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03 07 1991 Planning Commission agenda packet
PRI 0 �E ��' , �e HERITAGE COMMUNITY 'v 1891 1991 2()91 v r REGULAR PLANNING COIMIISSION MEETING AGFSIIA MARCH 7, 1991 7:30 P.M. CALL 1D ORDER REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:30 P.M. Hf14E OCCUPATION PERMIT CONTINUATION PAUL VIERECK * 7:35 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING JOE MAHONEY - CONSIDER ANNEKATION PETITION MIRE GILES * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 PR "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" II Ms. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 The February 21, 1991, Prior Lake Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Arnold, Wells, Roseth, Director of Planning Horst Graser Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Associate Planner Terr.ie Sandbeck, and Secretary Rita Schewe. Commissioner Kedrowski arrived at 7:33 P.M. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY WELLS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Arnold, Wells, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion followed on the Planning Commission Retreat. Comments were very favorable on the proceedings. A summary will be sent to the Commissioners. ITEM II - PAUL VIERECK - HOME OCCUPATION Paul Viereck, Viereck Fireplace Sales and Service, 3465 NW 140th Street, stated he is reapplying for a home occupation permit to continue selling and installation of, fireplaces and accessories, saunas, hot tubs, spas, and whirlpool baths. A home occupation permit was originally granted on June 19, 1980, for display and sale of fireplaces and accessories and the permit expired as of 1985. Mr. Viereck didn't realize he had to reapply. Deb Garross presented the information as per memo of February 15. 1991, as written by Terrie Sandbeck, Associate Planner. The applicant owns 10 acres on County Road 42 that is zoned A -1. This area could possibly be residential by the year 2010. Research conducted for a sign violation brought the home occupation expiration to light. Mr. Viereck does want to expand his business, if this is done he should consider moving to a commercial location. Staff's recommendation is to approve the Home Occupation permit with strict conditions as outlined in the Planning Report. However, Staff requested that the hearing be continued to allow Staff time to establish findings and to develop a contract to be signed by the applicant. The contract would specify the conditions under which the Home Occupation could continue. Staff 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 2 is concerned that any expansion of the Home Occupation beyond what exists today would qualify the operation as a business. Businesses are not permitted in the A -1 District. In the event the operation needs to expand, the applicant should relocate the business to an appropriately zoned business district. Comments from the Commissioners were; on types of merchandise sold, on -site inventory, complaints, and all concurred with Staff's recommendation and continuation of hearing. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CONTINUE HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION FOR PAUL VIERECK OF 3465 140TH STREET TO MARCH 7, 1991, AT 7:35 P.M., AT WHICH TIME STAFF WILL PRESENT A FORMALIZED POLICY AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM III DALE SCHENIAN VARIANCE The Property Manager of Mr. Schenian's Company representing Mr. Schenian, stated they are requesting a 33 foot lakeshore variance to construct a deck at 14120 Orchard Circle. Gilford Moen, Architect for Home Lumber Co. 453 South Concord, St. Paul, was also present to answer questions on the plans. Deb Garross presented the information as per memo of February 21, 1991. The home was built in 1957 under the jurisdiction of another government and is built on a large lakeshore lot. The coverage ratio with the deck would be approximately 25%,. There is a hardship caused by the legal non - conforming setback of the home, which is not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake. It is possible that a variance granted for this site may influence the redevelopment of the adjacent lot to the southeast. Staff's recommendation is to approve a 29 foot lakeshore variance. This would allow the applicant to build a 16 foot deck within the building envelope that was established in 1957 at the time of construction. Staff feels that this approval would observe the intent of the Ordinance and would not be detrimental to the health and welfare of the community. It is possible a maple tree located close to the construction site may be lost. Comments from the Commissioners were on, the DNR's report, loss of tree, no neighborhood comments received, and all concurred with Staff's recommendation. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE A 29 FOOT VARIANCE FOR 14120 ORCHARD CIRCLE. RATIONAL BEING THAT THIS VARIANCE WOULD NOT BE BEYOND THE NON - CONFORMING SETBACK FOR THE SUBJECT SITE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION, AND THE VARIANCE GRANTED WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD, AND IF THE TREE HAS TO BE REMOVED THAT A REPLACEMENT TREE BE PLANTED AT STAFF'S DISCRETION. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 3 Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing called to order at 8:30 P.M. Public was not in attendance. Horst Graser presented the information on Zoning Ordinance Amendments. These amendments had been heard approximately one year aqo but not approved by the Council. The amendments have to be reviewed at a Public Hearing again due to the year lapse of time that has occurred since the initial Council reviewal. The Zoning Ordinances Amendments being considered are 91 -03, 91 -04, 91 -05, and 91 -06, which are attached as exhibits A, B, C, and D. Mr. Graser presented information on each amendment. Discussion by the Commissioners followed each presentation. On proposed amendment #91 -03, the definitions for yards - front, side and rear, the Commissioners requested Staff to redefine the wording to distinguish the differences between lakeshore property and non - lakeshore property. PROPOSED AMENDMENT #1: ORDINANCE 91 -03 - FENCES MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO RECOMMEND ADOPTING ORDINANCE 91 -03 AND FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Roseth, Wells, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED AMENDMENT #2: ORDINANCE 91 -04 - CORNER LOT CLEAR VIEW ANGLE MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO RECOMMEND ADOPTING ORDINANCE 91 -04 AND FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowksi, Roseth, Wells, Arnold and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED AMENDMENT #3: ORDINANCE 91 -05 - ILLEGAL DUPLEXES MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO RECOMMEND ADOPTING ORDINANCE 91 -05 AND FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Arnold, Roseth, and Wells. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED AMENDMENT #4: ORDINANCE 91 -06 - EXTERIOR LIGHTING MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, TO RECOMMEND ADOPTING ORDINANCE 91 -06 AND FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Loftus, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 4 MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Kedrowski, Arnold, Wells, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing adjourned at 9:24 P.M. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Roseth, Wells, ArnolO, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Horst Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 91 -03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE N0, 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 5 -10(E) is hereby amended to read as follows: (E) In all districts, a fence six (6) feet high or shorter may be erected on the rear lot line, the side lot lines and return to the nearest front corner of the principal building. In residential districts, a fence not exceeding forty -two (42) inches in height and having an opacity of not more than twenty -five percent (25 %) may be erected on the front .lot line and the side lot lines forward of a line drawn ac r s the front line of the principal building. Fences shall not be permitted in any right -of -way. Fences shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, be of substantial material and reasonably suited for the intended purpose. Every fence shall be maintained on both sides in a condition of good repair and shall net remain in a condition of disrepair or danger, or constitute a nuisance, public or private. Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 6.10E, is hereby amended to read as follows: In all districts, a fence six (6) feet high or shorter may be erected on the rear lot line, the side lot lines and return to the nearest front corner of the principal building. In residential districts, a fence not exceeding forty -two (42) inches in height and having an Opacity of not more than twenty -five percent (25 %) may be erected on the front lot line and the side lot lines forward of a line drawn across the front line of the principal building. Fences shall not be permitted in any right -of -way. Fences shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, be of substantial material and reasonably suited for the intended purpose. every fence shall be maintained on both sides in a condition of good repair and shall not remain in a condition of disrepair or danger, or constitute a nuisance, public or private. Prior Lake City Code Section 5 -1 -7 is hereby amended by adding the following definitions: YARD, FRONT: A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the front property line of the lot and the nearest parallel line drawn across the front of the principal building. YARD, REAR: A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear line of the lot and the nearest parallel line drawn across the rear of the principal. building. YARD, SIDE: A yard between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the principal building and extending from the front line of the principal building to the rear line of the principal building. Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 8.1, is hereby amended by adding the following definitions: YARD, FRON - A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the front property line of the lot and the nearest parallel line drawn across the front of the principal building. YARD, RL•'AR - A yard extending a7:ross the full width of the lot and lying between the rear line of the lot and the nearest parallel line drawn across the rear of the principal building. YARD, SIDE - A yard between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the principal building and extending from the front line of the principal building to the rear line of the principal building. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of , 1991. ATTEST: City Manager Fiayor — Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of 1991. Drafted By: Lommen, Nelson, Cole b Stageherg, P.A. 1800 IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 91 -04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Section 5 -5 -10 i.a hereby amended by adding a new paragraph (I) which shall read as follows: (I) On corner lots in residential districts, no structure or planting in excess of one (1) foot above street center line grade, except fences that meet the requirements of Section 5- 5 -10(E) for front yard fences, shall be permitted within a triangular area defined as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the projected property lines of two intersecting streets, thence forty (40) feet along one property line, thence diagonally to a point forty (40) feet from the point of beginning on the other property line, thence to the point of beginning. Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 6.10, is hereby amended by adding a new paragraph I which shall read as follows: I. On corner lots in residential districts, no structure or planting in excess of one (1) foot above street center line grade, except fences that meet the requirements of Section 6.10E for front yard fences, shall be permitted within a triangular area defined as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the projected property lines of two intersecting streets, thence forty (40) feet along one property line, thence diagonally to a point forty (40) feet from the point of beginning on the other property line, thence to the point of beginning. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of 1991. —`- ATTEST: t y Manager Fayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of -- ._._...._, 1991. Drafted By: Lommen, Nelson, Cole 6 Stageberg, P.A. 1800 IDS Center CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 91 -05 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Section 5 -1 -7 is hereby amended as follows: The definitions of DWELLING UNIT and FAMILY are hereby amended to read as follows: DWELLING One (1) or more rooms designed or intended for UNIT: occupancy as a single living unit, with sanitary, cu)i.nary and sleeping facilities, separate from those of other living units and intended for the exclusive use of a single family. A room shall be deemed a dwelling unit if it contains facilities for cookiny, sleeping and eating, and if it can be separated from other rooms in the same building, if access can be gained without entering or passing through any living space of another dwelling unit, and if it is used for residential occupancy. FAMILY: One (1) or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption or foster parent relation occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit, or a group of not more than four (4) persons, not so related, occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit. A definition of HOUSEKEEPING UNIT is hereby added which shall read as follows HOUSEKEEPING All persons residing within a dwelling unit whose UNIT: relationship includes a substantial amount of social interaction, including the sharing of housekeeping responsibilities, expenses and the taking of meals together. Section 8.1 of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6 is hereby amended as follows: The definitions of DWELLING UNIT and FAMILY are hereby amended to read as follows: DWELLING UNIT - One (1) or more rooms designed or intended for occupancy as a single living unit, with sanitary, culinary and sleeping facilities, separate from those of other living units and intended for the exclusive use of a single family. A room shall be deemed a dwelling unit if it contains facilities for cooking, sleeping and eating, and if it can be separated from other rooms in the same building, if access can be gained without entering or passing through any living space of another dwelling unit, and if it is used for residential occupancy. FAMILY - One (1) or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption or foster parent relation occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit, or a group of not more than four (4) persons, not Be related, occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit. A definition of HOUSEKEEPING UNIT is hereby added which shall read as follows: HOUSEKEEPING UNIT - Ali persons residing within a dwelli,tg unit relationship includes a substantial amount of social interaction, including the sharing of housekeeping responsibilities, expenses and the taking of meals together. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council. of the City of Prior Lake this day of 1991. ATTEST: tlty Mann ^er Published in Vto Prior Lake American on the day of - -- -_, 1991. Drafted By: Lommen, Nelson, Cole 6 Stageberg, P.A. 1800 IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 LOMMEN- NE LSGh4 TEL No 612 349 u55 Fen 15.51 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 91 -06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: A new Section 5 -5 -13 is hereby added to Prior Lake City Code to read as follows: 5 -5 -33: EXTERIOR LIGHTING: (A) Exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged to limit direct illumination and glare upon or into any contiguous parcel or other lakeshore property. Mitigative measures shall be employed to limit glare and spill light to protect neighboring parcels and to mai.nta!n traffic safety on public roads. These measures shall include, but not be limited to, lenses, shields, louvers or prismatic control devices that are designed to concentrate illumination on the property of the owner or operator of said lighting or illuminating devices. Public street lights installed in public right -of -ways shall be excepted from these standards. (B) The City may limit the hours of operation of outdoor lighting if it is deemed necessary to reduce negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood. A new Section 6.13 is hereby added to Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6 to read as follows: 6.13 EXTERIOR LIGHTING: A. Exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged to limit direct illumination and glare upon or into any contiguous parcel or other lakeshore property. Mitigative measures shall be employed to lI mit glare and sill light to protect neighboring parcels and to maintain traffic safety on public roads. These measures shall include, but not be limited to, lenses, shields, louvers or prismatic control devices that are designed to concentrate illumination on the property of the owner or operator of said lighting or illuminating devices. Public street lights installed in public right -of -ways shall be excepted from these standards. B. The City may limit the hours of operation of outdoor lighting if it is deemed necessary to reduce negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood. LOMMEN- NELSON TEL Na. bit 549 6055 Feb 15.91 9:54 F - .0r• This ordinance shall. become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of 1991. ATTEST: ity al�ager ���— Nayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of , 1991. Drafted By+ Lommen, Nelson, Cole 6 Stageberg, P.A. 180U IDS Center Minneapolis, `".nnesota 55402 PR I —JL� ns P t '�vn es "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" MEMO DATE: March 7, 1991 TO: Planning Commissioners FROM: Terris Sandbeck, Associate Planner RE: Paul J. Viereck / Viereck Fireplace Sales, Inc. 3465 N.W. 140th Street Home Occupation Permit Application Attached please find a copy of the Home Occupation Contract that staff has developed for Viereck Fireplace Sales, Inc. This Home Occupation was discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting, held on Thursday, February 21, 1991. Also included is a copy of staff's findings and a floor plan of Mr. Viereck's showroom and office area. A video tape of the premises is on file at City Hall for future reference. Mr. Viereck signed the Home Occupation Contract and submitted a sign permit application, with the $25 application fee, on Monday, March 4, 1991. Although his two 12' square signs are mounted on an "outhouse" structure, their combined surface area is equal to that of a 12' square freestanding sign. The sign permit is directly related to the Home Occupation permit. Therefore, if Mr. Viereck's Home Occupation permit is in violation of his signed contract, the sign permit will be immediately revoked. 4629 Dakota St. S.E -, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 447 -4230 I Fax (612) 4474245 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer C .P RI ,� F y "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" `v r� r M1 NN ESO " City of Prior Lake HOME OCCUPATION CONTRACT 1. Signage will be limited to one 4 (12 square feet) sign to be located at the intersection of the driveway and County Road 42. A sign permit must be obtained within 10 days of the signing of this agreement. 2. All product and service displays on the property will be confined to the inside of the showroom and /or warehouse. 3. Mr. Viereck must remain living in the home, and homestead the property, in order for the business to continue in its current location. 4. The number of employees in addition to Paul Viereck must be limited to one. 5. Physical expansion of the showroom, display area, or warehouse is prohibited. Additional buildings for the operation's use will not be Permitted on the site. Current building dimensions are on file at City Hall. 6. The Products that will be ordered, sold, installed, and /or serviced must be specified in the application. No expansion of lines in products or services will be allowed without prior approval by the City of Prior Lake. Current product lines are on file at City Hall. 7. If any portion of Mr. Viereck's ten acre parcel, on which this operation is located, is split or sold, this permit will become void and business operations that have been approved in the permit must cease and desist. I, Paul Viereck, agree to the above conditions so that I may continue to operate my business from my home by receiving a Home Occupation Permit from the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota. If, at any time, I am in violation of any of the above conditions, I understand that my home occupation permit may be immediately reviewed, and /or revoked, and that I may also be prosecuted by the City Attorney. DATE SIGNED _, 1991 PAUL J. VIERECK 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer fn y "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" rt 4® APPLICANT NAME: Paul J. Viereck Viereck Fireplace Sales & Service SITE: 3465 North 140th Street, Prior Lake, MN INSPECTION DATE: February 28, 1991, 8:30 A.M. INSPECTED BY: Terris Sandbeck, Associate Planner, and Gary Staber, Building Official METHODS: Video Tape, Measured Building and Sign Dimensions, Counted Display Items. BUILDING DIMENSIONS: SIGN DIMENSIONS: Office: 14 x 18' Entry: 3' x 4' Showroom: See Attached Floor Plan Drive: 3' x 4' Warehouse: 40' x 80' (2 on Outhouse) Garage: 12' x 18' DISPLAY ITEMS: Fireplaces: 14 Woodstoves: 3 Glass Doors: 7 (Plus those on display models) Hardware: 1 Display Board Fireplace Tools: 4 Blowers: 2 Tile Displays: 1 Display Board Moldings: 12 Brickwork: 65 in showroom 1 Outside (Measures 7 6' x 4' deep) Saunas: 1 Hot Tubs: 1 (Rusty, damaged, stored outside) VEHICLES: 1 Large Panel Truck, sign on sides 1 Flat Bed Truck (w. portable sign on flatbed) 2 Pick up Trucks 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447.4245 An Equal Opportunity /AJJirmaGUe Action Employer a /ad /91 7� 5 � - -a J�Leati z� �l — Z Z " — I aL,Z i, . I =' o f PRIG v � If/ V.