HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 September Planning Commission Agenda PacketT6m)() i /, PRIO� v 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. HERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 CALL. TO ORDER REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:30 Y.M. HEAFOMG LAKESHORE VARIANCE �ad�r?G91 7:45 P.M. NEARING LOT AREA AND LOT COVERAGE DAVID vaaAND VARIANCE REORGANIZE PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR * Indicates a Public Nearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. / v UUU r HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 9JS'3 N' 1991 2091 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1991 The August 22, 1991, Special Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 5:05 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Arnold, Kedrowski, Roseth, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Associate Planner Sam Lucast, and Secretary Rita Schewe. Commissioner Wells arrived at 5:22 P.M. and Commissioner Loftus arrived at 5:39 P.M. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. A recess was called at 5:07 P.M. to await the arrival of the applicant's Attorney, Tim Keane. The meeting was recalled at 5:38 P.M. ITEM II - WOOD RIDGE ESTATES FIRST ADDITION PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED The Public Hearing was called to order at 5:38 P.M. The public was in attendance. Horst Graser presented the information as written by Mr. Keane. Items 1 -12 under Planning Issues, Items 1 -5 under Engineering Issues, Items 1 -4 under Sanitary and Sewer Water Main, and Items 1 -8 under Streets were discussed as each item was presented. Changes were suggested for Items - #2 first paragraph, #3, and #6 under Planning Issues and Item #4 under Streets. Recommendation by Staff is to approve the preliminary plat based on the contingencies and agreements outlined in the document and a motion to approve a variance for Oakwood Circle cul -de -sac. Discussion followed the presentation. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AS PRESENTED WITH THE CONTINGENCIES AND AGREEMENTS AS SET FORTH IN THE DOCUMENT FROM LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTD. DATED AUGUST 21, 1991, AS AMENDED: 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1991 PAGE 2 PLANNING ISSUES 1. GRADING PLAN AND VEGETATION: IT IS AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT THE DEVELOPER WILL MASS GRADE THE ROADS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. BECAUSE IT IS BENEFICIAL TO THE PRESERVATION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, THE WOODED HOME SITES WILL BE GRADED BY THE INDIVIDUAL HOME BUILDING CONTRACTORS CONSISTENT WITH THE OVERALL GRADING PLAN AND CITY. 2. POND TRAIL: THE POND TRAIL WILL BE INCLUDED AS AN ELEMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH THE AREA. DEDICATED FOR PARK AS INDICATED ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE POND TRAIL WILL BE A FIVE FOOT WALKWAY WITH DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRAIL TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS DEPARTMENT. THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE TRAIL WILL BE DETERMINED BY STAFF. THE TEMPORARY TURN- AROUND FOR POND VIEW TRAIL WILL BE LOCATED WEST OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT ON THE "STASSEN" PROPERTY. LOT 1, BLACK 3, WILL NOT BE DELETED FROM THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. THE DEVELOPER AND STAFF WILL AGREE UPON SUITABLE SCREENING FOR THE REAR PORTION OF THAT LOT. THE DEVELOPER WILL PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL TRIANGULAR PORTION TO THE REAR SIDE LOTS 8 AND 9, BLOCK 3. LOT 9 MAY BE WIDENED UP TO AN ADDITIONAL 20 FEET TO COMPENSATE FOR THE SHALLOW DEPTH. THE RESULTING LOT DIMENSION OF LOT 9 WILL BE 90' SOUTH, 90' WEST, 120' NORTH, 140' EAST. 3. MUSHTOWN ROAD BUFFER: RATHER THAN A BERM, DEVELOPER WILL INSTALL ADDITIONAL SCREENING TO CONSIST OF A MINIMUM OF FIVE (5) CONIFEROUS TREES, BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND AT LEAST SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT TO BE PLANTED ACROSS THE REAR OF EACH LOT IN BLOCK 13. 4. BERMING AND PLANTINGS ALONG 170TH STREET: DEVELOPER AGREES TO CONSTRUCTION OF A BERM A MINIMUM FOUR (4) FEET IN HEIGHT PLANTED WITH A MINIMUM FOUR (4) CONIFEROUS TREES PER LOT, EACH BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND AT LEAST SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT. THE BERM WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 4:1. 5. BUFFER BETWEEN BLOCK 1 AND B3 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: STAFF AND DEVELOPER AGREED THAT THE EXISTING VEGETATION ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BLOCK 1 IS OF SUFFICIENT DENSITY THAT NO ADDITIONAL SCREENING IS REQUIRED. 6. SLOPES OVER 208: IAT 30, BLOCK 2, AND LOT 1, BLOCK 12, WILL BE MODIFIED SO THAT SLOPES OVER 208 WILL BE RETAINED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THE PROPOSED GRADING IN THE PARK TRAIL AREA BETWEEN BLOCKS 5 6 11 WILL BE TOO STEEP TO BUILD A TRAIL. THAT PORTION OF THE TRAIL LYING NORTH OF HORIZON TRAIL SHALL BE GRADED TO A GRADE NOT TO EXCEED 88. 7. PARK /TRAIL CONNECTION BETWEEN BLOCK 4 AND BLACK 6: THE REAR CORNERS OF LOT 16, BLOCK 4, AND LOT 7, BLACK 6, WILL BE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1991 PAGE 3 R- <<ONFIGURED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 50 FOOT CORRIDOR TO ACCOMMODATE Tr1E PARK /TRAIL. 8. OAKWOOD CIRCLE CUL -DE -SAC VARIANCE: DEVELOPER CONCURS WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR VARIANCES. 9. PONDVIEW TRAIL TEMPORARY TURN- AROUND: DEVELOPER AGREES TO PROVIDE EASEMENT DOCUMENT FOR TEMPORARY TURN- AROUND FOR PONDVIEW TRAIL CUL -DE -SAC PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. 10. ADJUST LOT LINE BETWEEN LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 3: DEVELOPER AGREES WITH RECOMMENDATION. 11. PLANTING AND SCREENING PLAN: DEVELOPER AGREES EACH LOT PLANTING PLAN WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE. 12. PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENT: DEVELOPER AGREES TO PROVIDE CASH IN LIEU OF LAND DEDICATION FOR THE DIFFERENCES IN COMPUTATION BETWEEN THE 6.9 ACRES AND THE APPROXIMATELY 6.3 TO 6.5 INCLUDED ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT ON THE BASIS OF RAW LAND VALUE OF $7,500 OR PARK DEDICATION OF $750 PER ACRE. ENGINEERING ISSUES ST ORMWATER DRAINAGE, GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1. STORMSEWER AND DRAINAGE REPORT: STAFF WILL BE WORKING WITH THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER TO DETERMINE THE DESIGN OF THE STORMSEWER PLAN. 2. HIGH WATER ELEVATION: STAFF WILL WORK WITH DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER TO CONFIRM PO D OVERFLOW ELEVATION AND MINIMUM BUILDING ELEVATION. 3. EROSION CONTROL: STAFF WILL WORK WITH DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER TO DETERMINE THE DESIGN OF SEDEMENTATION BASINS. EROSION CONTROL SILT FENCE PLANS WILL BE PROVIDED IN TWO PHASES. THE FIRST WILL REFLECT THE SILT FENCE PLAN FOR THE MASS GRADING PLAN. THE SECOND WILL BE THE SILT FENCE PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS AND BLACKS WITH CONTINUOUS SILT FENCE ALONG ALL STREETS EXCEPT WHERE NO LOT DRAINAGE GOES TO THE STREET. 4. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS: DRAINAGE EASEMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED WHEREVER DRAINAGE CROSSES LOTS. 5. CONTINGENT APPROVAL: DEVELOPER AGREES THAT THE ABOVE - REFERENCED DETAILS WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. SANITARY AND SEWE WATER MAIN 1. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS OUTSIDE THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1991 PAGE 4 PROVIDED: AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES WILL BE REQUIRED FROM THE STATE SSENR PROPERTY. 2. SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION FROM TOWER STREET: THE CITY WILL CONSTR CT THE SANITARY SEWER AT ITS EXPENSE ACROSS TOWER STREET RIGHT -OF -WAY TO THE EDGE OF THE STREET. DEVELOPER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION BEYOND THAT POINT. 3. HYDRANT SPACING: HYDRANT SPACING AND VALVE LOCATION WILL BE COORDINATED BETWEEN CITY AND DEVELOPER'S ENGINEERS. 4. WATERMAIN: WATERMAIN LINES AND UTILITIES WILL BE INSTALLED TO THE SOUTH EDGE OF MUSHTOWN RIGHT -OF -WAY. DEVELOPER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE HALF OF COST TO EXTEND UTILITIES ACROSS MUSHTOWN RIGHT -OF -WAY. STREETS 1. TYPICAL STREET SECTION: STAFF AND DEVELOPER AGREE TO A 36' STREET SECTION FOR TORONTO AVENUE AND A 30' STREET SECTION FOR ALL OTHER RESIDENTIAL STREETS. 2. TEMPORARY CUL -DE -SAC GRADING: DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER WILL SHOW PROFILE OF GRADING AND DRAINAGE OF TEMPORARY CUL -DE -SAC EAST OF PONDVIEW TRAIL. 3. SIDEWALKS: STAFF AND DEVELOPER AGREE TO CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE - 5' SIDEWALK ON WEST SIDE OF TORONTO AVENUE AND 8' BITUMINOUS TRAIL ON EAST SIDE OF TORONTO AVENUE. 4. MUSHTOWN ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: DEVELOPER AGREES TO THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR 50 OF THE COSTS OF THE MUSHTOWN ROAD IMPROVEMENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TIME OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHASE III. THE DEVELOPER'S SHARE IS FOR A 36' URBAN ROAD SECTION WITH A 7 TON DESIGN. THE CITY MAY DESIGN A WIDER ROAD WITH A 9 TON DESIGN. 5. VERTICAL CURVES: DEVELOPER AGREES ALL VERTICAL CURVES SHALL MEET THE 30 MILE AN HOUR DESIGN REQUIREMENT. CITY ENGINEER TO CONFIRM WITH DEVELOPER'S SNGINEER ON DETAILS. 6. MAILBOXES: CITY TO CONFER WITH POSTAL SERVICES TO CONFIRM LOCATION AND STYLE OF MAILBOXES IN CUL -DE -SACS. 7. 170TH STREET CONSTRUCTION: STAFF AND DEVELOPER AGREE THAT THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS OF 170TH STREET IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. 8. GARAGE SLAB ELEVATIONS: STAFF AND DEVELOPER AGREE THAT GARAGE SLAB ELEVATIONS WILL BE 1.5' ABOVE STREET ELEVATION WITH POSITIVE DRAINAGE AROUND HOUSES. SWALES AROUND HOMES WILL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ALONG SIDE LOT LINES TO CONFORM WITH 100 YEAR STORM EVENT. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Roseth, Wells, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1991 PAGE 5 MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE A 90 FOOT VARIANCE FOR OAKWOOD CIRCLE CUL -DE -SAC. Vote taken signified ayes by Wells, Kedrowski, Roseth, Loftus, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Public hearing closed at 6:25 P.M. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 6:27 P.M. Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Horst W. Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary PRI t�9 P/ 11, V.Y ES HERITAGE 1891 "VA9112" PLANNING REPORT °• I SUBJECT: SHORELAND VARIANCE APPLICANT: JOAN KUHLMANN SITE ADDRESS: 14223 SHADY BEACH TRAIL PRESENTER: SAM LUCAST PUBLIC HEARING YES X NO DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 HISTORY /BACKGROUND: Thinning Department received an application for a variance from Joan Kuhlmann of 14223 Shady Beach Trail. The application is to encroach sixteen (16) feet into the seventy five foot Shoreland District setback. The applicant removed a smaller deteriorated deck and would like to replace it with a 14' x 14' three season porch. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: There h ave been no previous proposals for variances on this property. PHYSIOGRAPHY• The twenty w thousand (22,000) square foot lot slopes gently toward Prior Lake. The elevation drops just over four (4) feet in the seventy five (75) feet between the house and the 904' contour line. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The house was ui t in 1969 and the area annexed into Prior Lake in 1974 as part of the Savage Annexation. Housing to the east of the subject site is newer than the housing to the west and the setbacks are greater too. The west setback is forty one (41) feet from the 904' contour and the east setback exceeds present requirements. In February, 1991 the Planning Commission approved a twenty nine (29) foot variance to construct a deck for Dale Shenian 14120 Orchard Circle (VA 91 -03). This site is two lots east of the subject site. The applicant removed an existing 12' x 12' deteriorated deck from the house. .The proposed porch would extend fourteen (14) feet from the house, an additional two (2) feet beyond the previous deck. It appears the porch can be constructed without the removal of any trees or vegetation. A significant tree, (10 - 12 inch caliper green ash) is located adjacent to the proposed building site. It should not present a construction problem or need to be removed. COMMUNITY 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 RECOMMENDATIONS The recommen a ion from staff is to approve the sixteen (16) foot variance on the grounds that a precedent was set in VA 91 -03 with a twenty nine (29) foot variance. There are no negative impacts and the application is reasonable given the conditions and the variance will not result in a deterioration of the general health and welfare of the community. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources received a copy of the application and has no objections to granting the variance. The hardship in this case is the inability to enjoy the lake year -round without the construction of a porch. If the Commission is uncomfortable with an expansion of the use, then grant the variance with the porch the same size as the removed deck. Marks on the house and the footings from deck still exist to provide a reasonably accurate measure of the deck's size. SKWY AGM 7RAi f • ' 4E ,, «rh ' Y ms !� I 1 '; I S87e0 WIN _.143.00- I [• j 1 ! 9A W I Ix I x. 4 Yorr�n� PROPOSED i rxl r 3 SEASON PORCH o m E � F M N%03DE - 119 fi3 -- !Y -. I N 1 f� i { R • naN uNe N �F PRr�\ 4 P VN ESO/ "VAl2PN" HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNFY VYf- ? 4' 1991 2091 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR SHORELAND VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5 1991 at 7:30 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Joan Kuhlmann of 14223 shady Beach Trail, Prior Lake. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Lot 1 Block 1 Tupa's First Addition. (14223 Shady Beach Trail) REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant proposes ;.o add a three (3) season porch on to the house where a deteriorated deck has been removed. The porch would encroach sixteen (16) feet into the seventy five (75) shoreland setback. The applicant is requesting the Planning Commission to grant a 16 foot shoreland variance to build the three season porch. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planningj Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: August 29, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 ra y s.1'.\ E y0 'N P / "VA13PC" SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 9✓J96UV � 1991 209/ PLANNING REPORT LOT AREA AND COVERAGE VARIANCE DAVID VOXLAND 3821 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL DEB GARROSS, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER YES X NO SEPTEMBEE 5, 1991 SITE ANALYSIS HISTORY /BACKGROUND T Ptanninq Department has received an application from David Voxland to consider a 3,625 square foot minimum lot area variance and 1.58 lot coverage variance. See attached materials for reference to this item. The subject site is one of two lots that are currently under common ownership. Lots 15, 16 and the west part of Lot 6, Green Heights have been registered as a unit of transfer since at least 1962. A cabin, built in 1955 is located on adjacent Lot 15. The applicant desires to renovate the cabin on Lot 15 and obtain a lot area variance to build a single family home on Lot 16. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: Bui 1ng permit records indicate that one permit for a remodel of the cabin was issued by the City on July 26, 1991. No other information is available for this site. PHYSIOGRAPHY• The subject site is located within a neighborhood that was subdivided in 1928 into predominantly 50 foot lots. The roads, drives, walks and waterfront were dedicated to the property owners within the plat and are privately maintained. The subject site is a double frontage lot located between Roosevelt Street to the south and Green Heights Trail to the north. The streets within this subdivision are not improved and consist of narrow gravel drives. As such, there are no formal means to control drainage from lots within this subdivision. The site contains approximately 15 to 20 feet of relief and slopes from south to north down toward the lake of Prior Lake. The subject site is not a Lakeshore property. Surface water drains from the site in a northerly direction to Green Heights Trail then westerly over adjacent properties to the lake. The part of Green Heights Trail adjacent to the subject site has been overlaid with larger gravel, presumably in an attempt to slow water and to improve the 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior lake, Minnewta 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 street surface during wet periods. The site contains one substantial tree in the center of Lot 16 and several smaller trees along the lot lines. The substantial tree appears to be diseased and is being attacked by birds. It appears as though the tree is dying and regardless of development, may need to be removed within the next couple of years. ADJACENT USES: This sivaion consists of a mixture of cabins and new single family homes. Clearly, the trend is that older cabins are being renovated or removed and replaced with single family homes. The attached map indicates, according to Planning Records, the lots within the subdivision that are combined properties. It is evident that there are a mixture of lot sizes as well as home types within this subdivision. There are only a handful of vacant lots within the subdivision that could some day be developed. NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES /IMPACT /CONCERNS The most critical Issues that will impact the neighborhood are lot drainage, dust control and density of development. As stated previously, the streets are not improved therefore, there is no method to control drainage or erosion into the lake. In this situation, the applicant will need to grade the lot to drain as best as possible, to the property lines and to the street. The problem is that there are no control structures once water reaches the property lines and therefore, lands downstream will suffer as the water drains more quickly than it currently does. Drainage and dust problems will only intensify with further development within this subdivision. The only way to improve the situation is to install streets, curb and gutter and a propriate storm drainage systems which should be the ultimate ob3ective of the City. However, the gravel situation exists, the roads and drives are privately owned and maintained therefore, it appears that there will be no resolution of these issues. PROBLEMS OPPORTUNITIES T i s p application is difficult for staff to process because there is a distinct conflict between the objectives of Zoning Code and actions taken by the Planning Commission and City Council on previous variances. The situation is that there are two substandard lots that are owned in common. Records available through the Scott County Recorder's Office indicate that the property has been combined for at least 29 years. The Zoning Code seeks compliance through the combination of substandard properties to create lot sizes that conform to the existing requirements. The required lot size for non lake shore lots within the R -1 Zoning District is 10,000 square feet which has been the established standard since 1983. The Shoreland Management Ordinance, adopted in 1987 further required that substandard lots under common ownership be combined. In all variance situations, it is the applicant's responsibility to prove hardship exists and is not created by their actions. In this case the combined property conforms to all of the lot requirements of the Ordinance. When divided, through action of the applicant, a substandard lot results. Staff believes that the division of the conforming property is the direct result of the applicant and or owner, not the result of the Ordinance or City of Prior Lake. Therefore, there is no hardship to grant the requested variance. Staff has researched and found that the Planning Commission and /or City Council have granted lot area variances on eleven occasions. However, ten variances were granted for individual lots where there was no opportunity to combine more than one vacant property. The only similar situation arose with the Paragon Homes variance where two substandard lakeshore lots existed however, the lots were not commonly owned. An area variance was ultimately granted to Paragon Homes for construction of a single family home. In this case, if the applicant owned _ only Lot 16, staff believes that the Planning Commission would have no choice but to grant the lot area variance similar to that granted to Paragon Homes. Unfortunately, that precedent is established and the City must take it into consideration as well as the requirements of the Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: The recommenTa from staff, after conferring with the City Attorney, is to deny the 3,625 square foot lot area variance. The hardship is created by the applicant for economic gain and is not the result of actions of the City nor the Ordinance. This situation is unique because the substandard lots are under common ownership and the o ortunit exists to develop the pro pert com liant with re rements o the Or inane. Furt er eta e levee Mat there are serious ra Wage issues In this neighborhood due to the lack of improved streets, curb and gutter and storm sewers. There are no devices in place to accommodate storm water from the site which will negatively impact other properties. The property has existed for at least the past 29 years as one unit of transfer. There are approximately thirteen Properties within Green Heights that consist of a combination of substandard lots. Development of one home utilizing the combined lots is not out of character for this neighborhood. The Shoreland Management Ordinance has been in effect since 1987 and it is the owners responsibility to comply with laws in existence at the time of purchase and subsequent development. Property r: 11J9 ✓ice YO ( Address: .A /.3DX y�gG/ . Type of Ownership: F ee s , Consultant /Contractor- RW PIDI 2LLL -o,a- n 3- o9V•0:33-0 Phone: - S 9 - a�35 Phone: " Phone: Phone: e Agreement_ Existing Use 1 of Property: �/ Present Zoning: Proposed Use _ _ _ T Of Property Legal Descr of Variance Variance Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or use permit on the subject site or any part of it? _Yes � Ho What was requested: Describe the type of improvements SUBMISSION Faro (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description 6 Property Identification Number (PID) . (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1 '- 20' -50' showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide i� follow the � procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. h _ a , // / Submitted this.�"y of ! 19- THIS SPACE IS 70 BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRDCIOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED _ DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPEAL _ APPROVED _ DENIM DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS• w. Signature of the Planning Director Date i 0 0 M y ,oLffk D8,� GRF(N - /k' //F AVlfr H!