HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 06 1991 Planning Commission agenda packetJUNE ®F PRIG ���y "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" Z;V A \ /4 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA JUNE 6, 1991 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:30 P.M. VARIANCE GREG SCHRADER * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 An Equal Opportunity /Affi wtiue Action Employer /� PRIO R J O Z PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" Pi PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 16, 1991 The Max 16, 1991, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Arnold, Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Associate Planner Terrie Sandbeck and Secretary Rita Schewe. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Arnold, Wells, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - DEAN OLSON - VARIANCE Dean Olson, 6412 Conroy Street, stated that due to the unsafe and Poor condition of the existing deck he would like to replace and enlarge the deck, and screen the walk out porch under the deck at the time of construction. He is requesting a 48 foot lakeshore variance and a 5 percent lot coverage variance for this project. Deb Garross presented the information as per memo of May 16, 1991. The property in question is a substandard lot and the construction planned would not be out of character with the neighborhood. The home was built under the jurisdiction of Credit River Township and has a legal non - conforming status. The hardship is not caused by the applicant or the City of Prior Lake. The deck and porch are not of excessive size and will {provide the applicants the opportunity to enjoy lakeshore living in a similar manner as other property owners. A letter from DNR was received to approve the variances as requested. The recommendation from Staff is to approve the variances subject to the condition that appropriate erosion control as required by Staff be implemented. Comments from the Commissioners were all concurred with Staff's recommendation. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /AJJimwtlue Action Employer PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 16, 1991 PAGE 2 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE THE 48 FOOT LAKESHORE VARIANCE AND 5 PERCENT LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR 6412 CONROY STREET, RATIONAL BEING THAT THE PROPERTY IS A SUBSTANDARD LOT, THE HOME WAS BUILT UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF A PREVIOUS GOVERNING BODY AND IS A LEGAL NON - CONFORMING USE. A SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY INDICATED THAT STRUCTURES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PROPOSED SITE ARE LOCATED CLOSER TO THE 904 THAN THE PROPOSED DECK ADDITION. THE VARIANCES WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY AND ARE WITHIN PAST VARIANCES GRANTED. EROSION CONTROL AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF BE IMPLEMENTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, W -ells, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM III - EVANS WHITING - VARIANCE Evans Whiting, 14897 Manitou Road, stated he is requesting a 66 foot lakeshore variance to construct a 16 X 7 foot storage shed for storing sailboards. Mr. Whiting presented pictures of his property showing the steep slopes and grade making it difficult to carry the sailboards to his home for storage. He also pointed out several items he felt were pertinent to his situation. Terris Sandbeck presented the information a per memo of May 16, 1991. The lot in question is approximately 27,600 square feet and has a steep slope covered with trees and vegetation. The adjacent lots have accessory structures that may have been constructed before annexation for the area or under the Policy Statement on Storage Sheds on Lake Lots which is no longer in effect due to the adoption of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83 -6. This Ordinance does not permit accessory structures on residential lots unless they conform to setback requirements and are no longer permitted as conditional uses. A letter from the DNR was received opposing the structure at the location requested but would consider the structure if built 50 feet from the 904 countour. Staff is concerned that granting a variance of an extreme nature could be construed as establishing a precedent without the guidance of appropriate zoning ordinance standards and it would be difficult to deny future lakeshore variances. The Planning Commission may wish to consider review of an amendment to the Shoreland Management Ordinance to establish standards for this type of structure. Discussion by the Commissioners and Staff followed on; establishing a policy, hardship, ordinance not in effect at present time, recommend forwarding to City Council for consideration, no objection to type of structure, language in 1979 Policy statement, floodplain construction, and consider tabling item. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 16, 1991 PAGE 2 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO TABLE THE VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR 14897 MANITOU ROAD FOR A 66 FOOT LAKESHORE SETBACK UNTIL THE CITY COUNCIL HAS HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW THE SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE AND POLICY STATEMENT DATED JUNE 27, 1979, IN REGARD TO ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND THE POINT OF DECISION IS THE TIME CERTAIN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY WELLS, TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL REVIEW THE APPLICATION AND A POSSIBLE AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCORPORATE THE JUNE 27, 1979, POLICY STATEMENT ON STORAGE SHEDS ON LAKE LOTS AND FOR THE DNR STANDARDS FOR WATER ORIENTED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. THE ITEM SHOULD BE REVIEWED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Arnold, Loftus, and Kedrowski. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY WELLS, TO EXTEND BEST WISHES AND CONGRATULATIONS TO TERRIE SANDBECK ON ACCEPTING THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT PLANNER WITH THE CITY OF SHAKOPEE. Vote signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Arnold, Loftus, and Kedrowski. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Loftus, Kedrowski, Arnold, and Wells. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M. Tapes of meeting on file at City Hall. Deb Garross Rita M. Schewe Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary P R �O\ U X r/ .ti. ^ Eli`% "VA09PC" SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" PLANNING REPORT VARIANCE GREG SCHRADER 5308 CANDY COVE TRAIL DEB GARROSS, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER YES X NO JUNE 6, 1991 HISTORY /BACKGROUND TAP, nn ing Department has received a variance application from Greg Schrader of 5308 Candy Cove Trail. Mr. Schrader proposes to remove an existing 15 x 22 foot single car garage and replace the structure with a 24 x 24 foot detached, double garage. The applicant requests the Planning Commission to grant a 23 foot front yard variance and an 8.5 foot side yard variance in order to construct the garage as per attached survey. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: P anning Department records indicate that the structure was built in 1964 however, there are no permit or variance records on file for the subject site. PHYSIOGRAPHY: The a very small lakeshore lot consisting of approximately 6,100 square feet. There is a retaining wall that separates the subject site from the property immediately to the northeast. The lot is relatively flat, then slopes toward the lake on the northwesterly part of the home. There are no trees or vegetation other than lawn that will be affected by the proposed addition. ADJACENT USES: T e a 7acen properties are developed with single family homes. The subject site and lot to the northeast contain garages located within five feet of the front property lines. The homes in the immediate neighborhood appear to have been built more recently and maintain a much greater setback from the front property lines than that of the subject site. The roof overhang from the adjacent garage is located approximately four feet from the Schrader 's existing garage. The close proximity of the two garages combined with the grade level difference between the properties creates a very crowded appearance. The planter that separates the garages is located partially within the right -of way of Candy Cove Trail. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 424 An Equal Opportunily/Aff nnatiue Action Employrr DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY: The lot consists of approximately 6,100 square feet and is 50 feet wide. The property is zoned R -1 Urban Residential and is located within the S -D Shoreland District. The required setbacks are 25 feet measured from the front property line and 30 feet measured from the side yard property line. The maximum lot coverage allowed is 308 percent. The proposed addition would amount to 238 percent coverage which is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Code. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: This lot is unique in that Candy Cove Trail was not constructed to be centered within the right -of -way. Instead, the paved road is located in the southerly part of the right -of -way and is located approximately 34 feet from the existing garage. There is no area available on the proposed lot where a garage could be built compliant with zoning standards. The majority of the existing driveway and parking area for vehicles is located on public right -of -way. DISCUSSION• TTfi o�nd presumably the garage were built in the early 1960's under the jurisdiction of Eagle Creek Township. The garage is located at a legal non - conforming setback from the front and side property lines. The Zoning Code seeks compliance when legal non - conforming uses are removed or destroyed, in that new structures must meet current setback standards. When setback standards are applied to this substandard lot, there is no building envelope for a single family home. Staff believes that hardship exists in this case to warrant some degree of variance for a garage addition. However, since the applicant plans to remove the entire existing garage, it is the opinion of staff that the new structure should be placed in a location that meets setback standards as much as possible. The garage cannot be moved much closer to the existing home due to building separation requirements of the Uniform Building Code. In addition, the applicant would like to utilize the existing concrete slab. Staff believes that the garage should be located at least five feet from the northeasterly property line to provide some separation and fire protection for the garage on the adjacent property. The Planning Commission has enforced a minimum five foot setback for all new construction on substandard lots. RECOMMENDATION The recommendation from staff is to approve a five foot side yard variance and 23 foot front yard variance. This would allow the applicant to have a garage and maintain a degree of building separation that the Zoning Ordinance is designed to achieve. Staff believes that the hardship in this case is due to the substandard lot size and development practices of a former government and is not the result of actions of the applicant or the City of Prior Lake. W/ - OT PIDt ,PLS -Yid o7i - CITY OF PRIOR LORE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Applicant: ,', Hone Phone: W7 5;5 Address- 1530 CA:vo/i CavE r)e Pbrk Phone: /-75e -S'VBV Property Owner: •SA Hone Phone: i , - - lr -., / -'-- , Address: Phone• Type of Ownership: Fe Contract rchase reenent Consultant /Contractor: 3 4,4 P ne: Existing Use Present Zoning: Od of Property: Proposed Use pF S�Oc'wCE— of Property: J Legal Description of Variance Site: LeT 3 SECrieni 36 . ree, sll -ice /V S, F GA �� Ca6fr Variance Requested: 1' c SwE iw d Fr `01 -Ir U iA>vcE Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use parmit on the subject site or any part of it? _Yes No What was requested- When: Disposition: Describe (A tompleted application form. k"Filing fie C Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of pro rty owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (}Complete legal description 6 Property Identi,Jication Number (PID) . (E)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. F)A parcel map at 1 "- 20' -50' showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEB)ED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. rk r) cants Signature Submitted this day of 1g Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIREC'POR PLANNING COMMISSION _ APPROVED _ DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPEAL APPROVED _ DENIED DATE OF HEARING '} Signature of the Planning Director Date i ,ti c I RIANCE SITE ILL mr•wea�o- I:. i PRIOR LAKE ! SUBJECT SITE I B 9 9 ) EN 182)35 137584 9Q 01 ` I umea e s ` sa.a h G. ALGNEH riB�' ' 20 of p0 (6 N / 4 i 200' e 0 .I 1 U 1 a is 17 1 a l9 l N � J IO ?0 IO 2 t 6 II( CANDY COVE v � y1t�' al T'YI a 6 L 5 Iv Syw C- nEi. w x comas. LV ^2 ✓" 2' Fl .v'r VI /� ✓� 5[ /cc: zv fT i✓ N F' lyrF� q- YTS !. ARSY A/�R' C.rIA.Cr LCL! J. '"c i' «1eFi� fA/ ✓< ww�- r....< Ci �...� EfLw6E f04A.<Mf/ N. I � r •a� 3 Ile ezroae.+ u/weF wrr�,i .�, i ,✓ �./cc 6.rEwrcy <w /Li K' ra+^E .�r..,..,.w - .., o r. -- a. <.Rr V� i A,.s .xx rys ✓-wee -+-� w </< ✓ «y 2Y . <e.•y,r. rSai' N VWO. / � FF�J > ^• iO j LV ^2 ✓" 2' Fl .v'r VI /� ✓� 5[ /cc: zv fT i✓ N F' lyrF� q- YTS .I l I ij ih I'j II Iil 1 {I I 4t1 .I JI'�I�ii i Ti­ Ilii l r� j1j III 4�I1 I lli 11 T IjII I Ili 1' it i }t !Lr j IF I lil !j Ii Illy II'I , ' t� II �Il �� i ,` til r, l t I I,a r l'I , i ,, j . 1 Tu: ilf }r i f u tT t i- Ll i City Property Information System City of Prior Lake, MN Parcel Status Run at 10:35 AM on 05/20/91 Property Identification Number: 259360710 Previous PIN: 259360710 Street Address: City, State Zip: Fire Code: Occupant: Code: Est. Area: Number of Units: Tax Capacity Va Market Value: Year Built: 5308 CANDY COVE PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 000000 N 6,098 1 lue: $20,048 $71,600 1964 Land Use: 204 Zoning: R1SD Storm Sewer District: 0000 Election District: 1 School District: 719 Park Dedication Fee: $0 TRL PAGE 1 Actual Use: SF Census: 809.02- 4 Flood District: NO TIF District: Park Dedication Sq Ft: 0 City Property Information System City of Prior Lake, MN Legal Description Report Run at 4:02 PM on 05/07/91 PIN SQ Legal Description --------- -- ----------------------------- 259360710 01 36 115 22 .14 BEG SW COR LOT 1 CANDY COVE, S 50' SW 50', TO PT OF BEG, NW 112.2' 02 SW 50', SE 135.2', PAGE PRir�k HERITAGE COMMUNITY 4"IJ.'W i � 1891 1991 zny> "VA09PN NOTICE OF HEARING FOR FRONT AND SIDE YARD VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1991 at 7:30 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Mr. Greg Schrader. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: 5308 Candy Cove Trail. REQUESTED ACT ?.ON: Mr. Schrader proposes to remove an existing 15 x 22 foot garage and rebuild a 24 x 24 foot detached garage in its place. See attached survey for reference. The required side yard setback is 10 feet. The required front yard setback is 25 feet. The applicant proposes to locate the garage 1.5 feet from the easterly property line which would require an 8.5 foot side yard variance. The applicant proposes to locate the garage 2 feet from the southerly property line which would require a 23 foot front yard variance. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: May 29, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 r "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA JUNE 20, 1991 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING * 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING JOSEPH MAHONEY MIKE GILES COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REZONING PRELIMINARY PLAT WOOD RIDGE ESTATES FIRST ADDITION VARIANCE 9:00 P.M. HEARING (CONTINUED) VARIANCE GREG SCHRADER * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 5629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fa\ 16121 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer �F PRIO �I y "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 6, 1991 The June 6, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Arnold, Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, and Secretary Rita Schewe. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Arnold, Wells, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - GREG SCHRADER - VARIANCE Greg Schrader, 5308 Candy Cove Trail, stated he is requesting a 23 foot front yard variance and a 8.5 foot side yard variance to construct a 24 X 24 foot detached double garage. He purposes to remove the existing garage and utilize the foundation to lessen the cost of construction. He also stated there were underground utility lines in front of the existing garage. Deb Garross presented the information as per memo of June 6, 1991. The lot is a substandard lot and was built under another government jurisdiction. The garage is located at a legal non - conforming setback from the front and side property. The Zoning Code requires compliance when legal non - conforming uses are removed or destroyed, in that new structures must meet current setback standards. Fire safety is a concern also. Statistics were presented showing that since 1983, 250 variances have been granted. Of those, the ones pertaining to side yard variances, there have been twelve granted that are greater than 5 feet. Normally the Planning Commission does not grant beyond 50% of the required setback or the 5 foot variance. In eleven of the twelve, the variance greater than 5 feet was due to the existence of a legal non - conforming structure. A precedent could be set if this variance as requested is granted. Staff recommendation is to approve the 23 foot front yard variance and a 5 foot side yard variance. This would allow the applicant to have a garage and maintain a degree of building separation that the Zoning ordinance is designed to achieve. The hardship in this case is due to the substandard lot and development practices of a former government and is not the result of actions of the applicant or the City of Prior Lake. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE 2 A phone call was received from Ray Lenling, 5298 Candy Cove Trail stating he is in favor of the variance. Comments from the Commissioners were; extending the existing garage, service line locations, drainage, topography, sever garage in half and rebuild center, 50% of structure must remain standing to maintain legal non - conforming status, and precedent set if approved as presented. Consensus was to table the application. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, TO TABLE THE VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR 5308 CANDY COVE TRAIL UNTIL APPLICANT CAN INVESTIGATE OTHER OPTIONS. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Arnold and Loftus. MOTION CARRIE$D. Discussion followed on an alternate date for the July 4th meeting. It is tentatively set for July 11th. A date for a walking tour of the Mahoney /Giles annexation site was set for June 19, 1991, at 6:30 P.M. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, TO ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Loftus, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Deb Garross Rita M. Schewe Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary i _2 /,� i s •.* z s � �q - . L GREG cIA `9CE SITE �t ' X r WOOD 1 E FIRST AD4t1.; i INIO M IAI[E rl 1 COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT REZONING r o /• -r- - - y '.PRO SED` SUBDIVISION VARIANCE dw � i P R 'CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" C %I T t ai v o ra t` "WDRIDG" MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: HORST GRASER RE: WOOD RIDGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; REZONING; PRELIMINARY PLAT; AND VARIANCE DATE: JUNE 20, 1991 INTRODUCTION• The applicants, Mike Giles and Joe Mahoney, contract purchasers of about 70 acres of land recently annexed to the City, have requested necessary approvals, amendments, and permits for Wood Ridge Estates. The subject site has been the focus of rigorous annexation hearings over the course of the last year. During this period, both the Planning Commission and Council became somewhat familiar with the site, its constraints and the developers conceptual development plan. The annexation became official May 14, 1991. The developers are actively seeking all necessary approvals to permit the installation of the first phase of improvements before winter. To expedite the matter Staff has scheduled all public hearings to be held contemporaneously since the issues are interelated. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: The requested action by the developers is to amend the 1981 Comprehensive Plan by expanding the urban service area to include the subject site. Prior Lake is close to completing its comprehensive plan rewrite. One of the major components of the plan is to establish the year 2010 urban service area. In anticipation of the annexation earlier this year, Staff has already included the subject parcel in the proposed 2010 urban service area (see attached map; re: proposed urban service area). Prior Lake's current urban service area totals 4,273 acres, the majority of which lies between the lake and County Road 42. Development in this area has been slow to occur perhaps due to the large size of the available parcels and the unwillingness of property owners to sell. The largest addition to Prior Lake's 2010 urban service area is 300 acres adjacent to and directly north of County Road 42 (Vierling property). However, this site is at least 8 years away from development and is scheduled for industrial use. The other urban service area expansion north of 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Cake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /AJJirmatiue Action Employer the lake includes about 140 acres comprised of smaller parcels lying directly northwest of the intersection of 154th Street and County Road 21. The subject site is definitely a devised inclusion in the 2010 urban service area because of its current development potential. Prior Lake's lot supply has dwindled to less than 150 lots. This proposal would add about 40 single family lots per year over a 4 year period to Prior Lake's inventory. The City Engineer has reported that utilities are available and of capacity to expand the urban service area as proposed. Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt a motion to recommend to the City Council to expand the urban service area as proposed by the developers and to designate the land use map as low density residential. REZONING• Land areas annexed or merged to the City shall be classified as A -1 Agricultural until such a time the City Council may rezone the added land area to the appropriate classification (Zoning Code Section 1.2). When the subject site was annexed in May of this year it was automatically designated A -1 Agricultural. The applicants have petitioned to rezone the subject site to R -1 single family residential. The markets in Prior Lake clearly call for single family residential. The developer is not interested in pursuing other opportunities or densities. Prior Lake's building activities and starts have virtually all been single family. From a land use relationship the property could foster a number of different densities. Higher densities could be developed along the north and east border of the site with lower densities to the west. However, the market for higher density is non existent which eliminates the possibility of a PUD. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission rezone the subject property to R -1 single family. PRELIMINARY PLAT AND VARIANCE: Wood Ridge Estates is a 70 acre planned single family development consisting of 155 lots, streets, and open space. It will be a part of a neighborhood that is bordered by The Pond Athletic Complex on the east, Crystal Lake on the west, and B -3 commercial district on the north. The southern boundary will be defined by an east west collector street at a future date. The subdivision ordinance requires the developer to incorporate the site's positive features and eliminate or minimize the influence of the sites constraints. The insight into design is critical in achieving a desirable end product. However, it appears that the engineer responsible for technical support and the planner responsible for design were not well coordinated. Although the site design is basically sound the grading appears to undue what design was trying to create. The site has a number of important natural features and opportunities. First and foremost it is located within walking distance of shopping, essential services, and a community park. The design must reflect pedestrian traffic connecting these features. On the east side of the site is a 200 foot corridor of mature trees consisting of maple, oak, and elm. This significant and neighborhood identifying feature must be used to separate the active athletic complex from the R -1 neighborhood. The grading V an indicates the vast majority of this "Wood Ridge" will be eliminated. The developer must be more sensitive to this relationship. The pond in the northwest corner of the site is significant and therefore site design must reflect shared values. The developer has designated open space between the roadway and pond. The park department has requested park land sufficient for a walkway adjacent to the pond with a destination of the athletic fields. Mushtown Road is a township road with a gravel surface that has a possibility of high speed and high volumes of traffic. The lot depth along Mushtown Road should be at least 150 feet in depth. Screening and a berm is indicated for lots along 170th Street, but nothing is shown for land use separation between the B -3 and R -1 Zone in Block 1. Although there are not many steep slopes in this site they should be located accurately and respected. It would appear that Lot 30 Block 2 and Lot 1, Block 12, is unbuildable because of steep slopes. It appears this area needs to be reworked to reflect steep slopes. Lot 1, Block 14, is a large lot but relatively isolated by the trail and street system. It would become more desirable if added to Block 4 as Lot 16. Pondview Trail calls for a cul -de -sac outside the development. An easement must be provided to the City. Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 appear too shallow to accommodate a home and trail. At minimal they should be combined. The accuracy of this area is questioned therefore the street and corner of lots should be staked to gain a visual relationship. The tree cover to the west of Block 1 should also be shown. It is desirable to have the buffer lots in Block 1, 150 feet in depth. Lot 2, Block 9, is a butt lot and must be 96 feet in width. Lot 1, Block 6, should be eliminated since it produces an undesirable park design. Oakwood Circle is a cul -de -sac in excess of 500 feet and will require a variance. Given the circumstances this is an accepable situation. RECOMMENDATION• Attached to this memorandum are the reports from Parks, Engineering, and Building Departments which contain requests for change and additional detail. However, the positive aspect at this stage is that the hearing process has begun and we are closer to completion. Although detail is missing in some areas, we can take this opportunity to discuss and hopefully settle the final design of the site. I have asked all department heads to be present and prepared to comment. Even though this plan is not ready for preliminary plat approval, significant gains can be made. EXISTING URBAN SERVICE AREA 4,273 ACRES PROPOSED 2010 URBAN SERVICE AREA EXPANSION 516 ACRES c, j � AA��� SERVICA AREA wyrWL _ wr lm I No �r•. ti ' / = fir`— w PROPOSED SIIEONMHOM SITE WOOD FOW ESTATES FMST AWN (SS ACM5) CITY OF PRIOR 4A r , Lr `s• Nt''' i � ■ fir �• /mod { 11 �yp''i I �r JI z r� r a* r' *, n. ■ PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF WOOD RIDGE ESTATES rr v - u...,..vu -.- vuu 11-1 - a-v.. --al I . RWILEIV I IAL REZONE FROM A -1 AGRICULTURAL TO R -1 URBAN RESIDENTIAL N D VARIANCE NEEDED FOR CUL- DESACS TO BE LONGER THAN 500' SUBDIVIDE SITE FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES A. ��+; INTER-OFFICE MEMO Z;V O \ }A` I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M TO: HORST GRASER, CITY PLANNER FROM: rr// BRUCE LONEY, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: WOOD RIDGE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW DATE: JUNE 12, 1991 EAS EMENTS 1. Sanitary sewer and watermain lines from plat to existing Tower Street that are off -site will need easements provided to the City. None are shown. No plan is shown addressing this connection. 2. Easements along lot lines for storm sewers, watermain or sanitary sewer shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width. Additional width shall be provided when more than one utility is in the same easement. 3. If an overflow pipe is necessary for the pond, an easement is needed to the City for this installation. 