% ESO P "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" PLANNING REPORT APPLICANT: ITEM: PRESENTER PUBLIC HEARING DATE: NEW CENTURY CONSTRUCTION ANNEXATION PETITION HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING YES X NO MARCH 3, 1391 INTRODUCTION /PLANNING COMMISSION CHARGE: Prior Lake has received a petition to annex approximately 70 acres of Spring Lake Township from New Century Construction, (Joe Mahoney and Mike Giles). The attorney representing the applicant is Timothy J. Keane. Mr. Keane's cover letter and material in support of the petition are attached for your consideration. I have attached the Staff report generated for the December 17, 1990, Council hearing which will provide insight and background information. The Planning Commission is charged with conducting a public hearing, receiving input, and making a recommendation to the City Council on the petition. This charge is found in item number 5 in Prior Lake's annexation process adopted by the City Council via Resolution 90 -35. The annexation policy is attached in its entirety. The charge is to conduct the public hearing with findings and recommendations based on the 9 factors outlined in Prior Lake's annexation process plus any others the Planning Commission may deem important. The applicant has provided responses to the 9 factors which are found on pages 2 -6 of Mr. Keane's packet of information in support of the petition. Minnesota Statute 414.0325 Subdivision 3, contairs 13 factors or stipulations which are used by the State of Minnesota Municipal Board to determine annexations. The 13 factors have been stipulated and are attached for your review under Tab #3 of Mr. Keane's exhibits. For the past several months, Staff and the applicant's consultants have been involved with alternative subdivision designs for the subject site. Tab #4 of Mr. Keane's exhibit contains the latest design alternative for the site which addresses most of the criteria found in the Prior Lake Subdivision Ordinance. Furthermore, with a few exceptions this design concurs with Staffs insight for the design of the site. ANALYSIS Annexation is not a new issue for Prior Lake. Most of its current 10,112 acres have come via the annexation process. To simplify the annexation process with Spring Lake Township, Prior Lake entered into an Orderly Annexation Agreement in 1972. This agreement sets forth terms under which annexations can occur. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447.4245 An Equal Opportunity /AJfimntim Action Employer The principle findings necessary for annexation to occur is found in item #2 of the agreement: No annexations will take place anywhere within the area designated as in need of orderly annexation unless the area is or is about to become urban or suburban in character and unless the City has available and is capable of providing municipal services such as water, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers. Staff believes the orderly annexation area exhibited conditions of urban or suburban character in 1972 and that is why the agreement was entered into initially. The question paramount to this petition and future direction is whether a piecemeal or comprehensive annexation should be pursued by Prior Lake. The consequences of the former result in an irregular boundary, a continuous challenge to township government and a planning characteristic that is perhaps fiscally irresponsible. However, since the comprehensive tools are not in place, we must evaluate this petition based on sound site specific planning. Perhaps the best way to view this petition is to consider it an opportunity to act, a choice in the matter of how the land will be physically developed. This is critical since Prior Lake is contiguous on three sides of the subject site. Moreover, continuous to the north is Prior Lake's largest commercial district which would welcome the secondary diversity of a residential subdivision. The Pond Athletic Complex is adjacent to the east which would benefit by relieving it of its rural orientation. The City Engineer has reported that utilities are of capacity and location to accommodate the proposed development. Oversizing of utility mains if necessary, will be decided at a later time. There is a great benefit to the future residents of this site and Prior Lake by allowing development under Prior Lake Ordinance. Rural land development standards provide for a lot of openness but no openings. The protection of significant physical features and public green space is difficult to achieve after land has been divided into 2.5 acre lots. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject site as part of the Orderly Annexation area. Planning and land use powers currently lie with Scott County. The site would come into Prior Lake as A -1 agricultural. A subsequent Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendment would be necessary in order to develop the property. In anticipation of annexation, Staff has included the site in the draft of the 2010 Urban Service Area Amendment. A development of this type would add needed lots to Prior Lake's low inventory. FINDINGS /RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following findings: 1. The land is urban or is about to become suburban in character. 2. Annexation would be in the best interest of the area because: a. Prior Lake subdivision regulations provide better opportunities for protection of community identifying natural resources and open space. b. The resulting boundary adjustment would mitigate the current irregular boundary. C. The annexation would not compromise the orderly development and land use transition of the area. 3. Municipal services are available and of capacity to serve the subject site. 4. There is no impact on schools. 5. The financial impact from the annexation will be positive. The property has no population and is currently farmed. 6. The contiguous land uses will benefit from higher intensity land uses in the future. 7. The annexation and subsequent development opportunity will add needed urban lots to a low inventory. Staff recommends that based upon the factors and findings that annexation would be in the best interest of the subject site and provide opportunity for development consistent with the adjacent urban areas. d . PRI SPRING LAKE )ORDERLY ANNEXATION , _ /�'T m 4 Ell d ii� ME - We ,- W- -K q mma, » � � � �� f � �����0 A�, SITE ®F �xioR F to "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" ( t! /A' \'E5 "ANXPN" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ANNEXATION OF A PORTION OF SPRING LAKE TOWNSHIP You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on MARCH 7, 1991, at 7:35 P.M. The purpose of the hearing is to consider the annexation of the following legally described portion of Spring Lake Township to Prior Lake. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 114 RANGE 22 SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF MUSHTOWN ROAD. Or more commonly described as approximately 70 acres of vacant land lying adjacent to and directly south of the access road to "The Pond" athletic complex adjacent to and directly west of "The Pond" athletic complex and adjacent to and directly northeast of Mushtown Road. The property fronts on Mushtown Road for 1,390 feet. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Horst Graser Director of Planning To be published in the Prior Lake American on February 25, 1991 and March 4, 1991. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 An Equal Opportunity /AJfimabue Action Employer /o HERITAGE COMMUMTY t 1891 1991 2091 AGENDA NUMBER: 8 PREPARED BY: DAVE UNMACHT, CITY MANAGER HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SUBJECT: CONSIDER PRELIMINARY SUMMARY AND GENERAL ANNEXATION CONCEPT -NEW CENTURY CONSTRUCTION PETITION .LATE: DECEMBER 17, 1990 INTRODUCTION: Prior Lake has received a petition to annex approximately 69 acres of Spring Lake Township, from Timothy J. Keane, Attorney for the petitioners, Joe Mahoney and Mike Giles (attached). The petition is being filed in accordance with the annexation process adopted by Resolution 90 -35 (attached). The filing fee of $500 has been received with the petition. BACKGROUND: Territorial annexations are not new to Prior Lake. More than 90$ of Prior Lake's 10,112 acres came from Spring Lake and Eagle Creek Townships via the annexation route. In 1972, Prior Lake entered into a resolution with Spring Lake Township known as the "Orderly Annexation Agreement" (OAA). The OAA establishes terms, areas, conditions, and restrictions for annexing township property. There were six territorial annexations from Spring Lake Township since 1972 totalling approximately 2100 acres. The purpose for the OAA was to transfer large quantities of urban or about to be urban land to the City of Prior Lake for the purpose of providing municipal sery .ces to both Spring and Prior Lakes. Prior .Ake, similar to the rest of the metropolitan area experienced considerable land development pressure in the 1970 The focus of this area's development was the shoreline of Spring and Prior Lake. Since development could not be restricted because of existing plats, Prior Lake had little choice but to provide for and extend utilities around the lakes. In order for utilities to be extended annexations needed to occur. 