HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 January Planning Commission Agenda Packets\ ES PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1993 The January 21, 1993 Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Greenfield at 7:35 P.M. and presided over the meeting until Vice Chairman Arnold arrived at 8:15 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Greenfield, Loftus, Wuellner, Arnold, Director of Horst Graser, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross and Acting Secretary Phyllis Knudsen. Commissioner Roseth was absent. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY GREENFIELD TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Loftus. Commissioner Wuellner abstained. Commissioner Arnold, and Roseth were absent. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - PUBLIC HEARING FOR SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE Steve Grittman, representative of Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., presented the draft of the Shoreland Management Ordinance and went through the different sections and noted changes that are proposed. Commissioner Loftus questions relating to 308 to 258 coverage -also if a structure is damaged to 508 of assessor's value, what Ordinance would take precedence over the rebuilding? Controlled access lots on new developwent would have to conform with new Shoreland Management Guidelines including Homeowners Associations - all existing are grandfathered in. Commissioner Wuellner would like language changed to accessory structures including structures on skids (fish houses etc.) to conform with all applicable side yard setbacks and maintain minimum distance from high water elevation. Island development must meet various conditions one of which is minimum lot size or TWO contiguous side by side lots. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minrimota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORrUff Y MUNER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE 2 Any alterations done to shoreland will be regulated to prevent erosion and to _preserve aesthetics and protect fish and wildlife habitat. Signage on any business establishment on the lake must conform to well defined standards. Any agricultural use or animal feedlots at time of expansion must meet the new more restrictive ordinance standards. Property supplied by private water for domestic use and /or serviced by private sewage systems, at time of building, zoning or variance permit application, will be required to be brought up to Code as per the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Staff would be allowed to decide without going through variance, PUD or CUP process, if all criteria is met in the proposed Shoreland Management Ordinance to determine if a lot could be built on. Commissioner Wuellner would like 9.12 Ba9 on page 37 of the proposed draft to read 50 feet or less of lot width instead of 79 feet. Also notify adjacent property owners within 100 feet of property desiring to build or alter existing property so that they can be heard by the Planning Commission if there are any objections. Discussion of the old and the proposed ordinances followed. Chairman Arnold asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to comment. Mr. Tom Watkins, 5242 Frost Pt.Cir, Prior Lake, stressed the need to be consistant in the staffs and Commissions handling of the Shoreland Management practices. Chairman Arnold polled the Commissioners to see if they wanted to adopt the new ordinance with the changes talked about this evening, or if they wanted to move to continue until after the changes were made and reviewed. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL FEBRUARY 4, 1993. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Loftus, Greenfield and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Arnold closed this portion of the meeting at 9:20 P.M. and asked for a short recess. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE 3 Chairman Arnold reconvened the meeting at 9:30 P.M. ITEM III - PUBLIC HEARING TO DELETE 188 COVERAC RATIO Mr. Dale Runkel, yonsultant for Progress Land Company, the developer fo Carriage Hills Addition, presented that when plat was approved lots met all requirements for subdivision. The developer requested that the 188 coverage ratio be deleted in all residential districts to accommodate homes that are more in todays market trends. He provided overhead charts of outlying communities showing their lot sizes vs coverage ratios or lack thereof. The homes that people want to build have a coverage ratio of 198 to 218. The coverage ratio was not discussed during the platting process. The developer has always intended to construct homes in the $100,000 to $250,000 range. Now that the plan is being implemented as approved the coverage ratio does not correspond to the development concept. Mr. Runkel also demonstrated that the appearance of the development will not be altered due to the requested change in lot coverage. Homes will be built up to the 10' side yard setback lines regardless of the 188 coverage ratio. The difference will be in the depth of the home and resultant home price. Mr. Horst Graser comments that the coverage ratio is more a tool for water quality management rather than to restrict a developer or a lot. Hearing was opened to the public. Marianne Whiting, 14897 Manitou Rd. N.E., Prior Lake. The Citizens Forum believes that larger houses must be built on larger lots. By deleting the 188 coverage ratio it would have a far more reaching effect creating larger homes on the lake and smaller corridors. We need to increase our standards and not drop them. Thorough review of lot sizes to be done at time of plat development. Tom Watkins, 5242 Frost Pt.Cir, Prior Lake. When the 188 coverage ratio was developed, we were sensitive about economic zoning - partially market driven. 10,000 sq.ft. lot allowed the opportunity for smaller houses as community grew. If house exceeded 188 coversgga ratio it would need to be built on larger lot. Carriage Hills is a nice development with its unique topographic features - don't lessen its beauty by allowing larger homes on small lots. Carl Hansen, 4065 Raspberry Ridge Rd., Prior Lake. Reason for moving to area was feeling of openness and its wetland and ponds giving it that rural feeling. Feels the coverage ratio should not be changed for this development. PLANNING COMMISSION* MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE 4 Brad Wahl, 14195 Timberglade, Prior Lake. Other communities shown in overhead charts do not have the assets of Prior Lake, i.e. Lake, open farm areas, etc. Keep Prior Take a small rural community. We can't be compL — to Burnsville or Bloomington. Chairman Arnold asked the Commissioners for their comments. Discussion followed. Commissioner Greenfield asked Mr. Warren Israelson why market trends made 188 coverage ratio outdated. Mr. Israelson stated his development was to contain homes priced at $100,000 to $250,000. Anything over a starter home wants a 3 car garage and the 188 coverage requirement came as a surprise to him. No other community he has developed property in has such a requirement. The streets are in and lots are determined. Wants to keep houses affordable yet have a quality pro ect. Says the best interest of the City would be to waive the 18 coverage and to allow the project as proposed. Side yard setbacks will be met, won't detract in the appearance from street and will be a more attractive house. Admitted he should have been aware of the coverage ratio but it was never brought up during the platting process. INFORMATION FROM STAFF: Intent of the 1975 Council - permitted smaller homes so decreased lots from 12,000 sq.ft with 85 frontage to 10,000 sq.ft. with 80' frontage to attract federal and state grant homes which reflected the trends of the 70 Today trends are larger homes so larger lots need to be available in these new subdivisions. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO DENY THIS REQUEST FOR ELIMINATION OF THE COVERAGE RATIO. THE ELIMINATION OF THE COVERAGE RATIO CONCEPTUALLY REDEFINES AND FURTHER DEGRADES OUR COMMUNITIES CURRENT VALUE OF 10,000 SQUARE FOOT LOT. THE RESULTANT DECREASE ALTERS LOT DENSITY AND DIMINISHES OPEN SPACE. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Greenfield, Arnold. Vote signified nay by Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY WUELLNER TO CLOSE PULIC HEARING AT 10:55 P.M. Vote taken signified ayes by Wuellner, Loftus, Greenfield, Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM IV - OTHER BUSINESS A date for the retreat was tentatively set for February 27, 1993, and a list of topics to be discussed should be brought up at the February 4th meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE 5 Requested by Deb Garross that the School District Demographic Report that was distributed be read by the Commissioners. Commissioner Greenfield suggested a file for acticles and /or reports on market 'trends be created so that information can be easily retrieved regarding different issues and be reviewed annually as to it current relevance. This to be gathered by the Commissioners. To be discussed again at the retreat. MOTION BY WUELLNER, SECOND BY LOPTUS To ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes Loftus, Wuellner, Greenfield, Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting closed at 11:15 P.M. City Planner Acting Recording Secretary Horst Graser Phyllis Knudsen AGENDA ITEM: 2 SUBJECT: CONTINUE SHORELM MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTER: STEVE GRITTMAN - DEB GARROSS PUBLIC HEARING: FEBRUARY 4N O 1992 DATE: Attached find a redraft of the sections of the Shoreland Management Ordinance cited by the Planning Commission at the public hearing held January 21, 1993. Staff has attempted to incorporate the discussion of the Commissioner's relative to redraftnand the draft. Steve tman reviewed the were also incorporated. Please review the attached redraft and be prepared to discuss thew sections at the public hearing. The recommended action is that the Planning Commission come to a consensus regarding the Shoreland Management Ordinance and formulate a recommendation for adoption to the City Council. it will be critical that a decision on recommended action be achieved on February 4, 1993 in order to allow sufficient time for the City Council to review the document prior to its submission to the DNR by March 4, 1993. In the event that the City Council desires an additional meeting date or workshop on the Shoreland Management Ordinance, notice of the to the next 1993. ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the Choreland Management Ordinance as drafted with the changes included within the redraft dated subject 1- 27 -93. g 2. recommended by the aPlanningeCommissionanfollowing discussion on February 1 , 1993. ACTION REQU IRED• A motion to the City Council incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Commission, to adopt the Shoreland Management ordinance. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph (612) 4474230 I Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPOR UNTY EWOYER 1 "SMOl" 1 -27 -93 SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE REDRAFT COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING HELD 1- 21 -93. PAGE 7, ITEM D d. Impervious surface coverage f BASED UPON PLANNING PAGE S, ITEM C 2. b) b) Each dwellin unit must be se aratel serv by public u 1 1e6, none O W 1C are 's are ; PAGT 11, ITEM 4. C) * Commissioner Wuellner suggested that language be developed to require that all accessory structures meet required b) d) The minimum municipal ses Island, the i thousand (15 (side- by -sidf a) The minimum '. feet!. Lccesso "Structures may provisions defined in l lifts; on residential F -two (32) square fast in thirty-two (32) square •cial es. oubliC PAGE 20, ITEM_ Staff reviewed the Sign Ordinance and found a provision for Lake Service Signs. A Lake Service Sign is currently allowed by conditional use permit. However, the sign ordinance does not include any dimensional or number requirements relative to Lake Service Sins. Therefore, staff recommends that the language proposed in the DNR Model Ordinance be adopted as written. The provision limits signage to 32 square feet and stipulates maximum height of to feet above ground. The provision further states that signage may only convey location, name and types of goods or services available at the establishment. The provision does not allow for display of product brands and prices. Staff believes that the language proposed by the DNR is appropriate for existing and anticipated lake commercial uses. PAGE 37, ITEM B B. Sewered Areas. a) thistordinanceainxastreside the residential requirements o his ordinance as to area or width may be utilized for single family detached dwelling purposes provided that all of the conditions of this subsection apply Lots that do not meet all of the following conditions shall not be considered as a separate parcel for development purposes but the zoning or combs ed s with an adjacent lot. 1 be size with sewer width measured at the front yard setback line and shall have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. 2. The lot has been assessed a sewer and water assessment and will not require an on site septic system for development. 3. The lot was created compliant with official controls in effect at the time. 4. The development plans must be in conformance with the policies for residential development as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The development plan must not exceed 308 impervious surface coverage. 6. Development must be planned and conducted in such a manner that the control of disturbed areas and erosion is demonstrated during and after construction. 7. A complete grading and drainage plan be submitted to the City Engineer for review. Such plans should be prepared in accordance with the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) Guidelines and Hest Management Practices, until such a time as the City adopts a Storm Water Management Plan. 8. Any cutting or existing vegetation is minimized to the extent possible. 9.. The lot and proposed structure must meet all other performance standards of the zoning and building codes. 10. A substandard, R -1 Zoned lot of record, which contains fift y 50 feet of lot width, measured at e required front yard setback line, may utilize one five (5) foot aids yard setback provided the following conditions apply. a) The lot is not cont icfuou9 to anoth lot owns2 in common y e aoo b) No si nificant trees of twelve (12) nc es or more in ca r w need De remove ' to accomm e a ve o0 s3deva� se a . c) No encroachme nt into an other ra ired s® ac w e neceasary. d) In no case shall a proposed building encroach upon any recorded easement. e) Unsewered Lots a) If, in a group of two or more contiguous lots under the same ownership, any individual lot does not meet the requirements of Section 9.3.A of this ordinance, the lot shall not be considered as a separate parcel of land for the purposes of sale or development. The lot must be combined with one or more contiguous lots so they egual one or more parcels of land meeting the requirements of Section 9.3.A of this Ordinance as much as possible. /F P R! �j fs7 N E5 "CU9301" PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 1 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT; SUBWAY CONDITIONAL USE AND VARIANCE APPLICANT: DAVANN INC., CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA PRESENTER: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1993 INTRODUCTION: T e purpose of this public hearing is to consider three distinct applications: Preliminary plat consideration of Busse First Addition; conditional use permit to locate a fast food restaurant (Subway) in a B -1 Limited Business zone; and variance applications to allow reduced setbacks from S.T.H. 13 and Duluth Avenue and reduction of required parking spaces for a fast food establishment. The three applications are being considered contemporaneously because of the interrelationship of the subdivision to the development proposal. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the applications in the review process since the subdivision, conditional use and variance process are separate issues. A separate motion in the form of a recommendation to the City Council, will be required. Each motion should be supported by findings of fact, performance criteria and hardship findings relevant to the specific application. The attached agenda packet contains the application for subdivision, conditional use and variance along with a written proposal prepared by the developer, supporting maps and data. The applications are followed by a packet illustrating sign options for Subway, a e^parate packet containing memorandums from City staff and MNDOT ad�iiii finally the public hearing notice and maps published in ie Prior Lake American and mailed to approximately 75 residrtts, business owners, utility companies and affected agencies. SUBDIVISION REVIEW: T55 p at of Busse First Addition is being processed as a standard subdivision with the procedures and requirements outlined in Section 6 -3 -2 of .Subdivision ordinance 87 -10. The developer petitioned for subdivision review under Section 6 -3 -1, Abbreviated Subdivision Prods^ However, it is impossible to segregate the subdivision andnd use process since the 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQU. , OWORTUNnY BWLOYER conditional use would not be valid for the site proposed, because Lot i will not exist until the subdivision is approved. The site contains approximately 1.3 acres and is located north and east of the intersection of Duluth Avenue and S.T.H. 13. The site is zoned B -1, Limited Business and is surrounded by R -1, Urban Residential to the west, R -2, Urban Residential to the north, B -3, General Business to the south and B -1, Limited Business to the east. The minimum lot size in the B -1 District is 20,000 square feet with a minimum width of 120' on a public road. Adjacent land uses correspond to the zoning district permitted permitted uses including, single family residential to the west, a four plex to the north, Prior Lake State Bank to the east and Priordale Mall/ Marquette Bank to the south. The proposal is to divide the 1.3 acres into two lots as per attached preliminary plat map. Proposed Lot 2 contains 38,204 square feet and an existing parking lot parking lot currently to a Ralph Tescl site does n r.ty. The de to utilities Bnue and Ai 1. The ex . t will be as for the stem. Since' ar would inc front footag! ter and Sewe' cents /sq.