✓ p P V t0 -/-r lo m m!w m ilwill tl -L T - T U N KUHLMAN VARIANCE / A 6 19 4P WOO° PAW / 20 3 C J ; 0 2 l0 a oJ � J i O° WT la i 1 -- 4 1 � 43 49 � 41 4B 2 � 44 O ` 3 4 � O SMBCI S= - VOELASD PBOPSB,YY 45 1 - t� 9 6 5 ti ° y9° 2 ? : l e 9� N IODLG'[F.S LOT camiaAnoxs z T 9 1 a n 5 -8 -3 5 -8 -3 A) NATURAL RECREATIONAL GENERAL ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT WATERS WATERS WATERS Ureewered Amu (com.) Maximum kbt area covered 30 30 30 by impervious surface f %) Sawage system setback 150 75 75 from ordinary high water mark (ft.) Sewersd Amu: All provisions for unuwarod am" shag apply to uwered areas except for the following, which shop supersets tfr provisions applied to u sewered arus: Lot Arch (q. h.) waterfront krts 40,000 15,000 15,000 other lots 20,000 10.000 10,000 Minimum width for water frontage lots: a. at ordinary high water 126 75 75 mark Ifr.l b. at from setback fine (ft) 150 90 90 Minimum width for other 100 90 80 lots at front seback fins (ft.) Structure setback from 150 76 75 ordinary high water mark Ift.l Structure setback from 50' from 50' from 50' from roach and highways (ft.) Federal, Stets Fed". State Federal, State meutaed from right of and County, 25' and County, 25' and County, 25' way fins from Municipal from Municipal from Municipal w private or private o private BI Substandard Lots: 1. Lots of record in the office of the County Register of Deeds for Registrar of Titles) prior to May 4, 1987, which do not most the requirements of subsection (A) hereof may be allowed as building sites, provided: a. Such use is permitted in ft zoning district; b. The minimum size and width of substandard water frontage lots with public sewer shell be fifty (50) feet in width and seven thousand five hundred 17,500) square feet in size; mar 5 -8 -3 5 -8 -3 8,11 C. All substandard nonwater frontage lots are buildable. provided that the minimum lot area is equal to or greater than ten thousand 110.000) square feat; d. All other sanitary and setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance have been met insofar as practicable; and e. The lot is in separate ownership -from abutting lots. 2. Any person wishing to develop a substandard lot of record which does not meet the standards outlined in items I through a may submit a variance application to the Board of Adjustment for review and consideration. ICI Roads and Parking Areas: Roads and parking areas shall be located to retard the runoff of surface waters and nutrients in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Where feasible and practical, all roads and parking areas "I most the setback requirements established for structures in subsection (A) of the Seceon. 2. In no Instance shall theca impervious surfaces be placed less than fifty feet 150'1 from the ordinary high water mark. (This does not include boat ramps.) 3. Boat ramps may be allowed in the Shoreland District, provided that: a. The boat ramp be no more than twelve feet in width; b. That no part of the ramp extend more than tan feet 1101 out into the water or to a depth of greater than four feet 14'1; c. Up to five 15) cubic yards of bees materials may be used for the construction of a ramp. 4. Natural vegetation or other natural materials shall be used to screen parking areas when viewed from the water. ID) Elevation of Lowest Floor: 1. Structures shall be placed at an elevation consistent with the City's flood plain management controls. 2. In areas not regulated by flood Wain management controls, the elevation to which the lowest floor, including basements. shall be placed shall be determined as follows: a. For lakes, ponds and flowages by: (1) An elevation of available flood information and consistent with Statewide Standards arrd Criteria for Management of Flood Plain Areas of Minnesota; or 1187 City Property Information System City of Prior Lake, MN Parcel Status Run at 10:30 AN on 08/29/91 Property Identification Number: 250940130 Previous PIN: 250940130" Street Address: City, State Zip: Fire Code: Occupant: Code: Est. Area: Number of Units: Tax Capacity Va Market Value: Year Built: 003821 GREEN HEIGHTS PRIOR LAKE, MN 000055372 000000 VOXLAND /DAVID Y 12,000 1 lue: $439 $43,900 1955 Land Use: 201 Zoning: R1SD Storm Sewer District: 0000 Election District: 2 School District: 719 Park Dedication Fee: $0 G PAGE 1 Actual Use: SF Census: 809.01- 5 Flood District: No TIF District: Park Dedication Sq Ft: 0 City Property Information System City of Prior Lake, NN Legal Description Report Run at 10:30 AN on 08/29/91 PIN SQ Legal Description --------- -- ----------------------------- 250940130 01 031094000001300 15 6 16 GREEN HEIGHTS i W 10 OF E 25. OF 6 PAGE m 7 111 .' 1 A Eti "VA13PN" HERITAGE COMMUNITY 9xTU:W -A 1891 1991 2oyl NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 at 7 :45 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for David Voxland. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Lot 16, Green Heights (Vacant lot located west of 3821 Green Heights Trail). REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant wishes to construct a new single family home on the vacant lot as per attached drawing. The minimum lot size requirement according to Prior Lake Zoning ordinance, is 10,000 square feet. The subject site contains approximately 6,375 square feet. The applicant requests that the Prior Lake Planning Commission grant a 3,625 square foot minimum lot area variance so that the home may be constructed as proposed. In addition, the maximum amount of the lot that can be covered by impervious surfaces is 30 %. The attached drawing indicates a coverage of 31.488 therefore, the applicant also requests that the Planning Commission grant a 1.58 lot coverage variance. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: August 29, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 /,q P R /r�a J T. HERITAGE 1891 AGENDA COMMUNITY 1991 AUGUST 22, 1991 4xlJ:5v k" 209/ 5:00 P.M. CALL 70 ORDER 5:00 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING * 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) WOOD RIDGE ESTATES FIRST ADDITION MIRE GILES/JOE MAHO1W * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 Pk) -s ! r � HERITAGE COMMUNITY YX f. . b' 1891 1991 toy/ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1991 The August 15, 1991 Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tom Loftus at 7:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Kedrowski, Roseth, Wells, City Planner Graser and Acting Secretary Birch. Chairman Arnold was absent due to being out of town. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, and Wells. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) PRELIMINARY PLAT, WOODRIDGE ESTATES FIRST ADDITION Acting Chairman Loftus opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m. Representatives of New Century Construction were present. Attorney for the applicants, New Century Construction, Tim Keane, addressed the Commissioners with preliminary comments on the proposed plat. The applicant was requesting a variance of 90 feet addition to the Oakwood Circle cul -de -sac. Director of Planning, Horst Graser, discussed the issues to be resolved before approval of the plat can be initiated. Discussion occurred on the following issues: 1. Protection of the existing tree cover along the eastern fringe of the site. The applicant proposed leaving the grading of each lot to the individual developer. 2. Water frontage and a walking trail around the pond area has been designated by the city as a public area. There were some points of disagreement between the applicant and the city's requirement with regard to placement of the trail, and the amount of required park land being dedicated adjacent to the pond. Also included in this issue are portions of Lot 8 and 9, Block 3, which consists of triangular portions of these lots which the city has indicated should also be part of the park dedication. Also, the southwest corner of Lot 9 has been staked within 10 feet of the water which Staff has recommended be adjusted. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1991 PAGE 2 3. Lot size along Mushtown Road, the berm and planting of evergreen trees as a screen. Extensive discussion occurred on this issue. The applicant proposed that the lots be a depth of 135 feet, with tree plantings as specified but with no berms. Staff is recommending 150 feet lots with berms and evergreen trees of 6 feet in height, balled and burlapped. Extensive discussion occurred on this issue. 4. Berming and plantings along 170th Street. Applicant does propose to construct a berm and questioned the need for tree planting. 5. Screening between Block 1 and the commercial zone to the north by the bowling alley was addressed. Applicant did not offer a solution to Staff's recommendation. 6. Lot 30, Block 2 and Lot 1, Block 12. Grading plan of the slopes were acceptable to the Commissioners and Staff. 7. Lot 16, Block 4, attached to the rest of the lots in Block 4 and Lots 15 and 16 originally indicated a 65 foot wide trail and applicant has reduced it to 30 feet. Staff is recommending that Lot 16 be reduced to 85 feet which would increase the trail to 40 feet. This was a point of disagreement between the applicant, Commissioners, and Staff. 8. The variance request for the 590 foot cul -de -sac on Oakwood Circle. The Planning Commission and Staff had no objections to granting a variance for the additional 90 feet as there would be no detrimental effect to the general health and welfare of the future residents of Oakwood Circle. 9. Proposed grades for park access north of Horizon Trail. The applicant proposed that the access be moved to the north of the two cul -de -sacs. Staff disagreed with this recommendation. 10. Temporary turnaround outside the plat (Stassen property). Applicant has agreed to furnish the city with a roadway easement. 11. Realignment of the common lot line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 3. Applicant agreed to this. 12. The incomplete screening and planting requirements. Applicant was directed to furnish a plan regardless of the grading plan and existing tree cover. 13. Park land dedication. The Planning Commission and Staff agreed this can be resolved. 14. Engineering concerns with regard to applicant sharing 508 of the cost for paving 170th Street. The Commissioners agreed that this should be taken before the Council for their consideration. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1991 PAGE 3 Extensive discussion occurred on items 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, and 13. The applicant requested a special meeting of the Planning Commission to consider final action on the issues of differences between New Century Construction and the City_ The Commissioners concurred and set the date of Thursday, August 22, 1991, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Staff was directed by the Commissioners to meet with Mahoney and Giles to iron out the discrepancies and points of disagreement before the meeting on August 22. Staff was also directed to invite Parks and Recreation Director Mangan to the next meeting. The commissioners agreed that the meeting should start promptly at 5:00 and end at 6:00 P.M. (Two five minute recesses were called during the meeting: one at 8:30 p.m. and one at 9:50 p.m.) A MOTION BY ROSETH, SECONDED BY WELLS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Votes taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth and Wells. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. The next meeting will be on Thursday, August 22, 1991 (special meeting). The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Thursday, September 5, 1991. Horst Graser Dee Birch Director of Planning Acting Recording Secretary � k P 11 � a 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. * 7:45 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 8:30 P.M. HERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 RWULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MF.FTTM17. AGENDA SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 CALL TO ORDER REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HEARING SIDE YARD VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMME MENDS HMRING HOME OCCUPATION DISCUSSION PREVIOUS VARIANCE * Indicates a Public Hearing GABRIELE FRANKLIN WADE ALLISON All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. SE, Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 I Fax (612) 447 -4245 ON PRIG � k HERITAGE /891 J � T r COMMUNITY 4<%J:S0:I 1991 2091 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 The September 5, 1991, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Arnold, Kedrowski, Wells, Roseth, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Associate Planner Sam Lucast, and Secretary Rita Scheme. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Arnold, Wells, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - JOAN KUHLMANN - LAKESHORE VARIANCE George Kazika, 6064 - 150th St. S.E., contractor, represented the applicant Joan Kuhlmann of 14223 Shady Beach Trail. Mr. Kazika stated that upon applying for a building permit to replace an existing deck a variance would be needed as the applicant wished to build a larger structure. Sam Lucast presented the information as per memo of September 5, 1991. The applicant is requesting a 16 foot lakeshore variance to construct a 14 X 14 foot three season porch to replace a 12 X 12 foot deteriorated deck. The house was built in 1969 and annexed into Prior Lake in 1974. There were no objections from the DNR. The Planning Commission granted a 29 foot variance to 14120 Orchard Circle in February 1991, which is two lots east of the subject site. The neighborhood contains several existing structures that are built at variance to the 904 contour. Recommendation from Staff is to approve the application based on the character of the neighborhood and the variance would not cause a negative impact. Comments from the Commissioners were on style of deck, location of steps and sliding door, replacement of tree if removed, landing platform size, and comments from neighbors. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 447- 42.90 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 2 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE A 16 FOOT VARIANCE FOR A THREE SEASON PORCH AT 14223 SHADY BEACH TRAIL WITH A STAIR CASE AND LANDING NOT TO EXCEED FOUR (4) FEET IN WIDTH EXTENDED TOWARD THE LAKE. RATIONALE BEING THAT THE SUBJECT SITE WAS UNDER ANOTHER GOVERNMENT JURISDICTION WHEN BUILT AND THE VARIANCE WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE APPLICATION WOULD NOT BE OUT OF CHARACTER WITH A PREVIOUSLY GRANTED VARIANCE. THE REPLACEMENT OF A TREE IF REMOVED, WOULD BE AT THE DISCRETION OF STAFF. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Roseth, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. Recess called at 8:00 p.m. Reconvened at 8:03 p.m. ITEM III - DAVID VOXLAND - LOT AREA AND LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE David Voxland, Box 47361, Plymonth, MN, stated he is requesting a minimum lot area and coverage variance to build a new home on Lot 16. He was led to believe by a sales agent that lot area variances were granted routinely, had he known there was a problem he would have bought only one lot. Deb Garross presented the information as per memo of September 5, 1991. The subject site is one of two lots that are currently under common ownership. The applicant desires to remodel the cabin on Lot 15, and obtain a lot area variance to build a single family home on Lot 16. The site is located in a neighborhood that was subdivided in 1928 into predominately 50 foot lots. The roads, drives, walks and waterfront were dedicated to the property owners within the plat and are privately maintained. The most critical issues that will impact the neighborhood are lot drainage, dust control and density of development. This application is in conflict with the objectives of the Zoning Code. After conferring with the City Attorney, it is the staff's recommendation to deny the 3,625 square foot lot area variance as the hardship is caused by the applicants actions and not the actions of the City nor the Ordinance. Staff did not receive any comments from DNR, therefore they are deemed to have no objection. A letter from Gretchen Deiner, 3803 Green Heights Trail, objecting to the variance was read into the record. Curt Deiner, 3803 Green Heights Trail, stated that he opposed the application as it is in violation of the City Ordinance that requires lot size to be 10,000 square feet and this lot is 6375 square feet, size of the house to the lot would be in violation of City Code and a large maple tree would have to be destroyed. Drainage is a problem also. Gretchen Deiner, 3803 Green Heights Trail, presented a petition signed by residents on Green Heights Trail and Roosevelt Street PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 3 objecting to the construction of a single family home on the subject lot. Jerry Benzel, 3780 Green Heights Trail, objected to the application. Also stated the drainage is a problem. Carter Narveson, 3845 Green Heights Trail, said that the cabin on Lot 15 is too old and should be removed and only one home built on the combined lots. Vera Benzel, 3780 Green Heights Trail, wanted to affirm want had been said and that it would a mistake to destroy the tree when a house could be built on the combined lots without removing it. Comments from the Commissioners were that the property was bought under the existing ordinance in July 1991, drainage and road problems, removal of tree, previous cases and precedent set. Concurred with Staff's recommendation. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO DENY THE VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR LOT AREA AND LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR 3821 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL, LOT 15, LOT 16 AND PORTION OF LOT 6, GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL AS THIS APPLICATION IS IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE. RATIONAL BEING THAT THE SUBJECT SITE IS NOT LAKESHORE THEREFORE 10,000 SQUARE FEET IS REQUIRED AND THE APPLICANT BECAME THE OWNER IN JULY OF 1991 AND IS SUBJECT TO THE RULES OF THE ORDINANCE. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO REQUEST THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DEFINE THE ORDINANCE REGARDING COMBINING OF ADJOINING PROPERTY. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells, Roseth, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM IV - REORGANIZATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Kedrowski nominated Commissioner Tom Loftus for Chairperson. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH TO CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Arnold, and Kedrowski. Commissioner Loftus abstained. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Loftus nominated Commissioner Mary Ellen Wells for Vice - Chairperson. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE NOMINATIONS. PLAiNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 4 Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Loftus, Arnold, and Roseth. Commissioner Wells abstained. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Roseth, Loftus, Arnold, and Wells. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Deb Garross Rita M. Schewe Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary PRO J U s [is a "VA14PR" SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY Ty'f' 34" 1991 2091 PLANNING REPORT SIDE YARD VARIANCE BARRY SMITH 2875 CENTER ROAD SAM LUCAST, ASSOCIATE YES X NO SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 CITY PLANNER HISTORY /BACKGROUND: The Planning Department received an application for a variance from Barry Smith of 2875 Center Road, Prior Lake. The application is for a four (4) foot side yard variance from the ten (10) foot side yard setback to build a 24' x 26' detached garage. See attached survey and map for reference to this item. PREVIOUS PROPOSALS: The property was enlarged by four hundred (400) square feet in 1990 with the vacation of an alley at the rear property line. A deck was added to the rear of the house in 1982 and the original structure constructed in 1978. There are no other permits on file. PHYSIOGRAPHY• The subject site is located in an area platted in the 1920's containing many lots which are now substandard. The lot contains about 7500 square feet and measures approximately 50' x 150' which makes it a substandard lot. Center Road is an unpaved gravel road sloping to the northwest in front of the subject site. The rear lot elevation is approximately 7.5 feet higher than the front. The terrain generally slopes from the southeast to the northwest. A tall hedge grows along both the side property lines. ADJACENT USES: Single family dwellings and a few vacant lots surround the site. Almost all of the residences have garages and most of them are attached to the principal structure. The westerly residence has no garage. The easterly residence with one and one -half lots has a detached garage, but most of the rest in the area have attached garages. 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax(612)447-42,15 NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES /IMPACT /CONCERNS: �e— i 12e o t e o � location of the house on it present development problems. The house was granted variances on both side yards without much consideration for the future placement of a garage. According to the applicant, the neighbors have no objections to the location of the garage. The Department of Natural Resources has no comment on the issue. However, the garage as proposed would dominate the front view of the home from Center Road. Policy established by this body states that the lack of a garage in this climate constitutes a hardship. Greater side and front yard variances have been granted in the past for front yard garages on substandard lots. For example, variance 90 -09 granted a five (5) foot side and forty three (43) foot front yard variance for a detached garage, variance 89 -29 granted a five foot front and side yard variance for the construction of a detached garage. The concern in this case is the architectural and aesthetic impact of a detached garage dominating a small substandard lot. PROBLEMS /OPPORTUNITIES: The ?ppo�ity exists to attach a smaller garage to the principal structure. However, two windows would have to be closed on the front of the house, and the steps on the deck moved to the front. The garage could be lengthened to compensate for the reduction in width. The end result of having the garage attached is a vastly improved site plan which should increase the property value and marketability. RECOMMENDATION• The r emotion is difficult to make because of the complex nature of the situation. In the long run the choice which makes the most planning sense is to attach the garage to the principal structure. Initially this option is more expensive than dust building a detached garage, but is cheaper in the long run and does not limit principal structure expansion. When considering a variance, hardship and precedent are an important consideration. In this situation there is no hardship associated with the placement of the garage and on those grounds should be denied. However, variances have been granted to allow detached garages on substandard lots with emphasis on aesthetics, architecture, and site organization. Moving the garage out of the setback area and in front of the home is inconsistent with good site planning and established precedent. Staff urges the applicant to carefully consider all points raised in this report and look past the short term gain for long range benefits. Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve this variance. A/RVEY PR REO FOR Valley Jurveyln(( L u. r r4. BARRY SM ITH FRANKLIN TRAIL 6 0FFICE A CONDOMIH UM IBIS CENTER ROAD PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 35372 RRIOR CARE, MN. 35372 TELEPHONE (612) "?.2570 s \ \re 4f \ r jTae� �v•w b'. '� my \ h e g a � g/ DWCRI"ION Wt 5, glxk 37, Spring Lake Tomsite, Scott, County, MiwesoG. Also shosing the lwetlm Of the .rlsting house aM pt.PCSed gerage r staket this 13U dgr of August, 1991. Rotes! Il l��w l l l Benchmark elevation 100.00 Top wt of Hydrant at Lot 4, glk 37 96.3 Denotes erleting grade alaystiorai on eJU 95.8 Denotes proposed fiolahad grade abve[Spu -� Denotes proposed direction of fUish.d drainage Set the garage slat at elevation 96.30 1Te Total Lot Area - 7,535 Kuare feet O 30 SO iw.e3 wrNb sar wrne...e.eled ii iia *.v uW, r aM eM.si.� Oankrr FEET SULE IN I°..ewr assess two s..RO Vass bai wMyry1 O pen ^rA!Yq.Rwe / �� I /// Lnir No 10IS3�� g ` / Wr. - - I.I. Ne. wrsl o O . eon 441 1 ar . . s p..a.. F g Nar wr rtE w 0310 6roN ism nag � ��)) PIRA VAeL.L_ -,��, CM OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Applicant Address: Type of Ownership: F Consultant /Contractor Phone: 44 ' 3q Phone: 3v4 -y93r, Phone: Phone: e Agreement Existing Use /' 5 of Property: CI�/.a 3 c-W ( Present Zoning: Proposed Use of Property: D IT; *l- - Legal Description of Variance Site: L o-r r 1 13 lcc K - 7 F R Y Variance Requested: rl' SID v tP D ✓F k S:' x Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? _Yes X No What was requested: Describe the type of improvements proposed: (A)Completed application form. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property Survey. (D)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description 6 Property Identification Number (PID). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel nap at 1 "- 20' -50' showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIDM BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. I / �L t Applicants Signature Submitted this 3 day of S 6 19L Fee Owners Signature THIS SPACE IS 70 BE FILLED OUT BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR PLANNING COMMISSION _ APPROVED _ DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPEAL _ APPROVED _ DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Late /"� 0 PRI rn "VA14PN" HERITAGE 1891 I LOW I NOTICE OF HEARING FOR SIDE YARD VARIANCE 9x1J:5u? i You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 at P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Barry Smith of 2875 Center Road, Prior Lake. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Lot 5 Block 37, Spring Lake Townsite REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant proposes to build a 24' x 26' detached garage as per the attached survey. The minimum side yard setback is ten (10) feet from the property line in the R1 -SD Urban Residential Shoreland District Zone. The proposed location is six (6) feet from the property line. The applicant is requesting the Planning Commission to grant a four (4) foot side yard variance to allow construction of the garage as proposed. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: September 11, 1991 COMMUNITY 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 O N P RIr4 'P HERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 11ZOOIPC" PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS PRESENTER: DEB GARROSS, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 19S 4�Tf,5P1_ t" HISTORY /BACKGROUND The purpose of this item is to consier four amendments to the Prior Lake Zoning Code and Ordinance. The proposed language of each amendment is attached and identified by Exhibit number. Each exhibit represents a separate ordinance amendment however, because they are interrelated, one hearing has been scheduled to consider all four amendments. Exhibit 1 is an amendment related to substandard lots within the Shoreland District. Research for this amendment was conducted in January of 1991 at the direction of the City Council. See attached staff memo from City Manager Unmacht dated March 4, 1991. The proposed amendment requires that contiguous substandard lots within the shoreland district be combined if under common ownership. There is separate language that discusses single substandard lots and also a process to guide future subdivision and variance applications for combined substandard lots. The language was developed by staff with the assistance of the City Attorney and is based upon results of the City Council retreat held in April of this year. Exhibit 2 is an amendment to clarify language that grandfathers "Lots of Record." The change proposed stipulates that a "Lot of Record" within the shoreland district is subject to special conditions identified in Exhibit 1. Exhibit 3 proposes to delete an existing paragraph in the Zoning ordinance that is duplicated in the Shoreland section of the Ordinance. The setback average paragraph of the Shoreland section contains more specific language and staff feels it appropriate to delete duplicate paragraph (J) from the Zoning ordinance. Exhibit 4 proposes to delete an existing paragraph from the Shoreland section of the Zoning Ordinance relative to administrative variances for decks within the Shoreland District. This provision was found in the State '4odel Ordinance but has never been utilized by the City of Prior Lake. The City desires 4629 Dakore St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnzsota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fas (612) 4474245 to review each application for variance in the forum of a Planning Commission meeting rather than provide administrative variances. This section has never been utilized by staff, therefore the recommendation is to delete the paragraph. A copy of each exhibit has been forwarded to the DNR for review and comment. Staff will forward the response of the DNR to the Planning Commission at the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation from staff is to approve the ordinance amendments and to forward them to the City Council for adoption. EXHIBIT 1 MMU7 "ZO9101 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 8 -3(B) is hereby amended by adding the following language: B. Substandard Lot of Record: 1. A Lot of record in the office of the Scott County Recorder prior to May 4, 1987, which does not meet the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(A) may be allowed as a building site without a variance from lot size requirements provided: a. The use is permitted in the Zoning District. b. The lot has been in separate ownership from abutting lands at all times since it became substandard. C. The lot was created compliant with official controls in effect at the time. d. All setback and sewage treatment requirements of the Shoreland District are met. e. A substandard water frontage lot with public sewer shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50 in width measured at the front yard setback line and shall have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than 7,500 square feet. f. A substandard non -water frontage lot of record shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50 in width measured at the front yard setback line and shall have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than 10,000 square feet. 2. Lots of record in the office of the Scott County Recorder on (Date of Ordinance Amendment) 1991, that individually do not meet the requirements of Section 5 -8 -3 (A), are in a group of two or more contiguous lots, and are under the same ownership, shall not be considered as separate parcels for the purpose of Section 5- 8 -3(B) even though one or more of said lots are subsequently sold. The contiguous lots must be combined to equal one or more parcels of land, each meeting the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(A). Variances for Substandard Lots of Record. Any person wishing to develop a substandard lot of record which does not meet the standards outlined in Section 5- 8- 3(B)I. (a) through (f), may submit a variance application to the Planning commission for review and consideration. Subdivision of Substandard Lots of Record. Any person wishing to subdivide a parcel of land consisting of two or more substandard lots of record into two or more lots which do not meet the requirements outlined in Section 5 -8 -3 (A) may submit a variance application with the subdivision application for review and consideration. The provisions of this section shall only apply to lots within the Shoreland District of General Development Waters. The intent of this section is to create lots that conform, as much as possible, to the requirements of Section 5 -8 -3 (A). However, under limited circumstances which result in the combination of substandard lots, the Planning Commission and City Council shall have the authority to grant a variance of up to 33% from the lot size and width requirements found in Section 5- 8 -3(A) for subdivisions within developed areas provided that the subdivision results in: 1. Lots that generally conform to the width and area of neighboring properties within a distance of five hundred feet (500 of the subject site. 2. Minimal impact to the environment in terms of grading, tree and vegetation loss. The resulting building envelope of each lot is of sufficient size to provide for a dwelling and garage that require minimal setback variances from Zoning Ordinance requirements. No adverse impact upon drainage patterns of the site or neighboring properties within a distance c five hundred feet (500 of the subject site. 5. Adequate access is provided to each lot from a public road. Prior Lake Zoning ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 9.3(B), is hereby amended by adding the following language: B. Substandard Lot of Record: A Lot of record in the office of the Scott County Recorder prior to May 4, 1987, which does not meet the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(A) may be allowed as a building sitj without a variance from lot size requirements provided: a. The use is permitted in the Zoning District. b. The lot has been in separate ownership from abutting lands at all times since it became substandard. C. The lot was created compliant with official controls in effect at the time. d. All setback and sewage treatment requirements of the Shoreland District are met. e. A substandard water frontage lot with public sewer shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50 in width measured at the front yard setback line and shall have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than 7,500 square feet. f. A substandard non -water frontage lot of record shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50') in width measured at the front yard setback line and shall have a minimum lot aroma equal to or greater than 10,000 square feet. Lots of record in the office of the Scott County Recorder on (Date of Ordinance Amendment) 1991, that individually do not meet the requirements of Section 5 -8 -3 (A), are in a group of two or more contiguous lots, and are under the same ownership, shall not be considered as separate parcels for the purpose of Section 5- 8 -3(B) even though one or more of said lots are subsequently sold. The contiguous lots must be combined to equal one or more parcels of land, each meeting the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(A). Variances for Substandard Lots of Record. Any person wishing to develop a lot of record which does not standards outlined in Section 5 -8 through (f), may submit a variance to the Planning Commission for consideration. substandard meet the -3(B)l. (a) application review and Subdivision of Substandard Lots of Record. Any person wishing to subdivide a parcel of land consisting of two or more substandard lots of record into two or more lots which do not meet the requirements outlined in Section 5 -8 -3 (A) may submit a variance application with the subdivision application for review and consideration. The provisions of this section shall only apply to lots within the Shoreland District of General Development Waters. The intent of this section is to create lots that conform, as much as possible, to the requirements of Section 5 -8 -3 (A). However, under limited circumstances which result in the combination of substandard lots, the Planning Commission and City Council shall have the authority to grant a variance of up to 338 from the lot size and width requirements found in Section 5- 8 -3(A) for subdivisions within developed areas provided that the subdivision results in: 1. Lots that generally conform to the width and area of neighboring properties within a distance of five hundred feet (500 of the subject site. 2. Minimal impact to the environment in terms of grading, tree and vegetation loss. 3. The resulting building envelope of each lot is of sufficient size to provide for a dwelling and garage that require minimal setback variances from Zoning ordinance requirements. 4. No adverse impact upon drainage patterns of the site or neighboring properties within a distance of five hundred feet (500 of the subject site. 5. Adequate access is provided to each lot from a public road. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of , 1991. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of , 1991. Drafted By: Horst Graser Director of Planning City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 0, PROr U u � "£O01PN" HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING CODE S1y1f"5 3 4Y' You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on September 19, 1991 at 7:45 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a proposed amendment to the Prior Lake Zoning Code and Zoning Ordinance. Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 8 -3(B) and Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83 -6, Section 9.3(B) are proposed to be amended by adding the following language: B. Substandard Lot of Record: 1. A Lot of record in the office of the Scott County Recorder prior to May 4, 1987, which does not meet the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(A) may be allowed as a building site without a variance from lot size requirements provided: a. The use is permitted in the Zoning District. b. The lot has been in separate ownership from abutting lands at all times since it became substandard. C. The lot was created compliant with official controls in effect at the time. d. All setback and sewage treatment requirements of the Shoreland District are met. e. A substandard water frontage lot with public sewer shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50') in width measured at the front yard setback line and shall have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than 7,500 square feet. f. A substandard non -water frontage lot of record shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50 in width measured at the front yard setback line and shall 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 have a minimum lot area equal to or greater than 10,000 square feet. Lots of record in the office of the Scott County Recorder on (Date of Ordinance Amendment) 1991, that individually do not meet the requirements of Section 5 -8 -3 (A), are in a group of two or more contiguous lots, and are under the same ownership, shall not be considered as separate parcels for the purpose of Section 5- 8 -3(B) even though one or more of said lots are subsequently sold. The contiguous lots must be combined to equal one or more parcels of land, each meeting the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(A). 3. Variances for Substandard Lots of Record. a. Any person wishing to develop a substandard lot of record which does not meet the standards outlined in Section 5- 8- 3(B)l. (u) through (f), may submit a variance application to the Planning Commission for review and consideration. 4. Subdivision of Substandard Lots of Record. Any person wishing to subdivide a parcel of land consisting of two or more substandard lots of record into two or more lots which do not meet the requirements outlined in Section 5 -8 -3 (A) may submit a variance application with the subdivision application for review and consideration. The provisions of this section shall only apply to lots within the Shoreland District of General Development Waters. The intent of this section is to create lots that conform, as much as possible, to the requirements of Section 5 -8 -3 (A). However, under limited circumstances which result in the combination of substandard lots, the Planning Commission and City Council shall have the authority to grant a variance of up to 338 from the lot size and width requirements found in Section 5- 8 -3(A) for subdivisions within developed areas provided that the subdivision results in: 1. Lots that generally conform to the width and area of neighboring properties within a distance of five hundred feet (500 of the subject site. 2. Minimal impact to the environment in terms of grading, tree and vegetation loss. 3. The rasulting building envelope of each lot is of sufficient size to provide for a dwelling and garage that require minimal setback variances from zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. No adverse impact upon drainage patterns of the site or neighboring properties within a distance of five hundred feet (500 of the subject site. 5. Adequate access is provided to each lot from a public road. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Monday, September 9 and 16, 1991. EXHIBIT 2 "ZO9102" CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MMAC V ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 4 -1(C) is hereby amended to read as follows: (C) A Lot of Record existing on May 7, 1973 (the effective date of this original Zoning Ordinance) may be used for the erection of a structure conforming to the use regulations of the zoning district in which it is located. (Ord. 84 -10) A Lot of Record located within the S -D Shoreland District is buildable subject to the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(B). Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 4.1(C), is hereby amended to read as follows: ;C) A Lot of Record existing on May 7, 1973 (the effective date of this original Zoning Ordinance) may be used for the erection of a structure conforming to the use regulations of the zoning district in which it is located. (Ord. 84 -10) A Lot of Record located within the S -D Shoreland District is buildable subject to the requirements of Section 9.3(B). This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of _ . 1991. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of 1991. Drafted By: Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRI(\ "ZO02PN" HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 4 'WX i" 1991 2/-79) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING CODE You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on September 19, 1991 at 7:45 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a proposed amendment to the Prior Lake Zoning Code and Zoning Ordinance. Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 4 -1(C) and Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83 -6, Section 4.1(C) are proposed to be amended by adding the following language: (C) A Lot of Record existing on May 7, 1973 (the effective date of this original Zoning Ordinance) may be used for the erection of a structure conforming to the use regulations of the zoning district in which it is located. (Ord. 84 -10) A Lot of Record located within the S -D Shoreland District is buildable subject to the requirements of Section 5- 8 -3(B). If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Monday, September 9 and 16, 1991. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447.4230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 EXHIBIT 3 "ZO9107" CITY OF PRIOR LAKE M M a � U ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior lake City Code Section 5- 4 -1(J) is hereby amended to delete the following language: (J) Any principal structure situated on lands contiguous to or abutting any portion of the public lakes in Prior Lake shall maintain yard setbacks of seventy five feet (75 from the lake. Where structures on adjacent lots have yard setbacks different from these requirements, the minimum setback from the lake shall be the average setback of such adjacent structures to a minimum of fifty feet (50 Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 4.1(J), is hereby amended to delete the following language: (J) Any principal structure situated on lands contiguous to or abutting any portion of the public lakes in Prior Lake shall maintain yard setbacks of seventy five feet (75 from the lake. Where structures on adjacent lots have yard setbacks different from these requirements, the minimum setback from the lake shall be the average setback of such adjacent structures to a minimum of fifty feet (50 This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of , 1991. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of . 1991. Drafted By: Deborah Garross 'ssistant City Planner City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRIO o k \ T/ "ZO07PN" HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING CODE TYI �W- 4 2091 You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on September 19, 1991 at 7:45 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a proposed amendment to the Prior Lake Zoning Code and Zoning Ordinance. Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 4 -1(J) and Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 53 -6, Section 4.1(J) are proposed to be amended to delete the following language: (J) Any principal structure situated on lands contiguous to or abutting any portion of the public lakes in Prior Lake shall maintain yard setbacks of seventy five feet (75 from the lake. Where structures on adjacent lots have yard setbacks different from these requirements, the minimum setback from the lake shall be the average setback of such adjacent structures to a minimum of fifty feet (50 If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Monday, September 9 and 16, 1991. 4629 Dakota St S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 4474230 i Fax (612) 4474245 EXHIBIT 4 "Z0910811 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE D W ORDINANCE NO. 91- Y (Viii AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 8 -3(E)3 is hereby amended to delete the following language: 3. Within the Shoreland District, decks may be constructed without variance, provided that: a. It does not have walls or a roof; b. It does not exceed the existing structural setback requirement by more than fifteen percent (15%) (i.e., thirty foot [30 maximum for two hundred foot [200 setback requirement); C. There is an evaluation of the property showing that there is not some other reasonable location for a deck that would comply with the setback requirement. Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83 -6, Section 9.3(E)3, is hereby amended to delete the following language: 3. Within the Shoreland District, decks may be constructed without variance, provided that: a. It does not have walls or a roof; b. It does not exceed the existing structural setback requirement by more than fifteen percent (15 %) (i.e., thirty foot [30 maximum for two hundred foot [200 setback requirement); C. There is an evaluation of the property showing that there is not some other reasonable location for a deck that would comply with th setback requirement. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of , 1991. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of . 1991. Drafted By: Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 ,F PRjr- "Z008PN" HERITAGE 189/ COMMUNITY 1991 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING CODE gass�l_a� oyl You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on September 19, 1991 at 7:45 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a proposed amendment to the Prior Lake Zoning Code and Zoning Ordinance. Prior Lake City Code Section 5- 8 -3(E)3 and Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83 -6, Section 9.3(E)3 are proposed to be amended to delete the following language: 3. Within the Shoreland District, decks may be constructed without variance, provided that: a. It does not have walls or a roof; b. It does not exceed the existing structural setback requirement by more than fifteen percent (158) (i.e., thirty foot [30 maximum for two hundred foot [200 setback requirement); C. There is an evaluation of the property showing that there is not some other reasonable location for a deck that would comply with the setback requirement. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Deborah Garross Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on Monday, September 9 and 16, 1991. 