4629 Dakota St. S.E, Prim Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 The six annexations involved several thousand people who in many cases fiercely contested the annexation in favor of lower township taxes. Fortunately the environmentally driven annexation policy prevailed and the lakeshore received utilities. DISCUSSION: Why should annexation occur today? Is this the appropriate time to expand the City's boundaries by perhaps as much as 3300 acres, which is the remaining land area covered by the OAA? It is clear that the original purpose for the OAA, for the most part, has been fulfilled and a new regional imperative is essential in order that Staff may properly evaluate projects with regard to context and user. In the absence of an annexation process the City Council developed a 6 point procedural guideframe to assist petitioners. The process should work well for petitioners but it does not provide for a Comprehensive City Annexation Policy. Annexation today can be viewed to fall into one of three categories. 1. Do nothing until the City is fully developed. Work with the Township and County to adopt reciulations that are consistent with Prior Lake. Continue to process applications on a piecemeal basis. More than likely applications will come from developers with vacant land who desire a higher density. The consequences of such a position may result in an irregular boundary and an inconsistent concept of Prior Lake if not carefully planned. Every petition will require new interpretations and possibly be a challenge to township government. The third most insightful and difficult way to approach annexation is to determine the "why", "when" and "how much" (comprehensive policy) and include it in the communities comprehensive plan. This will provide township residents an opportunity to voice their opinion and Staff to develop and address comprehensive planning Staff has included a short list of pros and cons for items 2 and 3. This list should be viewed as a factual perspective for Council discussion and analysis. In the interim both Staff and City Council must address the petition before us. The petitioners have met with Staff on several occasions primarily focusing on the subdivision of the property rather than the annexation. A preliminary design plan (attached) has been generated to indicate preliminary development statistics and utility extensions which aid in measuring the impact of the proposal. Additional facts primarily pertaining to area issues have been stipulated by the applicant and are attached to the application for consideration and analysis. Staff has not evaluated the submittals for completeness and accuracy (see step 2 - Annexation Process - Page 4). This evaluation will occur if we proceed to a step 4 process. Level 2 of the annexation process which is where this petition is, requires a preliminary summary and analysis of facts, data, and other general information relative to the annexation. This was required by the Council so both Staff and the petitioner would not invest too much time into the proposal until direction was provided by the Council. It is the belief of the Staff that the subject site is urban or is about to become suburban. The property has been for sale and not farmed for several years, which would strongly indicate a future residential development, the density of which is dependent on the outcome of these proceedings. Perhaps in its purest form, annexation is sought to provide for future growth, the protection of agricultural lands from urban development, the protection of open space, and protection of the public health, safetyy, and welfare. This is a somewhat ambiguous statement that would fit all annexations. Unfortunately the Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan does not discuss the orderly annexation area beyond a reference on the land use base map. Also, unfortunately, the OAA is nearly 20 years old, original officials have left office and the document has not been on the forefront of both jurisdictions for some time. Due to the lack of a framework for annexations, this application will have to stand on its own merits. This application makes sense when viewed from a boundary adjustment perspective. The site is an elongated piece of land located between two unusual projections of the City boundary. The annexation would mitigate the irregularity of the City boundary for a desired straight line boundary. The City Engineer has established that utilities are of capacity and location to accommodate the proposed development. Questions relative to oversizing of mains and trunks will have to be resolved at one of the next levels in the annexation process. Oversizing costs will have to be carried by Prior Lake until tributary areas are annexed. Costs have not been determined. The total financial impact has not been measured at this stage. Preliminary calculations indicate that approximately $50,000 - $60,000 in taxes would be generated for Prior Lake based on 150 fully developed lots. The character of the ensuring development if annexed would be single use, low density residential. Home prices would range from starter homes to $125,000, maybe even upwards to $140,000. city wide increase in taxes and services requires study, but would be comparable to existing City developments of this size. The effect on adjacent and area land uses should be positive. The added population base will help support and perhaps spur additional commercial development around the Priordale Mall area adjacent to the north. The Pond athletic complex to the west would gain humanizing urban sights and sounds and contribute greatly to its somewhat bland characteristic. In the event the property is annexed it would come into the City as A -1 land. A rezoning and Comprehensive Plan hearing would follow to write the necessary amendments to implement the applicants proposal. The Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan is currently in the process of being revised. In anticipation of annexation, Staff has taken the initiative to include the subject site in the preliminary draft of the 2010 urban service area. Currently the lack of developed lots in the urban service area along with poor economic conditions have resulted in a drastic decline in single family housing starts. This proposal would add needed single family lots to Prior Lake's low inventory. Staff has reviewed the development plan for the site and differs at this stage with the applicant's insight into the site design. Staff questions whether Prior Lake or the developments future residents are served best by this proposal. We have expressed our concerns on several fronts but at this stage have agreed to disagree on the plat details. Issues such as, sense of place, open space, parks and land use transition, need further consideration by the applicants. The attached proposal is not acceptable to Staff. However, at this level of review additional site analysis is not required unless the Council desires to discuss the respective position in greater detail. In general, Staff is of the opinion that at step 2 of our process the preliminary summary and general annexation concept has positive benefits to Prior Lake and the applicant should proceed to the next level in the annexation process. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Deny the petition whereby stopping the process. 2. Continue the hearing for additional information. 3. Conclude and find based on preliminary and conceptual data that the petition is positive it the promotion of orderly development and is coi ,istent with good planning practices and serves the residents of Prior Lake. Such a finding would invite the applicant to proceed to the next level, Step 4. Staff recommends alternative number 3. The details related to the next level-#4 will be determined after Council discussion. If Alternative N3 is your choice your input into further details is requested. This is our first time through the process and we are learning as we go as well. ACTION REQUIRED: Depends on Council discussion. i O PR /Q' \ a. P r 4'l% a Esc/ HERITAGE 1891 COMMUMTY 1991 RESOLUTION 90 -15 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF A CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ANNEXATION POLICY AND PROCESS 9�Y"W- 4 MOTIONED BY WHITE SECONDED BY FITZGERALD WHEREAS on November 22, 1972 the City of Prior Lake entered into an Orderly Annexation Agreement with Spring Lake Township, and WHEREAS, the Orderly Annexation Agreement has been used to guide the annexation process between the City of Prior Lake and Spring Lake Township since its adoption, and WHEREAS, eighteen years has elapsed since the adoption of the Orderly Annexation Agreement, and WHEREAS, the Prior Lake City Council determines it necessary to develop a policy on specific annexation requests, both within the Orderly Annexation area and without the area, and WHEREAS, this policy will serve as a guideline for the Prior lake City Council in making decisions on annexation petitions and annexation actions on their own, and WHEREAS, the Prior Lake City Council has publicly and thoroughly discussed and reviewed this policy on three occasions prior to its adoption. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that the attached Annexation Policy and Process is hereby adopted by the Prior Lake City Council. Passed and adopted this 6th day of August 1990. YES NO Andren X Andren Fitzgerald X Fitzgerald Larson X Larson Scott X Scott White X White wnk Unna aht ity Manager ity of Prior Lake (Seal) 4629 Dakota St. S.E, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 447.4230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ANNEXATION POLICY On November 22, 1972 the City of Prior Lake entered into an Orderly Annexation Agreement with Spring Lake Township. The Agreement set forth parameters for the annexation of certain land within Spring lake Township either contiguous to or adjacent to the City of Prior Lake. The daily reference and practical application of this Agreement had essentially ceased over 10 years ago. Increasing interest and inquiries into annexation have resulted in a renewed evaluation of the Agreement, its parameters and requirements. -- It is the Policy of the City of Prior lake to support the use of the Orderly Annexation Agreement Process. This process is regulated by Minnesota Statutes 414.0325. This precedence has been established since 1972 with the original agreement which exists today. The Municipal Board promotes the use of orderly annexations because that process emphasizes "negotiation and agreement ". -- It is the policy of the City of Prior Lake to initiate annexation actions on its own. These actions would be initiated by the adoption of a Resolution pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 415.0325 Subdivision 1. Prior to the adoption of a Resolution, the City Council will, at their sole discretion, determine that annexing a certain portion of lands) within the existing orderly annexation area is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council will, prior to adopting the Resolution, direct the City staff to conduct sufficient research to assist them in determining the ultimate costs and benefits of this annexation. -- It is the policy of the City of Prior lake to facilitate the processing of petitions or applications for annexation to the City within the orderly annexation area under the following three conditions: 1. Applicant submit in writing a petition or request. 