`'+ Total Cit: amount to $1 ag into a for the devel Use Plan and ?2 Policy 3 ? of development s Center areas. developer's !agreement =or ane puiszy offered by the 1981 Comprehensive Plan he subject site. The comprehensive_ Land f the need to,integrate' the various business centers along the Highway 13 Strip by improving pedestrian and vehicular access. S.T.H. 13 is classified as a minor arterial, designed to accommodate medium to short trips at moderate speeds. Minor Arterials also connect neighborhoods, subregions, and activity centers within the urban area. Duluth Avenue is classified as a collector which is intended to collect and distribute traffic to the arterial system at lower speeds. Access includes minor arterials, local streets and direct land access. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that sidewalks and trails are recommended along the entire major street system. The collector streets such as Duluth Avenue, connect all areas of the City and are conveniently located to provide suitable alternatives to travel by automobile. The subdivision proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Duluth Avenue is scheduled for upgrade in 1997 with the cost to be distributed between City and Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds. The existing 24' wide road will likely be widened to 32 feet with bike path and sidewalks and posted for no parking. The 1991 ADT for Duluth Avenue was 3,500 vehicles per day. The projected ADT for the year 2011 is 5,000 vehicles per day. The Subway proposal should not significantly affect traffic volumes along Duluth Avenue. Gradin & Utilit Plan: T�1 a is genera y flat and contains no predominant natural features. The grading plan indicates that Lot 1 will be graded to accommodate the Subway restaurant and parking lot construction. The applicant proposes not to grade Lot 2 at this time, but to wait until a future development proposal is approved. Storm water currently flows into the ditches located along Duluth Avenue and S.T.H. 13. The proposal is for the existing drainage patterns to continue. The proposed sanitary sewer and watermain plan indicates that sanitary sewer would extend generally southerly from Anna Trail along the west side of Duluth Avenue and cross under Duluth approximately between the tow proposed lots. An 8^ water main would extend southerly along and cross Duluth Avenue near the sanitary sewer. A hydrant is proposed adjacent to Lot 1, along Duluth Avenue to provide fire protection. The Engineering Department reviewed the plat and development proposals and recommends the following. 1. An erosion control and grading plan for the site must be provided, acceptable to the City Engineer. 2. The right -of -way width for Duluth Avenue adjacent to the proposed plat should be 80 feet. Seven feet of additional right -of -way for Duluth Avenue must be dedicated adjacent to the easterly 155 feet of the plat. The sewer and watermain construction plans must be approved by the City Engineer. Park Dedication: See memo from Bill Mangan dated, December 23, 1992 for details. The park dedication requirement for Busse First Addition will be a cash dedication in the amount of $5,830.00 dollars. General DisCUSSiOn: The propose su ivison would add two lots to the block currently developed with Prior Lake State Bank, the post office and Carols Furniture. Although both lots meet the minimum size requirements they will be the smallest lots in the block. Lot 1 will need to be slightly increased to account for the 225 square feet lost to right of way dedication required adjacent to Duluth Avenue. The subject sit= is perhaps one of the prime vacant sites available along the S.T.H. 13 Strip. Development will be a focal point in the Priordale Shopping area and serve as a transitional land use between S.T.H. 13 and the single family residential development to the west. Any development must be respectful of this relationship. To accommodate this objective the applicant should consider adjusting the common property line, increasing the building envelope and providing additional design and landscape flexibility for Lot 1. Lot 1 is not an efficient lot from a development perspective. It is bordered by roadways on three sides with setbacks of 50 feet from S.T.H. 13 and 85 feet from the travelled roadway of Duluth Avenue resulting in a small and difficult building envelope. It is typical for inefficient lots such as this to be overbuilt and/ or to ask for relief via the variance process as will be the case in the Subway conditional use to be reviewed contemporaneously with the plat. Alternatives: 1Find te- preliminary plat of Busse First Addition consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance sub j ect to: a) An erosion control plan subject to *he approval of the City Engineer. b) The right of way for Duluth be increased by 7 feet for the easterly 152 feet of Duluth Avenue. C) The sewer and water plans must be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. d) The dimensions for Lot 1 be adjusted to a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. 2. Deny the plat based upon specific findings. Continue the hearing for specific purposes or lack of information or detail. AGENDA ITEM: 2 SUBJECT: CONTINUE SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTER: STEVE GRITTMAN - DEB GARROSS PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 3.992 Attached find a redraft of the sections of the Shoreland Management Ordinance cited by the Planning Commission at the public hearing held January 21, 1993. Staff has attempted to incorporate the discussion of the Commissioner's relative to recommended changes to the draft. Steve Grittman reviewed the redraft and his changes were also incorporated. Please review the attached redraft and be prepared to discuss theses sections at the public hearing. The recommended action is that the Planning Commission come to a consensus regarding the Shoreland Management Ordinance and formulate a recommendation for adoption to the City Council. It will be critical that a decision on recommended action be achieved on February 4, 1993 in order to allow sufficient time for the City Council to review the document prior to its submission to the DNR by March 4, 1993. In the event that the City Council desires an additional meeting date or workshop on the Shoreland Management Ordinance, notice of the special meeting would have to be published prior to the next available Planning Commission meeting on February 18, 1993. Approve the --horeland Management Ordinance as drafted with the changes included within the redraft dated 1- 27 -93. Approve the Shoreland Management Ordinance subject to changes recommended by the Planning Commission following discussion on February S, 1993. ACTION REQUIRE D A motion to the City Council incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Commission, to adopt the Shoreland Management Ordinance. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Cake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612)4474230 / Fax(612)4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORfUNTY EMPLOYER USMO1" 1 -27 -93 SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE REDRAFT BASED UPON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING HELD 1- 21 -93. PAGE 7, ITEM D d. Impervious surface coverage for all commercial and industrial zonin districts snu u 11c recreationa uses may be all-Owe o excee ...... PAGE 8, ITEM C 2. b) b) Each dwell in unit must be se aratel served b pu is u i ies, none o w c are s are ; PAGE 11, ITEM 4. c) Commissioner wuellner suggested that language be developed to require that all accessory structures meet required setbacks. Section 4.1 B. of the Zoning Ordinance states that all structures shall not project into any minimum front, side, or rear yard. Staff recommends that the language in Item 4. c) remain as written and that paragraph 4.1 B of the Zoning Ordinance be expanded to include storage sheds and to also specify that these structures should comply with required lakeshore setbacks in addition to front, side and rear yard setbacks. Water Oriented Accessory Structures may be constructed according to setback provisions defined in Section 6.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. PAGE 12, ITEM 5 B) b) Landings for stairways and lifts on lots must not exceed thirty -two (32) s area. Landings larger than thirty -two feet may be used for commercial proper open space recreational properties, unit developments. The required lakes] for landings shall be ten (10) feet, mi the ordinary high water mark of the pi Landings shall not project into any ri yard setback. PAGE 14, ITEMS D AND E d) The minimum lot size for all islands without municipal sewer and water is one acre. On Twin Island, the minimum lot size requirement is fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet or two (2) contiguous (side -by -side) lakeshore lots, whichever is less. e) The minimum lot width at OHw is seventy -five (75) feet. PAGE 20, ITEM c) Staff reviewed the Sign Ordinance and found a provision for Lake Service Signs. A Lake Service Sign is currently allowed by conditional use permit. However, the sign ordinance does not include any dimensional or number requirements relative to Lake Service Signs. Therefore, staff recommends that the language proposed in the DNR Model Ordinance be adopted as written. The provision limits signage to 32 square feet and stipulates maximum height of 10 feet above ground. The provision further states that signage may only convey location, name and types of goods or services available at the establishment. The provision does not allow for display of product brands and prices. Staff believes that the language proposed by the DNR is appropriate for existing and anticipated lake commercial uses. PAGE 37, ITEM B B . Sewered Areas. a) A lot of record existing upon the effective date of this ordinance in a residential district located ad to a General Develo gent or Recrea one ve o men a e, w ces no Meer rne requirements or is ordinance as to area or width may be utilized for single family detached dwelling purposes provided that all of the conditions of this subsection apply Lots that do not most all of the following conditions shall not be considered as a separate parcel for development purposes but may be used for open space, other uses permitted in the zoning district, or combined with an adjacent lot. 1. The minimum lot size with public sewer shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet in width measured at the front lard setback line and shall have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. 2. The lot has been assessed a sewer and water assessment and will not require an on site septic system for development. The lot was created compliant with official controls in effect at the time. 4. The development plans must be in conformance with the policies for residential development as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The development plan must not exceed 303 impervious surface coverage. 6. DevelolAent must be planned and conducted in such a :tanner that the control of disturbed areas ana erosion is demonstrated during and after construction. 7. A complete grading and drainage plan be submitted to the City Engineer for review. Such plans should be prepared in accordance with the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) Guidelines and Hest Management Practices, until such a time as the City adopts a Storm Water Management Plan. S. Any cutting or existing vegetation is minimized to the extent possible. 9.. The lot and proposed structure must meet all other performance standards of the zoning and building codes. 10. A substandard, R -1 Zoned lot of record, which contains fifty 50 feet of lot width, measured at e required front yard setback line, may utilize one five (5) foot side yard setback provided the following conditions apply. a) The lot is not conti ous to another lot owns n common v e apD Can . b) No sianificant trees of twelve (12) no es or more in cali — er will nn removed to accommodate the rive roor. sidevara setbac C) No encroachment into any other required setback will e necessary. d) in no case shall a proposed building encroach upon any recorded easement. e) Unsewered Lots a) If, in a group of two or more contiguous lots under the same ownership, any individual lot does not meet the requirements of Section 9.3.A of this Ordinance, the lot shall not be considered as a separate parcel of land for the purposes of sale or development. The lot must be combined with one or more contiguous lots so they equal one cr more parcels of land meeting the requirements of Section 9.3.A of this Ordinance as much as possible. O APPLICATION FOR THE SUBDIVISION CF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Legal Description of Property: Present Zoning: 9--/ Property Acreage: e5go Deed Restrictions: No4 Yes— If so, please attach. Has the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it: No 4 2!&— Yes What was requested: When: I have read the Prior twice Subdivision Ordinance and agree to provide the information and do the work in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance. �it`.!i Oct /9, �99a App l Si ure Date i I �„ �la 19 4 n n �'. h. � e n n Fee n 0►�s:ers Signature 0. Ha n Date �' 1O BE FILLED IN BY THE FIANMG DIRECTOR PLAmG OJ! issiow APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARIID CITY COUNCIL _APPMED __DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS. Signature of the Planning Director Late Agent: _Phone: None of Surveyor ph": �a Name of Engineer: :171 P _Phone: Legal Description of Property: Present Zoning: 9--/ Property Acreage: e5go Deed Restrictions: No4 Yes— If so, please attach. Has the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it: No 4 2!&— Yes What was requested: When: I have read the Prior twice Subdivision Ordinance and agree to provide the information and do the work in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance. �it`.!i Oct /9, �99a App l Si ure Date i I �„ �la 19 4 n n �'. h. � e n n Fee n 0►�s:ers Signature 0. Ha n Date �' 1O BE FILLED IN BY THE FIANMG DIRECTOR PLAmG OJ! issiow APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARIID CITY COUNCIL _APPMED __DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS. Signature of the Planning Director Late December 10, 1992 BUSSE FIRST ADDITION Prior Lake, Minnesota REQUEST Submission is presented to the City of Prior Lake requesting review and approval of a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for a two -lot commercial subdivision proposed as Busse First Addition. The 1.33* acre site is located at the northeasterly corner of Highway 13 and Duluth Avenue. Adjacent land uses include Prior Lake State Bank and other commercial to the east, single - family residential northerly across Duluth Avenue and commercial south across Highway 13. The site is primarily a vacant, open, grassed area. A portion of the easterly side of the site was leased by Prior Lake State Bank, which has constructed a small parking area. Even though the Bank site is sufficiently parked per code, this parking area was added to in order to provide close and convenient access to the main building entry for customers. The site is generally flat, with a 2 -4 foot elevation change. Site stormwater runoff currently flows into the ditches along Duluth Avenue and Highway 13, eventually flowing northeast along Highway 13. Zoning is B -1 Limited Business. PROPOSAL The 1.33* acre site is proposed to be subdivided into two (2) lots of 20,098 sq. ft. and 38,204 sq. ft. Zoning is intended to remain B -1 Limited Business. Both lots meet or exceed the zoning code standards for minimum lot area (20,000 sq. ft.) and width (120 feet). The westerly Lot 1 (20,098 sq. ft.) is proposed to develop with a 1,600 square foot, free - standing Subway Restaurant with a drive- through lane. Access will be to Duluth Avenue. This use is projected to generate 200 transactions per day. Including a 101 trip increase for employees and deliveries, the site would generate approximately 440 trips per day. The P.M. peak is about 5.61 of the total for about 25 trips. The noon hour is the actual peak use period, generating about 78 trips during an off -peak time for background traffic. Refer to the submission narrative for a more detailed description of the site plan proposed for this lot. The easterly Lot 2 (38,204 sq. ft.) is not proposed to be developed at this time. No specific buyer or use has been identified for the site. The use would fall within the B -1 zoning. The site has two options for access, the first being a separate access to Duluth Avenue. The second would require an agreement with Prior Lake State Bank for joint use of an existing access to Duluth Avenue that is directly adjacent to the lot boundary. The existing parking on Lot 2 would be used for any future site use, though an option exists for joint use of parking between this lot and the bank. The final determination regarding access and parking will need to be made when a specific site development proposal comes forth. To determine potential traffic generation, two theoretical site development scenarios were prepared (using ITS standards for trip generation): Office Assumed 25% site coverage creating a 9,550 sq. ft. building and 39 parking stalls. This will generate :bout 117 trips per day, with about 22 during the P.M. peak hour. 2. General Retail Shopping Assumed 20% site coverage creating a 7,640 sq. ft. building and 39 parking stalls. This will generate about 886 trips per day, with about 115 trips during the P.M. peak hour. SCREENING Lot 1 shows screening to the adjacent uses, especially the single - family across Duluth Avenue, on the proposed site plans. Screening is intended to meet the standards of the proposed draft landscape ordinance. Lot 2 is proposed to meet the following performance criteria for screening along Duluth Avenue across from the existing single- family. Parking lot screening shall be provided on the perimeter of any new parking lot. a) Screening shall be provided using a combination of shrubs, coniferous trees, fencing, berming, . etc., to minimize the effect of headlights and reflected light from bumpers, grills and headlights. Screening must attempt to address at least 601 of the perimeter where views of the parking lot could originate. b) Effectiveness of the screening shall be 80% opacity year - round. c) Berming must achieve a 30" height to provide 80% opacity on 3' high screening. (Berms cannot be used as the only method of screening. They must be used in combination with other elements.) d) Plant materials must be spaced no more than 30" apart on single rows of deciduous shrubs, 48" apart on double staggered rows of deciduous shrubs, with initial planted height of at least 2' (spacing may vary, subject to species used). e) Coniferous trees must be placed no farther than 8' apart, to be counted as screening. UTILITIES /DMIUM The site currently is not served by sanitary sewer and municipal water. A preliminary plan is submitted with this subdivision proposal which shows the extension of services. Sanitary sewer would extend generally southerly from Anna Trail along the west side of Duluth Avenue and cross under Duluth approximately between the two proposed lots. An S" water main would extend southerly along and cross Duluth Avenue near the sanitary sever. A hydrant is provided for fire protection. Storm water will continue to flow into the existing ditches along Duluth Avenue and Highway 13. Lot 1 (Subway) is proposed to be graded for building and parking lot construction. Lot 2 will not be graded at this time, nor until a formal development proposal comes forth. The existing drainage patterns will continue. All runoff will be handled consistent with City and Watershed requirements. ,'/ \. 