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prr .: Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax(612)44742q3 J '?p� "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" 6 AGENDA ITEM: 4 PREPARED BY: DAVID J. UNMACHT, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: STAFF PRESENTATION ON SHORELAND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH DATE: MARCH 4, 1991 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this item is to present the research prepared by staff at Council's direction on Shoreland Management. A recent variance application from Paragon Homes resulted in Council's direction to staff to conduct research on the interpretation of our ordinance as it applies to combining substandard lots in the Shoreland District. Council should be aware that an additional application is before staff requiring an interpretation decision again. Staff would like direction from Council prior to this matter being acted on by the Planning Commission and City Council. BACKGROUND: On January 4, 1991, Mayor Andren received a letter from the DNR (copy was provided to you) regarding the City's need to re- evaluate our Shoreland Management Ordinance prior to January, 1993. On February 19, 1991 City Council approved a Shoreland Management Grant application which was forwarded to the DNR on February 22, 1991. Enclosed is a copy of a letter to the DNR.... please note paragraph 2 which talks about staff's intent to make decisions with respect to our review process beginning in June. Subsequently, the point of this issue is to provide direction to staff only on interpretation of the common ownership section of the Shoreland Management Ordinance. DISCUSSION: Staff's research is presented in a memo from Director of Planning, Horst Graser. The memo is broken down into the following categories: history, definition of issue, application, impact and recommendation. Of most importance is the information contained in the application section which discusses the number of impacted lots and a comparison of other communities. The issue in essence is: does the Council want to continue with the existing interpretation until such time 4629 Dakota St. SE, Prior take, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equul opportunity /Affimiatiue Action Employer that the Shoreland Management Ordinance is amended? Staff is reviewing the new rules and has talked with the DNR. Indications are that they will be requesting us to change our interpretation of this section of our ordinance. Pat Lynch, Area Hydrologist, will be in attendance representing the DNR staff. our current interpretation and resulting variance procedure is a contentious process with the public. With few exceptions, our experience has been for objections to occur either at the applicant, or at the neighborhood level. These issues have and will probably continue to come before the City Council for a ruling and a verification of your interpretation of this provision. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives are as follows: 1. Take no action and continue with your existing interpretation of the common ownership provision of the ordinance. 2. Direct staff to interpret the ordinance consistent with the revised intent of the DNR's rules and regulations. 3. Do not take any action on this issue and continue to review the interpretation on a case by case basis. 4. Direct staff to conduct further research on the matter prior to taking any action. RECOMMENDATION: This is a difficult decision for staff to develop a conclusion on. Staff can appreciate both sides of the issue in this respect: 1) The recognition of need for this action on behalf of the DNR, yet it is difficult to quantify in Prior Lake's case the positive aspects of the DNR's action on a short and long term basis. 2) We can understand both the potential positive and negative reactions from our community residents on the change in interpretation. So what do we do? Given the assumption that sometime between now and January 1993 we face DNR pressure to change our interpretation, our leaning is toward changing the interpretation now as opposed to later. Council may want to seek input from Lynch on the DNR's position and if there is any areas of discussion and /or compromise on this interpretation issue. Staff can manage this interpretation in either direction that the Council provides. ACTION: Action will depend on Council discussion and direction. r •�:t b J. TO: DAVE UNMACHT, CITY MANAGER FROM: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING RE: ISSUES RELATIVE TO COMBINING SUBSTANDARDS LOTS IN THE SHORELAND DISTRICT DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1991 HISTORY: In May of 1987, Prior Lake passed the Shoreland Management Ordinance substantially increasing the standards for shoreland development. The adoption of the Shoreland Management Ordinance (SMO) was mandated by the DNR who also developed the standards for the model ordinance. All communities and counties in Minnesota were or will be required to adopt DNR shoreland regulations. we can view this mandating shoreland program as an indication of land management involvement for the DNR. Prior to 1980 the DNR was primarily involved in providing access to natural resources and managing wildlife systems. Today this position has been elevated to an active management program of our resources. Apparently the DNR is of the opinion that a proactive position is necessary to manage the state's resources since cities and counties have failed to do so. Indications are that the DNR's new role in land use management to protect water quality will continue to grow and expand to other resources as well. The lakeshore management regulations are essentially zoning restrictions which have their basis and foundation in hydrological modeling. These standards vary based on the category of lake. Local communities are then asked to adopt them. It must be kept in mind that prior to this point in time local governments have had little or no input. In most cases the state shoreland zoning standards exceed local land use regulations. Any time higher land use standards are adopted, many previously permitted uses are relegated to legal non conforming uses. In short, the actions of society lag significantly behind the events that caused the perceived problem. DEFINITION OF ISSUE: The issue this memorandum explores is whether two or more adjacent and commonly owned lots of record should be combined and developed as one lot or allowed to be developed as substandard individual lots. This issue was the subject of considerable debate during the SMO adoption process. Metro area hydrologist, Mike Mueller, interpreted Rule 6120.3300 20 for the DNR stating that substandard lots of record need ownership at the time of building permit 1988, letter to Mayor Andren) . Such a; commit city residents to combining and lakeshore management district lot sizes. in force today. only be in separate application (June 10, i interpretation did not upgrading substandard This interpretation is The problems these issues are attempting to address are the sources of pollution and land use practices that contribute to the deterioration of water quality and quality of life when it comes to water related experiences. Attempting to define and quantify sources of pollution in todays environment is difficult. What will be even more difficult is changing our land use practices and way of living to maintain or improve water quality and environment. The substandard contiguous variance appeal to the Paragon Homes). Several lakeshore variance based lakeshore lots should be present an inadequate and lot issue was the focus of a recent city Council (VA90 -20 Greg Schweich of of the neighbors objected to the on the idea that the two contiguous combined as each separately would coo small a building envelope. The direction for this memorandum was one of the outcomes of this variance hearing. The Council wanted to explore a stricter interpretation for developing substandard lots of record. A stricter interpretation would require a group of two or more contiguous substandard lots under the same ownership to be combined with one or more contiguous lots so they equal one or more parcels of land each meeting the requirements of the zoning ordinance as much as possible. APPLICATION: In December of 1990 the Planning Department conducted research to determine the number and location of two or more substandard lots of record under common ownership in the shoreland management district. The results were unexpected. Total number of lakeshore properties with at least two substandard lots of record under one ownership. 117 Total number of non lakeshore properties with at least two substandard lots of record under one ownership. 83 Total number of lakeshore properties with a combination of lakeshore and non lakeshore lots of record under one ownership Total: 207 Of the 207 properties that would be affected by the application of a stricter standard only 22 have not been developed. The undeveloped properties are not concentrated in any one neighborhood but are spread throughout the shoreland district. There may be other considerations which would prevent separation of the 22 vacant lot combinations, such as topography or unusual lot dimensions. However, those types of factors were not researched. Of the 22 vacant lots, 9 were lakeshore lot combinations. One hundred eighty five properties of the 207 are developed with structures ranging from new homes to old cabins. If the structure is removed or demolished from a combination property than each lot could be developed separately. Time did not permit us to define this group of combination properties to determine the potential number of splits. These combination properties have the following characteristics: 1. "Nestegg Concept" where one or more lots in a homestead situation is held for sale or investment. 2. Properties are combined to form a lot that is developed with a newer home that because of the sizable investment cannot be removed. 3. Properties that have older homes which may straddle property lines but are candidates for future demolition as circumstances present themselves. 4. Properties that are developed with cabins or summer homes of various ages and structural integrity. These structures may be easily demolished or moved to the adjacent lot in anticipation of a sale. Demolition or removal of older structures is going to occur more frequently as vacant lakeshore decreases and the value of lakeshore increases. In the last 5 years Prior Lake has issued 26 demolition permits to lakeshore properties. Scenarios 1 -3 above were difficult to quantify without extensive research and field checks. However, scenario 4 above, was quantified using building permits and year built information which was available in the Prior Lake computer data base and the least costly method of research. Of the 185 combination properties, 39 structures were built prior to 1950. Seventeen of the 39 structures were built prior to 1940. This study assumes (not verified by field checks) that these are cabins perhaps subject to demolition. Of the 17 structures before 1940, 11 are located on lakeshore properties. Most of these structures are located in Inguadona Beach, Red Oaks, and Point Beautiful subdivisions. Of relevance and importance is that 14 combination properties out of the 185 have structures on them but no building permit record exists either in Prior Lake City Hall or Scott County. We can assume that these properties are extremely old and may be subject to demolition. Other communities in the metropolitan area have also been struggling with substandard lots. This study solicited information from some of these communities to serve as a base of comparison for possible action. Every community that was solicited has dealt with or is about to address substandard lots. A most interesting result was that, with the exception of Plymonth, the smallest lakeshore lot size in any of the communities surveyed was 20,000 square feet and the largest was 60,000 square feet. Prior Lake's current lot size is 15,000 square feet. In the City of Minnetonka, the minimum lot size is 22,000 square feet with no vacant lakeshore lots. They consider substandard lots to be between 22,000 and 15,000 squaw feet and be buildable with variances. Anything smaller does not receive variances. The City of Chanhassen has a 20,000 square foot minimum lot size. Their substandard lots must be at least 75% of the current standard otherwise they are not buildable. In the City of Orono, the minimum lakeshore lot size is 1/2 acre. It is their policy to combine substandard lots by not granting any variances. The lot size in the City of Deephaven range from 20,000 to 60,000 square feet. They have not adopted shoreland regulations and encourage substandard lots to be combined. Variances are not issued to substandard lots. The Cities of White Bear Lake and Wayzata have adopted shoreland regulations and interpret them similar to Prior Lake. The City of Shorewood has a minimum lakeshore lot size of 40,000 square feet. In order for a lot to be buildable it must be at least 70% of the size and width of the current requirements or it is not buildable. The City of Plymonth has adopted shoreland regulations with a minimum lakeshore lot size of 15,000 square feet. This community has adopted provisions for combining substandard lakeshore lots under one ownership. Paramount to any action relative to substandard lots is the legal issue of "taking ". Sherri Ulland, Attorney with Lommen, Nelson, Cole