HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 February Planning Commission Agenda PacketsFtbRURR 9 CENSUS '90 i s REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 1, 1990 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. HEARING DISCUSSION OF REDEVELOPMENT STAFF PROJECT NO. 2 PLAN AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FINDING REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes later than scheduled. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1990 The January 18, 1990, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Kedrowski. Those present were Commissioners Wells, Arnold, Roseth, Loftus, Kedrowski, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Planning Intern Gary Schmitz, and Secretary Rita Schewe. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING After discussion on the minutes, an amendment was proposed. The word "further" should be inserted in the last sentence. Motion to read as follows: "ANY FURTHER CHANGE IN THE SIZE OF THE DECK WOULD REQUIRE A CHANGE IN THE CITY POLICY DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION IN UTILITY EASEMENTS ". MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ACCEPT THE AMENDED MINUTES AS STATED. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Loftus, Arnold and Kedrowski. Commissioner wells abstained. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - DAVE UNMACHT - DISCUSSION Mr. Unmacht informed the Commissioners on items in the 1990 Budget that related to them. Such as salary adjustment and education. An update on the Comprehensive Plan, Lake Review Committee, Economic Development Authority, and Industrial Location Study was presented. ITEM III - STAFF BY -LAW DISCUSSION The fourth draft of the By -Laws was presented to the Commissioners for discussion. A question was raised on Item 7.c. After discussion the consensus was to leave Item c as written. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY 'WELLS, TO ADOPT THE FOURTH DRAFT OF THE BY -LAWS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PROCEDURES DATED JANUARY 18, 1990, AS SUBMITTED BY STAFF. Vote taken signified ayes by Wells, Arnold, Roseth, Kedrowski and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. By -Laws draft will be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. Commissioner Arnold gave an update on the EDA and Commissioner Loftus spoke briefly on the Lake Review Committee. 4629 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax(612)447-4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1990 PAGE 2 ITEM IV - LINDA WHITMORE - HOME OCCUPATION HEARING Linda Whitmore, 15453 Fish Point Road, is requesting a Home occupation permit to operate a dried flower arrangement business from her home. All merchandise is made in the home and delivered to various stores in the area for resale. Gary Schmitz presented the information as per memo of January 18, 1990. No sales would be conducted from the home and Mrs. Whitmore would be the only employee. Deliveries to the home would be two to four times a week. Staff recommendation is to approve the home occupation application with the condition that all exterior storage and containers be removed from the site or screened. Comments from the Commissioners were on flower drying procedures, arrangements and applicant should work with City Staff on concealment of garbage materials. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY WELLS, TO GRANT A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT TO LINDA WHITMORE AT 15453 FISH POINT ROAD, TO CONDUCT A DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENT BUSINESS FROM THE HOME WITH THE STIPULATION THE REFUSE ISSUE BE ADDRESSED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY STAFF AND PERMIT WOULD NOT BE TRANSFERABLE. AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION FOR THE RATIONALE WAS THAT THE MOTION IS CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 6.8 ZONING ORDINANCE AND WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Loftus, Kedrowski and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM V - JACK OAKES DISCUSSION Jack Oakes, 15000 Columbia /2720 Oaks Lane N.W., approached the Commissioners in regard to the Comprehensive Plan, rezoning, and future plans with the Mdewakanton Sioux Community and his property. Consensus from the Commissioners were to take Mr. Oakes's comments under advisement. Mr. Graser gave a brief summary of the agenda for the upcoming Planning Commission Retreat on January 19 & 20, 1990. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Arnold, Wells, Kedrowski, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Tapes of meeting are on file at City Hall. Horst Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary CENSUS .0 MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FROM: HORST GRASER RE: CONSIDERATION OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 2 PLAN DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 1990 The purpose of this hearing is to introduce, discuss, and consider a resolution relative to the Redevelopment Project No. 2 Plan (attached). And also to review the Tax Increment District No. 2 -1 and the development proposal therein. Minnesota Statues Section 469.027 requires the Planning Commission to review the extent of the district and its conformity to the plan. Economic Development Director Kay Schmudlach will make a presentation giving an overview of the process and the specific detail. I will review the objections of the redevelopment project which are found on pages 7 and S. The Tax Increment District No. 2 -1 (attached), is the financial document for the Super Value grocery store. Kay Schmudlach will give a brief overview of this document. No approvals by the Planning Commission are required. Also in attendance will be the architect for the Super Value project to discuss the site and building plans (site plan is attached). It has been policy of Prior Lake to have the Planning Commission review the site plan and make a recommendation to the City Council. Staff has not had adequate time to review the site plan, therefore a Staff recommendation is not attached. However, I will be prepared with comments and specific recommendation. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FINDING THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN CONFORMS TO THE CITY PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCALITY AS A WHOLE WHEREAS, the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, Economic Development Authority Redevelopment Project No. 2 Plan dated February 20, 1990 (the "Plan $'), has been submitted to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.027, and WHEREAS, the Prior Lake Planning Commission has reviewed said Plan to determine conformity of said plan to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole, and WHEREAS, the Prior Lake Planning Commission is in agreement with the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, Redevelopment Authority Project Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Prior Lake Planning Commission as follows: That the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, Economic Development Authority Redevelopment Project Plan dated February 20, 1990, conforms to the general plan for the development of the municipality as a whole and the Commission forwards the Plan to the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority and the City Council of the City of Prior Lake. Adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Prior Lake this let day of February, 1990. Chairman Prior Lake Planning Commission 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 7 NUMBER 2 -1 �? LOTS 2 i 3 BLK 1 1 e BROOKSVILLE CENTER 2ND ADDITION nj N !O 2 9 o' �, 3 9 6 � I. a _ p A4 J. BROOKS NAUSER 165.02 A N 161616 + Y See ROAD EASEMENT 138364 666.29 P' TA S o c i u LAWRENCE We.WER:N '9e 173739 R e 2 9 0 164182 .60.09 o MAN "Ell A 160031 sM �.! { J o N v. u- ` 4 RTIORGALE '.ILL ` N.60RKA• Oar. IV:STORS $17146 f . {� a _ 9 161616 o R e .60.09 412.00 A , � ` 6 V q 377 "CCT Y O J`��E 1 O $t YAAV 3 a C I 1 I .� a NOTICE: TO: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FROM: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING RE: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1990 You are hereby notified the the Prior Lake Planning Commission will not convene their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 15, 1990. The meeting has been cancelled due to lack of items. The next scheduled meeting will be March 1, 1990. Please review the enclosed documents and be ready to comment on at the March 1, 1990, meeting. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 4474230 10 PCMEM1 11 PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION CODE OF ETHICS DAB— MARCH 1, 1990 BACKGROUND: On F 5, 1990 the City Council reviewed and approved the Planning Commission By -Laws with the exception of the Code of Ethics. Please see attached By -Laws. It was the consensus of the City .Council that the Planning Commission review and update the Code of Ethics which was originally adopted in 1984. A copy of the Code of Ethics is attached to this report. In addition, please find a copy of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Planning Association Code of Ethics for the Professional Planner. The APA Code of Ethics is included for your information to review and use in the update of the existing Planning Commission Code of Ethics. RECOMMENDATION: The a re�mm�tion from staff is that each Commissioner review the Code of Ethics and prepare proposed written changes additions or deletions to the Ethics Code. The City Council desires to review the updated Code of Ethics in four to six weeks. 