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1989 November Planning Commission Agenda Packets
NO\JEtA2E REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 2, 1989 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. HEARING MAUREEN JANDORF VARIANCE * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes later than scheduled. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 19, 1989 The October 19, 1989, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Kedrowski at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Loftus, Arnold, Wells, Roseth, Kedrowski, Director of Planning Horst Graser, and Assistant City Planner Deb Garross. Absent was Secretary Rita Schewe. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus and Roseth. Commissioner Wells abstained from voting as she was not present for that portion of the October 5, 1989, Planning Commission Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Recess called at at 7:33 P.M. Meeting recalled to order at 7:35 P.M. ITEM II - WAYNE LUNDGREN - MINIMUM LOT AREA VARIANCE Wayne Lundqren, 14349 Watersedge Trail, stated that they would like to build a single family home on Lot 50 and the East half of Lot 51, Boudins Manor. As the minimum lot size for non lakeshore lots within the Shoreland District is 10,000 sq. feet and the subiect site is 9,366 sq. feet, a 634 sq. foot minimum lot area variance is being requested. Deb Garross presented the information as per the memo of October 19, 1989. DNR was notified of the variance and had no comments. Literal enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance would render the lot unbuildable which would cause a hardship. The hardship has been caused by the adoption of the Shoreland Ordinance and not by the applicant's actions. The applicant has attempted to comply with the setback and coverage ratio requirements. A precedent does exist whereby the City Council granted a 3,536 square foot minimum lot area variance to Lot 34, Boudins Manor on November 7, 1988. Staff recommendation is that the variance be approved. Mark Hyland, 14399 Watersedge Trail stated that the prairie landscaping should be left as is. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Pnor Lake, Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 447 -4230 I Fax (612) 4474245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1989 PAGE 2 Tim Fonder, 14329 Rutgers St., opposed the variance. He also presented a letter stating that his house was built in 1858 and may have historical value and would like to see the subject lot remain vacant and had a signed petition from the neighbors. Pat and Lee Schoenfeld, 14321 Watersedge, opposed the variance as the house is too large for the size of the lot. They felt the house should be smaller and setback from the property lines more. Beverly Lundgren, 14349 Watersedge Trail, stated that the total square footage for the house is 2,771. Becky Fonder, 14329 Rutgers St., is opposed to the variance. They have maintained the empty lot this summer. Comments from the Commissioners: Hardship caused by the adoption of the ordinance, and concerns on the trees being removed. Mark Hyland stated that no one knew the lot was for sale or it could possibly have been bought by the neighbors. Wayne Lundgren was called upon to state what his plans are for the lot, also said house is not being built for speculation. Lee Schoenfeld, 14321 Watersedge Trail, felt the Lundgrens were buying the lot as speculation. Beverly Lundgren, 14349 Watersedge Trail, said they did not buy for speculation but have planned ahead as a home for their elderly parents or for themselves to live with their son in the future. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD TO GRANT A 634 SQUARE FOOT LOT AREA MINIMUM VARIANCE FOR WAYNE LUNDGREN AT 14325 WATERSEDGE TRAIL, JUSTIFICATION BEING THAT PAST PRECEDENT ACTION IN THE AREA AND THE HARDSHIP IS CREATED BY THE ORDINANCE AND NOT THE PROPERTY OWNER. COMMISSIONER KEDROWSKI PROPOSED AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION THAT ANY OF THE 19 TREES THAT ARE REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. Vote taken signified ayes by Wells, Arnold, Kedrowski, Roseth and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - STAFF - DISCUSS AND EVALUATE THE TRANSPORTATION SECTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. RF.OUEST FOR DIRECTION. Horst Graser presented the information to the Commissioners. Discussion followed on the modes of transportation to and from Prior Lake and on the advantages and disadvantages that accompany it. Comments were on a circulation system which benefits business and industry, construction of pedestrian walkways and bike paths. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1989 PAGE 2 Discussion on the Retreat, possibly third or fourth week in January. Suggestions given for meeting places. Suggestion by the commissioners, that Assistant City Manager, Kay Schmudlach, speak to the Commission on the Economic Development Committee projects, possibly setup a joint workshop. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY WELLS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Wells, Arnold, Kedrowski and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Tape of meeting available at City Hall. Horst Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary "VA28PC" PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: Lakeshore Variance, Rear Yard Variance APPLICANT: Maureen Jandorf SITE: 14534 Glendale Avenue DATE: November 2, 1989 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department has received a variance application from Maureen Jandorf of 15047 Manitou Foad to consider a 32' lakeshore variance and a 5' rear yard variance at 14534 Glendale Avenue. The subject site is legally described as Lot 1 Boudins Manor 2nd Addition and Lot 1 Oakland Beach. The subject site is owned by Theodora Simons. BA-'KGROUND• The subject site is zoned R -1 /S -D which has a required lakeshore setback of 75' and rear yard setback of 25 The lot square footage is 14,162 square feet and the proposed coverage ratio will be approximately 17 %. STAFF ANALYSIS• Boudins Manor 2nd Addition was platted in 1956 into eighteen lots. Lot 1 is currently cut off from the rest by Oakland Beach 7th Addition. Oakland Beach was platted in 1926 into 50' lots. Most of the residential homes in Oakland Beach were constructed on combined lots to allow for more buildable area. Both plats were annexed into the city in 1974. The topography of the area is very flat and considerably low in elevation. The area is near the regulatory flood plain elevation therefore the lowest living elevation of the proposed home must be constructed at or above the 909 elevation. There are a few mature trees located throughout the subject site but very few would be lost during construction. The two parcels adjacent to the subject site are both currently vacant. The parcel to the north is a vacant lot owned by the Oakland Beach Association. This area is used as a swimming beach and picnic ground. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 4?30 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 The specific proposal is to tear down the existing cabin and build a new single family home on the combined lots. The proposed home will come within 43' of the 904 contour line and 20' from the rear property line. See attached map and survey for reference to this application. The subject site average depth is 100' which limits the building options for the parcel. In fact the dimensions of the site would make it nearly impossible to construct a home by todays standards, without some sort of lakeshore or rear yard variance. The existing cabin, which is located 20 from the 904 contour line, will be torn down to make room for the new home. The new home would be setback 23' further from the 904 contour line than the existing cabin. There are several homes in the Oakland Beach neighborhood that are built at variance so this proposal would not be out of character for the neighborhood. RECOMMENDATION• The recommendation from staff is to approve the 32' Lakeshore variance and the 5' Rear yard variance subject to the condition that a lot grading plan be submitted and approved by staff. The applicant has designed a home which reasonably fits within the available building envelope of a substandard lot. The lakeshore variance is consistent with the existing development in the area. The new home would be constructed further back from the 904 contour line than the existing cabin so sightlines would actually improve for the neighboring properties. Therefore, staff would recommend approval since the proposal is consistent with development in the area and would not be detrimental to the general health and welfare of the community. Ri ffl . T. r M n Existing Use of Property s. vscr Fw v.ly Rrs.�twT /Il Present Eoedrlg: -,., R Proposed Use of Property: .Pwaior.✓7;0/ Legal Description of variance Site: /v53y G[r *!>We L ;, / Bi,MiNS / wA Z AwO A07 1 0.4ele 10 ONAeN Variance Requestedt Mm, ar FA ~7 kMAJ ON 41e s AA4 AAr-M' 8y ' Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or, owM _ use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes b What was requested: the c~AO4. V/ G AWSO.T S7.�VGTuR[ 3 ? SUBMISSION REDUIREMEM ✓ (A)Caopleted application form. (Wiling fee (C)Certified from �,pM addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exteri a/ subject property. (D)Complete legal description i Pcopetty C � ' (PID). (E)Deed restrictions, if applicable. (P)An area,ssV from tha City Engineering Section showing: existing ttp pq C " boundaries, building easements and soil test data if pertinent i (G)A parcel map at 1• -20 -50 showing: The site developaen parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and otil ONLY COMM APPLICATIONS SEAN. BE REVM= BY THE H AR37 M (N)N Th the best of my knowledge the information preaented,C".., addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake requiresents for V6rianoe procedures. I agree to w d procedures as outlined in the Ordirwme. cants Submitted this i! day of dares 1 9 L ,ff THIS SI PLAN m OO wssiON CM COUNCIL APPEAL MMDIT M: Signature mix Lcm, names W of the �pT. nTec M / y A 33 s � souOm_c M�ANOII l OT SEA 3 GOV \T TIOT c j Cy STN ADD 0 3 HEUER ___ N;PS 1 2 TH 3 i wn d 2 1 1 2 3 . ' b b b 2 1 4 r OAK ANO BEACH OAK L $ i 0 . A Z Fil� e l T 1 o5eo 0 OA L N 3 \ X BEAC f NI 11 r I 1 2 ♦�i 13 o K Q 01 15 co rs , we O \ a 1 3 o ° t6 �I �N 14534 GLENDALE AVE. Ny • /3Jg p, t �s I � i J NB9 ^ 5912 N $rvm 41! a lol I. OL(1 A P KAM "CR" NOTICE OF HEARING FOR LAKESHORE VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1989 at 7:35 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING To consider a Lakeshore variance and a rear yard variance for Maureen Jandorf. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION 14534 Glendale Avenue Lot 1 Boudins Manor 2nd Addition & Lot 1 Oakland Beach. REQUESTED ACTION The applicant has requested a 32' lakeshore variance and a 5' rear yard variance to build a single family home. The required lakeshore setback is 75' and the required rear yard setback is 25 The applicant proposes to tear down the existing cabin and build on both lots. The home will be located 43' from the ordinary high water mark of Prior Lake. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission (October 18, 1989) 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Frior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 October 17, 1989 Pat Lynch Department of Natural Resources 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 Dear Pat, The enclosed information is in regard to a proposed lakeshore and rear yard variance within the Shoreland District of Prior Lake. The subject site is legally described as: Lot 1 Oakland Beach 6 Lot 1 Boudins Manor 2nd Addition. A copy of the variance application and area map indicating the subject site location are enclosed. The applicant wishes to tear down the existing cabin and build a new single family home on the combined lots. The new home will require a 32 lakeshore variance and a 5 rear yard variance. Please review and comment on the enclosed information. The hearing for this item has been tentatively set for Thursday, November 2, 1989, at 7:35 p.m. If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, contact the Planning Department at 447 -4230. Sincerely, Gary chmit Planning Department GS:rms Enclosures 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 287 South Ma,schall Road P 0 Box 251 Shakopee. Minnesota 55379 612 /445 3196 Fax 612/455 9522 Home Office Minneapolis Minnesota 55401 October 16, 1989 According to the records in the Office of the County Treasurer, Scott County, Minnesota, the following is a list of owners lying within 100 feo: of the following described property: Lot 1, Oakland Beach and Lot 1, Boudin's Manor 2nd Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota. Dan and Caroline Mandich J 4409 W. 89th Street Bloomington, MN 55432 Oakland Beach Assoc. Inc. 14720 Glendale Ave. ✓ Prior Lake, MN 55372 Almac Inc. 6885 Boudin St. ME, Suite 203 P. 0. Box 550 Prior Lake, MN 55372 Mark W. 6 Mary L. Freyberg 14525 Glendale Ave. SE. ✓ Prior Lake, MN 55372 Theodore Weiland Simons 2020 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 Ambrose J. b Loraine Czech .� 14560 Oakland Beach Ave. SE. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Pr:o• t__tt/ nn,.. TS?.7x Dated this 16th day of October, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. B��ae�hal authorized signatory PRIOR LAKE - SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT Special Meeting and 1990 Budget Hearing at Scott -Rice Telephone Company October 2, 1989 Mpmbers Present: Marvin Oldenburg, Andrew Franklin, James Laabs, Ron Kroyer and Robert Adams Staff Present: Don Benson, Bryce Huemoeller and Kevin Larson Others: Ed Felker, Prior Lake Association; Mike McAlpine, James Laniel The meeting was called to order by President Marvin Oldenburg at 7:50 P.M. Residents were present to discuss a request to D.N.R. for turning on the pump. After discussion a motion was made by Adams, seconded by Laabs that, based on public interest, the Board would send a request to D.N.R. for a public hearing for the purpose of discussing the turning on of the pump. Cost of the hearing would be paid for by the pump fund. Unanimous. Budget Hearing. The budget hearing was convened at 8:00 p.m. with only boar an s a present. Huemoeller noted for the record that publication of the hearing notice for 1990 budgets had appeared in Prior Lake American in accordance with M.S.A. Chap. 112. A copy of the Affidavit of Publication was distributed to the Board. The Board reviewed budgets for 1990 and 1989. After review a motion was made by Adams, seconded by Franklin, approving the Administrative Budget for 1990 in the amount of $102,230.00. Unanimous. After further review, a motion was made by Laabs, seconded by Kroyer approving the 509 Budget for 1990 in the amount of $10,800.00. Unanimous. Upon motion of Adams, second of Laabs the budget hearing was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Benson distributed a draft of a letter to Unmacht regarding the City of Prior Lake paying for a