HomeMy WebLinkAboutWorksession 6 Downtown Study - Told Development Company correspondence i
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Februaty 6, 2013 �'
Mr. Dan Rogness j
C011llilllilil}' R'. ECOI]OI111C D0V6IOptlleilt DlP ector
City of Prior Lake
4646 Dakota Street S.E. '
Prior Lal:e, MN 55372
De�r Mr. Rogness: '
On behalF of TOLD Develop�ucnt Company, �ve would like to thank you for taking time
to meet w�ith us recently to explore rede�jelopment concepts for the current Diggers site.
As indicated during vuc meeting, we are optimistic tl�at �ve can attcact a nutnbei• of quality '
retail users ��rovided the City of Prior Lake and MNDO'I' approve a fully signalized '
intersectioii ��ith conveilicnt access at High�vay 13 and Fr�nklin Trail.
'1'he t}rpe of project we envision is a vibraut neighborhood retail center offering a tiiunber ',
of goods and se►vices clesirable to communities and could include the folto�ving uses:
- Phar•macy ',
- Convenience store '
- Fast casual restaucarits '
- Quick service restaurants
- Multi-tenant small shop retail
Attached to ti�is letter arc cx�uiples of the types of retail projects «�e have developed and
the siaudard of quality we deliver.
Please do noi hesitate to call us at (952) 278-9Q00 should ��re be ablc to be of fiu•thcr
assista�ice in future City or MNDOT discussions.
TOLD Development Compau��
Trent Ma}�Uerry Gary Dreher '
Real Estate Manager Principal
11:o Carison Park�v�y, Suilc 3�i5 : Plyrnouth, F�innesota 55447 Tet 952.'178,9000 fnX 957.778.%574
'l�Ul.l) Dcvclo�ment ('o►npatiy l'��c 1 Qf 1
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ti �a i l Walgrcens
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�-w�% �. F�� TOLD �eveiopment Company has scrved as a preferred deveioper for several
� - s � nationat retallers across the couat�y. Wal9reens, for vrhom we havc
r �# ��, � develaped more than 100,000 square feet aF stores over thc last 5 years, Is
� '��� � t � ��� 4ne of these retailers. TOLO es[ablished this relationship by having the nDility �
�_� ��� �a�.
�� ,,.� .�, ,�' _��' � to ofPer a wide r�nge �f speclalized services designed to support Plalgreen's
,��}ci (,, ` ,�r ae� t ��`��* �_.j�;.
�? , " � #�• ' � expanslon and growth in an e(ficient and t�rotesslonal m�nncr.
; ��.
. , ,..
A1 TULD vre have imdepth k��owledge of reai estate markets across the natio�
.�..�+ and a thorouflh unde�standirrg o/ thc complex nature of retait reat estate
� i' devcloprnenL Uur service Gapabll�ty for 4Yaigreens inNudes strateqic market
`�, ,� � � ev�luatlons, site Idenkification lncl i�cqulsiUo��, entitlement, finpncing, and
����"�i' �� r�� constructlon. Tl�rouflhout tha process our focus Is to find and delive� the beSk
s� � f+ {�„�, `
�� 'r possibte soluUon for 4Valqreen's rcal estatc needs.
� �� �����' TOI.b Is nlways looking for th� IJeal site for Walgreens sa piCtsse Contad us At
m� �� . `''� {952) 27fi-9000 should you have a slte o( t�pproximatdy TS,000 equare (eet
� F;,.
��-, �,� �'+ at � signallzed IntersecUOn in t�Adc nreas of 20,000 people or bettcr.
tSelow is a tlst of several Wolgrec�s stores vre have dCVCioped.