'e �' �� `.r � n('• � r 1 ` / T L STATE TRUNK mw.. NO. 6 BUSSE FIRST EDITION ' c ii II C; pi FEE ONNFlt /PLATTER E.N. BARSNES.S TRUST A & B C/0 Mr. Robert Bareness 16677 Duluth Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, Mn. 5537 Ph. 612 -447 -2101 PURCHASER /DEVELOPER DAVANN, INC. BRAD BUSSE & MARY BUSSE 1420 Mallard Court Chanhassen, Nn. 55317 Ph. 612 -448 -5710 DESIGN CONSULTANT. VALLEY SURVEYING CO., P.A. 16670 FRANKLIN TRAIL SE SUITE 120-0 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Ph. 612 - 447 -2570 Ronald A. Swanson, R.L.S. VALLEY ENGINEERING CO., INC. 7301 OHMS LANE SUITE 500 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55439 STEVEN D. HARVEY P.E. Ph. 612- 032 -9475 BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PAGE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS NARRATIVE Property Location Property Legal Description Zoning Existing Site Conditions Storm Water Runoff Steep Slopes and Erosion Control Measures Vehicular Access Request for Subdivision EXHIBITS Preliminary Plat Utility plan Final plat i PAGE 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 B BUSSE FIRST ADDITION Page 2 PROPERTY LOCATION: The property is bounded on the west and northwest by Duluth Avenue, on the south and west by State Highway No. 13 and on the northeast by the existing Prior Lake State Bank. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION of RECORD: That part of the Nest Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota and that part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2, lying northerly and easterly of the northwesterly right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13, southeasterly of the southeasterly right -of -way line of Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue) and southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the east line of said Nest Half of the Southeast Quarter distant 1940.80 feet north of the southeast corner of said Nest Half of the Southeast Quarter, said point being on the south line of a Town Road; thence deflecting to the west at an angle of 92 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds along said south line of a Town Road a distance of 652.15 feet more or less to the intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of said State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence continuing on an assumed bearing of South 87 degrees 39 minutes 52 seconds Nest along said south line of a Town Road a distance of 759.70 feet to its intersection with said southeasterly right -of -way .line of said Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue); thence southwesterly along said southeasterly right -of -way line along a nontangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 1185.41 feet a chord bearing of South 22 degrees 39 minutes 47 seconds Nest an arc length of 231.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Fast a distance of 310 feet more or less to said northwesterly right -of -way line and there terminating. y, BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PACE 3 ZONING CLASSIFICATION: The property is presently zoned B-1 Limited Business and the requested use for this project is also B-1 Limited Business. EEISTLIG SITE COMMONS: The site is a generally flat open grassed area with the exception of a portion of the proposed lot 2 which is presently leased to the existing bank for overflow parking, as shown on the preliminary plat drawing this area is presently paved. The existing site surface drainage flows southerly, westerly and easterly from the center to Highway 13 and Duluth Avenue with the exception of the previously mentioned parking area which flows southeasterly onto the bank site thence into the existing Highway 13 ditch. All of the existing drainage for the site eventually flows into the Highway 13 ditch. The area west and northwesterly of Duluth Avenue is an older established single family developement which was developed around the time of the relocation of Highway 13. To the northeast of the site is the existing Bank site and the Post Office. to the southeast e.ross Highway 13 is the Hollywood Restaurant, to the south is the shopping center and to the southwest is the Holiday Gas Station. The intersection. of Duluth Avenue and Highway 13 is presently signalized. Anna Trail intersects the southeasterly side of Duluth Avenue about 250 feet north easterly of the site. Public sanitary sewer, water service is available at the intersection of Duluth Avenue and Anne Trail and will be extended as a part of this proposal. electrical and gas services are available to the site at this time via the existing bank site. RUSSE FIRST ADDITION PACE 4 STORM WATER RUNOFF: As previously stated predevelopment stormwater runoff flows southerly along Duluth Avenue and overland into the existing Highway 13 ditch. The runoff from the Highway 13 ditch flows northeasterly into a wetland on the northerly side of the C.H. Carpenter Lumber yard and southwesterly into a creek that eventually flows into Prior Lake. Preliminary review of the site indicates that on site ponding of surface water runoff may not be necessary for the requested improvements. All storm sewer easements needed for the site will be provided via the final plat after the final plans are approved by staff. � • o. u k1V r, r • , .. - 'I • >. There are no steep slopes or existing soil erosion problems on the site. As required by city ordinance proper erosion control and runoff containment will be provided during all on site construction. Upon completion of the building construction and utility hookup all disturbed areas will be dressed off and covered with sod. VMCULAR ACCESS The access to the sit from Highway 13, will be via Duluth Avenue and Anna Trail. The accompanying request for a Conditional Use Permit on lot 1, of the proposed plat prepared by others will show a more detailed proposal for access to Duluth Avenue BUSSE F= ADDITION PACE 5 REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION as is my understanding that if the Conditional use permit is den3 pursue the final plat at this time.`. i�o wiv rv�. _ _ _ �. - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF _[f BUSSE FIRST ADDITION BUSSE FIRST ADDITION _ -- _ rr .315 „. RKi S Vr55 MMN'vP �E_ • _ _ _ ___ �C K N E Wllry Srvglq Cr,PA �� 9 -09 19 92 10:09 FAX 612 117 1215 CITY PRIOR L1EE CL7 plc - (1 .2 PIDt .� T 9u d -Q !J - APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Applicant: Davann, Inc. Acne Phone: 448 -5710 Address: 1420 Mallard Lane: Chanhassen, MN 55317 _ Work Phone: -44§-5710 Property Owner: Norman Raran as Estate Trn= \Rest Ado@ Phones ---- Address: Prior Lake State Bank: 16677 Dulu S.E. Work PN»ne: 447 -2101 Consultant : 'fie =yaQ Prof_ off _ Phon @E 937 -5150 Address: 14180 W. 78th Street. - Suite 90. Eden Prairie. MN 55344 Proposed Conditional Use Address: Duluth Avenue S.E Legal Description: See attached description by Valley Surveying Co.. P.A. Existing Use of Property: vaunt Property Acreage: 20.098% ft. Present Zoning: R -1 Conditional Use Being Requested; For fast food restau: within B-1 zoning as allowed er Zo in¢ ordinance. Deed Restrictions: X_ NO _Yes If so, please attach. Bas the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, Obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it: —L -NO Yes Request: Whent ,ciMS M aannrnsMRS :(A)Completed application form. (B) Complete legal description and parcel identification number (PID). (C)Filing fee. (D)Deed restrictions, if necessary. (:)Fifteen copies of site plan drawn to scale showing existing /proposed structures. (F)Additional information as requested by the Planning Director including but not limited tot existing grades and buildings within 100 feet, drainage plan with finished grade and relationship to existing water bodies, if any, proposed floor plan with use indicated plus building elevations, landscape plan with schedule of plantings and screening, curb cuts, driveways, parking areas, walks and curbing. (G)Certified from abstract firm the names and address of property owners within 500 feet of the existing property lines of the subject property. (B)Application and supportive data are due 20 days prior to any scheduled hearing. ONLY OCFMME APPLIQUIONS rtMLL BE P"IEWM BY THE PLANNING 0344ISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.5 of the Zoning Ordinance which specifies the requirements for conditional uses. I agree to provide information and follow the p roc ras as ou in the Ordinance. JAppTIcants S , aturs Date Fee Owners Signature Data THIS SECTION TO BE PILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR HAfd M OOMSSION APPROVED _ - DATE OP HEARING CITY COUNCIL _APPROVED ___DENIIED DATE OF =RIM CONDITIONS- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT This agreement is for Brad & Mary Busse to apply for a conditional use permit to the City of Prior Lake. The conditional use permit is for the property located at Duluth Ave. and Hwy 13 E.N.BARSNESS TRUST tit 7VY .bwa- Permission granted by RICHFIELD BANK & TRUST CO Richfield, Minnesota BY Psrsooef Trost Offlow 09/17/92 Proposal for ca maw Prior Lab, Minnesota BY Davann, Inc. September 27, 1992 SUBWAY Prior Lake, Minnesota REOUEST Submission is presented to the City of Prior Lake requesting review and approval of the following: Site plan review for a 1600 f sq. £t. Subway restaurant on a X0,098 x sq. ft. site at the northeasterly corner of Hwy. 13 and Duluth Avenue S.E. Conditional Use Permit (C.U.P.) for fast food restaurant within a B -1 (Limited Business) zoning district. Variance from ordinance parking requirements (40 stalls) based on demonstrated need (27 stalls). SITE DESCRIPTION The site is currently a vacant, open grassed area. Topography is generally flat with a 2 -3 foot elevation change over the site. Site surface water drainage currently flows from the center of the site (high point) into ditches along Duluth Avenue and Highway 13. Drainage flows south along Duluth Avenue then easterly along Highway 13. Existing adjacent land uses are single family residential northwesterly across Duluth Avenue, Prior Lake State Bank and other businesses to the northeast and commercial south across Highway 13. Duluth Avenue and Highway 13 is a signalized intersection. Anna Trail intersects the northwesterly side of Duluth Avenue about 150 feet north of Highway 13. The land subdivision is to be processed by the fee owner. PROPOSAL The site is proposed to develop as a 1600 sq. ft., 40 seat Subway restaurant with 27 parking stalls and a drive -thru window. Access will be from Duluth Avenue approximately 270 feet north of Highway 13 and 120 feet north of Anna Trail. The building will be located on the west side of the site with parking to the east away from Duluth Avenue and adjacent to an undeveloped commercial parcel. The architecture is a one -story structure approximately 32 ft. by 52 feet in size. The proposed gable roof will help transition the building to the adjacent existing residential neighborhood and provide an appropriate scale and appearance. The exterior will be primarily a brown brick, similar to that used on the adjacent bank. The trash enclosure will also use the same brick veneer (with a screen gate) to provide a compatible appearance. Signage will include a pylon sign at the corner of Duluth Ave. and Hwy. 13. wall signs will be located on the south and west facades on the gable roof ends. A small drive thru sign and order board will direct customers to the pick -up window. All signs will comply with the ordinance regarding size and height. Appropriate State and Federal signage will be provided for the handicap parking. Site lighting will use three (3) 20 foot high poles with 400 watt high pressure sodium shoe box type fixtures. The fixture height is compatible with the building and the lighting color is the same as used for the bank. Cutoffs will limit off -site glare at the site boundary. Landscaping is proposed to meet the draft landscape ordinance requirements for quantity of material and appropriate levels of screening. The service /drive thru area uses coniferous trees, shrubs and berms to screen /soften the appearance from the adjacent residential area. Shrub massings are used along Highway 13 and the west boundary to screen the parking area. Foundation planting are used around the building and trash enclosure to soften their appearance. Annual beds are placed at entry points and key visual locations for focal enhancement. The overall intent is to screen views of the service and parking areas, soften the building and provide appropriate visibility at the site entry and of the building and signage. Drive thru stacking is provided for 5 cars. Subway indicates this is adequate for their anticipated peak demand. Also, the Northwestern University Traffic Institute provides the following calculation to determine appropriate stacking: Stacking length - 20 ft. x the number of drive -thru vehicles that can be expected to be stored in a 15 minute period. Subway indicates three minutes is the typical average for each transaction. Therefore five stalls is appropriate. Another scenario is that this proposed store is expected to have 200 transactions per day with 301 expected to be drive -thru. 200 transactions x 30% drive -thru percentage 60 total expected drive -thru transactions per day 40 transactions expected for peak lunch period (11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 5 transactions expected for peak 15 minute period If the last drive -thru space is filled, customers can continue to an open parking stall by the building. Employee parking is closest to Duluth Avenue to avoid conflicts with customer traffic at the site entry. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The proposed use requires a conditional use permit within the E -1, limited business zoning district. The following comments relate to the listed "Criteria for Approval" as found in the zoning ordinance. Tue proposed use is an allowed conditional use within the existing 3 -1 zoning district. The proposed site plan conforms to or exceeds all general regulations of this ordinance (except as per requested parking quantity variance. See following discussion for this request). 2. There will be nothing associated with the construction or operation of the proposed use that would be dangerous, injurious or noxious to any other property or person and comply with the performance standards. 3. The proposed use is sited, designed and landscaped to produce a harmonious relationship between structure, site and adjacent land uses. 4. The proposed project will fit visually with the neighborhood. The architecture has a residential character for transition to the single family neighborhood and materials compatible with the adjacent commercial use. Landscaping will soften, enhance and screen as appropriate. 5. The entry point provides adequate visibility at the public street. The distance from adjacent street intersections avoids any potential conflict. Internal traffic circulation provides for smooth movement and ease of parking. Adequate parking is proposed. 6. The prosed use fully complies with the objectives of the zoning ordinance and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. There are no Conservation District issues to address. Performance Standards for Conditional Uses 1. There are no flammable or explosive materials handled or stored on site that would create a unique fire hazard. 2. There are no activities that would create an electrical disturbance. 3. There are no objectionable noise generators that are involved with this use. 4. There are no activities that generate vibrations. 5. There are no undesirable odors generated from this use. 6. There are no air -borne pollutants produced. 7. Lighting will be controlled to avoid undesirable glare on adjacent property and roadways. 8. Erosion will be controlled during and after construction by appropriate methods (i.e.: erosion control fabric, landscaping, ground cover, rip -rap spillways, etc.). 9. The propose" use will conform to the water pollution standards of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. No unique water pollutants would be generated by this site and proposed use. 3 VARIv ° REQUEST The c rent zoning ordinance requires that the proposed use provide 40 parking stab Based on the performance of other similar Subway restaurants, this amour: of parking is in excess of what is needed to operate at acceptable level:.. Therefore, a variance is requested. for 27 parking stalls. The following are similar free standing Subways for comparison. All are 36 -40 seats and have drive -thru operations. Three are operational and functioning at acceptable levels with available parking. • Monticello, MN 26 parking stalls (operational) • Fergus Falls, MN 25 parking stalls (operational) • Mankato, NN 20 parking stalls (operational) • New Prague, MN 20 parking stalls (approved, scheduled to start construction October, 1992) A number of Twin city area communities were also checked regarding how they determine parking needs. Of the 20 : communities reviewed, a few also used Prior takes ratio of 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. of floor area. Definitions of floor area ranged from the seating /public counter area to the entire building. This ratio typically is listed for drive -in restaurants within most ordinances, meaning the older style, AaW type drive -in with car hops which usually had no interior seating or service areas. Below is a sampling of various ordinance parking standards for class 1I, fast food type restaurants. Prior Lake /Lakeville 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. seating /counter area 598 sq. ft. + 15 . 