Feasibility Study on the causeway removal. After discussion a motion was made by Laabs, seconded by Kroyer approving the letter and directing Benson to send letter. Unanimous. There being no further business and upon motion of Adams, second of Laabs, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Jamow M. LaaDS, becrefary Attest to: PRIOR LAKE - SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT Regular Monthly Meeting at Scott -Rice Telephone Company September 11, 1989 Members Present: Marvin Oldenburg, Andrew Franklin, James Laabs, Ron Kroyer and Robert Adams Staff Present: Don Benson, Bryce Huemoeller and Kevin Larson Others: Dave Vinlove, Crystal Bay Association; Terry Hanson, Mike Mahoney, Frank Wicker, Mike McAlpine The meeting was called to order by President Marvin Oldenburg at 7:30 P.M. Minutes - After review and upon motion of Franklin, second of Laabs, the minutes�'The August 8 general meeting were unanimously approved. Financial Report - Benson reviewed the financial report for the Board's informs ion. er iscussion a motion was made by Kroyer, seconded by Adams, to accept the financial report and authorize Benson to pay the bills noted thereon. Unanimous. Permit Applications - (a) Crystal Bay /Dredging of Bay. Vinlove submitted a permi o e is ric with the proposed dredging procedures and the removal and disposal of materials. The Board expressed concern regarding ownership of lake bottom and disposal site. No action was taken until the permit is reviewed by the district engineer. (b) Frank Wicker /Excavating East of Public Access. Wicker indicated that silt build up around the public access has been the result of storm water runoff; he reported that Pat Lynch regional hydrologist from DNR indicated that a permit would not be needed from that department to remove the silt and that the project would be viewed as a maintenance project. Wicker reported that he had talked with the City of Prior Lake regarding removal of the spoils and that a letter is being sent by Larry Anderson, city engineer, to the D.N.R. regarding the disposal site and the city participation in hauling the spoils. No action was taken until a permit is submitted. After discussion the Board determined that this project was a restoration project but would require information regarding the disposal site. A permit application was requested for purposes of record. (c) Spring Lake Estates /Joe Knoblauch / #89 -12. Larson reported that this is a continuation of a project reviewed last year. After staff review of the proposed project, a motion was made by Franklin, seconded by Laabs to grant Permit No. 89 -12, subject to: approval by district engineer of a revised plan showing the erosion control installation detail and a restoration note. (d) Jepson /Excavating West of Public Access. Tabled until DNR recommend alternate methods. Larson will contact D.N.R. as the area and applicants met with Pat Lynch at the time that the Wicker dredging was reviewed. (e) Scott County Highway Dept. /CSAM 21. 089 -11. Larson reported that he, Franklin and Jobes had walked through the project. The Board expressed concern regarding erosion and possible alternative location regarding the erosion prohlem. After discussion the Board directed Adams to contact Mark Stromwall, County Commission, requesting that he review the site and investigate the large quantity of silt currently in the culvert. Budget Hearing Status - Benson reviewed a letter from the auditors regarding waters e u ge s or He reported that levy amounts will no longer be computed on a mill rate but rather limited to 0.02418% of the current market value. Benson reported that he had received a printout dated 8 -29 -89 from data processing at the courthouse. A proposed 1990 Administrative Budget of $102,230.00 and a 509 Budget of $10,800.00 were presented to the Board followed by discussion. The Board directed Huemoeller to publish notice of the budget hearing set for September 26 at 7:30 p.m. Pump P roject 77 -6 - Bates received a letter dated September 1 from D.N.R. denying opera 10� the pump and noting that a hearing can be requested. After discussion the Board decided not to request a hearing date. Oldenburg, Franklin, Adams, Bates and Benson had previously met with the D.N.R. at their headquarters and it was their opinion that a hearing would be non - productive. SCS Funding 76 -4MBB - The Board reviewed the letter of August 25 to Pascal regard cos s arIng and S.C.S. design. Oldenburg reported that he had discussed the engineering aspects of the project with Pascal to determine if the SCS would be willing to prepare the specifications. Pascal indicated that they do not have time to do the engineering. After discussion the Board decided to review the budget to determine if continuing with the SCS funding request would be too costly for the District to continue. Grant Phase I - A letter of August 25 from M.P.C.A. was reviewed asking if work wou73 — be completed by the end of the year or if an extension of time would be needed. A copy of the letter was sent to Loren Larson of JMM who indicated to Benson that the schedule should be met and he will notify M.P.C.A. Outlet Maintenance Project 76 -4M -88 - Huemoeller reported that Mr. Lucast had signedTFf ocumen an a t Mrs. Lucast indicated that she would be signing also; that the Reeds would be going to condemnation proceedings, and that Hanson had not yet signed. The Board and Hanson discussed meetings previously held and discussed memo regarding work to be done that would meet with Hanson's approval. Hanson requested a letter regarding the weeping hill issue. After discussion a motion was made by Adams, seconded by Laabs directing Huemoeller to offer an easement to Hanson to include specifications as contained in a letter date July 19, 1989 to Hanson. Other issues regarding damages including the "weeping hill" will be retained for future negotiations. Unanimous. It was reported that the time for beginning the project according to the bid by Moser has expired; Larson was directed to prepare specifications and bids. Outiet Landsapi cng - Muemoeller reported that Morlock was not satisfied with the Boar ss fer. No action was taken pending receipt of a formal response from Morlock. State Association Dues - Benson reported that the dues for membership in the State Association of a ers eds has risen from $975 in 1989 to $1360 for 1990. Causeway Removal Status - Benson reported that the D.N.R. is still investigating the causeway issue. Larson reported that the cost of a Feasibility Study would be approximately $2,500. Other - (a) Establishing of Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District. Copies opies of the original document establishing the district were distributed by Benson to the Board. None of the present Board was involved at that time. (b) Lake Level for Permit Requirements. Benson reported that he had received a call asking if a change had occurred which required a permit below the level of 902.5 instead of 904.0.. This has been considered and verbally discussed with the D.N.R. but no formal considerations have been made at this time. (c) Letter to Weidenbacher. Benson indicated that the computer model cost limit of $40,000.00 had been exceeded and sent a letter to JMM requesting them to review their figures. (d) Story on Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. A copy of a presentation by Aileen Kulak, chairman, to an interim committee studying urban watersheds, was distributed to the board and staff. (e) Pig Roast on Sept. 28. An invitation to the board, staff and guests was received from James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, to a pig roast in French Park in Plymouth. (f) Publication of Monthly Agenda. McAlpine requested that the monthly agenda appear in the newspaper prior to meetings. Agendas are not usually prepared in time, but some kind of notice may be printed. Benson will check. There being no further business and upon motion of Laabs, second of Franklin, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. isms M. LaaDS, cre ary Attest to: ,91 / / REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEEPING AGENDA WAMYBER 16, 1989 7:30 P.M. CALL 10 ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUIFS OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. HEARING JACK W. IIdGALS VARIANCE 8:00 P.M. HEARING VICTOR FORLAND VARIANCE * Indicates a Public Hearing All tires stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes later than scheduled. 