J ,,-
��'� ��I�� p � e Ilasthigs, MEnnosota • t•lounds Vievr, htinnesat�
( � ,> = • Urainerd, 1•firinesota • Shakopec, tdinnesota
,+' f� r-� z;� ; e C:haska, htinnesota e St. Anthony, Miisnesoia
�„! �; � ��' � o Uelafield, 1'Jis[ons�n • l.a Crosse, Wlscansln
""� �'� � (� + t+ICrr F'rafluc, Flinnesot8
ehou! TOLO �(eatutcd ptd,ect3 � product types ��valabo ptopeitle9 � contacl uc
S�70Q9 TOLU Oeveloprt:�nt ComWiny
http://�vw�v.tolddevelopnientcon�pany.coin/U2_fcaturecUwalgreens.l�tml 1 /23/2Q 13
TOI�D I)evclopment Cc�mpany, Page 1 nf 2 ;
�TQ�,� - a � . � �� � � °
te��,c.w��� covt�.�� � � � � � � ,�,�
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, , �e'.;., �i�� �
yg� about TOID p�oduel trpcs arailabic propsrlics eoMaet uf
�� �'
��,�� � Excelslo� & Grond is a 16-acre redeve►oprnent � '
�� `� „
��s"`: projeCt loca[ed In St. louis Park, I•7lnnesuta. Thls ��
�' `� multi-phase proJect features 644 housinq untts Ancf
� �"� .�-° �--'_ , a 68,000 spuare fcel o( retail space, Thls proleCR has
` �� �'� -° �� z �'� ; g�ined loca► and natlonat recognitien as nn
� �c � ��� ��- � �' exceutlonal mixed•use projec#. (marc)
t� �
� � � � f ,w Napawauk�o Contar Is a muiti-phase, �G�atre, ; ; � , < <
� �_� f �'�{ ;, ° �, � �� �, master•planned tommercial dcvelopmenl IoCatCd In � �� � � �
� z � � ° � � �� � Uelafleld, Wfsconsin. Thls proJect represents the ! � �
`. ': : r," a
r �+ �� � � � � , � � ' "` premler shoppinp desHnation vrithin Suburban '"
�, , �` . , �'-�r.
�-- -• -- Ntllwaukee's l,ake Country tradc area. (morej
Crossroada Commons is A$100-m1111on, 113-ac�e �-��.���'�d
,.� �i�
pot��er centa� retall cleveloprnent that has quickly �' c ��"'��
4ecoinc a domin<�nt retail cle5t�n�Upn in cerntral ti.+
�Vlsconsin. (more) ���"� '
ATK is a$30 miillotr, 1 L0,000 square foot ��,;
hcadqu�rter f�c�ilty that +vas develo{�ed on � seven ���� � 3 , q� �''
ucre parcel l� Lden PrafNe, tdtnnCSqtn. 1 Ue Uuitdlnq x �•�,
features 3 5toriCS o( QfOce space in addition to y�#���a;�
ameniUes that intludQ a cnfc�, (ltness center, and ,r,�, �; .,� '
conference center. (more)
Maridlan Crossings is a 400,OOO�syunrc�(oot, (:iass- � *�' S �j �
A offic� proJctt thnt �vss comptetad In 1949. The 558� f `
million proJect was deve�oped on u iq•acre parcel of �
land at the intersection of Interstate 494 and 354Y in }!� �:> .' 1
Rich(i�1d, Minnesota. (morej
7ho Maridlan Is an $80-million retofl and
entertainrnent proJecl located on three-faurths of � �,
city btock ut thc tntcrsectlon of 5ixth Aveni�e nnd Pikc ��� �� `;
Strcet In dovrntovrn Seattle, ti'lashington. [morej �' �+ ���
Croasroada �Corporate Center is n$1oU-miillon �� • ,
master-pl�nned office park In �rooktieid, Nlisconsi� � .�
Uiat encomp�sses 67.5,000 square teet of space, In ] 3 � "�
buildinfls, on G5 acres. [morc) �� `�'"�� � -
Wedgwood Commerce Cent�e is a 130•�cre,
mixed•u�e t�usiness park located in Mspte Grove, p� t�'
t•tinne5ota. The pmJect fr.ntures office, officeltech, �� �� �`° � _
hotei, and retail sz�ace. (morej �� ��� � ��
Rivenvood Carporate Cantar Is a 40•acre
clevet�pment that ��as undertaken in fln estat,lislicd
busi�iess park in PCtivdokee, �'liscons3n. 't'ULU
http://w«�v 1/23/2013
TOLD Develapment Company P�ge 2 of 2 '
developed three Class•A offtce buildinps totaling ., ��� '� �
approximately 300,000 square feet of space. (moreJ � `� ,
�,, � � �`��j
� _y.. . ��
Walpreens: TOL� Development Company has served �, ,„ '
as a preferred developer for several retallers across ��� �;�� 1 _�
the country. Walgreens, for whom vre have ��� y ti i,
developed morc than 100,000 square feet of stores, ��-�����
is one of these retallers. [morej
Fairview Base Lake Clinic is the first heaithcare j ,,,..
tacllity in the Tv�in Clties metro area to recelve l �>•���
Leadership In E�erfly and Environmentat Design ��
(LEED) certiflcatlon. (morej �--.-- ';•= �
about TOLO � teaNred projeds � product rypas � avaAebto properues � contact ua
A2009 TOlO Oeveiopment Company
http:/h��w�v.tolddevelopmentco►npairy.coii�/02_featared/index.html 1/23/2013