4. In many cases, drainage will cross lots outside of the proposed easements. Easements must be provided for this. STORM WATER DRAINAGE. GRADING PLAN AND EROSION CONTROL 1. The grading plan is difficult to interpret. The developer did not show elevations on proposed contours or drainage directions, forcing Sfaff to go to extra lengths to decipher the plan. The scale is small causing additional problems. In general, the developer is grading the site in conjunction with clear cutting. Few trees will remain when the development is complete. No consideration was given for off -site drainage, with minimal erosion control. In numerous areas, drainage will not be within drainage easements. 2. Storm sewer calculations should be based on a 10 year storm event and not the submitted 5 year storm event. 3. Site has four, storm sewer outlets discharging water off site to the east (and back yard drainage) and and does not address the affects or impacts of the increased runoff volume and rate due to the development. Storm sewer outlets do not show any riprap or other erosion protection measures. The pond in the northwest corner should have drainage calculations based on the current water elevation of the pond. The 100 year storm event elevation of this landlocked pond should be determined using two back -to -back 100 year storm events and /or a 100 year storm event with an overflow pipe installed. The downstream affect of an overflow pipe must be addressed. 4a. Walkway elevation adjacent to the pond needs to be reviewed based upon 4. A drainage map showing the sub -basin districts must be provided and show the drainage swales. In addition, flow directions must be provided for individual lots and swales. Greater detail needs to be provided on the sedimentation basins. Erosion control measures totally are inadequate and needs to be installed in swale areas and in other areas besides the edges of the site to control erosion. The erosion control on the edges of the site do not address runoff to other properties in all areas. SANITARY SEWER 1. No plan sheet was provided showing the sewermain from existing Tower Street to the site, and needs to be submitted. Specific plan details need to address the clearing of trees and construction limits through private property or the City's property, crossing Tower Street and etc. The sanitary sewer on Overlook Drive needs to be extended to the westerly edge of the plat. Sanitary sewer easements are necessary in areas outside of the site and are not shown. The City currently has a project for constructing Tower Street where the sanitary sewer is to be connected to for this site. The street is proposed to be completed in August or September. If the street is completed before the developer is ready to install utilities, jacking of the sanitary sewermain will be required and not the cutting of new pavement. The developer will want to avoid jacking and a plan for this improvement is required. WATERMAIN 1. The watermain size from the existing 8 watermain in the northeast corner needs to be increased from a 6 to 8" STREETS 1. Typical street sections for this plat were not provided. 2. Wood Ridge Estates - Plan and Profile Sheet No. 1: A. On Pondview Trail the profile should be extended to show the cul -de -sac and how it will be drained. B. Vertical curve on Horizon Trail does not meet 30 MPH design. 3. The developer has shown sidewalks an both sides of Toronto Avenue. One side must be a bikeway. 4. The bike walkway grades and location needs to be in greater detail, especially around the Pond. 5. Wood Ridge Estates - Plan and Profile Sheet No. 2 A. Vertical curves on Parkwood Court do not meet 30 MPH design speed. M;IJ;@ZT' 4! 1. The location of the bituminous walkway along the pond needs to be evaluated after the 100 year flood elevation is determined based on the current pond elevation and new normal water elevations as a result of this development. A.) Property corners of lots adjacent to the pond should be staked so the lots can be reviewed in their actual location to see if these lots are buildable. B.) If it is determined that the bituminous walkway should not be installed in the back yard of Block 3 lots, the walkway should be placed on Pondview Trail and additional right of wax should be dedicated to provide for a 8 foot trail. watermain through Oakwood Circle, Woodview Court, and Ridgewood Court past Mushtown Road. 2. Hydrants on Horizon Trail are not spaced at 450 feet. 3. Extend watermain on Overlook Drive to west edgo of Plat. 4. Place hydrants at end of watermain stubs by Mushtown Road. 5. Hydrant locations need to be relocated to minimize problems with snowplowing and traffic. STREETS 1. Typical street sections for this plat were not provided. 2. Wood Ridge Estates - Plan and Profile Sheet No. 1: A. On Pondview Trail the profile should be extended to show the cul -de -sac and how it will be drained. B. Vertical curve on Horizon Trail does not meet 30 MPH design. 3. The developer has shown sidewalks an both sides of Toronto Avenue. One side must be a bikeway. 4. The bike walkway grades and location needs to be in greater detail, especially around the Pond. 5. Wood Ridge Estates - Plan and Profile Sheet No. 2 A. Vertical curves on Parkwood Court do not meet 30 MPH design speed. M;IJ;@ZT' 4! 1. The location of the bituminous walkway along the pond needs to be evaluated after the 100 year flood elevation is determined based on the current pond elevation and new normal water elevations as a result of this development. A.) Property corners of lots adjacent to the pond should be staked so the lots can be reviewed in their actual location to see if these lots are buildable. B.) If it is determined that the bituminous walkway should not be installed in the back yard of Block 3 lots, the walkway should be placed on Pondview Trail and additional right of wax should be dedicated to provide for a 8 foot trail. 