HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Work Session - MnDOT Corridor Investment Management Strategy # Corr�dor lnvestment Management Strategy ' � " ' � ' Advancing Minnesota's Sustainable Solutions Solicitation As pari of the overall Corridor Inveslment Management Sirategy (CIMS) initialive and consistent with ihe Minnesota GO Vision, Mn00T anticipates having $30 million for a compefitive solicitation fn 2013 �' ` �� 1 � � � to fund frur�k highway projects that imprave qualiiy of life, environmenial heaith or econamic 11 f competitiveness. CIMS is an initiative ihat brings MnDOT together wiih ifs local, modal and state partners fo identify and �'�"� � prioritize investment opportunities on Minnesota's state highways, Through CIMS, MnDOT places a � '�� I a,� skrong emphasis on builtling and maintaining a susfainable transportaiion system ihrough sofutions , ihat ensure a high reiurn-on-investment and complement the uniyue social, natural and economic fealures of Minnesota, AMSS Sollcltation Details • Anticipated amaunt of funding: �30 million • The maximum award wilk be $9U milfion and the minimum award wilE be �200,000 • No more ihan 60% of funtls will be awartletl fo Greater Minnesota Projects or Twin Cities Metropolitart Area proJects • Funding may be used to augment an already plannetl MnDOT project or be used for a standalone project • Mnb07 projects and projects �nitiated antl led by cifies, counties and tribes on any state trunk highway are efigible • MnD07's cost participation policy will apply o MnDOT will provide up fo 90°/a of tha total proJect cosfs or the trunk highway share as determined by MnDOT's Cost Parlicipation Policy, whichever is less. Project Evaluation MnDOT has formed an advisory group of other state agencies to assist in fhe creation of project evafuation criteria and to help rank project proposals, More ihan half of ihe project score wiil be determined based on a benefit-cast (B/C) ratia that considers economic, environmental and sociaE � �� � �+ factors. In addition, lacal economic impacls, context sensitivity, system considerations, communify �, health and mullimodal improvements will be cansldered. Additional points will be awarded to projecfs •, that request less ihan 90% of tatal projecl costs. '�- ••�- . .. For mare information, visit www.mndot,qovlcims '' �' ' �, �, � , , ,� ' = I � � is - � m '�' ,� �l V �_� r,. � _s� _ � � "� t x �� f3 t' i 3 t - K 7 i 4 G� R� Y C - �.f s 3'L,q J � �.� �� +��� �.�,��t' � �' �° �[a �_� ��� �J i � ?z � ���� �,� ��; �� K �5 � � -� Aa - I[„s �•P 7� 3 �:. e? ��_. �'nt.� .� F_J F-;S S f���:f � �. �";v i��k:. �� x�a; � y F y � f3 �+ y � F �_�: .h� ` � �, r` � �i t�� L'i ��� k � t�r �� �. � ��k �'� ��x3 e �� � �t� �a � �� ` ����. 3 Y' �}'� � I' � ''('�^�i�' ;4.�. S f � L-3 .a� } � p p+� . � rr',L '.c'�l ll . il—` °'°�' �w�i,� � ` � 'S:,X' „� i . �A��o- ���S� � � 2'k . . '�* ���i:.. . r����^ a € �r�u �s ; k .. sppi •�•.� ... i ! 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'� _ � � �� �.�.1�� ���. ���ti�� ;: 4 , — � ����r���, -�tu���.�� � � : j, , * � _ - - - �. � , �i � ,::- �_ � � ��� ������� �`��'��� � � > .,' ". �;���Y� �� W���p �'` — f s �n : -_ ' 1�`hy r�a�� �a�s��, �i�yc�ir��, �r�d wal�i��� `ry; :}.. fi`�� t `�;. » More rnoney in your pocket � � Transportation is the second biggest household expense and takes an even ���) � ���� y 'G^Y!' S ��, ���'t?"GS larger share in low-income families. By usingtransit, families can save up �f�Qsg����'"g€�y �`CS �3t'3�a���.E': R to $9000 per year—moneyfor housing, student loans, retirement, kids' .� '�1'1A���. �t��y.�< �a :�a�E.:�"`j� � educafion, or simply to help make ends meet. �re:�� ��s a':; 6 ti.a�� f 4� � �4 E:�"�°-'� �sC�7�1�.�:� Es4 l�(.i,�.