40 stalls Brooklyn Park This City also had a 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. ratio but applies it only to the older style drive -in. Their ratio for fast food restaurants is: 1 stall per 35 sq. ft. of seating /counter area 598 sq. ft. + 35 = 18 stalls • Savage /Chaska /Eden Prairie /Apple valley 1 stall per 3 seats (Savage has a 1 stall per 20 sq. ft. standard for drive -ins but uses the seating standard for fast food restaurants) 14 stalls 4 • Minnetonka 1 stall per 60 sq. £t. gross floor 1600 sq. ft. + 60 27 stalls • St. Louis Park 1 stall per 25 sq. ft. seating /counter 598 sq. ft. + 25 - 24 stalls Champlin 1 stall per 75 sq. ft. gross floor 1600 sq. ft. + 75 - 22 stalls Blaine /St. Paul 1 stall per 100 sq. ft. floor 1600 sq. ft. + 100 . 16 stalls Burnsville 1 stall per 50 sq. ft. of floor area plus 1 stall per employee on largest shift 1600 sq. ft. + 50 - 32 + 7 employees 39 stalls Plymouth 1 stall per 2.5 seats plus 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. counter area (40 seats + 2.5) + (165 sq. ft. + 15 sq. ft.) 27 stalls The communities checked varied from 12 -46 stalls for the proposed facilities. Those listed above range from 14 to 40 stalls with Prior Lake being at the top end of the range. Typical averages are 22 to 27 stalls. The proposed parking is for 27 stalls. This is compatible with the standards of Minnetonka and Plymouth which are based on two different methods of calculations (building area and seating /counter area respectively). The proposed 27 stalls is also similar or greater that the other comparable Subways currently in operation. The following comments relate to the standards to be met for a variance approval. Even though the ordinance states that all of the following requirements must be met, items 3 and 4 should take an overriding precedwt. Literal enforcement of the ordinance would only result in an undue hardship with respect to the property in that unnecessary additional land would need to be acquired to provide parking in exce ^s of that appropriate for safe and reasonable operation of the proposed use. 2. There is no hardship unique to the property. 3. The hardship is created by the parking provisions of the ordinance and is not the result of actions by persons having an interest in the property. Earlier discussion points out that the current ordinance is likely outdated and excessive in its parking requirements for this type of use. 5 6. The variance is believed to be in the spirit and intent of this ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to public interest. The ordinance intends to provide adequate off - street parking appropriate for the proposed use such that it will protect the health, welfare and safety of the general public. The examples provided in earlier discussion should demonstrate that the proposed parking is adequate for the intended use and will not create an undo hardship on the owner, City or general public. DEVELOPMENT DATA Site Area • 20,098 s sq. ft. Existing Zoning • B -1 Limited Business Proposed Zoning • B -1 with C.U.P. for fast food restaurant Proposed Building Area • 1600 s sq. ft. Lot Coverage of Building • 7.96 Parking Required • 40 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. customer area 598 s.f. a 15 . 40 stalls Parking Proposed 27 (variance) std. stalls 9' x 18' - 25 handicap per ADA stds. -22 total 27 Zoning Standards Minimum lot area • 20,000 sq. ft. Minimum lot width • 120 ft. Minimum Yard Setbacks Front • 30 ft. Side • 15 ft. Rear • 30 ft. Parking /Drive Lanes • 0 ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The southwesterly portion of that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota and that part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2, lying northerly and easterly of the northwesterly right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13, southeasterly of the southeasterly right -of -way line of Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue) and southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter, distant 1940.80 feet north of the southeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter, said point being on the south line of a Town Road: thence deflecting to the west at an angle of 92 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds along said south line of a Town Road a distance of 652.15 feet sore or less to the intersection with the northwesterly right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence continuing on an assumed bearing of South 87 degrees 39 minutes 52 seconds West along said south line of a Town Road, a distance of 759.70 feet to its intersection with said southeasterly right -of -way 11 a of said Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue); thence southwesterly along said southeasterly right -of -way line along a nontangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 1185.41 feet a chord bearing of South 22 degrees 39 minutes 47 seconds West an arc length of 231.50 feet to the point of begira,ing of the line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 310 feet more or less to said northwesterly right -of -way Sine and there terminating. LANDOWNER Norman earsness Estate Trust C/0 Bob Bareness Prior Lake State Bank 16677 Duluth Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: 447 -2101 APPLICANT /DEVELOPER Davann, Inc. Brad and Mary Busse 1420 Mallard Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 448 -5710 SURVEYOR Valley Surveying Co., P.A. 16670 Franklin Trail S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: 447 -2570 ARCHITECT Michael J. Wilkus Architects 14180 W. 78th Street Eden Prairie, HN 55344 Phone: 949 -0985 PLANNER /ENGINEER /LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 14180 W. 78th Street, Suite 220 Eden Prairie, HN 55344 Phone: 937 -5150 VA S - 3 s PID9 w� •, - •1��5� w • a• w Davann, Inc. Type of Ownership: Fee rrior Lax eract Purchas Consultant/Contractor: Westwood Professional Services Phone 14180 W. Hwy 5 Existing Use Eden Prairie, M 55344 of Property: Vaeant Prese Legal Description of Variance Site: see attached description Variance Requ ested: Building setback variance from 50 feet t� , k-,one: 448 -5710 '-'hone: 44A -i71n Phone: Phone: 447 -2101 e Agreement —. A 937 -5150 Zoning: B -1 (see attached narrative) Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a ve -iance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes x No What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe the type of improve proposed: site plan approval for a free - standing subway restaurant. SUBMISSION FaMIREMUS WCompleted application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Proper , Survey indicating the proposed development in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. lb)Certi.fied from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exte� -ior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Camplete legal description & Property Idesti.fi<ation Nmber CPID). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 20' -50' showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY MWLEPE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING OMaSSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. n _ ,n A Submitted this day of l y l a q.2 Applicants Signature Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR COMMONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date 09 16 9: 10:10 F.4S 61: 117 1:15 CITY PRIOR LAID: ai CITY OF PRIOR I= APPLICATION FOR VARIANM Annii,,,nt• Davann, Inc. a Property Address: 'Type of i :4180 W. 78th Street, Suite Existing Use Eden Prairie, MN 55344 of Property; Vacant Legal Description of Variance Site : . see attached descriotion Variance ReQUeSted; r dnrtio in Darkine from 40 r Zoning; R -i Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes _g_ No What was requested: When: D isposition - Describe the type of =Vrovaments proposed: site plan approval for a free - standing Sub WHv restaurant- SOBMSSION ' S (A)Ccmpletsd application lomm�. (H)Filirnq lee. (C)pzoperty Sltvey cating the proposed development in relation to gsopezty lsnes aanndd//or ordinary- biq)rwater mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D )Certified frcm abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subjeei property. CE)Ccmplete Iegal description s Property Identification Number �Ir). CF)Deed restrictl0ne or private covenants, if applicable. (qA parcel mnp at I "- 20'-50' showing: The site development plan. buildirrla: parking. loading, access. surface drainage. landscaping and utility service. ONLY O3WLEPE APPLIGUIONS SHALL HE ACCEPTED AND REVIEWED HY THE PLAMUM OCKaSSION. Z003 To the beat of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the ordinance. ./,J. A/7 Submitted this 9 day of ' `T& Applicants fIgnature Fee Owners Signature THI SPACE IS TO HE FIELED OUT BY THE PI.ANbMG DIRDCfOR Ig 7. . Pro# ph 448 -57 10 Pip 448 -5710 vhm - ---- Signature of the Planning Director Date SUBWAY Variance Bequest - Front Yard Building Setbacks The proposed Subway was designed to meet or exceed the 30 -foot 3-1 Limited Business front yard building setback. A 30 -foot setback is proposed to Duluth Avenue and a 34.95 -foot setback is provided to Highway 13. These proposed setbacks would still require a variance from the required collector street and Highway 13 minimum front yard building setbacks which are as follows: - Collector street - 85 feet, measured from the centerline of the (Duluth Avenue S.E.) existing traveled roadway, in platted areas with utilities - Highway 13 - 50 feet from the right -of -way line The requested front yard building setback variances would be: From 85 feet to 74 feet from the collector street (Duluth Avenue S.E.) 2. From 50 feet to 34.95 feet from Highway 13. The following comments relate to the standards to be met for a variance approval. The literal enforcement of the ordinance would create an undue hardship with respect to the property in that the size and shape of the parcel limits reasonable site layout alternatives due to a curve along the westerly boundary adjacent to Duluth Avenue. This has forced the building to be located closer to Highway 13 than the minimum 50 -foot setback. The building location is a result of locating the site vehicle entrance to the easterly side of the site as far from the intersection of Duluth Avenue and Highway 13 as is possible to avoid potential traffic conflicts. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. See discussion above. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons having interest in the property. The Duluth Avenue alignment was determined by earlier governmental decisions. The lot width and area provisions of the ordinance have dictated to a great degree the subdivision of the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of the ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The setback variances are minimal (11 feet along Duluth Avenue and 14.95 feet along Highway 13). Site design attempted to maximize the setbacks where possible. The variance along Duluth Avenue is only for a small corner of the building. The front yard building setbacks do meet or exceed the B.1 standards. The setbacks provided for the driveways and parking areas (5 -18 feet) are well in excess of that required (0 feet) . This setback area is used to provide landscaping and buffering that typically has not occurred in Prior Lake. This variance will not create an undue hardship on the health, welfare or safety of the general public. Existing Single Fai Residential) I Anna Trail I I I I i I 1 1 1 1 � I i 1 k� NA`�`'' 13 SUBWAY ILLUMINATED Sign Program with an optional installation service now available. :1" I � l M Tasteful identification leads the way o, Ga O � ,T SINGLE AND DOUBLE FACE SIGNS FOR VOLE MOUNT OR BUILDING WALLS these single and double face signs feature lough, durable (aces thermoformed of polycarbonate with einhossed copy in brown, yellow, and white Isle- resistant enamels. Rugged extruded aluminum cast is painted a rich. dumnodw brown. Brilliant illumination is powided by a high output fluorescent lighting system. Single face models furnished with wall mounting clips. Center pole signs (ome complete wllh matching plau ...poles not included,bul available. 2 a D' sign — dhuninated by Iwo (2) 4f.' lamps Model 2M— S1ngle (a<e Me„ Iel 28( Double (ace center pole 2'6" a 10 sign— illumnated by I'iur (4) W lamps Model 2610— Singic (ace Model 26 ;0(: Double 1, .enter pule 1' > 12' sign — illuminated by six (6) 72" lamps Model 312' --Single face Mudd oJ -- Douhle tae r, enter pole 4' . I1, sign — illuminated by eight (8) W lamps M.udet I16ti— Single late s Model 416C— Double (ace, canter pole 5' x 211' sign— dlumma!ed by twenly 1201 W lamps Model 5208— Single (ace - Model 520L— Double lace, center pole Model D20B Double face illuminated center pole directional sign with thermoformed polycarbonate faces decorated in yellow on a brown background. Sign case is of extruded aluminum painted dump -Aw brown and hinged for easy access. Illuminated by one (1) 24" high output fluorescent lamp. Complete with 3" x 3" steel pole w install 3'2" above grade. Available with the following copy choices: DRIVE THRU with arrow ENTER with an. EXIT ONLY RIGHT TURN ONLY LEFT TURN ONLi THANKYOU DO NOT ENTER Model DTM36 3' x 6' single race illuminated drive thru menu sign with built -in communication system. Installs 28" above grade on two (2) steel poles with decorative aluminum covers. Sturdy extruded aluminum housing. Housing and pole covers painted coomodic brown.Leh and right panels accommodate menu /price transparencies. Center panel accommodates pictorial transpaency and speaker. Transparencies are protected by clear p.,carbonate covers. Illuminated by hon, (2) R" high output fluorescent lamps. (Transparencies and speaker provided by others.) OUTDOOR DIRECTIONAL AND DRIVE THRU MENU SIGNS TURNKEY ... a convenient service to provide professional installation of your signs. We have assigned all responsibility for our sign program to a single supplier. We have dumped buck passing. 1 manufactures all units complete... conforms to UL standards and applies approval labels... arranges delivery of site... provides installation. Turnkey means everything ready to flip the on switchl It includes: LEGAL... permits applied for and secured to conform to pertinent zoning and ordinance requirements... befor are shipped to site. CO- ORDINATION... signs are on the site when the building is ready...one not waiting for the other. INSTALLATION... in position... by professionals ... to permit and precise engineering standards... connected to electrical service (provided by others) ... ready to advertise. TURNKEY... hands sign problems to the signman ... who's qualified and prepared to solve them. HERES HOW TURNKEY WILL WORKI! If you do not want the responsibility of contracting with a local sign installer, call Dualite, Inc. (513) 724 -7100. Dualite manufacturers all of the signs described in this brochure and their Turnkey Division will arrange to have your sign professionally installed by a reputable, skilled installer. All signs pictured in this brochure are Undervinters'Laboratories approved and carry UL and Union labels. —WARRANTY— All signs are guaranteed for one year from date of shipment. During that L.ne we will replace defective parts (except lamps). Our guarantee does not include transportation charges to or from our factories. The cost of necessary repairs will be paid by us provided prior, specific authorization has been secured from our headquarters in Williamsburg. Labor nn new signs shall carry a fA day warranty. We gua antee safe arrival to destination, when shipped from our factories or warehouse. Shipments should be inspected for damage immediately upon arrival it damage has occurred, consignee should forward to us a copy of the freight bill with a notation of damage thereon and an inspection report from 1',e carrier. Upon receipt of these documents, we will repair or replare shipment and file claim with carrier for cost of repair or replacement. PRr o \ r / I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M TO: HORST GRASER, CITY PLANNER FROM: fi,BRUCE LONEY, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW DATE: JANUARY 21, 1993 The fallowing comments are from the Public Works review of the above referenced plat: P reliminary Grading Plan 1. Grading of site should be revised so that the drainage of site is towards Trunk Highway 13. Revising the grades will eliminate the need of a storm sewer pipe on a future Duluth Avenue improvement project. 2. An erosion control plan needs to be done for the site development. 3. The right -of -way width for Duluth Avenue adjacent to the proposed plat should be eighty (80) feet. Sanitary Sewer & Watermain 4. Sewermain and watermain lines should have a ten (10) foot separation. On the west side of Duluth Avenue, a portion of the pavement section will need to be removed, and details of the pavement removal and restoration need to be submitted. 5. The existing topography and in particular, the trees along Duluth Avenue are not shown. Trees to be disturbed or removed should be specified on the plans. Site Plan 6. The parking stall nearest Duluth Avenue should be eliminated to provide a safe sight distance for future street and sidewalk traffic. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior fake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 44i- 230 / Fax(612)447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPOREUN E EMPLOYER /� �R,� J m M E M O R A N D U M TO: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING FROM: BILL MANGAN, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION RE: PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENT FOR BUSSE FIRST ADDITION DATE: DECEMBER 23, 1992 Since this is a commercial application, the park dedication requirement will be treated just as all of the business applications have been treated. The most recent application involved Radermacher's County Market. However, that application was substantially larger than this one. The most recent application similar to this subdivision is the existing Burger King restaurant. For these commercial application, a raw land value is assigned per square foot rather than per acre. The raw land value for this subdivision will be $1.00 per square foot. As a result of this determination, the parcel has a raw land value of $58,300. The lot park dedication requirement is applied to this figure to result in a park dedication requirement of $5,830. Horst. there is one other consideration to keep in mind with this subdii.ision. Duluch Avenue is a collector street within the City. Eventually, there will be sidewalk and bikeway on both sides of the street. There is currently a bikeway striped on the west side of Duluth Avenue. I would .suggest to the developer that, at minimum, a 5' concrete sidewalk be considered at the time of construction. This sidewalk is identified in our city trail system plan and should receive consideration for this application. If there are any comments or questions related to this subdivision, I will be available to answer them. 4629 Dak ^ -c St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPORrUN'nY EMPLOYER 0 � PR / MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Department FROM: Ralph Teschner, Finance Director LAY RE: Busse 1st Addition Preliminary Plat DATE: November 4, 1992 The 1.33 acre parcel (PIN #25 902 049 0) does not have water and sewer service available to the property. The closest proximity to such utilities would be within the street intersection of Duluth Avenue and Anna Trail. These improvements were originally installed in 1959. The applicant, Davann Inc. would be responsible for the extension of the service lines for purpose of connection to the City's municipal system. Since utilities do not abut the property and the developer would incur the service cost, the parcel would not be assessed front footage. The subdivision would however be subject to the charges outlined below: Trunk Water & Sewer Charge $2750.00 /acre atormwater Management Fee 20.3 cents /sq. ft. Collector Street Fee $700.00 /acre The :.1tplication of these City charges would generate the follr,wing costs to the developer based upon a net area of 58,302 square feet as provided within the site data of the preliminary plat- description: 1.34 acres @ 700.00 /acre ... $ 938.00 (collector) 1.34 acres @ 2750.00 /acre ... $ 3,685.00 (trunk) 58,302 sq. ft @ 20.3 cents ... $11,835.31 (stormwater) Total City fees ... $16,458.31 There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property nor any pending deferments. The above represented charges for the preliminary plat of Busse First Addition would be collected upon entering into a developer's agreement for the utility improvements. 4629 Dakota St, S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 A EQUAL OWDFCT^ M EFIPLOYER ,,,,NNESO, Minnesota Department of Transportation 0 y ° Metropolitan Division Transportation Building y � 0 �' Zo' S4. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Oakdale Office, 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 Golden Vallev Office, 2055 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 Reply to Telephone No. 593 -8533 _ December 15, 1992 Mr. Horst Graser Director of Planning City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 In Reply refer to: TH 13 C.S. 7001 Busse First Addition Duluth Ave /TH 13 Prior Lake Dear Mr. Graser: We are in receipt of the above referenced plat for our review in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02 and 505.03 Plats and Surveys. We find this plat acceptable for development with consideration of the following comment: Work within Mn /DOT Right -of -Way along TH 13 will not be allowed. Please contact Bill Warden in our Permits Section at 593 -8449 with any questions about this issue. If you have any other questions please feel free to call me at 593 -8533. Sincerely, / William A. Sirois Senior Transportation Planner cc: Dotty Ri tow, Metropolitan Council Brad Larson, Scott Co. Engineer William Schmokel, Scott Co. Surveyor An Equal Oppnrfamfu Emplowi PROO \ \ v "SU09PN" NOTICE OF SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING FOR BUSSE FIRST ADDITION You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on Thursday, February 4, 1993 at 7:35 p.m. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the subdivision BUSSE FIRST ADDITION, into two commercial lots The legal description of the property is as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota and that part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2, lying northerly and easterly of the northwesterly right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13, southeasterly of the southeasterly right -of -way line of Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue) and southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter distant 1940.80 feet north of the southeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter, said point being on the south line of a Town Road; thence deflecting to the west at an angle of 92 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds along said south line of a Town Road a distance of 652.15 feet more or less to the intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of said State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence continuing on an assumed bearing of South 87 degrees 39 minutes 52 seconds West along said south line of a Town Road a distance of 759.70 feet to its intersection with said southeasterly right -of -way line of said Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue); thence southwesterly along said southeasterly right -of -way line along a nontangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 1185.41 feet a chord bearing of South 22 degrees 39 minutes 47 seconds West an arc length of 231.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 310 feet more or less to said northwester'y right -of -way line and there terminating. Or more commonly described as: Approximately 1.3 acres lying north and east of the intersection of S.T.H. 13 and Duluth Avenue and located west of the Prior Lake State Bank Building. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 M EQLAi 0PPORlUh1TY E PWD If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. * "al Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Monday, January 25 and February 1, 1993. Ex -EO F EI/.BI PLAT OF \ \ ' ✓ I— — I BUI E Fl 1 AOOIMN xv • r � M ]aJ`)£ TtE B4M> = — d BUSSE FIRST ADG �/ J._•I E L z cool -:� �._.e._..._d.. �� MIME � Willi �' T` B L 0 C K z N E G.Pk - 1 9 "VA35PN" You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: February 4, 1993 at 7:35 p.m. PURPOSE OF HEARING To consider a conditional use permit and variance application for Davann, Inc., 1420 Mallard Lane, Chanhassen, MN 55317. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION Vacant parcel located southwest of Prior Lake State Bank and northeast of the intersection of Duluth Avenue and S.T.H. 13. If the proposed subdivision of Busse First Addition is approved, the subject site would be Lot 1, Block 1, Busse First Addition. (See enclosed subdivision notice and map for reference.) REQUESTED ACTION - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The applicant proposes to construct a "Subway" restaurant on the most southwesterly corner of the property. The proposal is to develop a 1600 square foot, 40 seat Subway restaurant with 27 parking stalls and a drive -thru window. Access will be from Duluth Avenue approximately 270 feet north of Highway 13. The building is proposed to be located on the west side of the site with parking to the east, away from Duluth Avenue and adjacent to an undeveloped commercial parcel. The subject site is zoned B -1 Limited Business which is intended to provide commercial opportunities for office, retail and service establishments. The "Subway" restaurant is considered to be a fast food establishment and as such, requires that a conditional use permit be granted before construction can begin. The purpose of a conditional use permit process is to evaluate the "Subway" proposal and to allow the City to place special restrictions on the business in order to reduce negative impacts to adjacent properties. The "Subway" proposal will be reviewed to determine noise, traffic, visual impression, neighborhood compatibility, as well as other performance criteria listed in the Zoning Ordinance. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph (612) 4474234 / Fax(612)4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORrUNrrY EW OYnt REQUESTED ACTION - VARIANCE APPLICATION In ord -e to buiiu the "SUCwax" restaurant as proposed, the applicant requests the following setback and parking variances: The required setback from the centerline of Duluth Avenue is 85 feet. The applicant requests an 11 foot variance from this standard in order to locate the building 74 feet from the centerline of Duluth Avenue. The required setback from S.T.H. 13 right -of -way is 50 feet. The applicant requests approval of a 15.05 foot variance from the standard in order to locate the building 34.95 feet from the right -of -way line. The Zoning Ordinance requires 40 parking spaces for the proposed building. The applicant requests a variance to allow 27 parking stalls instead of the required 40 stalls. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: January 19, 1993 /� / / / / / / / A / / C .ym1W�{i M1� $ // ✓Y / V w y � / / i ���� / � �Ml� �, �y / � i F I � Y � � f,� i I � �� /� _ W� M N I '�ti\ I I r artir+... \ I .... +n I I I I �. s 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 � / 1"� 1 \ � � / \\ �\ 1 - -'�' ADDENDUM TO PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 1 PUBLIC HEARING - BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT; SUBWAY CONDITIONAL USE AND VARIANCE DAVANN, INC., CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING X YES NO FEBRUARY 1, 1993 INTRODUCTION; Davann, Inc. has applied for a conditional use permit to construct and operate a Subway fast food store on prcposed Lot 1, Block 1, of Busse First Addition. in addition the following variances are being requested: 1). Building setback variance for the Subway store from 50 feet to 34.95 feet adjacent to STH 13. 2). Building setback variance for the Subway store from 85 feet to 74 feet adjacent to Duluth Ave. 3). A reduction in required parking spaces from 40 spaces to 27 spaces as shoun on the site plan. The conditional use application is filed under Section 7.5 of the Zoning Code and the variances are filed under Section 7.6 of the Zoning Code. CONDITIONAL USE AND VARIANCE REVIEW: The applicant did meet with city staff on several occasions prior to submitting the applications. The staff recommendation to the developer was to be respectful to the existinq uses in the neighborhood by utilizing good exterior building design, landscaping and site designs. That the improvements and construction be at a minimum or exceed the level of existing construction and improvements in the neighborhood. The proposal is to construct a 1600 square foot Subway fast food store with direct land access to Duluth Ave. The landscaping of the store meets the proposed Landscape Ordinance currently under consideration by the City Council. The exterior finish of the store includes a brown brick (to match the adjacent bank), insulated glass windows in bronze aluminum frames, two signs (which meet code) a 6/12 pitched gable roof with asphalt shingles and metal facia. The orientation of the store is east and south. 4629 Dakota St. SR, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Rr. (612) 4474230 / Fax(612)4474245 AN EQUAL opPORrUMIY BeLOYni The site design and accompanying variance requests demonstrate the limited building envelope of the lot. It will be difficult to develop a site plan for this use or any other building that maintains the required setbacks due to the inefficiency of the lot. The site plan includes a 1600 square foot store, 27 paved parking spaces, a service drive through area and landscaping. Vehicular access is from Duluth Ave. The site is not connected to a pedestrian sidewalk or trail system. There is a striped designated bikeway on Duluth Ave. which is currently designed as a rural section roadway but scheduled to be upgraded in 1997 to an urban section with sidewalks and trails. PLAN ANALYSIS: in general the use conforms to the distric* and will not involve any element or cause any conditions which may be dangerous, injurious, or noxious to any other property or persons in the neighborhood. Duluth is classified a collector street witt adequate capacity to handle the expected 440 daily trips generated by Subway. The proposed driveway access from Duluth is directly across from a developed R -1 single family residential area. Noise, and headlights produced by vehicles using Subway may compromise the living environment of those residents directly across from the driveway. An alternative location is suggested where the driveway would align with Anna Trail. Berming and heavy plantings should be introduced from the new driveway location to the northern property line in an effort to be sensitive to the residential environment. Sensitivity in lightly applications has been suggested by the applicant. Any signage should not face Duluth or at least be so orientated as to not be directly visible from the residents directly across from the store. The on -site parking plan contains 27 spaces which is 13 less than required by the Zoning Code. The applicant has suggested that 27 spaces are adequate based on his market analysis and experience of other stores in similar situations. The applicant further suggests that Prior Lakes Zoning Code may be excessive and not current with needs of todays business community. It has been staffs experience that fast food chains have a good understanding of their parking needs and will not open a store that is deficient in this critical area. The use has several other elements that may cause or will produce depreciation in property values and /or character of the neighborhood. Since the store will have a drive through service an outside order board will produce objectionable noise that my be heard from the homes directly across the street. Although this is perhaps not a constant factor it may prove to be irritable during certain conditions and times. It is suggested that the order board be placed in an alternative location whereby reducing the potential negative affect on homeowners. It is also a fact that wrappings used to contain the food find their way onto neighboring properties. The applicant should devise a program whereby clean up of adjacent property is done on a regular basis. The maintenance of the grounds and structure is vital in maintaining a visual impression of quality and respect and should not be allowed to deteriorate. ALTERNATIVES• 1) Find the conditional use permit and variances consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and within the spirit and intent of the Zoning ordinance. Approval may be subject to conditions as deemed appropriate by the Planning commission. 2) Continue the hearings as may be necessary or requested however with specific direction to the applicant. 3) Deny the applications. /F PR U U �� .fir ` 1 F Sn/ "VA35PN" NOTICE OF HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE APPLICATION You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: February 4, 1993 at 7:35 p.m. PURPOSE OF HEARING To consider a conditional use permit and variance application for Davann, Inc., 1420 Mallard Lane, Chanhassen, MN 55317. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION Vacant parcel located southwest of Prior Lake State Bank and northeast of the intersection of Duluth Avenue and S.T.H. 13. If the proposed subdivision of Busse First Addition is 3Qproved, the subject site would be Lot 1, Block 1, Busse First Addition. (See enclosed subdivision notice and map for reference.) REQUESTED ACTION - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The applicant proposes to construct a "Subway" restaurant on the most southwesterly corner of the property. The proposal is to develop a 1600 square foot, 40 seat Subway restaurant with 27 parking stalls and a drive -thru window. Access will be from Duluth Avenue approximately 270 feet north of Highway 13. The building is proposed to be located on the west side of the site with parking to the east, away from Duluth Avenue and adjacent to an undeveloped commercial parcel. The subject site is zoned B -1 Limited Business which is intended to provide commercial opportunities for office, retail and service establishments. The "Subway" restaurant is considered to be a fast food establishment and as such, requires that a conditional use permit be granted before construction can begin. The purpose of a conditional use permit process is to evaluate the "Subway" proposal and to allow the City to place special restrictions on the business in order to reduce negative impacts to adjacent properties. The "Subway" proposal will be reviewed to determine noise, traffic, visual impression, neighborhood compatibility, as well as other performance criteria listed in the Zoning Ordinance. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph, (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. EMPLOYER REQUESTED ACTION - VARIANCE APPLICATION In order to build the "SUbw =s'" restaurant as proposed, the applicant requests the following setback and parking variances: The required setback from the centerline of Duluth Avenue is 85 feet. The applicant requests an 11 foot variance from this standard in order to locate the building 74 feet from the centerline of Duluth Avenue. The required setback from S.T.H. 13 right -of -way is 50 feet. The applicant requests approval of a 15.05 foot variance from the standard in order to locate the building 34.95 feet from the right -of -way line. The Zoning Ordinance requires 40 parking spaces for the proposed building. The applicant requests a variance to allow 27 parking stalls instead of the required 40 stalls. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: January 19, 1993 1 . C 1 KA 11 pig � �® 1111111 IIIIII�1it�Il "CU9301" PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 1 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT; SUBWAY CONDITIONAL USE AND VARIANCE APPLICANT: DAVANN INC., CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA PRESENTER: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1993 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this public hearing is to consider three distinct applications: Preliminary plat consideration of Busse First Addition; conditional use permit to locate a fast food restaurant (Subway) in a B -1, Limited Business zone; and variance applications to allow reduced setbacks from S.T.H. 13 and Duluth Avenue and reduction of required parking spaces for a fast food establishment. The three applications are being considered contemporaneously because of the interrelationship of the subdivision to the development proposal. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the applications in the review process since the subdivision, conditional use and variance process are separate issues. A separate motion in the form of a recommendation to the City Council, will be required. Each motion should be supported by findings of fact, performance criteria and hardship findings relevant to the specific application. The attached agenda packet contains the application for subdivision, conditional use and variance along with a written proposal prepared by the developer, supporting maps and data. The applications are followed by a packet illustrating sign options for Subway, a separate packet containing memorandums from City staff and MNDOT and finally the public hearing notice and maps published in the Prior Lake American and mailed to approximately 75 residents, business owners, utility companies and affected agencies. SUBDIVISION REVIEW: The preliminary plat of Busse First Addition is being processed as a standard subdivision with the procedures and requirements outlined in Section 6 -3 -2 of Subdivision ordinance 87 -10. The developer petitioned for subdivision review under Section 6 -3 -1, Abbreviated Subdivision Process. However, it is impossible to segregate the subdivision and land use process since the 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNM EMPLOYER conditional use would not be valid for the site proposed, because Lot 1 will not exist until the subdivision is approved. The site contains approximately 1.3 acres and is located north and east of the intersection of Duluth Avenue and S.T.H. 13. The site is zoned B -1, Limited Business and is surrounded by R -1, Urban Residential to the west, R -2, Urban Residential to the north, B -3, General Business to the south and B -1, Limited Business to the east. The minimum lot size in the B -1 District is 20,000 square feet with a minimum width of 120' on a public road. Adjacent land uses correspond to the zoning district permitted permitted uses including, single family residential to the west, a four plex to the north, Prior Lake State Bank to the east and Priordale Mall/ Marquette Bank to the south. The proposal is to divide the 1.3 acres into two lots as per attached preliminary plat map. Proposed Lot 2 contains 38,204 square feet and an existing parking lot parking lot currently used by Prior Lake State Bank to provide convenient customer parking, close to the front entrance to the bank building. No use is proposed for Lot 2 at this time however, it is anticipated that a use conforming to the B -1 district requirements will be developed at a future date. Proposed Lot 1, contains 20,098 square feet and is the future site of the Subway restaurant. Both proposed lots meet or exceed the Zoning Code requirements for the B -1, Limited Business district. Assessments: See memo rom Ralph Teschner dated November 4, 1992 for details. The subject site does not have water and sewer service available to the property. The developer will be responsible to provide a connection to utilities available within the street intersection of Duluth Avenue and Anna Trail. See attached Grading and Utility Plan. The existing utilities were installed in 1959. The applicant will be responsible for the extension of the service lines for the purpose of connection to the City's municipal system. Since utilities do not abut the propert y and the developer would incur the service cost, the parcel would not be assessed front footage. The subdivision is subject to charges for Trunk Water and Sewer ($2750.00 /acre): Stormwater Management Fee (20.3 cents /sq. ft.) and a Collector Street Fee of $700.00 /acre. Total City fees required for development of the subdivision amount to $16,458.31 dollars, which will be collected upon entering into a developer's agreement for the utility improvements. Cg r, Plan: T eh re is Titfle guidance offered by the 1981 Comprehensive Plan for the development of the subject site. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Map indicate commercial use for the site. Policy 3 of the Land Use Plan indicates that new business development should be confined to the Downtown and Brooksville Center areas. There is mention of the need to integrate the various business centers along the Highway 13 Strip by improving pedestrian and vehicular access. S.T.H. 13 is classified as a minor arterial, designed to accommodate medium to short trips at moderate speeds. Minor Arterials also connect neighborhoods, subregions, and activity centers within the urban area. Duluth Avenue is classified as a collector which is intended to collect and distribute traffic to the arterial system at lower speeds. Access includes minor arterials, local streets and direct land access. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that sidewalks and trails are recommended along the entire major street system. The collector streets such as Duluth Avenue, connect all areas of the City and are conveniently located to provide suitable alternatives to travel by automobile. The subdivision proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Duluth Avenue is scheduled for upgrade in 1997 with the cost to be distributed between City and Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds. The existing 24 wide road will likely be widened to 32 feet with bike path and sidewalks and posted for no parking. The 1991 ADT for Duluth Avenue was 3,500 vehicles per day. The projected ADT for the year 2011 is 5 vehicles per day. The Subway proposal should not significantly affect traffic volumes along Duluth Avenue. Gradin & utilit Plan: T e s1 ee 1s generally flat and contains no predominant natural features. The grading plan indicates that Lot 1 will be graded to accommodate the Subway restaurant and parking lot construction. The applicant proposes not to grade Lot 2 at this time, but to wait until a future development proposal is approved. Storm water currently flows into the ditches located along Duluth Avenue and S.T.H. 13. The proposal is for the existing drainage patterns to continue. The proposed sanitary sewer and watermain plan indicates that sanitary sewer would extend generally southerly from Anna Trail along the west side of Duluth Avenue and cross under Duluth approximately between the tow proposed lots. An 8^ water main would extend southerly along and cross Duluth Avenue near the sanitary sewer. A hydrant is proposed adjacent to Lot 1, along Duluth Avenue to provide fire protection. The Engineering Department reviewed the plat and development proposals and recommends the following. 1. An erosion control and grading plan for the site must be provided, acceptable to the City Engineer. 2. The right -of -way width for Duluth Avenue adjacent to the proposed plat should be 80 feet. Seven feet of additional right -of -way for Duluth Avenue must be dedicated adjacent to the easterly 155 feet of the plat. The sewer and watermain construction plans must be approved by the City Engineer. Park Dedication: See memo from Bill Mangan dated, December 23, 1992 for details. The park dedication requirement for Busse First Addition will be a cash dedication in the amount of $5,830.00 dollars. ff ral Discussion: propose sub ivison would add two lots to the block currently loped with P rior Lake State Bank, the host office and Carols iture. Although both lots meet the minimum size requirements they will be the smallest lots in the block. Lot 1 will need to be slightly increased to account for the 225 square feet lost to right of way dedication required adjacent to Duluth Avenue. The subject site is perhaps one of the prime vacant sites available along the S.T.H. 13 Strip. Development will be a focal point in the Priordale Shopping area and serve as a transitional land use between S.T.H. 13 and the single family residential development to the west. Any development must be respectful of this relationship. To accommodate this objective the applicant should consider adjusting the common property line, increasing the building envelope and providing additional design and landscape flexibility for Lot 1. Lot 1 is not an efficient lot from a development perspective. It is bordered by roadways on three sides with setbacks of 50 feet from S.T.H. 13 and 85 feet from the travelled roadway of Duluth Avenue resulting in a small and difficult building envelope. It is typical for inefficient lots such as this to be overbuilt and/ or to ask for relief via the variance process as will be the case in the Subway conditional use to be reviewed contemporaneously with the plat. Alternatives: 11, Find thethe preliminary plat of Busse First Addition consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance subject to: a) An erosion control plan subject to the approval of the City Engineer. b) The right of way for Duluth be increased by 7 feet for the easterly 152 feet of Duluth Avenue. C) The sewer and water plans must be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. d) The dimensions for Lot 1 be adjusted to a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. 2. Deny the plat based upon specific findings. Continue the hearing for specific purposes or lack of information or detail.` I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M TO: HORST GRASER, CITY PLANNER FROM: 64,BRUCE LONEY, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW DATE: JANUARY 21, 1993 The following comments are from the Public Works review of the above referenced plat: Preliminary Grading Plan 1. Grading of site should be revised so that the drainage of site is towards Trunk Highway 13. Revising the grades will eliminate the need of a storm sewer pipe on a future Duluth Avenue improvement project. 2. An erosion control plan needs to be done for the site development. 3. The right -of -way width for Duluth Avenue adjacent to the proposed plat should be eighty (80) feet. Sa nitary Sewer & Watermain 4. Sewermain and watermain lines should have a ten (10) toot separation. On the west side of Duluth Avenue, a portion of the pavement section will need to be removed, and details of the pavement removal and restoration need to be submitted. 5. The existing topography and in particular, the trees along Duluth Avenue are not shown. Trees to be disturbed or removed should be specified on the plans. Site Plan 6. The parking stall nearest Duluth Avenue should be eliminated to provide a safe sight distance for future street and sidewalk traffic. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph (612) 4474230 I Fax(612)447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPOR7UPM EMPLOYM TO: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING FROM: BILL MANGAN, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION RE: PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENT FOR BUSSE FIRST ADDITION DATE: DECEMBER 23, 1992 Since this is a commercial application, the park dedication requirement will be treated just as all of the business applications have been treated. The most recent application involved Radermacher's County Market. However, that application was substantially larger than this one. The most recent application similar to this subdivision is the existing Burger King restaurant. For these commercial application, a raw land value is assigned per square foot rather than per acre. The raw land value for this subdivision will be $1.00 per square foot. As a result of this determination, the parcel has a raw land value of $58,300. The 10% park dedication requirement is applied to this figure to result in a park dedication requirement of $5,830. Horst there is one other consideration to keep in mind with this subdivision. Duluth Avenue is a collector street within the City. Eventually, there will be sidewalk and bikeway on both sides of the street. There is currently a bikeway striped on the west side of Duluth Avenue. I would suggest to the developer that, at minimum, a 5' concrete sidewalk be considered at the time of construction. This sidewalk is identified in our city trail sstem plan and should receive consideration for this application. If there are any comments or questions related to this subdivision, I will be available to answer them. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prim lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORTLRQ Y EMPUNER: PRI �4. Lam h i TO: Planning Department FROM: Ralph Teschner, Finance Director RE: Busse 1st Addition Preliminary Plat DATE: November 4, 1992 The 1.33 acre parcel (PIN #25 902 049 0) does not have water and sewer service available to the property. The closest proximity to such utilities would be within the street intersection of Duluth Avenue and Anna Trail. These improvements were originally installed in 1959. The applicant, Davann Inc. would be responsible for the extension of the service lines for purpose of connection to the City's municipal system. since utilities do not abut the property and the developer would incur the service cost, the parcel would not be assessed front footage. The subdivision would however be subject to the charges outlined below: Trunk Water i Sewer Charge $2750.00 /acre Stormwater Management Fee 20.3 cents /sq. ft. Collector Street Fee $700.00 /acre The application of these City charges would generate the following costs to the developer based upon a net area of 58,302 square feet as provided within the site data of the preliminary plat description: 1.34 acres @ 700.00 /acre ... $ 938.00 (collector) 1.34 acres @ 2750.00 /acre ... $ 3,685.00 (trunk) 58,302 sq. ft @ 20.3 cents ... $11.835.31 ( stormwater) Total City fees ... $16,458.31 There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property nor any pending deferments. The above represented charges for the preliminary plat of Busse First Addition would be collected upon entering into a developer's agreement for the utility improvements. 4629 Dakota St. SE, Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 44711230 / Fax (612) 4474245 \ AN EQUAL OPPORnMRV EMPLOYER MXNNESop Minnesota Department of Transportation V n� Metropolitan Division Transportation Building F St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 h oc � Oakdale Office, 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 Golden Valley Office, 2055 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 Reply to Telephone No. 593 -8533 December 15, 1992 Mr. Horst Graser D of Planning City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 In Reply refer to: TH 13 C.S. 7001 Busse First Addition Duluth Ave/TH 13 Prior Lake Dear Mr. Graser: We are in receipt of the above referenced plat for our review in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02 and 505.03 Plats and Surveys. We find this plat acceptable for development with consideration of the following comment: Work within Mn /DOT Right -of -Way along TH 13 will not be allowed. Please contact Bill Warden in our Permits Section at 593 -8449 with any questions about this issue. If you have any other questions please feel free to call me at 593 -8533. Sincerely,, William A. Sirois Senior 1'ransportation Planner cc: Dotty Rietow, Metropolitan Council Brad Larson, Scott Co. Engineer William Schmokel, Scott Co. Surveyor Air Equal 01 , 1kWunitq Employer APPLICATION FOR THE SUBDIVISION CP LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Property Address: Subdivide Address: Agent: _ Address: Name of Surveyor /�l/L�Fy �!/2Ueuieo Phone: Name of Engineer: a5'G!/e4•t��/ �� Phone: Legal Description of Property: i Present Zoning: g=,/ Property Acreage: �OG130 Srt m ac, Deed Restrictions: No4_ Yes If so, please attach. Hai the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it: Nom Yes What was requested: When• I have read the Prior Lake Subdivision Ordinance and agree to provide the information and do the work in accorPannce with the provisions of the ordinance. 'SnllllJ A 1W Oct 19. / Applicants Si ure Date L , � i� --�Y 4 ^A+ -Y�a -, c141. D'% 1947 Fee / owners Signa Date ' ��7H SECTION 10 BE FILLED IN BY THE P DIRECTOR PLAla m COMMISSION APPROVED _DENIED DATE OF BEARING CL1R ODUNCIL �APPRDVED _DENIED DATE OF NEARING CONDITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date December 10, 1992 BUSSE FIRST ADDITION Prior Lake, Minnesota REQUEST Submission is presented to the City of Prior Lake requesting review and approval of a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for a two -lot commercial subdivision proposed as Busse First Addition. SITE DESCRIPTION The 1.33* acre site is located at the northeasterly corner of Highway 13 and Duluth Avenue. Adjacent land uses include Prior Lake State Bank and other commercial to the east, single - family residential nort=larly across Duluth Avenue and commercial south across Highway 13. The site is primarily a vacant, open, grassed area. A portion of the easterly side of the site was leased by Prior Lake State Bank, which has constructed a small parking area. Even though the Bank site is sufficiently parked per code, this parking area was added to in order to provide close and convenient access to the main building entry for customers. The site is generally flat, with a 2 -4 foot elevation change. Site stormwater runoff currently flows into the ditches along Duluth Avenue and Highway 13, eventually flowing northeast along Highway 13. Zoning is 9-1 Limited Business. P ROPOSAL The 1.33* acre site is proposed to be subdivided into two (2) lots of 20,098 sq. ft. and 38,204 sq. ft. Zoning is intended to remain B -1 Limited Business. Both lots meet or exceed the zoning code standards for minimum lot area (20,000 sq. ft.) and width (120 feet). The westerly Lot 1 (20,098 sq. ft.) is proposed to develop with a 1,600 square foot, free- standing Subway Restaurant with a drive- through lane. Access will be to Duluth Avenue. This use is projected to generate 200 transactions per day. Including a 10% trip increase for employees and deliveries, the site would generate approximately 440 trips per day. The P.M. peak is about 5.6% of the total for about 25 trips. The noon hour is the actual peak use period, generating about 78 trips during an off -peak time for background traffic. Refer to the submission narrative for a more detailed description of the site plan proposed for this lot. The easterly Lot 2 (38,204 sq. ft.) is not proposed to be developed at this time. No specific buyer or use has been identified for the site. The use would fall within the B -1 zoning. The site has two options for access, the first being a separate access to Duluth Avenue. The second would require an agreement with Prior Lake State Bank for joint use of an existing access to Duluth Avenue that is directly adjacent to the lot boundary. The existing parking on Lot 2 would be used for any future