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 W \lam PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 2, 1989 The November 2, 1989, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Kedrowski. Those present were Commissioners Wells, Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Kedrowski, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Administrative Assistant Gary Schmitz and Secretary Rita Schewe. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Kedrowski, Wells, Arnold, Roseth and Loftus. Recess called at 7:32 P.M.. Meeting recalled to order at 7:35 P.M. ITEM II MAUREEN JANDORF - VARIANCE Bruce Jandorf, 15079 Manitou Road NE, stated that they would like to build a home on a difficult piece of property, and therefore requested a 5' rear yard and 32' lakeshore variances. The existing cabin will be removed and the lot will be filled. The house they are planning to build would be a credit to the neighborhood. The subject site consists of two lots. Gary Schmitz presented the information as per the memo of November 2, 1989. Pat Lynch of the DNR called to state that there were no objections to the variance application. The topography of the area is very flat and considerably low in elevation and near the regulatory flood plain therefore the proposed home must be constructed at or above the 909 elevation. Staff's recommendation is to approve the variances subject to the condition that a lot grading plan be submitted and approved by Staff. Chairman Kedrowski read into the record a letter from Wayne Mosey, 5861 Highland Court Drive, Bloomington, MN. Mr. Mosey was present and stated he is purchasing the adjoining lot and was concerned as to the level of fill and what type of retaining wall is being planned. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1989 PAGE 2 Mr. Jandorf stated that he will construct a retaining wall of wood or stone. Comments from the Commissioners concerned; whether both parcels were lots of record, number of lots Mr. Mosey is considering, square footage of Jandorf's proposed house, and the general consensus of the Commissioners was in agreement with the proposal. MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE THE 32' LAKESHORE AND 5' REAR YARD VARIANCE FOR 14534 GLENDALE AVENUE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT A LOT GRADING PLAN BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY CITY STAFF, RATIONAL BEING THAT THE PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH THE DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREA AND WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Wells, Roseth, Loftus and Kedrowski. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion followed on the Retreat. Ms. Garross informed the Commissioners that not all the information was available as of this date. Chairman Kedrowski requested the information be presented at the next Planning Commission Meeting. Chairman Kedrowski reported on a meeting he had with Mr. Unmacht and Mr. Graser regarding the Economic Development Committee procedures. Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach and EDC Chairman Jim Hill will attend a future Planning Commission Meeting and present their goals and responsibilities. MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Wells, Loftus, Kedrowski, Roseth and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Tape of meeting available at City Hall. Deb Garross Rita M. Schewe Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary "VA29PC" PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT VARIANCE APPLICANT JACK INGALLS SITE: 14514 PINE ROAD DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1989 INTRODUCTION The Planning Department has received a variance application from Jack Ingalls of 14514 Pine Road. The subject site is legally described as Lot 4 and 5' of Lot 1, Block 1, North Shore Crest. The applicant has requested consideration of a 7' south side and 5' front yard variance in order to build a 16' x 20' detached garage. BACKGROUND: Nort Shore Crest was platted in 1950 into predominantly 50' wide lots which are substandard by current zoning standards of the City of Prior Lake. The property is zoned R -1 /S -D and consists of approximately 4,150 square feet in area. The existing home was built in 1952 under the jurisdiction of Eagle Creek Township. The neighborhood is fully developed with cabins and renovated single family homes. Due to the small lot sizes in this subdivision, many of the existing structures are at variance with current setback requirements. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: The subject site is a platted lot of record which has an irregular shape and contains a very small building area. There is no existing garage on site and exterior storage is contained within and around a tin storage shed. The request is to locate the detached garage on the southwest corner of the lot, three feet from the southerly property line and twenty feet from the easterly property line. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPACT: The Compre enslve Pan indicates that this site is planned for low density residential development. This proposal has no impact on the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It appears that the proposed garage can be moved to accommodate a five foot side yard setback. Adequate parking for vehicles will be provided by the 20' driveway. Staff would oppose a variance which is greater than 50% percent of the required setback. This 4629 Dakota St. SE.. Prior lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph.. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 neighborhood is fully developed on very small lots. It would seem appropriate to maintain as much of the required setback as possible in order to provide a break between existing structures and minimize the appearance of crowding. The recommendation from staff is to approve a 5' foot south side yard and 5' foot front yard variance subject to the conditions tha' the tin shed, tires and debris currently stored outside of the _.red be removed from the site. This variance would allow the applicant to construct a detached garage and use the property in a similar manner as other R -1 /S -D zoned property. The hardship is a result of the substandard size of the lot and the Planning Commission has tended to grant similar variances to substandard lots which contain no garage. The variances as outlined would observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance and would not be detrimental to the health and welfare of the adjacent neighborhood. OwAlm a Phone: 'a ir Phone: Y/ Phone: 0 Existing Use of Property: Home P resent Zoning: of Pro operty yo x,1 e, U// G f+ h /9 Legal Description . of