�:9 a'� �� �. � " » A safer, healthie� community ' _ �. f ; ,: ��;,, w . _ _ � �, � � , � _� � A shift toward iess driving and more �, - ' transit use, bicycling, and walking reduces ,.= `'� `�, • traffic fatalities and respiratory illness, �' �' while increasing daily physicai activity and r �' f :�' boosting sociai well-being. Publictransit ,�`` � �. ; �,��;���.i�ES:y, e�vi��; �� users walk about 19 minutes per day �'� c 1 : � ?fi`/o �r� � -� . � compared to only 6 tninates per day for - ;� ••�`, � �, t�tif.i.i�'.�bErF(ES iicafi l(}% , non-transit users 'J ' < �� lEk�'i+� ��?'�� � ��A�� .i� � v -� ' �. �r� 467:: L.CIF.4�/'��'.-Sl�€�it,Q�,�;r o-i '�j�?�!. » j�bs anc� access �ra t�ea� � � � �� ;:� �-������ ����� ��.��x�����. Especially in this tough economy, every job �,,_ '� , counts. Transit proJects create jobs and �.��'� -oM ,:r ��� �. - bring better access to jobs. �:� �� . � � '_ � �:� � � �=� `�:� » i,ess traf£ic conge�tion mo�e time with famil}r � r� ����,� _ � �t ii E� 9 � Y '`; ;�. r f �, Fewer cars on the road means reduced traffic congestion for all of us. ,� ° k Isn't time better spent with family and friends? _� � �, :� . ���r i��� � ��e r �, � � ; -�;, 3r `�� _ �` � a�,,�„�: » .A vibrant and competitive regi�n ���% , ,� �� . �. � � . „� - ���.« ;�. 'r �'- Corporate site selectors rank a good transit system as an important qF �. E � $]2 r '�, �� � factor in deciding where to lacate. A livable city with easy access to ;.�.--�,, - �a , �, ; ��'j� '��� � work, school, shops, parks, restaurants, and other amenities attracts , � � � � �� �� � . : r. � °� `"' �� 'r �; � �� �� and retains talent. _ F� , �� - � ' i .a "` � °��� � ¢ ,�' _,�,` 3 �. . z� , :�?<: _ -,-- - _ �-- -_ „� " ,� � � � � ",' �� �_ � ' » Clea� air, cle�n v�ater ��: ° � �� �7 r' '� �'d�� ��,�;��s � �r ��.^� , 3 � � ,� � g ss �_ ��?, � '� � ������ �,: Minnesota has a reputation as the j ; "`�''�� °��- �� �'� tand of sky blue waters. An improved �� � F � t"� � _ ^' r� r�'��� � ' " . � �•'� �a�., � �"���'���� trensit system can help us keep ����" � � �� ��s, �" � � � � � �' �- �;� � �a', � �?°� , � ��, - , � � �'� ����_ it that way. Transit emits just a � �r � � =� " �z = q �� � • . z � :�i �>.: ~ ��,��: ,�, : �� s� '�'�1 fraction of the poNution of driving � ` '� . ,� �,��' # ' " alone. Locating housing and Jobs �, f ," � _ � �' � �" � f 1 ' near transit helps limit sprawl. �` .��! � ���'>� V j ���-''s� �� � �, �, � �`�. �`}� ������ �.,-���= e„�� ���' _ � � . >, ' :- ,� ;:: : . _,,.. , , : i - � �:� � _ =� �Ihere do� w� s�and ��d� ? � �@�e�� ��r� �au� �����? �� Y � �� �} No morne�r �o e�pand the bus system a � » Recurring fighf� tio Tmaintain fhe l�us ,� : �, � � � � �� s��vice we have i� ,. � �,za � a - �. ,� ' �� � �, � » Uncexfain�y about Sa�.4hv�resf L�t'� and no � �: � � �� maney fax addi#ional light xail. � ¢ _ `�` � ' � � ' � � _� ��. �� � � r� 3 �3 No money �ox sa�e connec;fxons to t -� - >; d. xi by wallring o� bi�ycling �ile� af Iight �a��, cc��nrnuter : k; z��t, anc� �us �ap�c�. ��a�sat,' : � The Twin Cities' transit system.is one of the most efficient in the �: �� o e�. �,r ���d�r�'ci�x��f��i�tion. nation and ridership is growing to record levels. But most 7win �, « Cities residents still lack reasonable access to transit; projected demographic changes wiH only intensify future demand, �� �' �� t � ' � r�,��'- . f� � ��y � �� �� s � .�� i According to MnDOT; it would cost $40 billlon to add hfghways ,,: �'� <� � � �t � , �` � ` ���"z � � �� � � to try to address congestion. To fully build out the transit system, ��= f� 3 k � ; �. � �`_ and bring more metro-area residents withln convenient range of ' `° „� ���+ ,} transit, woufd be 1J10th the cost: $4,5 billion. Sut current transit `�" =" '� �� g> ; � funding is very limited. . � � �; c� t � -`�`� '' ' �, �,:� �� � �� � � Five metro counties current(y collect a 2/A-cent sales tax for transit, `� ��`; � � ��` � . a Many peer cities collect 3/A- to i-cent sa4es tax for muftimodal �� �� � transft, leaving our reglon at a competifive disadvantage. /'� �"� �- � ,=� r : : i >, , _ . � y _ f ;� �'` 1 1 'd � � i �1 . 5 � �` 'f .� ' � r, ��% �: � �� i` � _� � �� '� a ;� � o�� F�ow do we rr�ove ��rward? � �- - - �- � -���� ; `'r _ � ; In 15 years not 30, we must 6ring more residents and jobs within Y :'� �; ;� ; reach of transit, with safe conneciions by walking or blcycling. '" i ��xilciing aut fhe"�'win=; ' �°�.; �f �ui�c� �ut � systexrt o� light xai}. transif (I,�`I� Cifies, ����rs$f system w,i�I � c�eafe:3(�;Oflf� �ab� axid $3 ` f `� and �,us ra�ic� fxaa��i� (I�It'%') : < {, -; i�. direct:eco�°�.on�ic I�enefits �� �� �xpand bus s�r'vicemfastex, an�xe far e�e�y $1 irc�restecl. "` frec��.ent, lonc�ex hou�s ;� The ItasGa Project , 3� I�n�xov� sl�elfe�s, lightialg, and mora � teahnolog to malze using tra��sit safex and - ea�ier >) T�ee� 1�Y�S o�.ffO�dab1� ' �- for more information and { � to get invo6vQd, cpntact;. - �� )> ��zsvxe safe loca�l acces5 to t�ansit by p,��� onboard@ticminnesata,org � Y�ic;yc�ing and v�all�ing � ,��� l . ,. ,. ;t - � � �- €` ; � � � � - � ���� ��.1 ���.����.������, �� �� ������J��, ���e�2��.�.�'�k� ���� ���.��" � ����.����� E,�:� �.���`����;: ' ,�. - _-� ,, -�.�,.,�, - � _ «.M ,� ,. �. ,�=_ �: ,,� �... . ` � , � ,. : `\ :�• � �a . �� � f C� �fHEfr'i0 _ - _ f.�`c��,,' �i �- `�=_ � ��:' � S- � �� % �� '-� ., � � �� � , f� . -� �, � � ��'� � � � _ r � � 9 . t . . ._ r } qs} . r .. k a �� � .sv x {, � �..,� �usE:: _ :,�� � a � s , w, ,,� ^ .� �� �. �-� h: s � v'. '� � '��. .� � f' � � � � � ..: � � � •_ �� � ¢ s. / � � �rs, s' '� : _ �� -_......: �,.�i � /" `- ..�� ` c �5,i�s �'�.e-.. , ` ` : - _ _. � _ " �t�� S��rr��e ��s �ap�d�`xa�.�i� �igh� �ai� ���x��i� �r�n�.e���c��t� Commuter and local Buses that look Quiet, refiable, and Sicfewalks, bii<e routes, service reaches and ac� like trains frequent service iighting, shade trees, neighbarhoacis and aperate with i�Egh thraughout the day. anrl benci�es ensure sixburbs. Technology f�equency an fixed Suited i�or corridars t�at everyone— r�na{<es it easiPr ai�d highway raufes to witli highest vc�lume paren�s with stralfers, faster. Routes at�d serve high-vafume of housing and I<ids, seniors, peaple frequericy can be carridc�rs. Carries 32- employment. A�hree- wifh disabilities---° adjusfed to meet 42 sea�ed passengers car train carries �98 can safefy get firam demand. Carries 37- � with a��itior�ai seated passeiigers f�ome to transit to 63 seated passer�gers standing roam. with additionaf their des�ination, � with additianal standing room. � be it worl<, schaoi, � standing room, heal�h care, shopping, � or r�ecreation. This campalgn Is e coliaborative effart of ttre 7ransit Parkners Caalitlon, coordinatec! by 7ransit for 4ivab[e Communities A#rican Career, Edueation & Resource, lnc. f.vcal tnit���ives Support Gorporation `�wm Cities AFI.-Ci0 Minnesota Center for �nvironmental l�dvocaey A!liance for Metropolitar� 5tability MinnesoCa Envir@nmental �artnership � Ailiance for 5ustainability Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (t�iPiR�) Arttalgamated Transit Union Local ].005 Minnesota Young Professionals Enviranmental Gr�up �icycle �111iance of Minnesofia The Corr�erstone Group Project for Pride in Living Envision Minnesota Saint Paul 8icycle Coalition Fresh Energy Sierra Club North Star Chapter Hope Community Tra�slt far L;vable Communitles ISAIAH United Food and Comrrierctal Worlcers (UFCW) 1189 1Z1312 _ _ . � a: 4 `, � a. - � A