2. Mailboxes in cul -de -sacs shall be located at the nearest intersection and not on individual lots. Elimination of mailboxes in cul -de -sac will provide more snow storage. Group mail boxes should be used as provided by the U.S. Postal Service versus individual boxes. 3. The park area adjacent to Toronto Avenue should have an off street parking area. 4. On the plat right -of -way, radii should be provided at intersection corners and on cul -de -sacs to maintain an even width of boulevard throughout the Plat. 5. Existing Toronto Avenue from Tower Street to Plat line should be improved to the same width as the new Toronto Avenue. This needs to be included in the City's CIP. 6. 170th Street leading to the Pond Athletic Complex should be improved at this time with the developer responsible for 50% of the cost. 7. The developer is responsible for 50% of future Mushtown Road improvements and these costs should be escrowed. 8. Street lighting shown on the Preliminary Plat drawing does not conform to City lighting policy and needs to be revised, or the policy changed. 9. Garage slab elevations must be 1.5' above the street and positive drainage around houses. Swales around houses must have positive drainage along side lot lines and back lot line swales must be capable of handling the drainage 10 year flow and prevent the flooding of a 100 year storm event. SUMMARY 1.) The above items need to be addressed further by the applicant of this subdivision and the necessary additional information reviewed and approved before an approval recommendation can be given. ®F .PRI to _ f+f � INTER— OFFICE MEMO MEMO TO: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING FROM: GARY STABER, BUILDING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: WOOD RIDGE ESTATES DATE: JUNE 13, 1991 I have completed a preliminary review of the proposed Wood Ridge Estates Subdivision. My comments are as follows: The drainage, grading, and erosion control plans are inadequate. Revised plans should be submitted using a 1 50 feet scale. Drainage arrows, drainage easements, and erosion control devices should be shown. All building types should be designated. The developer should provide a statement regarding compliance with Section 4 -7 -1 of the Prior Lake City Code, "Architectural Design and Materials" PR,�,� v CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKES CENTENNIAL - 1991" v 7 ' M E M O R A N_D D M , TO: Horst Graser, Ddirector of Planning � FROM: Bill Mandan, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Park Dedication Revue of Wood Ridge Estates DATE: June 11, 1991 I have reviewed the P_ Plan for Wood Ridge Estates as it pertains to the Park Dedication and have determined that the following points will have to be addressed in order to approve the park dedication: I don't feel that the pond can be used as storm water retention and still get credit as park land. In addition, tFe steep slopes along with the increase in water elevation will render this land as useless in terms of getting a trail around the north end of the pond. There is a substantial discrepancy in preservation of steep slopes between the applicant and the Subdivision Ordinance. The developer has platted lots along the eastern portion of the property that, I believe, should not be platted. Steep slopes and marshes are to be preserved and credited t 25% of upland when considering park dedication. Subsec::.zntly, while steep slopes (over 20 % grade) are prese -;d, they are given 25% of upland value which would requi. four times the land area be dedicated in steep slopes. Lot 1, Block 14, should be slid over and become Lot 16 of Block 4. By doing this, this lot will not be isolated by park on two sides. The alignment of the walking trail then could travel around the lot to the south of this lot and hook up with the park land east of Horizon Trail. Lot 30, Block 2, should be eliminated because of steep slope. That would preserve the steep slope as parkland. In addition, Lot 1, Block 12, should also be eliminated to preserve the steep slope. This would widen the corridor for a walkway connecting this plat with The Pond. Lot 1, Block 6, should be eliminated in order to pick up additional parkland to satisfy the 10% dedication. This lot appears to have been placed there simply to pick up an additional lot. There is no apparent reason why it should cut into the open space the way it does. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 An Equal Opportunity /AJ/imwtiue Action Employer Park Dedication Revue Wood Ridge Estates page 2 With the elimination of those three lots and the 25% calculations for steep slopes, the park land dedication requirement would reach 7.13 acres which would be enough to satisfy the requirement for Wood Ridge Estates. uu � "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: VARIANCE GREG SCHRADER 5308 CANDY COVE TRAIL DEB GARROSS, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER YES X NO JUNE 20, 1991 HISTORY / BACKGROUND The Planning Department has received a variance application from Greg Schrader of 5308 Candy Cove Trail. Mr. Schrader proposes to construct a 9 x 22 garage addition to an existing 15 x 22 foot single car garage. The applicant requests the Planning Commission to grant an 18.5' front yard variance in order to construct the garage as per attached drawing. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: This app ication as been revised from the 23 foot front yard and 8.5 foot side yard variance the Planning Commission considered on June 6, 1991. The applicant has revised his plan for a garage addition after conferring with the Prior Lake Planning Director and Building Official. The applicant will retain part of the legal non - conforming structure and add an additional 9 x 22' addition to the westerly part of the garage. This proposal eliminates the need for a side yard variance due to the grandfathered setback established by the existing garage. The proposed garage is two feet shorter than the proposal considered on June 6, 1991. The applicant will continue the existing southerly wall for the addition. Therefore, there will be no further encroachment into the front yard setback. The variance required to construct the addition as proposed is an 18.5 foot front yard variance. PHYSIOGRAPHY: Theme very small lakeshore lot consisting of approximately 6,1CJ square feet. There is a retaining wall that separates the subject site from the property immediately to the northeast. The lot is relatively flat, then slopes toward the lake on the northwesterly part of the home. There are no trees or vegetation other than lawn that will be affected by the proposed addition. ADJACENT USES: The adjacent properties are developed with single family homes. The subject site and lot to the northeast contain garages located within five feet of the front property lines. The homes in the immediate neighborhood appear to have been built more recently and maintain a much greater setback from the front property lines 4624 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /AJjinrwtiue Action Employer than that of the subject site. The roof overhang from the adjacent garage is located approximately four feet from the Schrader's existing garage. The close proximity of the two garages combined with the grade level difference between the properties creates a very crowded appearance. The planter that separates the garages is located partially within the right -of way of Candy Cove Trail. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY: The lot consists of approximately 6,100 square feet and is 50 feet wide. The property is zoned R -1 Urban Residential and is located within the S -D Shoreland District. The required setback is 25 feet measured from the front property line. The maximum lot coverage allowed is 308 percent. The proposed addition would amount to less than 238 percent coverage which is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Code. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: This lot is unique in that Candy Cove Trail was not constructed to be centered within the right -of -way. Instead, the paved road is located in the southerly part of the right -of -way and is located approximately 34 feet from the existing garage. There is no area available on the proposed lot where a garage could be built compliant with zoning standards. The majority of the existing driveway and parking area for vehicles is located on public right -of -way. DISCUSSION The home and presumably the garage were built in the early 1960's under the jurisdiction of Eagle Creek Township. The garage is located at a legal non - conforming setback from the front and side property lines. When setback standards are applied to this substandard lot, there is no building envelope for a single family home. Staff believes that hardship exists in this case to warrant some degree of variance for a garage addition. There will be no further encroachment into the setbacks that that established by legal non - conforming garage that exists on the property. The hardship in this case is not caused by the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake but is due to subdivision and development practices of a former government. There is no building envelope on this site that conforms to current Zoning Standards. In addition, Candy Cove Trail is located in the southerly part of the right of way, therefore, this situation is unique and adds to the hardship case to grant the variance as requested by the applicant. RECOMMENDATION The recommendation from staff is to approve the 18.5 foot front yard variance. This would allow the applicant to have a double car garage similar to others constructed within the neighborhood. Staff believes that the hardship in this case is due to the substandard lot size and development practices of a former government and is not the result of actions of the applicant or the City of Prior Lake. // Era' i..0 ErFnci� L� AGE 1 .own el AOor rio v -?' -zz' rte` NOTE /• 9 I 7Yl FAi37WV l�,c7f6E, f Vi%;e1,4 iMO,eo vEO rye �.POP�o d00 /Tio�/, 6 NOTE /• 9 7Yl FAi37WV l�,c7f6E, Vi%;e1,4 iMO,eo vEO rye �.POP�o d00 /Tio�/, PROPOSED 18.5' FRONT YARD VARIANCE N non o. NEW WW E. M[W N.OVC YVFES M •ui ttul3 uN nMM� W Ip. iwx W p M I.,. WWMI. W1.4 n1Y t11n 0, W WIt00i. YYlntKiMn1'40.vAOCpNIpW W,1 0 W w 11a W,OtW , .ntp i r0y iW .yp.ti Mi R p i0 M O.,[O. i MMOpICtC.COWm. M, W.M}Mw wG[.01, qM CW I.. g l li l WI•CMW1i.OW T. Y iwt M.vnM w. M LOMAW04 W .OY[. YW,IO M.bH. TO: Deb Garros. -. Assistant City Planner, Prior Lake FROM: Greg Schrader DATE: June 13, 1991 SUBJECT: variance I would like to apply for a foot front yard variance. I am proposing to build a 9' x 22 addition to my existing garage. The existing garage foundation and walls will be utilized. The City Planner and the Building Inspector have both recently been to the site and have approved the proposed addition. Thank you. SincerelW e�y _ -r3 -di P R,1(0 "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" "VAlOPl" NOTICE OF HEARING FOR FRONT YARD VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: _ THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1991 at 9:00 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Mr. Greg Schrader. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: 5308 Candy Cove Trail. REQUESTED ACTION: Mr Schrader proposes to construct a 9' x 22' addition to the westerly side of an existing, 15 x 22 single car garage. See attached survey for reference. The required front yard setback is 25 feet. The applicant proposes to locate the garage 6.5 feet from the southerly property line which would require an 18.5 foot front yard variance. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: June 17, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer