HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 September Planning Commission Agenda Packets19g3 F PRIG e F 8 U x [+f P M �A'ti ES�� REGULAR PLANNING I AGENDA Thursday, September 2, 1993 7:30 p.m. 1. Call meeting to order. a) Review minutes of previous meeting. 7:35 p.m. 2. VARIANCE - GERALD SONNENBERG 8:00 p.m. 3. VARIANCE - JOHN BEAUPRE 8:30 p.m. 4. VARIANCE - JERRY YOUNG 9:00 p.m. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - THE WILDS PUD - REZONING All titres stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may stint a few minutes eadler or later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNMY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 19,1993 The August 19, 1993, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Vice - Chairman Arnold at 6:35 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Arnold. Greenfield, Loftus, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Associate Planner James Hayes, Gina Mitchell, and Secretary Rita Schewe. Commissioner Roseth arrived at 6:40 P.M. ^""e * REVIEW! MINUTES OF PRE.VIOLIS MEETING MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY GREENFIELD, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Greenfield, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM H BO IDIN /OAKLAND FROCT/EASTWOOD, SAND POINTS. AND LAKEFRONT Director of Planning Horst Graser, summarized the primary purpose of the neighborhood meetings. We need to strive for a sense of community and to market Prior Lake. Many of dte City's natural features are visible from County Road 21 and this is the "Heart of the City". Suzanne Kruse -6096 150th St. SE, asked what the plans are for Highway 13, if anything could be done on the Savage side of Highway 13 to improve the landscape, and the status of the Business Park. Ma. Kruse felt something should be done with Priordale Mall and could possibly be used for a senior and youth enter facility. Prior Lake has to make some moves and has to do it fast or we will be lost to expanding businesses around the City. Ms. Kruse asked the question of why a new building had to be built when there are several empty buildings available. Mr. Graser stated that Highway 13 will be upgraded to a 2 -lane expressway. Mary K. Whiting -14897 Manitou Road, spoke on a "bonding agent" for the City, and a community center should be put in the comprehensive plan. Mr. Loftus commented that possibly several communities could share a facility because of cost or maybe the school's facilities could be used. Dorothy Watzl -15608 Red Oaks Road, asked about the recreational center that had been planned for Lakefront Park, the condition of the trails and beaches are terrible and would a no parking sign be placed by the mailboxes as they do not receive mail when vehicles are parked in front. Dave Watzl -15608 Red Oaks Road, complained on the quality of the drinking water as it is very bad and needs to be cleaned up. There has been too much construction, roofing, and paving causing drainage problems, the outlet is not used properly, and the 904 high water mark should be lowered. PLANNING COMMISSION August 19,1993 Page 1 Tom Watkins -5242 Frost Point Circle, spoke on planning issues, people do not become involved with issues until they are threatened and the comprehensive plan is a very important document. Business development needs to be done with private money not the City. Joan Gustafson -5795 Shannon Trail, voiced her concern on the maintenance of the parks, equipment is in terrible condition, ice rink facility could be shared with other communities, a kid center at the Priordale Mall, street signs have been spray painted, not sufficient running trails, hockey rinks are not maintained, and roads are in poor condition. Could the Parks and Recreation Department promote more community activities, and thought there were not many children activities at Lakefront Days. Tom Foster -5795 Shannon Trail, thought a citizens committee could be formed on water cleanup, commercial corridor by Mystic Lake, and a stronger alliance with the Sovereign Nation should be considered. We need to be better neighbors than we have in the past. John O'Loughlin -2988 Valley View Road, Shakopee, stated he wants his property on the tax roll and would like to see sewer and water extended. Commissioner Greenfield thanked the audience for attending and becoming involved in planning for Prior Lake's future. Commissioner Roseth announced that the final community wide neighborhood meeting will be September 16, 1993, and gave acknowledgement to Commissioner Greenfield for his idea of initiating the neighborhood meetings. (NOTE: Comments made by the audience from the floor were not audible on the tape) A recess was called at 8:30 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 P.M. ITEM HI ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING COMMERCIAL. AND INDUSTRIAL USPS Director of Planning Horst Graser presented the information as per planning report of August 19, 1993. With the processing of The Wilds Planned Unit Development (PUD), it brought to the forefront an unnecessarily restrictive section of the PUT) chapter of the zoning code regulating commercial land uses (Section 6.11 A.5 a -d). It is also recommended that the provision of Paragraph b, requiring 75% of the total dwelling units be constructed before any commercial can be built, be stricken. Prior Lake should not tie commercial development which may have regional markets to a housing development framework. Stairs recommendation is to approve the amendment as stated in Ordinance 93 -23. Comments from the Commissioners were on; PUD status, and percentage number for dwelling units MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 93 -23 AS STATED WITH THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING TO PARAGRAPH B: THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND OR CITY COUNCIL MAY ESTABLISH A PERCENTAGE OF THE TOTAL DWELLING UNITS T) BE CONSTRUCTED BEFORE ANY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN A MULTI -USE PUD. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Amold, Roseth, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Graser introduced Gina Mitchell who will be the Associate Planner for Prior Lake as James Hayes is leaving to return to graduate school. PLANNING COMMISSION August 19.1993 Pap ITEM IV - SIGN ORDINANCE WORKSHOP Stephen Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., gave a summary on sign verbage, regulations, and importance to the community as a whole. More signs are not necessarily merrier and clutter looses its effectiveness. Good communications is the objective and regulations protects as well as limits. All of the businesses would be uniform in signage. Input from the Commissioners would be welcome to incorporate into the sign ordinance. Special events signage should have lesser restrictions. Health, safety, and welfare is used for radonal. Comments from the Commissioners were on: billboards not allowed, filing fees for temporary signs, over regulation encroaches on somebody's freedom, signs should not be in the median of highways, difficulty of enforcement, and what are other communities doing. Associate Planner James Hayes read into the record the agenda of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, meeting of August 16, 1993, outlining MTC's signage program. This agreement must be reviewed and approved by City Council if the City of Prior Lake is entering into the agreement. Mr. Grittman stated that possibly a draft of the sign ordinance would be available the middle of September. ITEM V _ WILLIAM KALAL - VARIANCE William Kalal -4119 Colorado Street, had removed his single garage and applied for a building permit for a 34 X 24 foot garage, it was determined that he way too close to the property and would need a variance. Associate Planner James Hayes, presented the information as per memo of August 19, 1993. The request is for a 4 foot west sideyard variance from the 10 foot setback requirement, a 4 foot rearyard variance from the 10 foot setback requirement for detached structures, and a 13.6% impervious surface from the 30% impervious surface requirement of the Shoreland District Precedence has been found in the neighborhood on five variances that were granted. A letter from DNR was received and their recommendation is to deny the variances requested If the structure was reduced to 24 X 24, the sideyard variance could be eliminated, and the impervious coverage greatly reduced. The garage could be located 4 feet closer to the house without interfering with the existing tree and eliminate the rearyard setback variance. DNR does not believe hardship has been demonstrated Recommendation from Staff is deny the application as proposed due to the lack of hardship demonstrated. However. Staff would not object to granting a 6.5% impervious surface variance so that a 24 X 24 foot garage may be constructed within the required setbacks of 10 feet on the west and south sides of the lot. Commissioner Arnold stated that hardship has not been demonstrated and supports the recommendation of Staff. There is no topographic hardship and if granted, a precedence would be set. Commissioner Loftus felt the turning radius to drive out of driveway is a safety concern and reduction of the structure should be considered Commissioner Greenfield suggested moving the garage to the east, and reducing the size to 30 X 34 feet. Commissioner Roseth would support one variance but not two, moving garage to the east, and removal of a tree. MOTION BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE THE 13.6% IMPERVIOUS SURFACE VARIANCE FROM THE 30% REQUIREMENT FOR 4119 COLORADO STREET. PLANNING CO3M31SSION August 19,1993 Page 3 Discussion followed and due to the lack of a second the motion was lost. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO GRANT A FOUR (4) FOOT SOUTH REAR YARD VARIANCE, JUSTIFICATION BEING THAT THE PREVIOUS GARAGE WAS MOVED FROM A ZERO (0) LOT LINE AND THERE IS EQUITY IN THE FACT THAT IT IS BEING BROUGHT INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THE PRESENT DAY 'ODE, AND TO ALLOW EGRESS FOR THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Loftus, and Roseth. Nay by Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFTUS. SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE, BUT NOT TO EXCEED, THE 13.5% IMPERVIOUS SURFACE VARIANCE FROM THE 30% REQUIREMENT OF THE SHORELAND DISTRICT' FOR 4119 COLORADO STREET, JUSTIFICATION BEING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE ISSUES TO ALLOW A TURNAROUND FOR EGRESS, AND TO REPLANT THE EXISTING TREE THAT HAS TO BE MOVED OR REPLACE WITH A 2 1/2 INCH CALIPER TREE. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus and Roseth, Nays by Arnold and Greenfield. MOTION DID NOT PASS. Discussion followed on the turnaround surface covering. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE THE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE VARIANCE, NOT TO EXCEED 12%, FOR 4119 COLORADO, THE OWNER AGREES TO PLACE PERMEABLE SURFACE IN THE TURNAROUND, REPLANT THE TREE THAT HAS TO BE MOVED OR REPLACE WITH A 2 It2 INCH CALIPER TREE. JUSTIFICATION THAT THE SIZE OF THE GARAGE BE OFFSET BY THE PERMEABLE SURFACE OF THE TURNAROUND. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Loftus and Roseth. Nay by Amold. MOTION CARRIED. OTHER BUSINESS Reorganization of Planning Commission. Dave Woellner has resigned and no one has bon appointed to fill the vacancy as of yet. It was suggested to vote for the Chairperson and Vice- chairperson at this meeting and not wait for the new member. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO NOMINATE CHUCK ARNOLD FOR THE POSITION OF PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, and Greenfield Arnold abstained. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO NOMINATE ALLEN GREENFIELD FOR THE POSITION OF PLANNING COMMISSION VICE - CHAIRPERSON. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, Arnold, and Greenfield MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Grmfteld suaested that the chairperson or vicechabpoica work with Staff coordinating work activities for the Planning Commission. Commissiona Loftus felt the presiding chairperson should set the tone for parliamentary procedures but all the Commissioners PLANNU40 COMA MION August 19, 1993 Page 4 should be encouraged to bring topics to the meeting. NLn G=w stated it is the chairman's responsibility keep the items on a time limit, to summarize and bring the mating to a close in a timely fashion. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 93 -A#I RECOGNIZING JAMES HAYES ASSOCIATE PLANNER, FOR HIS EFFORTS AND PRECISE REPORTS AND WISHING HIM WELL IN HIS NEW VENTURE Vote 1Ak n signified ayes by Greenfield, A_mn1A Loftus. nnA Rose& MOM ON C,ARILTED, The resolution was presented to James Hayes acknowledging his efforts for the City of Prior Lake. Discussion followed on the Council liaison to the Planning Commission. Decision was made to notily the City Manager that the group as a whole would not be interested in a liaison person. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signed ayes by Loftus, Arnold, Roseth, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11:12 P.M. Tapes of the meeting are on file at City Hall. Horst W. Gram Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary PLANNM C0160 "M Aupot 19, 1993 O� PR♦ ®� v x P to NA11PR' AGENDAITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PREPARED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 2 VARIANCE GERALD SONNENBERG 14870 MAPLE TRAIL HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING JAMES HAYES, ASSOCIATE PLANNER _YES .2LNO SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 HISTORY/BACKGROUND The Planning Department has received a variance application from Gerald Sonnenberg of 14870 Maple Trail. The applicant proposes to construct a 12 foot by 13 foot three season porch over an existing deck as per attached site plan. The existing deck currently has legal non-conforming setback of 46' from State Trunk Highway 13. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 50' setback from the right -of -way line. The following variance is requested in order to construct the improvements as proposed: 1. 4' setback variance from the 50' setback requ from State Trunk Highway 13 right -of -way tine. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS There are no previous proposals on file for the subject site. PHYSIOGRAPHY° The site is relatively flat with an earth berm separating the rear yard from State Tr Highway 13. ADJACENT USES The adjacent properties are developed with single family homes. This neighborhood was constructed in the late 1970s and early 1980s and has seen numerous improvements since that time. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site plan indicates the locations of the existing structure and deck and proposed three season porch. The subject site is 89 feet wide and 135 feet long containing 12,015 square feet. The existing home is located 35 feet from the front property line, 27 feet from the northeast side property line, and 10 feet from the southwest side property line. The existing deck has a legal non - conforming setback of 46 feet from the right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway 13. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPODUM BVLOYER Staff researched and found that only one variance file exists for the seventeen lots located in this area of Maple Trail and Rustic Roac The attached map indicates the study area The one variance file was a request for a 15 foot front yard variance and was denied due to lack of demonstrated hardship. There does not appear to be any precedence in this neighborhood, but possibly throughout the entire city. In the past, legal non - conforming setbacks have been granted variances as long as the proposal does not further encroach on the setback. That is the case with this variance request, a legal non - conforming setback is not proposed to be increased, only improved with a three season porch. NEIGHBORHOOD IS IE.S /IMPACT /CONCERNS This is a well established neighborhood with most of the structures meeting the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. This proposal would not have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood since the deck is already in place. The addition of a three season porch will improve the appearance of the property and will not affect any property owner to the near of the site. The site backs up to State Trunk Highway 13 and no neighbors would be directly affected This is a reasonable use of the property and is consistent with the area in which it is being proposed ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the application as submitted. The applicant proposes to construct a three season porch over an existing deck located 46' from the right-of-way of State Trunk Highway 13. This would require a variance of 4' from the 50' setback requirement 2. Table or continue the variance for specific reasons. 3. Deny the application based upon findings and facts relative to die hardship criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, inconsistency with precedent or other purposes related to the Zoning Code. HARDSHIP FINDINGS 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. The applicant would not be able to improve his property if the Ordinance is strictly enforced in this situation. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Rationale for granting the variance is that there is a single family home which backs up to a State Highway. The deck currently encroaches on the setback and is not proposed to be increased. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of persons presently having an interest in the property. The hardship is not the result of the applicant as the home and deck were constructed prior to the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in 1983 setting forth the setbacks from State Trunk Highway 13. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice, and is not contrary to the public interest. The variance observes the spirit and intent of the Ordinance by allowing a legal non - conforming setback to be improved but not increase& Substantial justice is realized by allowing the applicant to improve his property. The variance is also not contrary to the public interest since it does not directly affect a rear neighbor, and a legal non - conforming setback is not being increased. PWIKIN713 t DI 0 s Staff recommend:. Alternative number 1 due to the fact that a legal non- confomting setback is not proposed W be increased precedence from other variance requests and that the variance will not adversely impact the neighborhood. OM You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September 2. 1223 at 7:35 EM. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Gerald Sonnenberg of 14870 Maple Trail. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: 14870 Maple Trail, Lot 2, Block 1, Oakland Beach 4th Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. The applicant proposes to construct a 12' by 13' three season porch over an existing deck at the rear of his property. In order to construct the improvements, the following variance is requested: a 4' setback variance from the SO' sethwk requirement from State Trunk Highway 13. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Onl and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For mom information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAD ED: August 20,1993 4629 Dakota St SF-, Prior Cake, Minnesota `55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORiUDM 841OM VA-9 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Pho ne: 1�6 4 Phone: U� i - �� G 9- (� S' Property Owner: r �� Address: Mork Phone• pe of Ownership: Fee X Contract Purchase Agreement- Consultant/Contractor: °ho Existing Use of Property: Legal Description of Variance Site: Zoning: - Ri_ Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes _Z <—ND what was requested: When. Disposition• Describe the type improvements proposed: 5 n 4orc�% 1 Fl SMAUSSION REOUIBE,NEM (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey indicating the proposed development in relation to property lines and/or ordinary -high - water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Number (PID). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (aA parcel nap at 1'- 20' -50' shaving: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS MALL BE PAID AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING COWaSSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agre,%V prov and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. - � A � . j I Submitted this Laay of AT 19_3 THIS SPACE IS TO BE FILLED --M BY THE PLAffiKM DIRECTOR NOR" 61 CONDITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date i : W w oO . ti - P/ 1487m AkAf , lF-OrILL- QA . i ST �1 G 1 Z w` it OAKLAND BEACH 1' 6TH - 3 -- 4 _ RI.i.STZG eG B yB r Nt i2 i B •. 0 -395 < E i GGe_ O— 1- 1 9 (1 = 3 3 2 46747 3 �� to 4 ) 3 o VT 146364 X. �,O n 2 y a % / ST y \ a y c �l[LX E•)Rf7F7 T EN' S 2 _ � s 1 11 1 12¢13 1 14It 15 FT 'EN' e z -- -Y 3 Z (CO) SPILDE INC., 149606 I I(U 1ST � H 1 `� / , •' .L 1 2 3 •- 4 4 c o OAKLAND 6692 BEACH q - ---- 6TH - 1 - -_ AD N 3 6406 Cry J 4 R45T>` C r 6 to � !0580 Z I " 'OA L N D c 6 3095 T IN Z a 2 4 a 3 64R �rY a Q i- 41 -6 1 a N 4. / / 1 - 146747 0 d - � 0 1146354 4 X m • � ar yK� (O> 11 �O 6 3 \z lob 4 5 ` It 1 v \3 A AC a �T 'b d M T 6 b z\ 6 VA IANCE FILE t 9 /ns6 , B S DY AREA w 153U26 .. 1 11 1 12¢13 1 14It 15 FT 'EN' e z -- -Y 3 Z (CO) SPILDE INC., 149606 I U A ro ,rNAt E5�/ MAIM AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PREPARED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 3 VARIANCE JOHN BEAUPRE 15271 FAIRBANKS TRAIL HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING JAMES HAYES, ASSOCIATE PLANNER _YES $NO SEPTEMBER 2,1993 HISTORYIBACKGROUND: The Planning Department has received a variance application from John Besupre of 5504 Candy Cove Trail, for a property located at 15271 Fairbanks Trail. The applicant proposes to construct a 18 foot by 26 foot garage as per attached survey. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 10 foot setback from side yard property lines. The following variance is requested in order to construct the improvements as proposed: 1. 5 foot west side yard setback variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement PREVIOUS PROPOSALS In 1984, a 5 foot east sideyard variance was grunted for a house addition. In 1991, a 5 foot east sideyard variance was granted for a porch and deck. PHYSIOGRAPHY The site is relatively flat near the building pad and slopes sharply down at the rear of the site near Prior Lake. The total change in elevation is approximately 20 feet from the road to the shoreline. ADJACENT USP_C The adjacent properties are mostly developed with single family homes. This neighborhood was originally developed in the 1920s and 1930s and has seen numerous improvements since that time. Most of the improvements have taken place in the last 20 years and range from removal of cabins, new construction, and additions to existing homes. EXISTING CONDITIONS The survey indicates the locations of the existing house, deck and three season porch and proposed garage. The subject site is 50 feet wide at the saner and approximately 56 feet at the 904 contour of Prior Lake. The west side measures 150 fat and the east side measures 175 fat for a total of approximately 8,600 square feet The existing home and porch is located 28 fat from the front property line, between 85 and 100 feet from the 904 contour, 5 fat from the east 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 4474230 1 Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPORNMTY EMPLOYER side property line, and 24 feet from the west property line. PR CEMUMC e Staff researched and found that 17 variance files exist for the 23 lots located [tear the subject site at 15271 Fairbanks Trail. The attached map and addendum indicates the lots which have received variances. These 17 files were distributed across twelve different lots in the area For six of these lots, one variance was granted; two lots were granted two variances; one lot was granted three variances; two lots were granted four variances; and one lot was granted six variances in three separate files. Out of these 17 files only one variance was denied, and that property had previously received a variance in a separate file. The variances granted included side yard, front yard, lakeshore and lot coverage requirements. The side yard variances ranged from 2 to 10 feet with an average of 4.7 feet. The front yard variances ranged from 5 to 25 feet with an average of 11 feet. The lakeshore variances ranged from 22 to 28 feet with an average of 25 feet. The lot coverage variances were approved with a 6% variance in two separate files. All but six of the variance were granted prior to the adoption of the 1987 Shoreland Ordinance, therefore, lot area and impervious surface were not considered. In addition to the variances granted, a majority of existing homes are located at various setbacks, most of which are not compliant with Prior Lake Zoning Standards. The final area where precedence may apply is in the applicant's requete for a garage. Throughout the City, the Planning Commission has granted variances for construction of a garage if the site does not contain an existing garage. In this case, the site does not have an existing garage and the applicant is proposing to construct a one and a half car garage that goes beyond any previously established variances perimeters. The Planning Commission has never issued two 5 foot sideyard variances. The maximum sideyard variances granted have been 5 feet and 3 feet. NEiGHBORHODD ISSUFC/IMPAcTicONCERNSz This is a well established neighborhood with single family homes and cabins situated at various setbacks from all property lines. This neighborhood has been in transition for teeny years and has a number of structures that have been renovated or removed and rebuilt. Given the number of variances granted in the area, the impact on the surrounding neighborhood will be minimal if there is any impact at all. Approve the application as submitted. The applicant proposes to construct a 18 foot by 26 foot garage adjacent to a single family home. This would require a 5 foot west side yard variance from the 10 foot side yard setback requirement. 2. Table or continue the variance for specific reasons. 3. Deny the application based upon findings and facts relative to the hardship criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, inconsistency with precedent or other purposes related to the Zoning Code, but approve a 3 foot sideyard variance. HARDSHIP FINDINGS 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the Property. The applicant would not be able to improve his property if the Ordinance is Strictly enforced in this situation. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Rationale for granting the variance is that similar setbacks are prevalent on Other structures in the neighborhood, and the location of the structure was determined by a former government jurisdiction. The property currently does not have a garage on the site and the applicant may be unable to construct a garage under the current setbacks. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of persons presently having an interest in the property. The hardship is not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake, but the result of former platting and zoning standards of Eagle Creek Township. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice, and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed improvements observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance by al lowing the applicant to improve his property with a germ adjseant to a single family borne. Substantial justice would be realized by allowing the owner of a property substandard in width. improve his property with respect to the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed addition is not contrary to the public interest due to the precedence of variance requests granted in the area. REcommENDATION Staff recommends Alternative number 3 due to the fact that the subject site does not contain a garage, precedence in the area, and that the proposal will not adversely impact the neighborhood. VA-"- /B PID1 -_b.% - 0 D M Existing Dse of Property: 2WC46E -FAMILY Pres Legal Description of Variance Site: L.0-r )Z r1AptE PARK $1 0)19 ACRES Variance requested: Phase: 111 -1033 Phone.- 7M(a- (a7L,(e Phone: 4117- •11074 Zoning: I'- I - 5D Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit an the subject site or any part of it? Yes ND What was requested: When :_ Disposition• / Describe the type of improvements proposed: Rui d a C a-o s / LW*- x- Mr - fL ,N.. 01)Campleted application form. (B)Filing. fee. (C)Property Survey indicating the proposed development in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Paster (PID). (P)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 -50 showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY C014PLETE APPLICATIONS MAIL BE ACCEPTED AND REVIEWED BY THE PLANK M CMUSSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 df the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree t�d� pf� nee ormation and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. /7'o►/ v a f a _. .y. - in . A Submitted this &day of I &LLIT -q3 7•_Y' 31C. 1 31 •_ i} �i :1f��a3ia�J :;Is : :H1 }m;i? «�•};a • i 11 N 1 • •�.• 31 LA 11 }I . r a •- Ir •u r Signature of the Planning Director Date � a BP 91 -54 I � p �c•r =. :A "r 15 I n• �RUw u C FAIAB A. ° ° MKS TRAIL N. E• i _ __ �s. b ra ��1 y.• ,� 6. LOT 12 4 si 4 . ,tom I u_+Z �H 1♦ \ Gff �. L=�7 IC LC7 •j ti F 'i \ r qtr+• �) i' FSo PRIOR LAKE III 1 You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: _ September 2.1993 at 9600 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: To consider a variance application for John Beaupre of 5504 Candy Cove Trait. 15271 Fairbanks Trail, Lot 12, Maple Park Shore Acres, Scott County. Minnesota. The applicant proposes to construct a 18' by 26' garage on the east aide yard adjacent to the existing home. In order to construct the improvement, the following variance is requested: a 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' side yard setback requirement If you desire to be heard in reference to this mattm you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Deparunent at 4474230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: August 20,1993 4621 Dakota St. SE., Prior take, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORRJNbrY EMPLOYER � 10 12 9 RIDGE II Y 10 :.', 8 •: Rai afeo Road • '. 3 —268 ® 6 i PL 2 713 7 v 3 PL2 8 , 714 ® 9 OPI I ; f P1, 0 Ro N V000feo. W , / r+� Pl. 2 713 3 5 4 ~�� a F` OA 2 A 3 2 �g Vo6L0� 0 W K to H I 3 CR 0E2780 CERT. 13165 T B CERT. 12757 E Is 3 \ �2 44 45 46 47 4 49 S 51 3 IO 39 9 p 41f 4 143 - 9 F Y T.►.s+- f O�.AK�'' 4 1 4 S 3T 1 741 17 16 15 20 1 18 6 6 Of 3 26 2 S f 22 21 t0 9 7 3 34 , 14 13 11 p 5 ----.� 32 30 29 , BEAUPRE VARIANC 196 SUBJECT SITE n m s _ 4— �. �b �e m 1. 2884,0�_� M m N 2 1 6/0° 4U s O II �� 2 s IO 9 \ 8 w I .S 4 5w m M �� I a � Job � ..`;. ® ..b 10 12 9 A� Al Z �---�_ •.• \• Rat mimd Rood / 3 ..268 Q 6 4- 1 :• }•• PL2 715 In - Ts �- - e 7 r 5 J PL2 !r a .714 /y�` 9 . I i P!o d Rm 'a / PL2 713 N Vocoted. K� 3 tea;% /mT 21 2 3` 8109 A _ ie z 1� I 4 w,�'' k` J / 21067 0 - 3 CER CERT. 13165 7 6 K I0 F1 1 3 CR 1278 CER T. 1276 0 P E 14 ^ 1 ! 3 I 9 11 1 t 46 47 4 49 5 51 ' 10 39 j , C 41 43 44 45 4 9 9 T my 4 f \ '•. 57 t WI 17 16 13 7 3 26 2 �. •: •• �� s 1 zz 5 - 14 IS B 34. . E �y 2 s+ 32 ' 1 3 Q •y 30 4 6 17 PROPERTIES GRANTED, 96 VARIANCES �? o Q ® STUDY AREA � n kb� 0 11 r S. s . r. Foont Ulew .- ,:` ti� M T v Roy d s de' 11 U,r is U :.004 `1 VARIANCE FILES IN THE AREA NEAR 15271 FAIRBANKS TRAIL ProWaY Address File# Variance Granted 15219 Fairbanks VA 90-27 5' N Side, 5' Front. 25' Lake 15229 Fairbanks VA 92 -18 6% Lot cov, 5' N side, 3.5' S side, IT W side (front) 15249 Fairbanks VA 90 -30 22' Lake, 6% Lot cov 15259 Fairbanks VA 80-27 5'N side, 4' S side (front) VA 83-17 5' N side, 16' S side (front) 15275 Fairbanks VA 89.22 2' E side 15279 Fairbanks VA 85 -03 3' W side VA 87 -12 4.2' side 15283 Fairbanks VA 84-04 5.7' W side 4281 Quaker VA 92 -11 V E side 4261 Quaker VA 73-04 Garage 4251 Quaker VA 74-01 10' side, 25' front VA 74-06 4'W side, 4' front VA 75 -12 4' W side, 28' Lake 4231 Quaker VA 81 -03 6' side 4221 Quaker VA 78-06 5' side VA 78 -12 5' side (denied) OF PRIG vr` Y \\ P \�Nry ESQ/ AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: LANNTN G REPO T 4 VARIANCE JERRY AND MARY YOUNG 5465 SHORE TRAIL GINA MITCHELL _YES JLNO SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 T7 . TO YMA A O The Planning Department has received a variance application from Jerry and Mary Young of 5465 Shore Trail. The applicant proposes to construct a 20 foot by 12 foot deck over an existing patio, as per the attached site plan. The following variances are requested in order to construct the improvements as proposed. 1. 38' rear yard variance from the 75' Shoreland District setback requirement. 2. 5' East side yard variance from the 10' side yard setback requirement. Upon a visit to the site, staff had a conversation with the applicant regarding the proposed deck. The applicant explained that the deck would extend 1' beyond an existing patio. After review of the survey and existing conditions, staff determined that a 11' by 20' deck is the the maximum depth allowed in accordance with the variance notification. The applicant's proposal would require a 39' lakeshore variance instead of the published 38'. The applicant's measurements were taken from the foundation of the home, rather than from the 2' cantilever to which the deck will be attached. PBMMJS PROPOSAL There are no previous proposals on file for the subject site. PAY IO . LEE The site is relatively flat near the building and slopes sharply downward at the rear of the property which abuts Prior Lake. The total change in elevation is approximately 32' from the road to the shoreline. On the East side of the property, adjacent to the property line, there is a large Basswood consisting of two, 20" caliper trunks. Along the West property line there is a significant canopy oak tree. These trees, as well as others along the shoreline offer shade and aid in the separation of living space. The property has been excavated to utilize the basement as a walkout and sides retained, as well as an extensively landscaped sidewalk and stairs down 4620 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 44714230 / Fax (612) 4474245 M EQUAL OPPOKr MW BVLOYER to the lakeshore.The excavation and retaining walls have also given the property owner a buffer from its adjacent property owners, and allowed them to actively use their lakeshore property. E3IISTING CONDM The survey indicates the locations of the existing home, patio, and garage. The subject site measures 286' long on the West property line and 269' on the East property line at the 904 contour of Prior Lake. The width of the property is 50', for a total area of approximately 13,750 square feet. The existing home is not positioned parallel to the property lines resulting in varying side and rear yard setbacks. The Southeast corner of the proposed deck is 37' from the 904 contour. The subject property was of North Shore Crest Subdivision which was platted in 1950 within Eagle Creek Township. In 1973, the City of Prior Lake annexed this area. PRECEDENCE: Staff researched and found that 4 variance files exist for the the 5 lots located to the East and 5 lots located to the West of the applicant's property. The attached map indicates the lots which have received variances. Of these lots, two received 5' side yard setback variances, and two received variances to create 75' lots. No lakeshore variances were given. This is a well established neighborhood of single family homes and cabins which are situated at various setbacks from all property lines. These homes, with the exception of two, which received variances for 75' wide lots,.were. built from the mid 1950's to the early 1970's. They are all long lots with homes that were mostly built near the lake, closer than the 75' Lakeshore setback. There will be minimal, if any, impact on the surrounding area due to the fact that the addition of the proposed deck will be above an existing patio at an elevation consistent to that of the adjacent properties. ALTERNATIVES- 1. Deny the application submitted by the applicant. 2. Approve the application as staff has recommended. 3. Table or continue the variance for specific reasons. 4. Deny the application based upon findings and facts relative to the hardship criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, inconsistency with precedent or, other purposes related to the Zoning Code. HARD HIP CPXIERLA. 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This property was platted and developed in Eagle Creek Township prior to annexation into the City of Prior Lake. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Rationale for granting the variance is that permitting the proposed deck will be in harmony with the character of the neighborhood by maintaining the elevation consistent to that of the adjacent property owners. Eight of the ten adjacent lots in the area are older homes that have been built close to the lakeshore. As conversions are made on these long, narrow lots, upgrading may cause infringement on the lake. The proposed deck will provide an opportunity conducive to Lakeshore living. descending terraces down to the lake. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of persons presently having an interest in the property. The side and rear yard hardships are not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake, but the result of the former platting and zoning standards of Eagle Creek Township. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice, and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed improvements observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance by allowing the applicant to improve a lakeshore property with a deck attached to the home. Substantial justice would be realized by allowing the owners of the property that is substandard in width and rear yard setbacks, due to previous platting and. zoning requirements of Eagle Creek Township, to improve their property.. Staff recommends Alternative number 2 due to the fact that the applicant's request for a 12' z 20' deck is not in accordance with the variance notification. rM�Jn PM U SEoyoozzo QTY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Applicant: c�err a,.J /nary youA"a Rome Phone: HYS -ysst Mdress: ore TraII Work Phone: �32 - 3171 Property Owner: Serrr akd Maw ou,ea Nave Phone: Address: FY4 /ta-e TO•ai Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee _ v • Contract Purchase Agreement Existing Use of Property: li es %de Present Zoning: Legal Description of variance Site: 9 / /3�och 2 . lyorl-h Sk/ e Crest Variance Requested: Heald a leek J}, sibs eP {•name Fn /alrG iAj" 76 ,F S)u,rtlo o O er h K u / dfi #A, drvwx -k pa44v 35' cAVSXuoaF vwwaKCZ / 5 WT SIM YP A °Ukt�CE Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variarfce or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes _No What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe the type of improvements proposed: SuMaSSION REOQIRII�R�S (A)Completed application fort. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey indicating the proposed development in relation to property lines and/or ordinary - high -water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification timber (PID). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1"- 20 -50 showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. r �e r r 1 •.I. ter.• }I . a a1 i I y ���',_ _� To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. Submitted this / day of 19?} THIS SPACE IS TO BE FILLED OUT t N 0/ i w •0 ?1 IN A M � •• 71 I JI I } DATE OF HEARING DATE OF HEARING Signature of the Planning Director Date ®v PRIG c\ U � \ r �� �� E S / 1; You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: C It tuber 2- 1999_ at 8:30 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Jerry Young of 5465 Shore Trail. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: 5465 Shore Trail, Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest, Scott County, Minnesota The applicant proposes to construct a 12' by 20' deck on the south side yard adjacent to Prior Lake. In order to construct the improvement, the following variances are requested: a 37' Lakeshore setback variance from the 75' setback requirement of the Shoreland District, a 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement, and a 3' west side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: August 20,1993 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior take, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPOMN7Y EDOLOYER 0, PR \! 11 N1V ESO -A19M CORRECTION .si 111 (411 DKIIJ ,K :. t You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September L 1993 at R:30 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: To consider a variance application for Jerry Young of 5465 Shore Trail. 5465 Shore Trail, Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest, Scott County, Minnesota The applicant proposes to construct a 12' by 20' deck on the south side yard adjacent to Prior Lake. In order to construct the improvemart, the following variances are requested:a 38' takeshore setback variance from the 75' setback requirement of the Shoreland District, and a 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planting Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 4474230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: August 24,1993 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 A EQUAL OPPOR UNTY FDJPUJYE 14231 IVZZ4 6 16 I F. II Ir 3 IV2 1 Iwzza �6 Wz 36 '" 1uz41 lwxuo 3 14235 c 7 143 1°3 n O o 5 1 U Ida a u 9 IS o 14255 10 ? 6 6 142$7 1453 14 52 s I6 9 yb F`�' L ^ � 7 IV Zb4 N `d 1 1% 8 45 b ¢ 'VIZT 2 14 I4z6$ 13 141Uo 17 5� JI q �a5 X4 721 3 y5 'h 14x]! ig x6' M ®,E 45 3 4 I � z 15 'I 18 P � 2 14315 I 1434e • i0 I II I � q 4 5 lu3x Itl307 16 $4 70 �,a o0 5510 I PMGL�WppO ]0. IVJIZ j `a99 SSOtl 1 5523 11 2 5641 '$V45 5454 54-13 5w85 i 5411 i 6 7 I B 14 35pdT I3 2 3 10 4 I I 143.70. E B 4 54 SL i II 10 S. 14 bL59 15 14 113 1 5 ... 40 43V m46'IVV Y 1w1 wLO V111340� 1� 13 6b65 - 6 !`/ . _ .1 Sao as Ln �� - -.,. \IV � / l � JLT$ 18 I46 �.A -t7[ HILL QII. J /••�nJ GPRRfR CITY OF I; ti S3.5 I PRIOR LAKE M . 5amcr' a AQ tWT ®; ADTAC£NT PROPERTIES 51 rF, Ppo p fIr lis MIN VA RiAK46 Y VARIANCE SUBJECT SITE m � I B33b1_ol`-� �nbdS.d �� `•. \ J \� a a3aao M 531 Ob O I I F OX09 3131 033wf 13 315 FF,, r M1bM U300 asc" g AMn 'll9 .02• ' ¢ 0 W c - AW11 N 1 3NIe ¢ a1b A'3NOJ� ' rr J , I Of cc a� Otd 1 .rGJ 3 JnadS.. or '3lbd T II F 3l aaO..Lr 3 ffr� p V Z. Q_ W� a' �31 0_ p ' Q I I LMO -L2'ai 31v9 1'yba tl31vM db 'd'J❑ . \\, m d m 07 C7 I AMU.11lOb ... �._ i MN11 Nlbw .b I�I o ``s1]nby a31v'^"/�J M ,Z mj 1(71 I \ a dt a %Nb 1� I 5 3ws� r om 1 B S3 1 3Nb jI r 7 r = J 33 a 1 .J b .� w _m rI J� P.I 3 Jllatl$ I X OJ N 0] � N 3 j N Bds ' .. O O 3 3a1 3 Mr-O � NI m � t _ ddb, ime 3 3at „1 1 7 MIS l3bls � 1b10 .P i XTM 'ONOJ h� 31 ddb,B •-• OO CMSSeB „i .i Y6 aZ 5133nba 5 31oM \•\•' r Z�YI N ; I 11 0 dIJaB owes 3 dba0 1a33]nba Z mm A W a CSa © 1!-IF� LOMp OJ N10bi V j 1 O a 3- I V-y L _W 0 ¢ W4a 13a _e , � W ? � j L .LI 1 NI® I� ._ mod.. • -. —�� ED � r 31 4dv I III, wsna � .. a 3�Oy9 33N3 C J 41 p NSnu wy3ica•a�3lccq.dl�J 1.� a '.y 3 I Jlll`. 31 ddv II d _ 3 ladb.kvi 31 ddb f N N I �� M 1 a10 ,01 N$n8 a 3 3]1 `j I I hl Sbote(b 534]b1B,v1 -ET�k. 31 =�J21; J d °b..b i34 vl _ lu — _ .'9 30N 3a 3 , 3JVld3bla ¢\ Xlbe lN0],L d .4 m dd .vX.,v .m N C 1 LM01 W3¢P Jd Wmid.I 41 bbd jMn y 3 ldd0 I g b 1,3 11JI bblq Mo. 9 G a9, e 3bv1 bb033 : l3l ASI 3bin 3 31ad5 2 X1M1 ']NOJ I ( X ilddb„y SO 'I 31 ddn„0, go 31d” 3lddv,21 1504 30in9, Hsm - HSna 33N_a YOUNG VARIANCE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHORE TRAIL Prop. -d for: Su¢nou4 AG,E AiRRY YOUNG 9359 (9f5+'//1 � 77 (5M 936.5= DIV PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 9, Block 2, NORTH SHORE CREST, according to the recorded plat thereof, .Scott County, Minnesota. FppME ynrzAg¢ 38' LAK`c646R� MIANQ hr,.�, �PK 999.1 R�au�srti� 9v°fA o Denotes rron monument set, se note Proposed deck to be located above concrete • Denotes iron monument found out s oRr g�PCCO oNe At the request of Mary Young the timber ow¢�IN9 .' 55155 STvAV N {cAM6 e, oN� g 5/ retainin walls and stairways between the CARA a OWaIIJNQ °, lR` tEiNq house and tbC lake were not located. Denotes concrete slab llt N I t-O (yee. vl) Denotes existing elevation p!' s a 5. aw gN it t ull m ef i Denotes chain link fence Na m vm YIN i Z ! _ ( 38' LAK`c646R� MIANQ hr,.�, �PK 999.1 R�au�srti� 9v°fA N Note Proposed deck to be located above concrete f9� 'm slab slab adjacent.to the south face of dwelling. out s oRr g�PCCO oNe At the request of Mary Young the timber ow¢�IN9 .' 55155 STvAV N {cAM6 e, oN� g 5/ retainin walls and stairways between the a OWaIIJNQ °, lR` tEiNq house and tbC lake were not located. WAUCO✓J' llt (II' x )01) a ;n y' 5 WT 5101; y y ¢1 KP p!' s a 5. aw VARIANCE RE0UE5rgp it t ull m ef 38' LAK`c646R� MIANQ hr,.�, �PK 999.1 R�au�srti� 9v°fA BENCHMARK Iron monument at the northwest corner Of I,ot R, Block 2, NORTH SIIORK CREST. Elevation -- 936.50 N.G.V.D. 0 OFF j 0 15 30 60 I hereby certify that thin survey, plan or repor was prepared by me or under my direct superviefo and that I am a duly Registered Lend Surveyor under the lave of the State of Minnesota. Date Reg. No. 7095 BOERHAVE LAND SURVEYING, INC. $ 1 6 9 p 11345 Mlsoka Circle N.E. i t Prior Lake, Minnesota 55573 613J45 -9154 0 OFF j 0 15 30 60 I hereby certify that thin survey, plan or repor was prepared by me or under my direct superviefo and that I am a duly Registered Lend Surveyor under the lave of the State of Minnesota. Date Reg. No. 7095 8/2G/93 0. Jet cor 4-¢ S honn¢ rer9�.b�� t� E 3e s m g: Cl�cl� iw po a ,e 4 uich / i G );W4 w, � PRI U � to MEMORANDUM N g SOAP TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: HORST W. GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING RE: THE WILDS PUD - CONSOLIDATION OF COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USES UNDER ONE ZONE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 The objective of this hearing is to consolidate the commercial districts of The Wilds Planned Unit Development under one PUD zoning. The Planning Commission and Council previously approved The Wilds development consisting of a 550 acre PUD consisting mainly of the residential component and 30 acres of conventional B -3 commercial zoning. Both the Planning Commission and Council Resolutions required the B -3 districts be incorporated into The Wilds covenants and architectural controls. Special Counsel Consultant, Robert Hoffman, suggested an amendment to the PUD section of the Zoning Ordinance would be a prudent strategy. Mr. Hoffman expressed concern that restricting the B -3 zone with mandatory covenants and controls would continue as contract zoning which is not permitted in Minnesota. Only under the PUD concept can a City deviate from standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Prior Lake Development L.P. has consented to the consolidation of the entire 580.4 acres under one PUD. The requested action by the developer is identical to that in the initial hearing conducted by the Planning Commission, July 1, 1993. Staff does not plan to discuss the elements and design of the PUD since nothing has changed from the July 1, 1993, date. However, I will be prepared to do so in the event the Planning Commission or any member of the audience wishes to discuss in detail the components of the development. I have enclosed an area map of the City showing The Wilds and an approved development plan (not amended), together with the Planning Commission and Council Resolutions approving the initial PUD. The proposed resolution attached for your consideration and adoption is identical to your initial one except deleting the language which required the incorporation of the B -3 districts into The Wilds. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY F PUDYER P �^ R � tO ' \ o/ W12M RESOLUTION 93 -12PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LANE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE SCHEMATIC AND PRELIMINARY P.U.D. PLAN FOR THE WIELDS. MOTION BY SECOND BY- WHEREAS, that the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the 2nd day of September 1993, to consider a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development L.P., to approve the Schematic and Preliminary P.U.D. Plan for The Wilds; and WHEREAS, that notice of the hearing on said motion has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREAS, the P.U.D. is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the P.U.D. has organized land uses and design in a manner which harmonizes with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the development; and WHEREAS, the P.U.D. has met the requirements outlined in Section 6.11 of the Zoning Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRIOR LANE PLANNING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: 1. Approve the revised Schematic and Preliminary P.U.D. Plan for The Wilds, subject to: 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474236 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER FIR a. Deviations to the Zoning Standards as contained in the Preliminary P.U.D. b. The screening plan for the maintenance site and the tree planting plan be developed by the applicant and approved by Staff for final plat approval. C. A wilderness easement include no redivisioa of lots and the reduction in wooded areas be limited to removal of dead trees only. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of September 1993 YES NO Roseth _ Roseth _ Arnold _ Arnold _ Loftus _ Loftus Greenfield _ Greenfield _ Horst W. Graser Director of Planning a W 1 N � lftj xt: IA Qgrk $ - [ y � - j N46 Ab:� d_ GJ�.f1 q ' R-1 TO ff 1 �Llo 1 O PROPOSED REZONING 1\ -slim -° II -'ice RESOLUTION 93 -06PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE SCHEMATIC AND PRELIMINARY P.U.D. PLAN FOR THE WILDS. MOTION BY ARNOLD SECOND BY: GREENFIELD WHEREAS, that the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the 1st day of July 1993, to consider a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development L.P., to approve the Schematic and Preliminary P.U.D. Plan for The Wilds; and WHEREAS, that notice of the hearing on said motion has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREAS, the P.U.D. is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the P.U.D. has organized land uses and design in a manner which harmonizes with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the development; and WHEREAS, the P.U.D. has met the requirements outlined in Section 6.11 of the Zoning Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: Approve the revised Schematic and Preliminary P.U.D. Plan for The Wilds, subject to: 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55. / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -0245 M EQUAL OPPORTU a E LrJYER a. The B -3 commercial districts be incorporated into The Wilds covenants and architectural controls. b. Deviations to the Zoning Standards as contained in the Preliminary P.U.D. C. The screening plan for the maintenance site and the tree planting plan be developed by the applicant and appro by Staff for final plat approval. d. A wilderness easement include no redivision of lots and the reduction in wooded areas be limited to removal of dead trees only. Passed and adopted this 1A day of .lulu , 1993 YES NO Roseth —X... Roseth _ Arnold $$ Arnold _ Loftus A bsent Loftus _ Wuellner A bsent Wuellner _ Greenfield //// Greenfield _ N Hors Graser Director of Planning tJF P R J r� .1 4an/ RESOLUTION 93 -54 RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL. TO APPROVE THE SCHEMATIC AND PRELIMINARY PUD PLAN FOR THE WILDS. MOTION BY: FITZGERALD SECOND BY- WHITE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public heating on the 1st day of July, 1993 to consider a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development L.P. to approve the Schematic and Preliminary PUD of the Wilds; and WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said motion has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes. WHEREAS, the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the PUD has organized land uses and design in a manner which harmonizes with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the development; and WHEREAS, the PUD has met the requirements outlined in Section 6.11 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Schematic and Preliminary PUD subject to the conditions outlined in their Resolution 93- 06PC;and WHEREAS, the City Council held a hearing on the 19th day of July, 1993 to consider a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development L.P. to approve the Schematic and Preliminary PUD plan for The Wilds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the Schematic and Preliminary PUD of The Wilds, subject to the following: 1. The B -3 commercial districts be incorporated into The Wilds covenants and architectural controls. 2. Deviations to the Zoning Standards as contained in the Preliminary PUD. 3. The screening plan for the maintenance site and the tree planting plan be developed by the applicant and approved by Staff for final plat approval. 4. A wilderness easement include no redivision of lots and the reduction in wooded areas be limited to removal of dead trees only. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior take, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPIQYER S. Approval of the Schematic and Preliminary PUD shall be effective upon ratification by the City Council following acknowledgement by the Metropolitan Council of the adjustment to the Metropolitan Urban Service Line through the amendment to Prior Lake's Comprehensive Plan and publication. Passed and adopted this 19th day of July, 1993. YES Andren _X _ Andren Fitzgerald _x Fitzgerald Kedrowski x_ Kedrowski Scott _ x Scott white _X_ White (Seal) City of City of Pflor Lake NO rl T swoA s1.0"m TO: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FROM: GINA MITCHELL, ASSOCIATE PLANNER DATE: 09/01/93 RE: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 6-4 -2 EXISTING CONDITIONS J. PHYSICAL FEATURES THE FOLLOWING POLICY HAS BEEN ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF PRIOR LANE FURTHER CLARIFYING SECTION 6.4.2: STAGE Sl.) SEETCH PLAN OR PRELIMINARY PLAT A GENERAL OVERVIEW/DESCRIPTION IN MAP AND WRITTEN NARRATIVE OF THE FOLLOWING: A.) SPECIES B.) SIZE OF THE VEGETATIVE REGION (S) C.) DENSITY OF THE VEGETATIVE REGION (S) D.) GENERAL DIAMETERS AND SIZE RANGES OF THE VEGETATIVE REGION (S) E.) HEALTH CONDITIONS OF THE VEGETATION F.) AFTER REVIEW OF THE ABOVE (A -E), STAFF MAY REQUIRE A SURVEY WHERE DEEMED APPROPRIATE. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 Fax (612) 4-7 -4245 AN EWI OPPORf• "I -v , - I- tr DEPARTMENT (�S�TIAATEE OF y�� L' V LS Z � �1 L=.1 Metro Waters, 1200 PHONE NO. 772 -7910 August 30, 1993 Of NATURAL RESOURCES Warner Rd., St. Paul, MN 55106 FILE NO Mr. Horst Graser City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 RE: Setback Variance Application, 5465 Shore Trail Dear Mr. Graser: I have reviewed the materials which accompanied the notice of hearing for variance at Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest. Please incorporate these comments into the hearing record for the proposed variance. The Department of Natural Resources is opposed to the variance as proposed. Currently, the existing home and utility shed do not meet current setback standards. Revised shoreland rules require a 75' structure setback from the 904' contour around Prior Lake. The rules would allow for a single water - oriented accessory structure to encroach within the structure setback. Without the proposed deck, both the home and shed already encroach. In addition, there is what appears to be a concrete slab within approximately 10 feet of the 904' contour. Bear in mind, the applicant is required to provide evidence of hardship when pursuing a variance from zoning standards. The North Shore Crest area has many narrow lots with existing development not meeting current Standards. Proposals of this nature simply exacerbate the crowding and visual impacts of shoreline development. Because the property currently contains multiple structures not meeting the required setback, and because two patio -type slabs exist for outdoor use and lake - viewing opportunity, the DNR recommends denial of the variance as proposed. If the applicant adequately demonstrates hardship, and the city chooses to grant the variance despite DNR objection, it is recommended that as a requirement of the variance, the utility shed near the shore be removed before construction of the deck. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Mr. Horst Graser City of Prior Lake August 30, 1993 Page (2) Please send me a copy of the minutes of the variance proceedings .'ollowing Planning Commission and City Council action on the matter. I am interested in reviewing Planning Commission and City Council discussion regarding hardship and any other issues related to the variance process. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Please call me at 772 -7910, if you have any questions. / S y n /( incerely, Dat rickLync Area Hydrologist PJL /cl We regret the time constraints which may have not provided you with ample opportunity to express oral comments about your neighborhood. We welcome any written comments which will be incorporated into the notes from the meeting on June 17, 1993. Please attach the appropriate postage and return to City Hall. Thanks again for you input in this process. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 Five Hawks Planning District is bounded on the west by housing adjacent to Willow Lane, the south by Highway 13, and the north by C. R. 21. This District consists of approximately 380 acres and is 80% developed at density ranging from 2.5 to 18 units per acre. Five Hawks can best be characterized as a transitional and active neighborhood between the low density Willow Lane area and high density C. R. 21 area. Several east -west oriented marshes and wetlands divide this District approximately in half. These marshes and wetlands help filter runoff before it enters Prior Lake. However, these features inhibit traffic movements wimin the neighborhoods and into other neighborhoods. To the north of the natural features is residential development in the 5 to 7 units per acre range which does not conform to the current zoning standards. The land to the south is characterized by recent development and vacant land. This neighborhood has about one mile of lakeshore, unfortunately no public access points exist for its residents. The Five Hawks Planning District received its name from effigy mounds located in the vicinity of Five Hawks Elementary School. Unfortunately, this early Indian artifact was destroyed by development and grading in the area. The Willows neighborhood park and C. R. 21 hails are the only public spaces in this neighborhood that have a potential population of 1800 people. McWillies Restaurant/Bar/Marina on Green Heights Trail, is one of only two commercial establishments remaining on Prior Lake. It is an important part of the lake recreation environment and community heritage. It currently operates under a conditional use permit with limited expansion potential. The property to the south and west of Five Hawks School is and currently designated medium density residential in the Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan. However, approximately 10 of the 50 vacant acres are zoned B -3 commercial and the remaining land is zoned R -3. The common district boundary line between residential and commercial was arbitrarily established thereby resulting in a difficult platting process unless the PUD format is utilized. Prior Lake should take action to rezone this acreage to be consistent with the comprehensive plan of medium density residential. An inappropriate island of medium density exists directly south of McWillies. This medium density zone consists of about 2.5 acres with aomendous development constraints. The area around this site is all zoned R -1 and developed with single family homes. The site should reflect single family development opportunities to be consistent with the immediate area. A vacant residential site consisting of about 2 acres directly southeast of the intersection of West Avenue and County Road 21 should also be down zoned to R -2 medium residential density to reflect the character of the area and the current comprehensive plan. Traffic circulation in this Planning District needs to be improved. A high priority should be assigned to the completion of Five Hawks Avenue to improve the circulation and connect the nG -dr and south halves of this neighborhood. 170th Sheet should be extended to Five Hawks Avenue. The intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and S.T.H. 13 should eventually be signalized. It is possible that the current intersection of 170th Street and S.T.H. 13 will be limited to a right- in/right -out movement The City has initiated a study to review alternatives for this intersection. Birch Avenue in the north half of the Planning District still has a gravel section which should be improved to a bituminous surface. Two commercial nodes are included in this Planning District A portion of the Town Center located directly south of the intersection of S.T.H. 13 and C. R. 21. The other node consists of the post office, bank, and lumber yard directly south of the intersection of Anna Trail and S.T.H. 13. The downtown node is a highly visible and accessible area. Development includes a mix of new and old with little or no continuity in design and general character. Increasing traffic and control devices on S.T.H. 13 and C. R. 21 will further isolate this node from other business nodes in the community unless improvements in circulatien and design are made to Duluth and Main Avenue. The commercial node at Anna Trail and S.T.H. 13 is totally orientated to the automobile. The businesses in this area should consider sidewalk improvement permitting pedestrian traffic between them. Duluth Avenue which provides local access to this node has been identified as a critical part of the ring road system tying this node, Town Center and the Priordale business district together. The City Capital Improvement Program indicates that Duluth Avenue will be improved with new street, curb and gutter, sidewalk and bike path. This improvement will greatly enhance accessibility between the three business centers and adjacent neighborhoods. The private sector should be encouraged to provide pedestrian access via sidewalks to the Anna Trail and Priordale businesses to take full advantage of the public improvements anticipated for Duluth Avenue. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: 1. The City of Prior Lake should initiate rezoning changes for the Simpkin's property (vacant 50 acres southwest of Five Hawks School) to R -2 residential and the vacant site south of McWdUcs Restaurant to R -1 residential. 2. A trail system should be established along the District's natural features and roadways to provide pedestrian and bicycle links throughout the District 3. A neighborhood park should be established in the north half of the Planning District, perhaps utilizing the Oudot adjacent to Green Heights Trail and Dutch Avenue or the City property located on Cates Street. 4. The completion of Five Hawks Avenue should be established in the Capital Improvement Program as a high priority in order to improve north -south vehicular movements and the main entrance to this neighborhood from S.T.H. 13. 5. New residential land uses along S.T.H. 13 shall use design elements such as deeper lots, planted berms, fencing, and tree cover to buffer the negative influence of S.T.H. 13. 6. The lumber yard north of Anna Trail is currently designated B -2 commercial which is a zone reflective of Town Center. A zoning change to B -3 highway commercial should be initiated by the City of Prior Lake. The improvement of Duluth Avenue with bike trails and sidewalks to provide a pedestrian link between the three business centers of Town Center, Anna Trail and Priordale, should be completed to implement the ring road system. PLANNING DISTRICTS ALL RURAL AREAS `\ I.nri. ,n,� Inl ` vary &PREPS v ,- _ — . ____ lu „ L nl �in 1 Irv, 4 PIKE LAKE SHOHE �Y pel MARKLEY SPRING LAKEMELLOWS Neighborhood Planning District Spring Iake/Willows is located in the southwestern portion of the City. It includes approximately 300 acres and is bounded on he south by S.T.H. 13, the west by Spring Lake and the north by Prior Lake. The rear lot line of housing that frones on the west side of Willow Lane and the drainage area between Inguadona Beach and the Willows Subdivision provides the eastern neighborhood boundary. The Planning District is divided into two portions characterized as being either north or south of 170th Saeet The north side is served by Willows Park and two associau owned lake lots whereas the south side will have tide two neighborhood park facilities, Sunset Hills park and Woodview park, which are scheduled for capital improvements between 1991 and 1995. This Planning District contains some of the community's oldest subdivisions and its history is related to the resort community that once was the focal point for this area. The District is bounded by Prior Lake to the northeast and Spring Lake to the southwest There is one resort left on Spring Lake that is the only remnant of the historical development of this District There are a handful of public access points to Prior and Spring Lakes that are underdeveloped These public access points should remain public and be developed and linked to the city wide trail system These access points should be identified by coordinated sign programs and landscaping. It is anticipated that the access areas would not contain parking facilities but rather include park benches and view platforms that pedestrians and bikers could utilize m view the lakes The major roads within the District are 170th Street C' R 12), Sunset Trail (C.R 81) and S.T.H 13. There are compatibility problems within the District due to the prevalence of small lots that are located adjacent to the Coun y Roads and State Highway. Inadequate buffer areas, lack of pedestrian and bike trails and d rect driveway access to the regional roadways are the major development issues within this Planning District A majority of the Spring Lake/Willows District has been developed into low density single family lots. The twenty-two acres of open land is planned for low density residential use however, limited high density opportunities may be accommodated adjacent to both S.T.H. 13 and 170th Street tinder the PUD format It is possible that a density range somewhere between 5 and 12 units per acre could be accommodated here providing both small lot single family construction and attached housing opportunities. Future development will need to provide significant buffer areas adjacent to the County Roads and S.T.H 13 which incorporate such design options as greater lot sizes, setbacks, berms and dense screening to protect residents from negative impacts such as noise and litter associated with the roadways. A trail system that connects existing neighborhoods to the parks, S.T.H. 13 trails, Five Hawks Elementary School and public lands adjacent to Prior and Spring Lakes are a priority for this District Fume development should seek to emphasize the historical, recreational, resort, and natural features motif of the District and incorporate the project with the trails and open space system that will tie this District to the rest of the community. The current population of 1,157 is likely to reach 1,500 when the Planning District is fully developed. Lying directly southwest of the intersection of 170th Street and S.T.H. 13 is this neighborhood's only commercial district and major entry feature to this neighborhood. This 4.5 acre Limited Business District contains a legal non- confom» ng cabinet shop and conditional use car wash built upon one tract The triangular shaped parcel has never been subdivided The cabinet shop and car wash have direct land access to S.T.H. 13 which should be eliminated with any future platting activity. Future development activity on this highly visible comer should be neighborhood oriented with emphasis on good design and landscaping. As such, the legal non-conforming use should be converted to a permitted use. Also, efforts should be made to improve the visual impression of this corner by blacktopping the drives and parking areas and by the introduction of landscaping on the site. The intersection of 170th Street and S.T.H. 13 will be modified in the next five to ten years. One of the options is to reroute 170th Street through the vacant 22 acres lying between 170th Street and S.T.H. 13. A frontage road would connect 170th Street to Five Hawks Avenue. The intersection of CIL 81 and S.T.H. 13 is a major entry point into the community. An entrance feature and landscaping should be placed near this intersection to identify the City's boundary and to create Prior Lake's "sense of place." DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: 1. Develop remaining public access points on Prior Lake and Spring Lake in conjunction with the trail system. A coordinated sign and landscaping program should be implemented to identify the access points and to screen them from adjacent proper ties. No parking facilities are proposed, rather, the access' would be used by pedestrians and bikers. 2. Future development must incorporate buffer areas for all properties adjacent to C.R. 12, . and S.T.H. 13 that will protect residential development from elements such as noise, litter and to provide separation from business district uses. Buffers may include larger lots and setbacks, dense landscaping, berms or other means of providing separation. 3. A trail system is needed in this neighborhood to link neighborhoods to the business district, Five Hawks Elementary School, public parks, Prior and Spring Lakes and Spring Lake Regional Park. 4. The business district should be upgraded to a neighborhood center that provides good pedestrian and traffic circulation. Future platting should eliminate the driveway access to S.T.H. 13 and the non - conforming uses should be replaced with permitted uses in the district. Landscaping, paved parking lots, sidewalks, and good design of buildings should be implemented in this business district. 5. At the time that the vacant 22 acres south of 170th Street develops, a local road should be planned that connects 170th Street to S.T.H. 13. In addition, a frontage road connecting 170th Street to Five Hawks Avenue through the "Simpkins" property, is recommended as part of the ring road system. 6. The intersection of C.R. 81 and S.T.H. 13 is identified as a location for a major City entry monument. PLANNING DISTRICTS ARKLEY Neighborhood Planning Distri The Markley Planning District is located east of S.T.H. 13 and north of C.R. 21. This Planning District is close to the Town Center however, half of its 500 acres is either agricultural or vacant. Land uses in the District include Memorial Park, one retail center (Laker Center), two non - conforming businesses (Ready Mix and Lindsay Water Conditioning), one elementary school, Prior Manor Senior High Rise, three apartment units, a 65 acre industrial site and a mixture single family and multifamily residential subdivisions. The street system includes Franklin Trail in its north/south alignment plus C.R. 21 and 44 on the south and north borders respectively. A second north/south collector street is planned in the eastern portion of the District when development occurs. The collector consists of the southerly extension of Fish Point Road from C.R. 44 to the southern limits of the City. Great care must be taken to design a curvelinear street containing a sidewalk and bike path. It is anticipated that no direct land access will be permitted to the Fish Point Road collector street. Development adjacent to the collector facility, C.R. 21 and 44 will need to provide significant buffer areas which incorporate greater lot sizes, setbacks, berms and dense screening to protect residents from noise and debris associated with the roadways. This District contains plats dating back to the early 1900's which were part of the Town Center of Prior Lake prior to the construction of S.T.H. 13. The older plats located east of S.T.H. 13 are sometimes referred to as part of the "Frogtown" neighborhood of Prior Lake and were developed at densities approximating 5 units per acre. Parts of this neighborhood contain severely dilapidated housing and this area should be the target of a coordinated housing rehabilitation program. The Brooksville Hills subdivisions were developed upon larger lots which reduced the overall housing density of this District to an average of 2 units per acre. It is anticipated that this pattern will continue except in the area west of Markley Lake adjoining C.R. 21. There is an R -4 Zoning District that is set aside to accommodate higher densities ranging between 3 and 4 units per acre. When fully developed the existing population of 500 will expand to approximately 1,800. It is critical that future development respect the integrity of the natural features and existing development within the District. All attempts should be trade to provide pedestrian and bike links through the Brooksville Hills and Frogtown neighborhoods, the business district, parks, and schools. The District developed from west to east with the exception of _Ire industrial park located on C.R. 21. Ninety percent of the District's land area was annexed to Prior Lake in 1973. The sixty five acre industrial site contains several buildings that were in existence at the time of annexation. The industrial park located north of C.R. 21 is not a planned area but rather the result of the 1973 annexation. The industrial park was never subdivided and was developed without benefit of public sewer and water. There are no lots of record available in the existing industrial area No funkier industrial development should take place until a public sewer system becomes available. The undeveloped land adjacent to Markley Lake is planned and zoned for future residential development. Any proposed utility must contain sufficient land area to provide screening and physical separation of the power lines to adjacent residential lands. The utility lines should in no case, be allowed to cross over Markle Lake but should be re-routed to coincide with future road right of way. The Business /Office Park Study completed in 1990 indicates that much of the vacant land in this District should be reserved for a businessloffice park development including industrial uses. If this recommendation is followed, existing nearby residential uses will not be provided a sufficient separation to maintain existing property values. The Comprehensive Plan identifies an intermittent stream with adjoining steep slopes which links a marsh southwest of County Road 21 with Markley Lake as a natural barrier which will separate residential from industrial development. The land area southeast of this stream channel is industrial and everything to the northwest will be low and medium density residential. This Planning District contains Markley Lake, several areas of steep slopes and approximately ten acres of land that is believed to be a remnant of original prairie. The location of the predominant natural features are indicated on the maps found in the Environmental Plan. The undeveloped portion of the District includes the City's well field. The development plan envisions a large park area adjacent to the well field that also contains the prairie and an area of steep slopes and wetlands. It is proposed that the well site be graded and seeded and that existing buildings be screened by landscaping in order to provide a better relationship of the utility area to the adjacent residential neighborhoods. The undeveloped portion of the District includes several storm water management ponding areas and Markley Lake. Planning studies indicate the possibility of developing a neighborhood trail that could carry pedestrians between the Senior High and Middle School site and Markley Lake largely on its own right -of -way. Markley Lake is a unique community resource, part of which should be under the control of the Parks and Recreation Department Any development proposal will be carefully evaluated to preserve the maximum amount of site amenities and to assure that public open space is provided to the lakeshore and through a trail system adjacent to the lake and steep slope areas. behind a row of housing. The plan identifies the most southerly comer of the City adjacent to C.R. 21 as a major entrance to the community. As such, an entry monument which identifies Prior Lake should be located near this vital entrance to the City. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: 1. Fish Point Road should be extended from C.R. 44 to the southern limits of Prior Lake to form a north/south, collector facility through this District. A curvelinear street design combined with limited access, larger lots with greater setbacks, berms and dense landscaping should be objectives within any development project. 2. A trail system is needed to link the business center with neighborhoods, schools, environmental districts and park lands within the District along with Markley Lake and the proposed business/industrial park. 3. Sensitive development is required adjacent to the District's natural features and pedestrian access and trails will be a priority issue for all future development proposals. 4. Dilapidated housing within the Trogtown" area should be the target of a housing rehabilitation program. The City of Prior Lake will work with the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority toward this end. 5. Careful attention must be paid to creation of appropriate buffers between different zoning districts and for lands adjacent to County Roads and S.T.H. 13. 6. The City well field site should be improved by grading and seeding until such a time as the site is developed. Existing buildings should be landscaped in order to provide a better relationship between the utility area and adjacent neighborhoods. 7. No further development should occur in the Industrial Park located north of C.R. 21 until public utilities are installed. 8. Any proposed utility adjacent to Markley Lake must provide screening and physical separation of lines to adjacent residential and industrial uses. in no case should the lines be permitted to dross Markley Lake overhead. 9. All non - conforming business and industrial uses should be replaced with permitted uses. 10. Future development adjacent to Markley Lake must provide public open space adjacent to the lake in the form of park land or trail systems. 11. The vacant lands adjacent to the Industrial Park including parts of Section 12, Spring Lake Township should be designated as the best short term industrial opportunity for Prior Lake. This area should be subdivided and developed as an industrial zone. 12. C.R. 21, at the City limits, should be designated as a location for a major community entry feature. '/ �k � � ii31+ _ ,l�F' ����Y @� 1 � f _ �����,��r �� � �� This is a very small fully developed Planning District of Prior Lake. The 230 acres appear to be even smaller than it is because so much of the land is consumed by school facilities. The neighborhood contains Westwood Elementary School plus the Middle and Senior High Schools for District 719. Other non - residential uses include Gateway Shopping Center, an office cluster, Metropolitan Federal Bank and a franchised fast food restaurant The housing is comprised of reasonably early suburban "rambler" type construction developed at approximately 2 units per acre although townhome and apartment units have been built adjoining the business district There is room for an additional business development but no additional housing, therefore, the population will continue to remain under 500. The neighborhood boundaries include S.T.H. 13, C.R. 44, and Savage Corporate limits. Open space is actually abundant comprising approximately one third of the neighborhood land area The School District has some well developed recreation facilities that are available when school is not in session. Transportation needs are served by the adjoining arterial and collector streets plus a short length of Franklin Trail that provides the most consistent access to the business development oriented to S.T.H. 13. DISTRICT OBJEC TES: 1. A trail system to link residential neighborhoods to the schools, Gateway Center, and the S.T.H. 13 trail shall be a priority for any development or redevelopment effort in this District 2. The City should work with the School District to provide additional landscaping for buildings and facilities and especially along trail systems. 3. Gateway Center is oriented totally to S.T.H. 13. Future redevelopment of this area should wive to change the orientation to the adjacent residential neighborhoods. The Center lacks a pedestrian friendly atmosphere and relies solely upon traffic from S.T.H. 13. Introduction of sidewalks and coordinated landscaping along with business district identification should be a priority for future development efforts. 4. The City of Prior Lake will encourage Scott County to install a four way stop at the intersection of 160th Street and Franklin Trail. Pedestrian users of Manurial Park, the schools and residents of Prior Manor, a senior cid= high tile, should be able to dross this intersection to access the Gateway Busimss District A four way stop would greatly improve pedestrian access between the business center and adjacent neighborhoods SOUTH Neigbborhood Planning District Bordered on the northwest by S.T.H. 13, the northeast by C. R. 21, and the south by Spring Lake Township, this Planning District contains a large number of densities and a variety of uses within its 400 acres. The arrangement of uses and roads in this District reflect a noticeable carryover from the time when no planning occurred in Prior Lake. JoAnna Stepka's Addition, a residential plat within the business area, is a noticeable carryover from this earlier pattem. The western edge of the District along S.T.H. 13 consists basically of strip commercial with Ptiordale Mall being the most significant use in this area. The center of the neighborhood is residential and recreational with the eastern tip being actively farmed. A lack of planning investments in infrastructure and road systems has allowed these uses to be established over time, based on state and county road systems. Major vacant properties in this District include the active farm on the eastern fringe of the strip, a 10 acre commercial property (drive -in theater), and 15 acres of high density residential north of Franklin Trail. The vacant farm will be divided between low density residential and business/industrial use. The City is in the process of negotiating purchase of the land and intends to develop a business/industrial park south of C.R. 21. It is anticipated that the Prior South neighborhood will expand east around Blind Lake and consume the western half of the faint. A north south street is recommended to separate residential from proposed industrial uses. The City should review the merits of developing a street system which would provide a connection from C.R. 21 to to S.T.H. 13 and C.R. 23. The street system could potentially serve the southeastern comer of Prior Lake and part of Spring Lake Township. Blind Lake is a recreational development lake in the center of the residential area of this District. A neighborhood park and/or open space adjacent to the significant natural feature is a high priority. A second neighborhood park should be introduced north of Franklin Trail in the high density residential district. The pond adjacent to C.R. 21 east of the intersection of Franklin Trail should be retained as public open space. The land adjacent to the pond could be developed with park benches and be utilized as a resting area for users of the trail system The low density Prior South neighborhood is well buffered from commercial by a combination of medium and high density residential land uses. The only exception is southwest of the intersection, Brunswick Avenue and Franklin Trail. It would seem logical to continue the high density zone to Franklin Trail and not permit commercial traffic onto Brunswick Avenue. Approximately half of Prior Lake business zoning is located in this Planning District A major problem facing the businesses in this District is vehicular access and mobility between businesses. An earlier community vehicle traffic study revealed the need for a ring road collector system to tie the various businesses needs together in order to have continued business expansion. The first phase of the ring road was constructed in anticipation of a grocery store located behind Priordale Mall. The collector road system must have a sidewalk and bikeway. The current population of 1200 is likely to expand to 1800 when the neighborhood is fully developed. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES To establish a park and/or open space adjacent to Blind Lake and a rest area adjacent to the pond located south and east of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Franklin T aiL 2. To establish a neighborhood park north of Franklin Trail in the R -3 tesidential district 3. Designate the lot southwest of the intersection of Franklin Trail and Brunswick Avenue high density residential. 4. Continue to implement the ring road concept providing vehicular mobility within the commercial district rather than using S.T.H. 13 as a local street. 5. Ensure that neighborhood trail systems tie into the regional system adjacent to C.R. 21 and provide access to - ne Pond" athletic complex. 6. Implement the proposed businesslmdusttial park acquisition and development. El m EL TS " :i' `v r'v`rit� iricT riWfSUD Neighborhood Planning Distri This Planning District fronts along the northwest side of upper Prior Lake and is bordered on the north and east by County Roads 82 and 21 respectively. The western boundary includes a small portion of Spring Lake Regional Park, the western corporate limits of Prior Lake, and a combination of ridges and marshes that separate existing urban development from agricultural land to the west. The lands that form this District were acquired through mid 1970's annexation and consolidation processes involving parts of Spring Lake and Eagle Creek Townships. As such, much of the development within the Northwood neighborhood was subdivided and built according to the standards of a previous govemment. Many structures are grandfathered as legal -non conforming uses and are substandard in terms of their setbacks and sometimes use of the property. The inconsistency between the application of new standards, existing development patterns, and old plats will continue to make redevelopment efforts within this District a challenge. Although this District contains considerable lake frontage, there are no public access points to Prior Lake. A recent channel excavation of Crystal Cove, financed by a neighborhood association, will assure Lakeshore access for homes platted along the bay. Two neighborhood accesses are provided within Island View 5th Addition to serve that neighborhood. For this reason it is essential that public access be provided to Arctic Lake. The Parks and Open Space System indicates a trail system through the northwest part of this Planning District following steep slopes and the north shore of the lake. Island Yew Park is shown to be augmented with additional lands to the north, south and to be connected with the lake and provide better public access to the park. The park plan shows a generous amount of land surrounding the entire lake as public. It is not likely that this can be realized through the park dedication requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance. However, it is essential that there be significant public access to this lake. The access may take the form of a trail system surrounding the lake with a neighborhood or community park system along the east and north shores of the lake. There is a need to provide another neighborhood park in the southern portion of the Planning District to augment the services available in Island View Park. The marina and limited medium density townhomes, located on Grainwood Peninsula are an important feature within this District However, due to its location, the peninsula is for all practical purposes separate from the rest of the Island View/Northwood Planning District Development of the peninsula is discussed in derail under the Grainwood Crossings and Waterfront Passage concepts of the draft Comprehensive Plan. This Planning District has a- substantial expansion potential to the west which is limited only by the feasibility of extending urban services. The current population of 860 residents could easily double bringing the neighborhood to a total of 1700 when completely built If it expands westward to the County Park and northward to County Road 82, considerable neighborhood preplanning will be needed to assure that Island View Park has better public access and that neighborhood circulation patterns enhance the capacity of Northwood Road to handle through traffic. Northwood Road, Fremont Avenue and C.R. 82 serve as the transportation route through this Planning District All efforts should be made in the future improvement of Northwood Road to create a safe traffic route for the District A trail and sidewalk should be provided along the entire length of Northwood Road in addition to the City wide trail system that will link this District to Spring lake Regional Park and the Waterfront Passage area The City must carefully evaluate design options for Northwood Road in order to build a facility that enhances the neighborhood. Hundreds of homes have direct access to Northwood Road which is also the primary norWsouth connector street for the District Curvelinear street design enhanced by significant landscaping and neighborhood entry monuments should be considered with upgrade of Northwood Road to insure that traffic will respect the residential value of the adjacent neighborhoods. New development adjacent to C.R. 82 must be sensitive to the relationship of single family homes to the County Highway. As such, mitigative measures such as berms, dense landscaping, deep tots with greater setbacks should be objectives for any development project DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide internal sidewalks and trails to link neighborhoods of this District to Spring Lake Regional Park, C.R.82 and Waterfront Passage trail systems. 2. Provide public lake access in the form of park land and extensive trails around the perimeter of the lake located adjacent to Arctic Circle. 3. Augment island View Park through the addition of park lands when adjacent properties develop. 4. Provide a second neighborhood park in the southern portion of the District that is accessible to residents of Spring Lake/ Willows as well as Island View /Northwood residents. 5. Improve Northwood Road, being sensitive to design and neighborhood concerns. A sidewalk and bike path should be contacted along the entire length of Northwood Road to take advantage of lake views and close proximity of Prior Lake. 6. Insure that future development adjacent to C.R.82 incorporates mi a measures to decrease negative impacts of the County Road traffic on residential development within the District. ® ®W II �4 ��® ICI° - ilI a 4 -. ®�a�B $sa n� iRAINWOOD /NIARTINSON Nejgb borbood Planning Distri This relatively email planning area contains some of the oldest as well as some of the newest residential development in Prior Lake. Its boundaries on the east and south are the lake of Prior Lake whereas C.R. 21 provides its western limits. The north side is enclosed by a topographic break with ponding areas which follow Raspberry Woods Park This park is envisioned as one segment of a neighborhood [tail that will link all major public facilities on the north side of the lake. Raspberry Ridge Park on the other hand, incorporates some active recreation space including a softball field and recreation equipment with a ponding area and woodland adjoining Lord's Street. The last land to be developed will include subsequent phases of the Raspberry Ridge subdivision. The early plats were developed at densities substantially higher than contemporary development but their impact on neighborhood development is relatively minor due to the small land area involved_ When fully developed this Planning District will include fewer than 1000 inhabitants. Housing is generally in good condition but interior neighborhood traffic circulation is poor. To get from one part of the Planning District to another residents must use County Road 21. Access to the lake is confined to individual and association lots which front on the lake. This Planning District is rich in history being the site of the original Grainwood Hotel. The Wagon Bridge and rail road were predominant features within this District. As such, it is important that some recognition of this history be restored within the District, perhaps in the form of monuments, view platforms and other displays which educate citizens of the historical significance of this area to the community. This Planning District once contained a substantial segment of abandoned tail road right -of -way that had been identified as a public trail corridor within the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. Unfortunately, the rail right -of -way was never acquired by the City and has been subsequently sold to private, adjacent landowners. The corridor would have provided a much needed pedestrian circulation system within the District Future redevelopment efforts should be concentrated to improve pedestrian and vehicular traffic throughout the District. There are no park facilities within the Grainwood neighborhood therefore, it is paramount that a good link be provided to Waterfront PassageJGrainwood Crossings from this District The public park facility on the south shore accompanied by a public marina would greatly enhance the public facilities available to this part of the community. The possibilities for incorporation of significant historical features within this District are great and if done properly could greatly enhance the Spirit of Community and Sense of Place concepts that this Comprehensive Plan seeks to attain. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES The extension of Manimu Road to Beach Street should be reviewed to determine the merits of providing a lakeshore drive within the community. This would help accomplish public view and access opportunities for residents of Prior Lake. In addition, such a drive would enhance the "spirit of community" and "sense of place" characteristics that are a primary objective of this Comprehensive Plan. In the event that it is not possible to provide a lakeshore drive utilizing these roads, a primary objective of any future development along the North Shore should include the platting of other local roads in a manner that provides maximum view opportunities of the lake. 2. The City should study and develop a series of historical markers or features within this District to emphasize its rich heritage and incorporating elements of the Grainwood Hotel, Wagon Bridge and rail road that were predominant features of the communities past. 3. Future redevelopment efforts should be concentrated to improve internal pedestrian and vehicular circulation within the District. Aw I S lih .,; �,,7�rj TEEEERS Neighborhood Punning District This Planning District is situated at the southwest corner of the intersection of C.R. 42 and 21 and extends southward along the west side of C.R. 21, to C.R. 82. The northern portion has been discussed both formally and informally for several years in terms of combined recreational and low density residential use possibly with commercial services at the intersection in the northeastern corner. The site is important to the identity of Prior lake because of the wooded ridge line that crosses the area in a northwest southeast alignment. The ridge includes the highest elevations in combination with the steepest slopes in the community and must be preserved as a public open spate. The studies of this land area show that the site will be ffi extremely dicult to develop both because of the steep slopes and the ponding areas which also are Department of Natural Resources (DNR) protected lakes. The southern area has not been studied but is separated by similar topographic barriers from the land immediately to the west and is in close proximity to developing neighborhoods north of the lakes. The entire planning area needs some refined studies showing alternative layouts that may provide some insights as to the most efficient way to save the wooded ridge line. The land area totals 470 acres, but because of the natural features, it is unlikely that the neighborhood population will expand to approximately 2,000. DISTRICT OBJEt TTVES: 1. An entry feature to identify the northern limits of Waterfront Passage should be located in this District. The entry feature should be a duplicate of the monument to be located near the intersection of C.R. 21 and S.T.H. 13. At this point a bronze sail boat sculpture is proposed as a concept to identify this important passage through the community. 