4629 Dakota St SE„ Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 CENSUS "90 "ETHICS" PLANNING COMMISSION ETHICS PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to provide broad guidelines for the conduct of individual Planning Commissioners. Each Planning Commissioner must bear the responsibility of adherence to these guidelines. In the event a problem presents itself, the chairperson shall take the initiative to resolve it in a manner most appropriate. (1) Planning Commissioners who have a current or ongoing business relationship or vested interest with an applicant or other parties with significant interest in the decision WHICH WOULD shall refrain INDIRECTLY discussion. Vested CO, is to any interest(&) or issues that may present a conflict of interest now and in the future. (2) A Planning Commissioner's opinion pertaining to a, function, organization or s ecific application shall not be given to the media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the Commissioner and not that of the entire Commission. If a Planning Commissioner gives or represents the opinions) of the Planning Commission those opinion ( &) must be approved by a consensus of the Planning Commission and recorded it its minutes. (3) Planning Commissioners shall conduct themselves as professionals when representing the Commission. (4) A Planning Commissioner shall avoid any appearance of impropriety. (5) A Planning Commissioner shall make every attempt to visit the site prior to discussing site related issues. (6) The chairmember of the Planning Commission may make a recommendation to the Mayor for the removal of any member of the Commission who is absent more than six (6) times throughout the calendar year. 4629 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 CODE OF ETHICS for the PROFESSIONAL PLANNER RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC A planner's primary obligation is to serve the public interest. It includes the following special obligations: 1. To have and demonstrate concern for the long range consequences of present actions. 2. To give special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions. 3. To provide complete, clear and accurate informa- tion. 4. To advocate the opportunity for all citizens to have a meaningful impact on plats and programs. S. To expand the choices and opportunities for all persons, especially the disadvantaged. 6. To protect the integrity of the natural environment. RESPONSIBILITY TO EMPLOYERS AND CLIENTS A planner should provide competent, creative and in. dependent performance in the pursuit of the employer's or client's interest. A planner has the following specific obligations: 1. Toexerciseindependcntprofessionaljudgmenton behalf of employers and clients. 2. To accept the decisions of the employer or client regarding the objectives and nature of the professional services to be performed unless inconsistent with the planner's primary obligation to the public interest. 3. To not use the power of office to seek or obtain special advantage that is not in the public interest and that is not fully known to the public. 4. To not perform work beyond the planner's profes- sional competence. S. To not accept work which cannot be performed. 6. To not reveal information gained in a professional relationship which the employer or client has requested be held inviolate. 7. To not perform work if there is an actual, apparent or reasonably foreseeable conflict between On interests of the client and the personal or financial interests of the planner or of another past or present client of the planner, unless there is the expressed consent of the client after full disclosure by the planner. 8. To not solicit prospectiveclients through the use of false or midleading claims, harassment or duress. 9. To not sell or offer to sell services by stating or implying an ability to influence decisions by improper means. RESPONSIBILITY TO COLLEAGUES 1. To share the results of personal experience and to- search which contribute to the body of planning knowl- edge. 2. Toprotect and enhance theintegrityoftheprofe s. sion and be responsible to criticism of the profession. 3. To accurately represent the qualifications, views and findings of colJCaguea 4. To examine the applicability of planning theories, methods and standards to each situation, and not accept a customary solution without first establishing its appropri- ateness to the situation. S. To contribute time and information to the profes- sional development of students, interns, beginning profes- sionals and other colleagues. 6. To review the work ofotherprofessionalsinafair, considerate and equitable manner. 7. To increase the opportunities for minorities and women to become professional planners. RESPONSIBILITY TO SELF The planner should strive for the highest standards of professional integrity, proficiency and knowledge. This includes the following obligations: 1. To continue one's professional education. 2. To accurately represent professional qualifies - dons, education and affiliations. 3. To respect the rights of odors and not improperly discriminate against others. 4. To not deliberately commit an act which reflects adversely on the planner's professional fitness. 3. To systematically and critically analyze ethical is. sues in the practice of planning. 6. To contribute time and effort to groups lacking in adequate planning resources and to voluntary professional activities. MINNESOTA CHAPTER, AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 1989