site use, though an option exists for joint use of parking between this lot and the bank. The final determination regarding access and parking will need to be made when a specific site development proposal comes forth. To determine potential traffic generation, two theoretical site development scenarios were prepared (using ITE standards for trip generation): 1. Office Assumed 25% site coverage creating a 9,550 sq. ft. building and 39 parking stalls. This will generate about 117 trips per day, with about 22 during the P.M. peak hour. 2. General Retail Shopping Assumed 20% site coverage creating a 7,640 sq. ft. building and 39 parking stalls. This will generate about 886 trips per day, with about 115 trips during the P.M. peak hour. SCREENING Lot 1 shows screening to the adjacent uses, especially the single - family across Duluth Avenue, on the proposed site plans. Screening is intended to meet the standards of the proposed draft landscape ordinance. Lot 2 is proposed to meet the following performance criteria for screening along Duluth Avenue across from the existing single- family. Parking lot screening shall be provided on the perimeter of any new parking lot. a) Screening shall be provided using a combination of shrubs, coniferous trees, fencing, berming, etc., to minimize the effect of headlights and reflected light from bumpers, grills and headlights. Screening must attempt to address at least 60 of the perimeter where views of the parking lot could originate. b) Effectiveness of the screening shall be 80% opacity year - round. c) Berming must achieve a 30" height to provide 80% opacity on 3' high screening. (Berms cannot be used as the only method of screening. They must be used in combination with other elements.) d) Plant materials must be spaced no more than 30" apart on single rows of deciduous shrubs, 48" apart on double staggered rows of deciduous shrubs, with initial planted height of at least 2' (spacing may vary, subject to species used). e) Coniferous trees must be placed no farther than 8' apart, to be counted as screening. UTTILITIHSIDHAINAGN The site currently is not served by sanitary sewer and municipal water. A preliminary plan is subuitted with this subdivision proposal which shows the extension of services. Sanitary sewer would extend generally southerly from Anna Trail along the west side of Duluth Avenue and cross under Duluth approximately between the two proposed lots. An S" water main would extend southerly along and cross Duluth Avenue near the sanitary sewer. A hydrant is provided for fire protection. Storm water will continue to flow into the existing ditches along Duluth Avenue and Highway 13. Lot 1 (Subway) is proposed to be graded for building and parkins, lot construction. Lot 2 will not be graded at this time, nor until a formal development proposal comes forth. The existing drainage patterns will continue. All runoff will be handled consistent with City and watershed requirements. i i�- - -- - ti 2. 4 \. \ \ ---= ---- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - = - -- STATE TRUNK HWY. NO. O n\ BUSSE FIRST EDITION FEE ONNFR/PLATTIR E.N. BARSNESS TRUST A A B C/O Mr. Robert Bareness 16677 Duluth Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, Mn. 55372 Ph. 612 -447 -2101 DAVANN, INC. BRAD BUSSE A MARY BUSSE 1420 Mallard Court Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 Ph. 612 - 448 -5710 Dt53CN CONSULTANTS VALLEY SURVEYING CO., P.A. 16670 FRANKLIN TRAIL BE SUITE 120-0 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Ph. 612 -447 -2570 Ronald A. Ssansm, R.L.S. F . - VALLEY ENGINEERING CO., INC. 7301 OHMS LANE SUITE 500 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55439 STEVEN D. HARVEY P.E. Ph. 612 -032 -9475 BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PAGE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS NARRATIVE PAGE Property Location 2 Property Legal Description 2 Zoning 3 Existing Site Conditions 3 Storm Water Runoff 4 Steep Slope$ and Erosion Control Measures 4 Vehicular Access 4 Request for Subdivision 5 EXHIBITS Preliminary Plat h Utility plan V Final plat a BUSSE FIRST ADDITION Page 2 PROPERTY LOCATION: The property is bounded on the west and northwest by Duluth Avenue, on the south and went by State Highway No. 13 and on the northeast by the existing Prior Lake State Dank. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION of RECO That pert of the Hest Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22 Scott County, Minnesota and that part of the East Llalf of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2, lying northerly and m tarty of th northwesterly right -of -ray line of State Trunk Highway No. 13, southeasterly of the southeasterly right -of -way line of Old Truck Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue) and southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the east line of said Nest Half of the Southeast Quarter distant 1940.80 feet north of the southeast corner of said Rest Half of the Southeast Quarter, said point being on the south line of a Tom Road; thence deflecting to the west at an angle of 92 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds along said south line of a Tom Road a distance of 652.15 feet sore or less to the intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of said State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence continuing on an assumed hearing of South 87 degrees 39 minutes 52 seconds Nest along said south line of a Tom Road a distance of 759.70 feet to its intersection with amid southeasterly right -of -say line of said Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue); thence southwesterly along said southeasterly right -of -way line along a nontangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 1185.41 feet a chord bearing of South 22 degrees 39 minutes 47 seconds Nest an are length of 231.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 310 feet more or less to said northwesterly right -of -way line and there terminating. BUSSE FIRST ADDITI PACE 3 TURING CLASSIFICATION: The property is presently zoned B-1 Limited Business and the requested use for this project is also B-1 Limited Business. EXISTIwn SITE CONDITIONS: The site is a generally flat open grassed area with the exception of a portion of the proposed lot 2 which is presently leased to the existing bank for overflow parking, as shown on the preliminary plat drawing this area is presently paved. The existing site eurface drainage flows southerly, westerly and easterly from the center to Highway 13 and Duluth Avenue with the exception of the previously mentioned parking area which flows southeasterly onto the bank site thence into the existing Highway 13 ditch. All of the existing drainage for the site eventually flows into the Highway 13 ditch. The area west and northwesterly of Duluth Avenue is an older established single family developement which was developed around the time of the relocation of Highway 13. To the northeast of the site is the existing Bank site and the Poet Office, to the southeast across Highway 13 is the Hollywood Restaurant, to the seuth is the shopping center and to the southwest is the Holiday Gas Station. The intersection of Duluth Avenue and Highway 13 is presently signalized. Anne Trail intersects the southeasterly aide of Duluth Avenue about 250 feet north easterly of the site. Public sanitary sewer, water service is available at the intersection of Duluth Avenue and Anne Trail and will be extended as a part of this proposal. electrical and gas services are available to the site at this time vie the existing bank site. BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PACE 4 STORM WATER RUNOFF: As previously stated predevelopment stormweter runoff flows southerly along Duluth Avenue and overland into the existing Highway 13 ditch. The runoff from the Highway 13 ditch flown northeasterly Into a wetland on the northerly side of the C.H. Carpenter Lumber yard and southwesterly into a creek that eventually flows into Prior lake. Preliminary review of the site indicates that an site Ponding of surface water runoff may act be necessary for the requested improvements. All storm sever easementa needed for the site will be provided via the final plat after the final plans ere approved by staff. STEEP SLOPS AND EROSION CONTROL musgNES• There are no steep elopes or existing soil erosion problems on the site. As required by city ordinance proper erosion control and runoff containment will be provided during all on site construction. Upon completion of the building construction and utility 'lookup all disturbed areas will be dressed off and covered with soda 11 �:HwT The access to the site from Highway 13, will be via Duluth Avenue and Anne Trail. The accompanying request for a Conditional Use Permit on lot 1, of the proposed plat prepared by others will show a more detailed proposal for access to Duluth Avenue BUSSE FIRST ADDITION PACE 5 BEQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION The request as presented Is for .preliminary and final plat approval to subdivide the existing 1.32 acre B-1 parcel into two B-1 zoned lots. Accompanying this request is a proposal by others for a Conditional Use Permit for a fast food restaurant wltbth a B-1 (Limited Business) moping district. Along with the permit will be a request for a setback varisnoe from Highray 13, for lot 1. At this time it In not anticipated that a sale will be made on the area proposed as lot 2. It is not anticipated that the use of this lot will be changed in the near future. Ne would expect to ask for .approval and Provide a site grading and landscape plan at that .time. If this is not acceptable perhaps lot 2, could be changed to an outlot for the final plat. It is my understanding that if the Conditional use permit is denied we would not pursue the final plat at this time. �i%suv.py�ta. PA. O PRELIMINARY PLAT OF BUSSE FIRST ADDITION BUSSE FIRST ADDIT Y u y ^EW. 3KP .q.:5 _yam' - - nm -�c-Q- W IkY 69 1Y 92 10:09 FAN 61: 147 4115 CITY FRIOR LIKE APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PER41T Applicant: Davann, Inc. Hone Phone 448 - 5710 Address: 1420 Mallard Lane: Chanhassen, MN 55317 Work Phone: 448 -5710 Property owner: Norman Rarsness Estate Tr>IAt Some Phone: - - -- Address: /o Prior Lake State Bank- 1667 Duluth Av S.E. Fbrk Phone: � i:)J/Z 447 -2101 COnstlltant: ro Pf. ser � r or axe. pine: 937 -5150 Address: 14180 w 78th Street. Suite 220. Eden Prairie- MN _55344 Proposed Conditional Use Address: Duluth Avenue Legal Description: See attached description by Valley Surveying Co.. P.A. Existing Use of Property: Va ant Property Acreage:_ 20. 198 1t sg. ft. Present Zoning: R -1 Conditional Use Being Requested: For fast food restaurant within B -1 zoning as allowed per zoning ordinance. Deed Restrictions: X _ No Yes If so, please attach. Has the Applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it: % No _Yes Request: When: SUBMISSION REQUIRDUMS :(A)Canpleted application form. (B)Complets legal description and parcel identification number (PID). (Wiling fee. (D)Deed restrictions, if necessary. (E)Fifteen copies of site plan drawn to scale stowing existing /proposed structures. (F)Additional information as requested by the Planning Director including but not limited to: existing grades and buildings within 100 feet, drainage plan with finished grade and relationship to existing water bodies, if any, proposed floor plan with use indicated plus building elevations, landscape plan with schedule of plantings and screening, curb cuts, driveways? parking areas, walks and curbing. (G)Certified from abstract firm the names and address of property owners within 500 feet of the existing property lines of the subject property. (H)Applicaticn and supportive data are due 20 days prior to any scheduled hearing. ONLY C010LETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PLADMN; C3WSSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this foci is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.5 of the Zoning Ordinance which specifies the requirements for conditional uses. I agree to provide information and follow the proc9dpres as outlined in the Ordinance. AppTi cants Si4nature Date Fee Owners Signature Date THIS SECTION TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRM=R oil] 0 u.. • '.•.r• .r 7. . •. CONDITIONS- CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT This agreement is for Brad & Mary Busse to apply for a conditional use permit. to the City of Prior Lake. The conditional use permit is for the property located at Duluth Ave. and Kay 13 E.N.BARSNESS TRUST RICHFIELD BANK & TRUST CO Richfield, Minne� BY � � c `• � � �— 4P, Tro Permission granted by 09/17/92 Proposal for Prior Lake, Minnemota By Davann, Inc. September 21, 1992 SUBWAY Prior Lake, Minnesota REQUEST Submission is presented to the City of Prior Lake requesting review and approval of the following: Site plan review for a 1600 s sq. ft. Subway restaurant on a 20,098 t sq. ft. site at the northeasterly corner of Hwy. 13 and Duluth Avenue S.E. 2. Conditional Use Permit (C.U.P.) for fast food restaurant within a B -1 (Limited Business) zoning district. 3. variance from ordinance parking requirements (40 stalls) based on demonstrated need (27 stalls). SITE DESCRIPTION The site is currently a vacant, open grassed area. Topography is generally flat with a 2 -3 foot elevation change over the site. Site surface water drainage currently flows from the center of the site (high point) into ditches along Duluth Avenue and Highway 13. Drainage flows south along Duluth Avenue then easterly along Highway 13. Existing adjacent land uses are single family residential northwesterly across Duluth Avenue, Prior Lake State Hank and other businesses to the northeast and commercial south across Highway 13. Duluth Avenue and Highway 13 is a signalized intersection. Anna Trail intersects the northwesterly side of Duluth Avenue about 150 feet north of Highway 13. The land subdivision is to be processed by the fee owner. PROPOSAL The site is proposed to develop as a 1600 sq. ft., 40 seat Subway restaurant with 27 parking stalls and a drive -thru window. Access will be from Duluth Avenue approximately 270 feet north of Hiqhway 13 and 120 feet north of Anna Trail. The building will be located on t! west side of the site with parking to the east away from Duluth Avenue and .djacent to an undeveloped commercial parcel. The architecture is a one -story structure approximately 32 ft. by 52 feet in size. The proposed gable roof will help transition the building to the adjacent existing residential neighborhood and provide an appropriate scale and appearance. The exterior will be primarily a brown brick, similar to that used on the adjacent bank. The trash enclosure will also use the same brick veneer (with a screen gate) to provide a compatible appearance. Signage will include a pylon sign at the corner of Duluth Ave. and Hwy. 13. Wall signs will be located on the south and west facades on the gable roof ends. A small drive thru sign and order board will direct customers to the pick -up window. All signs will comply with the ordinance regarding size and height. Appropriate State and Federal signage will be provided for the handicap parking. Site lighting will use three (3) 20 foot high poles with 400 watt high pressure sodium shoe box type fixtures. The fixture height is compatible with the building and the lighting color is the same as used for the bank. Cutoffs will limit off -site glare at the site boundary. Landscaping is proposed to meet the draft landscape ordinance requirements for quantity of material and appropriate levels of screening. The service /drive thru area uses coniferous trees, shrubs and berms to screen /soften the appearance from the adjacent residential area. Shrub massings are used along Highway 13 and the west boundary to screen the parking area. Foundation planting are used around the building and trash enclosure to soften their appearance. Annual beds are placed at entry points and key visual locations for focal enhancement. The overall intent is to screen views of the service and parking areas, soften the building and provide appropriate visibility at the site entry and of the building and signage. Drive thru stacking is provided for 5 cars. Subway indicates this is adequate for their anticipated peak demand. Also, the Northwestern University Traffic Institute provides the following calculation to determine appropriate stacking: Stacking length = 20 ft. x the number of drive -thru vehicles that can be expected to be stored in a 15 minute period. Subway indicates three minutes is the typical average for each transaction. Therefore five stalls iz appropriate. Another scenario is that this proposed store is expected to have 200 transactions per day with 303 expected to be drive -thru. 200 transactions x 30% drive -thru percentage 60 total expected drive -thru transactions per day 40 transactions expected for peak lunch period (11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) 5 transactions expected for peak 15 minute period If the last drive -thru space is filled, customers can continue to an open parking stall by the building. Employee parking is closest to Duluth Avenue to avoid conflicts with customer traffic at the site entry. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The proposed use requires a conditional use permit within the 9-1, limited business zoning district. The following comments relate to the listed "Criteria for Approval" as found in the zoning ordinance. 1. The proposed use is an allowed conditional use within the existing S -1 zoning district. The proposed site plan conforms to or exceeds all general regulations of this ordinance (except as per requested parking quantity variance. See following discussion for this request). 2. There will be nothing associated with the nstruction or operation of the proposed use that would hk dangerous, injurious or noxious to any other property or person and comply with the performance standards. 3. The proposed use is sited, designed and landscaped to produce a harmonious relationship between structure, site and adjacent land uses. 4. The proposed project will fit visually with the neighborhood. The architecture has a residential character for transition to the single family neighborhood and materials compatible with the adjacent commercial use. Landscaping will soften, enhance and screen as appropriate. 5. The entry point provides adequate visibilit at the public street. The distance from adjacent street intersect�:ons avoids any potential conflict. Internal traffic circulation provides for smooth movement and ease of parking. Adequate parking is proposed. 6. The prosed use fully complies with the objectives of the zoning ordinance and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. There are no Conservation District issues to address. Performance standards for Conditional Uses 1. There are no flammable or explosive materials handled or stored on site that would create a unique fire hazard. 7. There are no activities that would create an electrical disturbance. 3. There are no objectionable noise generators that are involved with this use. 4. There are no activities that generate vibrations. 5. There are no undesirable odors generated from this use. 6. There are no air -borne pollutants produced. 7. Lighting will be controlled to avoid undesirable glare on adjacent property and roadways. B. Erosion will be controlled during and after Construction by appropriate methods (i.e.: erosion control fabric, landscaping, ground cover, rip -rap spillways, etc.). 9. The proposed use will conform to the water pollution standards of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. No unique water pollutants would be generated by this site and proposed use. 3 VA RIANCE REQUEST The current zoning ordinance requires that the proposed use provide 40 parking stalls. Based on the performance of other similar Subway restaurants, this amount of parking is in excess of what is needed to operate at acceptable levels. Therefore, a variance is requested for 27 parking stalls. The following are similar free standing Subways for comparison. All are 36 -40 seats and have drive -thru orations. Three are operational and functioning at acceptable levels with avail.i)le parking. • Monticello, MN (operational) • Fergus Falls, MN (operational) • Mankato, M:1 (operational) • New Prague, MN (approved, scheduled to start construction October, 1992) 26 parking stalls 25 parking stalls 20 parking stalls • 20 parking stalls A number of Twin City area communities were also checked regarding how they determine parking needs. of the 20 t communities reviewed, a few also used Prior La::es ratio of 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. of floor area. Definitions of floor area ranged from the seating /public counter area to the entire building. This ratio typically is listed for drive -in restaurants within most ordinances, meaning the older style, AAW type drive -in with car hops which usually had no interior seating or service areas. Below is a sampling of various ordinance parking standards for class II, fast food type restaurants. Prior Lake /Lakeville 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. seating /counter area 598 sq. ft. + 15 - Brooklyn Park This City also had a 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. ratio but applies it only to the older style drive -in. Their ratio for fast food restaurants is: 40 stalls 1 stall per 35 sq. £t. of seating /counter area 598 sq. ft. a 35 - 18 stalls Savage /Chaska /Eden Prairie /Apple valley 1 stall per 3 seats (Savage has a 1 stall per 20 sq. .`t. standa_d for drive -ins but uses the seating standard for fast food restaurants) 14 stalls 4 • Minnetonka 1 stall per 60 sq. ft. gross floor 1600 sq. ft. + 60 27 stalls • St. Louis Park 1 stall per 25 sq. ft. seating /counter 598 sq. ft. + 25 24 stalls Champlin 1 stall per 75 sq. ft. gross floor 1600 sq. ft. + 75 = 22 stalls • Blaine /St. Paul 1 :tall per 100 sq. ft. floor 1600 sq. ft. + 100 16 stalls • Burnsville 1 stall per 50 sq. ft. of floor area plus 1 stall per employee on largest shift 1600 sq. ft. - 50 = 32 + 7 employees 39 stalls Plymouth 1 stall per 2.5 seats plus 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. counter area (40 seats + 2.5) + (165 sq. ft. + 15 sq. ft.) 27 stalls The communities checked varied from 12 -46 stalls for the proposed facilities. Those listed above range from 14 to 40 stalls with Prior Lake being at the top and of the range. Typical averages are 22 to 27 stalls. The proposed parking is for 27 stalls. This is compatible with the standards of Minnetonka and Plymouth which are based on two different methods of calculations (building area and seating /counter area respectively). The proposed 27 stalls is also similar or greater that the other comparable Subways currently in operation. The following comments relate to the standards to be met for a variance approval. Even though the ordinance states that all of the following requirements must be met, items 3 and 4 should take an overriding precedent. 1. Literal enforcement of the ordinance would only result in an undue hardship with respect to the property in that unnecessary additional land would need to be acquired to provide parking in excess of that appropriate for safe and reasonable operation of the proposed use. 2. There is no hardship unique to the property. 3. The hardship is created by the parking provisions of the ordinance and is not the result of actions by persons having an interest in the property. Earlier discussion points out that the current ordinance is likely outdated and excessive in its parking requirements for this type of use. 5 The variance is believed to be in the spirit and intent of this ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to public interest. The ordinance intends to provide adequate off - street parking appropriate for the proposed use such that it will protect the health, welfare and safety of the general public. The examples provided in earlier discussion should demonstrate that the proposed parking is adequate for the intended use and will not create an undo Hardship on the owner, City or general public. DEVELOPMENT DATA Site Area Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning Proposed Building Area Lot Coverage of Building Parking Required 1 stall per 15 sq. ft. customer area 598 s.f. -. 15 . 40 stalls 20,098 ! sq. ft. 9-1 Limited Business 8-1 with C.U.P. for fast food restaurant 1600 t sq. ft. 7.964 40 Parking Proposed • 27 (variance) std. stalls 9' x 18' - 25 handicap per ADA stds. _2 total 27 Zoning Standards minimum lot area • 20,000 sq. ft. _iinimum lot width • 120 ft. Minimum Yard Setbacks Front • 30 ft. Side • 15 ft. Rear • 30 ft. Parking /Drive Lanes • 0 ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The southwesterly potion of that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota and that part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2, lying northerly and easterly of the northwesterly right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13, southeasterly of the southeasterly right -of -way line of Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue) and southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter, distant 1940.80 feet north of the southeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter, said point being on the south line of a Town Road: thence deflecting to the west at an angle of 92 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds along said south line of a Town Road a distance of 652.15 feet more or less to the intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence continuing on an assumed bearing of South 87 degrees 39 minutes 52 seconds West along said south line of a Town Road, a distance of 759.70 feet to its intersection with said southeasterly right -of -way line of said Old Trunk Highway No. 13 (Duluth Avenue); thence southwesterly along said southeasterly right -of -way line along a nontangential c -urve concave to the northwest having a radius of 1185.41 feet a chord bearing of South 22 degrees 39 minutes 47 seconds West an arc length of 231.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 310 feet more or less to said northwesterly right -of -way line and there terminating. LANDOWNER Norman Barsness Estate Trust C/O Bob Barsness Prior Lake State Bank 16677 Duluth Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: 447 -2101 APPLICANT /DEVELOPER Davann, Inc. Brad and Mary Busse 1420 Mallard Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 448 -5710 SURVEYOR valley Surveying Co., P.A. 16670 Franklin Trail S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: 447 -2570 ARCHITECT Michael J. Wilkus Architects 14180 W. 78th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 949 -0985 PLANNER /ENGINEER /LANDS 'APE ARCHITECT Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 14180 W. 78th Street, Suite 220 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 937 -5150 RS" My *RE le - r Applicant: Davann, In Address• 1420 Mallard '®' �r = J J P1Di Phone: 448 -5710 Phone: 66A -s7in Phone: ------- Phone• 447 -2101 Existing use Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Of Property: Vacant Present Zoning: B -1 Legal Description of Variance Site: see attached description Variance Requested: _Buildinld setback variance from 50 fear rn 76.95 faer (see attached narrative) Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes _ __ No What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe the type of improvements proposed: site plan approval for a free - standing subway restaurant. SQBMSSION EE P114ENTS GUCompleted application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey indicating the Proposed development in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; Proposed building elevations and jrainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Number (PID) - (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (C)A parcel map at 1•-20' -50' showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SBALL BE ACCEPTED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING COWUSSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. /,J A /,7 Applicants Signature Submitted this day of 1a Fee Owners Signature TE1S SPACE IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRB TOR PLAN NING COMISSION APPF40M • p1 •P, DATE OF HE ARING = COUNCIL APPEAL APPROVED DENIED UM OF HEARING CONDITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date 09 15 92 10:10 FAS 912 147 1215 CIIT PRIOR LAM OF PRIOR LAID; A?PLICATION FOR VARIANCE Arnliranr•. Davann, Inc. Property Addrrs: Type of 14180 W. 78th Street, S Existing Use Eden Prairie, MN 55344 of Property: Vacant Legal Description of Variance Site: see attached decent nrion Variance Requested. reduction in narki no frnm PD7i Phone, 4 - phone: 448 -5710 at,m,a, - - -- zoning- demonstrated need of 27 _ Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yas _&., What ryas requested- Describe the type Of improvements proposed: site plan approval for a free - standing Sub way restaurant. -- s�aainaivav ltmxx,�•*•�nts lA)Cwsplete8 application form. (B)Filirq fee. (C)Prcperty Survey indicating the proposed development in relation to property lines and/or ordinary -high- water mark, proposed building elevations and drainage plan. ())Certified fray abstract Firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description i Property Identification Number (PM). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 "-20'-50' showing: The .sits development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY CCMYLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED AND REVI3W BY THE PLAIII M CaoasSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior take Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the ordinance. 19 i 1 da Submitted this � y of , Applicants gnature r Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY TEE PLAN= DIFB=OR DATE OP HEARING DATE OF SEX= � 003 Signature of the Planning Director Date SUBWAY variance Request - Front Yard Building Setbacks The proposed Subway was designed to meet or exceed the 30 -foot B -1 Limited Business front yard building setback. A 30 -foot setback is proposed to Duluth Avenue and a 34.95 -foot setback is provided to Highway 13. These proposed setbacks would still require a variance from the required collector street and Highway 13 minimum front yard building setbacks which are as follows: - Collector street - 85 feet, measured from the centerline of the (Duluth Avenue S.E.) existing traveled roadway, in platted areas with utilities - Highway 13 - 50 feet from the right -of -way line The requested front yard building setback variances would be: 1. From 85 feet to 74 feet from the collector street (Duluth Avenue S.E.) 2. From 50 feet to 34.95 feet from Highway 13. The following comments relate to the standards to be met for a variance approval. The literal enforcement of the ordinance would create an undue hardship with respect to the property in that the size and shape of the parcel limits reasonable site layout alternatives due to a curve along the westerly boundary adjacent to Duluth Avenue. This has forced the building to be located closer to Highway 13 than the minimum 50 -foot setback. The building location is a result of locating the site vehicle entrance to the easterly side of the site as far from the intersection of Duluth Avenue and Highway 13 as is possible to avoid potential traffic conflicts. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances un_que to the property. See discussion above. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons having interest in the property. The Duluth Avenue alignment was determined by earlier governmental decisions. The lot width and area provisions of the ordinance have dictated to a great degree the subdivision of the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of the ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The setback variances are minimal (11 feet along Duluth Avenue and 14.95 feet along Highway 13). Site design attempted to maximize the setbacks where possible. The variance along Duluth Avenue is only for a small corner of the building. The front yard building setbacks do meet or exceed the B.1 standards. The setbacks provided for the driveways and parking areas (5 -18 feet) are well in excess of that required (0 feet). This setback area is used to provide landscaping and buffering that typically has not occurred in Prior Lake. This variance will not create an undue hardship on the health, welfare or safety of the general public. :c i C Esisling rgle F Residenti:: 1 Anna Trail 1 1 1 \ I I i 13 ' AND DOUBLE FACE SIGNS FOR POLE MOUNT OR BUILDING WALLS .:ogle and double face signs feature tough, durable faces coed of polycarbonate with embossed copy in brown, yellow, and .. lade- resistant enamels. Rugged extruded aluminum case is painted a rich duron:¢ is brown. Brilliant illumination is provided by a high output fluorescent lighting system. Single face models furnished with wall - mounting clips. Center pole signs come complete with snatching plates ...poles not included,bul available. 2' x 8' sign — illuminated by two (2) %" lamps Model 285 — single face Model 28C— Double face, center pole 2'6` x 10' sign — illuminated by four (4) 60" lamps Model 26105 — Single face Model 2610C— Double face, center pole 3' z 12' sign — illuminated by six (6) 72" lamps Model 3125 — Single face Model 312C— Double face, center pole 4 x 16' sign — illuminated by eight (8) %" lamps Model 4165 — Single face : Model 416C— Double face, center pole ':SUBWAY" 0 5'x 20' sign — illuminated by twenty (20) 60" lamps Model 520S—Single face Model 520C— Double face, center pole Model D2025 Double face illuminated center pole directional sign with thermoformed polycarbonate faces decorated in yellow on a brown background. Sign case is of extruded aluminum painted duronodic brown and hinged for easy access. Illuminated by one (1t 24" high output fluorescent lamp. Complete with 3 x 3 - steel pole to install 3'2" above grade. Available with the following copy choices: DRIVE THRU with arrow ENTER with avow EXIT ONLY RIGHT TURN ONLY LEFT TURN ONLY THANK YOU DO NOT FNTER Model DTM36 _... 3' x 6' single face illuminated drive thru menu sign with built-in communication system. installs 28" above grade on two (2) steel poles with decorative aluminum covers. Sturdy extruded aluminum housing. Housing and pole covers painted duronodic brown.Leh and right panels accommodate menu /price transparencies. Center panel accommodates pictorial transparency and speaker. Transparencies are protected by clear polycarbonate covers. Illuminated by two (2) 72" high output fluorescent lamps. (Transparencies and speaker provided by others.) OUTDOOR DIREC r ZONAL AND DRIVE THRU MENU SIGNS TURNKEY ... a convenient service to provide professional installation of your signs. We have assigned all responsibility for our sign program to a single supplier. We have dumped buck passing.', manufactures all units complete... conforms to UL standards and applies approval labels... arranges delivery of site... provides installation. Turnkey means everything ready to flip the on switch! It includes: LEGAL... permits applied for and seared to conform to pertinent zoning and ordinance requirements._.befor are shipped to site. CO- ORDINATION... signs are on the site when the building is ready ... one not waiting for the other. INSTALLATION ... in position... by professionals... to permit and precise engineering standards... connected to electrical service (provided by others) ... ready to advertise. TURNKEY... hands sign problems to the signman... who's qualified and prepared to solve them. HERE'S HOW TURNKEY WILL :YORK! I If you do not want the responsibility of contracting with a local sign installer, call Dualite, Inc. (513) 724 -7101. Dualite manufacturers all of the signs described in this brochure and their Turnkey Division will arrange to have your sign professionally installed by a reputable, skilled installer. All signs pictured in this broch. re arc Underwaters'Laboratorfes approved and carry UL and Unlo.: labels. —WARRANTY— All signs are guaranteed for one year from date of shipment. During that time we will replace dereaive parts (except lamps). Our guarantee does not include transportation charges to or from our factories. The cost of necessary repairs will be paid by us provided prior, specific authorization has been secured from our headquarters in Williamsburg. Labor on new signs shall carry a 60 day warranty. We guarantee safe arrival to destination, when shipped from our factories or warehouse. Shipments should be inspected for damage immediately upon arrival. If damage has occurred, consignee should forward . us a copy of the freight bill with a notation of damage thereon and an inspection report it m the carrier. Upon receipt of these documents, we will repair or replace shipment and file claim with carrier for cost of repair or replacement. TO: PLANNING CCOMMISSIONERS FROM: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING DATE: JANUARY 29, 1993 Please be advised that the Conditional Use and variance staff reports for the Subway application will follow at a later date.