2. View corridors will be required adjacent to Waterfront Passage for public view of the protected lakes, steep slopes, wetlands and wooded areas that are the predominant natural features within this District 3. The objective of any future development shall be public access to the natural feartres in terms of parks, trails, view platforms and other recreational and open space features. 4. A public trail system is proposed adjacent to C.R. 21 and 42 and adjacent to the ridge line and ponding areas found within the Distrim 5. Minimal grading and tree removal will be allowed only if a developer demonstrates that the environmentally sensitive areas will not be altered in a manner that detracts or destroys the quality fearums of the District 6. T'he Prior Lake outlet channel traverses this District and shall be protected from erosion and encroachment of development. 7. Substantial public park facilities are planned for this District All development proposals will be closely scrutinized for compliance with the park and open space objectives of this Comprehensive Plan. 8. The proximity of residential development to C.R. 21 and 42 will need substantial buffers to protect the homes from negative traffic impacts. Adequate buffers shall consist of larger lot areas, setbacks, and open space separation in conjunction with landscaping and berms where appropriate. NMI" SHME — V C ff— Y .6 ®� ` 4 I ine Di The Pike Lake Planning District was brought into prominence by the Business/Office Park Study in 1990. It contains approximately 300 acres and is situated between Pike Lake Trail and Crest Avenue on the north side of C.R 42. The land is farmed and is currently enrolled in the Metropolitan Agricultural Preserve Program As indicated in the Business/Office Park Study, the area is readily accessible to sanitary sewer and water trunk lines. The north side water tower is south of C.R. 42 immediately east of the site and the Metropolitan Waste Control. Commission interceptor is adjacent to the west boundary. C.R. 42 is planned as a four lane arterial highway which will provide excellent access for industries locating here. The major draw back for this site is that it is not included within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) limits. The status of this property as an agricultural preserve will change with the adoption of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Once the plan indicates an industrial use, it will no longer qualify to be in the preserve, but the actual change will only take place eight years following adoption of the plan. The City or the property owner may, at any time, initiate the process to remove the land from agricultural preserve status. In the Business/Office Park study, the Pike Lake area was characterized as having development advantages because it is the most northerly and easterly of the areas in Prior Lake that were identified as being suitable for business development. City staff developed a schematic plan showing one possible layout for industrial development of the area However, complete topographic information will be required before this schematic plan can be refined. It is anticipated that medium density residential land use will be located on the north periphery of this Planning District and that a build out population of 800 persons is anticipated. This entire neighborhood is being added to the 2010 Urban Service Area primarily in response to the need for a business/office park reserve. The land is well suited for this purpose since it is vacant, under one ownership, with long range farming interests and with future convenient access to the metropolitan arterial road system. Its primary purpose is to provide a reserve for significant industrial business uses when the appropriate markets develop. Industrial development shall only be allowed through a planned industrial district incorporated in the Prior Lake Zoning Code. Sficant pressure from convenience related utseis' that are based on A D.T. (Average Daily Traffic) will come fro m improved regional access as a result of the C.R 18 bridge over the Minnesota River loth interim Prior Lake is proposing a 40 acre minimum lo[ size for the rural service area and all others with utilities To furtber prevent premature development of this neighborhood the Zoning will remain agricultural until the markets for an office/busiaess park are developed In addit ion, Prior Lake.will prohibit the introduction of new inarsectioas whether it be direct land access or public roadways The ease side of C R 18 is not located within the 2010 Urban Service Area The land has been divided into 10 acre parcels with di Iand access to each. No other driveways or wads, public or private, will be permitted until this area becomes par[ of a MUSA expansion approved by the Metropolitan Council DISTRICT OBJECTWES: 1. Medium density residential land is proposed for areas adjacent to Pike Lake and the northern corporate limits of Prior Lake. 2. 140 acres of the Planning District is intended to be eventually zoned for Planned Industrial use which would follow a development framework developed by the City of Prior Lake. 3. 35 acres of park land and open space are proposed adjacent to the east edge of Pike Lake and a wetland located in the central part of the District. 4. Until markets are developed for a business/office park, the zoning shall remain agricultural for this District. 5. Any development proposal should be oriented toward the community as well as to capture regional markets. Internal pedestrian systems that link to adjacent neighborhoods would be paramount for all development. 6. All future development shall be sensitive to the natural features within the District and provide public view or trail access when appropriate. 7. The drainage area to Pike Lake located along the western periphery of the District shall be protected from development encroachment and erosion. 8. Realignment of Pike Lake Trail to the east is proposed in order to provide public park land adjacent to Pike Lake. 9. Development proposals adjacent to C.R. 42 and 18 will need to incorporate appropriate buffets to protect the development from negative impacts of traffic on these thoroughfares. Buffers shall consist of approriate landscaping, berms and open space separation. 10. A community entry feature together with significant open space should be located near the intersection of C.R. 18 and the northern corporate limits of Prior Lake, to achieve a sense of entry into Prior Lake. 11. Prohibit the creation of all new intersections whether private or public, until the District is developed in accordance with a development framework approved by the City. The area must be brought into the MUSA as part of an approved expansion by the Metropolitan Council I i� „<,t RTH SHORE Neighborhood Planning Distri Situated southeast of the intersection of C.R. 21 and 42, this Planning District includes a proposed 20 acre planned Commercial Center at the corner separated from the proposed low and medium density residentir areas by a marsh currently used as a pasture. The undeveloped area within the Planning District consists of 650 acres. The east side was platted into a residential subdivision called North Shore Oaks which includes a neighborhood park and Lakeshore involving both a small lot subdivision platted many years ago and some extremely large lots. The only undivided lakeshore parcel is wooded pastureland, part of which, the City would like to acquire for park use. This area is the last largely undeveloped area adjoining the lake because approximately 200 acres of it is being farmed by an owner who has shown little interest in development. Except for the farm land, the extension of utilities to the area will bring about a rapid change in land use. A substantial portion of Prior Lake's population growth during the 1990's will occur in this Planning District. At the present time approximately 300 people live in this Planning District. When utilities are extended the area can easily accommodate 3,700 residents. The housing areas are likely to develop rapidly whereas the planned business center and proposed park may be unresolved issues for quite some time. Access to and from the neighborhood will be well served by the extension of Carriage Bill Parkway, Shore Trail and a proposed north south neighborhood collector in the alignment of Pike Lake Trail. Because this District is largely undeveloped, it provides the best opportunity to create well planned neighborhoods throughout the 1990's. The District is rich in environmental amenities and as such trail systems, park;, and open space will be the primary objective for development. There are two prominent view areas that must be incorporated into the open space system. The areas are located in the quarter /quarter section west of North Shore Oaks 6th Addition and along. the western periphery of Pike Lake Trail near its intersection with Carriage Mill Parkway. Wetlands, small ponds, part of the vacant lakeshore, steep slopes and woodland areas will be closely scrutinized for inclusion within the City's parks and recreation system. At a minimum, trail access must be provided within these amenities. Future development adjacent to Carriage Hill Parkway will not be provided with direct land access. Residential development next to Carriage Hill Road, CR. 21 and 42 will need to demonstrate adequate buffer areas consisting of large lot areas, setbacks and extensive berms and landscaping to provide adequate separation from the thoroughfares. This Planning District is planned to accommodate predominantly single family residential development with limited neighborhood and planned commercial areas. The City envisions a neighborhood commercial district consisting of five to ten acres to be located near the northeast corner of Carriage Hill Road and Pike Lake Trail. This commercial center will be integral to the adjacent neighborhood and must be pedestrian friendly and contain superior landscaping and access for residents. The center should be designed to encourage pedestrian access rather than sole orientation for automobile use. Much of the industrial zones indicated in the Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan are proposed to be rezoned to residential and with some limited commercial land use. It is anticipated that the existing C -1 Conservation Zone will be refined with the advent of future development. No medium or high density residential is proposed in the 2010 Land Use Plan however, limited potential exists for higher density development adjacent to commercial areas and along C R. 42. All medium or high density development would have to be constructed as a Planned Unit Development concept. DISTRICT OB.lECTIVES: 1. The introduction of a Planned Commercial Center is proposed near the intersection of C.R. 42 and 21. The center would consist of approximately 20 acres and be oriented toward adjacent neighborhood development and regional traffic utilizing the County Roads. 2. The wooded "Vierling" property located on the shore of Prior Lake shall provide a lakeshore public park facility and associated trail system to link the park with adjacent neighborhoods. 3. The extension of Carriage Hill Parkway and Shore Trail are expected to provide the major east/west traffic circulation for this District. Improvement of Shore Trail would provide the best opportunity for a Lakeshore Drive within the Community. However, topography and other constraints may prohibit this option. Roads should be designed, within this District, to take maximum advantage of unique views and vistas of the Lake. Pike Lake Trail and another north/south road extending from C.R. 42 to the Meadowlawn properties are anticipated to provide access to C.R. 42. 4. All future development will be carefully evaluated in tercets of providing neighborhood connections, good internal circulation and pedestrian/bike nails throughout the Dishier. 5. Prominent View Areas of Prior Lake shall be preserved and incorporated into the Open Space System. Public access to natural features will also be required throughout this District. 6. Future direct land access will be limited from lots to Carriage Hill Parkway. Furthermore, any development proposed adjacent to the County Roads or Carriage Hill Parkway will need to provide sufficient buffer areas. Design options for buffer areas may consist of larger lot sizes, greater setbacks from the roadway, berms, landscaping or other methods to adequately protect residential and commercial environments from traffic an the thoroughfares. 7. A neighborhood commercial center located adjacent to the intersection of Pike Lake Trail and Carriage Hill Road consisting of five or less acres may be accommodated provided superior neighborhood connections, building design and landscaping are developed. 8. The industrial zones proposed in the Year 2000 Comprehenave Plan should be rezoned to low density residential with limited neighborhood and .'fanned Commercial land use potential. The Lakefront Planning District is clustered around Lakefront Park and Town Center. It includes a major portion of the Town Center and is bordered on the southwest by C.R. 21, the southeast by S.T.H. 13 and the north by the lake of Prior Lake. Without using S.T.H. 13, the only way to get from one part of the neighborhood to the other is through the Park. One primary objective of all recent planning studies has been to take better advantage of the proximity of Lakefront Park to the Town Center. The City has created a tax increment district within the downtown and developed a land use plan which identifies the block by block transition from business and governmental uses to apartment construction and to single family lots. This 375 acre Planning District has been developed at a density averaging considerably less than 2 units per acre. Most of the available land has been developed except where slopes are steep and where storm water management ponds are indicated. Several of the residential plats have provided for "back lot" access to Prior Lake. The future of the Planting District is related to the Town Center /Government Center and how well it is linked to Lakefront Park and Waterfront Passage. A recent proposal provided for a nursing home facility which would have allowed residential densities of up to 50 units per acre adjoining the park and separating the business use from low density construction. Such a development would greatly increase the potential for additional business use investments in the Town Center. Great care will be exercised in preserving the value of nearby low density construction. While the current population approximates 973, residential construction downtown could contribute to a population of 1,200 people. The large lots if subdivided are likely to have little impact upon the overall neighborhood development pattern. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: 1. The City should continue to improve access to Lakefront Park to better integrate the park with adjacent neighborhoods, commercial centers, Town Center, Grainwood Crossings and Waterfront Passage. Trail systems linking all of these area are critical to improvement of circulation within the Planning District as well as success of the park and commercial areas. 2. The objective of all redevelopment efforts within this Planning District should be directed at providing better pedestrian links and improved traffic circulation. 3. The intersection of Ridgemont Avenue, Main Avenue and S.T.H. 13 is cumbersome. The City should study this intersection to determine whether design alternatives exist to provide better stacking capabilities. 4. Better transition must be provided to buffer residential areas from business districts. All transition areas should be screened and heavily landscaped. Parking lots within the Town Center should be improved, striped, landscaped, utilize parking stops and kept clean of debris. 5. Immediate recommended improvements to Waterfront Passage include removal of brush adjacent to the Pond located north of C.R. 21 and west of the Church property. This area is suitable for street furniture such as permanent benches. The pond should have a fountain installed with lights to accentuate the Waterfront Passage, improve aesthetics and provide aeration to the pond. i This Planning District is in the extreme north of the developed area of the City and is bordered on the north by C.R. 42, the south - east by Prior Lake and the west by North Shore Oaks Subdivision. The Planning District is largely developed with less than 40 of the 240 acres still vacant. Much of the development is recent involving the PUD known as Sand Point The PUD includes a community beach, a neighborhood park and a City water tower. ."he lots in this plat are somewhat smaller than a traditional low density neighborhood with a net density a f roximating 4.0 units per acre. Early development was characterized by lots platted along the lakefront leaving relatively large tracts which have no lake frontage. The PUD reversed this t rend, because the developer sold his lake frontage to the City and dedicated additional land for parks when the PUD was developed. The result is that everyone in this neighborhood has excellent access to the primary recreational lake resource of the City and the street systems is such that the developed beach area has become a major community facility. While earlier comprehensive plans have indicated some medium and high density development along C.R. 42, the demand for housing c:her than single family construction here has been generally weak. The remaining undeveloped pockets of land contain steep slopes and are relatively inaccessible, suggesting that the avers density of development for the neighborhood will likely average 2.0 units per acre. The 1000 residents may be Joined by an additional 200 people when the area is fully developed. Access to the neighborhood will be enhanced when North Shore Planning District is developed allowing the extension of Carriage Full Road and Shore Trail west to C.R. 21. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: 1. A trail system should be developed adjacent to C.R. 42 and the extension of Carriage Hill Parkway, to augment the existing trail system within the District 2. The City should continue to improve Sand Point Beach and Park through additional landscaping and recreational facilities. 3. Additional development adjacent to the weland located north of Conroy's Bay must be sensitive to the wetland environment A trail should be provided adjacent to the wetland at the time that Conroy Street is improved. The trail would substitute for public open space since no park facilities are available to this neighborhood. ,., ,, � �� y T � �� � � o � , `', ,� �,`, F�•� J C t ,i� • =£ I"ii_.-� _ '�' ®, y I q �' y ¢ � !1�. �} � ��p�Y �/9 1....11. t Nor The Frost(Eastwood Planning District is bounded on the west and north by the lake of Prior Lake and the southeast by S.T.H. 13. It is for all practical purposes completely developed with single family housing averaging somewhat less than two units per acre. The neighborhood is comprised of approximately 280 acres including 1,157 inhabitants. It is fairly typical of Prior Lake development in that the lake frontage is privately owned and few of the lots off the lake have any access to it. Public open space is available at Green Oaks and Fish Point Parks. While both are designed for neighborhood use, one offers a softball playing field and the other a natural environment for passive recreational use. Because of the lake configuration, it is impossible to get into the neighborhood other than from S.T.H 13. Links with other neighborhoods therefore are provided only by the lake and there is a strong lake orientation in spite of the limited +ucess to it. Fish Point Road and 150th Street together provide a loop street through this neighborhood which is the main link between residents and the rest of the community. A major problem for residents is the traffic on S.T.H. 13 which makes turning movements extremely difficult The area is a fully mature segment of the community and unlikely to change other than by the resubdivision of excessively large lots into two or more lots comparable in size with contemporary lots. The total build out population anticipated for this Planning District is 1,200 persons. DISTRICT' OBJECITVES: 1. A rail system should be installed utilizing Fairlawn Shores Trail and 150th Street to link neighborhoods with park facilities. 2. The City should evaluate alternatives to improve access to this Planning District from S.T.H. 13. � - �o � I The boundaries of this Planning District include Prior Lake on the west, C. R. 42 on the north, and S.T.A. 13 on both the east and southeast. Because of the bay configuration this Planning District is divided into two roughly equal segments. The north area includes a business center fronting on S.T.H. 13 which has office space and offers convenience goods for area residents. This center has been developed for several years but still contains available space for additional business activity. The business center is oriented totally toward capturing convenience traffic from S.T.H. 13 and C.R. 42. In order to strengthen the viability of the business node, it is critical that orientation be provided to adjacent neighborhoods. A pedestrian walkway should be introduced from the neighborhoods to access the business node. The north half of the neighborhood includes a fully platted residential area ranging from relatively small one floor "rambler" type construction to The Harbor, planned unit development, which contains substantial town houses. The south half of the Planning District is limited to single family housing and both sections were developed at densities averaging less than two units per acre. The Planning District includes approximately 850 people on 190 acres and is served by two small parks. Boudins Park is in the north half and includes a softball field plus some recreation equipment. The south half contains Oakland Beach Park which is largely wooded but also has recreation equipment for children. Access to and from the Planning District is limited to S.T.H. 13 and C. R. 42. Access between neighborhoods was poorly designed and is unlikely to be improved due to existing development patterns. DISTRICT OBJECTIVES: The City shall initiate contact with the electric utility located on C.R. 42 to request that measures be taken to provide screening and an adequate buffer for the adjacent business and residential areas. Screening materials could include such things as opaque fencing accompanied with dense landscaping. 2. Efforts must be made to orient the business center to the existing neighborhoods by provision of pedestrian and bike ways. This would provide opportunities for businesses to capture the residential market that exists in their "back yard.' 3. The City should acquire land near the intersection of S.T.H. 13 and C.R. 42 for the erection of a major community entry monument 4. Trails should be introduced in the Planning District to S.T.H. 13, C.R. 42 and to link the business center to neighborhoods and park facilities. 5. Continued enforcement of Flood Plain Ordinance regulations are paramount within this District due to the existence of several homes below the regulatory flood plain elevation of Prior Lake. 6. The City of Prior Lake should work with the City of Savage to plan roadway systems to provide for the logical extension of streets such as Commerce Avenue, to the east. ��.7 �,.. , PRI J fl \ S P A ��p A.ECO/ REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, September 16, 1993 6:30 p.m. 1. Call meeting to order. a) Review minutes of previous meeting. 6:30 p.m. 2. NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT MEETING City-wide conclusion 8:00 P.M. 3. VARIANCE - Andy Valdmanis 8:35 p.m. 4. VARIANCE - George Lambrou All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes earlier or later than the scheduled lime. 4629 Dakota St SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORNMfY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 2, 1993 The September 2, 1993, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Arnold, Greenfield, Loftus, and Secretary Rita Schewe. Commissioner Roseth arrived at 7:35 P.M. Director of Planning Horst Graser and Associate Planner Gina Mitchell arrived at 7:42 P.M. ITEM I REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY LOFTUS. SECOND BY GREENFIELD, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Greenfield, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. A recess was called at 7:32 P.M. and reconvened at 7:35 P.M., at which time the next agenda item was scheduled. ITEM H GERALD SONNFNBF.RC. - VARIANCE Gerald Sonnenberg -14870 Maple Trail, is requesting a 4 foot setback variance from the 50 foot setback from Highway 13 in order to construct a three- season porch over an existing deck. When the house was built in 1977, the setback requirement was 25 feet and the deck was legal when built. When the City changed the setback requirement to 50 feet in 1983, a variance is needed to do any alterations. As the Director of Planning Horst Graser and Associate Planner Gina Mitchell were not present, Chairman Arnold begin reading the Planning Report of September 2, 1993, until the arrival of Mr. Graser at 7:42 P.M. Mr. Glaser continued the presentation. The subject site is 88 X 135 feet and the deck has a legal non - conforming setback of 46 feet from the right -of -way line of State Trunk Highway 13. The proposed construction would not encroach further into the setback, would improve the appearance of the property, and will not affect the neighborhood The hardship is not the result of the applicant but in a code change by the City of Prior Lake. Recommendation by Staff is to approve the variance as requested Chairman Arnold read into the record the responses from the following: phone calls from Barb EOiou -6757 Rustic Road and Ron Noonan-14867 Maple Trail, in favor of the variance. A letter was received from Ron Evans -14888 Maple Trail, also suppporling the variance. Comments from the Commissioners were: on the structure already built, hardship is caused by change in code, and all were in consensus of approval. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY GREENFIELD, TO APPROVE A FOUR (4) FOOT SETBACK VARIANCE FROM THE FIFTY (50) FOOT SETBACK REQUIREMENT FROM STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE. RATIONALE BEING THE PLANNWG COM NUSSION September 1 1993 EXISTING DECK IS A LEGAL NON - CONFORMING STRUCTURE, THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WOULD NOT ENCROACH ANY FURTHER INTO THE CURRENT SETBACK, THE HARDSHIP WAS CAUSED BY A CHANGE IN THE CODE BY THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AND NOT THE APPLICANT, AND IT WOULD NOT BE DETRBNENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Greenfield, Roseth, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. A recess was called at 7:50 P.M. as the next sched tied item was for 8:00 P.M., at which time the meeting was reconvened. ITEM III -.JOHN BEAUPRE- VARIANCE John Beaupre-5504 Candy Cove Trail stated he has a purchase agreement on property located at 15271 Fairbanks Trail and as there is not a garage on the site now, is requesting a 5 foot variance in order to build. The sale is contingent on the approval of a variance. Horst Graser presented the information as per memo of September 2, 1993. The request is for a 5 foot west sideyard setback variance from the 10 foot sideyard setback requirement. Previous variances granted to the subject site were for a 5 foot east sideyard variance for a house addition in 1984 and a 5 foot east sideyard variance for a porch and deck in 1991. The subject site is flat near the building pad and slopes sharply down to the rear and is approximately 50 X 150 feet. There has been precedence set of variances granted in the neighborhood. The proposed construction goes beyond any previously established variance perimeters. The Planning Commission has never issued two 5 foot sideyard variances. The maximum sideyard variances have been 5 feet and 3 feet. The neighborhood is in a period of transition and development. Mr. Graser suggested a change in the garage design and a 3 foot variance be granted instead of the 5 foot as requested. John Beaupre stated the change suggested would not be practical or aesthetically pleasing to the existing construction. Comments from the Commissioners were: Commissioners Greenfield read the hardship findings into the record and with that interpretation, does not approve of the variance. Commissioners Roseth voiced concerns on starting a precedence if a double variance was granted for the property. Commissioner Loftus stated the lot is substandard, felt if a variance is granted it should be as the applicant requested, rather than reducing the request to 3 feet. Commissioner Arnold stated that granting a variance would set a precedence. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO DENY THE REQUESTED VARIANCE FOR 15271 FAIRBANKS TRAIL, CITING THAT THE APPLICANT HAS NOT PROVEN HARDSHIP FINDINGS 1 TO 4 AS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND THE APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL OF AN AESTHETICALLY PLEASING DESIGN IS NOT RECOGNIZED AS CRITERIA FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Roseth, and Amold. Nay by Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Variance was denied. ]ITEM IV - .TERRY YOUNG - VARIANCE Jerry Young -5465 Shore Trail, stated he wishes to construct a deck over an existing patio and is requesting a rear yard and east sideyard variance. PLANNING OObAIISSION Sepemba 2.1993 Page 2 Associate Planner Gina Mitchell, presented information as per planning report of September 2, 1993. The application as submitted was for a 20 X 12 foot deck over an existing patio. The variance requested is a 38 foot rearyard variance from the Shoreland District setback requirement and a 5 foot east sideyard variance from the 10 foot sideyard setback requirement. After review of the survey and existing conditions. Staff determined that a 10 X 20 deck is the maximum depth allowed in accordance with the variance notification. The subject site is 50 X 286 and is in a well established single family neighborhood that has been granted variances. The side and rear yard hardships are not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake, but the result of actions of a previous governing body. Comments from the DNR stated they are opposed to the variance and the utility shed located on the property by the lakeshore should be removed prior to construction. Comments from Ed McCorkel of 5475 Shore Trail were in support of the variance and a letter from Linda Weicher of 5455 Shore Trail also supported the request. A phone call from Jeannie Robbins was of the same opinion as the DNR in regards to removing the shed. Comments from the Commissioners were on: site line of deck, and the existing slab and shed should be removed. Mr. Young stated he plans to remove the slab but cannot do so because of the cost at this time and the utility shed is needed for their life style. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE A 38 FOOT REARYARD VARIANCE FROM THE 75 FOOT SHORELAND DISTRICT SETBACK REQUIREMENT AND 5 FOOT EAST SIDEYARD VARIANCE FROM THE 10 FOOT SIDEYARD REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT, CONTINGENT UPON THE REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING SLAB BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. RATIONAL BEING LITERAL ENFORCEMENT OF THE ORDINANCE WOULD BRING ABOUT A HARDSHIP, PRECEDENCE HAS BEEN SET, AND THE SUBJECT SITE WAS PLATTED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF A PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT. After discussion on the contingency, a friendly amendment was made as follows: THE SLAB SHALL BE REMOVED BY SEPTEMBER 1, 1994. This was agreeable with the applicant. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, Arnold, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. A brief recess was called at 9:00 P.M. and reconvened at 9:02 P.M. ]TEMV PUBLIC HEARING. THE WILDS PUD . REZONING The Public Hearing was called to order at 9:02 P.M. by Chairman Arnold. The public was in attendance and a sign -up sheet was circulated. Mr. Graser presented the information as per memorandum of September 2, 1993. The objective of this hearing is to consolidate the commercial district of The Wilds Planned Unit Development under one PUT: Zoning. Prior Lake Development L.P. has consented to the consolidation of the entire 580.4 acres under one PUD. Only under a PUD concept can a City deviate from standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Robert Hoffman, Counsel Consultant, suggested an amendment to the PUD section of the Zoning Ordinance. John O'Loughlin -2988 Valley View Road, Shakopee, MN - stated he is pleased with The Wilds development and what has been done. Discussion by the Commissioners followed on the issue and what procedure to follow on the resolution. PLANNING COM&USSION September 2,1993 PW3 MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY LOTUS, TO RESCIND RESOLUTION 93 -06PC THAT WAS APPROVED JULY 1, 1993. RATIONALE BEING DUE TO THE AMENDMENT VOTED ON TWO MEETINGS PAST WHICH CLARIFIED THE USE OF B -3 ZONING IN A PUD ZONE, THAT 93 -06PC SHOULD BE REPLACED WITH RESOLUTION 93 -12PC AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Loftus, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY LOFIVS, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 93 -12PC AS A REPLACEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 93 -06PC. RATIONALE BEING TO CONSOLIDATE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT UNDER ONE PUD. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Loftus, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Loftus, Arnold, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED, Public Hearing closed at 9:30 P.M. Associate Planner Gina Mitchell presented information on a policy that would give Staff clearer directions on enforcing Section 6 -4 -2. This policy would be used in the interim until a tree preservation ordinance is in place. A motion was formed to adopt the policy as stated and was withdrawn when the Commissioners indicated they wished to discuss the item further. MOTION BY ROSE TI, SEC( "TD BY GREENFIELD, TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING POLICY FOR CLARIFICATI(' OF SECTION 6-42: STAGE 81: SKETCH PLAN OR PRELIMINARY PLAT. A GENry -;L OVERVIEW/DESCRIPTION IN MAP AND WRITTEN NARRATIVE OF THE FOLLC)4* `ING: [A] SPECIES: [B) SIZE OF THE VEGETATION REGION(S): [C] DENSITY OF THE VEGETATION REGION(S). [D] GENERAL DIAMETERS AND SIZE RANGES OF THE VEGETATION. [E] HEALTH CONDITIONS OF THE VEGETATION. [F] AFTER REVIEW OF THE ABOVE (A -E), STAFF MAY REQUIRE A SURVEY WHERE DEEMED APPROPRIATE. Vote taken signed ayes by Roseth, Greenfield, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Commission Greenfield began a discussion on how to handle apparent violations that surface when applications are reviewed, and on conditions and contingencies placed on variances. Mc Graser suggested a workshop with the City Attorney could possibly be arranged in the future to clarify the Commissioners position and what legal procedures to follow. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Loftus, Arnold and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:06 P.M. Tapes of the meeting are on fide at City HAIL Horst W Graser Director of Planning Rita M. Schewe Recording Secretary K ANP`ING COMMISSION Se�,emrxr Z 1993 Page 4 O S' AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT. APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 3 VARIANCE ANDY AND BARBARA VALDMANIS 5405 SHORE TRAIL GINA MITCHELL YES -&NO SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 HISTORIMA .H -RO The Planning Department has received a variance application from Andy and Barbara Valdmanis regarding 5405 Shore Trail. The applicant was granted a 5' side yard variance in August of 1992, which has since expired. In order to construct the home and garage now, as proposed in the attached site plan, the following variances are requested: 1. 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' side yard setback requirement. 2. 5% impervious surface variance from the 30% impervious surface requirement of the Shoreland District. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: The 5' east side yard variance that has since expired, is the only variance proposal on record. PHYSIOGRAPHY The applicant's lot is approximately 280' long and 50' wide from north to south. The north property line is adjacent to Shore Trail, while the south property line abuts Prior Lake. The northern three - fourths of the lot is relatively flat. This area is followed by an extremely steep ridge. The remaining portion of the lot has a plateau with an old cabin on it. The majority of the vegetation on the lot is volunteer growth, and the ridge is the only portion of the lot that is heavily wooded. ADJACENT USES- The subject site is located within a subdivision which is experiencing the conversion of cabins to single family dwellings. The majority of these homes and cabins are built on long, narrow lots and are situated at various setbacks from all property lines. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPOKRWrY FWUNER EXISTING CONDITIONS: The attached survey indicates the locations and elevations of the proposed home and garage. The subject lot has an approximate area of 14,050 square feet, and the applicant proposes to cover approximately 4,935 square feet of the lot. The City uses the 30% impervious surface coverage ratio standard on lots that are 15,000 square feet, and the applicant's lot is very close to this lot size. Therefore, the acceptable impervious surface ratio has been exceeded by 5%. The home and attached garage, if built as proposed, would encroach the east property line by 5. Prior Lake's ordinances do not allow more than one principal structure on a lot. With the construction of the new house, the cabin in effect becomes an accessory structure which does not meet setbacks, and exceeds maximum size limits of a Water - Oriented Accessory structure. Since the nonconforming cabin is changing uses from a principal structure to an accessory structure, it must be removed. The applicant's survey has been revised since the previous variance was granted. The new survey has the home located 35' further fi-om the lakeshore, and it has added a 15' x 35' garage located in the north -west corner of the property. This garage is in addition to the garage that is proposed to be attached to the home. This garage has changed the impervious surface coverage of the lot. Refer to the survey that is attached for the size and location. The subject property is part of the North Shore Crest Subdivision which was platted in 1950 within Eagle Creek lbwnship. In 1973, the City of Prior Lake annexed this area. PRECEDENCE Staff researched the North Shore Crest Subdivision and found that 3 variance files exist for the 5 lots to the east and 5 lots to the west of the applicant'e property. The attached map indicates the lots which have received variances. Of these lots, two received variances to create 75' lots, and one received 5' side yard and 38' lakeshore variances. Ai TERNATIVES_ 1. Approve the application as submitted. 2. Approve the application as staff has recommended. 3. Table or continue the variance for specific reasons. 4. Deny the application based upon findings and facts relative to the hardship criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, inconsistency with precedent or, other purposes related to the Zoning Code. HARDSHIP CRITER[Ai 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3: The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance, and is not the result of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice, and is not contrary to the public interest. The former platting and zoning standards of Eagle Creek Rbwnship have created a lot that has a very narrow building envelope. The Planning Commission has frequently granted variances in the past for such narrow lots when the opportunity exists to build a single family home, and remove a cabin which is a legal, nonconforming structure. R_FCO AIENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative number 2 due to the fact that the applicant's request for a 5' east side yard variance has met the four hardship standards of the Zoning Ordinance, but has failed to demonstrate hardship regarding the 5% impervious surface coverage ratio variance. In the previous variance that has since expired, the Planning Commission approved a condition to that variance. The condition was that the cabin be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It would allow the applicant to remove the cabin during the winter by bringing the debris across the fiozen lake, instead of carrying the debris up the steep slope. Staff recommends that this also be a condition to this variance since the cabin bean%been removed yet. s� ma Add or 9f APP Applicant: 0 kS Address: Gyn)� gore Property Owner: Address: Type of Ownership: Fee --���r-��— Consultant/Contractor: �— PID# �p_o� - D FOR Work Phone: Contract Purchase Agreenent Existing Use �� 1 of Property: CGSIcu:'11T \;t Present Zoning: Legal Description of Variance site: rPS1616Y 1 LO� 3 lb loc. le a W044 S�,orC, Variance Requeste c•Ieas Side- v a VP;12noee 5 IMPk2Y(aus s LAP-Wi Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? — %e Yes --- Pb What was. regyested: c AP Describe the type of SUBMSSION REQUIRII�'NfS (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey indicating the proposed developmt in relation to property lines and/or ordinary- high -water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description b Property Identification Number (PID) . (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1•- 20 -50 showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED AND REVIENED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the of the P p this is correct. es addition, i have read Section 7.6 of the Prior e Z O which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree prov' inf on and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. T a uapwwac Submitted this _2 day of 92 1 F L 953 Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS M BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRBCPOR CONDITIONS• Signature of the Planning Director Date ©� PRIO\ \ "rN V F SO'( r 1 You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September 16- 1993 - at 8:00 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Andy Valdmanis of 5237 46th Avenue South, Minneapolis. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: 5405 Shore Trail, Lot 3, Block 2, North Shore Crest, Scott County, Minnesota The applicant proposes to construct a home and garage on his property. He was granted a 5' east side yard variance in August of 1942, which has since expired. In order to construct the home and garage now, the following variances are requested: a 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' side yard setback requirement, and a S% impervious surface variance from the 30% impervious surface requirement of the Shoreland Distrim If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: September 3,1993 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 M EQUAL OPPO(rrUMW DMaYFA c Iazc 12 . 4 L :I I a I {�T {, 13 5 y APPLICANT'S SITE 35 �- 14254 253 II 4 .6 y Z 7 1 7 1 VARIANCES GRANTED: %'A 75' LOT WIDTH 4 05 PARK .:: 5 ' SIDE YARD 10 33o. J$L ° � ............ 9 7 I .6LJ - T 10I 9. N cT ' l ;DD O IS 1 19 I13 12 I I . —_ Q A 4440 �µ190� 1934] = 16 wY4 144 2 144t d 1447 sRORE i-r 14341 ' 6TH N .� 6 7 1' tJ-4fi Wqd l3 N 3f 9 7 ' a 144 1450 v 1 - ADO g IB Z I ,J39o1 2 146 3 -- N I R 2 1w 535 N1 L R0. D AMP" _2 2 _ '_ 4 .1452 1 r • 5385 54 °; 1452o 9 1 C.% -LOT F says 5341 53i3 1 i1zh1,< AcersS o 5127 c 15291 51' 6 3 ~ J 1452 ._� o 5 M I 2 3 4 8 IJ53y4 1444 4 I q L, 7 I C 554 w i I O E _ 3 N O 531° 5�- 4 - .�� -� 4 TH H �SPB� 3 4 5 557 .53x = �'�– � t S , 5 f5 p 5 X51 I 1 6 2 S S30 AASO q1 I s F 35 5 5 5270 529 0 fill 4� 95 � ^.' I R . —_ 14 i 57L7 5Zl1 ? Igx7 5325 10 II 12 1253 3 ; „IN, 6 •. r "TN 4 10 N •/ 5 L Q PRIOR VALDMANIS VARIANCE 5405 SHORE TRAIL r or or mr °f " 4 III Ics"r 1'.. nl el a slIA11 r1,.peyo h"' wrtn .o"h'h . ch w n.rrsr mnn, utA n,r ` ,Nrvtwbr exn ins srnet. �., I k- r:_ `i7 PR� "o as' B 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET DmIIIYIluN Wt }. Block 2, MONTII SHINE CMT, Scott County, Miuneeola. Ala- snuvh•N th, location or the proposed I... ee staked Ulle l!htp dill of August. 19$3. Henchwrk Elevation: y}M.Sh top nut c( the hydrant at Swee lane b Shore Trsil. y }B.} houclen ealetL,G Ars ". elmutiw C94p.a) Imuctes proyceal risinhed Grwla ebvntiol.s .. Lmmt°n "loson,sl ,Il,...a luu a, I Isl,an• .hnh,u:^ a • I ,e I I I r or or mr °f " 4 III Ics"r 1'.. nl el a slIA11 r1,.peyo h"' wrtn .o"h'h . ch w n.rrsr mnn, utA n,r ` ,Nrvtwbr exn ins srnet. �., I k- r:_ `i7 PR� "o as' B 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET DmIIIYIluN Wt }. Block 2, MONTII SHINE CMT, Scott County, Miuneeola. Ala- snuvh•N th, location or the proposed I... ee staked Ulle l!htp dill of August. 19$3. Henchwrk Elevation: y}M.Sh top nut c( the hydrant at Swee lane b Shore Trsil. y }B.} houclen ealetL,G Ars ". elmutiw C94p.a) Imuctes proyceal risinhed Grwla ebvntiol.s .. Lmmt°n "loson,sl ,Il,...a luu a, I Isl,an• .hnh,u:^ n SURVEY PREPARED FOR N Valley Surveying CO., P. A. ANDY YA 3 EHA SUITE 120 -C , 16670 FRANKLIN TRAIL MPLS Mw 954N 2911 E MIfI 35417 FRANKLIN S PAPKWhT FRANKLIN TRAIL OFFICE CONDOMINIUM PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 TELEPHONE (612) 447 -2570 - - - -� TRAIL v `4 4 1992 VALDMANIS VARIANCE 0 30 60 � SCALE IN FEET o wnwn �,i� :w • orrov. �r mm Z - .sell.__ xu•!e'AS(Y ^' ... u. a.xx PRIOR LAKE EL. pl e 112 1 ee I M,17 pr11h IM 11N v,y w, �,�y 67.• a,. �Yw Ye w.<r,•..I,an W ror IsnF MFYMW IN !•wJ�„WY• �•.Y rY r ar, a e e uaw, rro. rou! FILE ft 711! peK lee WE !6 ,.<Y, !. o0 - uvwmr— S P I 1 p 11 • I 1 t Y Is Oi l 5 A . j .,. .... e 0 • s�r� / e _1! v `4 4 1992 VALDMANIS VARIANCE 0 30 60 � SCALE IN FEET o wnwn �,i� :w • orrov. �r mm Z - .sell.__ xu•!e'AS(Y ^' ... u. a.xx PRIOR LAKE EL. pl e 112 1 ee I M,17 pr11h IM 11N v,y w, �,�y 67.• a,. �Yw Ye w.<r,•..I,an W ror IsnF MFYMW IN !•wJ�„WY• �•.Y rY r ar, a e e uaw, rro. rou! FILE ft 711! peK lee WE !6 PRI J UU X q A y AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT. SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PUBLIC BEARING: DATE: 4 VARIANCE GEORGE AND DONNA LAMBROU 3124 FAIRVIEW ROAD GINA MITCHELL _'YES J NO SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The Planning Department has received a variance application from George and Donna Lambrou of 3124 Fairview Road. The applicant proposes to construct a 24' a 26' attached garage, per the attached site plan The following variances are requested in order to construct the improvements as proposed. 1. 31.5' setback variance from the 85' County Road setback requirement. 2. 9' front yard variance from the 25' front yard setback requirement. 3. 4' East side yard variance from the 10' side yard setback requirement. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: There are no previous proposals on file for the subject site. PHYSIOGRAPHY The lot slopes from the southwest to the northeast. The surface water that runs off of the home flows around both sides of the house into Spring Lake. The elevation of the proposed garage and driveway will be approximately five feet higher than the existing home's elevation. The front yard surface water of the adjacent properties drains to the west onto Fairview Road, and then onto Sunset Trail. ADJACENT USES: The subject site is located within a subdivision which is experiencing the conversion of cabins to single family dwellings. Fairview Road is a private, unimproved road with many structures built near the road, thus not meeting current setback requirements. County Road 81 runs parallel to Fairview Road and provides access at two intersections. One of those intersections is abutting the applicant's property. EXISTING CONDITIONS The attached survey indicates the locations and elevations of the existing home and the proposed garage. The subject site measures 40' wide along the lakeshore, 60' 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPOKrUNnY QAPIOYER wide along Fairview Road, and roughly 170' long on the east and west property lines. The approximate area of the lot is 8,500 square feet. The existing home was built 6.5' from the east property line, and the proposed garage will follow this encroachment on the side yard. There is no record of what year the home was built, however, staff speculates that the structure was built under Spring Lake Township jurisdiction and later annexed into the City of Prior Lake. PRECEDEN Staff researched the Fairview Beach Subdivision and found that there have been many variances granted. The attached map indicates the lots which have received variances. The range of the variances that were found are: Front Yards 1'- 17' Side Yards 2'- 7.2' Lakeshore 2'- 20' Impervious Surface 10% Ar. .R'1�' , NATIVES• 1. Approve the application as submitted. 2. Table or continue the variance for specific reasons. 3. Deny the application based upon findings and facts relative to the hardship criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, inconsistency with precedent or, other purposes related to the Zoning Code. HARDSHIP CRMRI 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This property was platted and developed in Spring Lake lbwnship prior to annexation into the City of Prior Lake resulting in a legal nonconforming structure. The applicant does not propose to encroach any closer to the east property line, but to extend an existing wall. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Rationale for granting the variance is that the area where the garage is positioned is the only logical location for it. The character of the neighborhood would be intact by keeping it consistent to the location of adjacent property owners' garages. This location also offers the longest and safest driveway position, with the highest elevation that is available to the lot. This elevation is important with respect to the garage's effect on the property s drainage patterns. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of persons presently having an interest in the property. The side and front yard hardships are not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake, but the result of the former platting and zoning standards of Spring Lake Township. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice, and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed improvements observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance by allowing the applicant to construct a garage where none currently exists. The Planning Commission has considered the lack of a garage on the property a hardship in other similar cases. RECOBEWENDATION• Staff recommends Alternative number 1 due to the fact that the applicant's request for a 24' z 26' garage has met the criteria for the four hardship standards of the Zoning Ordinance. I;1��l�LIUIs :j F AUG 3 1 193 "I F M _z LAKE 15'- 132 -0! 2 —O ON FO.- VARIANCE Applicant: Race Phone: '14f0:/Tr Address: s r P Work Phone: 714 -Y-,9 Property Owner: Bane Phone: -J /S6 Address SJ a 7 i Work Phone: 726 s aes Type of ownership: Fee__X Contract Purchase Agreement Consultant /Contractor: P hone: Existing Use of Property: R GS; de.. 7 1k.,./ Present Zoning: R I ; SM p Legal Description of Variance Site: /.f vi e w B._ A . Variance Requeste SG s;de v2.f3 0., 3.5 f uta,,;&. a ~ 6 R./ 81 Has the applicant previously sought to plat, re Dne, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of i:> Yes ---'�— What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe the type of improvements proposed: Aoki C r &„I Gn.. ,g SUMSSION REO[II 475 (A)Cempl.eted application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey indicating the proposed development in relation to property liras arWor ordinary - high - water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description S Property Identification Number (PID) . (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 20 -50 showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCE TED AND REVIEWED BY THE' :PLANNLNG C30USSION. Tb the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirenents for variance procedures. I agree to provide informatio d follow the procedures as outlined in the Ord SUtanitted this day of 9 W io6tgr Signature wee RA099 Signature �.0 Tara &'b 0I V, 442 AA i Zr;i/ Q • •al - }r l,A No bi PR ?�\ U � � I$ P .I�r,..N V. S�l� .V=PW Qla 1 Ca 7 1. a . I D Ili 10 1 You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September 16.1993 at 8.35 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: To consider a variance application for George Lambrou of 3124 Fairview Road. 3124 Fairview Road, Lot 18, Fairview Beach, Scott County, Minnesota The applicant proposes to construct a 24' by 26' attached garage on the southeastern front yard, adjacent to County Road 81 (Sunset Trail) and Fairview Road. In order to construct the garage, the following variances are requested: a 31.5' setback variance from the 85' County Road setback requirement, a 9' front yard setback variance from the 25' setback requirement, and a 4' east side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: September 9,1993 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior take, Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447-0245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNMY EMPLOYER /F PRfO\ L 1 1 :i 1 You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September 16 1993 at 7.35 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for George Lambrou of 3124 Fairview Road. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: 3124 Fairview Road, Lot 18, Fairview Beach, Scott County, Minnesota The applicant proposes to construct a 24' by 26' attached garage on the southeastern front yard, adjacent to County Road 81 (Sunset Trail) and Fairview Road. In order to construct the gauge, the following variances are requested: a 31.5' setback variance from the 85' County Road setback requirement, a 9' front yard setback variance from the 25' setback requirement, and a 4' east side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: September 2,1993 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL orPORrUNrrY EMPUNER JO SPRING LAVA Me. 10 2� 5 1, IZ 1224 3z 7 W a 6 6 z It 4 3 2. PARK 22 21 20 A 6 7 38 bf* 37 36 .5 10 c A 35 11 34 T'b 33 VARIANCE'S 96cFiVe7p: 30 -JIM- 29 M 2 FRONT yAp Kati^ 27 28 26 E3 a S I DE YAIZO 24 b M SlU FRONT IMPE SMACi 23 'b YARD S IDE ? FRON 22 1 +/ ©= I-A9fSi4op ?,51pE YA RD pp SqMCT P40PERTY LAMBROU VARIANCE SURVEY PREP/Irrn rs GEORGE LAMBROU S 1 Surveying Co., FA. KU1rf POd , 16670 FRANKLIN TRA0. 3124 F AIRVI EW ROAD 'W PRANK LAN FRAIL OFFICE r..O70NNM LAKE PRIOR LAKE, MN. 65312 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESO7 TFLFrvh7NC (612) 44) -- 553 u632570 C KE S FRtNG ,r° b , ' 0181 . . / /�. / / ,•do- \ y - C, I P` � s ad ���, !; � I ° use 4ere, /bra" t� lb f so J`rc'N AOr / Ilk;� i bi: — tl'Rph: ; 14t vI, [al4VlEe 116131. Ine.t Cmmty, nlmmnote. Eleo ehonmg the location or / the rmj V.e, v. -a,. ,. ::b•. �'1 thin 3Uth day Of duly. 1993- 1190W genchnerk g1•rvation: 950.10 the first rloor elevation of the eetating houhr oh the lot. I 93 tenets:: e grade elevation I I N �i I , U.,mLC »: yrc�o:;nd finished 5rede elevetlona u h tv :: rxtl dieectlon or finished drainage :e 1. r: slat at alavatlon 942.02 11, Rust tlmr in at elevetied 936.70 Ito L.1—t :Iona elevetlon is at 920.87 I,t lot ar..r 0,176 square feet 'rnb.l 1.t c.— .nr. „Ul • 14, f elth nee garage q 30 60 Sr_dLE in FEET N de„e rte and x.10 ay L—nee n , n 10,83 LANIBROU VARIANCE I e n,, [MR[ see yes NME wr Yr Ise - NIsea.0 n Fen xoY,+wn eY ess Ies Yr 11r «N4 tA Yne he b•.�r M lie . M Y IveeM1. a NO, 10,81 ` FILE xn _. 1H� sm. SCOTT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 600 COUNTRY TRAIL EAST JORDAN, MN 55352 -9339 (612) 496 -8346 FAX (612) 496 -8365 BRADLEY J. LARSON Highway Engineer DANIEL M. JOBE Asst. Highway Engineer - Design DON D. PAULSON Asst. Highway Engineer - Construction MEMORANDUM DATE: Saptember 10, 1993 TO: Horst Graser, Prior Lake City Planner FROM: Brad Larson, Highway Engineer SUBJECT: Variance Request George Lambrou CR 81 (3124 Fairview Road) We have reviewed the above referenced Variance Request of 31.5 feet from the required 85 foot County road setback and note the following: • Other existing buildings along this stretch of CR 81 are at or closer to the roadway than the proposed request. • Owner should be aware that any upgrade of the roadway may impact the property up to the proposed garage. • This segment of CR 81 is noted in the Scott County Transportation Plan as a potential turnback to the City of Prior Lake. Therefore, the Scott County Highway Department does not object to the proposed request, but would defer its position on this request to be the same as the City's position due to the future potential jurisdiction of CR 81 being assumed by Prior Lake. If you have any questions, please call. BJL/kmg An Equal Opportmuty/A/jirmnttue Action Employer