i Stageberg P.A., researched the "taking" issue. She concluded that there would be no "taking" since the owners of all substandard lots will not be deprived of all reasonable use of their property if they are forced to combine their lots. Further, she states, that owners will not be able to show a substantial diminution in value because the property can still be sold or developed as long as it is combined with one or more contiguous lots. (memorandum from Sherri Ulland, January 28, 1991). Of equal importance on the issue of "taking" is a 1988 court case in Hennepin County. The City of Shorewood in 1985 enacted a zoning code change that established an absolute minimum buildable lot size which is 70% of the current 40,000 square foot standard or 28,000 square foot. The plaintiffs have owned a vacant 50 foot lakeshore lot (10,950 square foot in area) since 1956, at which time it was buildable. In 1986 the plaintiffs were denied a building permit by the Planning Commission and City Council. The court ruled as follows: The Court is compelled to the conclusion that there has been no taking because plaintiffs still enjoy a reasonable use of their property, the use to which the property has been put for the last 30 years - swimming, boat storage and dockage, and access to the lake. Nothing in the zoning ordinance prevents plaintiffs from using their property for the above purposes. Continuation of a present use is a reasonable use even if it may not be the most profitable use. IMPACT: It is impossible for this study to attempt to measure the impact these alternatives will have on the problem. Perhaps in the absence of quantifiable data, decision makers must look at these alternatives in an abstract way. The DNR has defined and delineated in a comprehensive way sources of pollution. Inappropriate land use practices are but a part of the water quality problem. Based on their knowledge, testing, and expertise, they have concluded that a stricter land use practice such as larger lakeshore lots is a positive water quality management tool. Earlier in this text it was stated that 207 combination properties exist in the Prior Lake Shoreland District. One hundred seventeen of these are lakeshore properties. Theoretically the current zoning code would allow an additional 207 homes to be build, 117 of those could be built on substandard Lakeshore lots. A vast majority of the substandard lakeshore lots are 50 foot wide and between 7000 to 10,000 square feet in area. Most of the other cities surveyed do not issue building permits to lots of that size. Several months ago, Prior Lake received official notice that within two years the DNR's latest shoreland regulations must be adopted. One of the components of the new regulations is the requirement that substandard lakeshore properties must be combined. This DNR undertaking has been predictable since local jurisdictions and their disinterested experts have found little relevance in strengthening the bond with other governments _3 collaborate in overcoming uncertainties. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is inclined to seek whatever remedy is available immediately. Water is a common and shared resource to our community. Its value is being threatened along with the security of common and mutual goals. This threat is not an idle one and should be dealt with as quickly as possible so it does not shackle the potential of this community. �F PRIp 0 s "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" February 22, 1991 Mr. Ed Fick Shoreland Hydrologist DNR Division of Waters 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 Dear Mr. Fick, Enclosed is a copy of the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources Shoreland Grant Application adopted by the Prior Lake City Council on Tuesday, February 19, 1991. The City of Prior Lake is interested in participating in your Shoreland Grant Application Program. we received our official notification to revise our Shoreland Management Rules on January 4, 1991. Currently we are evaluating a section of our ordinance, but we have not undertaken an aggressive action to evaluate the entire ordinance in order to make it compliant with the new Shoreland Grant Rules and Regulations. We intend to make decisions with respect to our renewal process beginning in June, 1991. If You have any questions with respect to our application or our review of the Shoreland Management Ordinance, please feel free to contact me. Please keep me informed as to the status of our grant application. Thank you for your consideration. S'ncerely, r T vid J. Unmacht C ty Manager ty of Prior Lake DJU:db cc: Horst Graser Deb Garross 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 An Equal OpportunkytAffimntiue Action Employ, STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SHORELAND GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS, the State, as provided by Minnesota Statutes 103F.201-221 and Minnesota Rules parts 6120.2500 through 6120.3900 pertaining to Statewide Standards for "Management of Shoreland Areas "; and WHEREAS, the State is authorized by the Laws of 1989, Chapter 335, Article 1, Section 21, Subd 3 to provide grant assistance for Cities to adopt a shorelano management ordinance consistent with statewide standards. NOW THEREFORE, subject to available funding, it is hereby requested by the City of /N:rfKt that an agreement be entered into by the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the Commissioner of Natural Resources and the City of Ae.; -r Giles , to provide grant money assistance up to $5,000.00 matching fund dollars, for the purposes of adopting a shoreland management ordinance consistent with statewide standards. \ —� BY Mayor DATE: _ /ty/ /F PRI �� `l 7 m P "H005PR" HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 9JJ.w 4 1991 209/ PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICANT: GABRIELE FRANKLIN SITE ADDRESS: 15220 EAGLE CREEK AVE PRESENTER: SAM LUCAST, ASSOCIATE PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: YES XNO DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 INTRODUCTION• On Septe r 9, 1991, Gabriele Franklin submitted an application for a Home occupation permit. Ms. Franklin and her husband Andrew, currently manufacture beaded earrings, hand made jewelry, and artwork. She sells jewelry to co- workers at three hospitals where she is a Registered Nurse, at craft sales, and to shops in Alaska by mail order. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES The Franklin's reside on a wooded 2 1/2 acre lot with direct access to County Road 21. The parcel is zoned A -1 Agricultural. The Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan projected land use for the area is R -1 Urban Residential in the 2010 Urban Service Area. This means in the future the area will be developed into single family residential homes and other permitted and conditional uses. STAFF ANALYSIS Perhaps the most significant aspect of a home occupation is the impact on the immediate area. Traffic generated, safety, Marking, hours of use, and effects of the occupation itself are Important criteria when considering the application. Althoucjh the applicant currently resides on the edge of development, this will not always be the case. The lot is wooded and the driveway is difficult to see for the first time visitor. County Road 21 is a two lane highway with speeds of 50 miles per hour or more. Ms. Franklin is requesting a sign to help locate the premises. The sale of the goods would occur in a 14' x 20' accessory structure (the former Prior Lake train depot), and manufacture presumably in the principal structure. 4629 Dakota St. S.F, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Typzca y grante ome occup ations are those of a professional or __rvice ^attire. They usually involve business conducted off site or occasional visits on site. The potential for growth beyond an occasional patron or friend to purchase goods is likely. Retail establishments depend on a high traffic volume to succeed. Home Occupations which generate a high volume of traffic destroy the residential character of neighborhoods and are discouraged. The retail aspect of the application is not consistent with the intent of the Home Occupation. The manufacture of the jewelry and artwork is acceptable in this case, but not the retail sale in the A -1 Agricultural District. Staff recommends approval of the manufacturing portion of the permit as it currently exists. Staff further recommends denial of the retail portion and suggests that distribution be limited to wholesaling, mail order or direct retail for off site locations. u STANLEY HODGSON CERT. 2141 4u 6-30 Aems 0. Su ODE 1.41 Acres (CUMILRALD VAMUIVLM 203433 IOL 0430 I 1 0 0 0160 4ah ry UNITED ;STATE 5 OF AREKIGA IWO . 16181 /it folio 60 Roos SU BJr.%If I—Aftqr I SITE 0 37'" CA*) - x x,- F. FELIX M. FELIX pi CERT. . CERT. 13325 13324 160 367.3 u STANLEY HODGSON CERT. 2141 4u 6-30 Aems 0. Su ODE 1.41 Acres (CUMILRALD VAMUIVLM 203433 IOL 0430 I HO PIDt CITY OF PRIOR LARE APPLICATION FOR HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT Applicant: b Vt e, ✓\ K y1 JJ Address: ryk 46i- 06j� 1 2055 5 Home Phone: — : rk Phone Property Owner• ✓ w H Address: S r" Cc6�e_ Home Phone: `Q vKP Work Phone: Legal Description of Site: 5 Q-2 6 Propety Identification Number (PID): Mature and. Size of Home Occupation: SUBMISSION RMUIREMENIS (A) Completed application form. (B) Filing Fee. (C) 1 s and addSesses of abutting property owners. (D) Parcel ID (PID). 6 M1� C.kci.& �AF ^ ISabo ERCCe u�r/h BY aE�Md L. 14QnK+v� / ONLY OOMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIIIJID THE COM IISSIcm ; %. c ,_ PC 5517 To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 6.8 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for Home Occupations. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. I —, Submitted this , --1— day of i 192-1 Signature THIS SPACE PLANNING ODMMLSSION MPRO✓ED DENIED WARING DATE CITY COUNCIL APPEAL _ _P2PROJED --- DENIED WARING DATE Conditions: Signature of the Planning Director Date SR1CP dv �i�rtAS�n a co - wc✓tu�a ` S o� sJLQ +�.�R a��.w Present Zoning: f�"I P R / "HO05PN " HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 9✓lf9c.'t 1991 W01 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR HOME OCCUPATION You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 at 7:30 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a Home Occupation permit application by Gabriele Franklin of 15220 Eagle Creek Avenue, Prior Lake. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Section 34, Township 115, Range 22 REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant proposes to sell hand crafted jewelry and artwork created by the applicant and her husband. Sales will be conducted from an accessory structure (the former Prior Lake train depot) located on the property. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: September 12, 1991 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior fake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 Executive Summary of Quetzal Beads Business Gabriele Franklin, Owner Sales and Use Tax H 1227345 Sale Items: Jewelery made from glass beads, semi - precious gems, shells, por- cupine quills, feathers,brass, crystals, and wood. Hairpieces. Dreamcatchers. Artwork such as sketches, carvings, etc. All items will be made by myself or my husband, Andrew Franklin. Customers: People of Prior Lake and surrounding area, including Savage and Shakopee. I already sell to shops in Alaska by mail order, as well as to co- workers at the 3 hospitals where I am employed as an L &D RN. I also sell at craft sales. Location: The Old Prior Lake Train Depot located on our 2'hacres in P.L. on County id. 21. The building has parking accomodations for 4 vehicles. Parking is located off the road adjacent to the depot. Our circular driveway provides safe and easy access. Advertising: Word of Mouth. Local Paper. An inconspicuous hand made wooden sign, compatible with the surround- ing wooded area would be placed at the end of our driveway. Business Hours Open to the public approximately 20 hours per week. Respectfully subm itt d_by Gabriele Franklin P.O. Box 635 15220 Eagle Creek Ave. Prior Lake , Mn. 55372 447 -8662 September 9, 1991