Variance Site: Variance Requested: 5 f 'l> e 7 ' "! ©IVT S ` { { /4 Has the applicant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subj �to or any part of it? Y es b What was requested: A Describe the type of improvements proposed: '4 4 k /7-2 L /,t V 2v 1 s (A)Caspleted application form. (Wiling fee (C)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (D)Complete legal description i Property Identification Number (PID). (E)Deed restrictions, if applicable. (F)An area map at 1'200' available from the City Engineering Section showing: existing topography, utilities, lot boundaries, building easements and soil test data if pertinent within 300 feet. (G)A parcel map at 1 20 -50 showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLEIE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVEMED BY ME PLAWNING COMMISSION. To the best of my knowledge the information presented an this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. Submitted this --- day of ----19— Applicants Signature Fee Owners Signature MIS SPACE IS TO BE PILL® OUT BY WE PLANNING DIRBCIOR H I -• a1 IA 1 i1 I Y" L" :I" � Signature of the Planning Director Date S 5' 1453 x%20 - Px w F [ h F 14514 c+ / a N w APPLICANT JACK INGALLS SITE: PINE RE7U 7' SIDE - . E5T ]• 6 FRONT YARD D VA VARIANN CES NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1989 PURPOSE OF HEARING SUBJECT SITE LOCATION at 7:35 P. M. To consider a variance application for Jack Ingalls. 14514 Pine Road Lot 4, Block 1, North Shore Crest REQUESTED ACTION The applicant proposes to construct a detached garage adjacent to the southerly property line of Lot 4, Block 1, North Shore Crest. The applicant requests that the Planning Commission grant a 7' side yard and 5' front yard variance in order to build the garage as per attached map. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission NOVEMBER 6, 1989 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 4245 "VA30PC" PLANNING REPORT SUBJECT: SIDE YARD VARIANCE APPLICANT: VICTOR FORLAND SITE: 16116 JORDAN AVENUE DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1989 INTRODUCTION• The Planning Department has received a variance application from Victor Forland of 16116 Jordan Avenue to consider a 4 foot south side yard variance. The subject site is legally described as Lot 12 and the south 10 feet of Lot 11, Block 2, Costello's Addition. BACKGROUND: The subject site was developed in 1964 and is currently zoned R -2 which has a required side yard setback of 10 feet. The lot square footage is 9,000 square feet and the coverage ratio is approximately 26 %. STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicants proposal is to construct a three season porch over an existing above ground deck in the back yard. The deck is currently located 6 feet from the side property line. The three season porch would be built over the existing deck and would not extend any closer to the side lot line than what already exists. The existing home is located 3.5 feet from the affected side property line. The garage located on the opposite side is 1.1 feet from the north side lot line (see attached site plan). The three season porch would be located 2.5 feet further away from the side lot line than the existing home. The affected home to the south has an unusually large side yard setback of 24 feet which is a positive element in this application. RECOMMENDATION• Staff feels there is justification for approving the 4 foot south side yard variance. The existing home is currently located 3.5 feet from the south side lot line whereas the porch would be constructed over an already existing deck that is 6 feet from the side lot line. There are a number of homes in the Costello addition that are at variance with current setback requirements so this proposal would not be out of character for the neighborhood. The three season porch would not harm sightlines of the adjacent homeowners and the proposal would not be detrimental to the general health and welfare of the community. Therefore staff recommends approval. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447 -4230 / Fax (612) 4474245 .-.s+ PDH u - oa 4-n is - CITY OF PRIOR LAn APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE P f or �Rh A of Ownership: Existing Use of Property: Akw w o t K 14 o �* L Proposed Use of Property: n Legal Description � ) (' l : 40 ! of Variance Site: -L�t c+ Phone: )-) w i 3 3 Phone: Phone: e� Phone: Zoning: 'I 'd 10 '/4-� i i Variance Requested: � , 'Qr� ��,,pp�� 8'-L i ;4 qqyy J ' i!4c h '{ � M Has the applicant pity oioui1y'saLghE a , eone",'c a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? - What was requested: When: D isposition: Descr ty�e �povaoents proposed: A �JZ ., -L� ( SUBMISSION REOUIREMENTS: (A)Completed application form. (Wiling fee (C)Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (D)Complete legal description i Property Identification Number (PID). (E)Deed restrictions, if applicable. (F)An area map at 1.200' available from the City Engineering Section showing: existing topography, utilities, lot boundaries, building easements and soil test data if pertinent within 300 feet. (G)A parcel map at 1 20 -50' showing: The site development plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, lar_ ..iping and utility service. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PANNING 0OMMISSIOi. To the best of my knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have real Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for varianx procedures. I agree to reside ipformat1pn and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. AT /J Submitted this " of / n -- y G 1 9! - i 7HIS SPACE IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY 7HE PLANNNG DIRECTOR ODWITIONS: Signature of the Planning Director Date A, / e s F A+ C j W. IN IL AVE i no Y ~ u R P AT BLO K 1 RO ASV LE t k o � nwe Iu lee e+ FRANKLIN ( CIRCLE e}I ie}] IYSeS le]GS re)ie N1V] leaf] rYe N y .,; n HIL S RD AD e N D w D els4 PARR IeA]f' IeA4 FRANKLIN IRL. Y+]y u BRObKSViLLH LS ` I , N AiY yGMp11LL 1N' V i= If m "CR" NOTICE OF HEARING FOR SIDE YARD VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: Thursday November 16, 1989 at 8:00 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING To consider a 4' south side yard variance for Victor Forlana. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION 16116 Jordan Avenue S.E. Lot 12 and the South 10' of Lot 11 Block 2 Costello's Addition REQUESTED ACTION The applicant is requesting a 4' south side yard variance in order to construct a three season porch over the existing deck in the back yard. The required side yard setback is 10 The three season porch will not encroach any closer to the side lot line than the existing deck. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447 -4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission (November 7, 1989) 4629 Dakota St. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 VARIA SURVEY 7EVARED FOR VICPOR FORLAND 16116 JORDAN AVE MIOR LAKE, MN 55772 ` n,• � Q a I N DIWRIKIOMI Lot 12, Blxk 2, ASTELLD'S ADDITION, Scott Cawty. Rlaaao4. And tW OouM 10.00 bat of Lot 11. Block 2. of Mid plat. Also ahowin, all rtslEla iappoaamta an wLA Deaq[ty. 080 SCALE IN FEET O 0a Nan Iaaslaa IM 60a RaI mavam RNRA Volley Engirm rinq Co., Mc WM M? G , i66T0 FptWLW TpaiL FRANKLIN MAIL OFFICE COIWD0 KA7 7100 LANE, MINNESOTA 555 •ELEMONE 16111 447.8570 677 -SEAT ' NwA6F AIR 1p Aa1 RMA W", , wl m w W4 Mklp L amm" 1 ApaAf I1R S" N f Dea - LNaM NO A)q FILE NO Sff! fN ley ro f OVERVIEW FOCUS - "A point to which something converges or from which it diverges." As we enter the 1990'x, how will we channel our desires and resources to shape the best "Future of the Coun- tryside" that we possibly can? Will we begin to FOCUS comprehensively toward the turn of the century? Do we know how to do this? Will the State mandate our actions? What forces will drive the future? Who will be in the driver's seat? DOES ANYONE CARE ? ?? This year's annual Southern Minnesota Planning Forum will address these issues and questions and more. Our panel of experts know you and your communities and you know them. They have volunteered to spend this day with you and to help you explore your com- munity's future from a comprehensive viewpoint. Please join us December 7, 1989 for our annual forum and explore the future together with concerned citizens and professionals from Southern Minnesota. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AGENDA 8:00 -9:00 Registration & coffee 9:00.9:15 Opening/summarizing the REGISTRATION Name RepresentingrPosition Maeing Address City, State, Zip Checks payable to Minnesota Planning Association. Please mail 0: Corrine Miller MPA Secretary- Treasurer Waseca County Courthouse Waseca, Minnesota 58093 CONFERENCE FEE: BEFORE November 30 - $15.00 AFTER December 2 -$17.50 Fore more information, call: Bob Graham (507) 3774318 or Dave Strand (507) 451.4540 decade - 1980's 9:15.10:20 Introduction to the Process of a COMPREHENSIVE FOCUS: Who? Why? When? Where have we been? Where can we go? Static vs dynamic 10:20.10:40 Break (Sponsored by AS Systems Inc.) 10:40 -11:45 What does COMPREHEN- SIVE PLANNING have to do with you? Evolution vs Chaos, Direction vs Bewilderment, Creativity vs Confinement. Ground Water /Ag Preservationt Zoning/Economic Development. 11:45.1:00 A great lunch is served poolside (included in your registration) A time to visit. 1:00 -1:55 Funding. Professional Assistance, Self help, LawslLegislators, Impacts, Carrots and Sticks, Timing 2:00 -3:15 The Panel - Do we agree? Is there a future? DOES ANYBODY CARE ??? Your Questions. 3:153:30 Cloang - Summarizing the decade - 1990's REGISTRATION Name RepresentingrPosition Maeing Address City, State, Zip Checks payable to Minnesota Planning Association. Please mail 0: Corrine Miller MPA Secretary- Treasurer Waseca County Courthouse Waseca, Minnesota 58093 CONFERENCE FEE: BEFORE November 30 - $15.00 AFTER December 2 -$17.50 Fore more information, call: Bob Graham (507) 3774318 or Dave Strand (507) 451.4540 WESTERN INN, OWATONNA MINNE,TOTR THURSDAY DECEMBER 7, 1989 y 9 m ' a_ PANEL �. s v : 3 m 3 s ° S a +/�+eceaiana�murcr�anniysu Swuy wmm�u�eiw: $ u�mewu vann� nawavm "FUTURE OF THE COUNTRYSIDE" Roger Steinberg, University of s a Minnesota Extension at Rochester 9�CE` gg a g Gunner Isberg, Rochester /Olmstead �` = A COMPREHENSIVE FOCUS County Planning Depertmer 5 — Z FOR THE 1990'S ,bY��'Zoo Ron Fiscus, Yaggy, Colby, Assoc., "afy g Rochester F Ed Tschida, Professional Planning and f A Development, Mankato Steve Rockers, State Planning Agency § Z Special thank you to: mat AS Systems for providing break refreshments Yaggy, Colby, and Associates SOUTHERN MINNESOTA for brochure artwork. ANNUAL PLANNING FORUM WESTERN INN, OWATONNA (H". fa a tas) THURSDAY DECEMBER 7, 1989 y 9 m ' a_ NONmPED DY: �. s v : 3 m ,unnua wann�g �rw.. xii.ressu wow MiA+n+ s ° S a +/�+eceaiana�murcr�anniysu Swuy wmm�u�eiw: $ u�mewu vann� nawavm "PCRET" 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION RETREAT PLANNING WORKSHEET SCANTICON: (143.00 per person) $1,144 RIVERWOOD: (Based on 10) $1,467 HILTON: Room @ 7 = 315.00 $1,930 Suite 140.00 Conf. Rm. 75.00 Food 1400.00 MARRIOTT: Room @ 7 = 595.00 $2,275 Suite 130.00 Conf. Rm. 150.00 Food 1400.00 SOFITEL: Room @ 7 = 455.00 $2,130 Suite 175.00 Conf. Rm. 100.00 Food 1400.00 ST. PAUL: Room @ 7 = 455.00 $2,190 Suite 250.00 Conf. Rm. 85.00 Food 1400.00 Riverwood . . . A World of Relaxation, Recreation and Rejuvenation Located along the Beautiful Mississippi River on the Great River Road, Riverwood offers an incomparable opportunity to enjoy a unique resort-like setting within the Greater Metropolitan Area. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF RIVERWOOD When people come to Rivervood they work hard - and they play hard. Relax after a high pressure planning session with a walk in Riverwoods surrounding woodlands. Soothe themindaf teramilliondollardeeisionwith a relaxing swim in the pool. Whatever your choice, indoor of outdoor, Riverwood is the place to renew yourself and your team, RIVERWOOD OFFERS .. . OUTDOOR RECREATION Scenic Nature Trails for logging and Hitting, gardens, waterfalls, streams, wildlife, and the Mississippi. (-- Individual or Chartered Fishing, Boating, Canoeing, and Tubing. Enjoy Island Hopping, Agate Hunting, Great Fishing! Cross Country Skiing Onsite or at nearby Lake Maria State Park, Ski Packages Available. Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball (Winter & Summer) Croquet, Horseshoes, and Bonfires with u Sing -a -longs as requested . L ,, Feanuing woodlands. INDOOR RECREATION Poolside Socials Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, Foosball, Bumper Pool, Ping -Pong, Darts, Card Games and Board Games. F Team Building Activities M! Outward Bound Programs Scavenger Hunts _ ` Aerobic Workout Team- Olympics Water Volleyball Water Basketball Bumper Pool Tournament Theme Parties t^ w Southwestern Casino Roaring Twenties Speakeasy l/ Murder Mystery Drama Customized Picnics & Barbeques Theme Banquets Hawaiian Luau, Japanese, Italian, German • Riverwood also provides special event planning, music, entertainment, disc jockey, decorations, and gala dance parties. Games Available for Your Group's Enjoyment Cards and Poker Chips Scrabble Chess Checkers Backgammon Monopoly The Charade Game Life Remembers Dice Games UNO and O'NO 99 Cribbage Trivial Pursuit (Genius) Trivial Pursuit (Baby Boomer) Picdonary Outburst NEARBY OFFSITE RECREATION Gt. "f Courses Silver Springs Golf Course, 27 Hole Pro Course Elk River Country Club, 18 Hole Pro Course Monticello Country Club, 18 Hole Pro Course Daytona Club, 18 Hole Pro Course Athletic Clubs Monticello Athletic Club (Free Weights, Exercise Room, Whirlpool, Spacious Sauna, 75 Foot Lap Pool, Racquetball, Wallyball, Tanning) Daytona Club ( Racquetball, Indoor Tennis, Wallyball) Miscellaneous Activities Elk River Bowl, 14 Lanes Joyner Lanes, 16 Lanes Miniature Golf, Elk River & Monticello Monticello Theatre, 2 Theatres Elk Cinema, 5 Theaues Anliquing and Specialty Shopping (Maps Provided for Anliquing Excursions) The Art Barn What Knot Gifts Oval Door Antiques Elaine's Antiques Milk House Antiques Buffalo Nickel Waldon Woods The Old Albertville Creamery Junction Antiques Queen Dee Antiques Country Square Antiques Calico Cat Milkey Whey Antique Mall Leipold's Gifts and Antiques Early Times Emporium Special Sights of Interest Historic Kelly Farm Little Mountain Settlement Monticello Historical Museum *Speciall`rograms availablefor guests and spouses Riverwood Conference Center •(612)441 -6833 Travel to Riverwood is easy From Minneapolis and St. Paul Take I -94 West to the Albertville exit e202 . At the exit stop sign, turn left and pass over 694. Follow the frontage road. At stop sign, turn right onto County Road 19. Follow County Road 19 for 3 miles. At stop sign, turn left onto 95th Street Northeast. Riverwood is immediately on your right. From St. Cloud Take I -94 East to the Albertville I St. Michael exit x 201. At the exit stop sign, turn left onto County Road 19 and pass under 1-94. Follow Coumv Road 19 for 3 miles. At stop sign, turn left onto 951h Street Northeast. Riverwood is immediately on your right. Travel time to Riverwood is short! " From downtown Minneapolis, via 194 40 minutes From downtown St. Paul, via 1 -94 50 minutes From St. Cloud, via Hwv. 10 or 1 -94 40 minutes From Twin Cities International Airport, via 494 and I -94 55 minutes Limousine and taxi service available From Bloomington via 494 and 1 -94 45 minutes .