. The Commissioners indicated to go forward. The second issue is the common public area between the lakeshore and property owners and asked for consent to review the ordinance and bring back to discuss. Reminder of the Annual Surf and Turf tour on June 30th. 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\03 Files\03 Planning Comm\03pcMinuteshMN062303.doc 1 1