2. Applicant complete a stipulation form as prescribed by the Municipal Board. This form is designed (and consistent with the City's intent) for the g t plicant to submit sufficient base data for the y to m ake an evaluation of their request. A ipulation form requirement is designed to ad6ress quirements outlined in Minnesota Statutes 414.0325 Subdivision 3. A stipulation form is attached as an addendum to this policy. Applicant submits a non - refundable $500 filing fee alcng with the submittals in step ;2 of the process. Applicant will be responsible for possible additional costs up to a maximum out of pocket expense of $2500. All expenses will serve as a reimbursement for staff time as determined on an hourly basis by the City Manager. Pees will be reviewed and possibly amended on an annual basis by the City Council. It is the applicant's responsibilityy to undertake an evaluation and provide information in support of their request pursuant to the requirements set forth in Minnesota Statutes 414.0325 Subdivision 1 -5. It is the City's responsibility to process the request by reviewing submittals for completeness, evaluating the information and making a determination as to an affirmative or negative position on the request. -- It is the policy of the City of Prior lake to consider annexation requests outside of an existing orderly annexation agreement area. If a request is made, the following conditions will apply: 1. All conditions found in previous process above shall also apply here. 2. Guidelines for action will be determined by the applicable Minnesota Statute section in Chapters 414 "Incorporation, Detachment and Annexation ". -- It is the policy of the City of Prior Lake to enter into an orderly Annexation Agreement prior to annexing any property. All efforts will be made to that extent where possible. However, in the event an Orderly Annexation Agreement cannot be successfully attained, the City maintains the prerogative to initiate or consider annexation proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. -- It is a policy of the City of Prior Lake to be objective in their evaluation of annexation petitions and requests. The City's position will to the greatest extant be consistent with the overall best interest of the community. To further this objectivity, some form of evaluation standards must be present in order for the City Council to take a position on a particular annexation proposal. It is difficult to predict all of the conditions and standards that must be evaluated on each request, however, the following will serve as the minimum standards necessary for the City Council to analyze prior to making a decision on an annexation proposal. 1. Is the request consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and /or can the Comprehensive Plan be amended successfully without a great deviation from the existing plan for the area? 2. Is the stipulation form as submitted by the applicant thorough and complete? foes the stipulation form address all of the requirements as noted in Minnesota Statutes 414.0325, subdivision 3? 3. What financial impact results from the extension of services to the proposed annexation area? Will an overall city -wide increase in taxes, fees or charges result? Is an overall city -wide increase justified based on the importance of annexing the area? 4. What will be the effect of annexation on residents, land owners and property in the area to be annexed? 5. How much revenue can and will be obtained through taxes and other charges levied against the area? Will that revenue be sufficient to offset the costs of annexation. 6. What is the present zoning and development status of the land available in the a -ea, and what is the applicant's intention for future development of the area? 7. What, if any, effect will annexation and development of this property have on future or potential development of property within the municipal boundaries adjacent to or near the annexation area? 6. How will the Citp and general Prior Lake community as a whole benefit from this annexation? 9. Any other standard or condition that the Council so designates or chooses in step 3 of the annexation process is attached as this policy. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ANNEXATION PROCESS The following process will be followed if a petition or request for annexation occurs between any applicant and the City of Prior Lake. A formal meeting with appropriate staff to review the Policy and submittal requirements. Submittal form will be provided to applicant. Decision as to necessary information required for Step /3 action is made at this step. Upon receiving applicant submittals, staff prepares preliminary summary of information and evaluation. 3. City Council action on preliminary summary and general annexation concept. Decision to proceed with further evaluation is determined. Applicant and staff time is invested to prepare more detailed evaluation and analysis. All submittals are received, staff work is completed and possible recommendation prepared. Planning Commission conducts hearing on request, receives public input and makes recommendation. City Council schedules for discussion, reviews all information and makes decision to either accept or reject request in the form of a Resolution. NOTES -- Estimated time to process an application through the City is 2 - 4 months. -- The Process above assumes request is within orderly annexation area; Step 2 -3 may be altered if request is outside an existing orderly annexation area. -- Contacts with existing governmental entity (Township or City) controlling the land will be made during steps 1 and 2. -- Contact with Municipal Board staff may be made after steps 3 and 6. -- A Municipal Board hearing may or may not be required after step 6. Estimated Municipal Board processing time is 1 - 4 months. -- Within an orderly annexation area (in our case) Township Board approval is not necessary to process or act on an application. Consideration should be given to what position the City wants to take with the Board, if any, on these matters. 4 /F PRIG � O z + J „s \ % E }OAP 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:45 P.M. "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEET AGENDA MARCH 21, 1991 CALL TO ORDER REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HEARING HOME OCCUPATION JIM PETERSEN HEARING HOME OCCUPATION TIM G. CONNORS * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the schedulcd time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /AJfimwtioe Action Employer /F PRI C7 y "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" ;+s \r%.�FSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 7, 1991 The March 7, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Arnold, Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Associate Planner Terrie Sandbeck, and Secretary Rita Schewe. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Arnold, Wells, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - PAUL VIERECK HOME OCCUPATION CONTINUATION Terrie Sandbeck Associate Planner presented the information on Staff's findings. A video tape was made of the premises and inventory, is on file at City Hall for future references. A contract has been signed by the applicant stating the conditions on operating a home occupation for his property. An inspection should be performed once a year to ensure compliance and the sign permit would be void if the conditions are violated. Recommendation from Staff is to approve the Home Occupation Permit subject to the conditions specified in the contract. Comments from the Commissioners were in agreement with Staff's recommendation. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND WELLS, TO APPROVE THE HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION AND CONTRACT WITH THE CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY STAFF AND SIGNED BY PAUL VIERECK, FOR VIERECK FIREPLACE SALES INC., AT 3465 N.W. 140TH STREET. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth. Wells, Arnold, Loftus, and Kedrowski. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM III - PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDER ANNEXATION PETI Public Hearing called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Arnold. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity/AJfimwtiue Action Employer PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 7, 1991 PAGE 2 City Manager Dave Unmacht, gave a brief summary on the annexation process and policy. Resolution 90 -35 established Prior Lake's policy for annexation procedures. The charge to the Commissioners is to decide if the annexation makes good land use sense for the City of Prior Lake. At this time no decision is needed on the concept subdivision or approval of a development contract. The recommendation of the Planning Commission will be forwarded to the City Council. The City and Spring Lake Township Board will continue to meet to work out the conditions on this annexation. Attorney Tim Keane, of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. 7900 Xerxes Ave, South, Bloomington, represented the applicants, Joe Mahoney and Mike Giles of New Century Construction. Mr. Keane stated they have prepared a petition for annexation of approximately 69 acres of land located in section 11, Township 114, Range 22, Spring Lake Township. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to request approval of the annexation only and to forward the recommendation to the City Council. If the annexation is approved by the Council and Municipal Board, the applicants would return to the Planning Commission with an application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment, rezoning, and preliminary plat of Woodridge Estates. The annexation as proposed is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The stipulation form has been submitted to the City and the financial impact has been reviewed and analyzed as to the costs and burden on the City services. Comments from the Police, Fire Department and Schools, were that the annexation and subsequent development of 150 lots would not significantly impact personnel or government services. The property in question is bounded 778 by the corporate boundaries of the City of Prior Lake. A concept plan map of the development was shown. Horst Graser presented the information as per memo of March 3, 1991 and advised the Commission that the charge is to determine whether the site is urban or about to be suburban in character. Prior Lake has grown to its present size via several annexations. An Orderly Annexation agreement was entered into with Spring Lake Township in 1972. The City Engineer has reported that utilities are of capacity and location tq accommodate the proposed site. The property borders the shopping center and The Pond Athletic Complex which would benefit by the influx of people. This area has been included in the Draft 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Currently there are approximately 150 buildable single family lots available in Prior Lake. There are no proposed subdivisions within the community at this time. Potential development of the annexation site would provide additional inventory to the short supply of single family lots. Mr. Graser outlined the 7 points listed in the Planning Report and the recommendation from Staff, based upon the facts and findings, that annexation would be in the best interest of the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 7, 1991 PAGE 3 City and provide opportunity for development consistent with the adjacent urban areas. Staff is of the opinion that the site should be developed under subdivision and zoning standards of the City of Prior Lake. Potential development of 2 1/2 acre lots directly adjacent to the corporate limits, would not be in the best, long term interest of Prior Lake. It is assumed by the Orderly Annexation Agreement that this area will at some point be annexed by the City. It is extremely difficult to retrofit existing development to higher subdivision and zoning standards. The potential for acquiring public park lands and introducing public utilities would likely be compromised by rural development patterns that allow 2 1/2 acre lots with septic systems. Letters form Laurie Hartmann, President of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce, and James Gibbish, Director of the Town Center Association, were submitted stating they are in favor of the annexation and urge the Planning Commissioners to approve the annexation. Clarence Kaiser, 20181 Fairlawn Avenue, Chairman of the Spring Lake Township Board, stated that the Township has concerns about future maintenance of Mushtown Road, capacity of the City's sewer lines, and status of the existing Orderly Annexation Agreement. The Township would like to negotiate a new agreement before acting on this annexation. Because of these concerns, the Township opposes the annexation at this time. However, there has been progress made concerning the terms of a new orderly annexation agreement and it is possible that an agreement may be reached regarding the annexation petition. Mr. Keane stated that they would work with the City and Spring Lake Township Board to resolve the concerns. Comments from the Commissioners were: proposed zoning should be corrected in the application from R -2 to R -1, impact of schools and roads, financial and revenue status, definition of charge, updated annexation policy, Mushtown Road status, conceptual plan design, safety concerns, ring road completion and if there would be any negative economic impacts for the City if the land is annexed and not developed. Mr. Graser stated that a petition is needed to act and the opportunity is here now. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, THAT BASED ON THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED, ANNEXATION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 114 RANGE 22 SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF MUSHTOWN ROAD, WOULD BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PROPERTY AND CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. ANNEXATION WOULD PROVIDE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR DEVELOPMENT CONSISTENT TO ADJACENT AREAS, AND RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO ACT IN A POSITIVE MANNER ON THIS PETITION. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MARCH 7, 1991 PAGE 4 Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Roseth, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing closed at 9:25 P.M. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified axes by Roseth, Loftus, Wells, Arnold, and Kedrowski. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Horst Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary /pF , PR A ®\ U R m P � I NN Fs o "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: DATE: INTRODUCTION• Home Occupation Permit Mr. Jim Petersen / Mastercraft Electronics Co. 3338 Todd Road S.W. March 21, 1991 The Planning Department has received an application from Jim Petersen of 3338 Todd Road S.W. to consider a Home Occupation Permit. Mr. Petersen proposes to operate a sound contractor operation, "Mastercraft Electronics Company ", from his residence. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: The subject site contains a single family home and is zoned R••1 /S -D. The lot has an area of approximately 26,136 square feet, and abuts other residential lots containing single family homes on both the right and left side lot lines. The yard and home appear to be very clean. The neighborhood is comprised almost exclusively of single family homes. STAFF ANALYSIS• The proposed Home Occupation permit is to operate Mastercraft Electronics Company from the Petersen's residence at 3338 Todd Road S.W. This operation consists of the sales, installation, and ser °rice of sound equipment (speakers, etc.), fire alarm systems, the Aiphone Intercom System, and the Nurse Call System. Literature regarding some of these products is available for reference. The operation consists of a small office in the basement of the Petersen's home, and a warehouse in Lakeville. Sales are conducted over the telephone, and customers do not visit the home. The office does not contain a showroom, display area, or product storage. Most product orders are picked up at the delivery terminal and taken directly to the job site, or stored in their Lakeville warehouse. UPS deliveries are made directly to the Petersen home, but on a sporadic schedule. Mrs. Petersen estimated that the number of UPS deliveries may range from three times per week to no deliveries for three weeks. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer No exterior signage or advertising is visible outside the home, and no outside storage exists. It appears that the use has not changed the residential character of the neighborhood. There are three full -time employees in the operation: Mr. Petersen; his son, Kim; and an unrelated employee. Mr. Petersen stated that his employees are seldom at his home, and that they meet at the warehouse or job sites. Mr. Petersen's need for a Home , the attention of staff throug: traffic and delivery trucks a' complainant also informed staff business from his home and ad During an investigation by Jay ; Officer, the Petersen's were m; Occupation Permit. Since that with staff in their application .pation Permit was brought to anonymous complaint regarding he Petersen residence. The t Mr. Petersen was operating a ising in the yellow pages. rer, the City Code Enforcement aware of their need for a Home the Petersen's have worked this permit. On Wednesday, March 13, 1991, staff received a telephone call from Mr. Robert Robbs of 3304 Todd Road (two homes away from the Petersen's home). He stated that he has no objections to their home occupation permit, their home is well maintained, and that they are good neighbors. He said that he has not noticed any traffic problems related to the Petersen's home occupation. He also stated that he would try to attend the public hearing so that he could make his comments known to the Planning Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Home Occupations may be permitted only if they do not detract from the residential character of the neighborhood. This operation meets this objective, and meets the criteria listed in Section 5 -5 -8 of the City Co- regarding Home Occupations. For this reason, the recommendation from staff is to approve the Home Occupation Permit for 3338 Todd Road S.W. as the operation exists today. Changes in the operation that may have a detrimental effect upon neighborhood residents, or that do not comply with the City's Home Occupation Ordinance, should be required to have prior approval by the City of Prior Lake. This permit is site specific, and shall not be transferable. 5-5-8 5-5-9 6-5-8: HOME OCCUPATIONS, Any home occupation such as art studios, dressmaking, teaching or the professional office of a physician, dentist, lawyer. engineer, architect or accountant. may be permitted as an accessory use if it complies with the requirements of this Section. The Prior Lake Planning Commission may issue a home occupation permit following a hearing for which abutting property owners fi ve been notified. (AI The home occupation shall be carried on by a member of the family residing in the dwelling unit with not more than one employee who is not part of the family. (B) The home occupation shall be carried on wholly within the principal or accessory structures. (C) Exterior displays or signs other than those permitted under Sebtion 5 -5 —e, exterior storage of materials and exterior indication of the home occupation or variation from the residential character of the principal structure shall not be permitted. (0) Objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, dust, electrical disturbance, odors, heat or glare shall not be produced. (El Articles not produced on the promises shall not be sold on the premises, without a specified permit. (F) The home occupation shall not create excessive automobile traffic within the neighborhood. 5-5-9: MANUFACTURED HOMES: Manufactured homes may be located in an R-e Mixed Code Residential District under the following conditions: (A) Platted: Development in which the entire penal is to be divided Into individual lots to be sold separately shall conform to all requirements of the City for subdivisions as set forth in Title 9 of she Prior Lake City Code. (B) Unplatted: Manufactured home parks in which sites will be madeavailable for rent shall conform to Section 5 -5-11. IC) Installation: Approval of manufactured housing developments shall be based upon installation requirements which require an anchoring and support system as defined and approved by the Minnesota DaP3rtment of Administration, Building Code Division rules for manufactured housing 384 Ho 3L — PIDi .fyys•r��:i[• • : y r •• • •'•.• • •a• Applicant: Address: .7 Home Phone: - Ze Z 3 Work Phone: -YVe -/C 33 Property Ow ner: il Al / Address: 3237 T? s. /v Horne Phone: `fHC - 7,1 Y d ,, Work Phone: •f YD- i o 3.S" O/o 6, .r /,.r 3 0-o'n o /b. 6N Legal Description of Site: - as Propety Identification N:anbe (PID) : 90 61 - O Nature and Size of Hone Occupation: - ° /Vl�� e r4- T o—c 77Z� Present Zoning: R I S' Cl ^_ P / C w x ". ,:V ro IF 7rf Hop, SUBMISSION REOUIRMON15 (A) Completed application form. (B) Filing Fee. (C) Names and addresses of abutting property owners. (D) Parcel ID (PID). ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PLkMNG COMMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 6.8 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for Hone Occupations. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinnaa)nce.���� li Submitted this aO day of Crfi 1921 T�l:p'p s Signature e bmfers Signature THIS SPACE ID BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRBCPOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED 3 al A 1 HEAP= DATE CITY COUNCIL APPEAL. APPROVED _D ENIED DATE Conditions: Signature of the Planning Director Date R ®F PRIG r� y "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PROPOSED HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1991 at 7:35 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a home occupation permit for Jim Petersen. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: 3338 Todd Road SW P/O Govt Lot 3 Com 1016.6 N S 113.3 E of SW Cor., NE 200, NW25, NE 100 to POB REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission grant a home occupation permit in order for him to use his home for a sound contractor operation ( "Mastercraft Electronics Company "). His home is located at 3338 Todd Road SW. Mr. Petersen told staff that he is a contractor that works primarily in Minneapolis and St. Paul, that all materials are shipped directly to the job sites, and that customers do not visit his home. In order for Mr. Petersen to operate this from his home, it will be necessary to obtain an approved home occupation permit from the Prior Lake Planning Commission. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission March 11, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 1]�1 91 W v N W a t � C� M ' W � W — � M W W V1 . 1]�1 91 W N m o + r M N — � S O u '\ w N Lam/ �eW 2T TE AV E_N LA E_ If A1 . ti T N U o ti (1 N n Z N 163 - n ��V4. I14Y�� jvb d I^ Q 11 •'.G 10 .N U W VI w V W 0 �_ 9 214587 ro V 3 -� u m O �� O 3 I 54.547 { l' GEN MER AD 'N afo 3270 s2e., s b[ SYGAM 3u49 '5299 Cpl/ 33L9 3349 vOlp m C g i � y • s �� ��o� m ��y m Jl1 W T S vtnMO4C .rkA o ^' J 4 ? � - �" � 3Yll 7 WV9 3467 ',lv4s 3v73 3'fBl ` A � R. L. S. m i + SA v v� ki Q 9 q F a a D ..F. F Fire 816 U S WEST Direct low Pages Mon„ Fire Alarm Systems)Cont'd) [Na'tnoARI.O.I. LOW YOLTASECONTRACTONS I's .,Aws As Af(•WAYA4RMSYSTEYSY Srtm..t - - -- 1. -1".2"1 FARADAY FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS- 24 HOUR SERVICE "BRAND ELECTRONICS SERVICE I�Y c p i, TFCxxaalEt uN 1 ( 1nxAlvl. nnrwul nrN FIRE 6 LIFE SAFETY �.a� - Y COMi[CM INC -.... .r N].mw.w A. f M 'N _. _.. _. A".2282 SYSTEMS FIRE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS- NOTIFIER - FIRE -LITE SALES - SERVICE -INS' , }Tn Nl RAT.nl roe' KiDDE FIRE ALARMS - SECVRI • PYROTRONICS •'( DI ' ALARM PRODUCTS •15741OUTOR I Iro14 wR..w RIN _ .................... 71.7055 FIRE / LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS lie K0 svirzMS - -- ] }I �� M+cnu sectrl snuma EN)RAGUAR: .43el U t lNwa NV. , +p1M rI, 9 "w,._ - -ere ]t501rMrr °� .... ....._. ... .- 17''1702 24 HOUR SERI . MA1M(xanC(i NSIIV Sf0v1[[S MAINT x t• LL SEls SPECIAL SYSTEMS INC -- ]]2-?M MASTERCRi ELECTRONICS COMPAMY 646'1371 It • N O MDN mom ::vrt; FI Fit. SLAY 1L L eiria Act ry m N Sir -- 6-2121 COMME INSTITUTIONAL A9111,4A9111A9111,4111".. .1.w S.I.. CO ... FREE ESTIMATES ••• Mn 11, A Ano....... __...._. _...._+21-3429 EDDLIFE 31mn S >nEm. moSM INTEGRATED LIRE SAFETY FlOYD SECURITY 1 SI MPLAN I RE CORDER CC • 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE. I SALff - SEO I s.). F E E , s ..-. .O SINCE 2 4 HOUR VR SERVICE SERVICE SpNITRONITICH SECURITY SECURIURI TY fYSTEY3 888 -6800 Tn ti,,nN 1945 440 -1035 LN. ,. __ 33MIOM4Fwwe . }g Cn,wl _ rJD rot w n S, Mnam .... .. .. 160.6100 I Cman SMwn SPRINKLERAND M*fa A we ISW 1122 M Into ...... O1-43A0 Nxwr Mn.,w••E CfRAERUf 1YROTROMtLS Mmnetot+Conway FIN W NMI Yl l Ion a fH..RwIn.Yna. I I IM CMf /!$ki On .sRwnN I...A ._. ........... __..... "3.0"6 wHminn...n CERBERI)5 ! PII•'I.Gr Ad en Prernit. Pill. <w mna Ut.,m1 PY R OTR ON IC S O M I"OIW FIRE SYSTEMS- • I rtTnuP,7IDDIAI IN 'FFJR I -IN NI11 Insurance APPrOYM SO-am SIC"s, SST[ A4RMaCOMMUNICAT10M SYSIfMf INC • 24 o4ESen SERVICE .lox c'."S Sir". . 811 _61'6 I n s wwrr.n. ........_. !s] -ets TWlx CrtlES vsnr..,. 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Invot- I H•no SP1...'C +N 4,."Ccw deft E Innols 11, lnrrfw.Ms __ 'MI'NS,"Sir ........ _ AS4JOS5 fMS25 . .... ........_ ........ . .._... -6400i Fire Depa rtments o n fr um D ( NOTIFIERJ FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS ELECTRIC SCIENTIFIC la prcm.In . ten n.x ELECTRIC SCIENTIFIC COMPANY ID]u 8 S - - - - 29.9191 ( smcAlvc nl.ruaWIR See Emergency Call lnfor JCI .N+ MINNESOTA CONWAYfMl AND SAFETYIN( inside front Colter at this mmnlo" rn,ma E.'I. G,K.En f..II W-7017 INSwnT Et "1 -- - -� � -.. P) -4T1 alphabetical listings in IT .... FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS DNSONA I )tl0 CONTROLS MiT1fIERJFIRTI A" UnMA eI Pages. 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US WEST Onset Yellow Introduce the suppliers you r last, It's ConvemMl. Wile N there's nothing like US WEST Direct Yellow Po Besting in touch with nryolle well sells NIiMA Yellow Pages once; You ll use Souvenirs•Retail Features • CCD camera with infrared LED's to clearly see a person in the dark. • Compact video door station fits standard 3-gang box. • 3 video door stations (MCW -P3) • Up to 10 video monitors • Video and audio have 2 options: Telephone -type intercom (IC2AD) Multiple telephones (TD -H, RCX) • 4" flat screen. • Security door release. t • CC1V camera can be used in place 01 video door station. • Easy installation. t • Can be used with the LAF system. •Functions: 2, 91 so Masters MC-U: Video room monitor IC2AD: Audio room station Door Stations MC-D: Video door station ,C-DA, IC -RA, ICNA, ICDA, ID-DA, ID-NC: Audio only door stations Subs MCH -U: Sub video station ICH•ICD: Audio Room Station Accessories PS -24N: Power Supply EL -9S: Door Release Ili Remote Relay (for use with TD-H) DOUR: Door Station Adaptor (for use with TD -H and LAO ICR -1: Call Extension Speaker MBVv -A: Back Box (for IONIC) MCVy -R: Surface Box (for MCD) MCW -P3: Camera Adaptor (up to 3 Cameras) PS -12C: Power Supply (for TD -H) PT- 1210N: Plug -in AC Transformer (EL -9S) MCN -B Relay Box for External Device tconxa Techninl Sates for more complex inrormadnn. Typical Applications Residential and small business entry security. Features A security -type door answering system. • Capacity: up to 3 room stations and 1 or 2 door stations. • Melodic 4- stroke chime with volume control. • Lamp memory call annunciator for door station call -in (IC2AD only). • Room station includes button for door release. • Chime call extension from door with optional speaker. • LED indicates door station location in the dark. • 4 door station models . s Dual door release capability. •Functions: 2, 5, 6.9. 10 Masters 1 door station system: IC1AD: Room station 2 door station system: IC2AD: Master room station ICH -1CD: Sub room station (Must be used with IC2AD) S IC2AD -WL: Dual door release (See Accessories) Subs Door stations: ICDA: Surface mount IC-JA: Flush mount, stainless steel ID -DA: Surface mount, plastic ID -NC: Semi -flush mount. plastic IC-JA available in Antique Brass. Brass, or Ivory. Accessories EL -9S: Door Release ICR -1: Call Extension Speaker Pr- 1210N: Plug -in AC Transformer S RY -WL: Dual Door Release Adaptor (for use with IC2AD -WL) Typical Applications Video security entry for home or business. Features • CCD Camera with infrared LED's to clearly see a person in the dark. • Video door station is compactly designed. • Two -wire intercom cable, no Coaxial cable required • Inside room station is thin and compact. With 4" screen. • Inside room station Can be wall or desk mounted. • Monitor button allows you to see outside at any time. • Door release capability, with LED indica: ng door strike is activated. • Camera angle can be adjusted upward 6 with spacer provided. • Functions: 2, 9, t0, 54 Master MY-1AD: Room station with video monitor Door Station MY -DA: Video door station Accessories PS -18C: Power supply IER -2: Call extension speaker wtvolume control Video Sentry System Typical Applications Video /security intercom system. Easy to learn: Accident proof: Simple color code: Statc<16thu art Modular, easy -to- maintain system. Each module of the Zetcom ll system has been designed to be durable and easy -to- maintain. Switches are rated in excess of a million cycles. All bulbs are replaceable from the front; quickly and easily, without having to remove plates. All connectors are "plug -in" types; no soldering necessary. L:A,...nh m:nulc Iu Nrn:hcum Ic.hn.:L•gv 1, Ea"'(..... I.I:n Llmr. Mrmhnan n.uJ1 rvnn1. h.nn n.n ln.un :.r ue4�.rn.nl. ..av- I•Il I. IA 11 rc". -'! oo:l. .:n.I d.n S:, .::nq•h,.nc.1 pr.:.:1. O: pn:: d. . I d .,d n..rm,:I ..11. wu. u, . "J.a N.. b:ng I"i mg c, t-rn^d • PI"Ni "d . Anna, aW in uniu. Allows Emorgvna - - call ..r manmum nenhilio Lm Allows mohllity: codcmal .all onJ adlanment w pcn:.nnd N0 -IAsS voice TnWI ciaihility: 1'ulumc control: removal. One touch control: Vin InJ1. a1cJ whl.r.. u11n • lln n Sane. Ln.g. I TO, rvnnp 1 .. Imm.J:aly u.J. lod. wh r. YUCnICJ whin 1.n¢L, .nJ. \,. brm 'r .. of o' a .:. . ngh! b.'Y n: I " d !]e.hrnu. �. m . "•�, ., .. ...J. .J n:,. .. m. ,..:..I .,:., n.. .nu,. mg PI. .h. ununn. 1 1 "over-tale '. Like talkmg art ..1d ..:nln.l m.,r n Slide in panels: gtm.. n..nm nvmncrs can n, 1Shisper hanecd III mlmnas. ® ZETTLLER, sensitive" 16881 Hale Avenue monitoring: Irvine. California 92714 InJn:Jual .nom ,: „nog .arah:l:e I 1- dlgl:h.1 ,::I n,d n n:. n, /1 L �L Quick Page: 'touch to Cancel: Group capture: Iwr,ice request: :. ,In, I.I.b: .,I n. V!, n ,- .arlun . hLQhla. r ..,l:m ..:,:.1. I.nel ...,:.: o.:::.... ,,1 :::..,: 9.....r- nl .:nJg : 1 Ln raging :n am.,g. n.. ..YU,a h: J,Lr J.:i:..r I.LlI . „,I I.. r.YUa cLa. wah m.:du ur stnu.:n n.,,m numE., . aW in uniu. Allows manmum nenhilio Lm Allows mohllity: Low profile. adlanment w pcn:.nnd N0 -IAsS voice 10,,Mnv lyre ma'Ireo Sturdy design: I.,0, and wnrkl...d. transmission: %11— riT n ant R. SIIm. Inm and curd. Sn hxalc cnnrerxation. Fuwm 1:: 111 d....ng Ilrnuuc n Cie.,. r:nlmunus. w11111, l..ugbm unlnlr mlrtr.l una brm 'r .. of o' a m.nrnah Lgh .ple',1 n Iranamlaa m . ]n —rd 1101— ;n nursa sl:nn:arIhahla T.,J In, duo to hunon "cue ununn. dr. Nn InuJ r.,cc "over-tale '. Like talkmg faceTtodace. Slide in panels: n..nm nvmncrs can n, AMERICA hanecd III mlmnas. ® ZETTLLER, 16881 Hale Avenue Irvine. California 92714 Call toll -free: 1.800. 