�� RB'EflW0011 Ly T Em N2 14. i llo A Nlle Nonh w f . N'¢sl ---t —+ FJSI South I r � ` , t .,� Minnealwhs Sr Paul e� \ Y Edina J I Bloominawn A / ®ter lul 11 II Iv♦ "I I II 1 I, 1 ' .I'' I I III' Ilu a 1 I F 5 1 1 ��YIJ Iu' �I ."N 1JV nI"'v I!��:14'v lil�l v II I I • ' N 61n�It 11x1 1 elm v �♦I, ♦�� It . Ilu ♦♦ r F xn♦ .... P♦!n. l 4 1 I I 1 1 k I. rtnµ 1 1 1 - 1 k F n.ulMun If. II .II4' I I I I I I I I ! 41 F I IJ 1 I F W; r 't, I 11 p. t IF F I F I I IJ A v k. IY' 1 I. }I A' IF.. ry Wvr I II il- vl F FI L, 1 va�l r'R♦v' F,I ul IJ 1♦ I x�x♦. Make' ' 1 I I Anf ♦Ix♦♦IIL 1.0 ., A I I'll IJ Fi 141 . 'I II I M A N ... N. III, A'I. I'• IF IF -I Il.J J IF, W F.-I n I'A'— N r III r . n 1 EW .a�e� Ik'♦�nul �Il♦ ", 11, v11 u. .11. 1 , ♦II♦.— ..1. 1 Yi 1411 ♦•n. ulir ♦♦'I� .. X11♦ ul ♦ '�Iq♦ uN'n 11 ♦ ♦ 1� x ♦ 1� �� I.. xul � F1.1 11 FIFF lu I ♦ 1 • I�r 11 "' I V I' IJ dl'I... 1 1 r �y . ul F"II F I' I�♦4'a •.IF v 1'_r M1ln Ix��.11 W ryY' 11 I H 1 ly h N I 'AIY r��J� ♦ Sul � xiY 4 FFC .I '.I ♦ FACILITIES AT RIVERWOOD GUEST ROOMS F •� e = 37 Rouble Rooms 10 Single Ran. ( •.M`Q I Tower Sullies far 3 -f — tip "" Md Key:RPublk Reetroom Irmni Y orfxes Natures Edge IGI fff S e � l CauM� �nnranl 1\\\ 12d l Ridae _ I R = I p G E Prdlne I I 1 4� UmY level � A j .TA 5Tr,TrTaTa�1T7,11 Rmfmnuae "� wm Mel C'stitt Pavilion T T a' ' 1 � - ' ' Riverblulf llulunl A T T Inre.IMI Wagers E T u — J _ Z The N'um Cakenview The Chateau Restaurant Buffet O Meadow winM Y Phre Private C a p a Rooms Capacity: Total Sealing GiWiIY: 150 �oaD o 0ao0o a c�0aL 0o I c_0_JL 0 �o a�0 a�0��a��o a�On�a��o aaowoo� i°a�r�no a °a�an��° o aoa RIVERWOOD CONFERENCE CENTER October 25, 1989 Rita Schewe City of Prior Lake Planning Commission Department 4629 Dakota Stree. Southeast Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Ms. Schewe: Attached you will find the price proposal for your upcoming meeting. Please take a few minutes to review this material. The proposal itemizes the cost by the number of participants and the required facilities for each day of your meeting as we discussed. Any extra charges incurred would be itemized on a final billing. 19 Ms. Schewe, please by assured that we offer you and your associates a unique, professional environment and a caring staff to facilitate a well. - balanced conference. Included are spacious and fully equipped meeting rooms, a variety of recreational activities, comfortable guest rooms and great food! If you have any questions regarding Riverwood or this proposal, please feel free to contact me. I will be cnlling soon to confirm these arrangements. , Cordially, NA rvig V Account Executive NA /cn enclosures 10990 - 95th Street N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55362 (612) 441 -6833 Metro (612) 441 -3186 FAX RRIERWOOD ... THE IDEAL LOCATION A study completed by the International Association of Conference Centers has determined the ideal distance for a meeting site is 45 -55 minutes from a major metropolitan area. This distance allows a facility to be easily accessible for day -only participants and presenters, while also offering a distraction -free environment where meetings may be conducted with the utmost privacy and concentration. Riverwood, ideally located along the beautiful Mississippi River, offers this and so much more! Riverwood is truly a unique resort -like facility within the Greater Metropolitan Area. 'lYavel to Riverwood is easy From Minneapolis and St. Paul Via I -94 From Highway 10 From St. Cloud Via I -94 Take 1 -94 West to the Albertville exit #202. At the exit stop sign, turn left and pass over 1 -94. Follow the frontage road. At stop sign, turn right onto County Road 19. Follow County Road 19 for 3 mites. At stop sign, turn left onto 95th Street Northeast. Riverwood is immediately on your right. �.vww e nws Nkmilk °+a 2� r "`""" Miniwpdi, W. Take the Highway 101/169 (Rogers/ Princeton) exit. Follow Highway 101 south to County Road 39, turn right. Follow County Road 39 for 5 miles. Riverwood is on the right at the T- intersection of County Roads 39 and 19. Take 1 -94 East to the Albertville /St. Michael exit #201. At the exit stop sign, turn left onto County Road 19 and pass under I -94. Follow County Road 19 for 3 miles. At stop sign, turn left onto 95th Street Northeast. Riverwood is immediately on your right. wn ux From downtown Minneapolis, via 1.94 40 minutes annm From downtown St. Paul, via 1.94 50 minutes From St. Cloud, via Hwy. 10 or 1 -94 40 minutes From '[Win Cities International Airport, 55 minutes via 494 and 1 -94 Limousine and taxi service available From Bloomington, via 494 and 1 -94 45 minutes enywt 9loominpm Scanticon- Minneapolis Everything for your successful meeting ... ... in one complet( and convenient package- a Iner b r caiilercas are an amespriln m resits. ScaNears, Coin doe Me iirg PxYage (CMP) ensures the sue ass d roan carrier. W Pm+airg for melugs which run smmlvy and ,ff oc ft antl are mry to tedgd Stan ens CMP has ,ef,thing you send .. conierence rooms aides m wai merino, sermon, i,, gme amanmoda pons am recollect In one paedetwmimtl a9 erciusne ante our paclage is designed to eel all d rout Iw.Ws and c, hap you gel the mus! train your, reamed bur CMP induce, the dipxrg — at a sVe aacmgea prom — tw very 24 yours l can.. Mume ;pms A persontal Conference Sources Manager ass -need to your conference This person m4 assist 1 pre-plamung, cwlsill mIh you on the deMOwneN of your meeting program, theme and lorma and palace mmeenng services We call it burs source sesponsrblldy" far all your meting ,leads 0 Main auddonum or conference room, personally selected far your group see and heads and provided on a 24hour basis eWo anal lot you © Indmtlual breakout roan on a 24 hour Wear also selected according m your liner wdual group we and sequsemems. 0 Advanced audi0'wsua sysems are bull Imo Your conference room. CMP Includes 35mm slide lerom film and Oathead pgrchms. audio systems: video tassels, am audio lape playback units. color N moolws. Illpchans: board syslems: built in protection sessions and more ® In room audiovisual inroad panels for fingemp operations, PLUS prolmonal com- municmions technicians who provide backup support 0 Continuous coffee barer throughout your yyork day Fresh pastures and snacks, fruits, tunes coffee, tea and sett dart¢ served in ante of the cemrallyfocaled break areas Deluxe Guest Roam oath a min bar and rai geralor Arm We color TV and radio Youll appreciate the added eaicrel¢y of a large working desk with special lighting. had telephones and mocial that open for fresh air Comfortable lounge chars, and complete bath ameMcs assure you d a pleasant expesence, © Fine toning in the Copenhagen Restaurant — aeSefKV er[luwely IOr our conerence guests Elaborate buXel Syle, breakfast and lurch with selected grill dams For canner, choose Imm a seco ion of specially, entrees with loll table service Full be s +age service is also awaiWge (D All graluiaes. including those for coffee breaks and all meals in the Copenhagen Restaurant 0 Enjoy the bemd d a complete ensile Fitness Center — incuding an indoor svbn mug pool. whirlpool. worries, ereaelse and iseighl rooms Plus Wall facilities, racquetball and an aerobics wprkoul room. Ondlocm you well find 4 lighted teams courts, jugging and walling Vails ft can arrange special group astaoies an and of site to meal your recreation reeds © Scanticon M I N N E A P O L I S Conference Center . Hotel Complete Meeting Packages: SMpM Orcugnor fell Seep Deul cruapmN' fro, Person) to 114 ass. Sue. — (t) bboom smje eccuparcy 249 IN Ooude eircupacy (Per Person) ass asp amFr one — as 9edrenan owmie oxnPVCy 329 zla Amara P «ran (Put ensan) to So Eeedru. &n. — n) Mtial Shpt. Otteparcy .10 .10 Dis Onstranq' Ipw trio l 2w 2a E.. "Sun. (2)Bedroom rule.o .ac, 4e1) .ep (louW QCUMaicY Iva een., M 295 bibl. Perm li Parson) BO N Sypr.e P.eY.Pe ro ro or, 'Plial (P« craw, 21 2i Are unew b [M¢ wNpN mtl4 am mr. iwesW'�9u om VVI I1PiVLO IVIUVLII Iy Package and more We urgC9and that m Weer m hNs arc Ulie ant that IN oven reef aommnai sernohS and cpulprrlenl $ nlrnrMlnueap rls maintains a =pl0e staff of paessonals Who Ird respond to the aynamlce of y our meeting Berse are dial deco p ode d the sec nu. you may need to your eonlemmore In adeddn to your CMP GRAPHICS — Scam Mmneapd.s full, equipped grap+uc ans 9rMro is stated , gaeseorals sWnM in the prbiA4on of slims. ImnspalcGS. and other +orms d usual Cem.. Zi Services me ude W. dadaon d name badges and scolng indicalws Ve al. can prepare lwall's . ompom graph¢ deals and camera ready meolark ¢NS JSmm sf. s wet be ruesmund in .[he, color Or dark and white Sides and hanspaeneres ve repro dual from any 'IN or wntlen or printed malenalS drawings or ph ores, h. .al VIDEO PRODUCTION - Co plate cola pre and I product.. laa4Zies are .three Ip produce your Cur.rNe unmmun.fdl.ons pogrom. OTHER AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES --ft can supply.mputa graphsr rid. and trust. mod. Zion, phaograpn.c and de,Nepug+aglilin ! IN and th.I I.-I mancng and aW. - ?di au to.vlwal soma-: upon request PHOTOCOPYING -yyp can prwife you with cd- lased! and bourla black and cantle copes ol niwally ar rmhug .mdnrg the printed word - backs. m agazines een emne anuseripa OMI Pnntirg can be arranged for age numnas d ropes SECRETARIAL SERVICES -Co nplele secretarial senCes: re a.'Jilable Imm appropriate rimence unme MY CONFERENCE PACKAGE -Scat. Mmneapais has a ON Conference Package of S65lweeliday and S551w nd la earn per son nh. anends led, medmg bM who does rw require the Compete More, Package The Day Conference P.McIo .dudes - meet IN mrs"ho, coMr. Came beaks a cou buhd lurch, and Ire same moteseona senKS and aurlgnslNl IanINS as our CMP ScauticonM.nnersool5 is the peded place k9 o cgs �N from the P V % or,n c an xr mrna ses W Vie Nommre awes ('.amp¢ Zu rNmmn.. s.w ,.., w.um w in, a on- nu a A , - ss.. can xs mild rvem ue r m eile: wo- nsoonai an ® Scanticolt M I N N E A P O L I S r COnleence Center • Hotel NMMRA Business Campus 9131 Campus Oran "I... Minnesota SSHI (rapt Ss9 e6e9 TOLL FREE 601192) -TP3 FAr: 161215551516 SCFNTICON PRINCETON. NJ SCANTICGN DENVER, CO 1609145219110 fJ091 Ms600 (9W1222.us' pi aa4 r ® Scantico n M I N N E A P O L I S Conference Center a Hotel The more important the meeting ... the more important the meeting place. .. .... . ... .... . .... .... •.... ... .... .... .. ..... ..... .. ...... ... .. . .. . . . . . . . ...... .... . x..1. ... . . ... .. .... ...... .. Vx L4 .... .. ..... ..... 'C rm Yr exult . . ........ Y Irv. QRRCON� YNuin4uM .. 4 - yr \Iinma VAnr n�M - '� \in mi4+Inu�iLrvn n \Ilnn�:IMn Ili ni4�lnmrrl:mnl:rvM4.l4nil:nxl mi4�lnm \limn ^�I��Iq!il.l!hW In4ermlivuy \i�vvL O Seanti con `.'.5 . 'an Y�FmtlMVx�pL NAZI Scanticon Con1a•a eca Cem e• No�ei October 30, 1989 Ms. Rita Schewe CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 4629 Dakota Street Southeast Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Rita: Thank you for calling me concerning your meeting for January 19 -20 or January 26 -27, 1990. All of us at Scanticon would welcome the opportunity of being the host property for your event. Per our discussions, Rita, Scanticon is pleased to offer the City of Prior Lake a 358 discount off our Complete Meeting Package rate of $217.00 per person, single occupancy. For $143.00 per person, single occupancy the Complete Meeting Package that Scanticon offers is made up of the following components: • A personal Conference Coordinator assigned to you on r one -to- one basis. They will assist in pre - planning, consult with you on the development of your meeting program, theme and format, and provide in- meeting services. We call it "one source respon- sibility" for all your meeting needs. • Main auditorium or conference room, personally selected for your group size and needs and provided on a 24 -hour basis, exclusively for you. • Individual breakout room(s) on a 24 -hour basis, also selected according to your individual group requirements. • Advanced audio - visual systems are built into your conference room. CMP includess 35mm slide, 16mm film and overhead projec- tors; audio systems; video cassette and audio tape playback units; color TV monitors; flipcharts; board systems; built -in projection screen and more. • In -room audio - visual control panels for fingertip operations. PLUS professional communications technicians who provide back- up support. • Deluxe guest room with a mini -bar and refrigerator. A remote color TV and radio. You will appreciate the added efficiency of a large working desk with special lighting, two telephones and windows that open for fresh air. Comfortable lounge chairs, and complete bath amenities assure you of a pleasant experience. Nonnwesl Business Campus, 3131 Campus Drive. Plymouth, Min.eson 5WI 16121 559.6600 Telex Easykink, 910240435615camicon Kr nm Sca ConlBrBn.. Can,., . Ma1•1 Ms. Rita Scheme October 30, 1989 Page Two • No surprises on gratuities because they are all planned for in the package. Luggage service and all food service gratuities for coffee breaks and each meal in The Copenhagen Restaurant are included. • Continuous coffee breaks throughout your work day, with fresh pastries and snacks, fruits, juices, coffee, tea and soft drinks served in one of the centrally - located Conference Lounge areas. • Fine dining in The Copenhagen Restaurant - reserved exclusively for your conference guests. Elaborate buffet -style breakfast and lunch with selected grill items. For dinner, choose from a selection of specialty entrees with full table services. Full beverage service is available by the service staff. • Enjoy the benefits of our complete on -site Scanticon Fitness Center -- including an indoor swimming pool, whirlpool, saunas, exercise and weight rooms. Plus tanning facilities, racquetball and an aerobics workout room. Outdoors you will find four lighted tennis courts, jogging and walking trails. We can also arrange special group activities on and off site to meet your recreational needs. For your guests that will not require overnight accommodations, Scanticon offers a Day Meeting Package for $65.00 per person, the Day Meeting Package includes all components of the Complete Meeting Package except breakfast, dinner, and a guest room. Once again Rita, myself and the rest of our staff will look forward to welcoming your group to our facilities in January of 1990. I have enclosed additional information about Scanticon for your review. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed information, please feel free to contact me at 559 -6600. I look forward to giving you a tour of our facilities, and to introducing you to the outstanding service and cuisine that Scanticon has become famous for. Wit W rm Reg rds, L ther Cram So ea Manager HCscjn Enclosure Northwest Business Campus. 3131 Camper Drive. Plymouth. Minnesota 55601 (612) 559 6600 Tale. /Eita,Unk: 9102404356 (Scanticon Mlnnl