854 -8474 � s « -- ���� =���� _ «e . .. : .w > . a .. > . : �w.• < »� � � -. . � .�������\d .- ����� \2. ^ ° �................. - � �� - - - \ \\ � ? M r y ,,::c © w «y.)d AL��� O F PR, v "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" v X y / \,ECO r PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: Home Occupation Permit for a Pottery Studio APPLICANT: Tim G. Connors SITE: 14113 Ash Circle N.E. DATE: March 21, 1991 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department has received an application from Tim G. Connors of 14113 Ash Circle N.E. to consider a Home Occupation Permit. Mr. Connors proposes to operate a pottery studio at his residence in a studio that is scheduled to be built in the Fall of this year. DEVELOP ISSUES: The subject site contains a single family home and is zoned R -1. The lot is approximately 17,575 square feet, and abuts Ferndale Avenue along the west side yard, two residential lots with single family homes along the East side yard, and another residential lot along the rear yard line. The neighborhood is comprised almost exclusively of single family homes to the north, south, and east of the site, with an undeveloped, wooded wetland (zoned C -1) to the west of the site. STAFF ANALYSIS: Mr. Connors is a part -time potter with eight years of University level study in ceramic arts. He also had a one year apprenticeship with a Japanese master potter, Radakimura. He is employed full -time with the Seiko Time Corp. as a sales representative for their Pulsar Division. Mr. Connors currently has a potter's studio and an office in his basement, but would like to build a 832 square foot garage to use as a studio in hi back yard. He plans on installing both a gas and an electric kiln in his new studio. The kilns will possess the appropriate safety features, and do not emit noxious fumes or odors. Mr. Connors stated that a gas kiln emits fumes that are equal to, or less than, the fumes emitted by a typical gas furnace that is used to heat homes. Very little noise is emitted by both types of kilns. Mr. Connors has never had an employee help with his work, other than family members, in his seventeen years as a potter. He does not anticipate the need for employees in the future, but may 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 4245 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer require the services of young people to help with manual labor chores and yard work. There will be no material deliveries made to the Connor's residence, as Mr. Connors transports these products with his own vehicle. He does not intend to use his studio for retail sales. The majority of his sales are made through art shows around the region. However, Mr. Connors would like the right to hold kiln openings three or four times a year for people that collect his work. The advertising for these openings would be performed through a mailing, and would not involve advertising to the public. He equated the amount of traffic that would be generated during these openings to that of a garage sale, and that there would be no more than four cars at his residence at one time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Home Occupations may be permitted only if they do not detract from the residential character of their neighborhood. This operation currently meets this objective, and should continue to do so once the studio is constructed. This operation also meets the criteria listed in the Home Occupation Ordinance, Section 5 -5 -8 of the City Code. For this reason, the recommendation from staff is to approve the Home Occupation Permit for 14113 Ash Circle as the operation exists today. However, due to the fact that the studio is not yet constructed, and that staff is unable to anticipate the number of customers that may attend Mr. Connor's kiln openings, the Planning Commission may want to attach the following conditions if the decision is made to approve this permit. 1.) Staff suggests that the number of kiln openings be limited to three per year. Traffic generated at these kiln openings should be kept at a minimum. If complaints are generated due to these kiln openings or the traffic they produce, the Home Occupation Permit should again be brought before the Planning Commission for review, and possible revokation; and 2.) Staff recommends that the Home Occupation continue to conform to the criteria outlined in Section 5 -5 -8 of the Prior Lake City Code regarding Home Occupations. Violation of these criteria may be cause for a review of the Home Occupation Permit by the Planning Commission. The Home Occupation should be limited to the home, or the studio (garage). No outside storage is allowed. Changes in the Home Occupation that may have a detrimental effect upon neighboring residents, or do not comply with the City's Home Occupation Ordinance, should be required to have prior approval by the City of Prior Lake. This permit is site specific and shall not be transferable. 6-6-8 6-6-10 5-5-8: HOME OCCUPATIONS: Any home occupation such as an studios, dressmaking teaching or the p.ofessional office of a physician. dentist, lawyer, engineer, architect or accountant, may be permitted n an accessory use if it complies with the requirements of this Section. The Prior Lake Planning Commission may issue a home occupation permit following a hearing for which abutting property owners hoe been notified. IA) The home occupation shall be carried on by a member of the family residing In the dwelling unit with not more than one employee who is not part of the family. (8) The home occupation shall be carried on wholly within the principal or accessory structures. (C) Exterior displays or signs other than those permitted under Section 5 -5 -4. exterior storage of materials and exterior indication of the home occupation or variation from the residential character of the principal structure shall not be permitted. (D) Objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, dust electrical disturbance, odors, hest or glare shell not be produced. (E) Articles not produced on the premises shall not be sold on the premises, without a specified permit IP) The home occupation shall not create excessive automobile traffic within the neighborhood. 6-5-9: MANUFACTURED IIOMFS: Manufactured homes may be located In an R -4 Mixed Code Residential District under the following conditions: (A) Platted: Development in which the entire pa¢el is to be divided into individual lots to be sold separately shall conform to all requirements of the City for subdivisions as set forth in Title 6 of the Prior Lake City Cole. (B) Unplatled: Manufactured home parks in which sites will be madeavailable for rent shall conform to Section 6 -5 -11. (C) Installation: Approval of manufactured housing developments shall be based upon installation requirements which require an anchoring and support system as defined and approved by the Minnesota Department of Administration, Building Code Division rules for manufactured housing 384 HO J/ - PID! -)C -014 -001 -n CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR HOME OCQJPATION PERMIT 'IN G. rnN"QC Applicant: 141 � A . S � H � f ro r LE N f Address: - - � J `" "' ^'�MN 55372 Hone Phone: 4 L -2 iii Work Phone: Property Owner: Sam R Address: Hone Phone: Work Phone: Legal Description of Site: Propety Identification Number (PID): iJn 1h S4rvi OA k S' '3 2 f D i , et. � Bloc 1< s RM1 Nature and Size of Home Occupatio n: _ Ff„ f�ti P #err a o i,.' L SUBMISSION REOUIREMENIS (A) Completed application form. (B) Filing Fee. (C) Names and addresses of abutting property owners. (D) Parcel ID (PID). ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. To the best of ny knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 6.8 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for Hone Occupations. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. Submitted this -LLL: `� �day of M44 19 1 App licants Signature Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRECPOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED HEARING DATE CITY COUNCIL APPEAL APPROVED DENIED HEARING HATE Conditions: Signature of the Planning Director 5 Present Zoning: Q 5, / (JR-I ) U NE "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PROPOSED HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4619 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1991 at 7:45 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a home occupation permit for Tim G. Connors. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: 14113 Ash Circle N.E. Lot 1, Block 1, North Shore Oaks, Third Addition REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission grant a home occupation permit so that he may use his garage to manufacture handmade pottery. Mr. Connors told staff that a three car garage is scheduled for construction this fall and will have 832 square feet of space. It will house both electric and gas kilns, which do not omit noxious fumes or odors. Mr. Connors does not intend to use his pottery studio for retail sales, however he would like to be able to hold seasonable kiln openings. His work will be sold during regional art shows. In order for Mr. Connors to operate this from his home, it will be necessary to obtain an approved home occupation permit from the Prior Lake Planning Commission. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission March 14, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal Oppor unityiAJJirmatiue Action Employer COUNTY ROAD P� r1 FlliS T A D T e 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 B 7 fi H H E A, S hpis 019 5 5279 i Sra B I ,401 lW�ilO {f 5716 5336 5 ;76 5346 OI 1. 14"1 4 � OUTLOT 2 3 4 S 6 9 S C ND 5356 A D 54.G 1M090 10 8410 3 2 1 S a70 5468 HAMPTON 57. 57 19 5395 5313 5 ;35 5357 5375 14493 —A^ 12 II 10 OUT LOT 9 8 7 1 0 Er 4 AW000 n., c5w5 A 2 W a13 5197 5 TO NORTH SHORE 'OAK 11 wI 4 3 2 I W120 14119 13ny W 126 1 2 3 w, 3 D 1 D'IN (� Iglq; N,30 S 6 7 6 �4� 2 Y 2 Igg4 5 l o IN 2 ! 14113 14149 8170 14144 Q 141s, HORE I.N. g 069' .r 1a..l 14155 I 2 1 5 — IJ169 3 19.70 7 I 21. 14141 10 3 gi)9 14.71 Igl/9 3 2 4Iy 14 Y.,6 2 20 14183 . 3 6 6S N E II Ill c' 14 ]04 li . 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